I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 532 530 Change old hearts easily

Chapter 532 530. Change old hearts easily

The whole day Xu Xin disappeared, only he knew how much he had done. But for others, it's just one day.

Returning to Xiying Studio, he once again devoted himself to busy post-production, working hard to perfect the last "process" of "Hawthorn Tree".

Finally, the day of the 24th.

Finally, after a series of "processes" from soundtrack to editing to post-production were completed, this... I don't know whether people would define it as a work of art or a craft, was finally completed.

When it was completed, an in-house screening was held in the West Film Studio's large screening room.

It’s hard to say how everyone feels, but...

At the end of the movie, the audience burst into applause.

Everyone, including the leading actors, gave Xu Xin applause.

I expressed my inner respect to this director who has brought a pleasing work to the eyes.

Then, Tian Shuanghe, who was already ready to go, hurriedly sent people to Venice.

And Xu Xin's mission was completely over.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to me?"

Jay Chou asked:

"You're not loyal anymore. I've been helping you for so long. Why don't you go over there with me and rest for a few days?"

"I can't rest, so I have to go to Hengdian to accompany my wife, and then go to the Magic City where there is a movie waiting for me."

In the villa, Xu Xin shrugged helplessly at him:

"What's more, you won't be able to stay there for only a few days, right? You still have to come back for player training."

"Then what can I do~"

Jay Chou also shrugged.

“And to feed a bunch of people.”

These words are no longer human.

If other people hear this, they might think it's amazing that Jay Chou is so dedicated.

But in fact, Xu Xin felt the same as Ming Jing. He just went back to shoot the MV.

Shoot the song titled "How Are You".

That song was specially written for married woman Hou Peichen.

In fact, regarding this point, both Xu Xin and Lang Lang have stopped them...

They are already married, why are you still stalking me?

But emotionally I have to admit that Sweet Girl Master Jay Jay is indeed like a child. To this day, he still feels that "Xiao Huang" stole his princess.

Resolutely refuse to admit that you have done something wrong.

He would not even admit that maybe he had been braver and not delayed for so long, then the two of them might have had a completely different ending.


No one else can talk about this.

Xu Xin and Lang Lang saw this and stopped trying to persuade them.

Because at least the wheel sticks to the bottom line.

For this song, he neither nominated nor mentioned his last name.

Since it was written out of emotion, then write it out.

Then...just love it as you please.

Even without Lang Lang knowing, Xu Xin had seen his footage.

The MV shots were very scattered, but Xu Xin knew what he meant after reading these simple drawings.

When it comes to the friendship between the four of them, the one who knows the most is definitely Xu Xin.

Almost all of Jay Chou's scenes are based on his own home.

There was a scene of a man and a woman leaning on the sofa playing a very old-fashioned video game. It was a memory of him and Hou Peichen having to cancel their date because they were worried about too many paparazzi outside, so they could only stay at home and play video games. .

There was also a scene where the two secretly went to the arcade to play various mini-games. The photo is still in Jay Chou's photo album.

Because that day, the two of them performed exceptionally well. After successfully getting rid of the paparazzi, they sneaked into the arcade on the street and had a great experience.

In short, everything is the memory of him and her.

And this memory was condensed into this MV called "How Are You".

He wanted to go back and film it.

Xu Xin didn’t stop him either.

So he didn't expose the other party's lies, he just smiled and said:

"Then leave quickly and be free and easy."


Jay Chou was stunned... and nodded with a smile:


He left first, and Lang Lang's side was almost done.

After staying in China for two months, he also had a lot of work backlogged in Europe.

"We are leaving too."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"When you go to Miami, remember to inspect the computer room."

"I know, just hurry up and arrange your time and that's it."

There is no parting or reluctance.

No need, they are all too familiar.

Just go and do whatever you need to do, and we'll all get together again later.

So, after saying goodbye to everyone, Xu Xin snapped his fingers to Su Meng:

"Mengmeng, let someone come."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

The four gentlemen have put a lot of trouble into the villa in the past two months.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Meng contacted a cleaning team and quickly came over to clean it up.

After finishing these things, the two of them can leave.

Go to Hengdian to accompany Sister Mi.

But before that, Xu Xin had to be busy with something else.

West Film Studio.

"Director Xu."

"Well, here we come."

Looking at Lu Yang greeting him, Xu Xin smiled and said hello:

"Where's the movie?"

"Just sent to the editing room."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Let's go and have a look."


The two of them walked in the direction of the editing office. As they walked, Xu Xin asked:

"How does it feel to work with Teacher Jin?"

"It feels great."

