I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 520 518 Knowing everything (23)

Chapter 520 518. Know everything (23)

"I think... why don't we just join? We are making movies, so how can we suddenly become civil servants? Working nine to five every day... I can't stand it."

In the guest house room of Xiying Studio, Xu Kaibin was the first to object.

"Besides, you also know, Lao Song. My son will go to elementary school next year. I gritted my teeth and bought the school district house just so that my child can receive an education in Yanjing. It will be easier to get into Tsinghua and Peking University in the future... You let me It gives me a headache just thinking about going back to my hometown to compete with the score line of 600 or 700..."

Hearing this, Song Wen didn't know how to answer for a moment.

In fact, among the four people, Song Wen felt that the one he owed the most was Lao Xu.

Although a few people never mentioned it, everyone thought that a large part of the reason for his divorce was caused by the film exhibition.

His wife left him because the film exhibition was not making money and there was no development in sight. The couple's quarrels and conflicts eventually turned into divorce.

Lao Xu loves movies, which can be seen from the 8.5 million yuan shared among everyone this time.

He is not a person who values ​​money very much.

But as the third-ranked student in the county college entrance examination that year, he was more concerned about his children's education.

Although this conflict has never been mentioned, everyone in the team knows that he prefers to stay in Yanjing.

If the film festival is moved to another place, the team will definitely set up an office in Yanjing to contact some directors and actors in Beijing. This is the job he will be responsible for at that time.

But if he joins Xiying Film Studio, then he knows that these tasks will not be his turn. The reason for giving up at this time is not for other reasons, but purely for the sake of his children.

It’s already hard for a child to be a single parent.

If there was another separation between the two places, he would never agree.

Therefore, after hearing his request, Li Ziwei immediately asked:

"What if... Xiying Film Studio can also let you work in Yanjing?"

"Then I can consider it. As long as I am not separated from my child, anything will work. My son must not follow my old path, it is too painful. The admission threshold in our province is too high... Compared with his future, everything I can give up anything!”

After Xu Kaibin finished speaking, he expressed his attitude and then fell silent.

Li Ziwei looked at Li Ningning subconsciously.

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me. It's work wherever I work... Xi'an is pretty good too, and if the working environment at Xi'an Film Studio is really as stable as Director Xu promised, my dad won't say anything: "Girls are here "It would be strange if someone could marry you when you are running around outside." It would be nice to find a boyfriend from the northwest~ It's better than this one, right?"

Let's face it...it's quite realistic.

But there's nothing wrong with it.

In Li Ziwei's eyes, Ning Ning has been dating her for two or three years.

Never mentioned the marriage.

It always feels like the two of them have a mutual comfort relationship more than a couple.

purely to meet physiological needs.

"So...you agree?"


Li Ningning nodded:

"I believe in Director Xu's character. As you know, I am responsible for volunteer management. Didn't I tell you too? We have seen many filmmakers, big and small, and Director Xu was the first to stand up and pay attention. The person who went into the details of our film exhibition and provided encouragement. After his interview that day, many people cried... Talking about such a difficult film exhibition, I originally thought that these movie stars would feel shabby... But after hearing his words In the end, I felt that everything was worth it. Because... we are doing what we love..."

Her face was full of smiles:

"So I feel that if I can set my sights on a director at the bottom, his character will definitely not be bad. In addition, my father has always hoped that I can stabilize... After all, at my age in our hometown, I am not married and have no formal relationship. At work, many people think that I am not doing my job properly. My dad feels that his face is also disgraceful..."

After saying that, she shrugged, indicating that she voted in favor, and remained silent.

Song Wen looked at Li Ziwei subconsciously.

But he found that Li Ziwei was also looking at him.



They looked at each other, speechless.

After more than a minute of silence, Li Ziwei said:

"Let me tell you first."

She scratched her head:

"Actually... it doesn't matter to me. If... I can discuss with Director Xu... or the factory about keeping Binzi in Yanjing, then I can do anything else.

I am somewhat similar to Ning Ning’s point of view. If she hadn't mentioned her family, I might have been more indifferent. But when she mentioned home... I thought, my parents are not young anymore. I'm 30 this year, and it's really hard for me to find a boyfriend.

If I can stabilize myself and put my personal life in order, I think my parents will feel at ease. This is a personal aspect.

As for career... I pay more attention to what Director Xu said. He said... The film festival is a cultural tourism support package for Shaanxi. Didn't I tell you before? Xi'an, the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty, is their tourist business card. It definitely won’t be something that ends in an anticlimax~

Moreover, I don’t know if you heard it, but he proposed a term that is quite unfamiliar to us, called the Northwest Circle.

