I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 521 519 Caused by a Donkey (33)

Chapter 521 519. Caused by a donkey...(33)

"Are you tired?"

In the business car, Gong Xinliang looked at her boyfriend and asked with concern.

"I'm not tired, I'm just hungry. Hey, did Lao Xu call this afternoon?"



Lang Lang was a little puzzled.

Isn’t Dami here too today? You, a man with a family, can't find a place to have a drink at night when you manage to gather everyone together?

Why didn't you even make a phone call?

You can tell me what the plans are for tonight.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and dialed Xu Xin.

"Dudu, I'm sorry, the number you dialed is currently on a call..."

Seeing this, he hung up, waited for about a minute, and then called again.

The line is still busy.

Lang Lang was helpless.

Forget it, let’s go back to Qujiang Garden first.

Qujiang Garden is very close to Xiying Studio, and it only takes five minutes by commercial vehicle.

In the car, Lang Lang looked at his girlfriend looking down at her cell phone and asked:

"What are you looking for?"

"Look at the clothes, see if there is anything good-looking."

Gong Xinliang said as he handed over the phone:

"How about this?"

Lang Lang took it and took a look, and a big donkey-marked dress came into view.


He nodded, suddenly remembered that today was the 2nd, and asked:

"Oh yes, how much is your credit card bill this month?"

"A little over 130,000."


Hearing this number, Lang Lang was a little puzzled.

What did you buy again?

Usually when the two of them are together, he spends all the money, and he doesn't see her using money, so why is it more than 100,000?

But he didn't ask.

It’s not like I can’t afford to pay back hundreds of thousands.

"I'll transfer it to you via online banking when I get home later."

"Um...are these just a few items? Have I made an appointment?"

Gong Xinliang unfolded his shopping cart.

LV’s official website can only be purchased, but not online.

So she put whatever she liked directly into her shopping bag, and then went to pick up the goods with a familiar shopping guide.

Logically speaking, when buying clothes or something, it’s best to try them on. After all, this is not Taobao. If you buy something that doesn’t suit you, you can still get it for seven days without any reason.

It's such an expensive item. If you really want to return it, you won't be able to return it. The most you can do is exchange it for a different size.

But she didn't care much.

And Lang Lang took a look.

A total of four pieces.

A dress, a pair of pants, a pair of shoes and a bag.

The dress costs 34,500, the pants cost 7,000, the shoes cost 11,000, and the bag is a large suitcase...

Thirty-five thousand trolley suitcases.

"...Why did you buy this box?"

"That suitcase is too big to carry. I'll buy a smaller one. Otherwise, what will I do if I carry a big suitcase when I go out with you? Assistant?"


After hearing this reason, although it was somewhat inappropriate for his status, Lang Lang couldn't help but complain:

"LV is really like a wild goose. How much does a suitcase cost more than 30,000?"

In his concept, suitcases at the airport are stacked together and placed in the luggage compartment. And when you take it out, the porters won't feel pity for your box just because it's thirty-five thousand.

How much is this thirty-five thousand yuan? Not much.

How much does "The Voice" alone cost him?

But the problem is...you can't be so defeated even if you have money.

If nothing else, what are the wheels used for?

International big brand RIMOWA——RIMOWA.

That box only costs more than 8,000.

He thought this brand of boxes was good, most importantly, sturdy and fashionable, so he recommended it to several people.

Including him, Lao Xu, and Da Laowang all used this Rimowa.

Dami also uses this.

A suitcase costing seven to eight thousand is enough. How about a LV worth thirty-five thousand?

If you get scratched or rubbed, won't you feel bad? Just keep using Rimowa.

The box you had before was only over 500 yuan...

"But I like it and I want to use this. I think this is good!"


Hearing this, Lang Lang didn't say anything.

Thirty-five thousand is thirty-five thousand.

It’s not like I can’t afford it.


The daughter-in-law is happy and the whole family is harmonious.

