I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 513 511 Untitled

Chapter 513 511.Untitled·Part 1

"Hello, Director Zhang, I am Liang Binning. It is an honor to meet you."


In the box, Zhang Yimou and Liang Binning shook hands, exchanged greetings and took their seats.

With the middleman Xu Xin present, the atmosphere will naturally not be awkward.

Zhang Yimou has never worked with Liang Binning before. They have met and greeted each other on some occasions, but this is really the first time for them to meet formally and sit down to eat together like today.

The old man has his own set of standards for choosing actresses.

He and Xu Xin even said that he naturally has a strange angle when looking at actresses.

It can't be said to be the angle, I feel that this word may be more appropriate.

With just one look, he roughly knew in his mind whether this girl was suitable for him.

This is how the so-called "hunting for girls" comes about.

And this feeling has always been a "weapon" that he trusts.

Every girl is different.

Each has its own merits.


It’s through this feeling.

He had met Liang Binning before.

From the first meeting, I knew that the other person was not suitable for me.

She is indeed beautiful, but beautiful... how should I put it?

Too crafty.

It's not that she had plastic surgery or anything like that, but that when he saw Liang Binning, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that she couldn't fit into his movie.

If you want to integrate, you have to transform. And this kind of transformation is not a style or makeup, but that kind of... innate feeling.

Once that feeling is destroyed, it will no longer be natural, but will become more of a craftsmanship.

That's what he meant.

Of course, there are exceptions to this craftsmanship.

That is Yang Mi.

The drama "Golden Armor", in the final analysis, was his promise to Gong Li. The role of Jiang Chan is actually not important to him. Before Yang Mi, Li Man's so-called "Mou Girl" title...or all the titles of Mou Girl were given by movie fans.

At least that's how it started.

Later, a heroine appeared in one of his films.

Over time, even he himself... might be considered to agree with it.

If you are looking for a girl, just look for a girl. If everyone wants to talk about it, then just talk about it.

But strictly speaking, "mou girl" refers to the heroine.

Why do you think you are a supporting actress?

If you really want to...don't mention anything else, one "Golden Armor" can produce at least three thousand girls.

Therefore, before Yang Mi, Jiang Chan played by Li Man was actually just a correction... similar to a propaganda symbol.

Later, Li Man caused a murder due to a mosquito. After Xiao Xu recommended Yang Mi, Zhang Yimou, who did not feel that he was choosing a "girl", saw that whether it was an audition or his grasp of the role, All are considered suitable, so let’s go with Yang Mi.

Yang Mi, come and play Jiang Chan.

But if you really want to talk about Mou Girl... Yang Mi at that time was far from being mentioned.

The first impression of the unmarried little girl back then and the current Liang Binning were the same.

They are both beautiful and ingenious.

But why is it said that Yang Mi was an accident? This is the reason.

The kid joined the group because of Xiao Xu.

He attracted attention because of his search for a girl.

But he found his own way.

He forcibly lost the craftsmanship and turned into a... In his opinion, although it cannot be said to be a complete fit, if something happens to the "heroine", he can pick it up and use it. type.

At first glance, this reason seems absurd.

But if you think about his status in the director world, it can be explained very well.

In Zhang Yimou's world, Yang Mi is currently the only "plug and play" actor among the younger generation.

Aura, willing to work hard, extremely versatile.

As for Liu Yifei this time, or the previous girls, etc...

Except for Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi barely counts as half.

Others are really not good.

If Zhang Yimou really can't find anyone for any future dramas, then apart from Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, Yang Mi will be the third person to appear in his works repeatedly.

Of course, other directors might find this idea ridiculous.

Who do you think you are?

As for Yang Mi...you can use it if you say it can be used?

But when it comes to him, this is really the case.

Because his name is Zhang Yimou.

Therefore, Yang Mi was an "accident".

But today, after seeing Liang Binning, Zhang Yimou suddenly discovered...

A second surprise also occurred.

Unexpectedly, he found that his judgment about the actress in front of him was somewhat wrong.

In other words...she is also growing.

Surprisingly, Zhang Yimou thought she was pretty good too.

Although he is very famous, he doesn't see much of it... he belongs to the vanity fair impetuousness.

Not in terms of words and deeds, but the kind of temperament he exudes.

There is a strange feeling that everything I have done is nothing.

It's not like being out of the mud but not stained. This word is too noble.

He's not the kind of lost sheep who never returns.

Surprisingly...he found something in the other person...no longer exuding the same utilitarian feeling as when they first met.

This kind of surprise made him couldn't help but ask:

"Where is Bingbing from?"

"Uh... Director Zhang, I'm from Shandong."

"Where's your ancestral home?"

