I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 495 493 We still have tomorrow (Thanks to

Chapter 495 493. We still have tomorrow (Thanks to "Yao Huihui" for being the leader again for the reward!)

The car arrived at the underground parking lot, and Yang Mi shook her brother who had been sleeping all the way.

Xu Xin opened his bloodshot eyes and looked around blankly:


"Well, we're here. Let's go home and sleep."

She meant to let Xu Xin hold her hand and walk down.

"Hi, I'm fine."

Waving his hand, he opened the car door and got out of the car.

The body is slightly swaying.

"How much did I drink today?"

"It's as high as a pound."

"...One pound of wine can't be like this. My whole world is spinning now."

"You are not a fast drinker. If you drink slowly, you can drink more than a pound. But with their way of toasting, half a pound of wine is actually enough for you... Okay, don't show off, I'll help you... Tingting, go back, I will take care of him."

Waving to both Cheng Hu and Sun Ting, Yang Mi helped her staggering husband into the elevator.

Soon, in the ascending elevator, Xu Xin leaned against the wall and burped.


Yang Mi's eyes were filled with disgust.

But at this time, she heard her brother say:

"Just pretend you don't know what happened today."


The elevator door opens.

After saying this, Xu Xin walked out of the elevator in a daze.

But instead of turning directly towards home, he walked directly towards the corridor opposite the elevator.

Yang Mi thought he was too drunk, so she quickly stopped him:

"Hey, eh, home is over here."

"I know, I smoke a cigarette."

"The child is not at home, so go home and smoke."

"That won't work either, second-hand smoke is hard to deal with..."

He kept walking.

Yang Mi was really afraid that he would miss the mark and roll down the stairs.

He quickly stood by to protect Xu Xin until Xu Xin's Armani pants worth more than 7,000 were stuck to the steps.


He was breathing heavily because of the drink.

He took out the cigarette in his pocket and lit it, looking at his wife with slightly hazy eyes:

"Just go back and I'll go in after I finish smoking."

"Farewell, I'm scared. I'm not worried about your one foot being deep and the other being shallow."

"……All right."

There was a snap.

He lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled a long stream of smoke.

At this time, Yang Mi opened her mouth and asked:

"Are you sure you pretend not to know?"

"Well, just pretend you don't know."

Xu Xin nodded:

"As a son, why should I influence my father's life? Instead of doing this, it's better to pretend to be confused... Whether it's true or false, the old man will never suffer."

"That's true."

Yang Mi obviously agreed with her brother’s conclusion:

"There are not many people who can make our father suffer..."

Speaking of this, she thought for a moment and her eyes fell on her lover's face:

"As long as you're happy. I'll do whatever you say... Anyway, I'm here to watch over you. If you don't worry about Sister Bingbing's affairs, it's even worse for me to worry about. So instead of doing this, I'd better pretend not to care. Do you want to tell Brother Sanshui?"

"Sanshui is our father's eldest son."

Xu Xin was delighted:

"If I have been rebellious since childhood, then he will be a loyal and filial son. Whatever the old man says, there will be no problem. His attitude in this regard...maybe because my mother has been with him since he was a child. Well...he remembers more things and can understand the old man better."

As he spoke, he took another puff of cigarette and shook his head:

"What's this called..."

"From the side, it's because our dad is charming. He can handle any kind of woman... From the front, this is not a solid matter, so don't rush to a conclusion..."

"I won't draw any conclusions. I'll just pretend I can't see it."

Xu Xin said, suddenly stunned...

"Should I call our dad?"

"...What are you doing? Talking?"

"No, let me just say that I asked Yang Mi to buy a pair of the shoes he wore last time... I just pretended that it never happened. After all... Liang... Sister Bingbing, there is no misunderstanding. Like, I can clean myself off with just one phone call."

Understanding what her husband meant, Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay, you can fight. But don't say anything else, so as not to cause trouble."


Xu Xin said and dialed the old man's phone number directly.

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call, please call again later. Sorry..."



Xu Xin's mouth twitched, Yang Mi's eyes were strange.

She looked at her watch first.

It's almost 10 o'clock.

"Didn't you say...our dad usually doesn't answer the phone at night?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin paused and shook his head like a rattle:

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't, it's not me."

And when he shook his head like this, he immediately fainted.

The world is spinning.

"...Let's go home! No...I'm very dizzy now."

Looking at his outstretched hand, Yang Mi held it with a strange look on her face. After pulling him up, the two of them walked out of the stairwell with a little wandering steps.

As for the phone call...

Both of them tacitly agreed not to mention it again.

