I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 504 502 Gentleman is like Orchid, the wisdom of attack

Chapter 504 502. A gentleman is like an orchid, the wisdom of attack

Seeing Liu Zhishi's indifferent expression, Cai Yinong felt annoyed for some reason.

Before, this had seemed like an advantage to her.

After all, Liu Yifei's "immortality" is really incomparable to ordinary people.

And Shishi's temperament is just right for her, and she is an extremely perfect being among the heirs.

An immortal and a Buddha.


Buddha is the Tao.

But now that she saw that her little idea had failed, she was really annoyed.

A thought like "Why are you so unsatisfactory" or "You are really moving" suddenly arises.

As a result, the original intention of paying equal attention to kindness and power was gone.

When Li Minnian poured tea, she said directly:

"Shishi, the company plans to film "Gong Lock Heart Jade" next. What do you think?"


Li Minnian's hand when pouring tea suddenly trembled.

So sudden?

Straight to the point?

After Liu Zhishi heard this, his reaction was simple.

She just asked:

"Does Mr. Cai plan to let me act?"

Upon hearing this, Cai Yinong did not answer directly, but also asked:

"Do you want to act?"

As she asked, she was still vaguely expecting to see Shishi's remorseful expression.


"In no mood."

After hearing this answer, Cai Yinong's thinking paused again.

What followed was an instant freezing atmosphere in the office.



Cai Yinong looked at Li Minian unconsciously.

But the original reason for sending away Li Minnian has now become the other party's most natural carrier of protection.

Holding two glasses of water, Li Minnian turned his back to Cai Yinong and walked to the sofa.

He handed one cup to Liu Zhishi and placed another cup in front of him.

Then, facing Cai Yinong's gaze, he said:

"Mr. Cai, when I got back "Palace Lock Heart Jade" last time... didn't I take a copy of the script, and I also showed it to Shishi... There is something wrong with this script."

In fact, he didn't discuss this excuse with Liu Zhishi.

But he firmly believed that Liu Zhishi understood what he meant.

Since I said I would protect you, I will definitely protect you.

Through these words, he successfully transferred the firepower to himself:

"Mr. Cai, this story... is simply copied from "Bu Bu Jing Xin"..."

The reason he didn’t mention the night before was brought up by Li Minian today:

"Shishi has read all the scripts, and so have I. If this story... is really filmed, and if the author of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" comes to sue, it will do too much damage to Shi Shi's image! After all, "Bu Bu Jing Xin" "Heart" still has a group of loyal fans in the online literary world..."

"You mean I can't even tell if this script is plagiarized?"

Although I don’t know why Li Minian changed his mind midway, it was beyond his control.

But at this time, Cai Yinong's anger indeed found a channel to vent.

"Lao Li, you can do it."

Her sneer began to spread:

"I didn't realize it before, but your literary literacy is quite high. You can actually act as a substitute for a lawyer to determine whether a script is plagiarized?"


In Li Minnian's silence, her sneer turned into sarcasm:

"You mean you are the only one in the company who is sober, right? We are all fools, so we didn't realize it?"

"So is it plagiarism?"

Suddenly, Liu Zhishi spoke.

Li Minnian's mouth twitched...

My girl, what are you doing?

Just let Mr. Cai get angry at me.

You...why are you so uncomfortable?

But Liu Zhishi's eyes were full of seriousness.

In fact, her level of myopia made it difficult for her to see the expression on Cai Yinong's face clearly even at such a close distance.

But friends with short-sighted eyes all know it.

Sometimes, to see people... you don't have to see them clearly.

In that blurry picture, there is a mysterious and mysterious feeling similar to self-awareness, allowing you to clearly distinguish what emotions the other person's vague facial features are conveying.

At this moment, Liu Zhishi did not see the sneer on Mr. Cai's face.

She was just waiting for an answer.

Looking forward to the answer given by the other party.

As for Cai Yinong, after hearing this question, her anger began to shift.

Almost without thinking, she looked at Liu Zhishi and blurted out:

"You mean plagiarism when you say it's plagiarism? Why is it plagiarism? Are you a judge? Or who is it? Did the author himself speak? Has anyone sued him?"

Some questions came out of his mouth and turned into sharp arrowheads, swishing and swishing into Liu Zhishi's heart.

