I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 511 509 Advertising Book

Chapter 511 509. Advertising Book

All the way to this art school called "Yinhai", Xu Xin got out of the car alone.

Pang Liwei and Su Meng are going to the hotel to book a room.

Originally, they wanted to stay first and then come over, but Xu Xin insisted on seeing the old man first, so the two of them had to turn back.

"Yimou should be on the second floor. Go upstairs and turn right..."

"It's okay, Sister Pang, I just need to call him."

Xu Xin said and walked directly into the building.

All the way upstairs, he didn't regard himself as an outsider.

Looking around.

Then I saw a group of girls wearing cheongsam and bowl-like hats walking in a large dance studio.

Some people took a few steps and then dropped the bowl, while others kept their bodies stable and kept walking forward.

Some of the faces looked familiar.

Xu Xin recognized Ni Ni at a glance.

After all, she was selected because Xu Xin himself had contributed.

The director has the same vision.

The old man recognized it, and so did he.

Isn’t that a tough heroine?

And after not seeing each other for half a year, Ni Ni's temperament has indeed changed from heaven to earth.

At this moment, her eyebrows were pretty, and her apparently flat figure suddenly walked out with a seductive pace, which made Xu Xin feel like she was seeing him.


Charming but not coquettish.

This taste... is about right.

He took a few more glances until the group of girls finished their journey with bowls in their hands, and at the same time they noticed him, a stranger in the corridor.

Xu Xin withdrew his gaze and continued to walk forward.

One cubicle away from the large dance room is an office with an open door.

Before Xu Xin arrived, he heard snoring in his ears.

I thought this person slept very soundly.

After taking a peek inside, I was suddenly stunned...

In the large office, Zhang Weiping occupied an entire table by himself, sitting on an office chair, with his legs on the desk, his head turned to the sky and snoring loudly.

But if he alone was not enough to make Xu Xin stunned.

What made him stunned was that the old man was sitting in front of the TV, holding his chin with his hand, exposing the side of his face to Xu Xin staring at the TV... The same group of girls were watching the video of practicing there.

Based on Xu Xin's understanding of him, there is no need to ask...

The old man's iconic brows must have furrowed.

There were two other people beside him.

One is Zhao Xiaoding, and the other is Li Shuang, whom I met in the villa last time.

Xu Xin was speechless.

After coughing lightly, he walked into the office.


Hearing the cough, the three of them turned around.

When he saw Xu Xin, Zhang Yimou's eyes lit up instantly.


He didn't speak, just patted the armrest of the seat and stood up, smiling at Xu Xin as he walked this way.

When Zhao Xiaoding and Li Shuang saw the director standing up, they also stood up.

Xu Xin immediately quickened his pace and came to the three of them.

We all know each other, so we are not so polite.

After giving the cigarette to Li Shuang and Zhao Xiaoding with a smile, Zhao Xiaoding asked in a low voice:

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

"Come and learn from Director Zhao and learn from advanced experience."

Xu Xin also suppressed his voice and laughed while snoring.

Zhao Xiaoding grinned happily, patted his shoulder, turned to Zhang Yimou and said:

"Director, how about this first? Wait until the film comes out in the afternoon and then watch it?"

"Okay. Xiao Shuang, please put the CD away. I'll take Xiao Xu to my place first."


Li Shuang responded.

Zhang Yimou picked up a glass thermos cup from beside the leg of his chair.

Xu Xin glanced at the thermos cup in his hand.

It’s not the ultra-magnetic technology magnetized water stainless steel thermos cup I gave you...

Why did you change it?

Although he wasn't so gay as to think, "You have another bitch outside," he was more cautious.

The old man likes to drink strong tea, he knows.

And he doesn’t like washing cups, and he knows it.

Old tea drinkers all seem to have a mysterious belief in tea dirt... Although that thing does seem to be beneficial to the human body, Xu Xin asked himself why he drank water from a black and dirty tea cup every day. It's unbearable.

