I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 524 522 Don’t fall in love (13)

Chapter 524 522. Don’t fall in love (13)

"As for the money, I don't count it as your repayment. Just leave it in the company. If you need money suddenly, come and get it. But don't let your mother know about this, just keep it to yourself. Say. It's repayment from the film, so use the film remuneration to repay it. Be a good actor, study steadily, and hone your acting skills. It's better than anything else. Do you understand?"


This is Yang Mi’s final conclusion on the one hundred thousand yuan.

The kind that doesn’t give Nazha any refutation.

After finishing the meal, Yang Mi had to meet with Shen Teng in the afternoon, so she didn't stay too long.

Seeing that the time was almost up, I checked out and left.

Naturally, Nazha followed along, all the way downstairs, and when they came to the car, Yang Mi said after getting in the car:

"Get in the car. I'll take you wherever you want to go."

"Ah, no need."

Nazha quickly shook her head:

"I'll just take the subway by myself. Sister Mi, don't you have something else to do in the afternoon? I won't delay you."

"That's it..."

Yang Mi looked the girl up and down, turned to Sun Ting and said:

"You can send her the clothes I got rid of last year at night."

After saying that, he looked at Nazha again:

"Basically, they are all collaborations with some brands, and there are also several sets of high-end dresses. They are worn once and then put away. Don't dislike it, just take it first. I wear black more often, but you are whiter than me. Black Clothes in classic colors are very suitable for you. No matter where you go in the future, wearing them well can also make you look good."

"Thank you, Sister Mi."

Nazha said gratefully.

"It's okay, just don't dislike it. This summer, work hard, and if you can, run to the crew as much as possible..."

Having said this, she paused and then turned to look at Sun Ting:

"You should keep in touch with her more in the past few months and take her with you. This will save her from jumping in here like a headless fly and being deceived."


Sun Ting nodded to express her understanding.

"Well, let's go then... Naza."

"Sister Mi, please tell me."

"Protect yourself, you know? This circle is a vanity fair. There are some people, whether they are talent scouts, or you know this director, or that producer. There are always some people who like to provide you with a seemingly instant success. Channels, but behind these channels, there is often an abyss of depravity. Once a good girl reaches there, it is easy to be infected into something that others will never recognize. So..."

She pointed to her temple:

"It's important to keep a clear mind at all times, not to mention... you have seen some of the market, and you should also understand the difference between partners and chips in the hands of real decision-makers. During this period, I will talk to you more Please contact Sister Tingting and don’t go astray, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, her tone became slightly more serious and meaningful:

"I'm afraid you'll get dirty paying me back."

After saying that, she chuckled softly:

"Okay, that's all. Go and get busy. I'm leaving too."

So, with Nazha's polite bow, the business car door closed and slowly drove out of the parking space.

After waiting for the car to go away, Nazha took out the mask from her pocket and put it on her face.

His eyes were full of gratitude.

Although she is very young...but she is not a fool.

Whether she was in the air or went in and out of places with Mr. Xu, she had accumulated enough experience.

If this were said to an ordinary girl, she might have some rebellious psychology.

You are Hong, so you can preach to me...

But Nazha didn't dare.

Not to mention that Sister Mi and Brother Xu are her father’s saviors, she knows what Sister Mi said today...

Every word is correct.

Because she really understands the difference between chips and partners.

If nothing else is mentioned, it can be seen from Yu Zheng's treatment and Brother Xu's treatment.

Thinking of this, she silently kept Sister Mi's words in mind, checked the time and left quickly.

Inside a business car.

The young woman who had eaten and drank enough was lying on a chair and taking a nap.

But his mouth was not idle:

"Let's try her hand first and learn how to be a good agent."


Sun Ting was stunned.

"I don't want to be an agent, sister."

"You don't want to get married yet! How old are you this year?"

Yang Mi sneered:

"I heard that the boy asked you to meet his parents several times. What? Why did you refuse?"


Sun Ting's mouth twitched...

"Did Jiaojiao tell you?...I have to sew her mouth shut!"

"Okay, what does it have to do with her? You two have been together for two years, right? Do you have any clues?"


After hearing this, Sun Ting was silent for a while and said:

"It's definitely possible, but he keeps urging me... I don't want to get married so early. Get married, have children, and it'll be gone in a few years..."

"What are you doing? You're afraid I won't want you."

Yang Mi couldn’t laugh or cry:

"I don't plan to let you be an assistant for the rest of your life... Otherwise, why would you be responsible for training assistants? But the number of artists the company can absorb is limited. When apprentices like you are established, your career plan will have to be customized. So I After thinking about it, I think an agent is the best fit for you. This little girl has the biggest advantage, do you know what it is?"