After entering the house, Xu Xin went up to the second floor as a habit and then walked to the guest bathroom.

Yang Mi was speechless:

"Brother, the child is not here. Why don't you sleep with me?"

"...Sleep, let's take a bath, right? You go and put the water in."

"Hey~ How can you maintain your virtue?"

Her tone was teasing.

Xu Xin grinned proudly:

"I'll deal with you as easily as crossing the road at 4 o'clock in the morning."

"Yo yo yo ~ OK, young man, let's just wait and see."

As she said that, she walked to the bathroom, prepared some bubble bath salts and the like, threw them into the bathtub, and tied her hair up again in front of the mirror.

It only takes less than two or three minutes to get together.

But when he walked out of the bathroom and was about to change clothes, he saw the man lying on the bed and snoring.


Useless dog man.

She curled her lips in disgust.

He is going to Xi'an on Sunday, and Yang Mi is going back to Guangzhou.

As a good man who is second to none, he naturally cannot let his wife board a passenger plane.

Then this unlucky guy will have to do it by himself.

But fortunately, he asked for a seat by the window, and it was in the front row. There was no obstruction in front of him, and he could stretch his legs, which was quite comfortable.

Xu Xin also remembered what happened last night, what he said and what he saw.

But since the morning, no one from the couple mentioned it.

Even Xu Xin didn't call Xu Daqiang.

Because it's not necessary.

There is not so much inquiring in the adult world.

Pursuing that result may not even be a good thing for yourself.

Not just Xu Xin.

Jay Chou is the same.

When he arrived at Qujiang Garden, there were four aunts cleaning the villa.

I don’t know what time they went to bed, but the aunts were cleaning at the moment, and Jay Chou and Wang Sicong were sitting in front of the coffee table eating breakfast.

Jay Chou seems to be in good condition, although the swollen eyes caused by a hangover make his eyes look a bit small...

But he himself is not big either.

When he saw Xu Xin coming in, chewing a bun, he said hello:

"Oh, morning."


Xu Xin nodded, handed the luggage to Su Meng, and came to the table:

"Just got up?"


"Eating steamed buns just after waking up?...Not working out?"

"No, no more."

Holding a bowl of mutton soup and taking a big sip, Jay Chou pointed to the plastic bags:

"Try it. Dani bought it. It tastes very good."

Xu Xin guessed that these two people might not eat at noon, so he looked at Wang Sicong's bowl of soup that had not been touched much and directly took it over.

"Hey... give me the meat and you can drink the soup."

Hearing this, Xu Xin took chopsticks and took out all the meat inside.

I wanted to ask what happened last night.

But looking at Jay Chou's virtuous behavior, he could only give Big Laowang a look.

Big Lao Wang shook his head slightly.

I don’t know whether it means “I don’t know” or “Don’t ask.”

In short, Xu Xin shut up.

After eating three steamed buns and half a bowl of soup, he finally remembered:

"Where's the old wolf?"

"It's in the factory. Halfway through the recording yesterday, when there were still about ten contestants left, the speaker system didn't work for some reason. In order not to delay today's recording, he went to check the speaker effect early in the morning. ”

After Wang Sicong finished speaking, Jay Chou also finished eating.

"I'm going to wash up."

After leaving a few words, he left the table first.

As soon as he left, Xu Xin quickly asked:

"how is he?"


Wang Sicong had almost finished eating, rinsed his mouth and lit a cigarette.

"I asked him if he was okay this morning, but he seemed to have lost his memory. He never mentioned what happened last night... and you should stop asking. That's all..."

You see, his thoughts are exactly the same as Xu Xin's.

Woke up early in the morning, the weather is still so good.

Why bother others?

So Xu Xin also nodded:

"Okay...has the bathroom been tidied up?"

"Anyway, I gave the aunt who cleans the bathroom an extra two hundred."

The eldest young master shrugged:

"I'll definitely make it clean for you."

Xu Xin was happy and gave a thumbs up:

"Be particular about it."

Wang Sicong laughed and slapped the table:

"You can clean up the rest. I'll go back and lie down for a while. I played with him until midnight last night... Oh, let me go. Can I find a place to get a massage today? My back is sore."


Xu Sanjin, who was quite happy at first, was speechless:

"I just ate four steamed buns, you want me to clean up such a big puddle?"

"What? It's not your home?"

"Hey, you're right, Sanshui's home."

"...Then let Brother Sanshui take care of it, I'm running away."

"You are really not human..."


After tidying up the kitchen and putting a large bag of take-out food into a garbage bag and throwing it out, as soon as I walked into the house, I suddenly heard the sound of a piano playing in the room.