Lu Yang smiled and nodded:

"The character is perfectly handled and there is no fault to be found. It's great! Teacher Jin deserves the most credit for making this film so smooth."

The two of them were talking about the movie "Cinema for the Blind".

The filming has been completed.

Used it for less than a month.

And Lu Yang came here this time to send the film for editing.

For this his debut film, he had forgotten all his sleep and food. He didn't even come to Xu Xin's invitation to attend the celebration of the Art House. He was all focused on the movie.

But it doesn’t matter whether he comes or not.

As a film director "discovered" by Xu Xin, it was almost natural for him to join the Art Creation Center of Xiying Studio.

At this moment, he also showed the impatience of a new director. Xu Xin originally wanted to ask more about Jin Shijie. After all, in his eyes, this actor was a serious actor.

But Lu Yang asked directly:

"Director Xu, can my film... be released in theaters?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin turned to look at him and said with a smile:

"Do you really want to go to the cinema?"


"The finished film hasn't even been released yet, so we don't know the specific quality yet. Why are you so anxious?"

Xu Xin smiled and reassured him.

"Although I have read the script and have a good sense of it. But if you want to determine whether a play can be released in theaters, the first thing you have to look at is the quality of the finished film. And it is not just us who decide whether it can be released in theaters. , and leave it to the theaters to judge.”

After hearing this, Lu Yang actually wanted to say something: Do they dare to have a relationship with you and Wang Sicong?

But he also understood that this sentence was equivalent to farting.

First of all, no one has seen the quality of my finished film. Even if I invest in it, whether it can be released is two different things.

Secondly, no matter how good the relationship is, it is still Wanda.

Director Xu has proven his ability and naturally has the green light all the way. But this is bullshit to me, and it’s basically a fool’s errand to want the theater chain to revolve around me.

Even if he follows Director Xu, the truth is the same.

Moreover, the most important thing is that it depends on whether the factory will provide support.

As for why so many bad movies make it to theaters every year...


You taste.

You taste it again.

You taste carefully.

All the way to the editing room, Lao Zhu was on vacation, but Xiao Zhu was there.

Lao Zhu is Zhu Huailiang.

Although Xiao Zhu also has the surname Zhu, he has nothing to do with Lao Zhu.

It's called Zhu Liyun.

After seeing the two people walking in, Zhu Liyun quickly stood up.

"Director Xu."

"Well, Sister Zhu, Director Lu and I are here to take a look at the film. You can cut yours. Just give us the rough cut that Director Lu made."


Zhu Liyun nodded, and after some manipulation, the TV hanging on the wall lit up.

"Cinema for the Blind" Lu Yang cut a 16-minute version himself, which sorted out the main line of the story.

Xu Xin watched this 16-minute version.

Frankly speaking, if you want to talk about color aesthetics, or how delicate the technical means are, you can say that there is no such thing as the former, and it can be said that Lu Yang has not mastered the latter.

This 16-minute video, which even has very rough audio, gave Xu Xin the impression that it was... a very ordinary, very simple short film.

Can't find anything wrong with it.

But it can also prove from the side that Lu Yang's basic skills are solid.

He knows that he cannot master the colorful lens language, and he also knows that he has just started.

Therefore, he carefully calculated the three million investment given by Xu Xin and spent every penny in the right place.

Smooth lens control, solid lens transitions.

There is nothing flashy about the narrative content, and it can even be seen that most of it is staged.

It can be said that this movie meets the standards of all "rookie directors".

With a passing score of 60 points, every frame of these 16 minutes of content was above the passing line.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Xu Xin nodded:

"The style is still too vague, but for a debut film, it's quite solid... How long do you expect this film to take to be completed?"

"Uh... about... 120 minutes."

"...So long?"

Xu Xin was a little surprised, and then recalled the content of the script...

"You should not be able to reach 120 minutes. Excluding the beginning and the end, I think this film is only about 95 minutes, which is the limit. Don't just think about additions to the movie, but also learn to make subtractions. Make trade-offs, just take-offs. The structure of the film will be very bloated. So it’s better to be mentally aware of how to give it up and how to get it.”

"I will try my best."

Lu Yang answered a little reluctantly.

But Xu Xin understood how he felt.

It was the same as when he directed "The Secret" for the first time.

Really, when some scenes in "Secret" were cut, he felt guilty about killing Qi Lei and his whole family.

Everyone came from this period.

Others say it's useless.

The best way is to communicate fully with the editor, and then wait for the film to be edited, let it cool down for two or three months, and then look back at it. By then, it will be a completely different feeling.

Therefore, he did not worry too much about this aspect:

"Let's go with your ideas first. If you have any difficulties, please contact me then, okay?"

"...Yeah! No problem. So what should I do next?"

