I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 502 500 Everything is not appropriate

Chapter 502 500. Everything is not appropriate

The drive from the airport is not that bad.

Liu Zhishi has been doing her hair.

It was hot in the car, and she was looking for trouble by wearing a baseball cap.

When I took off my hat, my hair was all tangled.

At the first intersection, when starting again, Li Minnian's car inevitably stalled again.


At this time, Liu Zhishi was truly speechless.

His eyes had moved from there to the largest air conditioner fader and fell on Li Minnian's face.

Li Minnian was also a little embarrassed.

Not that he did it on purpose.

It's just... maybe it's because the weather is hot and the air conditioner is turned on. After the car idles at a high speed, it's really difficult to control it.

"This... I haven't driven a manual transmission for a long time, so I'm a little unfamiliar."

Hearing this, Liu Zhishi's eyes fell on the small advertisement on the passenger seat.

That was an advertisement for China Car Rental.

Regardless of other slogans, she keenly noticed the address and phone number left below.

No. 4299, Jindu Road, MH District...

Isn't this the company's address?

Could it be that this car...


she asked.


Li Minnian did not respond.

And Liu Zhishi asked again:

"Didn't the company send a car?"

"Sent, why don't I come to pick you up, so I didn't let them come."

Is Li Minian telling the truth?


The Tang Dynasty did not give Team Zhang an itinerary yesterday and only gave it to him this morning.

Captain Zhang did call Li Minian and said he would come to pick him up.

Li Minian was indeed at the airport and could be taken back to Liu Zhishi without them picking her up.

Everything is true.

But the problem is... sometimes the truth is not necessarily the truth.

At least in Liu Zhishi's opinion, she didn't believe the truth.

This car is rented, so it doesn't run.

But why does Brother Li rent a car?

With this doubt, she asked the question just now.

But she didn't believe the answer she got.

If the company sent a car, why did Brother Li rent a car?

Who can explain this reason to me?

She seemed to understand something and unconsciously put her hand on the air outlet of the air conditioner.

It's really not cool...

Feeling the cool breeze, she suddenly said:

"I'm sorry, Brother Li, I caused you trouble."

"Where is it...what's wrong with it? Haha, don't think too much."

Li Minnian said with a smile.

His tone was full of sunshine.

And Liu Zhishi didn’t say much more.

She just recalled the phone call yesterday.

Uncle Zhao's phone call just started yesterday. Did the news come so soon today?

I haven't left yet...

Is the tea getting cold?

At least you have to find a replacement for me, right?

Thinking of this, she suddenly smiled:


He didn't even bother to ask why Li Minian came before him.

After letting out a chuckle, she leaned back on the warm seat and stared at the road ahead in a daze.

Along the way, both of them were quite silent.

After arriving near the company in silence, Li Minnian spoke:

"Shall we put our luggage first? Have a rest and let's have dinner together at noon."


Liu Zhishi responded.

But when the car turned into the hotel where she had opened an hourly room when she came back from the last "Pandaren" wrap-up party with a hangover, Liu Zhishi was confused again.

The hotel the company cooperates with is not like this.

She thought for a while and asked:

“This hotel has also become a partner hotel?”

"Um, no."

Li Minnian shook his head:

"Isn't this hotel relatively close? It's hot, so we won't go there."


Liu Zhishi was happy again.

At this time, she suddenly thought about something again.

Have I been keeping a low profile for too long? Let everyone think I am poor?

Or is this also a type of so-called "punishment"?

I've just finished filming "The Strange Man"...you're not so anxious to make up for my bad start, right?

While I was thinking about it, the car stopped.

After getting out of the car and pushing her luggage, Li Minnian handed her a room card:

"Here, hurry up and take a rest."

"Brother Li, why are you going?"

Seeing that Li Minnian had no intention of entering the elevator together, Liu Zhishi asked.

Li Minnian pointed outside:

"I'm going to find another car. The air conditioner in this car isn't cool at all."


Liu Zhishi thought for a while and said:

"Okay, then I'll go up there. Brother Li, call me after you change the car. Let's go buy a car."


Li Minnian was stunned.

"Buy a car?"

"Yes, buy a car."

Liu Zhishi nodded:

"Buy a car and put it here. It will be more convenient in the future."

"No, no, no."