"I know, obey."

"Yes, she is very obedient. So you should take care of her more."

"Then you mean... you want to recruit her into the company?"

"That's not enough. She is only a freshman, so it's obviously unreasonable. Why am I in such a hurry? We are looking for actors, not nannies for others. But you said that Sister Zeng is now working as an agent for the company , you are too familiar with each other. If I ask you to go to her, you may not be able to find your own way. So, I will find you an obedient little girl. As for you, feel the feelings first. If you think you like this, then get married as soon as possible. Then lay the groundwork for this. If you don’t like the job of an agent, then I’ll give you a plan. You can’t just work as an assistant for the rest of your life, right?”

Sun Ting's nose felt a little sore after hearing these heartfelt words...

"If I don't stay with you, I might have to find someone else to guide you for how many years..."

"You can always get through it. Just give it a try first. You have your own network of contacts over the years. Try to manage it yourself. Do you understand?"

"……Okay, I know."

Sun Ting nodded vigorously.

Before meeting Shen Teng, Yang Mi specially took a shower in the rest room of the office.

Otherwise, the smell of mutton will definitely not be suitable for others.

At three o'clock, Zeng Jia walked in with Shen Teng and the two founders of "Happy Twist" Yu Kai and Zhang Chen.

The relationship here is this.

Strictly speaking, Shen Teng is an employee of Yu Kai and Zhang Chen.

The reason why Shen Teng is here today is because he serves as the go-between between Zeng Jia, Yu Kai, and Zhang Chen, playing a matchmaking role.

Similar to Zeng Jia.

After 3 million acquired 45% of the shares of "Happy Twist", Zeng Jialai has been responsible for other matters, and Yang Mi has not worried about it.

But she was temporarily separated from the crew of "The Grandmaster". As the boss, she had to meet and chat with the team of "Happy Twist" at all times.

However, the content that can be discussed is very limited.

All cooperation between the two parties was negotiated during the investment process, such as the acting support contract for actors in Happy Twist, or the cooperation contract for newcomers from Shuangwei to be assigned to stage plays, etc.

Today is more like getting acquainted with each other and having a warm relationship.

After chatting for about an hour, Shen Teng and the others politely left at around four o'clock.

After the others left, Yang Mi, who had been busy all day, was also ready to leave.

Zeng Jia is specifically responsible for the affairs of "Happy Twist" and she doesn't worry too much. It doesn't even matter whether the theater makes a profit or a loss, as long as the newcomers come over and they can accept and practice.

At around four o'clock, she returned to Dahu Mansion exhausted after a long day.

As soon as the rice bowl came back, the two children immediately leaned on their mother.

I rubbed my mother’s dog hair again.

Yang Mi was too lazy to care anymore and lay down on the bed, letting the two children do whatever they wanted.

She just wanted to rest for a while now.

Sun Ting, on the other hand, started packing clothes in the cloakroom.

Yang Mi discards a lot of clothes every year.

Especially dresses. Dresses for various events are disposable and very expensive.

At first, Sun Ting, Zhang Jiao, and Qiqi were all very happy. After all, a dress costs tens of thousands.

But later they also discovered... they really couldn't wear it.

For what occasion?

Formal occasions.

But the question is, who has so many formal occasions every day? What's more, although the styles of some clothes are not too exaggerated, ordinary people really can't wear them.

Who do you see wearing a backless dress on the street?

So even though they knew it was very expensive, but after finding that there was really no place to wear them, Sun Ting and others actually disposed of them as they should and sold them to a store that recycles second-hand dresses.

The price is usually one-third or one-fifth of the selling price.

They collect them and rent them out to starlets who can't afford high-end clothing, or who are not well-known, as well as people who need to attend certain occasions.

It's a nice side income.

After all, Sister Mi’s high-end products range from 30,000 to 50,000 yuan to tens of thousands, which is a scarce resource in second-hand recycling.

It is especially popular with girls who are full of vanity or want to get more attention with a good dress.

No need to worry about renting at all.

Yang Mi didn't care, the clothes were given to her, and what to do with them was other people's business.

Otherwise, there won’t be room for it in the cloakroom at home.

After packing all the clothes, Sun Ting and Yang Mi said hello:

"Sister, I've packed it up. Do you want to take a look?"

"Don't look at it anymore. Just leave. I have to sleep for a while."


Dragging the box, Sun Ting left Dahu Mansion all the way, and then dialed Nazha's phone number.

After agreeing on a meeting place, she and Cheng Hu went directly to the company.

After arriving at the company, Sun Ting changed into her small BMW and walked all the way to the agreed location amidst the heavy traffic that had already begun during the evening rush hour.

