Chapter 494 492. "Woman"

Have you been doing well recently?

No, you can't ask's too fake.

Are your shoes pretty?

Don't be ridiculous, isn't that equivalent to acquiescing to this matter?

Then... how about I shut up.

Let her treat me like a mute?

Abba Abba~

This seems okay...

So, Yang Mi acted like a normal person, listening to her husband making noises in the bathroom, and staring at Liang Bingning, who was also silent for some reason.

But the actual situation...don't tell her she knows it.

Liang Binning also knew it.

Although many years of cultivating qi, the expression on her face did not change.


From the bottom of my heart, among all the considerations of buying Mr. Xu a pair of shoes to show his care, I never thought that something like this would happen.

It's not like she has never been to Xu Xin's house.

Not to mention anything else, the couple's dressing room is almost as big as a small living room.

There are a dazzling array of clothes, gowns...oh yes, and occasionally a few tattered gowns. It is said that it was gnawed by rats... No wonder his house needs to be renovated.

Say there are mice in the house, why don’t you raise a cat...

Because of drinking, her thoughts were a little distracted.

But no matter how biased she was, one of her inherent perceptions was that it was impossible for these two people to care about this detail.

It's like someone asking you now: Hey, how many pairs of shoes do you have?

Everyone has to react for a while.

The couple's shoes are almost piled up on the wall, so who cares about a mere pair of shoes.

So what if it’s Balenciaga?

Do you two have few famous brands?

What's's for Mr. Xu.

To be honest, how could the average person notice?


Just now, when she heard the words "Our dad has it too" coming from Xu Xin's mouth, she suddenly felt that something was wrong.

what to do?

How to cope?

This... makes sense, it's just a pair of shoes, it shouldn't be anything, right?

Just... let the elders buy gifts for the elders, okay?

She didn't even notice why she felt so guilty now, and even Liang Binning, who even used "just" in her heart, didn't know how to speak.

Because no matter how you talk about it, it won’t look good.

From the first time, when she was at Xiying Studio, she understood what Mr. Xu meant.

Mr. Xu said: "Let's just pretend we've never met, okay?"

The meaning is clear, just pretend that the two of them didn't know each other before, but this time they met through their son.

This shows that Mr. Xu has never told Xu Xin about his past. my son's friend, he suddenly bought "I" a pair of shoes...

It would be easier if we were two brothers.

"Uncle, I don't have anything to give you during the Chinese New Year, so I'll buy you a pair of shoes."

If you want others to know about this, you must think about how close the friendship between these two people is to treat each other's elders like this.

But the problem is that there is a man and a woman...

No matter how you say this... it doesn't feel right.

But Liang Binning felt that she had to say something, because Mimi didn't ask...

The eyes of this clever little guy are dripping, and the speed is already above 7,000.

If I don't say anything, wouldn't it be acquiescence?

But...I don't have it!

I just... care about Mr. Xu, and... I have no other meaning!

She tried hard to find a suitable reason.

You can look for it...

"Xu...what did Xu Xin say?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned...

The one who smiles is called a silly Baitian:

"Ah? He said that Uncle Xu also has a pair of these shoes, and Xu Xin likes them very much. Last time I asked his dad, he said they were given by a friend. I also asked the specialty store specifically, and they said they are not available in China, but only in Europe... …Sister, did you buy it in Europe?”


Liang Binning nodded:

""Rizhao Chongqing" went to Cannes. I saw it while shopping in Paris and bought a pair!"

She is very fond of the word "pair".

Want to cover up.

But Yang Mi still looked innocent:

"Oh, it looks pretty good. After he told me last time, I asked the purchasing agent to buy a pair for both of us."

It's really silly.

What he said was aboveboard.

It seems that Xu Daqiang was mentioned, but what was said was an established fact that had already happened.

Except for one thing, Xu Daqiang did not say "it was given by a friend", but told his son "it was bought in a specialty store".

But she actually had her own reasons for saying that.

Yes, she felt quite awkward.

If this happens to anyone...unless it's in a Korean comic, something like "daughter's friend" is very beautiful, which can arouse everyone's desire to see it. In reality, as a "daughter", there will be no other emotions except embarrassment and speechlessness.

I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my mother-in-law?

It's a bit uninteresting, sister.


Then what?

That's what she thought.

First of all, Uncle Xu should have his own life.

As a widower, he naturally has the right to pursue a better life. And Uncle Xu is indeed very lonely. This can be seen from the fact that he keeps changing female companions around him.

Secondly, my brother’s attitude is also very obvious.