"After editing the film, send it to the distribution department. They will look at your film. We have an internal... let's call it an evaluation system. Everyone will evaluate it. If you think the film is good, we will start operating theaters. All you have to do is finish this movie..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin made a joke:

"It's best to call Chen Shu over. On the one hand, you need to fill out the membership formalities in the Screenwriters Club, and on the other hand... I estimate that you will have to stay here for at least twenty days and a month, which will save her the time to find you. I won’t be angry with you anymore, haha~”


Lu Yang couldn't help but laugh:

"She can't get over it for the time being. She recently had an inspiration and wanted to write a martial arts script. She is currently collecting ideas."

"Martial arts?"

"Yes, it seems to be the story of Jin Yiwei. But the script is still in the stage of looking for inspiration. After I finish the work, we will see if we can come up with it. Then I will ask you, Director Xu, to take a look?"

"Okay. Let's talk about it then."

Xu Xin agreed immediately.

I didn't take this matter as a big deal.

When creating a script, the story is only the first level.

To turn a story into a script, you need to design scenes, build characters, simulate plots, etc.

It's a very tedious job.

The story hasn't even been released yet. I really don't know how long it will be until the script comes out.

After meeting Lu Yang in the factory, his mission in Xi'an was basically over.

Everyone was gone, and he was left in peace.

He copied "Hawthorn Tree" and various audio files to his computer, intending to take them back to Yang Mi to see. He waited patiently until both villas were cleaned, and it was evening.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, the two officially retired from Xi'an, temporarily left, and rushed to Hengdian.

By the time we arrived in Hengdian, it was already after 9pm.

There was no sudden attack this time, he knocked on the door honestly.

It was Yang Dalin who opened the door, but what he heard was the cry of a child.

"Coming?... Come on, come on, look who's coming~"

"what happened?"

Although it was not a journey, Xu Xin, who pushed his suitcase through the door, looked at the two crying children sitting on the sofa with a puzzled look on his face.

Yang Chunling looked helpless:

"Nuan Nuan misses her mother. When she cries, she takes Yang Yang with her... Okay, ok, Nuan Nuan, be good, stop crying, look who's back..."


How can a child who is crying happily care about what you say?

I couldn't understand anything I said.

So, he quickly went to the bathroom to wash his hands amidst the children's cries, sat on the sofa and held the two children in his arms.

"Okay, okay, dad is back, don't cry anymore, don't cry anymore..."

I can't stand being coaxed like this.

What to do?


Or maybe he is his biological father.

Yangyang cried so hard that he held Yangyang's creaky nest and threw his son up...

In an instant, the crying stopped.

The child's attention is immediately focused on "flying".

After tossing it twice in a row, laughter rang out.

But the faces of Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling turned green.

Grandma and grandfather really can't bear to treat their children like this.

Afraid of something going wrong.

But are you looking at this resentful father...

The old couple were afraid that he would make a mistake, but they did not dare to say anything for fear that Xu Xin would distract them.

But in just such a moment, the crying of the two children gradually stopped.

At this time, Xu Xin asked:

"Where's Yang Mi?"

"Went to attend some... reading meeting."

"oh oh."

Hearing this, he didn't rush him and just played there with the two children.

After playing for more than half an hour, at early ten o'clock, the door was opened. Yang Mi looked at her husband sitting on the sofa and nodded:

"I'm home?"


Xu Xin responded, and the two little guys in his arms immediately started to get restless when they saw their mother coming back.

Seeing this, Yang Mi said directly:

"Mom and Dad, you go to bed, we will just take care of you."

After speaking, he looked at Xu Xin again:

"Go and put water in the tub. The two children need to take a bath today."

"It's ten o'clock...are you still taking a shower? Aren't you going to sleep?"

"The time difference between them has been a bit confusing recently, so they have to push back two hours."


The couple returned to the master bedroom and waited for Xu Xin to clean out the baby bath for the two children and put the water in it. As soon as they came out, they saw the children naked, one in each hand, holding the two little guys. It's like sending a child to Guanyin.

"Okay, you two, stop eating and go take a shower with your parents."

Pulling away ruthlessly, Xu Xin took over his son tacitly.

A family of four squeezed into the bathroom.

There is no such thing as a romantic couple's bath. If there are children here, the little ones have to come first for everything.

Xu Xin was playing with two little guys sitting in the bathtub, while Yang Mi was taking a bath with the sound of water rushing next to her.

While washing, she said:

"Everyone has changed a lot."


