I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 501 499 people leave for tea

Chapter 501 499. Leave the tea to cool down

"I'm leaving, take care of the children."

Waving goodbye to his wife, and with the reluctant eyes of his son and daughter, Li Minian once again embarked on a business trip.

After watching his wife drive away, he stood outside and lit a cigarette instead of rushing into the airport.

As a long-time smoker, it’s quite uncomfortable to not be able to smoke for a few hours after passing the security check.

Although there is a smoking room inside the security check... but whoever goes into that room knows.

Rather than smoking, it’s better to inhale other people’s second-hand smoke.

The harm to the body is much more serious than a cigarette.

So normally he doesn't go to the smoking room very much.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Li Minian dialed Yang Mi's phone number.

But it wasn’t me who picked it up, but Sun Ting:

"Hello, Agent Li. I'm Sun Ting. Sister Mi is filming. Is there anything you need me to tell you?"

Upon hearing this, Li Minnian quickly said:

"Hello, Assistant Sun. It's like this. Just now, Mr. Cai suddenly sent someone to notify me and asked me to go to the Magic City alone without notifying Shishi. I don't know exactly what you want me to do... For this matter, you Just tell Mimi."

"Well, okay. I'll remember it. Thank you for your hard work, Manager Li."

"Hey, you're welcome."

After being polite, he hung up the phone.

Standing in the shade with a cigarette in his mouth, he looked at the passengers coming in and out of the airport and fell into deep thought.

In fact, he has always been a bit criticized.

That's because she felt that Yang Mi protected Shishi too well.

Yes, that's right, protection.

She is protecting Shishi in her own way.

Try your best to prevent Shishi from participating in these intrigues and intrigues.

Even... maybe Shishi didn't know that her good friend was trying to pry her away from Tang Dynasty to her.

But the problem is... Shishi will have to face these things sooner or later, right?

She doesn't like to fight or compete, so she is easily at a disadvantage in the entertainment industry.

Even if you can protect her for a while, can you protect her for a lifetime?

Especially on this matter.

How can it be so complicated?

Talk to Shishi directly. As long as Shishi wants to come, she can film a movie called "Gong Lock Heart Jade" and meet the terms of the contract. At most, she will pay a small amount of liquidated damages.

Is it so much trouble?

He was filled with confusion.

But there is also a feeling of... vague jealousy.

I'm obviously the agent...

Of course, that's all.

Others may not be able to see clearly, but Li Minnian actually analyzed it very clearly.

The entertainment industry has been quite quiet recently, but the short film "Special Deal" on the Internet has caused a wave of enthusiasm in the past few days.

The heat is not too high.

It's far different from the kind of breaking news.

But the entertainment industry has been quiet in the past month or two, so the news of "Liu Yifei's comeback" is particularly eye-catching.

Oh yes, and that interview with Xu Xin.

The Laoshizi Film Festival... Li Minnian didn't remember it, but he had to admit that the interview with Director Xu was quite powerful.

In the past, Li Minnian only felt that Director Xu was great in terms of influence.

But after watching the film and then watching the interview...he realized that this young man was much more powerful than he thought.

So many directors have not removed the "fairy spirit", but after Director Xu took over, she was basically a brand new Liu Yifei.

Before this short film, Li Minnian really couldn't imagine what Liu Yifei would look like with smoky makeup.

What does this mean?

It shows that Director Xu is really awesome.

He is definitely not the kind of person who hits his luck and becomes famous.

If Shishi could follow him and slip out of her fingers a little bit in the movie, wouldn't it be much better than in Tang Dynasty?

By the time Shishi becomes popular, just one advertisement can cost millions.

Then your income can be greatly increased.

A house in a good school district, a house for a son, a dowry for a daughter...

It seems that everything is within easy reach.

Thinking of this, he took a long drag on his cigarette. When he saw that the time was almost up, he picked up his suitcase and walked towards the airport.

Just bear with it a little longer.

Although I don’t know why I let myself get rid of the devil this time.

But he probably would have been beaten up by Mr. Cai.

Just complain, it's okay.

It's not like he was a fool.

For the money for my wife, children and house...

Everything is bearable.

Just pretend you can't hear it...

Check baggage, change boarding pass, board the plane, take off and land.

By the time he arrived in Magic City, it was already past five o'clock.

Generally speaking, companies have cooperative hotels that are specially used for staff to travel between places.

Li Minnian originally planned to take the light rail, but when he called to confirm the room, he heard someone from the company saying that Mr. Cai was still waiting for him at the company, so he had to queue for a taxi.

