I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 505 503 Don’t say that, I don’t like it

Chapter 505 503. Don’t say that, I don’t like it

"What are you thinking about?"


Xu Xin came back to his senses and saw Lao Lang and MIUMIU walking in hand in hand. He smiled and said hello:

"He's back."

"I've been back for a while. I thought there was no one in this room, so I wanted to warm my hands... but then I realized you were here."

As Lang Lang spoke, he sat in front of a piano that was incompatible with the Chinese style of the tea room.

As for why this piano appears here...

That's the story of a younger brother playing havoc in his elder brother's villa.

Xu Miao basically doesn't live here. Even when he comes to Xi'an, he always stays with his father-in-law.

Or in other words, he may not even remember that he still has a villa here.

During this time, my brothers are living here, and Lang Lang is a piano artist. Although the piano is not something that can be said to be sailing against the current, it will lead to retreat, but at least it needs to be touched for a few days.

This interval is the limit.

If his overseas fans knew that when he returned to China, he and his friends would either be playing real-person CS in the villa, or drinking and playing video games... He would definitely blow up Xu Miao's house.

But he is very playful.

Since the arrival of this soft bullet gun, MIUMIU has been the hostage of beautiful women four or five times.

At first, she thought she could get into director Xu's drama and show off some acting skills...but then she lost all her confidence due to the competitive state of this group of people who started at the 15th round at every turn.

From struggling on the chair with a decent backhand, to now when I am a hostage, I just sit on the sofa and check my phone, listening to my boyfriend looking for a place to be the boss in the villa.

She was already at peace.

But in the final analysis, piano is an art thing.

Xu Xin thought that this family really needed some artistic talent. It would be more normal than the four gentlemen lying on the floor every day, looking for bullets under the sofa, under the bed, or in any corner.

So, as soon as his mind got hot, without much thought, he asked Lao Lang to send the Steinway over.

Steinway is a small thing.

The promise they made was that no matter where Lang Lang was in the world, if he wanted a Steinway, they could deliver it within 48 hours.

But I found out after it was delivered...

There is no place to put it in the villa.

It's not like there's no room, it's just... it's not suitable to put it anywhere.

In the end, Wang Sicong slapped his forehead:

"When we drink tea, wouldn't it be nice to let Old Wolf play the piano for us? If he's in a good mood, give him a pot of tea. If he's in a bad mood, use the pot as a grenade to blow up 86 drops of his blood. Isn't this perfect?"

So, the piano was placed in the tea room.

Not to mention...

Really enjoyed it.

A world-famous piano artist was playing the piano there, and three people were sitting in front of the tea table chatting and bragging. The artistic conception... ordinary people really can't understand it.

The most important thing is... people support song requests!

Playing the nunchucks on the piano, after one set, the fingers of the player are numb and the face of the singer is red.

The front is tired, the back is angry.

Damn it, you're driving at double speed! Can my song be faster?

It seems like the door to a new world has opened~

"Ding ding dong dong..."

The soothing piano sound sounded again.

Playing with one hand and holding an iced coffee he didn't know where he bought in the other hand, Lang Lang looked at Xu Xin who waved his hand to reject the coffee handed over by his girlfriend and just continued to stare at his phone in a daze and asked:

"What's wrong with you? You've been looking worried these past two days."


He sighed:

"It's still the same thing I said yesterday. I'm thinking about how to do it in a way that has the best of both worlds..."

When Lang Lang heard it, he knew what he was talking about.

The thing about the new blood at West Film Studio.

In other words, it is the matter of "growing against the version" in the words of the brothers.

Although I admire the artistic concept of director Tian Shuanghe, I also agree that movies are "not all about money."

But it is true that no matter in any era, going upstream is the most difficult thing to do.

Don't mention anything else, just look at the director's income now.

The "remuneration theory" or the "dividend theory" are things of the past.

Now it’s “remuneration + dividends”.

Although it cannot be said that Feng Xiaogang initiated this precedent, he was definitely the one who carried it forward.

Starting from "A World Without Thieves", he launched a new method of income for directors.

After "A World Without Thieves" made tens of millions, basically all directors began to copy the gourd, imitating him, and said "I want as much salary + as much box office dividends" as a cooperation method.

There is definitely nothing wrong with this approach.

He is a great director, so it is normal to take more.

What's more, Hollywood also thinks so.

We are learning from advanced international experience and integrating with international standards.

In the long run, there's actually nothing wrong with doing this.

But the problem is that the current market in China is far behind Hollywood.

Xiying Studio is not stingy either.

It’s not that they can’t provide salary + dividends.

It was only after Xu Xin jumped out of this circle and looked back that he could see the crux of the matter.