The originally shaky shield finally reached its limit under these sharp arrows.

Quack, quack, quack...

The last layer of shield in her heart called "the grace of knowing someone" finally shattered into pieces of glass after being riddled with holes.


That's it.

That's it.

As a result, this heart full of holes was completely closed in front of Cai Yinong.

Men all know that women’s personalities are changeable.

But if you want to see the worst in a woman, just watch her in a fight.

If she is the kind of person who gets angry with you when they quarrel, the two of them would like to chop each other to death with a knife.

So congratulations, you are blessed in this life.

As long as you hide the knife, she will rush out to buy a kitchen knife and come back to chop it into pieces for you. She will take a look at the delicatessen passing by the door.

You saw a pot of braised pig's trotters that had just come out. It was hot and you liked it the most.

She will want to make you a dead ghost before going on the road.

After buying two pig's trotters, the boss will trick you into buying you two taels of peanuts and a meal of guillotine.

Then when you take home a bottle of Fenjiu, two taels of peanuts, two braised pig's trotters and a stack of noodles, she no longer talks to you about husband and wife, but starts talking to you about brothers.

If you drink less wine or raise more fish, she will want to kill you.

But after seeing you drink too much, that poor thing, the one who took care of you in bed and fell asleep was the one who wanted to buy a knife and chop you to death.

What is the most unacceptable bad character in a man?

She is the polar opposite of this kind of woman, the Cold War type.

In other words, it’s not called the Cold War.

That's called CPU.

Not right either.

It’s PPT…


Not yet.

Oh yes, it’s called NBA.

She will NBA you.

This kind of character is one of the most unacceptable traits for men.

It just so happens that Liu Zhishi has such a character...

Her temperament...how can I sum up this aspect?

Chang Naichao said, "I am not good at running."

She is "I am not good at quarreling".

He's stupid and can't say bad words.

I can't scold you.

The Baguazhang that Mimi introduced was only half-assed.

What to do?

Then I will ignore you.

No matter how far you go, I think it would be a waste of words to say anything to you.

"Shishi, you must act in this script!"


"You have a contract with the company! Do you know!"


"You said you won't act if you don't want to act? Do you want to rebel?"


The sudden rift suddenly unfolded just a few minutes after the two met.

Facing Cai Yinong's words, Liu Zhishi responded to her with endless silence.

You are as strong as you can be.

Anyway, I pretended I couldn’t hear it.

Seeing Cai Yinong getting more and more excited by Liu Zhishi's silence, Li Minian said quickly:

"Mr. Cai, don't be angry...otherwise...if Shishi doesn't want to act, forget it. Our company produces high-quality dramas, and she also wants to protect our brand value..."

"Shut your mouth!"

It's okay that he didn't mention it, but he got even more angry when he mentioned Cai Yinong:

"Li Minnian, you can do it. You really can! After all, everything I said to you the night before yesterday fell on deaf ears, right?"

"No...Mr. Cai...I can't..."

"What can't you do? Ah?! What can't you tell me! Why do I need you as an agent? Huh? What? You don't want Shishi to take over? That's fine. You go find resources for her. From today on I won’t care about anything at first, okay?”


Li Minnian actually wanted to agree.



I don't care about anything else, I just want to find one, and then I won't serve you anymore.

Do you still need to say it here?

But he couldn't agree.


They are all people who hang out in the world. This kind of motivation is simply too obvious.

Everyone can see it.

Therefore, in the face of this sudden questioning, Li Minnian just laughed and shook his head:

"Mr. Cai, please calm down, yes, yes, it's my fault... But think about it, it's not sweet to be stubborn, isn't it? If this drama is not going to be performed, isn't there someone else?"


One sentence made Cai Yinong speechless.

other people?

It would be great to have someone else!

That bitch Yu Zheng only wants Shishi to act. If she doesn't act, the contract won't be signed!

Tell me what to do! ?

But she couldn't say that, so she could only focus on Liu Zhishi again.


She looked at Liu Zhishi and asked word by word:

"I'm asking you one last time, to act or not to act."

"Mr. Cai."

Liu Zhishi looked at Cai Yinong's cold eyes that were so serious that they were almost filled with anger, and responded calmly:

"I'm an actor."

Having said this, she paused, looked directly at the other person and continued:

"I won't act."