I don’t know how much you know about these, but I know about the relationships between actors and directors that I have been visiting all year round. They are very particular about this. For example, if someone has a grudge against someone, I will not go if he appears. For example, red carpet positions...actors are more particular about these.

The director is more particular about circles, cliques and the like.

I think Director Xu can reach this position at such a young age. His future potential is certainly not simple. And since he chose to be deeply bound to Xiying Studio... it means that he must have seen the potential of Xiying Studio... right?

Strictly speaking, we don’t know much about this, but since people like Director Xu, Yang Mi, and Liang Binning have all chosen Xiying Studio, it would be good for us to follow suit. The above is my personal opinion. "

After making a summary, Li Ziwei continued:

"Next is the film festival... I thought about it. If we follow our backup plan, we will also cooperate with other cities. Didn't we mention those objective conditions? Too far and too remote will not work. Stars and directors may not be Will come, so there must be a city with an airport.

It doesn’t matter if there is no city that can give back, just like the XN city that sent us an invitation. It is further west than Xi'an, too far. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a desert in the entertainment industry. It's definitely worse than Xi'an.

Finally, there is the issue of influence... I really didn't pay much attention to the influence of Xiying Studio before. We know that people like Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige came from here. But after visiting the honor room and museum today, I found that their influence almost radiates to the entire film and television industry.

Therefore, my opinion is also in favor. The premise is to communicate about Binzi's matter and see how to deal with it. The four of us have gone through hard times together. I hope that you will not only be partners for life, but also friends who can work together for life and never be separated! "

After she finished speaking, she finally looked at Song Wen.

It's now 2 to 1.

It's up to him to make the final vote.

As the founder, I am also the final decision-maker for the small team.

He actually had a lot on his mind.

On the one hand, no one mentioned any money, which made him feel particularly touched.

Feeling that he has no virtues and abilities, he found three like-minded partners.

On the other hand... he felt a little shameless.

Because from the content of the chat this afternoon, he could feel that... Xiying Studio did not absolutely need them.

Even he understands it.

Apart from anything else, what kind of resources does Director Xu have?

If you really want to run a film festival, a group of people will go crazy to find him for cooperation.

However, he received the four of them and chose to treat them with sincerity.

It’s really quite a face-saving gesture.

But now if I want to settle in Xi'an, I have to bargain with others because of personal reasons for the team...

How can we bargain with others?

It’s not like people beg us.

And in his heart, he actually felt that... the conditions offered by Xiying Studio were very generous.

If he can come out of Yanjing, he is not afraid of traveling far away.

But now to negotiate conditions for a state-owned enterprise that does not absolutely need them...

No matter how you look at it, it is a ridiculous thing.

But for the sake of his teammates, he hesitated again and again...

"I agree, but it's the same as Ziwei's point of view. If we can solve Binzi's matter, we can sell our lives to him. But if it can't be solved..."

He looked at Xu Kaibin:

"Since we all came out together, we must be together if we want to do anything. I will call Director Xu to discuss it now. If they can agree, I hope you will take back your words that you can't stand the 9 to 5 job!"

"No problem, I understand. Just do as the Romans do. As long as I'm not separated from my children...or if you really want to stay here, you don't need to count me together. I can't delay the three of you. At worst, I'll go and help others. Just be a trainer. I have brought out so many volunteers with Ning Ning, I have experience."

The harmony between the words of the four people was completely messed up.

Song Wen didn't say anything and just dialed Xu Xin's number directly.

After turning on the hands-free, the "beep" sound was like a signal of "final judgment", making everyone wait without taking a breath.

Until Xu Xin gets through:

"Hello, Mr. Song."

In Liang Binning's office, Xu Xin answered the phone.

"Hello, Director Xu, I have something to discuss with you."

"Well, you say."

"Xu Kaibin from our team..."

After recounting the cause and effect of the incident, he made his request:

"Look, is there a way to solve his situation? Since the four of us came out together, we definitely still want to stay together. But he really wants his children to stay in Yanjing and receive a better education. Besides, we are still a divorced family. …”

"Yeah, I understand."

After understanding what he meant, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"The factory does have an office in Yanjing. The people in the office basically perform a variety of functions. And after the film festival enters the preparatory stage, Yanjing does have to retain people for docking work. So in theory , job transfer is no problem.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, after the work is on track. Now in the initial stage, which is the busiest time, there are only three of you four left. This condition is basically impossible to achieve and it is unreasonable.

Mr. Song, we extend the invitation sincerely, but the invitation does not mean that we are compromising. You must understand this clearly. Think about it, if you are the boss and a candidate tells you that he cannot fully perform the job for which he was hired. So would you agree? "

Seeing that he was a little confused about the big and small kings, Xu Xin nodded at him.

Not everyone can negotiate terms with Xiying Studio.

