I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 533 531 Encounter (31)

Chapter 533 531. Chance Encounter (31)

"Will you go with me?"

"Not going."

When he woke up in the morning, he looked at his wife lazily, with a laziness on his face that said, "I plan to lie down all day."

"When I see something inappropriate when I go there, I can't help but say a few more words. If I say too much, others will be annoyed, and if I say too little, I will feel uncomfortable. It's really troublesome~"

"All right."

Yang Mi nodded. After putting on the sweatpants, she found that the pockets of the pants were a little turned out, so she tucked them in with her hands.

When I found something in my pocket, I took it out and found it was a red ticket and some loose change.

Seeing this, she threw the red ticket in front of her husband:

"Young man, you performed well last night. Use this money to buy some sea cucumbers, abalones, etc. I'll call your name when I come back tonight."

"Thank you, Sister Yang."

Xu Xin burst into tears with gratitude.

That acting was sincere and unpretentious.

It's definitely okay to get an Oscar.


Yang Mi was very satisfied with his attitude, put on a baseball cap, and pushed the brim of the hat down:

"I am leaving?"

"Okay, Sister Yang."

"Well, the little handsome guy is so good~ Come and let me touch him one last time."

Hearing this, Xu Xin turned into a tree again.

This sister skillfully put the front and rear gears on, then rubbed her hands:

"Take care of the kids."

"Love you~"


The couple's little sweetness ended in the master bedroom.

After she left, Xu Xin lay down on the bed until his father-in-law and mother-in-law knocked on the door:

"Xiao Xu, we took the kids for a walk. The food is on the table. Get up early and eat it."

"Hey, okay."

After lying on the bed for a while, he finally gave up.

I took a few bites of the warm food on the table and sat at the desk with a laptop.

"Thirty-three Days of Lost Love"

He was forced by several young friends to make a movie.

The story is actually very simple.

It just tells the story of what happened to the heroine Huang Xiaoxian during the thirty-three days after she was cheated on by her boyfriend and her best friend.

To be honest, this story is... quite ordinary.

Although its original work is very popular on Douban.

But the problem is that Xu Xin really can't get the point of this story.

If those bastards Xu Yang and Xu Zhi hadn't kidnapped and tortured him, he would definitely not have liked this story.

A simple summary of this script is "the pretentious love history of urban young women"...

Well, you can probably say that.

Huang Xiaoxian found out that her boyfriend and his best friend were getting together and broke up.

Her character is the kind of person who can't bear any loss. She is very strong and doesn't like to leave any room for others no matter what.

This made her ex-boyfriend change from "I just like you being mean" to "It's really tiring to be in love with you."

Then, do you think normal people have to reflect on themselves?

But she didn't.

It can’t be said that there is no such thing...it can only be said that the author has made Huang Xiaoxian a...straightforward character in both the original work and the novel.

That's who she is and she won't change for anyone.

Only others adapt to her.

It's quite outrageous.

Maybe men and women have different senses?

Yang Mi read this story with great interest. According to her:

"I'm very proud of Huang Xiaoxian's straightforward nature. He treats everyone the same. There is no need to hide it, and he can live his truest self."

So, sister, she suffered a loss.

Her boyfriend turned her green.

Although I know that what my wife likes is Huang Xiaoxian’s sincerity and frankness...

But as a man, he really couldn't like this sincerity and frankness.

I just feel like there's something wrong with this script.

Whether it's a boss, a client or the male protagonist Wang Xiaojian, they all have to accommodate her.

Some mild princess disease.

So he has never been interested in this script and has been revising it recently.

In the original work, everyone is adapting to Huang Xiaoxian.

Wang Xiaojian protects her, and the company's immediate boss, Lao Wang, treats her as his daughter.

The most outrageous thing is that her client is a pair of "rich generation + material girl" who are getting married. As a salesperson of a wedding company, she actually goes on a "simulated date" with this rich generation, which is known as: helping customers Feel true love.

Is this more or less a serious illness?

What's even more outrageous is that according to the image in the script, this Huang Xiaoxian is a Yanjing girl with thick straight bangs and looks a bit slovenly...

Brother, please don’t embarrass Yanjing girl, okay...

In what age is this frog princess routine still popular?

So, with the thought that since I took over, I would do it well, he began to change some aspects of the script that seemed awkward to him.

For example, Huang Xiaoxian and the rich generation Wei Yiyong engaged in a "simulated date".

