I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 493 491 Unforgettable and Recognized

Chapter 493 491. Unforgettable and Recognized

In fact, Yang Mi has always been most curious about men's body structure.

Until the third month of getting along, she couldn't help her curiosity one day. When Xu Xin went to the bathroom, she had just put on the facial mask and tiptoed to the bathroom quietly, stretching her head and looking down. look.

Just think about it.

When you are peeing, your mind is empty, and you suddenly see a pale face appearing next to you...

And when he asked her what she was doing with half horror and half speechlessness, she finally asked her question:

"I want to see what urinary tremors are."


You can imagine how speechless Xu Xin was at the beginning.

Xin asked where did her curiosity come from?

After pulling up her pants, Yang Mi, who was still silly and sweet at first, was still asking:

"Why are you shaking?"

"Why don't you shake?"

These two questions may seem nonsense at first glance, but they are actually two different situations.

The shaking in the front was from a certain area, and she didn't understand why it was shaking...

Xu Xin was shocked at the time, thinking to herself, what is this sister going to do?

The questions asked and the behavior were so strange.

But later she realized that she didn't know where she had read the knowledge that men would tremble and tremble after peeing in the toilet.

She wasn't shaking, so she wanted to see what it was like and what it felt like.

This is the reason...


But Xu Xin couldn't explain this to her.

This physical instinct has been habitual for decades.

Who would study it but urology doctors?

So he couldn't explain why.

Even after growing up, Yang Mi never knew what the so-called urinary tremor felt like.

It's like she doesn't know where the slogan "One small step forward, one giant leap for civilization" comes from.

This is a cognitive bias.

However, when she was sitting in the main seat and saw her brother walking into the room after finishing smoking...

She shivered instinctively, and goosebumps appeared all over her body.

The numbing current circulated from head to toe countless times, and even made her hair feel like it was exploding.

At this moment, she finally understood what it felt like.

That feeling of goosebumps rising in an instant along with an indescribable emotion...

When Xu Xin walked in and saw everyone sitting down, he smiled and said:

"Yo? Sit down on the main seat."

As he spoke, he walked towards Zheng Xiaolong.

The positions are arranged from right to left. Without others mentioning it, let’s just say that those on the left and right of the main seat are: Liang Binning, Yang Mi, Kong, and Zheng Xiaolong.

The vacant position was reserved for him.

Yang Mi was "smiling but not smiling", and the embarrassment on her face made her nasolabial folds stand out.

no way.

When this happened to me, who was just a daughter-in-law, I felt so embarrassed that my scalp went numb.

My brother is my biological son.

It was just a guess at first, but the reaction was so big. That's it, I haven't told him about Liang...Sister Bingbing getting off Uncle Xu's car.

If I told him, he would probably explode.

I don't even dare to say this. If my brother sees the shoes under Liang Binning's feet, what kind of virtue will he have?


It's absolutely terrifying.

At this time...

"Come and sit down. It's so easy to catch you two tonight. You won't come home until you're drunk!"

Liang Binning's words made Yang Mi's mouth twitch...

And Xu Xin laughed:

"Haha, no problem. I won't come back until I'm drunk!"

Sitting next to Zheng Xiaolong, he was quite happy.

As expected, there are a lot of people drinking, and the atmosphere is lively.

And he certainly couldn't drink less tonight.

Yang Mi was still breastfeeding, and even if she drank, it would only be enough for a glass of red wine.

As an investor in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", today's bureau is owned by Zheng Xiaolong. According to the status of the crew, the investor's status must be the highest. The landlady couldn't drink, so it would be unreasonable for him not to support her.

But it turns out that he still underestimated the situation.

It can’t be considered an underestimate.

All I can say is that I was sloppy.

There is a word called passive circling.

It means that he obviously didn't do anything, but after just a few rounds of toasts, he was almost lying down.

It's quite outrageous.

One moment, one person comes to toast, another moment, one person comes to toast.

But Xu Xin still used that small wine cup.

When you drink from a wine cup, you can basically drink until you finish the cup.

In a short time, his wine dispenser had been emptied twice.

Even though he had deliberately controlled his rhythm, he still couldn't stand the group of people who urged him to drink "Xu Dao" one by one.

After half a kilo of wine, his face was already red.

At this time, Yang Mi heard Liang Binning's words:

"Why don't you change Xu Xin's wine to red wine? Will he drink a little too much?"


Yang Mi turned her head and glanced at her lover, whose face was beginning to become bloodshot, and shook her head:

"It's okay, he's happy, let him drink."

Drink more.

It was best to get drunk until she couldn't remember anything, then she would feel at ease.

Don't blame your sister for not feeling sorry for you, she is also doing her best for you, young man.

Seeing this, Liang Binning felt helpless.

She can stop it.

White wine and red wine are all fine, she can drink them all.

