I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 525 523 Decision made (23)

Chapter 525 523. Decision made (23)

Don't... fall in love?

Nazha's first reaction...didn't Sister Mi and Director Xu fall in love in college?

"Look, you forgot what I said in the blink of an eye. Hide the absurdity in your eyes. Even if you are thinking about whether Sister Mi and Brother Xu fell in love in college, you should confine this thought in your heart and don't express it. !”

The moment she heard this, Nazha blinked quickly.

Want to cover up.

She...how can she see through people's hearts?

And Sun Ting didn't demand too much.

This kind of thing needs to be practiced.

Gotta experience it.

With more experience, you will naturally develop a mask of peace of mind.

Not to mention anything else, it was the first time she saw Brother Xu carrying Sister Mi into the house. Not long after she heard the words "Oh, don't tear it apart", she also blushed.

But now...


Not to mention carrying it, she was used to it even if Sister Mi escaped from the bedroom with her butt naked one day.

So, she continued:

"The reason why I don't let you fall in love... I'm taking Sister Mi and Brother Xu as examples to tell you that if you can't find someone like Brother Xu, then you must learn how to protect yourself. Let me put it this way, Brother Xu's Do you know the path to fame?"

"I know, starting from the Olympics!"

"What about before that? Do you know what happened in school?"

"Well... I know a little bit."

"Tell me, what do you know?"

"At once……"

Perhaps because she felt it was bad to say bad things about Director Xu, Nazha seemed very hesitant.

But he still said:

"I heard... Brother Xu didn't study much in the first half of his freshman year. He drove a Ferrari to school every day..."

"That's right."

Sun Ting nodded and continued to ask like a guide:

"Then have you ever thought about it? Why are these things known to you outside the school?"

Nazha was stunned...

After thinking for a while, he followed Sun Ting's train of thought and said:

"It was picked out by someone... uh... oh!!"

She subconsciously showed an expression of realization... but immediately stiffened, coughed lightly, and tried hard to bring the expression on her face back to the "calm" level.

Sun Ting chuckled.

Not bad, at least I know how to work hard.

So he said:

"Understand? When you become famous, your history of fame and all your experiences will be magnified. And if you fell in love in college, met someone who was not kind to you, or had ulterior motives, these things will become your handle. .So, keep a distance from the opposite sex. What's more, this is the natural advantage of girls. Even if you maintain an ambiguous relationship with all the boys, maybe later, your classmates will get along with each other, and you will naturally have an advantage. This is the network. business strategy, do you understand?”

"I understand! I really understand!"

Nazha tried her best to speak calmly.

But the sudden realization in his tone still revealed his true feelings.

But Sun Ting didn't demand too much this time.

Come little by little.

Then, she raised her second finger:

"Second point, don't give up any opportunity to improve yourself. Make use of the limited time to squeeze your potential."


Nazha inevitably had a trace of doubt.

It was the kind of person who was trying to hold back and pretending to be calm, but his eyes were still full of confusion.

Then I heard Sun Ting say:

"Did you know that Sister Mi knows Kung Fu?"

"I know! It's awesome!"

"Well...then do you know how good Sister Mi is in English?"

"I know, I've seen Brother Xu... uh... Director Xu's acceptance speech when she won the gold camera. Especially when she quoted Romain Rolland's poem... all the French people in the audience applauded! They also said that The translation in the field was not good. Sister Mi was talking about the English translation of the original lines of Romain Romain's poems. But when the translator translated into French, they only followed the original meaning, not the poems written by Romain Romain. The French people felt that their translation was embarrassing. "

"That's right. But you have to know... Before getting together with Brother Xu, Sister Mi's English was very average and she didn't know Kung Fu. She learned Kung Fu after she met Mr. Yu on the set of "The Condor" and became his disciple. She started studying. She worked hard to the point where she didn’t fall behind every day, and English was where she started to improve herself in her spare time.

