I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 489 487 It’s that simple

Chapter 489 487. It’s that simple

"Give me more of the hot waist, don't make it too hot...and then have some hot and sour belly soup. Make some bandit liver tips too...Okay, just add this much...Oh yes, handsome guy, add more pot Tea. I need freshly brewed tea. The smell of jasmine is almost gone..."

When the waiter came in, several people stopped talking at the right time.

The dish originally ordered by Liu Yifei was replaced by Xu Xin's order under the expression of "I don't eat too spicy human fireworks" on the face of the fairy sister.

After all the instructions were given and the waiter left, Xu Xin said:

"I'll pay for this meal. Don't take the time to go to the bathroom to settle the bill later."

Song Wen was a little embarrassed, but he didn't argue. He just smiled and said:

"It cost Director Xu a lot of money... It is true that we are tight on funds and time, so we chose a place nearby..."

"I'm easy to feed."

Xu Xin also understood their difficulties and continued:

"If you give a Shaanxi person a bowl of noodles, he will live. Next time you want to work with a director from Shaanxi, don't come to this place. Just find a noodle shop, two bowls of noodles and two cold dishes for two people, and this meal will be enough It’s very comfortable... Of course, if the Arctic Ocean can be replaced by an ice peak, he can work with you... Haha."


Song Wen knew what Bingfeng was, so he smiled happily.

Li Ziwei seemed to be confused, but he was too embarrassed to ask, showing that he was relatively ignorant.

But from what “Arctic Ocean” means, it should be soda, right?

While they were joking, the handsome guy brought over a pot of tea.

After exiting again, Xu Xin asked:

"Speaking of which...how are you going to hold on? If you just use love to generate electricity, you won't be able to hold on for too long, right?"



Song Wen and Li Ziwei looked at each other...

There seems to be something unspeakable.

Song Wen is the founder and Li Ziwei is the co-founder.

In the end, she gave the decision to Song Wen.

So, she avoided looking and picked up the cup.

Xu Xin didn't urge him, he just glanced at the cigarette case on the table.

He really wanted to have one.

However, there are a total of six people in this room, but there are 4 girls.

Even if you are addicted to smoking, you have to admit it.

But although Su Meng, who was sitting on the other side of him, usually behaved a bit more cutesy, her eyesight was not bad.

Seeing Brother Xu looking at the cigarette case, he picked it up out of habit.

Xu Xin waved his hand to stop smoking.

Liu Yifei, who also took in all these little tricks, looked around and focused on the window that was closed because the air conditioner was on.

Just as he was about to say something, Song Wen's voice sounded:

"Actually... several investment companies are looking for us now."

Xu Xin immediately understood what he meant:

"You didn't agree?"


Song Wen responded:

"Actually, what they mean is very clear. They have connections and channels. They even maintain good relations with some media. If I accept the capital injection, then they can help us invite celebrities and big names, and they can also bring in Many movies..."

"What's the price?"

Xu Xin naturally understood the profit-seeking nature of investment companies and asked directly.

But Song Wen shook his head:

"I didn't say it clearly, but I thought it was nothing more than... turning the film exhibition into... a place to brush up on qualifications."

Hearing this, Xu Xin became curious:

"Then I have a question. If it was just a film exhibition, wouldn't they be like this? They have money, so they can't hold one themselves?"

"It's definitely possible. But at least you need to endorse it."

Song Wen said:

"Let me give you an example, Director Xu. For example, you, your "Hawthorn Tree" was received by our film exhibition and...for example...I don't mean to be geographically incompetent, just using an analogy. You received the invitation from our film exhibition. Invitation, and also received an invitation from Baoding Vocational and Technical College Film Exhibition, which one will you go to?"


After being stunned by his somewhat convoluted metaphor, Xu Xin realized what he was talking about.

Is this a comparison between a secondary school and a technical secondary school?

Good guy...it's really tricky.

"Then I will definitely choose you. After all, you are backed by a midfielder."

"Well. For another example, it is also a university... let's say Xi'an Jiaotong University. For example, you receive an invitation to the Xi'an Jiaotong University Film Festival. It is supported by Xi'an Jiaotong University and is also a film exhibition endorsed by the Xi'an University Student Association. And We are a film exhibition supported by China Communications and co-organized by the Yanjing Student Association, Radio and Television, and the Municipal Youth League Committee. Which one will you choose?"


Xu Xin hesitated and said:

"If it were true, I would still choose you. Because your advantage is not only in the intermediate pass, but also because you are in Yanjing, and the endorsements from the Student Union, Radio and Television, and the Youth League Committee are more authoritative."

"Look, the answer is here. Director Xu... we are in a miserable situation, I know."