The agreed place was a restaurant not far from Shijia Hutong.

Also near Concord.

Sun Ting was already around six o'clock when she arrived.

When she arrived at the location, she discovered that... the hotel was indeed not big, and there was no parking space on the roadside.

After wandering around for two times but finding no parking space, she thought about it and dialed Nazha's phone number.

"Dudu, hello, Sister Tingting."

"Well, come out for a moment. I'm on the roadside."


Soon, Nazha, who was carrying a schoolbag, walked out of the restaurant. She saw the BMW with the window down and ran over:

"Sister Tingting."

"Um...just you today?"


"Is there anything left in the hotel?"


"Then get in the car, don't eat here."

Sun Ting shook her head.

Nazha was a little surprised, thinking...it might be that Sister Tingting thought this place was of low quality.

But the quality is really not low. It can be opened in this place. If nothing else is mentioned, the rent alone will be much...

And the decoration inside is not bad either.

How could she possibly treat Sister Tingting to a very ordinary place for dinner?

But since Sister Tingting said it, she had no choice but to get in the car.

After getting in the car, Sun Ting walked with ease to a restaurant called Yuehailou, which was just below the Xiangjiang Equestrian Club building where Brother Xu worked out.

That place is the main "make do" place for Brother Xu and Sister Mi.

Before I had children, if I didn’t want to cook, I would basically go there to make do with a meal.

Of course, Brother Xu and Sister Mi's make-do standards are different from those of ordinary people.

But anyway, that place tastes pretty good.

While walking, Sun Ting told Nazha why she wanted to take her there to eat:

"Nazha, if you invite people to dinner in the future, you have to pay attention to a few things. The first is the level of the guests you want to entertain, whether it is important or not, and then book a hotel that matches their status. Of course, if the relationship is particularly good, then If you do that to Brother Xu, Mr. Wang, and Brother Jie Lun, let’s talk about it separately.”


Nazha was stunned and nodded subconsciously:

"Okay, Sister Tingting, I remember."

"Well, the second point is whether the transportation is convenient. For example, you make an appointment with someone at 6 o'clock in the evening. But you have to be busy with something in the afternoon. What if you finish your work and encounter a traffic jam? Being late is always bad. ,right?"


"Therefore, the route must be determined in advance and the time must be allocated as reasonably as possible... Of course, it is not ruled out that you will have your own service team in the future. Your assistant and driver will automatically help you after learning your itinerary. You plan the route. But before this team is mature, you still have to worry more and think more. The more thoughtful you are, the more thoughtful the etiquette will be, and you will not make mistakes."

Now Nazha heard that Sister Tingting was teaching her some experience.

She quickly changed her mindset and began to listen carefully.

"The third thing is to consider the other person. It's like I have the first dissatisfaction today. Do you know what it is?"


"I couldn't find a parking space. When I drove my car out from the company, it was already rush hour. And I was blocking the road and couldn't find a parking space. Do you think I felt uncomfortable?"


In Nazha's somewhat panicked eyes, Sun Ting shook her head:

"I'm telling you this to teach you something, so don't worry about me getting angry... I'm just telling you that there is no small matter in life. If the other person is your guest, then you must also consider it. Very thoughtful. The more thoughtful you are, the more appropriately things will be done. And these appropriatenesses will turn into a good impression and stay in the other person's heart. Then it will have some unexpected effects, do you understand?"

"Ming...I understand! I'm sorry, Sister Tingting, I will remember it!"

"Well... look."

After turning an intersection, Sun Ting pointed to the building in the distance among the crowded vehicles:

"The place where we eat is right there. It's the building of the Xiangjiang Equestrian Club, and there's a gym above it. Brother Xu and Sister Mi both work out there, and the membership fee alone is 100,000 a year...I heard it has increased again in the past two years. The price is high. And if you are treating guests and giving gifts, then after eating, give them a membership card from there, and the other party will also be very useful. The premise is that the person you are treating is not a fat person, otherwise it will be insulting. "


"There are internal parking spaces there, so it won't be crowded. This is also one of the standards for business banquets. From the moment the other party comes to your invitation, the friendship between you has already started. Park the car, get off the car, whether Being able to feel at home can deepen your impression...it's actually all hidden in these small details, remember?"

Without any reservation, she taught this young girl all she had learned over the past few years.

Because as an assistant, she actually sees things more clearly.

That is, whether Sister Mi and Brother Xu care about this girl or not, she has already developed a relationship with them.

No matter how rich Brother Xu is, he has no habit of spending 800,000 yuan on strangers.

I can help her, even if there are some other reasons, but this girl's luck can be said to be unique.