"My ancestral home is Yantai."

"Are you a native of Shandong?"


Although she didn't know why Director Zhang asked this, Liang Binning still nodded.

She is indeed a native of Shandong.

"Well...that's it."

Hearing what he said, Liang Binning couldn't help but ask:

"What's wrong? Director Zhang?"


Zhang Yimou thought for a while and said:

"You know there is an old saying in Shaanxi that we call Mizhi's mother-in-law Suide's Han. Have you heard of it?"


Liang Binning nodded and said with a smile:

"This is about Diao Chan and Lu Bu. Diao Chan is from Mizhi, and Lu Bu is from Jiuyuan, Wuyuan County... Speaking of which, Jiuyuan is right next to your home in Xu Xin, right?"

"That's right. My house was called "Yongzhou" in the Qin Dynasty and "Linzhou" in the Tang Dynasty in ancient times. Now it's only one or two hundred kilometers away from Suide... But it's about the same, and if you really want to go back, in fact, Shenmu, Suide The population flow in places such as Yulin and Yulin is very large. Because it is a very important border fortress in history, it is said: "Guanzhong is defended in the south, and Hetao is screened in the north. It controls the danger of Jinyang on the left and the rush of Lingxia on the right." , to guard the border at that time, militiamen from many places were mobilized, and the population of several surrounding counties was always on the move."

After doing some popular science about Shenmu County’s position in history, Liang Binning asked curiously:

"Does Director Zhang mean that I look like Mizhi's aunt?"


Zhang Yimou told the truth.

Because the other person does have such a temperament.

Or it's weird.

A Shandong girl, but she smells of the northwest.

Just like Yang Mi’s girl movie.

But Liang Binning did not take these words as the truth, but as a compliment from a great director.

She looked very happy, laughing and joking:

"Oh, then you have to drink less tonight. If you drink too much, if you say a few hometown dialects, won't you reveal your true colors?"


Zhang Yimou chuckled.

In today's game, he didn't treat him as a business bureau.

Just take Xiao Xu out for a meal.

Eat something good.

So the atmosphere is very relaxed.

A banquet was held, with fine wine and delicious food.

Xu Xin basically can't get drunk on red wine.

In addition, we didn’t come here to talk about anything today. We drank this red wine just to make our mouth less dry after chatting.

What we talked about was all about movies.

Liang Binning is very much like a seeker of knowledge, asking out some of the confusions she has had in her heart for so many years.

And Zhang Yimou also tried his best to give her answers through the director's perspective.

As for why she didn't ask Xu Xin...

She can only ask herself.

All in all, it was a pleasant meal and a pleasant conversation.

As for the "Laure Pictures" matter, it didn't take up three minutes of discussion at the dinner table.

According to Zhang Yimou, it is very simple:

"Actually... there is a very obvious essential difference between the Northwest Circle and the Beijing Circle, that is... the Beijing Circle focuses on business operations, while the Shanghai Circle is now following the path of following their footsteps. These two places have the right time and location. Nature will give birth to people and people.

But we don't really pay much attention to these things over there... In other words, I use the word "tradition" to summarize it, which may be more accurate.

Our tradition is movies. Focus on movies, actors and directors. After a masterpiece appears, what "things" you get from this film, or how much money you make, are not our considerations.

Just keep your original intention. It’s not just a gang building on the top of a mountain. The rich and colorful world brings rich and colorful cultural prosperity.

At this point, as is the world, so is the movie. "

Although he has left Xiying Film Studio, it was the place where he worked for many years and became famous.

At this point, his right to speak is no worse than Xu Xin.

That's all the Communist Party said, and the matter was settled.

Full of wine and food.

Just in time to leave.

Liang Binning seemed to be somewhat unsatisfied.

But, it’s not a good time to be full at this moment.

If it is full, it will lose its elegance.

Especially when the beauty is drunk and her cheeks are red.

Three people and two cars.

Not to mention, the hotels on both sides are not far apart.

Just a street away.

When we came back, we all stopped by and sat in a car chatting until we arrived at Liang Binning's hotel. Liang Binning got out of the car and parted ways with the two of them.

And Zhang Yimou was also very happy.

I have been busy working on "Jinling" for so long, and there are some things that reading a book is one thing.

The more we learn about that period of true historical facts, the more spiritual sadness it brings is another matter.

His emotions over the past few months were vented over this drink.

Emotional release coincides with happy events.

It was fine at the dinner table.

When I got back to the hotel, I was drunk.

Even if the three of them drank less than two bottles of red wine.

Finally, it is better to go back than to lie down and sleep soundly until dawn.

After returning to her room, Xu Xin reported to her good sister as usual.