From the last time they talked about "Aunt Sun", he told himself that Brother Sanshui "recognizes thieves as his father", and from the guilty look on his face when talking about Uncle Xu, we can understand that he actually hopes that someone can Really take care of Uncle Xu in love or life.

to be honest……

There will only be two outcomes in this matter.

One, whether it's a transaction or an exchange...his Uncle Xu's strength is there. Not to mention Liang Binning, there were a lot of girls younger than her who wanted to cheat on her.

Why can't Liang Bingning do it?

Just like everyone else, the two of them "come together because of fate, and then part ways".

Although I dare not... don't want to... don't want to think about whether there is any "woman's loneliness" or some conspiracy in this relationship, Liang Binning is also a woman, and her uncle Xu's personality charm... tsk, I won't even mention it.

That is to say, my brother is better than his master. Otherwise, if he had met Uncle Xu at the beginning, he might have called himself Aunt Yang.

Of course, this is a joke.

But that’s what it means.

At worst, the two of them will break up after having a relationship.

She had never seen or heard of any woman whom Uncle Xu could not marry.

No matter what kind of girl he is, no matter how many girls there are, he always cuts things off very quickly and never sloppily.

He will not suffer any loss.


The topic returns to its original point.

Liang Bingning has such a good career and is so beautiful, what kind of boyfriend can't she find? Why did you choose Uncle Xu?

Marrying such a woman is a reflection of ability and an honor.

As for what you want to say about dividing the family property...

Yang Mi's heart is not that dirty yet.

What's more... In order to prevent his two sons from overthinking, Uncle Xu had already invested all the equity interests in companies and minerals with his two sons.

If you really want to talk about it, there is nothing wrong with saying that Uncle Xu is a polished commander.

So there is no such thing.

And Sister Bingbing... is actually quite good at taking care of others.

You can tell.

Although I don't know if she has a family-oriented temperament... But if Uncle Xu and her are really together, it will be Uncle Xu's problem and not her children's turn to worry about.

If there is anything that stands in the way of the two of them... one is not the so-called "legacy", and the other is not the approval of their children.

Because of these two points, at least my brother has made his attitude clear.

He hoped that there would be a woman who could take good care of the old man.

As long as she can take good care of the old man, the brothers have no objections.

The only obstacle is actually the age gap.

As for the so-called outsider gaze...

There are so many absurd things happening in the wealthy circles.

Wives, concubines, biological children, illegitimate children, inheritance rights, all kinds of things that want to kill each other... and other things are much more serious than this.

Moreover, these two results do not need to be so clearly distinguished.

Who said that if you fall in love, you must get married, and if you kiss, you will definitely get pregnant?

It doesn't matter where the two of them go.

In a life where the boundaries are a little blurred, confusion is not a bad thing.

These were the things she had just figured out at the dinner table.

She doesn't have to tell Xu Xin, but she understands it herself. And if her brother had any worries, she also planned to use these thoughts to comfort her lover.

Our dad is getting older, and his life should not become lonely because of his children.

That's so sad.

These were all preparations she had made in advance.

I just didn't would come so quickly.

My brother just drank too much. He probably only realized something superficially in his brain and didn’t think clearly yet.

But you can wait for tomorrow. If he can't guess it, he can just twist off his head and use it as a ball.

And now...

She simply took advantage of the situation.

Will Liang Binning tell Uncle Xu about this? The answer is not sure.

If you don't say anything, then this matter will be easy to handle.

I gave the reason. My father-in-law said it was a gift from a friend. I didn’t expect you also have a pair. What a coincidence.

The matter just passed.

But if she said it, it would prove...she might really be interested in Uncle Xu.

And the two of them will definitely give a "confession".

Uncle Xu, a veteran of the world, has experienced many ups and downs in his life. When he heard his own words saying that these shoes were "a gift from a friend", Yang Mi firmly believed that the two of them had a tacit understanding.

Yang Mi: Uncle Xu, I know about this. I've found an excuse for you too. You don't have to bear any psychological burden. The fact that I can make excuses for you means that as your daughter-in-law, I am on your side regarding this matter.

She firmly believed that Uncle Xu would understand the meaning of this sentence.

And the reason why she did this was because, as the daughter-in-law of the Xu family, she could fulfill her obligations and responsibilities for the stability of the family and the happiness of her elders.

She is the daughter-in-law of the Xu family.

She is Xu Xin's wife and Xu Daqiang's daughter.

She is loyal to her lover until death.

To her elders, she entertains them with colorful clothes and feeds them lovingly.

This is the responsibility of the daughter-in-law of the Xu family.

She didn't know if she was a model of a good wife, but she followed her heart and chose an approach that was good for both parties.

Turn into lubricant and twist the "teammates" into a rope.