He nodded and agreed.

Gong Xinliang happily started contacting LV’s shopping guide.

"Hey, Jenny~ I sent you some pictures, have you received them?... Oh, isn't it almost autumn? I'll add some clothes..."

Listening to her tone, Lang Lang felt a little uncomfortable.

There's nothing I can do about it, the arrogance of showing off is so obvious.

And within the time of her phone call, the commercial vehicle arrived at Qujiang Garden.

When the car arrived at the parking space of the villa, he and Gong Xinliang got out of the car together.

Then I saw Xu Xin sitting in the pavilion in front of the door and talking on the phone.

"Old Xu."

He shouted, wondering why the phone couldn't be reached.

Xu Xin turned his head, waved his hand with a smile, and then pointed at his phone.

Lang Lang understood and planned to go back to the room to change his clothes and discuss what to eat in the evening.

But as soon as he opened the door and walked into the house, the aroma of food rushed over him instantly.



Braised pork?

Hmm...it also smells like seafood and tomatoes...

Smells good!


His eyes lit up and he subconsciously shouted:

"Da Mi?"


With her hair tied into a bun and an apron hanging on her body, Yang Mi, who looked pure, lustful and virtuous, leaned out of the kitchen with sweat on her forehead.

"I'm home?"

"Yeah! What are you doing?"

Lang Lang walked to the kitchen with a bang.

But it’s been a while since I’ve tasted Da Mi’s craftsmanship.

It’s been several months!

When he walked into the kitchen, he saw pots on all the stoves, including the three-burner stove and the induction stove.

There is a casserole, a frying spoon, a steamer, a frying pan, and next to it there is an electric baking pan with a red light on.

"Hey, what's the dish tonight?!"

"Braised pork..."

Yangmi one-finger casserole:

"Divide it into two portions. In one pot, the stew is not so mushy and I will make cabbage vermicelli for you. In the other pot, if the meat is crumbly, you can eat roujiamo or pure braised pork."

Also refers to steamer:

"Inside are the flower rolls and the sticky bean buns you put in the refrigerator? They are all steamed. I will sprinkle them with sugar for you to eat later."

Then point to the plate next to it sealed with plastic wrap:

"This is the shredded green pepper pork that I fried in the afternoon and put in the refrigerator. This pepper is quite spicy, specially made for you!"

Then he circled his fingers again:

"Then there are home-cooked dishes, the seafood that Wheels likes to eat, home-cooked dishes for rice and noodles... There are many people today, besides us, Director Zhang is also here, and Sister Bingbing will be here soon."


Lang Lang no longer knew what to say.

It just...feels weird.

They are obviously friends, but when Yang Mi said "I made it specially for you", why did she sound like her mother...

This is so touching in my heart...

Just don’t mention it.

"Can you help me?"

"No, please go out quickly. If I get burned by the steam or something, will I become a sinner forever? Just go and decide what to drink with Xu Xin, and then ask them to come back quickly."

"Yeah, okay!"

Langlang walked out of the kitchen with a bang.

Gong Xinliang came over and looked unhappy:

"That package is out of stock... I have to order it, it will take a month or two!"


Seeing her pouting, for some reason, Lang Lang suddenly turned his head subconsciously.

Yang Mi in the kitchen is rolling noodles.

There was some flour on the apron and hands.

Maybe there was too much sweat on her forehead, so she wiped it with her right arm and continued to focus on rolling the dough.

Do you suffer from cooking in summer?

The answer is yes.

Not to mention that the villa of Lao Xu's family was renovated early and there was no air conditioning.

In other words, installing air conditioning is useless.

There were sticky bean buns and flower rolls in the steamer, and the heat was pouring into the outer room, and the air conditioner was useless.

Dami... is she virtuous?

The answer is yes.

Not to mention anything else, the two golden actresses have prepared this table for you in the kitchen... Everyone's eating habits are comprehensive. How much effort does it take to prepare a banquet with delicacies from all over the world?