But as soon as the call was connected, she heard Yang Mi say:

"Well, I was just about to send you a message... just in time, please wait."

"What's wrong?"

Less than three seconds after Xu Xin asked this question, he heard a "didi" sound:

"Look at the number I sent you. This is the person in charge of "Pechoin" in Nanjing who is in charge of discussing product placement with "Jinling". His surname is Guan. Manager Guan. The person we are talking to, Mr. Zhao from "Pechoin" The general person in charge of advertising, this Manager Guan is his subordinate. If you have any questions, just ask him. Mr. Zhao has already said hello in advance. They clearly explained the difference between the movie and "The Voice" and did not dare to offend us. Do not worry."


Xu Xin responded and looked at the time again, seeing that it was past nine o'clock...

Originally it was really not the right time to talk about work, but there were some things he had to ask clearly before he could think about what to do next.

So he said:

"Then I'll fight one now?"

"Okay...but can you tell me what's wrong? Why are you suddenly concerned about "Jinling"? Director Zhang is short of funds? If he is short of funds, just come from us."

"No, I discovered something fishy with the old man this afternoon..."

After briefly explaining the matter, Yang Mi also reacted:

"Isn't it funny? Nanjing is not Yuan'an. People don't need to rely on a movie to promote themselves. Even if Shi Qiu wants to promote a film and television base, the name of the filming location of "Jinling" is enough, and he still needs to give Small business giving back? And the price is outrageous, right?”

"So... something's not right."


Yang Mi thought for a while and suddenly remembered something:

"Hey, do you remember...last year, last year, right? We had a chat during the Golden Horse Awards."


Because he was drunk, Xu Xin couldn't remember for a while.

"Didn't you talk to Sister Bingbing once? When she told you about tax avoidance methods...do you think this is possible?"



He forgot.

But... his wife's thoughts at this moment really came together with him:

"You and I are thinking the same thing. When I saw those things, I felt something was wrong. But the problem is that neither of us understands these things, so I decided to ask the people from "Pechoin"..."

"Oh, are you stupid? Even if we have a good relationship with you, I still have to think carefully about this kind of thing, right?"

"That's what I said, so we can't talk about this matter? Otherwise, I wouldn't let you go to the people of "Pechoin" in the name of "The Voice". Isn't that the reason?"

"Then you can just ask Sister Bingbing directly? Does it need to be so complicated?"


Xu Xin thought about it and found that this was true.


Did I talk to Sister Bingbing about tax matters?

Why don't I remember?

If you had thought of this earlier, why go around in such a big circle?

Thinking of this, Xu Xin said:

"Okay, then I'll ask now...but I have to ask Pechoin first to see if their quotation is the same as the contract."

"Well, it's better to be sure...but you'd better take Director Zhang's thick stack of plans and so on...and find a chance to make a copy. This way, you can at least have a clue."

Yang Mi seemed to have guessed what he was going to do, and started to act as a dog-headed strategist.

Then Xu Xin was happy.

It has to be you.

"Okay, I'll implement this matter."

"Don't go to bed too late. Tomorrow you will meet the person our dad made an appointment with."

"Don't worry, I know."

"Well, then you can be busy, I'm going to bed, MUA~"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin dialed Manager Guan's number directly.

"Hello, how are you?"

"Hello, Manager Guan, I am Xu Xin."

"Ah? Director Xu, hello, hello."

Regardless of whether Manager Guan knew in advance that Xu Xin was going to contact him, he was very enthusiastic anyway.

Xu Xin chatted with him in a decent manner, and then got straight to the point:

"Manager Guan, it's like this. I happen to be on the set of "Jinling". When chatting with the director, we talked about our advertising. Our brand side is the most important partner of "The Voice". We They're friends. So I put some thought into it... How about it? Is the promotion of commercial advertising placement going well now?"

When Manager Guan heard this...

The first reaction was "Can Director Xu help?"

After the idea was born, although I felt in my heart that Director Xu was a little too enthusiastic.

But when he thought about his relationship with Director Zhang...that worry disappeared.

Let’s try treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If an enterprise wants to develop, advertising is necessary. Otherwise, how can we enhance the brand value?

And "Jinling" is indeed their development target.

So he quickly said politely:

"Director Xu, we are so grateful for your thoughtfulness..."

"Haha, that's what I said, my friend. What stage of progress are you at now? During the day, Director Zhang and I were chatting. There were people nearby, so we couldn't talk in depth. You tell me, and I'll ask Director Zhang what he meant tomorrow. "

"Thank you so much... To be honest, Director Xu, we have now given a quotation."

"Have you quoted a price? How much?"

"Seven million."


Hearing the price, Xu Xin was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked confusedly:

"Your company won't be responsible for taxes, right?"