Song Wen smiled bitterly:

"We have held 4 sessions in total. The first session was a bit fumbling, but the second and third sessions were really brilliant...even if we lost an official endorsement. But don't look at our fourth session. It’s so miserable, but when we first started, we were the China Film and Television Film Exhibition Center jointly established by the Yanjing University Student Association, the Student Union, the Youth League Committee, China Film and Television, and the Tianchao Film Foundation. Beijing University Student Image Festival.”

"...Image festival? Not a film exhibition?"

"No, it's the Image Festival, but... it's just been taken back."

The bitterness on Song Wen's face became even stronger.

"At the beginning of our establishment, actually... various departments gave us a lot of support. Including the 250,000 yuan in funding this time, the China Film Foundation allocated 200,000 yuan, and we raised 50,000 yuan in sponsorship ourselves. .

At that time, everyone's expectation was to create a film festival model in China that would imitate the three major European film festivals, and to create a "movie holiday" model that is currently blank in China.

In this way, Yanjing not only has official awards such as Golden Rooster, Hundred Flowers, and Starlight, but also a younger and more diverse film festival such as the College Student Film Festival. It can also allow everyone to learn about outstanding films at home and abroad through our film festival. Have more understanding and inspiration.

It can be said that in the first three sessions, although we were still very immature, we were thriving. Because we are justified. And now, our right to hold the video festival has been taken back. The Federation, the Youth League Committee, and the General Conference are not giving us support.

Although the radio and television company did not take back the license, it was also rejected when we applied for the film festival last year. It was changed to a film exhibition... which is a level lower than the film festival. And if my alma mater, Zhongchuan, hadn’t continued to support us, and the foundation’s membership quota was still in effect, we might all have had to drink from the northwest this year.

But... Anyway, you should be able to understand it if you look at our organizer at the school entrance. The procedure we have now is actually quite high standard. And these investment companies also value this.

With a little packaging, a different name, and the natural endorsement of these organizations, this video festival might look completely different. And when the time comes to get the reputation out... because they invested money behind the scenes, we lost the right to vote. The so-called movie kings and movie queens are just the products of their transactions. "

After explaining all the ins and outs in some words, Song Wen sighed:

"Sigh...their price is actually quite high. With this set of procedures, they gave a price of seven million. At the same time, they will retain the equity of Ziwei, me and the founders...but in this way, we will become a company. Yes. So...I didn't agree."

After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Then what's the purpose of doing this?"

"Purpose? The purpose is very simple...we..."

He pointed at Li Ziwei and covered her:

"On this issue of investors, we have a total of four co-founders, and everyone has the same opinion. That is, we will never sell, no matter how hard it is, we must endure it. Because we have already achieved great success in film culture. It has been weak for many years. The success of the three major European companies is definitely not irreproducible. We want to regard this career as our lifelong career, rather than speculators who just make a small amount of money and run away. If we talk about the purpose..."

Song Wen and Li Ziwei had a shining look in their eyes at the same time:

"Maybe it's just interest. I believe we will always get ahead. Not everyone in this circle is a profit-seeker! One day, we will be able to influence more and more people through the film culture we have built. Filmmakers have joined in. Bringing everyone a more diverse film world! Not to mention..."

Having said this, he paused.

There was a kind of... pride on his face, very proud. But I'm also a little afraid that Xu Xin and others will feel guilty that "it's not a big deal."

But he just said with this strange expression:

"As the student union president of China Central University in 1995... I was able to get such support from my alma mater to establish this film exhibition. No matter what I do... I can't embarrass the school!"

Zhongchuan School Motto: Moral, dedicated, knowledgeable, and competitive.

Promote Taoism, respect virtue, and practice practicality.

Not to mention anything else, the people in this room were looking at this man who had passed his thirties at this moment, and the look on his face... was simply not suitable for this age, but was something that was mostly seen on the faces of college students. Feng Hua was so full of energy that for a moment he felt that the light was a bit dazzling.

Wu Qiqi: This person is quite idealistic.

Su Meng: Huh? Student council president? So disgusting!

Liu Yifei: What a pure person.

Everyone has some thoughts in their mind.

When it comes to Xu Xin, he does the same thing.

I think the other person is respectable.

But I feel a little sad.

As for why it’s sad…

He doesn't know either.

In other words... I don't want to think so clearly.

After all, some dreams will only make reality seem more cruel.

However, he still gave his support without hesitation:

"It's a great dream. I won't mention it this year. If you have any difficulties next year, you can contact me and I will definitely support you."

There's only so much he can do.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, it's that he can't help.

He can come to this film festival every year and even make a short film a year.