Hearing this, Li Minnian shook his head subconsciously:

"Shishi, no, no, I have a company car... Today is a special situation."

But Liu Zhishi was very determined:

"It's okay, Brother Li."

"Hey, listen to me, buying a car is not troublesome enough for you. Let's not mention whether the car is already available. Where do you put it after you buy it? You can't park it on the side of the road, right? Besides, you don't come to Magic City often, so there's no need. "

If he said this normally, Liu Zhishi would definitely listen to the advice.


At this juncture...

Sorry, no.

"It's okay. Brother Li, you don't have to worry about these. You can quickly change to a car with better air conditioning. I'm going up~"

Liu Zhishi said, glanced at the number on the room card label, and walked directly into the hotel.

While waiting for the elevator, she thought about it and suddenly turned on her phone.

He hesitated for a second between Yang Mi and Xu Xin's phone numbers, guessing that Mi Mi should be filming at the moment.

She dialed Xu Xin's phone number directly.

"Dudu... hello?"

Xu Xin, who was in the editing room, saw the caller and answered the call directly.

"Shishi, what's wrong?"

"Xu Xin, are you busy right now?"

"Well, I'm not busy, what's wrong? Tell me."

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Just tell me."

"I want to buy a car for use in Shanghai, but I don't have a place to put the car here. Do you have an extra parking space in your house here?"

"Buy a car?"

Xu Xin really didn't react for a while.


"Well, it's not necessary, is it? You don't often go to the Magic City."

He speaks from experience.

The A6 I asked Li Hao to buy last time had just had its battery replaced two days ago.

A car that is driven only once a month loses a lot of power.

But Liu Zhishi gave the same answer as Li Minian:

“Always buy one and be prepared.”

"That's...ok. But I don't know how to operate the parking space. So, where are you now?"

"At the company."

"Okay, I'll make a call and have someone contact you. Mainly, I don't know exactly how many houses I have in Magic City... I'll tell them and ask them to contact you, and you can place them wherever they are closest. You don’t have a car now?”


"Well... OK, I understand. Leave this to me, and someone will contact you shortly."

"Yeah, okay, thank you."

"Hi, it's a small matter. Send me the address~"

Xu Xin hung up the phone directly.

Then he dialed Li Hao’s phone number:

"Hey, Brother Hao."

"Sanjin, what's wrong?"

"That's right, there is a friend here, Liu Zhishi. Do you remember Brother Hao?"

"Remember, big stars, haha~"

"Well, this is it..."

After explaining the matter, Xu Xin continued:

"This woman is in Shanghai now. She doesn't even have a car, and she doesn't know what her company is doing. Brother Hao, please contact your servant to pick her up."

"Oh, okay... but is it necessary to buy a car? Why don't we have someone be her driver? Then we can come to Shanghai to pick her up in the future, right?"

"...That's fine. Then you can watch and do it. I'm busy here, so don't worry about it."

"Oh, okay. Just leave it alone. Let's do it."

"Yeah. I'll send you my phone address..."

Li Hao also hung up the phone.

Rubbed his chin.

Liu Zhishi...that's a good friend of Sanjin and Mimi.

Ah, this woman is also very rough. She didn’t even think about buying a car until she ran out of money...

Thinking of this, he looked at the number sent by Xu Xin and forwarded it directly to someone.

Then I called this person:

"Eh? Long. Did you see the phone? This is Sanjin and Mimi's friend, the big star Liu Zhishi. Do you know him?"

"Oh, just knowing each other is fine. Well... you can find a driver who will drive you. He will be practical and considerate. I will send you the address when I get there."

"Those are good friends Sanjin and Mimidi."

"Yeah, let's do things nicely. I can go wherever I want...oh, good."

After explaining the matter clearly to Ma Zai, Li Hao sent a message to Xu Xin:

"It's done, let's go now."

Xu Xin replied with an "OK" message.

Then he turned to Liu Zhishi.

Soon, she received a call:


"Hello, sister, my name is Zhou Yu. Brother Sanjin asked me to contact you. Your address is..."

After hearing the address of the hotel, Liu Zhishi responded:

"Uh, yes."

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll be there in about 20 minutes."


Liu Zhishi was stunned:

"You want to come over?"

"Yes, Brother Sanjin asked me to come directly to pick you up."

"Uh, no... I asked Xu Xin to help me find a parking space..."