At first glance, the two responses may seem unrelated.

But these are Liu Zhishi's sincere words from the heart.

She is an actress.

As an actress, she has her own professional ethics.

After this work ethic is established from within, she will not let herself, or even anyone, despise her career.

In other words, others can look down upon it.

It can even be extended to the so-called actor's ruthless words.

That doesn't matter.

But as an actress herself, she has her own self-esteem.

This time, she didn't want to leave.

She wants to fight for the career she loves for the rest of her life.

In this life, she can leave many regrets, but only in this aspect...

She wanted to be clean and clear of guilt.

But these were what she originally wanted to say.

But she didn't say anything.


Even though she couldn't see Cai Yinong's eyes clearly, she felt...

The other party doesn't understand.

You and I are not close friends.

No words.

Anyway, it's always boring.

Just... leave everyone the last bit of dignity.

I'm not good at quarreling.

Say this... no more.

As for the second answer "I don't want to act", it was the answer she gave about this script.

I won't act in plagiarized scripts.

That's my answer.

After saying that, she felt that her mission was accomplished.

So, in Cai Yinong's extremely cold eyes, she stood up:

"Sorry for wasting your time, Mr. Cai. I'm going out first."

I don’t want to argue, and I don’t want to hear others arguing with me.

It’s not enough to talk about speculation. Anyway, the way forward has been saved, so let’s stop here.

Therefore, he did not fight for anything for himself from beginning to end, but only informed the other party of his determination.

Liu Zhishi bowed and left.

Leaving behind a figure without any look back or nostalgia.

But this time, Li Minnian also didn't stop him.

He just didn't know why... his eyes fell on the pots of flowers and plants in the corner of Cai Yinong's office.

These flowers and plants are not expensive, but they are not cheap either.

Although he didn't have much research on flowers and plants, he had a pot and he knew it.


It seems to be called... Gladiolus? Or is it Jianlan?

June happens to be the flowering period of Jianlan.

At this moment, the yellow and green flowers of this pot of Jianlan are blooming fresh and elegantly.

Jianlan... seems to be Clivia, right?

he thought.

The language of flowers seems to symbolize a noble gentleman, uprightness, self-discipline, happiness, and wealth.


He thought to himself.

It drives to the point of disgrace.

After feeling Cai Yinong's indifferent eyes, Li Minian also lowered his head.

The storm belonging to Shishi came to an abrupt end.

And his was just beginning.


It doesn't matter.

Because after the storm, there will always be a rainbow.

Is not it?

Liu Zhishi went downstairs as if there was no one around.

At this moment, the Tang Dynasty company that was once so close to her was like a foreign land to her.

Because of Xue Zang's previous experience, everyone stayed away from her.

Now it became an opportunity for her to leave with peace of mind.

Ring the elevator.

The elevator reaches from top to bottom.

There is someone in the elevator.

It doesn't matter.

She lowered her head, narrowed her eyes and walked into the elevator, turning her back to everyone.

After arriving at the underground garage on the first floor, she walked out of the elevator with everyone.

Others hurried past her.

She didn't care.

Just seeing the dignified and elegant shape of the Alfa, I felt more and more that the people around Xu Xin had great aesthetics.

Even if it is black, the black is very pure.

So, with everyone paying more or less attention, she came to the car and opened the door.

The artists within Tangren Company got into the black Alpha exotic vehicle parked in the guest parking space of Tangren Company’s underground parking lot.

Never came down again.

And the next result is obvious.

It's not that Cai Yinong doesn't work hard, it's that Liu Zhishi doesn't communicate at all.

When an employee cannot even control her boss, the consequences waiting for her can be imagined.

So, Yang Mi received a call from Li Minian.

She was on her lunch break when she answered the phone.

But I didn't sleep because she had a show in the afternoon.

If you take too many naps, your eyes will become swollen, which will affect your shooting ability.

She just leaned in the car, enjoying the cool air conditioner and closed her eyes to relax.

When the phone vibrated, she found out it was Li Minnian and answered the call directly. Then she heard what happened in the morning in Li Minnian's eyes.

Yang Mi remained silent. After Li Minian finished telling everything, she spoke:

"It's not a bad thing. Brother Li, what do you think?"


Now, everything is almost clear.

Li Minnian was scolded so badly in the morning that it was almost as if he had stopped working.