But the problem is that the company's reimbursement only reimburses the money for public transportation.

He had to pay for the one hundred yuan or so for a taxi.

Although it's not a physical pain, that's just how people are.

Once you have a better goal, you will instinctively find fault with all the injustices in the existing environment.

Yang Mi is such a big boss...and so considerate.

If something like this happens... Although I dare not say that I will send a car to pick him up, I can at least reimburse him for the taxi fare, right?

But what about the company?

The taxi fare is more than 100 yuan, and the light rail fare is 5 yuan at most.

Then when I went to claim the reimbursement, I had to be scolded by the finance department, saying, "Rules are rules, why don't you go talk to Mr. Cai?"



Then the evening rush hour in Shanghai seems to be even more congested than in Yanjing.

Li Minnian felt quite miserable along the way.

But there is something worse.

When he finally arrived at the company, as soon as he opened the door of Cai Yinong's office, he saw several exquisite lunch boxes placed on the coffee table in the large office.

At first glance, you can tell that this is a takeaway meal from some big restaurant.

On the plane, Li Minnian, who had missed the plane meal because he was catching up on sleep, felt his stomach twitching.


He exhaled and walked to the desk respectfully:

"Mr. Cai."


Cai Yinong nodded and asked:

"What is Shishi doing recently?"

Li Min thought about what he said, couldn't you just make a phone call and find out?

But his face remained calm:

"Ever since I finished filming "The Stranger", I've been staying at home to recharge my batteries."

After saying this, he added something suggestive:

"I'm waiting for the company to arrange new tasks."

Liu Zhishi was previously hidden. The reason why he was able to continue filming "The Strange Man" was because Tang Yan turned down the film due to health reasons.

As a last resort, Cai Yinong asked her to join the group quickly.

But the snow-hiding order that was notified to the whole company was not returned.

This led to the fact that after Liu Zhishi finished filming "The Strange Man", no one in the company knew what Mr. Cai was thinking because of the order that had not been cancelled.

Even some very common supporting publicity activities have been postponed.

Not to mention some acupuncture work.

In the subsequent issues of the "Zhu Xian" game press conference, Liu Zhishi's name was not included.

It's not that I won't make arrangements, but I don't know how to do it to meet Mr. Cai's wishes.

So everyone simply remained silent.

Anyway, Liu Zhishi also acted in "The Stranger"... No matter what happens, she will definitely come out to promote "The Stranger", right?

Let’s see what Mr. Cai says then.

But it was this information gap that left Liu Zhishi without a job, and Li Minian with only a basic income.

Because the paycheck for "The Stranger" hasn't arrived yet.

This kind of internal resource digestion within the company itself is not very high, and the artist's pay is not high. In addition, the speed of distribution has to wait until the film is sold and the funds are recovered.

Li Minnian has been living on his old salary these past few months.

But Cai Yinong didn't hear it...

Or she didn't know at all.

Because from her perspective, what she valued about Xuezang was Liu Zhishi's attitude.

There's something wrong with this guy's attitude.

I am your boss, and you do whatever I ask you to do. Why do you dare to disobey me as an employee?

If you don't take back this order, it will put a sword over your head to keep you awake and obedient.

Know fear.

This is her perspective.

As for some publicity activities outside the perspective, other departments are responsible for them, and she basically doesn't worry about these details now.

Otherwise, if the boss is micromanaging everything every day, then why would he need his subordinates?

Therefore, she didn't think about the meaning of Li Minian's words at all, or the process, but directly understood the result.

As an agent, Li Minnian had no income and felt very sad.

Then... Cai Yinong's goal was achieved.

Feeling uncomfortable?

It’s okay to feel uncomfortable.

It’s not sad that you still don’t know what your agent does.

So, she said directly:

"With her attitude, how can the company assign her new tasks?"

"This...Mr. Cai, Shishi also knows that it's her fault. You see, even Director Li said that she is the hardest working person on the crew. She works hard from dawn to dusk for the role of Sanniang. No matter how hard or tiring she is, she never fails. There was never a word of grievance. This kind of professional attitude is one of the best among the entire crew..."

"What I want is her dedication!"

"Da da da da da da!"

It seemed that certain words touched Cai Yinong's dissatisfaction, and the ballpoint pen in her hand suddenly started tapping on the table.

The spring-loaded cap of the pen made a rapid sound in response to her tapping on the table.

Cai Yinong looked at Li Minian with a serious face:

"Dedicated? Working from early to late? Grieved? What I want is for her to be obedient! Do you know how many people would fight for the heroine of our company if it were released outside?! Why can she get it directly!? After getting the heroine, she Isn’t it appropriate to be more dedicated and work harder at night!?”