Xu Xin turned her head and saw that the foam on her head was almost washed away, and handed over the conditioner in a tacit understanding:


"I said, everyone has changed a lot. Obviously, when we were filming together before, none of them, including me, were too popular, right? Then during "Three Guns", Sister Nier and I met at the Golden Horse Awards. On the one hand, I didn’t feel like there was a big change... But this time, when we put it all together, I found that everyone has changed a lot."

Hearing this amidst the sound of rushing water, Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"Has it become utilitarian?"

"Although it's not that utilitarian, a few people who don't get along all have this kind of attitude. Otherwise, why would they come to honor me after honoring the director at our first dinner party?"


In Xu Xin's silence, his wife, who was crouching down and applying conditioner on her head, sighed:

"Sigh... From the day I came on the 17th to the 18th, until now, we have only gotten together once. In fact, my idea is quite simple. Firstly, it is to give Wushuang a perfect ending. Secondly, after many years, I haven't got together with everyone. This time together, we filmed during the day, and found a place to drink a skewers at night ... Isn't it good? Everyone can change it, but everyone came over together, so as not to become So quickly..."

"Well, what then?"

"Then? Discussing celebrity status, discussing future, asking for resources, comparing popularity... Even a Weibo fan can come up with it, do you think it is necessary?"

While I was talking, I finished applying conditioner.

Yang Mi's slanted bangs, which restored her unparalleled look, popped out a little restlessly from her gathered hair.

"Don't I just have more fans than her? As for..."

"...Yao Chen?"


"How much more are you than her?"

"It's not much, maybe a million or so. When Weibo was first launched, "Latent" was a big hit, but she didn't compete with me. I was the first to break 30, and I was the first to break one million. Now I am over six hundred and forty, and she is five hundred and one. I don’t know if I drank too much or something at the dinner party that day, but he put his arm around my shoulder and tried to convince me that I was not convinced...what’s the need?”

Yang Mi looked helpless:

"And this time Xiaoliu and I were still very nervous when we acted together. Lao Sha had always been the girl with the longer girl, but now he doesn't dare to be so casual... Yan Ni always asks me about things at Xiying Studio, which means I’ve done enough TV dramas, and I want to make movies... Anyway, everyone seems to have changed a lot.”

"You are too naive."

Hearing this, Xu Xin shrugged, and while using a small scoop of water to pour water on the child, he said:

"This is a world of fame and fortune. We should have been prepared for it."

"But this time I really just want to...make a movie happily with everyone, and give everyone a perfect ending. After all, it has been confirmed that "Part 2" will not be made. This is the ending. ...But I really didn’t expect it to become like this...Hey, do you know? The biggest change is Lao Yu."

"Yu Entai?"

"Yeah. I think he is really crazy... He has got into the performance theory system and can't get out. He is a bit otherworldly. I'm not saying it's not good, I just think... he is particularly resistant to commercialization. Do you know what I mean?

This is the feeling he gives me now, which is more pure than any actor. But this kind of pureness makes me unable to feel the closeness to life of his performance.

Just... perform for the sake of performance, rather than integrating performance into your own life...

In the past, when everyone was out of theater, they would have a late-night snack when they were hungry, or make an appointment for a hotpot or something. As a result, let alone organizing the game in the past two days, he didn't even drink at the dinner we first met... Although our relationship is still here, his pureness is a bit confusing to me...

It gave me the same feeling as Teacher He Bing in the group. "

"That actor from Renyi?"

"Yes. They are very similar. At first glance, they have high academic qualifications and rich acting experience... But, maybe I am narrow-minded? But the feeling that Lao Yu gives me now is the same as when I watched He Bing's acting in the group. . I feel that everything they play is themselves. You say his acting skills are good and there is nothing wrong with him. But the problem is that he plays himself again and again. What do you think he plays? "

Her words were understandable to her brother.

I must have been holding it in my heart for many days, and I haven't stopped talking about it now.

Xu Xin listens more than expresses opinions.

He was not familiar with the crew of "Wulin Gaiden".

The friendship is definitely not as deep as that of his wife.

Therefore, the right to speak is definitely not as good as that of the wife.

To put it bluntly, how old is "Wulin Gaiden"?

The drama in 2006.

This has been four years.

Four years~

It’s enough for everyone in this circle to change.

It's normal for people to change.

To put it bluntly, outside of the pure performance world, isn’t fame and fortune what everyone is vying for?


It would be nice if they didn't turn against each other.

Thinking of this, he said with some emotion:

"If life were just like the first time we met..."

Amidst the sound of rushing water, Yang Mi nodded:

"Yes, this old friend's heart... really changes at will. This change will never go back to the past."

Promote books! A new book from the boss of "China Entertainment 1997". You can tell what the quality is just by looking at the name, right? Haha, recommended!

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