I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 512 510 When I bite someone, I don’t bark.

Chapter 512 510. When I bite someone, I don’t bark

"Liang...Sister Bingbing has also been exposed to some things in the factory this year. Her mentality has also undergone some...changes. In the past, she just wanted to find a backer, but now she really wants to rely on the factory. With the strength inside, move forward higher.”

"Yes. The factory has indeed improved in all aspects in the past two years, and it is also a skill to adapt to the wind."

"Mr. Tian and I have been talking a lot recently. I attended a film festival two days ago. Do you know about this?"

"I've heard of it. I said you just added some interviews... What's going on at the film festival?"

"It's the people from this film exhibition..."

After hanging up the phone, we picked up these scraps and chatted with them.

The so-called profession has specialization.

You and the old man are talking about intrigues, or about this capital, that entertainment company, etc... He really doesn't understand.

Even though he is also in this circle.

But for example, even the emperor needs hundreds of officials to monitor the world. This is actually the truth.

From his location, he couldn't see much of the ecology at the bottom.

Even though he came from the bottom.

This is also the main reason why he repeatedly emphasized to Xu Xin that art should not be divorced from the soil of the masses.

It's not that he doesn't want to see it, it's that what he sees...at least in some aspects, is always what he wants to see.

Others would not put anything in front of him that might cause displeasure to a great director.

What Xu Xin talked about was more real.

Including the revenue from the advertising of "The Voice", the attitude of Shaanxi and Taiwan, and the attitude of the factory, and even talked about the fifth generation's plan to organize a film festival.

After hearing this, Zhang Yimou couldn't help but nodded:

"What Lao Tian said is correct... We were not afraid of anything at the time, but now that I think about it, the old factory director did the right thing."

"You didn't understand how to survive in the cracks at that time?"

"Who would let two walls squeeze them in when they have nothing to do?"

Zhang Yimou asked rhetorically.

Then he said:

"As for the film festival jury...you don't have to worry."

"With you in charge, I won't worry."

"...When did I say I was going to participate?"

Listening to Xu Xin's words, he was speechless for a while.

But as he said this, he couldn't help but feel happy.

How could you not participate?

Don't mention anything else, just talk about Xiao Xu, don't you have to participate?

Laughing dumbly, he sighed:

"Sigh... I can see that you also have a troubled temperament. Just don't run too far, just like this time. You should go home more often in the future and spend more time with Yang Mi and the children. The children will grow up. Soon, in the blink of an eye, he will be so big. Don’t realize that you lacked companionship for your child until then. Childhood regrets are difficult to make up for, you know?"

"I got it."

Xu Xin responded sincerely.

Next, the two picked up "Hawthorn Tree" and "Jinling" and chatted for a while.

Zhang Yimou basically didn't mention Zhang Weiping again.

Although his attitude was clear, "Don't interfere with my movie anymore," he didn't say any more unnecessary words.

Obviously, years of friendship made him still want to protect Zhang Weiping.

And Xu Xin also understands...

In other words, since he never mentioned the thermos cup he gave him, he already understood the old man's attitude.

Morally speaking, there are some things that Xu Xin can't get rid of.

However, for the old man, some things are more important than morality.

Xu Xin didn't say anything in any way: "Ah, you and Zhang Weiping should stop being together." Abba Abba.

In this way, he felt that there was no difference between himself and Zhang Weiping.

He respects the old man, so what he can do is help the old man build roads and bridges across mountains and rivers where he is unaware. It's not about forcing one's will on a great director.

This is actually very stupid and stupid.

It may even take a lot of effort.

To do something that might have been simple.

But, there is no way.

Who made the old man relent?

After chatting for more than an hour, Zhang Yimou's phone rang again.

He glanced at Xu Xin, stood up and said:

"Let's go, he should be awake."


Xu Xin responded with a smile.

I walked out with him and when we reached the second floor, the girls who were still practicing in the dance studio had moved to another room.

And there is the sound of tinkling musical instruments.

Xu Xin took a look through the glass. There were two...how should I put it?

The old gentleman, who has the power of movement and spirit, sits as tall as a pine tree, wearing a cheongsam, with his hair permed, and holding a folding fan.

One person plays and another sings.

A group of girls stood behind Ni Ni who was sitting on a chair, also holding pipa in their hands, listening.

Although the gentleman standing there is old, his smile can still be said to be charming.

Those... Xu Xin didn't know the names of those movements such as hand-twisting and arm-waving, coupled with the soft accent, he immediately understood how extravagant and elegant the Qinhuai scenery was back then.