Moreover, she also knew very well the psychology of these people who came to toast.

To put it bluntly, this kind of occasion is the best channel to expand your network. Come and have a drink with the director and remember you before the director drinks too much.

Or establish a connection that might come in handy later.

Compared with meeting people in other places, the networking in this kind of situation has alcohol as a stepping stone. Even if it is unnatural... it will become natural after drinking too much.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible to stop it.

Easily offends people.

She wasn't afraid, but she really couldn't stop it.

What's more... She didn't say a word when her wife was present, so how could she speak?

But looking at his bone plate, apart from a few chicken bones, there was only a plate of peanuts left...

He didn't even take a few bites of the food on the table.

If you keep drinking like this, you will get drunk sooner or later.

Just in time, the carousel came to her side, with a pot of crab roe tofu on it.

She picked up Yang Mi's bowl...

"Hey...Sister Bingbing, I can do it myself."


Liang Binning stood up and helped her fill a bowl of crab roe tofu, and then said to Xu Xin logically:

"Xu Xin, give me the bowl."

"Uh, no need, Sister Bingbing, I don't want to drink."

Xu Xin still wants to refuse.

But Liang Binning had already stretched out her hand:

"hurry up."


He handed over the bowl.

He didn't notice the strange look in his wife's eyes at all.

Soon, a bowl of crab roe tofu was handed over:


"Hey, thank you."


Liang Binning's voice was a little louder.

"Please wait a minute, you haven't even taken a few bites of this dish, and half a catty of wine went down first. You're so drunk that you're so drunk that you can't even remember who we are or who we're having dinner with. Mimi can't even remember who we are. It's going to be a little hard for you to go home with your body."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xin, who had just planned to have a drink with Director Xu, was stunned...

Silently, he loosened his fingers holding the cup.

And there are many people who understand what this means.

Only Xu Xin didn't understand.

With half a kilogram of wine in his stomach, he was now in the state of running on a drunken road towards getting drunk. Unless there was something "work" related, he would leave his mind to reason. There is not much time left to think.

So, Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"It's fine."

Hearing this, Liang Binning couldn't say anything else.

I can only urge:

"Drink the soup quickly."

But it is true that her words had an effect despite Yang Mi's "unpleasant" situation.

If an actor is not careful, it is not impossible to have fun in this industry...but there will be many bumps and bumps everywhere.

As soon as Liang Binning spoke, she looked at Director Xu's state...

We also don’t want him to get hungover.

That way no one would remember anyone when they wake up... Who knows if Director Xu will come to the finals banquet?

In other words, will Director Xu think of himself in any future roles?

This is what these people don't want to encounter.

So, with her words, Xu Xin's pace slowed down.

Liang Binning was happy.

Yang Mi is about to cry...

Sister, you really dug a hole for yourself to jump into! !

The pace slowed down and we drank for three rounds.

In the end, Xu Xin drank nearly a pound of wine.

I drank at a fast pace and didn’t eat much.

Not good at drinking fast drinks, he felt that he was almost reaching his limit.

"Jingle Bell……"

While chatting with Zheng Xiaolong about "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Xu Xin's phone rang suddenly.

With his drunken eyes, he picked it up and took a look at it. When he found that it was Wang Sicong, he grinned and said to Zheng Xiaolong:

"Haha~! Director Zheng, I'm going to take a call."


He turned around and showed Yang Mi the caller, then stood up somewhat staggeringly.

My head was already very dizzy by now.


Staggering and trying to walk in a straight line, he held up the phone and walked out of the house:

"What's wrong?"

"Where are you?"

Wang Sicong's voice sounded.

"He's in Yanjing."

"When did you come over?"

"Uh... tomorrow, I'll go tomorrow. What's going on?"

As he spoke, he walked out the door.

There were not many people in Qinchuan Yashe today. The rows of private rooms on their side were very busy, but the rows on the opposite side were all empty.

Xu Xin simply walked to the box opposite the door without turning on the light. He used the light in the corridor to pull up a chair and sit down.

"What's the matter? Tell me?"

"...Whisper drank too much and was making trouble. It gave me a big headache. I have to find you... Hey... A Xin! A Xin! Hey, let me tell you! I have told you Hum, I have already forgotten her!… Just a small break!!! Ganlin’s mother hum!… Okay, okay, Lao Xu will come over tomorrow… Hey, you’ve almost had enough…”

Xu Xin had drunk too much and was not very clear-headed.

Listening to Wang Sicong and Jay Chou fighting over the phone, he couldn't help but ask:

"What was he talking about just now? Who was he scolding?... What a bastard?"

"...He learned the Modu dialect from Pingguo. According to the meaning of that, Xiaokai means the second generation of rich people, the descendants of rich people in Modu dialect..."

Wang Sicong explained, and then sighed:

"Alas... today is Hou Peiqiao's wedding day."