According to Cai Yinong's words: You can rest for a few months, and when Lao Zhao finds new people, you can lead them.

The subtext can almost be said to have given up on Liu Zhishi.

Because she gave Liu Zhishi three chances, again and again and again.

Liu Zhishi can't be said to be particularly popular. It can only be said that he is relatively famous and can do such things.

If she becomes really popular in the future, how crazy will she be?

Therefore, Cai Yinong could not tolerate her.

Even after spending so many resources, she could only endure the pain and cut off this piece of "bad meat".

Liu Zhishi was given up, and Li Minnian himself was about to be transferred.

As for the matter, I listened to your old man's words and got to this point.

Is it time for you, old man, to show your cards?

So, he bravely asked:

"Mimi... this has come to this point... what is the next step? Can you tell me?"

"all right."

Yang Mi also knew how uncomfortable that appetizing taste was, and said with a smile:

"The next step is very simple. Yu Zhenghui will withdraw the cooperation with Tang Dynasty. Because Shishi has not agreed to star, your company's own internal problems have nothing to do with me. If the actor I want to work with cannot star, then I will not play with you. No one can make sense of this, right?"


Li Minnian didn't ask Yu Zheng why he listened to you so much.

He only asked for a result, not a hundred thousand whys.

A boss can never be honest with his employees.

He understands this.

Yang Mi did not elaborate on why Yu Zheng was so obedient, but continued:

"Then I will send "Bu Bu Jing Xin" to the people of Tang Dynasty."


Li Minnian was stunned:

"Send "Bu Bu Jing Xin" back?"

"Yes. Send "Bu Bu Jing Xin" over."

She corrected one word and continued:

"Shishi's contract is for ten films that Tang Ren will produce or participate in, right?"


"And she has acted in nine movies now. They are Pingjiang Suojin and "Flying Flowers Like Butterflies" when Tang Dynasty and Xiangjiang Huayineng were not separated, and then "Young General of the Yang Family" after officially joining Tang Dynasty. "Strange Woman from a Chinese Studio", "Shooting the Condor", "Sword of Immortality", "Yi Tian", "White Snake" before Liu Yizhi and the Tang Dynasty parted ways, and "The Weaver Girl at the End of the World" and this "Strange Hero", there are nine in total. "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is the tenth film she will star in."

Of course, what Yang Mi said about Li Minian was not unclear.

So he immediately asked doubtfully:

"But Mr. Cai has decided to hide her... Mr. Cai's temper..."

"What's her temper?"

Yang Mi asked back:

"Isn't it just targeting the time-travel drama market? "Gong Lock Heart Jade" is gone, why don't I bring her the "Bu Bu Jing Xin" that she is eyeing?"

"You want to sell the rights?"


Yang Mi chuckled:

"Brother Li, sometimes it depends on how you score. Let me give you a tip. Currently, Tang Ren Company has signed a cooperation agreement with its directors from Xiangjiang. Do you know that?"

"Uh... I know."

"Director Li Guoli is not mentioned, do you think these Hong Kong directors are in a group?"


Although he didn't know what Yang Mi was going to say, Li Minian still followed her words and continued walking.

"Then do you know how people in the Tang Dynasty first fell in love with the play "Jingxin"?"

"It's Director Lin Yufen...ah? You..."

Li Minnian immediately understood what Yang Mi meant.

"You and Director Lin..."

"The two of us have always maintained a good personal relationship. However, I later found out that she was interested in "Bu Bu Jing Xin". I heard about this copyright issue through my agent Wang Jinghua."

After finally changing her posture, Yang Mi continued:

"I don't know yet whether Director Li has any ideas in this film. However, even if Director Li also values ​​this script, Director Lin Yufen's name will definitely follow Director Li. Therefore, I will personally edit "Step" "Bu Jingxin" was sent to Director Lin."


In Li Minnian's silence, Yang Mi said:

"Shishi herself may be just a dispensable artist to Mr. Cai. But for Tangren, the weight of the directing team may not be able to influence Mr. Cai. But as long as Director Li can influence Mr. Cai, it will be fine. Besides, Shishi never said she would refuse other roles. Whether it was "The Strange Man" or something else, she worked hard and joined the cast, didn't she? She just doesn't like a plagiarized work."