Although this matter is not big, he must let Song Wen understand that no leader likes small groups to stick together.

You are here to work.

If you continue to stick together, you will be starting in the wrong direction from the beginning.

"Uh...this...I'm sorry, Director Xu, I was a little hasty."

"No need to apologize, what I mean is actually very simple. I know what you four mean. You have been here for so many years. But I hope the four of you can understand one thing. Work is work, and life is life. At work, The factory will make it as convenient as possible for everyone, but this is not an excuse to make it a condition.

In other words, Mr. Song, my promise to you is to join the film festival once it is successfully launched. But when you put forward these conditions, you thought about what if I had some evil intentions and drained your use value and threw you out, how would you deal with it? "

Xu Xin suddenly raised a possibility that sent shivers down Song Wen's spine.

Before he had time to think about it, Xu Xin continued:

"So, what I talk to you is all from the bottom of my heart. I have given you the greatest respect, but at the same time, the four of you must understand one thing, that is, any unit, any team, and anyone, for small groups, They are all extremely disgusting. We hope to find like-minded partners, and we are frank and sincere in dealing with our partners. But if you start to regard yourself as a small group before you even come in, then there is no need. What I mean is Was it conveyed clearly?"

"Ming...I understand, Director Xu. We understand."

"Well, that's ok. Of course, as for whether to work in Beijing, my promise is still valid. The film festival is successfully held and on the right track, then the positions can be adjusted. But before that, the factory cannot agree. That's all, there are still Is there anything else? If not, I have a meeting here..."

"No, no, I'm sorry, Director Xu, I really caused you trouble..."

"Well, I'll hang up first."

"Okay, Director Xu, goodbye."

"See you."

The phone hangs up.

Liang Bingning, who was listening from beginning to end, said with a smile:

"It sounds so familiar."


Xu Xin raised his head and glanced at her in confusion.

"That's your trick... Looking back at the beginning, I seem to have been slapped by your move and given a sweet date."


Xu Xin suddenly felt embarrassed.


It really is……

So he quickly made up for it:

"This is not a slap in the face to Tian Zao, but the truth."

"So you're calling Enwei and doing it?"


Speechless Xu Xin turned to look at his wife.

Two eyes are just one word:

"help me."

As for Yang Mi, she was half pretending to be stupid and didn't want to get involved in this incident.

The other half, her mind wasn't in this at all.

She could hear the sound of gold coins colliding from time to time on her phone, ding-ding-dong-dong.

At this moment, she ignored her husband at all.

You two chat, don't take me with you, I'll play games for a while.

"Temple Run" is so fun.

And Liang Binning didn't go into details. At this moment, everyone was sitting together just chatting.

I didn't plan to mention anything about work or anything like that.

But Xu Xin's call made her curiously ask:

"Is the factory planning a film festival?"


He didn't explain why Liang Binning didn't know about this kind of thing.

Why does the actor troupe get involved in management affairs...

That's called ultra vires.

Liang Binning also understood this truth. After seeing Xu Xin agreed, she continued to ask:


"Within two years."


"Domestic. The form is similar to that of the three major European companies, but we must do a good job domestically first and then talk about other things. It belongs to the supporting link of cultural tourism."

"Well... then the judges..."

"There must be a place for you."

"And you?"

"Me? I won't get involved. I will be the person in charge of the director support program. After all, at my age, if I join the jury, I'm afraid it will cause some controversy."

Hearing this, Liang Binning was a little surprised:

"So cautious?"

"Hmm... not bad."

"It's okay" made Liang Binning not know how to continue the conversation.

In fact, she still cared about the phone call that night.

I want to ask Xu Xin what he thinks.

But she was usually very good at chatting, but today she felt a little unable to keep up with Xu Xin's thoughts.

It was as if he was deliberately avoiding something.

And in the midst of the tortured hesitation, Yang Mi put away her phone:

"Bah! Rubbish game! Ruin my youth!"

After cursing, she stood up directly:

"Do you have anything else to do this afternoon?"


After Xu Xin finished speaking sincerely, Yang Mi asked again:

"What time will Director Zhang arrive?"

"Around 6 o'clock."

Hearing this, Yang Mi turned to look at Liang Binning again:

"Sister, come home for dinner tonight."

"Uh... ok."

"Well, let's go, shall we? It's been a while since the three grown-up kids ate the food I cooked. I'm in a good mood today, so let's show off."

Just when Liang Binning was wondering who these "three good boys" were, the couple patted their butts, said hello and left.

She looked at the closed door of the office...

Gradually, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Then helplessness turned into worry.

But there's something weird about worrying.

Finally, all the emotions turned into a sigh.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Dongying:

"Yingying, please help me cancel the dinner party with the group tonight. Just say that I'm not feeling well and won't go."