And how does the tea scale go up so quickly?

Simple, make strong tea.

I kept brewing strong tea, and within ten days and a half, the inside of the cup would become brown.

But the old man's glass thermos cup is brand new.

Not to mention the tea stains.

This glass looks pure and transparent, without any other colors mixed in.

Very new.

After noticing this small detail, Zhang Yimou also pointed outside and motioned to follow him.

Xu Xin smiled and said hello to the other two people, and followed the old man out.

After leaving the door, Zhang Yimou pointed towards the dance studio as he walked:

"Go and have a look?"

"No, little girl, I'm afraid of death."


Hearing this, Zhang Yimou stopped and turned to look at him with a speechless expression.

Xu Xin laughed:

"Haha, it's true... I was supposed to take care of the baby at home today. Yang Mi hasn't been feeling well these past two days, and she beat me up hard yesterday."

He meant it as a joke.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the old man said directly:

"Then don't stay here any longer. Go back as soon as you're done. Family is more important than career."


I don’t know if I suddenly felt this way, or if I am more aware of things as I get older.

Anyway, this is...

Very unreasonable.

But Xu Xin still responded:


While talking, the two of them had already passed the dance studio and headed straight to the third floor.

"Is this place usually empty?"

"During the holidays, there is a cram school on the first floor. If there are more people, the school will start. So the crew will seize the time in the past two months to conduct special training, from the body shape to letting these girls and those children go to the museum to understand This history...uses history as a basis so that they can be better integrated into the story."

"Well, that makes sense..."

While talking, after arriving on the third floor, Zhang Yimou took him into his own small rest room.

After entering the house, Xu Xin immediately locked the door while observing the simple furnishings.

As for Xu Xin, he looked around.

After he really didn’t see the thermos cup he gave him, he said:

"Where's that thermos cup I gave you? Why haven't I seen you use it? The insulation effect of this kind of glass vacuum is not very good, right?"


Hearing this, Zhang Yimou's face showed a hint of embarrassment.

But Xu Xin just pretended to be invisible.

In my heart, I felt that my guess was probably close to ten.

Good guy, how angry do you have to be?

Stainless steel cups can be broken...

No wonder his voice is so hoarse.

He was a little helpless, but still changed the topic:

"I won't stay too long. I will go back to Chikan tomorrow after delivering the formalities. Will you go to Xi'an on the 3rd?"


Zhang Yimou nodded:

"Ticket for the 2nd."

After speaking, he hesitated for a moment and then asked:

"Are you sure of things?"

Although he already knew the answer in his heart, he couldn't help but ask again.

"Don't worry. After we get the marriage certificate, we'll wait for the census to start. When the spirit of the census hits the news, even if someone later turns over old scores and says you are engaging in privileges after learning about it, the spirit of the census will still be the same. The best carrier. And don’t be afraid that someone will actually expose it. As long as we don’t talk about it, it’s impossible for the official side to expose it. Because you are a public figure, and the country emphasizes that census data is confidential, so the question It can't come from within them. It's a matter of principle."


Following Xu Xin's words, his brows relaxed, then tightened, and finally relaxed again.

Then, he sat on the bed, feeling as if a weight of several thousand kilograms had been lifted off his shoulders, and his shoulders were no longer so straight.

Xu Xin didn't speak either.

Just wait for him to digest this matter little by little.

After about... maybe two or three minutes, his eyes regained a glimmer of light and he smiled at Xu Xin:


Xu Xin rarely saw him showing this kind of... childish smile.

This is so different from the great director temperament he possesses.

But for no reason, Xu Xin laughed along with him unconsciously:

"Hey hey hey..."


The old man's laughter grew louder and louder.

Gradually filling the whole room.

"I heard Sister Pang say...you and Zhang Weiping had a fight?"

The laughter subsided.

Boil the kettle.

There was no tea set, so Xu Xin took a disposable cup and made a cup of tea, lit another cigarette, and then asked.