He couldn't understand what was being sung.

Just hearing that tune sounds familiar.

He hummed along unconsciously:

"In the middle of the night~~~~~~Qiuxiang~The moonlight is shining on the flower stand~~~Qiuxiang~Sister has made a plan~She said it will be late, come at noon~Hey, beauty~Qiuxiang~hey~ the girl's skirt and hairpin seduces her soul Ai Ai~~~”


Zhang Yimou, who was accompanying him outside to watch these girls attend class, was speechless.

"Have you heard too much, Guo Degang?"


Xu Xin was a little embarrassed, but he could sing these lines.

I can’t remember what I sang next.

After all, his surname is not Wu either.

He turned to Zhang Yimou and asked:

"Isn't this Teacher Guo's "Flower Stage"?"

"This is called "Wuxi Scene". The brand of "Photography Terrace"..."

After finishing speaking, he said with a certain hatred that iron cannot become steel:

"After all, you are a great director, why are you still so ignorant? Don't you usually read books? Where are you reading them?"


Seeing that he was not ashamed but proud and laughed out loud, Zhang Yimou was even more speechless:

"Can you still laugh? Why are you laughing?"

"This...Mr. Tian often says this too. But you two say it in different ways. He dislikes me for wasting his good tea...and says I am ignorant and incompetent."

While talking, Xu Xin couldn't help scratching his head.

Do you think I'm really that ignorant?

I don’t think so.

It's because the questions you asked are too out of line... I just picked things I don't understand.

Either it's tea, or it's some kind of melodious sound...

You want to spend money...

This doesn't seem to work either.

If I can’t spend even 7,000 yuan a month, who am I qualified to pay others to spend money?

Oh yes.

save money!

Let’s not talk about tea, or any vapid music.

Just talking about how to save money, let me tell you, I will spend more than 7,000 yuan a month!

The most important thing is not to spend all the money!

There’s simply no way to spend it all!

When it comes to saving money, I’m an expert!

Thinking of this, he muttered:

"What do you think this is? If you have the ability, let's save money..."


Zhang Yimou, who heard these words clearly, was speechless:

“Better than saving money?… Than saving money?”

Xu Xin took a look...

Ho. Since you heard it, I won’t hide it anymore:

"That's right, if you have the guts, ask me how to save money. I'll teach you how to save money by smoking Chinese, drinking Maotai, and flying on a private jet for a month, which will cost you up to 7,000 yuan! I'm an expert at this!"


It is estimated that Zhang Yimou has never been so speechless hearing these words even if he has lived for a hundred years, let alone fifty years.

Looking at Xu Xin with the expression "You don't understand me", he asked:

"How to save?"

"It's simple."

Xu Xin had a "natural" expression on his face:

"Home by their parents, go out to rely on friends!"


Zhang Yimou, who finally realized that the child was making fun of himself, was dumbfounded.

What the hell!

While the two were having a conversation, they had already noticed that the director and Director Xu were watching from outside. The girls, who were all talking about their mental performance, could already say that it was raining in their hearts.

What are you talking about?

Are you dissatisfied with one of us?



Probably not me.

Well, it’s definitely not me! I did so well!

But what are they talking about?

Uneasiness and uneasiness began to spread among the crowd.

Xu Xin, who had no idea that his appearance had already started to make the girls panic, originally wanted to make fun of him, but at this moment, a man walked out of the office door:

"Hahaha, Xiao Xu."

Hearing this movement, Xu Xin turned his head...

have to.

The annoying fly appears.


He thought about it in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face:

"Mr. Zhang. Hello, I'm disturbing you again."

"Hahaha~ I haven't seen you for a long time, and I said such polite words..."

Zhang Weiping walked this way with a smile as he spoke.

The sound was just heard by the two gentlemen inside, who couldn't help but stop playing and singing.

have to.

It makes the scenery worse.

Seeing this, Xu Xin stepped forward to greet him.

Don't disturb other people's classes.

There are no rules.

Walking into the office, Zhao Xiaoding was also there.

After seeing Zhang Yimou, he stood up and walked over:

"The manufacturer sent the glass renderings."

"Well, let me take a look."

Zhang Yimou took the information in his hand, and Xu Xin did not sit down, but stood next to him and looked at it.

At this time, he heard Zhang Weiping's words:

"Xiao Xu, here it is."

Zhang Weiping handed over the cigarette.

"Hey, thank you."

Xu Xin took one, and Zhao Xiaoding took one.