Xu Xin was even more confused.

He touched his pocket, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, he said vaguely:

"What's the matter? Feeling uncomfortable?...Isn't it true? How many years has it been?"

"A few years of shit."

Wang Sicong's words were full of helplessness:

"He just let it slip that the two of them were still in secret contact last year."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"Still secretly in contact?"

"Yes, he said it himself. This is the reason why he broke up with Jiang Yuchen before filming "Pandaman". It's not right... It should be said that he had a fight with Hou Peiqiao again, and then he happened to go to the United States to talk. That "Green Hornet", when I came back, I found that Xiao Kai... the guy named Huang was pursuing Hou Peiqiao... Anyway, all kinds of chaos happened in the middle, regardless of the anger, no matter what, Hou Peiqiao and the guy named Huang Together, he is with Jiang Yuchen, who has been chasing him..."


For a moment, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

For him, Hou Peiqiao was already a thing of the past.

And Luan Lu rarely mentioned her in the past two years.

He thought the two men had passed away long ago.


"Is Hou Peiqiao getting married today?"

"Yes. Have you seen the MV for "Self-Directed and Self-Performed" in his album?"

"I've seen it. It's just...a stalker...who found out that his girlfriend cheated...huh?"

He seemed to realize something and asked subconsciously:

"This MV...is about this?"

"Yes! He said it himself. He thought that as long as the two of them slowed down and took their time... they could go back. But when he found out that Xiaokai named Huang was chasing Hou Peiqiao, Hou Peiqiao didn't tell him. When he released the album, he felt like he was being cheated, so he created this MV. After he released this album, Hou Peiqiao directly changed his contact information and completely blocked him."


Childish? This is it!

Xu Xin was speechless:

"Then where are you now?"

"At your house... He was going out to drink, but Lao Lang and I hurriedly persuaded him to stop him. Today, when Hou Peiqiao got married, he went out to get drunk... Isn't he waiting to give someone else eye drops? ? What's more, "The Voice" officially started recording today, and it would be bad if anything happened at this time. We bought wine and drank with him at home... This guy came up by himself and drank two ounces directly... He didn't stop him I can’t stop... no, I said I’m looking for you after I drank too much... Can you come over?”

"Brother, I'm here to socialize. Regarding "The Legend of Zhen Huan"... If I want to go, I'll go early tomorrow morning, but I can't go now!"

Xu Xin was really helpless.

At this time, Peiqiao was really a demon in Luan Lun's heart.

The kind that you can't even get through.

And then... Jay Chou is actually very childish when it comes to love.

He is the kind of person who is very possessive.

It's like a child and a favorite toy that no one is allowed to touch.

And Hou Peiqiao is also a weirdo.

Because of her upbringing and experience, she is a "pleasant personality" who pays special attention to other people's feelings, whether in love or at other times.

She wants to please everyone around her so that no one will look down on her because of her family of origin.

But Jay Chou is a person who likes to go his own way and be happy however he wants.

After the two got together, Hou Peiqiao faced doubts, abuse and pressure from the outside world all the time... Only then did he say to Jay Chou the words "How should we continue in the future?"

But those things have long since passed.

How many years has it been?

It’s been 4 years since 2006.

Still can’t make it?

Or are there some people you really can’t forget?

Xu Xin was speechless when the door of the box opposite suddenly opened.

Biological instinct made him turn his gaze away.

Then I saw Liang Bingning walking out with the same phone:

"Hey, Brother Mu..."

He should be called Mu Xiaoguang.

Xu Xin thought, looking drunkenly from top to bottom...

Suddenly he was stunned.

Those shoes... they look like socks. They look familiar.

Or they are a couple.

His first reaction was exactly the same as Yang Mi's.

Then, the second reaction... Balenciaga?

After the two reactions came out, the third reaction appeared instantly.

How could she have such a pair of shoes! ?

In an instant, three reactions in his mind began to be catalyzed by the power of alcohol.

Liang Bingning, who came out holding the phone, also saw him.

She didn't have any reaction, she just pointed at her phone, and with Xu Xin's subconscious nod, she left the range of the light.

But before walking too far, Xu Xin could still vaguely hear words like "Director Liu's script? What type?" coming from over there.

However, Xu Xin realized later that something was not appropriate.

What's wrong? Not sure.

But... I just felt something was wrong.

Those shoes... aren't they only sold abroad?

Why is she wearing something on her feet...or rather, why does the old man have a pair of shoes that are only sold abroad?

If it were anyone else, Xu Xin would definitely not think much about it.

But it was Liang Binning.

And why is it Liang Binning! ?

She wore these shoes, and the old man also had these shoes.

And the old man... also lied.

He said that he bought it in the Balenciaga store, but it was not sold in the store at all. If he wanted to buy it, he had to find a purchasing agent.