"Well, okay, then when I get there, wherever you want to go, I'll just take you there."


Liu Zhishi thought about it and realized that he and Li Minian were indeed not familiar with the Demon City, so he said:

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's no trouble, please wait a moment, sister."

Zhou Yu was still polite.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Zhishi sat in the cool room and began to pack her things.

Let’s talk about Li Minnian’s side.

He argued with the owner of the car rental agency for about ten minutes. Because of the loss of oil and water, the boss said that he could change the car and insisted on filling up the oil.

Li Minnian argued with him.

Your air conditioner doesn’t work, why should I fill it up?

This is a problem with your car.

The boss’s reasons are also very good.

It's not that the air conditioner doesn't work, it's too hot today, and that's what happens with small-displacement cars.

If you leave it in a cool place for up to 20 minutes, the temperature in the car will definitely drop.

There is an orange warning for high temperatures these days, don’t you know?

The two of them were arguing like this for about ten minutes, and Li Minnian was really impatient.

Forget it, get out of the car.

There is a problem with this service attitude.

As for fuel consumption, fifty yuan is enough?

Fifty dollars? No, it’s seventy.

You have driven almost a hundred kilometers.

Finally, I pulled back and forth and ended up with 60 yuan.

After completing the check-out procedures, he walked out of the rental car, and happened to see a Rolls-Royce shiny in the sun walking towards the hotel.

Li Minnian didn't care, and planned to go to Liu Zhishi first and tell her about Mr. Cai's visit this time.

As for buying a car...he really didn't think it was necessary.

Anyway, the company is just across the road, and the focus this time is not to buy a car, but to let Shishi understand the attitude of people in the company who take things easy.

Just understand.

He understands that going too far is not enough.

Then, he watched a young man in his early 30s with a crew cut get out of the Rolls-Royce.

I also muttered something in my heart...

This doesn't look like his own car, but looks like the driver.

After seeing the driver holding up a phone, I felt that I was right.

And just as he reached the concierge desk and was about to enter the hotel, he heard the driver say:

"Okay, okay, Sister Zhishi, I'm downstairs. You can see me when you come down."


Li Minnian paused in his steps.


Let’s not consider age first…

Just say this name...

Are there many people named Zhishi?

It should...not be much, right?

Could it be that besides Shishi, there happens to be another "Shishi" in this hotel?

He was speechless.

I wanted to ask...but I always felt that I was so presumptuous and others wouldn't tell me.


He glanced at the Rolls-Royce...

Then he looked at the buddy who must be a few years younger than him.

It’s not like leaving for a while, and it’s not like staying.

Then, his phone rang.

Liu Zhishi called.

"...Hello? Shishi."

Upon hearing his movements, Zhou Yu subconsciously looked over.

"Brother Li, are you back?"

"Uh... I'm back. At the entrance of the hotel~"

"Ah? That's just right. Just wait for me and I'll come down right away. Xu Xin asked a friend to come over and let's go choose a car."

"...Shishi, there's really no need..."

"No, this is necessary. Brother Li, please wait for me at the door."

Liu Zhishi hung up the phone.

Li Minnian and Zhou Yu looked at each other...

Zhou Yu took out a cigarette from his pocket.


"Hey, hello."

Li Minnian responded and asked;

"Director Xu's friend?"

"Huh?...Yes! You too?"


Li Minnian agreed while taking a look at the big car.

The heart says...

It’s really Director Xu’s style of doing things.


It’s really a great experience.

Zhou Yu is a very competent driver.

Putting aside the title "Sister Shishi", his car stood out and was stable.

And Liu Zhishi's goal is also very clear.

What business car?


She had ridden in that car before and it was very comfortable.

Although I heard others say that the premiums and markups are outrageous...

Not worth the money at all.

But she likes it.

And it’s only over 300 kilometers from here to Hengdian. It will be very convenient to run both ways in the future.

Seeing that she had already decided, Li Minnian said no more.

Rolls-Royce took the two of them to a car market on Zhongchun Road.

When you drive a big car to visit a Toyota store, you must have a good temperament.

However, as an agent's instinct, Li Minian reminded Liu Zhishi not to get out of the car yet, and he would ask first.

To prevent news like "Liu Zhishi driving his own luxury Rolls-Royce around Toyota" from spreading.

This kind of news about showing off wealth can easily attract people’s attention.