While Zhang Weiping was holding his own, Xu Xin took out a lighter.

To be called an "elder", you have to do some superficial things.


"Well, I have..."

Zhang Weiping said politely, but Xu Xin had already stretched out the lighter in front of him.

Seeing this, he put the cigarette in his mouth, put his hand on the back of Xu Xin's hand, held the fire and lit the cigarette.

But he didn't notice that Zhao Xiaoding, who was holding a cigarette, watched the entire process.

Xu Xin also didn't know that Zhao Xiaoding had "lighted" a cigarette for Zhang Weiping once before.

After he took his hand away, he naturally transferred the lighter to Zhao Xiaoding's mouth.

The other party also took Xu Xin's hand and lit the cigarette politely.

The last three cigarettes surrounded Zhang Yimou, a non-smoker, and they looked at the so-called "glass model" information together.

Xu Xin looked at the pattern on it and realized that it should be the glass of the church.

That... colorful rainbow-like pattern and frame shape make it look like a church at first glance.

Oh yes, it seems to have a scientific name, called...


There was a strange flash in his eyes.

Am I really ignorant?

Am I...ignorant?

With this thought in mind, Xu Xin learned the lesson this time.

Don't say anything, just watch the big guy's performance.

as expected.

"Have you checked? In the 19th century, did the Catholic churches in China use roses or willow leaves?"

"The information comes from the Nanjing Museum, which contains a planning layout book for Nanjing churches at that time. After the Romanesque architecture of that period was introduced to our country, our craftsmen here took the lighting issue into consideration, so they mostly used rose windows. Willow Leaf View He seems a bit petty."

These are Zhao Xiaoding's words.

Then when Zhang Yimou was communicating with him, Xu Xin was thinking...

What is Roman architecture?

What is a rose window?

Willow leaves...is the full name "Low Leaves Window"?

What does it look like?

Am I really that ignorant?

? ? ?

For a moment, he really began to doubt himself.

It shouldn't be...

Just like the original "Guernica", he felt like he had become a husky again, blending into the wolf pack.

How about... give Lu Haibo a call? Discuss it with him... don't always give yourself some biographical novels recently.

Do I really have to look away from the world of movies and look at other things?

Anyway, no matter what happened in the end, the old man and Zhao Xiaoding decided on the shape of the window, and they began to study the combination of colors and what era...

The details are quite rigorous.

Zhang Weiping, on the other hand, kept talking about business, but he couldn't understand, so he talked to Xu Xin:

"Xiao Xu, what do you want to eat tonight?... Sit down, don't just stand and talk."

He asked Xu Xin to take a seat.

The two of them sat on the sofa next to them.

Zhang Yimou and Zhao Xiaoding were chatting there, and he and Zhang Weiping were chatting here.

The voice was not loud, and Xu Xin didn't want to disturb the old man.

He smiled and shook his head:

"Teacher Zhang, it's not me who refuses. Sister Bingbing is also in Nanjing now. I came to Nanjing this time to find her. On the 3rd, isn't the factory going to celebrate the founding of the talent center? Sister Bingbing asked me to make an appointment with Zhang Let’s have dinner together.”

There is actually nothing wrong with what he said.

Adults are not children. What matters is that if you are good to me, you cannot be good to him...

When he brought Xiying Studio out, he actually said to Zhang Weiping:

"This is a dinner party in the factory."

Regarding our internal affairs, we can decide by ourselves.

As a middleman, I introduced Liang Binning and Director Zhang to each other.

There may be some cooperation in the future.

This is normal.

When most people hear this, they will know that they really have an appointment, and they will be polite at most.

We don’t know each other, and we are not friends. It would be completely normal not to take you as a “stranger”.

This is the sense of propriety an adult should have.

In Xu Xin's eyes, Zhang Weiping did know how to measure things.

After he said this, he said with a smile:

"Then let's eat together. Bingbing must have just arrived, right? You have also just arrived. We came early, so let's show our friendship as landlords."

In Xu Xin's established impression, this kind of bold rhetoric is quite consistent with Zhang Weiping's superficial personality.

So, he also emphasized it politely:

"No, no, Teacher Zhang is too polite. Let's have a light meal tonight. After dinner, Sister Bingbing has to catch a flight back to Yanjing. How about waiting until tomorrow? I'll treat Teacher Zhang to dinner tomorrow."

In his script, this is the end of the story.

No one will be so angry that they continue to go to dinner parties that they don’t want to take you to.

And Zhang Weiping is indeed not a person who cannot understand words.