Why would he lie, old man?

Although there is no substantial evidence yet, or he has learned some speculations from Aunt Zhao at the beginning, until now, he can only vaguely confirm that the old man and her seem to have known each other before...

But that night, even Zhang Ziyi's night, when she came to the house, the old man didn't notice any difference in his attitude towards her.

Is it... a cover-up?

But all of these are pointing to a possibility.



And the moment this fact came to mind...


Xu Xin suddenly trembled.

Could it be...

Did she buy the old man's shoes? !


After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, a breath of alcohol began to flow out from his stomach, forcing him to swallow.

In the past few months, he hadn't heard anything about "this aunt and that aunt" from Brother Hao for a long time.

The old man has not been abroad during this time.

So where did these shoes come from?

In other words, if these shoes were really given by her, then why did she give them old shoes?

Is it...what's the relationship to send a pair of shoes?

Why did you give me shoes?

He felt a rumbling start in his head, and an...unexplainable feeling suddenly filled his body.

At this time...

"Hello? Lao Xu? Lao Xu?"

Wang Sicong's voice came again from the phone that was still attached to his ear:

"I won't tell you for now. The wheel vomited. It all ended up in the bathroom... Oh my god! I'll find a cleaner for you tomorrow, so what, I'll take care of him first... Hang up."

"Uh...oh, okay."

After coming back to his senses, Xu Xin responded, and another thought popped up in his complicated thoughts:

"I puke in your bathroom, you puke in mine, we are even."

But this idea did not last long. After its birth, it quickly disappeared.

And the thought of vomiting made his stomach churn again.

He quickly took two puffs of cigarette and suppressed the feeling again.


Liang Binning's figure appeared under the light again.

"Are you okay?"

Because of the backlight, Xu Xin couldn't see the expression on her face.

very dark.

But the caring emotion in his tone was beyond words.

"You tell me, what are you doing drinking so quickly? There are so many people, you are the director, and others are actors. Come and toast you, can't you just take a sip? If you drink so much stupidly, aren't you the one who suffers? If I hadn't mentioned With that mouthful, you have to drink a pound and a half at least! What kind of body is it? Made of iron? Let you drink like this? "


Xu Xin's throat moved.

On the one hand, the feeling of wanting to vomit became more and more intense, and on the other hand, he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say...

In other words, he didn't care about what she said at all.

All the attention is on those shoes.

I especially want to ask, "Did you buy a pair of shoes for my dad? It shouldn't be the case, right?"

His current state is actually quite strange.

I have realized something in my mind, but I just don't want to admit it.

It's not that I'm particularly disgusted, or anything else...

I simply don’t want to admit it.

It just feels... awkward.

It's like one day suddenly discovering that the father who is the class teacher and his class teacher are walking hand in hand on the street, and they are still wearing couple's clothes.

Did he jump out and hit the two of them?

Or should I hide and watch secretly?

Especially after hearing these caring words, he felt even more awkward.

And this awkwardness turned into an area in his originally hungover brain that allowed him to temporarily wake up.

Very small and narrow.

But it was this area of ​​sobriety that allowed him to ignore alcohol and hangovers and keep his mind in check.

Allowing him to think but unable to take any action.

There was even a voice in his heart that kept telling him...

"What if it's fake."

"It must be fake. You must be overthinking it."

"How does she know our dad's shoe size?"

"You have never seen our father alone with her."

"Don't think about it. It's fake. It's all fake. It won't scare you."

But it was these voices and some uncontrollable thoughts that caused the area called absolute sanity to collapse.

At this moment, the door was pushed open again.

Seeing that neither of them came back, she felt a little worried. Yang Mi, who came out to confirm the situation, opened the door.

When she heard the movement, Liang Binning turned her head subconsciously.

"What are you two doing? Why don't you come in."

Yang Mi asked "innocently".

Liang Binning didn't think much and said with a smile:

"I just finished making a phone call, and I see him sitting here by himself. Aren't you afraid that he will feel uncomfortable after drinking too much? ... Are you okay? If you can't drink anymore, don't drink."

She is still caring about Xu Xin.


For Xu Xin himself, the moment his wife appeared, he was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. His already shaky reason instantly found sustenance.

With this "wish" in mind, Xu Xin pointed at the "innocent" Yang Mi at Liang Binning's feet:

"This pair of shoes!"

He bites these three words very hard.


"Our dad also has a pair..."

After saying that, he couldn't bear it anymore and stood up directly. The turmoil in his stomach made him quickly lock the bathroom door in the blurry dark room, jog all the way to the front, open the door and rush in...

"Ouch", the world began to spin.

Outside the bathroom, I heard the sound of vomiting coming from inside...

Yang Mi looked at Liang Binning.

Liang Binning looked at Yang Mi.



Eyes facing each other.

They looked at each other speechlessly.

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