It's easy to be paced by others when it's spread out.

Liu Zhishi also understands.

Zhou Yu also thoughtfully parked the car farther away from the Toyota 4S store.

Then, Li Minnian left and returned within fifteen minutes.

Full of absurdity.

"Shishi...it's better not to consider this car."


Liu Zhishi asked in confusion.

Li Minnian pointed in the direction of Toyota:

"The price increase is 200,000, and you have to wait at least half a year to pick up the car..."


Not to mention Liu Zhishi, even Zhou Yu was speechless.

However, he was speechless, and Zhou Yu still said at the right time:

"Sister Shishi, Director Xu specifically told me that if you need a car when you come to Magic City in the future, just contact me directly. In fact, there is no need to buy a car..."

Li Min thought to herself, "That's right, we'll be a "family" soon."

But I didn't dare to show it.

And Liu Zhishi is not the kind of person who likes to trouble people.

But she really doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

So, I switched from Toyota to Mercedes-Benz, and from Mercedes-Benz to Buick.

In fact, there are only a few types of commercial vehicles that come and go.

Not to mention the price increase, the most important thing is to wait.

In the end, Liu Zhishi chose Mercedes-Benz.

Then... an oolong appeared.

Because she didn't look at it, but stayed in the car and used the mobile phone app to look at the pictures of the car.

As for Li Minnian, he only came to ask about the car and look at it.

Conveyed in the middle.

After confirming the Mercedes-Benz, when he went to pay the deposit on behalf of Liu Zhishi, he was asked whether he had obtained the "personal license plate number indicator".

Li Minnian was stunned.

Liu Zhishi was also confused.

Not to mention Zhou Yu.

Li Minnian and Liu Zhishi didn't know that there was a lottery to buy a car in Shanghai.

After all, Yanjing does not need to shake.

Although there have been more and more cars in the past two years, people are talking about purchasing restrictions in the future. But ordinary citizens are not sensitive to these things.

Zhou Yu never thought that Xu Xin's friend would even buy one... from a private person, which means he didn't have the license plate quotation of thirty to forty thousand yuan.

The three people walked around in circles without even getting a ticket.

It's the same as playing for nothing.

As for the ideas given by the shopping guide later, not to mention the second-hand car license plate, Liu Zhishi's mood obviously began to deteriorate.

Even in the face of Zhou Yu's solution of "call me anytime when you come to Shanghai".

Her mood didn't improve at all.

I just feel that this trip to the magic city is not smooth at all, and everything is extremely miserable.


After driving around all the way and spending an afternoon at the car market, Liu Zhishi felt quite disgraced when he returned to the hotel.

Sorry to bother Zhou Yu. After the other party left, Li Minnian followed Liu Zhishi back to the room and looked at her obviously angry look. After thinking about it, she persuaded:

"Shishi, it's okay...just go out shopping."


In my heart, it may be because of my own confusion, or it may be because of the sarcasm that people take away from tea.

In short, Liu Zhishi, who had already filled the explosive barrel and only needed a match to detonate it, responded.

Then he asked:

"Brother Li, why did you come here early this time? Why did Mr. Cai call me here?"

The question that I didn't want to ask in the morning but was difficult to ask in front of Zhou Yu in the afternoon was finally asked.

"Mr. Cai still wants you to act in the drama "Gong Lock Heart Jade"... He asked me to come here in advance so that I can give you a good advice today."

Speaking of this, Li Minian paused for a moment before continuing:

"Shishi, although I already know your attitude and I am firmly on your side. But I am an employee of the company after all. I will definitely convey the boss's request to you instead of rejecting it for you. And... Personally speaking, I hope you will consider this matter..."

Before he finished speaking, when he saw Liu Zhishi's widened eyes, he quickly shook his head:

"I'm not asking you to consider taking this drama... I know you won't take it. What I said about considering... is..."

He laughed a little bit at himself:

"What should we do after we are hidden by the company? After all, Mr. Cai... has given me an ultimatum. And I... am ready."


Liu Zhishi's fists clenched instantly.

Looking at Li Minnian's sad face.

Apart from clenching her fists, she never made any radical move.

But after figuring out why Li Minnian arrived here a day earlier than him, and even roughly guessing what he and Mr. Cai were talking about, there was only one emotion left in his heart.


The endless disappointment.

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