Seeing that he couldn't force it, he didn't continue.

After all, he is also the boss. It is indeed a bit embarrassing for others to continue to move forward without him, and Zhao Xiaoding is still there.


"Then I will allow Yimou to go out for a meal with you... Haha, don't let me kidnap you."


The smile on Xu Xin's face froze.

But it didn't last long.

In just a moment, he laughed:


Laughter replaced the answer.

But there was no warmth in his narrowed eyes.

He didn't know if the old man heard this.

But looking at the backs of the two of them who were studying the information and discussing various things with Zhao Xiaoding...


After all, he and Zhang Weiping didn't make much noise.

Not the best to hear.

Xu Xin... or the people of the old Xu family have never been dynamite barrels that can be lit at the first moment.

When he was a child, Xu Xin understood one truth from his father, whether it was from hearing, seeing, or being taught by words and deeds, that is, a dog that bites should not bark.

He doesn't feel like a dog.

But sometimes when I want to do something, I try my best not to alarm anyone.


You do not believe?

Then go and see Xu Mi.

If you look at how a good girl who was taught by her biological father handles things, you will understand the Xu family's style of doing things.

In Xu Xin's heart, the old man is his master.

Although neither of them mentioned this, one taught sincerely and the other learned with humility.

The old man taught him many things.

Whether it is the principles of life or the attitude of doing things.

These things have made me what I am now.

And when he heard someone use the word "accurate", it felt like someone was scratching a blackboard with their fingernails.

His scalp started to feel numb.


From Zhang Weiping, he finally understood what it means to talk too much and make mistakes.

But he still didn't show it.

After the old man and Zhao Xiaoding finished their work, the three of them sat in the office and talked about "Jinling".

The conversation lasted until around 5 o'clock, when the group of girls just finished class.

Amidst the noise outside, Xu Xin looked at the time and said to the old man:

"It's almost time, let's go?"

Zhang Yimou glanced at the time and nodded:

"Okay, let's go."

"Then you go, I'll go back to the hotel and rest directly... Haha, Xiao Xu, you have to treat me to a drink at noon tomorrow."

Hearing this, Xu Xin responded with a smile:


The three of them went downstairs together. Amidst the "Hello Director" greetings from the girls, Xu Xin, who was full of worries, followed the old man to the parking space and saw Assistant Shen who had not seen him for a long time.

"Director Xu."

"Brother Shen, long time no see."

"Haha, yes, long time no see."

After greeting each other politely, we got in the car and took our seats.

After giving Assistant Shen the address, Xu Xin suddenly asked:

"You came to Nanjing to film this time. Have you met all the leaders of these departments?"


Zhang Yimou shook his head:

"Nanjing doesn't need me to promote anything. Besides, how can such a serious subject be made like "The Hawthorn Tree", and it's tourism development or something... I just had a meal with the people from Shiqiu Film and Television Base , everything else should be kept simple. At this time, if you make a hype, you will be stabbed in the back. You must also remember that publicity must depend on the occasion. If you use any movie for publicity indiscriminately, it is easy to suffer losses."

"Yeah, I remember."

Seeing that the old man started class again as usual, Xu Xin responded.

But his purpose...maybe he has confirmed something from the old man.

Indeed, no matter how much hype there is about a subject like "Jinling", it will never be able to achieve the same hype as "Three Guns", such as "Zhang Yimou's first screen work after the Olympics".

In this case...


The thickness of those advertising books came to his mind.

These ads are even more unreasonable, right?

Thinking of this, he asked again:

"By the way, why are those advertising cooperation letters with you this afternoon?"

Zhang Yimou didn't think much and shrugged:

"He wanted me to see how much money we had lost... But making movies is not just about money. When we focus all our attention on money, we will unconsciously chase its footsteps. That way we will get lost. Just be yourself and make your own movie. If the movie is successful, money, fame and fortune will come to you. But you can’t actively look for them, otherwise you will never be able to make a good movie..."

Even if you haven’t watched Xu Xin’s interview.

But from this passage, we can know that the two of them have the same mind.

But that's not the purpose of Xu Xin asking this question.

He just needed to make sure that these plans were not given to everyone, but were "internal information" specifically for the old man to see.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yang Mi:

"Ask the people at "Pechoin" who are in contact with "Jinling" and are negotiating for implantation."

A message was sent.

His fingers paused slightly and added another line:

"But don't make too much noise."

After sending it, he put the phone back into his pocket.

After about a traffic light, Yang Mi replied with a message:


She didn't even ask why.

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