So, my message to you is simple. Use your limited time and work hard like Sister Mi. Be it English, body management, kung fu, or dance. Use these strengths to arm yourself and make progress every moment. It doesn’t seem like much at first glance, but when you really need it...trust me, these are the magic weapons for you to stand out from the crowd. "

Two pieces of advice, seemingly simple, just a few words, but in the past few years of work, Sun Ting has made everyone around her, whether it is Sister Mi, Brother Xu, or the actors she has worked with, understand through casual conversations , summary of all experiences in thinking.

The words may be ordinary, but the truth is true knowledge.

Nothing false.

I hope this girl can understand.

Let’s not mention Sun Ting for the moment, guests also came to Yang Mi’s house.

Liu Zhishi came over with some food.

As soon as she entered the door, she heard Yang Mi urging:

"Why are you here? I'm starving. Hurry!"

"There's a traffic jam, what can I do?"

Liu Zhishi was a little embarrassed. After entering the house, she said hello to Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling, and then saw Nuan Nuan, who was standing swaying on the sofa.

"Oh, girl, you can stand up~"

With a surprised look on her face, she hugged Nuan Nuan with a smile and asked her friend beside her:

"When will you stand?"

"last month."

"Where's Yangyang?"

"He doesn't know how yet."

While talking, Yang Mi took away the teething sticks belonging to Zaizai and Niuniu from her son's hands.

Sure enough, the next second, the child bit the air.

It was obvious that Yang Mi knew the two children very well.

In front of her son's confused expression of "Where has my food gone?", Yang Mi threw the teething stick to Zai Zai:

"He's started to grow teeth again in the past two days, and he wants to bite hard things when he sees them. It's really annoying~"

"Where's Xu Xin?"

"I can't come back tonight. I have to work overtime at the company. When I came back from the company, he was just about to go that way."

Speaking of this, Yang Mi also looked tired:

"Don't talk about him, I'm tired too. I've been dealing with things at the company all day..."

"You haven't left recently?"

"Well, stay here for a few days. "Wulin Gaiden" will be released in the next half month. I will go there for another ten days and a half, and then I can have a good rest. Then go hiking?"

"Bah, you stinky scoundrel!"

Liu Zhishi had an expression on her face that said, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking."


Yang Mi smiled knowingly.

After Yang Dalin brought the dishes one after another, the family started to eat.

In front of the old couple, Liu Zhishi didn't mention it, and Yang Mi didn't ask about work matters. They just talked about some ridiculous things in "The Grandmaster".

After eating, Yang Mi began to prepare for the evening meal.

In the bedroom, Liu Zhishi looked strange.

"You don't sag? Isn't that outrageous?... My cousin has to do the same thing like you because she has to go to work. She sucks it out every day and puts it in a bag to freeze, and then warms it up when the child wants to drink. I see her when she is feeding the child. Yes, it's so soft and deflated. Why are you... too exaggerated?"

"On the Rationality of Movement."

Yang Mi shrugged:

"I'm only 24, and I don't want my figure to lose its appeal to Xu Xin. So I've never stopped practicing in this area. There's no way, I'm considered gifted, right? I have to put in more effort than ordinary people. Work hard. If I'm not like you, you don't even need to exercise, and you can't even hang down if you want to."


Unexpectedly, his exclamation for a while would eventually draw fire to himself. Liu Zhishi smiled but said:

"Thank you."


Yang Mi proudly puffed up her chest:

"Are you envious?"

"To be honest, this shape is really pretty."

"Then quickly find a partner. Let me tell you, I've never been like this before. Ever since I got together with Xu Xin, it's like I've developed a second time..."


Liu Zhishi's face turned red instantly.

I understand your husband's great virtues.

I was right next door to you two back then, so please stop explaining so much to me.

I'm afraid of getting angry and getting acne.


Yang Mi pulled out the instrument with a smile.

In a few minutes, one hundred milliliters was filled.

It's really outrageous.