The rhythm is soothing.

It was incompatible with the atmosphere of these cleaning ladies in the living room.

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then pointed at the first floor to Su Meng, gesturing for her to stay here.

Although he could not say that he would judge a gentleman with a villain's heart, he was not familiar with these cleaning ladies after all, so he had to pay some attention to prevent them from taking photos and leaking the privacy of the villa.

Then, he followed the sound of the piano all the way to the second floor.

As soon as we arrived on the second floor, the door opened.

Wang Sicong walked out speechless with a toothbrush in his mouth.

Not his house...

Then there will be no one else left.

Xu Xin felt a little disgusted:

"You wake up so early in the morning and eat without brushing your teeth?"

Wang Sicong, who was foaming at the mouth, rolled his eyes:

"You know shit. Go ask the dentist whether it's better to brush your teeth after eating or after eating in the morning!"


Xu Xin pouted and walked to the door of Jay Chou's house.

The two of them were just like parents eavesdropping on what their son was doing in the room. After listening for a while, Wang Sicong blew out a mint-flavored breath:

"'Quiet'?...No, 'Stranded'?...No. What song?"

"How would I know……"

After Xu Xin whispered something, suddenly singing came from the room:

"Who is the stationary clock on the wall stopping for~"

"Is it time to replace the battery in your watch?"

Listening to Jay Chou's singing, Wang Sicong said something very charming.

Xu Xin subconsciously covered his mouth:

"Shut up, it's Xin... I'm stupid!"

"Hey Hey……"

Seeing the white turbidity on his friend's hands, Wang Sicong couldn't help but laugh in a low voice:

"Do you want to try it?"

Xu Xin, who was about to vomit, wiped all the toothpaste foam on his face without saying a word.


His face was smeared with cold and sour toothpaste, and the soaring mint smell made him open the door to Jay Chou's room and rush to the bathroom without saying a word.

The sound of the piano stopped.

Amidst the sound of rushing water, Jay Chou looked at Xu Xin speechlessly:

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

When he is making music, he actually doesn’t like to be interrupted by others.

Just these two people.

As long as you are at Jewel, if any employee dares to do this, he or she will be fired.


There was nothing he could do against these two people.

And the angry tone he spoke in exchange for Xu Xin walking up to him and extending his hand.

"What's this?"

Jay Chou subconsciously covered his nose.

"It smells so bad."

Xu Xin nodded:

"Nonsense, the toothpaste in Big Laowang's mouth. I wiped it all on his face..."


Jay Chou was stunned, turned to look in the direction of the bathroom, and asked a very soulful and essential question:

"Why...does his toothpaste foam appear in your hand?"

Having said that...

An idea flashed in his mind.

Could it be...

Following this thought, he put the back of his hand on his mouth and widened his eyes.


Xu Xin understood immediately.

What he means is: Big Lao Wang wants to forcefully kiss you, did you block it with your hands? Wow~


Xu Xin's face turned red instantly.

Not ashamed.

I was so angry.

You really deserve it!

So, with one Buddha leaving his body and two Buddhas ascending to heaven, he suddenly began to hum a song:

"Ah, Kei, I'm crying for you~ ah ho hoo~ tick tock uh ka ha~ hoo da hey~"


Jay Chou didn't realize what kind of song it was.

Wang Sicong, who had just finished washing his face and walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush, burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha... eh... it has to be you... it's so bad! Hahahahahaha..."

In just one sentence, Jay Chou figured out what song it was.

"My...girlfriend is getting married, and I'm not the groom?"

His face also turned red.

I don't know if I'm angry or shy.

But Xu Xin raised his head proudly:


While singing, he walked towards the bathroom shaking his head.

And Wang Sicong is still cooperating:



"Hehe! Oh, Kei, I'm crying for you~ Hey, hey!"


One in, one out.

One shakes his head, the other shakes his head.

The two of them just sang the most heart-wrenching song in front of this man whose ex-girlfriend had just gotten married, got drunk all night, and left his sorrow to himself.


Jay Chou's face went from blushing at the beginning... to speechless in the middle.

Finally...when Xu Xin and Wang Sicong danced that funny dance together after washing their hands...

The expression on his face showed a hint of relief.

What followed was an uncontrollable smile.


He turned his head speechlessly, ignoring the few lyrics notes placed on the electronic piano. After using his absolute sense of pitch to transition the melody of the entire song, the piano version of "Girlfriend Got Married, Bridegroom" The rhythm of "Not Me" rang out.


never mind.

Just be sad from now on.

With these two people on the street, I really can't help but feel sad.