Li Minnian was speechless, lowered his eyebrows and nodded.

Listen respectfully.

But he sneered in his heart.


Don't be ridiculous.

How do you speak? If you open your mouth to outsiders, what will the actors in the company think?

What does it mean to get poetry?

If Mimi hadn't said hello to Tang Yan, this role would have belonged to Tang Yan.

Seeing that Li Minnian remained silent, Cai Yinong stopped talking and went straight to the point:

"The purpose of coming to you this time is very simple. I will give Shishi a chance in the drama "Gong Lock Heart Jade". She will come over tomorrow. I don't care what you say, this is the last chance I give her. If she still doesn’t agree..."

She did not continue speaking, but changed her tone:

"Lao Li, how old are Xiaojun and Xiaoqing this year?"

Li Minnian was stunned.

He replied subconsciously:

"Xiaojun is seven years old and Xiaoqing is five years old."

"Xiaoqing will go to elementary school next year, right?"


"Then you, as a father, don't have to worry about finding a good school for your children? Housing in the school district in Yanjing has been very expensive in the past two years."


Li Minnian thought for a while and said:

"I'm trying my best."

"Then work hard and earn more money, which is better than anything else."

Cai Yinong didn't say too much.

But she believed Li Minnian could understand.

He is also an old man who has been with the company for many years. If he can't even understand the subtext of these words, his life will be in vain for so many years.

Looking at Li Minnian's slightly struggling look, she stopped talking and looked at the time:

"Okay, Shishi will come over tomorrow, but I won't be back until tomorrow night. Come find me the day after tomorrow. Go back and have a rest early."

"Uh...Okay, Mr. Cai."

Li Minnian responded, turned and left.

When he left the door, the expression on his face turned calm.

There were no people working overtime at the moment, and there was no one in the corridor.

But there is monitoring.

Therefore, the expression on his face remained calm. After he entered the elevator and turned his back to the camera, his calm eyes turned into sarcasm silently.

What he was sarcastic about was not that Cai Yinong had already eaten and called his hungry subordinates over.

It’s not like I traveled a thousand and eight kilometers from Yanjing to get here and met Mr. Cai for less than five minutes.

He was just thinking...

When did the actor become such a "unbearable" person?

People say that law is the lower limit of morality.

He quite agrees with this statement.

But where is the upper limit of morality?

He wasn't very clear either.


After all, people always have to maintain a certain degree of awe when dealing with their own profession, right?

Even if someone deliberately does plastic surgery to look like your first love.

But that wasn’t first love after all.

Why does no one understand such a simple truth?

All the way out of the company, he carried the box and subconsciously walked to the cooperative hotel not far from the company.

But when he arrived at the front desk and reported his name, he got a "Sorry" from the front desk lady.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, I don't have your reservation information."


Li Minnian was stunned.



"Uh... take a look, it should be in the afternoon. I am Tang Ren's manager, and the company should have reserved a room for me here. There will also be an artist's room tomorrow, Liu Zhishi's."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

As a cooperative hotel of Tang Dynasty, it is not unusual for agents or artists to temporarily live here.

The front desk is also used to it.

Everyone signed a few autographs and took photos.

But after some operations on the computer, the front desk still shook his head:

"Sorry, in the past two days, your company's reservation information only contains the two rooms from yesterday. The reservation information is Ms. Guo Xiaoting. The guest has checked in, and so far, we have not received any notification of reserved rooms."


Li Minnian clenched the handle of the suitcase unconsciously.

The front desk said:

"How about I contact our manager now and let him communicate with you, do you think that's okay? The main reason is that we need the procedures from your company, otherwise we cannot settle the room charges normally."


A smile suddenly appeared on Li Minnian's face:

"Even if your manager comes, he still has to call our company. Everyone is off work now... I'm sorry to bother you. Goodbye."

"Eh? Mr. Li... How about I give you the company discount first and issue you a paper invoice, and you can go through the reimbursement process yourself..."

"No, thank you for your hard work."

Li Minnian waved her hand again, pushed the suitcase and left.

All the way out of the hotel lobby, pushing the box down the concierge desk, he stopped.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

Standing there, he thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and found the number of the person in charge of the commuting department within the company.


"Dudu... hello? Manager Li, hello."

"Hello, Captain Zhang."

Li Minnian asked with a relaxed tone and a smile:

"I would like to ask, at which gate will the car pick up Shishi?"

"Ah? Who to pick up?"

Captain Zhang, who is responsible for allocating drivers, was a little confused.