Although Manager Guan wondered why he asked this, he still said:

"We are the sponsors, and the tickets must be issued by the crew."

"Good guy, then this kind of tax must be regarded as labor remuneration, right?"


Manager Guan became increasingly puzzled.

"The Voice" is also sponsored by us. Why is Director Xu... still asking me?

However, he still answered honestly:

"That's not necessary, but there are many things involved. For example, first of all, there is a 6% value-added tax applicable to advertising, and a 3% cultural undertaking construction tax, then there is a 15% corporate income tax, and stamp duty The invoice price is 5/10,000. The total is more than the labor remuneration...

However, this also involves a tax avoidance issue. Mr. Zhang means that it can be split, but we are not responsible for operating these, so we don’t understand how he operates. But this time "Jinling" has many product placement advertisers..."

Having said this, he paused and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Director Xu. If Director Zhang needs us to do anything, we will definitely provide convenience to the greatest extent..."

"Haha, I'm just worried about whether it's appropriate to add ads to a serious subject like this. Director Zhang actually has the same worries as me. I can only say that I'll try my best, but if it doesn't work, Manager Guan can't blame me."

"No way, we would be very grateful if you could give us a few kind words..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin figured out some things, but bigger doubts emerged again.

If...in order to avoid tax, why did Zhang Weiping change the price from 7 million to only 5 million?

And what about those small businesses?

Why is the price so low...

No, you really need to find someone knowledgeable to ask.

Thinking of this, he dialed Liang Bingning's phone number.

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on a call..."


He was speechless.

If you don't sleep at night, you, old man, must not be chatting with my father...

Full of absurdity, he tormented Su Meng.

"Hey, Mengmeng, do you have Yingying's phone number?"

"Ah? Sister Yingying? Yes, Brother Xu."

"Call her and ask her to find Sister Bingbing and tell her I'm looking for her."

"All right."

"Hey hey hey, why does Diao Chan only look like me? It's as if I'm so beautiful..."

In the room, Liang Bingning was lying lazily on the bedside, with a Bluetooth phone with blue light hanging on her ear.

Watching Manchester United playing Liverpool on TV, I smiled happily.

"I actually don't understand it. More than 20 people competing for a ball...it's boring no matter how you watch it. It's better to watch basketball~"

"Well, the atmosphere?...Have you been to the scene?"

"Hehe~ Is this an invitation? Then I have to consider whether to agree..."

"Ha... um."

"Well, a little bit, but I don't want to sleep yet."

"Because I promised to watch the game with you."

"But if I fall asleep soon, you can't blame me. I really can't understand~"

"Ah? It turns out you were just blind..."

"If you can't fall asleep, just read. Didn't you say that you fall asleep the fastest while reading? You can fall asleep without turning a page."

"I must remember it, my brain is so good..."

"Hee hee hee……"

Ding dong.

Although she didn't know who she was chatting with, the happy atmosphere was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

"Well, there's someone knocking on the door..."

"It should be Yingying. She must be in trouble."

"Oh, what do you mean by being ignorant? Even if she calls me, she can't get in. I... I'm not watching the game with you."

"Nonsense, I didn't yawn..."

"Don't say anything yet, let me see who it is."

"Hehe~ If it's a stranger, you have to come and protect me quickly."

As she spoke, she put on a large sweatshirt, walked out of the room, and looked outside the door through the peephole.

Then he opened the door and looked at Wang Dongying at the door. Liang Binning, who had headphones on her ears, asked in confusion:

"What's the matter?"

"Sister, Director Xu is looking for you. I couldn't get through to you, so Mengmeng called me and said I had something to do with you."


When I heard the name "Director Xu", I unconsciously tightened my toes stained with cherry red nail polish inside the slippers.

"...Okay, I understand. You can go back."

"Okay, sister, good night."

Wang Dongying said good night and left.

Liang Binning closed the door:

"It's three...Xu Xin is looking for me. He must have something important. How about...you take a look first? I'll get back to you later?"

On the other end of the phone, Xu Daqiang's voice rang:

"Okay, let's see what he wants to do. Apart from contacting Mimi at night, Sanjin doesn't like to talk to people on the phone at other times. I should have something to do with you."

Hearing this, Liang Binning said subconsciously:

"I didn't learn that from you."

"Haha, my dear, if you don't want to learn, who will? Okay, you're busy."

"Hmm. Then I die?"

"Oh, hang up."

The phone hangs up.

I don't know if he was drunk or something.

Her cheeks were already blushing.

The temperature on the face is rising visibly.

Not a racing heart.

You can tell it from the emotion in your eyes...

There should be a little bit of panic.

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