I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 496 494 There is a long way to go

Chapter 496 494. There is a long way to go

At almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the three people appeared at Studio No. 1 on time.

However, Xu Xin took a bag of coffee people and left.

I didn’t go to the recording site of “The Voice” at all.

He discovered it last year. After watching the recording live, when he looked back at the show, he always felt a little weird.

It's as if someone drew an arrow for you on the first page of a Conan comic book and wrote: "→He is the murderer."

Very awkward.

So this year Xu Xin made up his mind. If he wanted to watch it, he would wait until the program was finished to contribute to the ratings. At other times, it would be better for him not to watch it.

Arriving in the editing room with cups of coffee in hand, he discovered a small detail.

The last time I met Zhu Huailiang, he was still drinking from a thermos cup.

But this time there were about three or four empty cups with "MACHIMACHI" written on them on the table.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to Jay Chou:

"McGee is finished with "The Voice", so let's keep it open as normal. Hire a few people and stay in the factory. I think everyone likes to drink."

Jay Chou responded very quickly:

"Okay. What do you want to do?"

"Let's get an unlimited supply of water in the canteen and arrange two positions here for everyone."

"Okay, I'll pay for the expenses. Just build a "McGee Flagship Store"? Haha~"

"Okay, I'll talk to the factory."

After sending this message, he found information from Lin Qili, the logistics supervisor of Xiying Film Studio.

"Brother Lin, is there still room in our cafeteria? I think everyone loves drinking Maggi. I would like to arrange an unlimited supply of water in the cafeteria. The kind that is free."

Lin Qili didn't reply, and he wasn't in a hurry.

McGee has done a great job this year.

It's a pretty good one.

After being tied to Wanda, it settled in Jinjie and there would be long queues to buy tea every day.

Milk tea is well known to be very profitable.

But Jay Chou did not expand blindly, and his friend who made milk tea was also very obedient.

What everyone wants is to be deeply bound to Wanda.

Maybe you will think that a broken milk tea shop has no reason to be bound to Wanda.

But don’t ignore Jay Chou’s popularity.

The taste is good and the price is not expensive, but you can only drink it in Wanda.

This actually gives consumers an additional incentive to shop at Wanda.

Wanda doesn't value a milk tea shop. But in terms of shopping malls and supermarkets, driving even a small 0.1% of the passenger flow is a huge step forward for Wanda.

They don't take no for an answer and are very welcoming.

In fact, this is the best thing about the brothers being together.

We all work together, but the starting point for everything is not money.

The three of them are not jealous of Jay Chou's milk tea shop, which may have a brand value of hundreds of millions this year.

The three of them were not jealous of Xu Xin's movie sales.

The old wolf's family relied on their craftsmanship to make a living, so the three of them couldn't be more jealous.

Only Wang Sicong.

He is so rich that the three of them want to gouge their own eyes out, not to mention being jealous.

But no matter what, it is a good thing for the four of them that the careers of their friends around them are taking off.

Especially Wang Sicong.

To be honest, the money from "The Voice" is nothing to him.

But along with the money comes influence.

What he fears is that no matter what he does, others will think that he succeeded because of his father's influence.

Wanda's fields span all walks of life, but it has basically made no splash in music.

However, he has succeeded in music and variety shows.

In his 20s, his net income was hundreds of millions.

What we are doing is still a blank area of ​​Wanda’s business.

This allows him to hold his head high and walk straight and straight wherever he goes.

And this is why they are becoming more and more united.

To be somewhat realistic, both Lao Lang and Luan Wan want to turn their families into a "rich family" through the accumulation of their own generation.

Wang Sicong himself is from a wealthy family, so he pursues recognition in the same circle.

In fact, even Lao Wang is now immersed in the beauty of "tiger father has no dog son". During the Chinese New Year, he discussed with him that if his son is really interested in entertainment, let him first work in the theater industry. Vice President.

If it's possible then, I'll just do all the entertainment at home for him.

Unfortunately, Wang Sicong did not agree.

It's not that I didn't agree... I just didn't have enough fun.

Waiting for two years.

As for this "play", Lao Wang doesn't feel that his son has lost his ambition by playing with things.

Okay, you can play if you want.

Toss as much as you like.

And the last Xu Xin...

On the surface he seems to be the most Buddhist.

Whether it's a good sound or a movie, it gives people the feeling of "just doing it casually" and it's done.

The whole thing has no ambition.

But in fact, besides family members, the only ones in the world who know what Xu Xin wants to do are these three people.

In their eyes, what Lao Xu pursues are actually things that his current family of origin cannot give him.

In Lao Xu's pursuit, money can only be said to be the icing on the cake.

Even, at certain moments, it will become the greatest confidence to prevent being seduced and led astray by the abyss.

He should be the one who is tired the most after leaving among the brothers.