"Shishi? Shishi is coming over? When will it be tomorrow?"

"Yes, Shishi is coming. Didn't Team Zhang receive the notice?"


"Oh, maybe the tickets haven't been issued yet... It's okay, I just asked, and we'll talk about it tomorrow. You go ahead and do your work, Captain Zhang, I'm hanging up."

"Hey, okay, then I will contact you, Manager Li, when I receive the notice tomorrow."

The phone hung up again.

Li Minnian suddenly became happy:

"Ha ha……"

He was having fun there alone late at night, which was actually quite charming.

But he was happy for a while.

Finally, after throwing the burned cigarette aside, he pushed the suitcase and walked out of the hotel.

When he came to the road, he looked to the left where he came from.

A yellow sign came into view:

"Car Rental in China"

So, he carried the box and walked directly over.

He opened the door and got straight to the point:

"Boss, rent a car."

"What car?"


Originally, the words "business car" were about to pop out of my mouth.

But Li Minnian suddenly changed his mind...

Why rent a business car?

Why rent a business car?

Doesn’t that help the company improve its appearance?

Shishi's mind is not very delicate. What if she doesn't notice it?

As a result, the business car that came to my lips became:

"Business car."

The boss was also speechless:

"Nonggang has cut the wood at a special price, and he has returned Sangwute as his side... One wave lasts for nineteen days, and the deposit is three thousand..."

"What brand of car is it?"

"BYD F3."


Soon, the formalities were completed and the boss drove the car to the entrance of the store.

After Li Minnian checked the entire car, he put the suitcase in, and then discovered that it was a manual transmission.


He was speechless, stepped on the clutch unfamiliarly, shifted into first gear, and started slowly.

The car moved forward slowly.

We didn't drive very far and stopped at the hotel where Liu Zhishi stayed last time.

After booking a regular double bed room, he carried his luggage to the room, thought for a while, and dialed Liu Zhishi's number.

"Hey, Brother Li."

Liu Zhishi's voice was very calm.

"Hey, Shishi, did the company tell you that it wants you to come to Shanghai tomorrow?"

"I told you, Brother Li, let's meet at the airport tomorrow?"

"I've arrived early."

Li Minnian said directly without any concealment.


Liu Zhishi frowned:

"You arrived early?"

"Yes, Mr. Cai asked me to come in the afternoon... because of your business."

"My...what's the matter?"

Liu Zhishi seemed to be asking questions knowingly.

But Li Minnian didn't say much, just smiled and said:

"What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"At 7:20, if we get there, it will probably be 10:11."

"Okay, I'll pick you up then. Mr. Cai has something to do tomorrow, and I've made an appointment to see her the day after tomorrow."

"...Okay, see you tomorrow then."

Seeing that Li Minian didn't say anything, Liu Zhishi didn't force him.

After hanging up the phone, Li Minnian was just about to go downstairs to have a meal when Yang Mi called:

"Hey, Brother Li, I've just finished my work..."

Li Minian and Yang Mi didn't say much.

He just repeated what Cai Yinong and himself said.

After Yang Mi heard this, she only had one answer:

"You don't have to worry about anything. Just follow Cai Yinong's instructions and communicate with Shishi. I will handle the other matters."

Li Minnian didn't ask much about how to operate it.

Then he explained his experience of renting a car in a confused manner.

Then, Yang Mi was happy:

"Haha, isn't that great?"




After all, people have to leave first so the tea can get cold.

It's really good.

"Hey, Agent Li, I asked Secretary Lin, oops... I'm sorry, I was a little negligent yesterday. I really didn't see Shishi's flight information. So, where are you now? I'll send someone to pick you up and take you to the airport. .”

At around 9 o'clock in the morning, Li Minnian received a call from Team Zhang again.

Sitting in BYD, Li Minian was sweating because the air conditioner was not working well and said with a smile:

"It's okay, it's okay, I've already come to pick you up."

"Ah?... Manager Li, are you already here?"

"Yes. I'm at the airport now, so I don't need to bother the company."


Team Zhang was also speechless.

But it was a relief.

It's okay, as long as there is a car to pick her up, otherwise if Shishi takes a taxi or waits at the airport for a long time, the company might cause trouble for her.

So his tone became much more polite:

"Then I'm sorry to bother Manager Li. Oh, this is indeed my negligence. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Haha, it's okay. I'll just pick up Shishi. Captain Zhang doesn't have to worry."

"Yeah, let's drink together some other time."

"Okay, okay..."

After hanging up the phone, Captain Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting at his desk, he cursed unconsciously.