The cheerful rhythm of the piano resounded throughout the villa.

While Xu Xin was humming, under Jay Chou's speechless gaze, he stretched out his wet hand and picked up the page of lyrics.


Jay Chou looked at the water drops falling on the piano...


Forget it.

Pamper it.

Xu Xin and Wang Sicong also saw the lyrics above:

“Who does the stationary clock on the wall stop for?

Are you hanging on like me?

You say the story has been over for a long time.

I forgot ~ move forward. "

After Wang Sicong finished reading, he unconsciously turned his head and looked at the clock on the wall again.

The second hand keeps spinning.

It means that time is absolutely and cannot stop for anyone.


New song?


The two of them didn't care whether those lyrics and the piano melody were a new song by Wheel.

Xu Xin was just shocked:

"Xue Zhixuan? The Xue Zhixuan who sang "Serious Snow"??"

Wang Sicong nodded:

"Yes, that's him."

"Didn't he...make his debut a long time ago? The song "Serious Snow" is so popular. The snow is falling so deep~It's falling so seriously~~~~"

"Yes, yes, that's how it was sung. Oops... I thought it sounded really good at the time."

The discussion between the two earned Jay Chou a blank stare.

These two people are a bit too fond of using bean bags as solid food.

I'm still here.

Even if you talk about other singers in front of me, why don't you talk about my students?

Don't I want to lose face?

So, he couldn't help but ask:

"Is "Fair Like Snow" good to listen to?"

"What kind of bad song is Fa Ruxue?"

Xu Xin said directly.

Wang Sicong immediately echoed:

"That's right, singing "Hair Like Snow" makes me want to cut two eggs!"



Listening to his description, not to mention Jay Chou, Xu Xin also looked disgusted.

But this is also true.

Most people really can't sing Jay Chou's songs.

His pitch is really high.

"I remember... he seems to be the champion of "My Style, My Show", right?"

"Well, this season it seems that he contacted Director Jin and wanted to come... Actually, it's normal. Zhang Yi and he are in the same batch. He can be on "Happy Boys", why can't Xue Zhixuan come to us? this."

"How was it? How was your performance? Did you crush it?"

"Crush it with a hammer. There are more macho men this year than the last! Have you ever seen boys use... what do they use? Just sing female vocals."

Hearing Wang Sicong's description, Jay Chou rolled his eyes:

"Please, that's called coloratura, a guttural singing style in opera."

"Yes, yes, yes, and... cross-dressing, you know? Have you ever been to Oriental Scala? Li Yugang's kind... a man sings a female voice! Hey, let me tell you, the four of them were stupid. They didn't even recognize it. boy!"

"I don't care whether it's a boy or a girl..."

Xu Xin asked curiously:

"What kind of place is Oriental Skala? I...don't ask for a clear explanation."

"When we go skiing in Harbin this winter, I will take you there. Let me tell you... you have to go there to watch singing and dancing performances. It's so much fun!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Okay, this is good...hehehehe..."

"Hey Hey……"

Wow, you two are really...

Jay Chou couldn't laugh or cry.

"Remember to call me when the time comes. I've never been to a BAR like that."

"Don't worry, it's too late for you...but having said that..."

A touch of emotion appeared in Wang Sicong's eyes:

"There are so many masters in this class, 20 places are really not enough. There are so many strong people..."

"Isn't that good?"

Xu Xin's eyes were full of satisfaction:

"When there are many masters, PK is exciting. Maybe we can start a prosperous new decade in the Chinese music world. Have you read the latest episodes of "One Piece" comics? Luffy's 3DX2Y, Zoro kneels down to Hawkeye, what do you want? Please teach me swordsmanship...what did Hawkeye say?"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes and looked at Jay Chou:

"You mean he has the virtue to be an eagle eye?"

"Wow, can you also read the manga "One Piece"?"

Jay Chou expressed his disbelief.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Eagle Eye said: Shall I train myself an opponent who can defeat myself? ... How about that, are you strong?"

"Go away! You think I haven't heard Guo Degang's cross talk! Sun'er is a thief~"


A lot of talking and laughing, comics, songs, dreams and entertainment.

The way the three people chatted together was like the best footnote to the saying "No matter what happened yesterday, the sun will still rise today."

Whether it's sad or ridiculous.

It does not matter.

The most important thing for people is to look forward, right?

Thanks to "Yao Huihui" for being the leader again for the reward! ! Ow 9 more updates.

I posted this chapter in advance because I wanted to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my wife.

Today is just one chapter, please understand.

Wish you all a blast on Valentine’s Day!

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