Under the surface of doing nothing, in fact, every step is carefully managed.

Sometimes all three of them feel sorry for him...

But there are some things. If you want to go there, join, or even play... the threshold is too high.

At the very least, these three people don't think they are qualified.

But looking at Lao Xu, he was enjoying it.

What should I say...

His start was actually the hell difficulty.

Compared with him, the three of them pale into insignificance.

And if Lao Xu can succeed...


Even if it weren't for the three of us, we would be able to ascend to heaven?

Before he attained enlightenment, whatever Lao Xu needed, the brothers would just help him.

A milk tea stall is nothing more than two workers and some raw materials.

How much is it worth?

If A Xin wants it, then give it.

"The scenes in the countryside... should be appropriately deleted. Just keep some exciting parts..."

Facing the curtain, Xu Xin thought for a while and said to Zhu Huailiang.

Zhu Huailiang has roughly cut out two versions of the film in more than half a month.

One version is more about rural life, and the other version is more about Yuan'an.

Let him make the choice.

After looking at it all afternoon, Xu Xin also figured out the choice after repeated consideration:

"Life in the countryside is essentially about watching the interaction between Lao San and Jingqiu. But if you look beyond the main line of the film, this interaction is actually a bit redundant... I thought very well at the time, through various small details and clips. , let everyone feel the ambiguous process of young men and women, and recall the beauty of the past. But now it seems a little redundant. Delete some, and stick to the main axis..."


The taciturn Zhu Huailiang responded and drank the last sip of coffee in the cup.

This is what Lao Zhu is good about.

I can really sit still.

A cup of coffee, a cup of scented tea, and one ice cream for each person bought by Su Meng in the afternoon.

Let alone going to the toilet, I didn't even lift my butt.

The strangest thing is that he is not fat, and he does not have occupational diseases such as hemorrhoids or cervical spondylosis.

It's quite outrageous.

"Then I'll make another version. When will Director Xu leave?"

"I think we can stay for two days."

"Then I'll try my best."


Xu Xin nodded:

"Lao Zhu is busy, I'm going to find Mr. Tian."


Just now, he received a text message from Tian Shuanghe himself, asking him to finish his work and go to the office.

After coming out of the editor, he quickly came to Tian Shuanghe's office.

After knocking on the door, a voice came from inside:

"Come in."

When he opened the door, he saw Tian Shuanghe sitting at his desk and facing the computer.

When he saw Xu Xin coming in, he didn't get up. Instead, he waved to Xu Xin:


Xu Xin nodded.

Enter the house and close the door.

Curious, he came to the desk:

"Mr. Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Tian Shuanghe didn't say anything, but just tapped the blank space.

Then, a particularly familiar voice sounded from the speaker:

"So you see, that's it. Since a director has become famous because of his works, he shouldn't tear off his mysterious veil easily..."


Xu Xin was stunned and suddenly speechless.

"Mr. Tian, ​​this is..."

"This is a very good statement."

Tian Shuanghe felt a little emotional, threw his good cat to Xu Xin and told him to take it for himself, and then pointed at the computer screen:

"This interview is very valuable. I also learned about this film exhibition. There are many newcomers, right? Your interviews are all about suggestions for newcomers, which is very good."

Xu Xin smiled a little sheepishly:

"What you said made me blush."


Tian Shuanghe laughed, stood up, and pointed to the tea table.

This is the old rule when Xu Xin comes to visit.

Chat while drinking tea.

But this time, he didn't say what kind of tea he gave Xu Xin.

He took out a tea jar from the pile under the coffee table and started playing with it.

Soon, a cup of tea was served.

Xu Xin smelled it...

Rules of the arena:

"Well, good tea. This... tea is sweet, refreshing and rich..."

"How do you use Qingxin and Richness together? Come on, explain to me."



Seeing Xu Xin's speechless look, Tian Shuanghe sighed helplessly:

"You are a great director after all, so why can't you improve your horizons? At least you have to understand, right? The tea given to you is a good thing, but every time I see you drinking it, I feel like you are wasting it."

"I like to drink it, but I'm just too lazy to study it. Look, if I don't study it, it won't stop you from giving me good tea, right?"

"...Are you still reasonable?"

Tian Shuanghe was speechless for a while.

But he didn’t hesitate and just asked:

"How is the child? Are you getting used to it in Guangdong?"

"It's good. Except for the prickly heat at the beginning, I got used to it after getting used to it. Children are very adaptable, and different environments can also help strengthen their physical fitness."

"Well...then you have to go and stay with the child. It's very hard for a woman to raise a child alone."

"Hey, this will accurately convey the leadership's care to Comrade Yang Mi when she returns home."


Tian Shuanghe laughed heartily again.

Then he said:

"The inauguration ceremony of the talent center has been postponed to July 3rd. The date has been set. You all will come back in those days."