Xu Xin's scalp went numb when he saw this kind of drama.

Mainly too contrived.

This Wei is still a rich man who has grown from nothing to a millionaire, and his fiancée Li Ke is obviously from Henan, but she speaks with a Bayan accent...

Here he even felt that the original author of the book had some prejudice against Henan people.

And this plot seemed inexplicable to him.

What about the theme?

To highlight what?

Highlight that Huang Xiaoxian is a very attractive girl?

Even the engaged Wei Yiran couldn't help but be moved?

Don't be ridiculous.

What do you think of us gentlemen?

So irresponsible?


So, change!

How to change it?

In the original work, Wei Yiran commented on his fiancée that "for Li Ke, LV is a necessity, and love is a luxury. She can have no love, but she must have LV."

Xu Xin's scalp went numb after reading this line.

Where the hell did this stereotype come from?

So, change.

"Huang Xiaoxian didn't understand why Wei Yiran would marry Li Ke. Wei Yiran told Huang Xiaoxian: Keke is like this now because she was spoiled by me. Because we were very poor when we were together, and I was useless at that time, and she made a living by selling fake goods. I.

At that time, Keke's biggest wish was to become a truly rich man, without having to sell fake goods, but to go out carrying genuine goods.

In order to support me, she sold fake bags and was caught by the police. Before she was arrested, she hid all the more than 500 yuan she got from selling the fake bags and called me to tell me that I must take the money. Found it, afraid I would be hungry..."

Li Ke and Wei Yiran, a pair of clients, went from being money-worshiping girls that Huang Xiaoxian despised at first, to being moved by their feelings of sharing weal and woe.

Listening to the words "I will give her whatever she wants now. Because this is the ultimate expression of my love for her", Huang Xiaoxian suddenly realized that she had been looking at others with a "stereotypic and prejudiced" gaze.

So I began to actively integrate into the company and the collective of colleagues...

With this change, wouldn't the storyline be much smoother?

Why do you have to bring out some money-worshiping girl and pretend to be morally noble?

Are you sick? This is not it.

And after Xu Xin himself changed this plot, speaking from his own heart...

At least, he feels that after this movie is made and released, he will not feel guilty when facing those young people, even teenage couples who come to the cinema to watch this movie.

Because he is using his movie to tell everyone: love and marriage are very sacred existences, and no one should tarnish others with their own subjective prejudices.

It also tells the children: Love is not about separation when disaster strikes, but about maintaining mutual trust for a bright future no matter how rich or poor you are.

This is his world view.

Rather than the values ​​​​of "a woman who worships money and a man who ignores marriage and diamonds".

It's too outrageous.

The final ending of this movie is when Huang Xiaoxian discovered that Wang Xiaojian had been silently caring about him, and was moved to tears.

What a fucking big deal!

After all, the boss, Big Lao Wang, who cares for you like a daughter, is not a human being?

So many colleagues and friends who care about her are not considered human beings?

It's quite outrageous.

Therefore, it can almost be said that he has made drastic changes in the entire script by himself.

From a very inexplicable story, it turned into a story of "self-redemption".

In these thirty-three days of lovelorn, Huang Xiaoxian went from an image that was praised as "outspoken" and derogatory as "mean and vicious". During the painful period of losing love, Huang Xiaoxian learned to pull out the thorns in his body. She has reshaped her values. She no longer turns a blind eye to the concern of those around her or takes it for granted, but actively gives feedback. She also learns what it means to be relieved and blessed, bid farewell to her past self, and start a new life.

Xu Xin thinks this image is plump.

It also needs to be more three-dimensional.

And the whole story was more in line with his wishes when filmed.

As for whether it is "ruining the original work" and whether it can be recognized by the fan base of this book...

Feel sorry.

Those bastards in this movie never sought my approval in the first place!

They tied me up in the car and forced me, Lao Xu, to film it!

Don’t accuse good people wrongly!

"Thank you, Lu Ran. Thank you for our ending, which made me notice the beauty in life that I had ignored before. Thank you for your determination, which made me understand that I am not that good. Thank you even more..."



Wave goodbye?


Xu Xin thought for a while, then typed on the computer again:

"Thank you even more for your company, so that when you leave, I can inherit the experiences and sum up the lessons learned from our relationship. From now on, I believe that we will embark on two completely different life trajectories, and there will be no more communication. .