Zhang Yimou opened the window to disperse the smell.

Then he responded:


Then he opened the drawer of the bedside table and took it out...

A stack of information about as thick as an adult's finger.

"Just see for yourself."


Xu Xin took it and saw the title of the top document: "Business Product Placement Advertising Cooperation Plan"

Party A: Yanjing New Picture Pictures Co., Ltd.

Party B: Jiangsu Yanghe Winery Co., Ltd.......

"Yanghe...Yanghe Daqu?"

He said, while roughly scanning.

The great stipulations in the contract were regarding the placement of advertisements. The final film was guaranteed to have a "Yanghe Daqu" store plaque, at least three fixed frames, and a shot of no less than five seconds.

The cost is 5.5 million.


Seeing this number, Xu Xin was filled with emotion.

After all, the winery is rich.

Picking up the plan... He then discovered that the single plan, including the signature page, had a total of three pages.

The second portion is Longliqi toilet water.

Toilet water?

Does toilet water have such a long history?

The quotation requirements are almost the same, 3 seconds, 2 pictures.

The price is... 1 million?

Xu Xin was stunned when he saw the price.

The winery can be opened for 5.5 million. For such a big industry, you can only give one million?

Isn’t the contrast too great?

Take it, take it.

Yo? "Pechoin"?

Let me see how much it costs... um, five million?

It's okay, it's your style...

But the subsequent contracts gradually became outrageous.

Not that it's outrageous.

But the brands in these plans have a very strange pattern in Xu Xin's opinion.

For example, if you take famous domestic industry brands like Yanghe and Longliqi, their prices are very high.

Longrich belongs to the "bottom line".

One million is the lowest price among these famous brands.

Others range from two million to three million.

There are about ten copies in total.

It takes up about one-third of the entire file.

But there are more of them from lesser-known brands.

For example, this or something... "Gorgeous Costumes" only issued a quota of 100,000 yuan.

And this..."Ronglin Cloth Art", 150,000.

"Du Jing Qing Ri Hua", 170,000.

"Nanjing Jinding Pawn", 200,000.

Some brand contracts that I have never heard of are actually here.

This made Xu Xin a little confused.

With such a low price... you still have the nerve to hand it over to the old man as a product placement?

After probably flipping through it again, he couldn't help but ask:

"Why are there so many miscellaneous brands?"

"Well, what you said..."

Zhang Yimou shook his head:

"Weiping said that Nanjing has given us a lot of support this time, and we have to give back to some companies. So their prices are not high..."

"Just wait a moment."

Xu Xin stopped him from continuing:

“Give something back?”

"Yes. You have seen these brands, and they are not very famous. But they are all slightly famous companies, but they are not as aggressive in advertising as those big brands..."

Listening to the old man's explanation, the absurdity in Xu Xin's heart was...don't mention it.

Wait a moment.

Something's wrong?

Listen to what you mean... How can this company that is famous in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai be a "little famous"?

This is Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Don't gossip about who is smarter when it comes to doing business between southerners and northerners.

In the business world, they know better than anyone else the concept of "you get what you pay for".

Hundreds of thousands, to be in director Zhang's play?

If this news gets out... if nothing else, all small businesses in Nanjing will have to call the police.

Comrade police, there are liars here.

He bullied us for not having enough brains, saying that just over a hundred thousand dollars would allow us to place ads in director Zhang's plays!

What a fool!

Does Nanjing need a movie to give back?

Even if it's Nanjing...you can't treat bean bags as dry food, right?

Perhaps because he saw Xu Xin's eyes becoming more and more strange, Zhang Yimou thought that Xiao Xu thought he wanted to add all the advertisements, and immediately said in a dumbfounded voice:

"What are you thinking? How could I add all these advertisements? Normally, I would select a few for implantation and give thanks for the rest. But this time I won't add any...these cooperation books are actually One of the causes of the quarrel between Wei Ping and I... But the bigger conflict between us is not over these petty quarrels in business cooperation..."