Jay Chou likes to eat French or Italian food.

I especially like Yang Mi’s Naples-flavored seafood stew.

Wang Sicong is proud to eat pasta and likes to eat the flower rolls made by Xu Xin's sister-in-law. In terms of food selection, I prefer home-cooked food.

As long as it's Lao Xu's food, there's basically no reason to be dissatisfied.

As for the old wolf, he likes stewed meat.

He doesn't like eating stews with particularly strong flavors. His favorite is braised pork and cabbage for the second meal.

There are also shredded pork with green peppers left over from the stir-fry.

You don’t have to eat the shredded pork, but I like the green peppers that have been marinated in vegetable soup the most.

And the second meal of fish jelly.

I don’t know what Sister Bingbing likes to eat, but Director Zhang likes to eat steamed buns. He doesn’t choose meat or vegetables, but he likes to eat them with a bowl of thick porridge.

The two of them drove out from Xiying Studio and walked all the way to the supermarket.

Not long after I entered a large supermarket wearing a mask, large and small bags were brought out.

It was just after four o'clock when I got home.

She began to work.

First, I randomly fried some shredded chili peppers with salt and soy sauce. After frying, I sealed it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator.

Take it out like this and it will be the shredded pork with green pepper for the second meal.

There is also a sea bass next to it. The body and belly of the fish are full of shredded ginger and green onions, which have been marinated with pepper and cooking wine.

Yang Dalin, who was working in the kitchen, had already blanched the meat. After frying the peppers, she started frying the sugar.

Soon, there was a sizzling sound, and the home-cooked braised pork was already in the pot.

After stewing, Yang Mi began to cut tomatoes.

Yang Dalin, who had his hands free, began to help his daughter cut the cowpeas.

Cowpeas with minced meat can be used to sandwich steamed buns, or you can scoop a spoonful onto the thick porridge and eat with chopsticks.

How can you feel comfortable eating this dish?

When Yang Mi's pot of freshly brewed tomato juice began to simmer, Yang Dalin also cut the cowpeas, put them on a plate and put them aside.

The Yang Mi and the minced meat are marinated in flavor.

Yang Dalin began to deal with the whole three-yellow chicken he bought.

The sound of chopping was heard.

Yang Mi started making dough.

From being a novice in making dough at the beginning, to being an expert in hand-kneading dough now, her hand-kneading skills and her mental and physical skills can be considered to be at a high level.

The noodles are divided into two basins, and the quantity is not much.

Put yeast in one part, which is for cheese buns and steamed flower rolls for Wang Sicong. One portion is kneaded with alkaline noodles and water. This kind of alkaline noodles is chewy and her men like to eat it.

When the noodles wake up, the chickens over there are also chopped.

Not blanched, but soaked in cold water.

You have to change the water two to three times to soak out all the blood and fry it.

The raw stir-fried soup has a little more juice and is reserved for the men in my family to mix with noodles.

After processing these, the tomato sauce is almost reduced, and the three different flavors of tomato puree, tomato sauce and fresh tomatoes are added into one tomato sauce, which will be used to cook the Naples-style seafood stew in a while.

When she was finished, the mother in the living room had also processed the shrimp threads, abalone offal, etc., and came in with a basin of seafood.

The braised pork was placed on the induction cooker to continue simmering, and she finally got a moment to breathe and walked out of the kitchen.

In the living room, Xu Xin is picking vegetables.

This is the only job he can do.

A basket of green vegetables, a bowl of garlic, and a pot of potatoes.

This is the result of more than an hour of his busy work.

Horribly inefficient.

But Yang Mi doesn’t mind it either.

It's all within your capabilities.

When her eyes fell on the cabbage next to her husband, she sighed silently.

A good cabbage was chopped into baby cabbage by you.

Why are you so promising?

With helplessness in her heart, she walked to him hypocritically:

"Awesome, I'll reward you with one~"

After the words fell, Xu Xin raised his head.

"Ba Chi" she just said.

Then he slumped down on the sofa and looked at the time...

A full hour.

Well, not bad, not bad.

Rest for a while and start cooking when everyone comes back.

Tonight’s menu: braised pork, stir-fried chicken, Neapolitan seafood stew, shredded pork with green peppers, minced cowpeas, stir-fried vegetables, vinegar-glazed shredded potatoes, and peanuts for drinking.

Exactly eight dishes.

Staple food: fresh cheese steamed buns, hand-rolled alkaline water, thick porridge...

Oh yes.

The porridge hasn't been cooked yet.

She quickly jumped up from the sofa.

The time is short and it won’t work if it doesn’t boil until it becomes mushy.

It seems that our daughter-in-law from Shaanxi is incompetent.

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