This "remuneration + dividend" approach is too easy to attract big capital to pour into the market. In the circle of directors or actors, everyone's income will probably increase.

Things are definitely going to be good.

But for Xi Film Studio, which wants to attract more young people with artistic pursuits, while commercializing, it cannot forget the original intention of the film. Basically, it can be said that it is completely contrary to the approach.

Not that they are weak.

But from the beginning, they were not as attractive as others.

They lack the capital to attract young directors to invest.

Because this is also a two-way choice in itself.

Young directors have artistic dreams and want to make their own contributions to film art.

The factory provides them with this platform to realize their dreams.

This is a serious industrial chain cycle.

But first the factory must promote itself.

Attract others to vote.

But the situation that everyone is facing now is that if the attraction is not great, then there will be very few places to go. If the attraction is strong enough, it will attract not only those fireflies, but also endless moths and mosquitoes.

Xu Xin has a headache about how to choose between them.

Say something very heart-wrenching.

He accounts for the majority of the factory's revenue.

And the money he earns must be in the hope that good steel will be used on the blade.

Would you allow a stranger to waste your hard-earned money?

That's the truth.

Logically speaking, he didn't need to worry about this matter, it was a matter within the factory. Even the money in the factory belongs to the factory...

But the nature of the matter is not of this nature.

It doesn’t matter if you say he’s worrying in vain or if you say he worries blindly.

He is now thinking about how to make this industry form a positive cycle.

That is: "talented directors (are discovered) - Xiying Film Studio connects with them (discuss cooperation) - launches good works (attracts more people)" This set of circular links is completely established.

Instead of casting a wide net, trying to find the golden pea among so many directors who talk about the hype every year and only have a few straws in their chests.

Therefore, in these two days of free time, Xu Xin mainly thought about this matter.

But Lang Lang couldn't help with this matter.

Because of his own growth experience... Although it can be said that he came from a poor family, he really didn't pay much attention to the underlying ecology.

In other words, in the field of piano, no matter how low the starting point of a genius is, it cannot be compared to some people with mediocre talent. What's more, someone like him is talented and knows how to work hard.

And his road to fame was just playing one song after another.

This is consistent with Xu Xin's statement that "directors should do their best first, and fame and fortune will come naturally", but it only goes so far.

At a large level, his thinking is not so comprehensive.

Because he is pure enough.

So, all he could do was put the coffee on the piano and start playing some music that was suitable for his friends to listen to when they were thinking.

But God is not good at it.

Amidst the elegant and soothing piano sound, a burst of IPHONE ringtones blended in.

This beautiful melody was interrupted.


Xu Xin glanced at the phone and waved to Lang Lang in confusion.

The sound of the piano stops and the hands-free phone is turned on:


"Hey, Director Xu, hello, I'm Song Wen."

"Well, hello, hello."

Xu Xin smiled and said politely:

"Congratulations, the film exhibition has come to a successful conclusion."

Although he did not pay specific attention to the awards at this film festival, he still had to say some polite words.

Song Wen quickly responded:

"Hey, thank you, Director Xu, for your concern."

"Haha, Mr. Song called me. Is there something wrong?"


Song Wen looked at the co-founders, including Li Ziwei, in the small office, and said with anxiety:

"Yes... I have something to ask Director Xu."

"Well, tell me. What's wrong?"

Xu Xin's tone was still relaxed.

"That's it, Director Xu..."

He withdrew his gaze from the partners and looked at the laptop in front of him.

On the screen of the laptop, the official website of Xiying Studio read "July 3rd!" The news that the establishment celebration of the Xiying Studio Talent Exchange Center is about to be held is particularly eye-catching.

"I would like to ask about the news about the Talent Exchange Center of Xiying Studio."


Xu Xin's first reaction was what went wrong and asked:

"What's the news? Where is it?"

"Just the news about holding a celebration. This is on the official website of Xiying Studio~"


Feeling relieved, Xu Xin said:

"Just ask Mr. Song. This project... I am also involved in it, and I know some things in detail."

While talking, he also took the laptop over and opened the website.

Want to see what was said.

As a result, when I opened the website, I saw this press release that was just released today.

The theme content is to inform everyone that on July 3rd, the establishment ceremony of Xiying Studio’s Talent Exchange Center will be held. The following is an introduction to the purpose of the establishment.

These are all official terms, quite normal.

At this time, he heard Song Wen say:

"I would like to ask, this..." Supporting the film and television art industry chain, it provides guarantee for the cultivation of film talents and builds Xi'an into a famous city of film culture in the future. "This sentence……"


As soon as he opened his mouth, Xu Xin also found the closing words written in the news.

"What's wrong?"