"But Mr. Cai... is really angry this time."

"This is a gamble."

Yang Mi smiled and gave a somewhat absurd description:

"What we want to win is Shishi. What we are betting on is that after losing "Gong Lock Heart Jade", as the leader of a company, she will not slow down the company's development because of personal preferences. After all, ...Don’t forget, Yuan Hong’s contract will expire in July.”

"You knew he was leaving!?"

"I don't know. But I guess he has definitely left."

With eyes full of wisdom, Yang Mi’s words were extremely heart-wrenching but true:

"The rise of beards has made Yuan Hong's position more and more embarrassing. Brother Li, haven't you discovered the problem of the Tang people? They are too good at making stars.

And how was this star made?

By squeezing the resources of other artists. Stack an unlimited amount on one person.

Therefore, the beard was promoted and Yuan Hongren disappeared. Among their female artists, Shishi was praised, but the others could only wait eagerly.

This is Mr. Cai’s character. She likes to pool advantageous resources and pave the way forward. The biggest weakness of this character is that resources cannot be distributed evenly.

However, when Yuan Hong's contract expired and he left, the Tang people still had troubles.

Shishi has been hidden in the snow? Who else do you have?

The script of "Sword and Sword III" has annoyed all the original fans who are loyal to the game.

The resource development that Daewoo relies on is brand value based on the premise of not offending the player base. Anyone who goes against the players will lose real money. So, why is Mr. Cai so anxious to develop new markets? Because "Sword of Immortal" has blocked your game adaptation path.

Without the artists at the front desk, Mr. Cai will definitely first focus on maintaining the unity of the behind-the-scenes team.

Do you know why Director Li will definitely agree to Director Lin to direct "Step by Step"? Because directors, including Director Lin, have gradually begun to no longer be satisfied with just being other people's second-in-commands.

Do you know why I bet that Mr. Cai will definitely let Shishi star? Because she would not allow what happened to Liu Yifei to happen to her again.

If a company has resources but no people to support it, it will not be able to move forward. Unable to move forward and stuck at a standstill, she would be at a loss as to what to do.

So, I sent the script to Director Lin, and she would definitely agree, because it is a script that she values.

And if she goes to find Director Li, Director Li will definitely let her take the lead.

This is because if he doesn't agree, it means that Director Li is clearly suppressing the directing team and preventing them from gaining momentum.

This is not Director Li's character. Secondly, Mr. Cai will not allow rifts to occur in the director team that Tang people rely on most.

Therefore, when Director Li opens his mouth, in order to take the overall situation into consideration, Mr. Cai, as the person in power, will definitely agree. I explain it this way, do you understand? "


Li Minnian was already a little confused after hearing Yang Mi's explanation.

Just feel...

The other party connected some... seemingly trivial points together.

Then a naked conspiracy was formed, forcing Mr. Cai to make the most reasonable choice even if he was reluctant.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but murmured:

"Is this...really okay?"

"Why not?"

Yang Mi thought he was asking herself, and said word by word with her smiling expression from beginning to end:

"Because this is human nature."

Concealing the truth.

Surround Wei and rescue Zhao.

Li Daitao is stiff.

Take the fire out of the cauldron.

Make friends at a distance and attack at close range.


Defeat the plan.

Yin is within Yang, not opposite to Yang.

Nothing more than that.

In the hanging bag hanging on the passenger seat, there is a book "The Art of War" with many wrinkles.

Apparently, someone thumbed through it frequently.

I recommend a book, the new book by the great master in July, it is very beautiful! ! After traveling through the world of Xianxia for ten years, the state of mind of Song Zhishu, a top liberal arts student, has undergone several changes.

Become an immortal and become an ancestor - be famous all over the world - be famous in all directions - stand out - live a wonderful life - be safe and happy - just live.

Looking back suddenly, the time wasted was just when Song Zhishu was about to admit the reality.

Three major events happened in the world of immortality.

First, the Confucian saint is sitting in the body, and before his death, he gathers the Great Wall of Holy Qi to block the troubled times of demons and demons, and last for a long time.

Secondly, Song Zhishu was shocked to find that the awe-inspiring righteousness was born in his body. Not only that, there was also a tower of saints in his mind.

Third, a reply came from my childhood sweetheart, rejecting the couple's request.

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