A small fight?

Looking at these contracts, there is no mention of thickness, quantity, or total price.

Just talk about the unit prices of these contracts...

Vaguely, Xu Xin always felt that something was not right.

Just... weird.

Because he goes against the grain.

Although part of it can be put in the acknowledgments... But you have to say that Nanjing took the initiative to ask for "Jinling" to give feedback and give back to some local enterprises...

Brother, this is not an industrial park.

It's just a movie.

Audiences are already disgusted with product placement. No matter how incompetent Zhang Weiping is, he won't be... so ugly, right?

This... isn't like his style.

Thinking of this, he suddenly asked:

"Let's not talk about whether you agree or not...why are there so many commercial elements this time?"

"It was like this before."

Zhang Yimou shrugged:

"It's just that the movies I made in the past two years... Let's just say that after we met, "The Golden Armor" was not suitable for implantation, and there was nothing for them to implant, but you should have seen it in "Three Guns". Those Partners, special acknowledgments, acknowledgments, support…the long list is all about this type of collaboration.”

"It means... when you are filming, there will always be people who hope that you can... give some feedback or something like that?"

"There's nothing I can do about it. In the past, I tried to be as convenient as possible, as long as it didn't affect the progress of the movie and the overall look and feel... But this time it's different. Such a serious subject, this is an issue related to national sentiment, and I can't compromise... ...And the more conflicts between us are between Bell and Zhao Yumo..."


Xu Xin suddenly realized something.

That is...from the beginning to the end, the old man didn't think there was anything strange about this kind of thing.

Even he himself felt that he was overthinking it.

No matter where the old man goes to film, there will always be a leadership team looking for him.

Not to mention personal guidance.

Even if "Hawthorn Tree" only has the title of producer, it can drive the economic chain of the Hawthorn Industrial Park.

Is it great?

Simply invincible!


It’s better not to see it in person.

When I saw it in person... such a thick stack of contracts, they were all worth tens or hundreds of thousands.

Xu Xin's intuition told her that there must be something wrong inside.

The old man was even more speechless.

He really explained incisively and vividly what it means to be a "layman".

From beginning to end, he never considered the weirdness of these contracts... which was actually understandable.

I don’t think about advertising on this subject, so why should I think about it?

This should be the inner activity of the old man.

Moreover, it can be seen from the fact that he always brings the topic to John Miller and Zhao Yumo...compared to these commercial things, he who adheres to the principle in his heart hates Zhang Weiping's dictation of movies more.

For things that I am not good at, I will provide convenience based on principle.

When it comes to the areas I am good at, I must stick to the bottom line.

No one can touch this bottom line!

This is not...


"How could John Miller have a sex scene with Zhao Yumo? What's the point of having a sex scene? Flattery! That implies that some of the survivors in that tragedy survived on the mercy of foreigners! He thought John Miller was Who? Rabe! What’s the motive? The United States had not bombed Pearl Harbor at that time. The Japanese dared to bomb Pearl Harbor, so would they be afraid of an American priest? How could this plot make sense! Also, why did this happen? This kind of suffering is linked to physical relations? An exchange of interests? Zhao Yumo is not a prostitute..."

Is the old man right?

There is no doubt that.

But the problem is...

Xu Xin also understands what he said.

This sex scene cannot be added.

Even a director knows it.

Therefore, what he said was no different from "nonsense" to Xu Xin.

He listens with one ear and listens with the other.

His mind was filled with the contracts in front of him.

Why... is it so strange?

While he was thinking about it, Zhang Yimou's words were interrupted by a phone ringing.

Xu Xin, who came back to his senses, looked at the caller, was stunned, and then said:

"Liang Bingning."

"Take it."

"Hey, okay."

After answering, he answered the phone:

"Hey...Sister Bingbing."

"Hey, where are you?"