"...Director Xu, are you planning to hold a film festival?"

When he said this, Song Wen unconsciously showed a hint of anxiety on his face.

The same goes for many others in the office.

But Xu Xin was stunned by the question.

A bolt of lightning struck in my mind.



Why didn't I think of that before...

His mind flashed back to the yearning gazes of the young directors in the audience when they looked at him on the morning of the interview.

Film Festival?


Film Festival!

How could he forget that this is the best way to stimulate domestic demand through external forces?

Don’t know what to use to find reliable new blood?

Use a film festival!

Find good talents with potential, invest and support them, and bring better movies to everyone.

This move...

Why didn't he think of that!

Holding a film festival that is full of gold and can be recognized professionally will untie this "dead knot"! ?

His eyes lit up instantly.


Perhaps because he had been thinking for too long, Song Wen, who had been unable to wait for a reply, continued to ask:

"Director Xu...? Hello?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

Xu Xin, whose brain began to spin faster in an instant, responded.

Then he said:

"Well, I really don't know much about this matter. But...since Mr. Song called, it must be more than just asking, right? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Although he said that, he probably already had an estimate as to why Song Wen called.

If nothing else, do they want to cooperate?

Or what difficulties did you encounter?

he guessed.

as expected.

"Then... I'll tell Director Xu directly. We did... encounter some difficulties."

Speaking of this, Song Wen inevitably sighed.

"Sigh... our qualification to host next year may be revoked."

"Take it back?"

Half of Xu Xin's heart was "Sure enough", and the other half was full of doubts:

"Why? You have complete procedures and no illegal operations. Why was it taken back?"

"It's like this. After this film exhibition is over, according to the process, we have to summarize the entire film exhibition process and submit it to the superiors. Then after getting the qualification to hold the next year, we will report it. Only then can we start the work. But … After the film exhibition ended and we submitted the summary, we were rejected because of the venue.”

"The venue?... Can't the medium pass be used?"

"Yes. The school is not a large business establishment and does not have related functions. I didn't care about this before, but this time it suddenly started to take it seriously. So... we will not be able to hold similar film exhibitions in the school in the future.

Then... we started looking for a new venue, but a venue that could host a film exhibition must have the nature of a comprehensive cultural event. And this kind of venue needs a power of attorney from the relevant local departments to get approval... Since the school can't provide support, we can't get it. "


After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"The reason why I can't get it is...?"

"Yenjing's review of such large-scale events is extremely strict. We have the support of the school and we can use the school. But outside of the school, we are no different from those ordinary large-scale gatherings."

Song Wen sighed again:

"Sigh... Even if we don't mention the formalities, the cost of occupying a venue for more than seven days is still a huge expense. Of course, as long as sponsorship can be obtained, this condition can be overcome. The main thing is the formalities... We Can’t take it off.”

"Then if it is not held in Yanjing..."

"Then this set of procedures has no legal effect. Our formality is in Yanjing City, so we can only hold events in Yanjing City. If we change places, we have to go through a new set of procedures."

When he said this, Xu Xin probably understood what he meant.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"So... what does Mr. Song mean? Don't get me wrong. What I mean is that although I don't know if the factory has any idea of ​​holding a film festival, I can ask this. Even if there is, then we can't cooperate with you. , held in Yanjing. This is Xi’an.”

"I know……"

Song Wen smiled bitterly:

"Actually, I made this call because I had some other plans. Because if this continues, the film exhibition may really not be able to continue without an investment company. And... we have been looking for it these days. Other opportunities. Mr. Xu, do you remember that I mentioned to you last time that a company wanted to invest in us?"

"Yeah, remember."

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Seven million, right?"

"Yes, this is on the premise that we jointly retain 15% of the equity. We have studied it in the past few days and found that if we sell all the procedures, we can probably get back about 9 million in funds."

"All sold?"

"Yes, all sold!"

There was a firmness in Song Wen's voice:

"If our hard work is no longer pure because of the power of money, then we all think there is no need to continue doing it. Based on this basis, we want to take the money and start a new business in another city. Originally, we have been doing this for the past few days While looking for this opportunity, Ziwei has also been paying attention to the trends at Xiying Studio. So... we can invest!"

It seems that I really can't find any good entry point.

As soon as Song Wen said these words, Xu Xin still wanted to laugh even though he knew he was sincere.


Even if you can get thousands of dollars, but... we don't necessarily want it if you have money.

Because we don’t lack either…

But under their somewhat ridiculous words, Xu Xin understood their sincerity.

"So, do you still want to continue this kind of program flow at the film festival?"