Pour it into the bag, seal it, and hand it to Liu Zhishi:

"Here, put it in the refrigerator and don't drink it secretly!"

Hearing this, the tips of Liu Zhishi's ears turned red.

The bag in my hand... still contains body temperature.

She couldn't help but ask:

"Xu Xin drank it?"

"After drinking it, I gave him colostrum. Didn't you see that he has been in great shape in the past two years? Not to mention the cold, his voice has never been hoarse."

If your voice is hoarse, you are also dumb, right?

What if no one hears you singing?

Liu Zhishi complained in her heart and quickly walked out of the house.

Soon, she went out for a second time.

After preparing two bags of rations for the children, Yang Mi quickly urged:

"Let's go, let's start!"

There is another game in the study room between the two of them.

The wine is already on the table.

"Do you really want to drink?...I'm still driving."

"Call a driver. If that doesn't work, you can sleep here. Give me and my husband a warm bed at night before we leave."

"Ah!! Shut up!!!"


Yang Mi laughed playfully, explained to her parents, and took Liu Zhishi into the study to start the indulgence game.

It's called indulgence, but in fact it's just chatting over red wine.

A bottle of red wine and a plate of nuts.

"Come on, let's go."

The goblet was lifted.

Yang Mi looked impatient:

"I'll make a sample first."

Then I dried up the amount of almost one tael in the cup.

Liu Zhishi understood the way she drank like a cow.

It seems that he is holding back enough.

He quickly confessed:

"Slow down, it's just this bottle, it will be gone after you drink it."


Seeing how disappointed she was, Yang Mi curled her lips:

"Wait, wait a few months, and after the child is weaned from breastfeeding, I have to drag you into a life-or-death situation!"

"Okay, I have plenty of time anyway."


Looking at her friend who was drinking wine, Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry:

"I didn't even plan to mention this, why did you mention it yourself?"

"What are you talking about?...I'm telling the truth."

Liu Zhishi looked calm:

"Actually, this is quite good. I feel so relaxed now... Hey, you know? I have forgotten how long I have been, that kind of... lying on my bed continuously, sleeping until I wake up naturally, and no one calls to urge me. It's time for me to film or read the script. Two days ago, my dad said, just hide it in the snow. I'm asking lawyers these days to see how to terminate the contract early. After I regain my freedom, I can do whatever I want... "


Yang Mi narrowed her eyes slightly.

A fleeting moment.

Then, as if nothing happened, she poured the wine and asked:

"Don't you want to stay in Tangren anymore?"

"There's no point in waiting anymore. Now that it's like this, what's the point?"

As she spoke, she began to pick pistachios.

The first one was handed to Yang Mi.

"I have thought about it. After the contract is terminated, I will take a break for a year and a half... Then I will buy a camera and travel around the world! I will take pictures wherever I go! I will enrich myself and enrich myself. Recharge your batteries, and then come back and join you when the time comes, do you want me to?"


At this time, Yang Mi finally couldn't help but the corner of her mouth twitched.

Did I buy a lottery ticket today or something?

But she nodded immediately:

"I want it, how can I not want it? Then don't worry, when it comes to concubines, you are also the eldest! I am sure that a bowl of water is equal, you are 135, Xu Xin is 246, we will sleep together on Sunday... "


Frankly speaking, these words are not human words anymore.

But Liu Zhishi had a feeling of... "Ah, it has to be you."

It doesn't seem unusual at all.

So, unable to complain, she just threw a pistachio into her mouth and picked up the wine glass with a squeaking sound.

This time, Yang Mi also slowed down her pace, picking pistachios with her, and then asked:

"Then what does your contract say?"

"Well... what the lawyer means... it's actually not easy to do."

There was a hint of melancholy in Liu Zhishi's eyes:

"Others are fine, and my liquidated damages are not high. The difficulty is that there is still one film contract that has not been fulfilled. If they seize the opportunity and refuse to reconcile, it is hard to say whether they will win or lose the lawsuit."


Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"Then this thing is easy to handle. I can just send "Bu Bu Jing Xin" over. It's easy to handle. Leave it to me."


Hearing this, Liu Zhishi had no other reaction and just looked at her with a look that said, "Are you sick?"

"Drank too much?"


Yang Mi smiled narrowly:

"What do you think?"

"I said you were out of your mind!"

Liu Zhishi sneered:

"I don't even want to have any contact with them, so forget it... Do you know why I am so determined this time?"


"Because I think everyone really has different ideas. I told her, I said to Mr. Cai, this script is plagiarized. Of course, I didn't tell you. I told her that I had read "Bu Bu Jing Xin" and this script It was plagiarized, what do you think she said to me?"


"What? Are you a judge? Plagiarism when you say it is? Are you the only smart person in the company?...Bala-Bala, anyway, she just talks nonsense with her eyes open. From that time on, I gave up on her. The company's You don’t even need to lose face? Moreover, she even used words to criticize me in front of me. What did she say... The company’s talent scouts started looking for female artists, and the requirements were to be obedient... The implication was that I was disobedient. Okay. Cut~"

Holding the wine glass, her eyes were full of disdain:

"You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I won't serve you anymore~"

Clearly, she has made up her mind.


The goblets collided, but Yang Mi didn't respond in this regard.

I just suppressed some emotions deep in my heart.

After taking a sip of wine, she said easily:

"It's a good time to come to my place. There are TV series and movie resources. We sisters can do whatever we want when the time comes! It just so happens that I have always had a dream to put you and Liu Yifei together...hehehe~"

As she spoke, she made a dragon-grabbing motion.

Seeing this, Liu Zhishi rolled her eyes:

"Why are you becoming more and more perverted... When Xu Xin comes back later, I will tell him this! I said Xu Xin, your wife is mentally cheating!"

"Then he'll have a nosebleed. Wow~ It's so exciting~"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Two girls, a bottle of red wine, and a lot of dirty jokes.

It was in this study that the moment of relaxation that I had not tasted for a long time began.

At this moment, there are no children, no lovers, just two friends, enjoying this happy time.

And before I knew it, I drank a bottle of red wine.

Xu Xin also came back in the evening breeze.

When he entered the door and saw his father-in-law, mother-in-law and two dogs taking care of the baby on the first floor, he subconsciously said:

"Where's Yang Mi?"

"Shishi is here, the two of them are chatting up there."

As soon as Yang Dalin finished speaking, Xu Xin saw the small elevator leading upstairs coming down.

Yang Mi, whose face was glowing red, was standing inside.

"Yeah, you're back?"

Seeing her blushing, Xu Xin said in confusion:

"Your face is so red."

"Well, is there any?"

Yang Mi touched her face and said with a smile:

"Are we going together? Shishi and I just drank one bottle, and we plan to get another one."

"Uh... no, I have to work."

Xu Xin pointed to his briefcase:

"There's a lot of information to get inside."

"That's alright. You go to the small study to do it. We are occupying your study."


Xu Xin responded, walked to her daughter and son, and kissed each other. Just as he was about to go upstairs, he saw Yang Mi walking out of the room where the wine was placed, carrying a long kitchen knife and a bottle of wine.

"...What are you going to do?"

Although I don’t think she’s going to do anything outrageous, it’s quite tempting to carry a knife at night.

"Open the wine, I want to try the method I saw on the Internet. Just use the back of this knife... bang!"

Yang Mi made a gesture of raising the knife upward.

"Brother! That's called champagne!!! Not red wine!!!"

Xu Xin was dumbfounded and quickly stepped forward and took the knife from the tiger girl's hand.

"Gas is produced inside, and the internal and external pressures combine. Is there steam in your red wine?"

Holding the knife speechlessly, he looked at the two cute silly girls with blushing cheeks in front of him, with a look of helplessness on his face.