Liang Binning's tone was full of playfulness.

"In Nanjing."

"I know you are in Nanjing, let me tell you the specific address."


Xu Xin was a little puzzled:

"Are you there too?"

"Yes, I just finished an acupuncture point. I received a call from the factory, asking me how many invited guests I would bring. I thought about asking who Mimi had brought over there. It would be inappropriate to repeat the invitation. In the end, there were a dozen When I chatted with you on the phone, I said that you are also in Nanjing... What are you doing in Nanjing?"


Xu Xin glanced at the old man and then said:

"Director Zhang is also in Nanjing. I came to see him."

"Director Zhang...ah?! Director Zhang is here too?"

"Yes, he's right next to me now."

"...Then you get busy. Give me a reply when you're done. You're not leaving tomorrow, are you?"

"I might have to leave tomorrow...what's wrong?"

"Yes, but it's not a big deal... Just be busy first. Let's find a place to meet if you're not busy anymore."

Hearing this, Xu Xin subconsciously looked at Zhang Yimou.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Xu Xin said:

"Well, let's talk. We are just chatting at the moment. It's okay. Just tell us."

"...Okay, I received a script from director Li Yu of "Guanyin Mountain". She is still directing this script, and the production company is the same as "Guanyin Mountain", Yanjing Laurei Film Karma. Do you think if I take it again... is it appropriate?"

This sounds like nonsense at first glance.

But if you notice the sentence "is it appropriate" behind her, it's not difficult to understand what she means.

When she was filming "Guanyin Mountain", she had just cooperated with Xiying Film Studio and found a backer to develop her career.

Since the beginning of this year, she has decided to take on the position of deputy leader of the actors troupe and perform her functions.

So as a person from Xiying Studio, if you cooperate with the Beijing Circle...

Although she and Li Yu are very good friends, she also has to consider the matter of the investors behind the scenes.

There is no way, after the Beijing circle has introduced this trend of forming gangs and establishing mountain tops, actors have to find a circle to fit in.

Actors who cannot blend in can only be marginalized, waiting for the opportunity that is simply out of reach to come to them.

The probability is too small.

Now Liang Binning is "same person but different destiny". Even though it is less than a year apart, her mentality and status have undergone fundamental changes. Her consideration in accepting roles can no longer simply improve her personal influence. , or what script is good or bad.

Regional division must also be put on the agenda.

After hearing this, Xu Xin didn't understand what "Laurei Pictures" was like for a while.

So it’s not easy to answer.

At this time, Zhang Yimou spoke:

"We have to go out for dinner tonight. If Bingbing is free, let's get together tonight."


Hearing this, Xu Xin said:

"Sister Bingbing, why don't we have dinner together tonight, with Director Zhang? Let's talk then?"

"Ah? Director Zhang?"

Liang Binning's eyes lit up.

"Well, that's great. How about I choose the hotel location? You must be unfamiliar with Nanjing, right? What kind of food does Director Zhang like to eat?"

There is no need for the old man to answer this.

Xu Xin said:

"The taste is a bit stronger, not so refined, just keep it simple."

"Sounds a lot like a rugged Northwest style."

"Haha... Just take care of yourself."

"Um... Okay, see you later. I'll send you the address on your phone."

"Well, I'll hang up first."

"Come on, greet Director Zhang and me."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin suppressed any doubts about the contract in his heart and said with a smile:

"I also said that we should find a place to have a bowl of mutton soup tonight."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou was also happy:

"You are a great director. If I treat a great director to dinner, how can you eat so poorly?"

"Hey, that's true."

Xu Xin happily lit a cigarette:

"Anyway, the food Aunt Ting cooked for lunch was quite delicious."


Zhang Yimou, who had not been home for many days, was speechless.

bad boy.

Just start acting nice when you get a bargain, right?

But he immediately shook his head in amusement.

No matter what.

He was also happy when Xiao Xu came.

Very happy.

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