So, after leaving the choice to her father-in-law and Liang Binning, she said:

"The vomiting seems to be severe. I'm going to take a look. Sister, you should go back to the house quickly."

"Uh... ok."

Not knowing how transparent the mind of the "vixen" in front of her was, and still feeling uneasy, Liang Binning nodded and chose to temporarily escape from the scene of the crime.

After she entered the house, Yang Mi walked to the bathroom.

Opening the door, there was a sour smell of a mixture of alcohol and stomach acid.

Seeing Xu Xin leaning on the wall and bending over to vomit, she didn't pat her back.

Because it's useless.

It may even disrupt the breathing rhythm after vomiting.

It's best to let him adjust himself at this time.

She just turned on the tap.

Qinchuan Yashe, as the entertainment venue of Xiying Studio and even the entire Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce, has paid very careful attention to all aspects, including hot water in the bathroom.

Amidst the splashing of hot water, she walked out again, pulled out two napkins from the cups placed on the table in the private room, and took the cups by the way.

Returning to the bathroom, she wet the napkin and held it in her hand, then took another glass of water.

Then he didn't dislike the sour smell and came to Xu Xin's side and helped him press the toilet to flush.

Waiting until Xu Xin retched twice and coughed up a mouthful of thick phlegm, he flushed again.

As soon as he turned around, a napkin and cup were handed over to him.


While burping, Xu Xin took it, rinsed his mouth, spit it out, then wiped his mouth and blew his nose.

Yang Mi naturally took the dirty napkin into her hand, threw it into the trash can, and handed over another one.


Holding this clean napkin, Xu Xin walked out of the bathroom while she was washing her hands, put the warm napkin on her face, rubbed her face hard, and breathed heavily.

"Do you smoke?"

"...have one."

Hearing this, Yang Mi quickly walked to the door again and handed him the cigarette.

Then she didn't ask him how he was feeling, or complain about why he drank so much.

That kind of thing makes no sense.

She just stroked his back from top to bottom and whispered:

"Don't say anything more tonight. The occasion is not right. If you have anything to say, let's go back. When you wake up tomorrow, we can talk slowly."


Xu Xin took a long puff of cigarette:

"Help me think about it, the other side of the wheel is drunk too."

Yang Mi was stunned...

"Because of Hou Peiqiao?"

"Well, you know?"

"Yes, isn't she getting married today?"

"Yes, anyway, help me think about it. I'm afraid I'll forget tomorrow... I drank too much today and my mind is no longer clear."

"I won't drink it for a while. Drink more water to relieve the hangover. You drank so much without rejecting anyone who came, and you have given them enough face."


Xu Xin follows the good deeds.

Then it was time for the couple to have silence.

It took Yang Mi a long time to stroke a cigarette for him.

After suppressing the discomfort in his stomach, Xu Xin put out the cigarette butts and said:

"Remember to tell the waiter later and ask him to get two new napkins."

"Know it."

Assistant Yang responded and joked with a smile:

"As long as you are of high quality, okay? You won't forget this even if you drink too much."

"It has nothing to do with that."

Xu Xin stood up unsteadily:

"Their hygiene procedures are all in compliance with standards. If someone checks and finds that two napkins are missing and the bathroom is so dirty, they may have to pay a fine... and maybe lose their job. We can't do this kind of thing. .”

"Yes, yes, you are considerate and kind-hearted~~ I will tell Tingting, let's go and help you back first."


As she helped her lover out of the house, Yang Mi turned on the light.

In case the waiter can't find which room it is.

If an outsider looked at this kind of detail right now, they would probably give it a thumbs up.

Simply top notch.

But she felt that it should be so.

Because this is called respect.

After Xu Xin came back, everything was normal. He didn't even see Liang Binning observing him from time to time...

Just like what the couple said just now.

Tonight's bureau is not a family ethics bureau.

The two came here as investors.

And what happened next was normal.

Director Xu in the first half gave him face.

Don't refuse anyone who comes, your mouth will be dry and your cup will be dry.

No, I vomited after drinking.

But spitting it out, I used practical actions to express my sincerity to everyone who came today.

Not all directors will drink in such a "miserable" manner when encountering actors drinking alcohol.

At least everyone should appreciate this friendship.

In the second half, Director Xu even vomited, and it was hard for others to push him.

When faced with his tea, it was always "I'm done, you can just take a sip of tea instead of wine".

The meal ended around 9 o'clock.

Xu Xin was still in a dazed state, even though he drank a lot of water.

So after getting in the car, he soon heard the sound of snoring.

As usual, Yang Mi called her parents and asked about their children.

After making sure that the two little guys were heartless and eating well and sleeping soundly, they felt at ease.

After chatting for about two words, she hung up the phone and looked at the night view outside the window, her eyes a little empty.