But after hearing this, Yang Mi suddenly nodded:

"I understand, then I'll use my knife."


Seeing that her words were getting more and more unreliable, Xu Xin quickly took the wine from her hand:

"I'll open it for you. There's a lot of important information in my study, please be kind to me!"

"Oh, it's okay, we can open it! I'll go down with the knife..."

"Get lost, go back to the house and wait for me."


Yang Mi pouted and returned to the elevator, but she didn't leave. Instead, she waited for Xu Xin to come out of the kitchen and walked up together.

"I'm happy today."

She whispered:

"So don't blame me for drinking too much, okay? I'm very happy~"

"Why? Why are you happy?"

"Hehe... Shishi is leaving Tangren~"

They were only a few steps away, and the study door was still open.

So she didn't say much, just gave a hint and then closed her mouth.

All the way to the study door, she pointed back:

"I ordered a young master to serve us drinks."

"What is Master?"

Liu Zhishi turned his head and said something.

But Xu Xin's expression became strange as soon as he reached the door.

Yang Mi was also stunned and looked at Liu Zhishi:

"you do not know?"

"...I don't know, do you know?"

The blind sister looked innocent.

Then Yang Mi felt embarrassed...

Just as he was about to speak, Xu Xin bowed:

"Hello, distinguished guests, my name is Xu Xin, just call me Xiao Xu."


Liu Zhishi was even more confused.

It was only after hindsight that she reacted...


Yang Mi shook her head subconsciously:

"The duck sleeps with you, but the young master doesn't sleep with you..."

"You know quite a lot!"

Xu Xin glared at her angrily and didn't bother to ask her how she knew.

Anyway, he didn't believe that his sister would cheat on her.

Walking into the room, he raised his head to Liu Zhishi as a greeting, then picked up the seahorse knife next to the empty wine bottle, and opened the wine by adding three plus five and dividing two.

By the way, he also handed the cork to Liu Zhishi.

"Tip two hundred for the wine."

Liu Zhishi's mouth twitched...

I took one look at this couple and thought to myself, you two are here to play, right?

So he nodded and said something along the lines of:

"I'm familiar with you, Mr. Yang, and she's entertaining me today. Ask her where to go~"

"That won't work. My brother, Mr. Yang, and I still have to settle the score."

"Oh, don't be so naughty! Go, go, don't disturb us drinking."

Yang Mi, who felt a little guilty, quickly drove him away.

"Hmph...you can wait until night."

Xu Xin left a harsh word and walked out.

After Yang Mi closed the door, Liu Zhishi asked in a low voice:

"When did you go looking for ducks?"

"That's called Young Master!"

Yang Mi couldn’t laugh or cry:

"I'm not looking for you, Jiaojiao, have you seen him?"

"Zhang Jiao?"

"No, my classmate, Jiao Junyan. We were talking about this two days ago. She said that one of the male classmates in my batch has become a young master. It is said that the price is not low. A meal of wine starts with one. One thousand five...she told me."


For a moment, Liu Zhishi didn't know what to say.

She is from Beiwu.

I’m really not familiar with Beiying.

But it sounds like...

You, Beijing Film Academy, are having a great time.

However, when she mentioned this, she suddenly remembered something...

"Hey, by the way, do you know Qiu Ze?"

Upon hearing this name, Yang Mi was stunned...

"I seem to have a vague impression of him being an actor from Hong Kong and Taiwan, right?"


"What? You like someone else? You can't do this. You already have me, and you still think about others? Are you going to betray me and cheat on me!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Liu Zhishi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry:

"If this continues, you will almost become the evil demon king, sister!"

She shook her head helplessly:

"I heard that he and Tang Yan are together."


Yang Mi's face was full of surprise.

Tang Yan is in love?

But then the fire of gossip started to burn.

"What's going on? Tell me..."

The familiar gossip time has begun.

Tang Yan movie fans all stand up, the plot of the last piece of the Tang Shixian puzzle begins!

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