"After it is established, Yang Ying, as one of our promoted people, will star in some movies in Xiangjiang. The role does not mean the absolute heroine...it also depends on the market. But the ones she can cooperate with are those who are famous in Xiangjiang. An actor. Do you have any objection to this?"


Xu Xin quickly shook his head.

In fact, he didn't care much about Yang Ying's affairs.

Because for Yang Mi, she is just a character who digests sewer resources.

Of course, Yang Mi thinks it's a sewer, but for other actors, it's something they can only meet but cannot seek.

So it's not bad.

Speaking of her, Xu Xin also added:

"During the World Expo, I met people from Tianyu several times."

"Hunan Taiwan?"

"Yes. In terms of TV dramas, they really want to cooperate with Yang Mi, but that girl has no intention of acting in TV dramas in the past two years. But such kindness is hard to refuse. In the past two years, Yang Ying, Baozi, Zhang Jiao and others have all planned to go there. Push as you go.”

The factory actually doesn't care much about the TV drama business.

That's a TV station thing.

The currently promoted "Legend of the Wind" is just a peripheral product of "The Legend of the Wind".

But Tian Shuanghe understood what Xu Xin meant and said directly:

"After Shaanxi TV has money, it also wants to take action. When the time comes, you and Mimi will spend more time to deal with it. It is best to satisfy both parties. This is Xi'an after all. They are not just a TV station. You and Mimi Honey, especially you, for some things in the future, you still need to be deeply rooted in the local soil and walk steadily. Hunan is a good choice at this stage, but in the future, when you are really successful, you will be able to exert greater value here. .”

"I definitely understand this, and I think so too. The icing on the cake is definitely not as real as providing help in times of need... But in the end, it is still money. Regardless of professional ethics, many people actually become actors just for the money."

Tian Shuanghe nodded slightly, obviously feeling that Xu Xin was right.

There are some things that don’t actually require talking about friendship.

Once a movie is released and your salary is in place, it won't be a big deal.

He certainly doesn't want the cooperation between Shaanxi and Taiwan to be based on favors rather than benefits.

At least not at some stages.

"Well, what about yourself? Is this the case this year?"

"That's not true, maybe in August. We are planning to prepare a small-budget movie one after another... There is an online romance novel on the other side of the headwind called "Thirty-three Days of Lost Love", which is planned to be filmed. I'm talking about Shanghai Film Studio also I want to use this as a bridge to establish a closer cooperation with me..."

Tian Shuanghe must know about Shanghai Film Studio.

I knew it before "The Grandmaster".

Xu Xin never hid it.

In fact, it is unrealistic and goes against the laws of the market for any company to try to completely control a big director.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

For example, the old man...

But haven’t you seen that the old man has become dissatisfied in the past two years?

So, he asked:

"Small cost? How much investment?"

"I estimate... five million to seven million is enough. It may not even be needed~"

As soon as he heard the numbers, Tian Shuanghe didn't even bother to ask about the box office estimate.

Just nodded slightly:

"Then the factory won't be involved, so just...just take it as a meeting gift and send it to Shanghai Film Studio."


Xu Xin shook his head:

"If it's going to be filmed, it must be a co-production between West Film Studio and Shanghai Film Studio. It should give a signal to the outside world."

Tian Shuanghe couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"With an investment of several million, you are the company participating in the investment. Two companies are enough. Plus we...people who don't know think we are so poor."

"Haha, does it mean we are rich?"


Both of them were happy.

But Tian Shuanghe actually understood what Xu Xin meant.

Going out to make movies as an independent director is essentially different from going out to make movies as the director of Xiying Film Studio - Xu Xin.

His original intention was to tell Xu Xin that you don't have to get a share of everything in the factory.

Because he knew that Xu Xin was not short of money at all.

If it's tens of millions, then there's no problem with the two parties cooperating and sharing the risks.

A small production worth millions...to put it bluntly.

Is the name of a director with a box office of 500 million not worth these millions?

Fan consumption alone is enough to repay the investment.

But Xu Xin’s meaning is also very simple.

I am a director in a factory. Although I don’t have much money, the rules are the rules.

We are all one. Since I do it, I must take it with me to the factory.

Don’t forget the well digger when you are drinking water.

Seeing this, Tian Shuanghe was no longer entangled.

But suddenly he said with some emotion:

"I came to you this time to talk about this matter. Do you have any promising young directors or other candidates? Send out an invitation this time and invite them over."

"...Are you going to...?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Tian Shuanghe shook his head slightly and filled another cup of tea for him.

Hand over another cigarette.

"There is no shortage of money in the factory. But where does this money come from? The revenue contributed by the two seasons of "The Voice" is higher than the box office share of "The Wind". Plus "The Wind", and us The copyrights of those old movies... It can be said that the current abundance of money in the factory is all obtained from you."