Even if they are short of money, they can sponsor the funds themselves.

Anyway, it's only a hundred or so dollars, so I don't feel bad.

There is no problem even mobilizing your own network to invite many people to support you.

But in the final analysis, their biggest problem now is authority.

Problems that money can solve are no big deal.

It can even be said that Xu Xin admires their model.

Each award is supported by a bonus, so that outstanding filmmakers can reduce the pressure of reality and continue to splash their ink in the palace of art.

If you bring your confident work to participate, you will be given money if you win the prize.

Very realistic and effective.

There is nothing wrong with their model, and this kind of film exhibition from a certain point in time to a certain point in time can also stimulate strong interest among movie fans who love movies.

But the premise is that their reserves are enough to attract movie fans.

Instead of being like now, after a "Glorious Wrath" put eye drops on several relevant units, no one dared to speculate on the holy intention rashly and could only stay away from it.

Therefore, their dilemma seems to be about money but not money.

But there is a lack of official recognition.

Even jokingly, just follow Song Wen's question just now.

Before "Glory" happened, Xu Xin would have chosen them. But if on the day when "The Deal" was decided to be turned into a short film, if a "Baoding Technical Secondary School Film Festival" really found me... would I choose "Baoding" or them...

There are really two things to say.

And this recognition will take time, and it will take time for everyone to see that "higher authorities" will stop pursuing it.

With Xu Xin's own abilities...

It's not possible yet.

Perhaps, if there is any opportunity in the future...

talk later.

2:30 p.m.

The auditorium at Zhongchuan was once again packed.

This time it was really packed.

Maybe it was because someone posted a short video of Xu Xin and Liu Yifei being interviewed on Weibo, which made many people who had nothing to do during the summer vacation know about such a film exhibition.

It may also be because this is Liu Yifei's first return after more than a year of silence.

In short, the "comeback" of the fairy sister who has so much blood that even if you look at the entire entertainment industry can't be photographed, is actually quite eye-catching.

Even many reporters came to the scene.

With long guns and short cannons in hand, they found positions on both sides of the auditorium and greeted Liu Yifei and Xu Xin who were sitting together.

There is no way, these two people are the only ones here who are "wrongs" in a narrow sense.

If not, who else could they photograph?

However, volunteers soon came to stop it and asked the reporters to return to their seats.

Because the movie will be released soon.

2:30 sharp.

The lights in the auditorium were dim.

A row of words appeared on the dark screen:

"Special Deal"

Director: Xu Xin

Starring: Liu Yifei, Wang Junkai"

As this scene appeared, everyone's attention was focused on the screen.

Director Xu's short film, what surprises will it bring them this time?

Liu Yifei's urban short film.

Don't try to act like you're otherworldly, that would be meaningless.

Just as he was thinking about it, a puff of smoke suddenly appeared in the camera lens.


Someone is smoking.

Then, a familiar voice sounded:

"Do you know where this place is?"

"Is this where you should be?"

A hoarse voice with a hint of travel dust, and the back of a woman with a vague leopard print coat, big wavy curls, a leather skirt, and black stockings appeared.

The smoke was fumigating, and the picture was slightly blurry. As the camera shifted, the figure of the little boy quietly appeared in front of the woman's back...

The title of the film, "Special Deal," tells the story of a bartender and a neighbor kid.

The story is actually very simple.

It’s a story about a little boy who spent 500 yuan of New Year’s money to hire a bartender to pretend to be his mother to attend a parent-teacher conference.

Very simple.

Easy to understand...or rather, downright simple.

How simple is it?

When the theme of the story was revealed and everyone in the audience saw the clothes the little boy took out, they could guess that these must be the clothes of the little boy's mother.

When they entered the school and saw the parents of the students, they recognized the social elder brother as the client that the escort girl had accompanied yesterday. Many people knew that the plots of the two people must be connected.

In short, you can't see any suspense in this short film.

The suspense doesn't even exist.

When you see the last scene, you know what's going to happen next.

Including when I passed by the snack street at night after leaving school, the frame-drawing technique was somewhat similar to Wang Jiawei's, depicting a market atmosphere without any unnecessary shots.

As soon as the noisy snack street and the waitress and the little boy walking slowly with their heads down in the snack street appear, viewers can understand that this is the director expressing the incompatibility between the two people and the world.

It can be said that all its storylines have been flattened.

When you see the beginning, you can see the end.

Including from the beginning, when the bartender played by Zhang Jiao asks Liu Yifei "Will you go home for the New Year?", Liu Yifei's performance has already made it obvious that "the bartender doesn't want to go home, and there is something unspeakable."

Everything can be guessed.