"Yes! To tell you the truth, before we made this call, we had actually been researching. We felt that Xiying Film Studio should be the kind of company... that doesn't just care about money when it comes to movies! And this time We don’t think the talent center is just a trivial move.

If...Director Xu, I mean if, if Xiying Studio really wants to cultivate our country's own film culture, that kind of film festival that only takes one or two days really can't cultivate anything..."

"Haha~ Mr. Song, this is too absolute. The essence of the film festival is to encourage more filmmakers to establish honors."

Xu Xin corrected Song Wen's wording without leaving a trace. Xu Xin, who had already understood the general idea, thought about it and said:

"I also understand what Mr. Song means. It is true that sometimes the body is too strong, but the spirit is too weak, and the will will be easily shaken. And this is not unfounded worry, just work hard and walk on two legs. It’s our tradition.”




Not to mention the people in Song Wen's office.

Even Lang Lang and MIUMIU were confused by Xu Xin's words.

These words...

Why does it sound so familiar?

I seem to hear it on the news all the time.

But I thought it was nonsense...

Why does it seem so appropriate to use it here at this moment?

Director Xu...is it so official?

While thinking about it, Xu Xin said:

"In this case, regarding the film festival, I'll go back and ask the factory what they want. Or if Mr. Song is free, he might as well come over on the 3rd to support him. How about that?"

"Huh?...We can go!?"

Song Wen looked happy.

"Of course. The more people there are, the more lively it will be."

Xu Xin responded with a smile:

"How about we meet in Xi'an on the 3rd?"

Very strange.

Xu Xin clearly didn't say whether the film festival could be handled or not.

But the invitation he sent made everyone in Song Wen's eyes light up.

The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin looked at the time.

Early 3 o'clock.

He thought for a while and stood up directly:

"I'm going to the factory."

"just go."

Lang Lang nodded and watched Xu Xin leave without asking any more questions.

In fact, the brothers and I talked about the film festival in the car when we accompanied Lao Xu to attend the Golden Rooster.

Although the topic was not particularly thorough, it did not prevent the Tianchao Film Festival from erecting an image of "pork sharing" in his mind.

And with this established impression, and based on his understanding of Lao Xu, he understood why he seemed so enthusiastic.

Because in essence, Lao Xu's heart is actually simpler than that of a child.

Just like the famous line from Mr. Chang Si in Mr. Lao She's "Teahouse":

"I love the Qing Dynasty, but I'm afraid it will end!"

Lao Xu loves movies, so everything he does is for movies.

It's a pity that my brothers can't help much.

Otherwise, if they were all in the same industry and helping each other, Lao Xu wouldn't have to go through so hard on his own.

He was filled with regret.

But Gong Xinliang, who was also an observer, suddenly walked over to her boyfriend after confirming that Xu Xin had left:

"Honey, is Xu Xin going to organize a film festival?"


Lang Lang responded, and the sound of the piano, like mountains and flowing water, still didn't stop.

But after hearing this, Gong Xinliang suddenly said:

"very nice."


Lang Lang said casually.

It was originally a casual question, but I heard my girlfriend say:

"If this film festival can be successful, based on his ability, big directors, Western Film Studio, if there is a very important film festival around him... Then whoever sees him in the future will have to bow their heads? Especially actors, in the future How high is his and Mimi’s status?”


The gorgeous and beautiful movement was momentarily interrupted by this discordant note.

Lang Lang's brows instantly turned into knots.


Gong Xinliang was stunned and asked in confusion:

"What's the matter?"


Facing the look in his girlfriend's eyes, I was 100% sure that when Lao Xu did this, he definitely did not have such thoughts in his heart. Instead, he opened his mouth with a pure and clear love for movies.

He wanted to say something.

Even angry.

She felt that she had insulted the simple dream in her friend's heart.

That kind of dream becomes more and more rare the more you live in glitz!


He is not willing to say harsh words to his girlfriend.

Not to mention that Wheels was chatting two days ago, and when he talked about how these two bad friends around him actually sang "My Girlfriend Got Married, and the Groom Is Not Me" to him when his ex-girlfriend got married, he said Pass:

"Hey, I'm not really angry. I think it's stupid to quarrel with your girlfriend over your friends, or to quarrel with your friends over your girlfriend."

The sound of wheels in his ears made him choose to shut up.

But just when his fingers started playing again, he felt a little uncomfortable again.

For the first time, he looked at his girlfriend seriously and said word by word:

"Don't think so of Lao Xu! I don't like it."


Gong Xinliang's eyes were filled with astonishment.

I don’t understand why my husband suddenly started to take things seriously.

Obviously...she is right.

If there is such a powerful film festival, then Xu Xin and Mimi will be very powerful in the future.

Is that wrong?

That's right.

Why are you doing this...

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