Can Dami make money?

Not to mention.

Are you capable?

Need to ask?

With such a brother, everyone thought it was Lao Xu who got lucky and picked up a wife... She is also a big star, and she has a good craftsmanship...

The most important thing is, how can Lao Xu and Dexing Ge know?

Throw away the big shopkeeper.

Yang Mi takes care of the baby, cooks, runs the house and makes money...

Lao Xu is just like her eldest son.

But they are perfect in every aspect.

Just such a woman, who can work in the hall and in the kitchen, is a virtuous wife in front of others, and a loving and filial mother in the back.



But my girlfriend...

Because a bag that is obviously more pretentious than actual use can make you look down...

Suddenly, the feeling of contrast jumped into Lang Lang's mind.

He said unconsciously:

"Then I won't buy it, okay?"

"But I like it! Why are you so impatient?"

Gong Xinliang still looked unhappy, and even pouted.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, Yang Mi heard the noise and stuck her head out again.


Gong Xinliang pouted and was originally very dissatisfied.

But after seeing Yang Mi, she quickly calmed down her expression and said hello:

"Sister Mi."

"Hey, MIUMIU, long time no see~"

Yang Mi waved with a smile.

"What are you talking about? What's wrong?"

Just when Gong Xinliang said it was okay, Lang Lang said:

"She wants to buy a bag, which LV doesn't have, but a trolley suitcase, which costs more than 30,000 yuan... Do you think LV is crazy if it doesn't grab the money?"

"No, I'm just kidding, I won't buy it."

Gong Xinliang quickly shook his head.

But Lang Lang showed a shocked expression.

Normally it would be fine, but the problem is that she still communicates with LV's sales on the front foot, and feels aggrieved because she doesn't have the bag on the back foot.

And who is Dami?

One of our own!

Do you treat Dami with this kind of polite and sensible attitude toward strangers?

Do you consider her one of your own?

Lang Lang frowned suddenly.

He has big eyes, and when he frowns, those big eyes are really intimidating.

Yang Mi thought he was going to get angry and walked out quickly:

"Okay, okay, what's the big deal? What kind of bag? Trolley suitcase, right? If he doesn't buy it for you, I'll buy it for you. You too...why are you staring at me?"

Protecting the little girl behind her, Yang Mi was unhappy with Lang Lang:

"Okay, okay, don't cause trouble here, go find Xu Xin. You take Xu Xin to wash his hands and tell him not to call Lao Zhu. Lao Zhu has been sitting in front of the computer all day, and he will go after get off work Please let me go. Go, go, quickly."

Upon hearing this, Lang Lang's expression immediately became dumbfounded:

"Are you fooling the child? Do you want me to take Lao Xu to wash his hands?"

Yang Mi raised the rolling pin in her hand:

"Hurry up, I won't let you eat tonight if you don't obey me!"


Lang Lang rolled his eyes when he heard that these were not human words.

Mother Yang can't be offended but beaten.

Slipping away.



"Da Mi! Come on, come on, come and give me a hug..."

"Fuck you, I'm busy. I'm going to wash my hands and get ready to eat!"

Seeing Wang Sicong walking out of the kitchen dejectedly, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Be brave and give me a hug. I respect you for being a man."

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes even more:

"Who do you think your wife is? An ordinary person? And she forced her... I took three steps closer to her, and the cold air on my back went to Tian Ling Gai."

"Then you don't think you can overestimate your ability and move forward? Wow, sometimes I think you are brave enough to be brave regardless of the situation. It's amazing!"

"What do you know? We haven't seen each other for so long. How can we show that we are friends if we don't have to flirt?"

Wang Sicong said as he took Yangyang from Xu Xin's arms:

"Oh, my godfather will take you to play real-person CS later, okay? You will be my godfather's hostage. If your father doesn't have three to five hundred million dollars, he won't even think about redeeming you from his godfather."