None of it was beyond anyone's expectations.

There is no existence of any reversal either.


When the story came to the point where the bartender was sitting on the toilet and reading the letter, someone on the scene had already touched his eyes with his hand.

And at the end, the waitress dialed the phone, and when a voice called "Hello, Mom" ​​came over the phone, all of a sudden, the joy of redemption and a touch of sadness were born in my heart.

Yes, you can guess the plot.

Yes, it even seems tacky sometimes.

However, through the accumulation of two climaxes, you understand how the little boy and the bartender redeem each other, and the childish "Mom" becomes the final touch of emotion.

The video is over.

But the touching joy and sadness still stay in my heart.


list of actors---

Liu Yifei plays the role of the bartender

Wang Junkai as Xiaobo

Zhang Tianai plays the role of bartender B...

The cast list appears.

The scene in the auditorium after the film was confirmed.

"Pah...pah...pah...pah la la la la..."

It was a little sparse at first, but in the end, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Amidst the applause, Liu Yifei and Xu Xin walked to the stage step by step.

Everyone is watching them.

Reporters and audiences mostly watch Liu Yifei.

Most of the young filmmakers focused their attention on Xu Xin.

When looking at Liu Yifei, the audience is the most innocent.

They think very simply.

The acting skills of the fairy sister are really amazing!

Great as always!

And finally there is a director who can bring out the acting skills of the fairy sister!

Okay, okay, Xu Xin can really do it!

This is a fan of Liu Yifei.

As for passers-by, they think... Liu Yifei is really good-looking, and she also acted very well in this film.

It deserves their applause.

But if they go into more details and taste the changes in Liu Yifei's acting skills... they still have to think carefully.

Compared with audiences and fans, reporters with some artistic aesthetic views feel more intuitive.

The fairy spirit in Liu Yifei was gone.

She played the role of a bartender...

She's a bartender.

You can't see any shadow of Wang Yuyan or Xiao Longnu.

No longer "fairy".

More down to earth.

Although the emotions of this drama did not test her acting skills too much, her temperament was magically disappeared.

I can no longer look at her with the inherent impression.

From this drama, we can't see the Liu Yifei of the past, only the joys and sorrows of a prostitute and a drunkard.

This...is okay!

Is she looking for a transformation?

Since joining Yang Mi's company, she has had a mediocre response in terms of commercial resources. Apart from an advertisement for Wanda, she has almost no achievements. She was criticized by many people at the beginning.

It felt like she had finally screwed herself up.

After offending Huayi, Tangren, or the Beijing Circle, she came to the Northwest Circle with no other options and really screwed up for herself.

Almost everyone thinks so.

Especially since she was "hidden" for almost the entire last year.

Everyone felt that this star had fallen.

But now it seems...

It seems that this is not the case.

Although it is impossible to erase all the past of "Fairy Sister"... Actually, there is no need to erase it.

That is also her glory, isn't it?

Why should we erase our glory?

Based on this premise, when thinking of her performance in this short film...

It’s really different.

In this drama, except for the contrast in makeup and dressing up at the beginning, which makes people unconsciously think of "The Fairy Sister's Big Change", at other times, Xu Xin really made the audience immersed in the story, and never let the audience down again. Come out and live.

To put it more realistically, no matter what role Liu Yifei played in the past, you would unconsciously make comparisons in your mind, such as: "Well, her appearance is not as beautiful as Zhao Ling'er" or "This kind of elegant beauty's dress is not as good as what she played before. Wang Yuyan"...

But this drama has nothing from beginning to end.

Completely, it is an actor named "Liu Yifei" who interprets the role of a bartender... although it cannot be said to be vivid, but it is clean.

A clean break with the past.


Wanting to understand this, the reporters couldn't help but look at Xu Xin next to them.

Is this what Xu Xin is capable of?


She's quite good at training actresses.

Can Liu Yifei, who has almost always been a stereotype in the past, jump out?


Really awesome.

These are the thoughts of journalists.

The ideas of those filmmakers are more simple and direct.

They recalled the techniques, techniques, shooting ideas used by Director Xu in this film...as well as the lens changes...

Everything, after recalling it, suddenly felt a little strange.

Because everything Director Xu uses seems to be very simple.

There is no blank space for complex psychological states, nor any unique shooting techniques.

Counting all the shots, they are nothing more than fixed, hand-held, close-up, medium-shot... simple things that couldn't be simpler.

As for how simple it is?

Ever heard that saying?

let me try……

Me too!

It’s not arrogance or bragging.

Don't believe it.

I can really do it!

I will shoot according to his ideas...

It’s so simple that you can even take a picture of a tethered dog.


How could it be so simple?

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