Damn it, I was negligent in my work, but I was the one to blame.

Why don't you send out the artist's schedule notice early?

It was already past 9 o'clock when I was told to pick up Liu Zhishi.

That is, her agent is here.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be me who gets scolded?

You are really good at being a secretary.

Oh shit!

Team Zhang was yelling at the street.

Li Minnian smoked in the parking lot.

After smoking a cigarette, he got into the car.

To be honest, the parking lot in Shanghai is actually very large and empty.

Although there are cars in shady places, it is definitely not difficult to find as long as you look for the location.

But Li Minian parked the car under the scorching sun.

The car's air conditioner didn't originally provide cooling, so it seemed even hotter under the scorching sun.

After waiting in a cool place for a while, he finally received a call from Liu Zhishi:

"Hey, Brother Li, I'm here. At Exit 3 of the airport."

"Hey, okay, I'll be there right away."

Li Minnian quickly got in the car and walked toward the airport exit.

It was very hot in the car, and his back was soaked as soon as he got in the car.

Holding the "extremely warm" steering wheel, the BYD F3's simple interior coupled with the sound of the air conditioner working hard to blow the air made him sigh unconsciously.

Do you suffer?


I don’t know when domestically produced cars will catch up with imported cars.

Apart from anything else, the air conditioner should be improved first.

If this continues, the BYD brand may not even be as good as Alto.

With this thought in mind, he saw Liu Zhishi walking out pushing a suitcase and wearing sunglasses.

He didn't honk.

She was also afraid of attracting too much attention and having her photographed in a BYD car.

Stop the car, double flash, and get out of the car.

He quickly walked towards Liu Zhishi:

"Hey, let's go."

Liu Zhishi turned around, and when he saw it was Brother Li, he nodded and followed Brother Li habitually.

Behind BYD is a Buick GL8.

He also opened the car door and seemed to be picking up someone.

Liu Zhishi habitually thought this was a company car.

At this moment, the Buick driver also got out of the car and shouted in her direction:

"Sister, here!"

The driver is very young.

Hearing this title, Liu Zhishi was still wondering why this new driver was so reckless.

Why are you shouting so loudly in public?

But just as I was thinking about it, a woman's voice came from behind:

"Hey, here we come."


Liu Zhishi paused in his steps.

Is that a mistake?

Before she could react, a fat woman behind her, who was estimated to be only 1.6 meters tall and weighed 145, walked past her holding a suitcase.

Although Liu Zhishi looks very low-key now wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap.

But the aesthetics of a public figure and the temperament of a ballerina are there.

Wherever she is, she stands out from the crowd.

It’s not just the opposite sex that’s paying attention.

So will people of the same sex.

She saw the fat lady turning to look at herself after passing by her.

At this juncture, Li Minnian also came to F3 and opened the trunk.

The fat woman took a look...

Although this dress is low-key, the elegant beauty who turns heads is actually picked up by a BYD that represents domestic low-end cars...

Suddenly, the feeling of superiority became stronger.

Finishing with an expression that... although not quite disdainful, showed a sense of superiority, he handed the suitcase to the young man and got into the car on his own.

When that foot hit the car, the car's shock absorbers deflected.


Then the car door closed with a bang.

Li Minnian also packed Liu Zhishi's suitcase.


Liu Zhishi was also speechless.

On the one hand, he was shown off his superiority for no reason.

On one side is this... really low-end car in front of me.

My mind was a little empty for a while.

Don't understand what is going on.

Why would the company send a car like this to pick him up?

At this time, Li Minian said:

"Shishi, get in the car."


Liu Zhishi responded, glanced at the back seat... and finally chose to sit in the passenger seat.

And as soon as you get in the car...


A burst of hot air hit my face.

It’s okay if it’s hot in the car.

The most important thing is that the engine positions of BYD's F3 and Volkswagen Poussin are similar.

The passenger side near the drive shaft... is also very hot.

She felt a heat as soon as she stepped off her feet...

Suddenly, sweat appeared on her forehead.


What kind of car is this?

Her eyes were filled with absurdity.

And it’s a manual transmission! ?

Then, amid this absurdity, Li Minnian got into the car and shifted into first gear skillfully.

But the clutch is released too quickly...

"Buzz...boom! Boom!"

After the car surged forward a little distance, it suddenly stalled.


Liu Zhishi was even more speechless.

At this time...


The commercial vehicle behind made an urging beep.

Li Minnian quickly restarted the engine and started slowly. Under the urging of the car behind him and Liu Zhishi's slightly embarrassed speechlessness, he drove out slowly.

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