Xu Xin's expression changed instantly.

It's not that it's scary... but it's a bit scary.

Because something is wrong with Jay Chou's face.

"Godfather? Young man."

He smiled softly, and his narrow eyes were filled with dangerous looks.

Stretching his hand under the coffee table...

Xu Xin heard a "Zila" sound, and Jay Chou took out a soft bullet gun that looked like a revolver from under the coffee table.

6 rounds of soft eggs, loaded directly:

"When did it happen! Should you tell it yourself, or should I help you tell it!"

But before Xu Xin could say anything, Wang Sicong slapped the table first:

"I told you I bought 18 guns in total! Damn it! I even told the customer service that one courier was missing! It turns out you hid this gun! Damn it!"


Jay Chou's mouth twitched, his face was embarrassed and speechless.

Gun head rotation:

"Shut up!"

Wang Sicong subconsciously protected Yangyang and blocked the child's face with his hand.


He said "rely on the cup" to his mouth, but considering the child, he took it back.

You are the only one who knows how to be a father, right?

And Xu Xin was speechless.

He has been "coldly treating" these three living fathers, not even daring to mention who will be the godfather.

As for Wang Sicong, the "godfather" is even more self-proclaimed.

He never admitted it.

As a result, no matter what happens now, there is definitely no way to escape today.

Fortunately, the savior has arrived.

There was a sound at the door.

The old man walked in with Zhang Mo.

Except for Wang Sicong, everyone present has worked with him, so they are not familiar with each other.

Jay Chou came over first to say hello:

"Hey, director, long time no see."


Zhang Yimou seemed to be very happy, smiling and saying hello to everyone, and after sitting down, he asked:

"How was the movie?"

Xu Xin immediately started chattering as if grasping at straws.

It can be said that this time has been fooled.

Not long after, Liang Binning also came.

The villa suddenly became lively.

Although it was impossible to avoid suspicion, the old couple still took their children and ran away.

In fact, the food at home is enough, but on the one hand, the old couple sees a lot of people, including more than a dozen assistants. On the other hand, the two of them wanted to see the Everlasting City of the Tang Dynasty at night.

So, I took the baby and drove out.

Yang Mi Qian warned Wan to take good care of the child.

This made my father roll his eyes for a while.

You’ve been a police officer all your life, and you’re telling me this?

Within seven steps, a fly came over and I could dislocate its wings!

Then, the assistant went to the small hall, and everyone gathered around the long table. The old man took the main seat, and everyone gathered around and started eating.

Zhang Mo didn't drink, so she had to drive her father home.

Others are less concerned.

I have worked with Jay Chou, worked with Lang Lang in the Olympics, and Liang Binning just had dinner two days ago.

The atmosphere was not lively at all.

It's just a pity...

The old man really wanted to spend some time with Nuannuan and Yangyang this time.

But it will be the same tomorrow.

Anyway, he and Xu Xin were on a two-day trip.

The topic of eating cannot avoid movies.

The movie starts from "Hawthorn Tree", then to "Golden Hill", and then to some views on the film industry. Finally, we started talking about movies and Xi Film Studio.

They started chatting about the time he spent in Xiying Studio.

Speaking of this, Wang Sicong asked a question:

"Director Zhang, you have filmed so many movies, especially the crew of "Jinling" this time. I read the news two days ago that all the best people in the world have come to work for you. The cost for these people is quite high, right? ?”

"It's actually not bad."

He pushed the empty thick porridge bowl in front of him forward to indicate that he was full.

Zhang Yimou said:

“We are all old friends and the prices are very fair.”

"Tsk... It has to be you. I read the news and it said that Director Zhao Xiaoding's directing fee starts at seven to eight million... What other directors are from what works, and they paid a sum for "The Jinling" Account, the cost of the crew alone is close to 60 million..."

"It's not that exaggerated, haha."