So, she is lucky enough.

A suitable soil has been found.

Moreover...she actually doesn't know how this agent works.

She is a little uncomfortable with Sister Zeng's approach. She is a very traditional manager who finds resources for artists and then helps them make money, performing her duties perfectly...

There's definitely nothing wrong with this.

But from the bottom of her heart, Sun Ting prefers Sister Hua's approach.

It means caring for our artists meticulously. If they are weak, we will help you grow.

When they grow up, help them take a step further.

She prefers this kind of agent.

And the obedient little girl in front of me is a very suitable experimental subject.

Let's teach her a little bit first. After all, it's impossible for me to be like an assistant and follow her around every day.

As for Sun Ting's teachings, Nazha really had a sense of enlightenment.

At the same time, I felt full of gratitude.

She... is really teaching herself some very valuable things, something that is enough for her to settle down...

Thinking of this, she nodded vigorously:

"I've remembered it, Sister Tingting. Don't worry, I won't make this mistake again next time."

As he spoke, the car had already turned into the internal parking lot.

"The parking lot here is actually a paid parking lot. It's free for members, and outside vehicles are charged. It's more expensive, but if you're treating a guest, you don't have to worry about the dozens of dollars... Let's go, let's eat Cantonese food today."

After parking the car, the two of them got out of the car and walked directly to the Guangdong Building, which was decorated in a business-like style.

After what happened in the car, Nazha's nervousness was somewhat relieved.

Following Sun Ting all the way in, seeing Sister Tingting saying her name and being led to the box, Naza felt envious of that aura.

Enter the private room and order food.

Sun Ting thought for a while and ordered another bottle of red wine.

After placing the order, she said:

"Logically speaking, I usually don't drink. After all, I can get a seat just by calling my sister. But today, my sister is tired and probably won't go out, so I drink more. What's your monthly income now? Sample?"

"I ran 4 games today from morning to afternoon and made a total of one thousand and one."

"Well, it's okay. It's only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month~ But... I suggest you take advantage of these two months to visit the crew more, be a vase, and become familiar with the camera. Although I understand that you want to make money, It relieves the pressure at home, but you have to have an idea of ​​what can make a lot of money.”

"I understand, then I will talk to the owner of the clothing store tomorrow, and I will stop doing it from the day after tomorrow. In the past two months... Is it okay to visit the Yanjing crew more?"


Sun Ting thought for a while and said:

"I'll go back and make some phone calls tonight to see if there are any maids, palace maids, or passers-by who can introduce you to experience it."


Nazha looked happy:

"Thank you, Sister Tingting!"


Sun Ting's mouth twitched...

Looking at her smiling face, although it is understandable...after all, this girl is only eighteen years old, and her age is at stake.

But she was used to being around Yang Mi, and had seen too many people who were indifferent to emotions and anger, so she still said:

"Nazha, I have a request for you."

The smile on Nazha's face froze.

Then I heard Sun Ting say:

"Can you smile? That kind of polite smile."

"Yes, is that so?"

Sister-in-law Liang revealed two shallow dimples.

"That's right."

Sun Ting nodded:

"In the future, unless there are some specific occasions, such as someone telling a joke, or the atmosphere has reached this point. Otherwise, if it is about yourself and your own profit, never reveal your true emotions. Hide your joy and anger behind this smile. , don’t expose any of your emotions easily.”

After saying that, she felt a little emotional...

"I know that this requirement may be difficult for you, but you must develop it from now on. Because too much words will lead to mistakes, and too many actions will lead to exposure. When you expose your inner activities too much, it is equivalent to giving away Others can take advantage of this opportunity. Hide all your emotions... and act as a listener as much as possible before you can't speak. But you still have to start practicing as early as possible... Once you learn this Qi-nurturing skill, it will be very useful to you. Have you ever seen a person in a position of authority expose his or her psychological activities to others every day?"

Another teaching.

Nazha unconsciously began to recall the things she saw when she was with Director Xu...

And she now understands that Sister Tingting really wants to teach her something.


She thought for a while and asked a question that had been bothering her for a long time:

"Sister Tingting, can I ask a question?"

"Just ask."

"Just...after I enroll in school in September, what should I do to make myself...stand out?"

"What do you mean by standing out?"

"That's it... I've officially entered the industry. Take roles, film movies... make money!"

Hearing this, Sun Ting smiled:

"This can already be regarded as a category of life planning. It covers so many areas that it's really hard to answer. But..."

She looked Nazha up and down, and suddenly said:

"But personally, I can give you two pieces of advice. The first one..."

Sun Ting raised a finger and said while Nazha listened carefully:

"Don't fall in love."


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