Don't know what to think.

Liang Binning, who was also in the business car and had probably drank less than a bottle of red wine today, was also looking out the window.

The same silence.

No one knew what she was thinking, but along the way, she repeated the actions of swiping, dazing, and locking the screen naturally.

Arriving downstairs at home, she was supposed to enter the parking lot, but she suddenly said at the gate of the community:

"Stop, I'll walk in."


Wang Dongying was a little surprised.

But the driver, Lao He, stopped the car anyway.

Liang Binning opened the car door and waved to the two of them:

"You two go back."

After getting out of the car, she closed the car door, lowered her peaked cap and walked into the gate of the community where security guards were on duty.

Her property in Yanjing is on the Star River Bay side.

The house was handed over in 2006, but when she bought it, it was in 2005.

At that time, the average house price in Yanjing was only 5,000 yuan, while Star River Bay was already sold for 23,000 yuan.

It belongs to a top-notch, established and wealthy community near the CBD.

There is no mention of greening.

She was walking on the tree-lined road in the community. The evening breeze was still a bit hot at the moment.

It even feels quite stuffy because every household turns on the air conditioner... maybe it's also because of the weather.

After all, the weather forecast says it will rain these two days.

After she walked for a while, facing the fork in the road that originally led to her home, she paused... and walked to the opposite place.

Going to take a walk.

Then, she finally turned on her phone.

After thinking about it, she felt that... she still had to talk to Mr. Xu about this matter.

Just... just afraid that he might not have any misunderstanding with Xu Xin.

That's not good.

So, she first sent a message:

"Mr. Xu, are you busy?"

But I didn’t think Xu would always reply.

She doesn't know... do Mimi and Xu Xin know that since they switched to smartphones, Mr. Xu has made more calls than sent messages because he is not used to the feeling of typing on a screen without key feedback.

And when he sees this message from me, if he is busy, he will usually send the kind of quick reply that comes with the smartphone.

Something like "Sorry, I'm busy at the moment, I'll get back to you later."

And if it's not busy, then the call will be made.

She feels that this "unadaptation" is quite good.

After all... a woman taking the initiative to call, at this time... doesn't feel right no matter how you think about it.

But if it were a man spanking a woman, it would be fine.

Just as I was thinking about it, the phone rang.

Even Liang Binning didn't notice it. When she saw the caller, a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

This smile seemed to brighten this lonely night.

"Hey, Mr. Xu."

"Oh, are you done?"

"Well, I just came back."

"Got home?"

"I haven't...I don't want to go up and take a walk in the community."

‘Oh~~is this it? Then you have to pay attention to safety. "


She couldn't help but laugh out loud and joked:

"Why does Mr. Xu say that the world is full of bad people?"

"There's nothing wrong with being careful.'re a big star, it would be bad if there were even...paparazzi."

"Haha~ The paparazzi can't come in here."

Carrying a bag in one hand and holding a phone in the other, Liang Bingning smiled and sat on a chair next to the lotus pond in the community.

"What is Mr. Xu doing?"

"What? Watching TV."

"Didn't go out? I thought Mr. Xu went to wash his feet again."

"Haha, how can I wash it every day?"

Xu Daqiang's words of laughter made Liang Binning couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Xu, can't you say it's my pair of shoes? When I gave them to you, what else did you say... How old are you? You can't wear such fashionable and youthful shoes. I thought you didn't like it. If it weren't for Xu Xin told me today that if I saw you wearing it, I might be sad for a long time~"


There was a hint of frustration in Xu Daqiang's voice.

"San... Sanjin saw it?"


Liang Bingning responded and said:

"See it, tell me... you also have a pair of these shoes."


Xu Daqiang thought for a while and asked:

"Did you say it all?"

"I didn't say anything. After he recognized it, he went to vomit after speaking. Then it was Mimi who said... You told her that these shoes were given by a friend. Xu Xin also liked them. Mimi gave them to herself. I bought a pair from him."


Suddenly, Xu Daqiang's side fell silent.

After two seconds of silence, he said:

"Mimi really said that? What were the original words?"

"The original story is that Xu Xin liked the shoes you were wearing and asked where you bought them. You said they were given by a friend..."

After she said roughly the exact words...

It took a long time to wait for Xu Daqiang's response.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Xu?"


"What's wrong?"

"...What, what's going on? Oh, it's almost 10 o'clock. Go home quickly. You go home first. I'll call you when I get home. That's it, I'm hanging up."


Hearing this, Liang Binning glanced at the dark water of the lotus pond.

He said subconsciously:

"Then... five minutes, I can be in the house in five minutes."

"...Oh, okay, five minutes."


The phone hangs up.

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