Zhang Yimou smiled happily:

"That's too expensive. We have been working together for so many years, and we are actually growing step by step. Just like you, we have worked together since we first met. Feelings are always more important than interests. After so many years, we have become friends. When you are not needed, everyone does their own thing. When you are needed, just make a phone call and people from all over the world can come together. That's it..."

"You have been friends with them for ten or twenty years, right?"

"That's for sure."

"Is there any experience to impart? There are just a few of us..."

Wang Sicong's face turned slightly red, perhaps because he was drunk.


After hearing this, Zhang Yimou thought for a while and said:

"When it comes to experience, I don't have any... This thing is like this. There is a very popular saying on the Internet recently, which is: Life is like a journey. What... Some people can accompany you to the end, and some people can accompany you to the end. But you have to get off the car halfway. Is there such a saying?"


"Whoever I am with is actually fate. I have the same character and soul as you. You have a common language and a common ideal goal... Such a friend, lover, confidant, brother... We all use these things in common , to maintain the relationship, so naturally...you don’t need to manage it, you can go all the way..."

When he said this, he paused and looked a little disappointed.

But no one except Xu Xin saw it:

"But for some people, when you first meet them, you feel that they are suitable for you in everything and that they are the best. But as time goes by, you will find that you have more and more differences and more and more contradictions... That’s when the pain will appear…”

"what is it now?"

After Wang Sicong finished speaking, Xu Xin said:

"It's so simple, you can cut through the mess with a quick knife!!"

He was actually talking to the old man.

I just don’t know if the old man listened.

But there are some words that everyone feels differently when they hear them.

For example, Lang Lang feels particularly profound today.

Just before Liang Binning came, there was no time to eat. In fact, he and Gong Xinliang were quarreling.

The quarrel was not about whether to buy a bag or not, but that he raised a dissatisfaction.

He Lao Xu and Dami, what are you hiding? Everyone regards you as their friend, why can’t you be more natural?

That's what it means.

The two of them kept arguing under the pretext of taking a walk.

Gong Xinliang’s answer is simple:

"How can I quarrel with you as your friend? Isn't that not giving you face? But I just like that trolley case and it's not expensive. Why can't I buy it?"

Langlang means:

"The point is not about the trolley case, but about your attitude. Do you think we are pretending in front of Dami?"

What Gong Xinliang means is:

"First of all, Xu Xin is your friend, and Yang Mi is your friend's wife. The relationship between you two is in order. Secondly, I didn't pretend, but how long have I known them? When I got along with them, you said It’s what it is, I’ve given all my face to you, but I also have my own friends, who are distant and distant, so why don’t we all get along slowly? Why do you have to dig your heart out as soon as you get started?”

In short, it was just one sentence, and neither of them had an argument.

But Lang Lang didn't like his girlfriend's attitude very much.

My friends are all sincere to me, and they are always in the kitchen cooking my favorite dishes on hot days.

But my girlfriend quarreled with me here because I didn’t like a bag.

He felt quite angry.

But before the quarrel was over, Liang Binning came, so we could only let it go temporarily.

But at this moment, hearing Director Zhang’s words...

An idea suddenly came to his mind.

Could it be... just like what Director Zhang said...


Not the right person for me at all?

And some things are like a Pandora's box.

Once opened, it cannot be closed.

Unconsciously, he began to compare Gong Xinliang with Yang Mi...

At the same time, I also remembered something that Big Lao Wang said when the three brothers were chatting in private:

"When I'm looking for a wife, I just go to Dami. If I can't find one like Dami, I'd rather be single... Of course, it's okay to have fun with a flower girl."

He took the last sentence as fart.

But take out Da Midan and compare it with your girlfriend like this...

Not better than okay.

After comparing...he suddenly discovered...

What exactly am I looking for?

At the beginning of the month, please vote!

512 has been banned. I think I will have to rewrite it. I may not update it tomorrow, but I will definitely clear it this month.

Currently owed: 8 updates

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