(I was confused and sent it to VIP. Fortunately, I changed it quickly...)

The reason why I posted this single chapter... is to talk about why I pretended to be dead on the update this month, why I haven't done anything since the 8th update, and my recent status.

The first is to add more updates. The main reason is that at the beginning of the chapter "Red Wine" and after the completion of "Hawthorn Tree", the plot began to usher in the turning point of "2010". The next few plots have reached critical stages. Every day The time to conceive is longer than the time to code, so there has been no news this month.

The second thing is about "water".

As you can see, I have been relatively "silent" recently.

Including the plot of "a pair of shoes writes two chapters, water" that everyone talked about the day before yesterday, and the plot of the film festival that started yesterday.

Originally, I wasn’t going to explain it, because I really couldn’t handle a long plot, and then I suddenly finished it with 20,000 words a day and 20,000 words a day.

You can’t say that if I start a long plot, I’m required to write it all in one day... I really can’t do it.

Especially after having sex, my wife felt dizzy and still hasn’t recovered. The dizziness has been getting worse over the past few days.

I have never felt dizzy, even if I have high blood pressure, so I can’t feel it.

But what I can tell you is that my wife has banged her head against the wall at least three times because of dizziness.

Because of her dizziness in the past two days, we have seen the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and the Provincial Doctor. I even don’t know if there are any friends in Henan. I know that there is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor named "Li Fazhi" (it seems to be this one). He He is a leading figure in the Chinese Medical Clinic. My wife also went to see it.

It’s just that COVID-19 has hurt your body, so you have to take it easy.

But this process is painful.

She gets dizzy every day and can only lie in bed. My son is now 2 years and 5 months old, at his skinniest. Every day it's "Mom, Mom" ​​and my wife is very irritable.

When she gets irritable, she yells at the child, and I have to comfort the child when he cries.

Every day is a whirlwind of excitement, and the house is restless.

I really can’t add more.

Especially in the past few days, she got angry due to dizziness and also suffered from otitis media. Pus oozes out from the ears.

Think about how I live every day.

There is also the so-called "water".

I also said to readers today that I learned to shut up. Because I don’t think it’s necessary to say it.

Some people think that I just wrote about a pair of shoes and watered down a chapter and a half. But I believe some readers can understand that I am playing a very classic "Mandarin Duck Button" plot.

In those two chapters, I really felt that I explained the time, place, and the character's mental journey clearly.

If you don’t understand it, don’t understand it, and I won’t explain it.

Then there’s yesterday’s chapter.

This is the main reason why I said that I can’t even write 20,000 words, or even add more updates.

I really like reading this chapter of my own book because I think everyone’s comments are very interesting. But please forgive me for disagreeing with those who said my two chapters yesterday were bad.

Because I laid the line very early on.

I'm not afraid to point it out. Yes, I just asked Xu Xin to organize a film festival.

Maybe some people will say, ah, why can’t we organize a film festival ourselves?

Do you have to pick someone else’s?

But my answer is that in this book, regarding the plot of the movie, my core purpose has always been to put the so-called box office, or "profit" at the bottom of the priority list.

I think for everyone to really like a plot, it must resonate with the readers.

For example, after I wrote about the Golden Rooster, F4 was chatting in the car and talked about the part where the domestic award is awarded once every two years. At that time, the line had been laid. I believe you all know that domestic awards are weak.

But don’t others know? Why did things like the Shanghai Film Festival and the Macao Film Festival only start to take off after capital forces intervened?

Maybe I think too much, but my writing in this book is just not bad.

If I want to do it, I want to do it in a legitimate and smooth way.

I was preparing for the awards in Golden Rooster, and preparing for the film exhibition in "The Deal", including why I set that ridiculous "100,000 yuan" remuneration... (Actually, I thought many people would complain about the 100,000 yuan amount, but So far, no one has said anything there, so I’m quite happy)

In the outline of the movie, I defined Xu Xin as "love trumps everything."

So, yesterday’s chapter was about setting up the mood, today’s chapter is about progress, and tomorrow’s chapter is about the end.

In today's chapter, I used an interview to express my attitude. Xu Xin is not overlooking all living beings, nor is he a time-traveler and reborn, but just like when faced with a crisis, adults will always protect their children. Now that he has come to the front, facing these newbies who are still very ignorant, he has the obligation to light a lamp for them.

Because where there are lights, there are people.

But you want me to write this kind of plot in one day and you won’t be disappointed?

Sorry, I really can't do it.

I am 33 this year.

Let me ask, this book with 200,000 words was put on the shelves on June 7 last year.

Not counting the 6K words per day during the COVID-19 recovery period, the 2.8 million words in the VIP period, I only took 10 leaves in 8 months, and the average daily updates are around 13,500. Am I not diligent enough?

Being in the top three or five on the strength list every week is really my limit.

In a plot, I am already as close as possible to showing everything that needs to be reflected and that can resonate with readers.

If you feel that my recent plots are relatively weak, then I urge you to wait until I finish writing a certain plot and then feel whether it is watery or not.

Of course, I also know that some authors can refine their words.

For example, Big Eyeball, I am really tortured to death by his book, can't I write more every day?

But... this is urban writing.

There needs to be a main line, there needs to be dog food, there needs to be a family story... these don't mean that you deliberately write a chapter and end it. The points that make all characters stand out are actually in those small details.

If you don’t believe it, you can look back at my days during the COVID-19 pandemic and get a feel for it when I wrote 4,000 to 6,000 words a day.

I believe you will have a comparison.

That’s all.

There were 13 thousand updates, and a single chapter ended up being 18 thousand more.

Grandma’s, Niubi!

good night everybody.

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