"Don't say that...if you say this, how will I see people in the factory in the future?"

"It's just the two of us, what are you afraid of?"

Tian Shuanghe waved his hands and leaned on the sofa with some emotion:

"Xiao Xu, you are just a sheep. You will be bald sooner or later, right? What are you doing? What kind of vampire is our factory? If we catch you alone and suck you to death? And this time, after the news that the talent center is to be established spreads out, , the actors came the most. All kinds of people, relevant and irrelevant, came. On the 3rd, you can see many familiar faces. But only in terms of directors... we are very weak. "

Xu Xin understood what Tian Shuanghe meant.

This is actually absolutely true.

Leave aside yourself, and leave aside people like the old man and Chen Kaige.

At this stage, who are the directors in the factory?

There are only two of them that are relatively famous.

One is Gu Changwei and the other is Wang Quanan.

Two remnants of the old era.

Their reputation is given by the factory. But money and status are actually not given by the factory, but raised by people outside the factory.

But they also did very well.

If the factory wants to film, then I will film with the aim of winning awards.

This is the purpose of Xiying Film Studio.

I got the prize.

Not to mention anything else, just this year, Wang Quanan's "Reunion" won the Berlin Silver Bear Screenwriting Award.

As long as the factory's requirements are met.

But other than fame, people from outside came at me waving banknotes.

But now apart from the three of them, the directors of Xiying Studio... really can't find anything.

No matter how famous an actor is, you must also have a good director.

You know, for the actor troupe, the remuneration they receive is not shared with the factory.

Unless it's a role found by the factory.

No matter how strong the cast is, without the core captain, sooner or later the ship will continue to sink or lose its way.

But you can’t turn to Xu Xin for everything, right?

Let’s not talk about whether people have their own families and lives. There are some things Xu Xin can set an example for. Make one hit and the other...

But this "fire" is useless if only one person is angry.

You must at least have a supporting set of old and new supporting industries, allowing Xu Xin to pass this fire to others.

Just like "The Hawthorn Tree".

If it weren't for the old man, the art director, to be the producer, Xu Xin's film might still be famous, but it would never be as famous as it is.

It was the two people who came together, Xu Xin as director and Zhang Yimou as producer, that made the film "The Hawthorn Tree" popular all over the country even before it was released.

The role of this kind of publicity is not only for movie fans, but also for practitioners.

Xu Xin sullenly rushed forward. If no one else in the factory could see the splash, it would be a waste of effort.

Nothing but money.

This is a situation Tian Shuanghe doesn't want to see.

This Shenge has regained its vitality. Xu Xin has rekindled the old engine, glowing with the vitality and brilliance of youth.

Now, his task as the leader is still to lead the team forward.

But if the captain still has to worry about finding suitable sailors, then the ship will be really useless.


"The director's circle is too solidified..."

Tian Shuanghe sighed:

"In recent years, almost all outstanding directors have integrated into the Beijing circle. Who is used to the prosperous life in the capital, who would take a look at this bitter and cold place in the northwest? Over there, everyone is the master, and they can do anything wherever they go. They are followed by slaves who are cheering and cheering. We make a lot of money from movies, and we don’t know how much money we make outside movies... If we don’t get awards, they are living a good life. So... we have no attraction to them. ,understand?"


Xu Xin also sighed.

"But young directors... need trial and error and training..."

Tian Shuanghe was happy.

But his tone was full of persistence and seriousness:

"Forefathers planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade. I didn't intend to just put the money in the factory account to earn interest! Do you still remember the dream I told you when we first met?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin turned to look at the few golden seats behind the desk.

"I expect you to cover it all by yourself... You think it's impossible for your father to even change a wall of display cabinets for you. Then do you think you can do it by yourself if you want to cover this display cabinet?"

Speaking from my heart.

The cabinets behind Tian Shuanghe are quite small.

Because there are not only trophies inside, but also some information documents.

In terms of size, the display cabinet is about the same size as a bookshelf.

It's far different from the old man's "I'll build a wall for you" spirit.

But he understood what the other party meant.

Mr. Tian said that the display cabinet he wanted to fill was not this small bookshelf.

What he wants to fulfill is to allow Xiying Studio to continue its glory for another ten years...or even twenty, thirty, or fifty years!

This cannot be accomplished by one person.

The glory created by the fourth and fifth generation directors... is that only those who are behind can advance together and break the shackles to reach the vastness of the sea and the freedom of all species of frost and sky to allow birds to fly!

"Every director has a dream in his heart!"

Holding a cigarette, Tian Shuanghe's tone was full of determination.

"While they haven't been infected too deeply, we need to recruit more like-minded people. Understand? Xiao Xu!"

he asked.

Xu Xin nodded.

"Understood. It's just..."

"There is a long way to go..."

Tian Shuanghe let out a long sigh.

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