But here, I wish you well, and I hope you can be as considerate as I learned from you to control my temper and be considerate of my other half. With the tolerance and understanding you learned from me, give back to the "her" who truly loves you.

Because we have all learned enough experiences and lessons from each other.

Because these experiences and lessons make us better.

With this excellence, we run towards people who are more worthy of our love. "




Looking at the paragraph he typed at the end of the script, he nodded with satisfaction.

Not to mention, my thinking was particularly clear today.

Several difficult points in the entire script of "Thirty-three Days of Love" turned out to be just like this... The whole script was completely finished.

Smashing his mouth, resisting the urge to smoke a cigarette, he began to proofread.

Shaking my legs while proofreading.

It's like wanting to go to the toilet but having to hold it in.

After reviewing it twice in a row and making sure that the rough paragraph definitions were accurate enough, he quickly uploaded the script to his email and sent it to Xu Zhi.

Then he sent a message to Xu Zhi:

"I changed the script of "33 Days" and asked the screenwriter to redesign it. This is the final version. Tell the screenwriter to follow my wishes and don't add scenes without authorization. This is the final version, and then you can enter It’s the start-up phase.”

After sending it, he walked out of the small study in the presidential suite and went directly downstairs.

This is to go smoke.

Originally, you could smoke in safe passages, but in such a closed environment, your body will be contaminated with a lot of smoke smell, which is not good for children.

He really couldn't quit smoking.

Because this thing really stimulates the brain when thinking.

But after having children, he paid special attention to this aspect.

Therefore, the trash can at the entrance of the hotel naturally became a place for him to smoke.

"I got it, I'll let the writers take a look."

"Well, just change it according to my wishes."


"Are you in company?"

"Yes, where are you?"


"Why did you go to Hengdian?"

"Come here to accompany your sister-in-law."

"Climb!...When are you coming to Magic City?"

"When the script is revised, show it to me. I will go after it is approved."


Located in Hengdian, surrounded by peers.

So he wasn't that vigilant.

Standing next to the trash can with a cigarette in his mouth, he didn't hide his intentions at all.

He lowered his head and chatted with Xu Zhi through text messages.

It was originally something that could be over after smoking a cigarette.

But, sometimes... fate is so wonderful.

"Xu Xin...director?"

Hearing this movement, Xu Xin subconsciously raised his head.

Then he froze.

Yuan Shanshan, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, was looking at him in surprise.

Next to him was a middle-aged woman who was also surprised.


Xu Xin was really stunned.

Not that he had any other ideas, but...

Is it such a coincidence?

Hengdian is so big. Not counting the film and television city, there are still hundreds of thousands of people in the town, right?

There are so many hotels, but the two of them can "reunite" here?

It's really outrageous.

Immediately, he reacted belatedly...she just called him...what?

Director Xu Xin?

Was the director added later?


For a moment, he was speechless.

Without mentioning anything else, just shouting out "Xu Xin" out of sympathy for our classmates is not too much, right?

With this trace of speechlessness, he smiled and nodded:

"What a coincidence, Yuan Tongxie."

Not classmates, but children's shoes.

More playful.

It's not Shanshan, but Yuan Tongxie, adding another layer of polite distance.

She is the number one public enemy in our sister Mi’s heart.

Although I haven't mentioned it much in the past two years, as long as I get involved, I will definitely have to tease myself before I get rid of it.

That bitch sometimes has a vicious mouth and is really unforgiving.

The less trouble, the better.

He put out the cigarette.

You can leave at any time.

Then he said:

"Are you here too? What are you filming?"


When Yuan Shanshan heard what Xu Xin called her and heard this question, her eyes flashed.

After a second's delay, she said:

""Qin Xianglian"."


Xu Xin looked like he suddenly realized something.

"This drama."

In fact, he didn't know at all.

But sometimes chatting is just like that.

And Yuan Shanshan asked:

"What about you? Why are you here?..."Hawthorn Tree"?"

"No, "The Hawthorn Tree" has been filmed. I'm here to accompany Yang Mi."

Hearing this, Yuan Shanshan was stunned again:

"Yang...Mimi is here too?"

At this time, the middle-aged woman next to her said:

"Is it "Wulin Gaiden"?"

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to Xu Xin:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Luo Xiuchun, Shanshan's agent."

"Ah hello."

Xu Xin vaguely felt that the name sounded familiar.

I seem to have heard someone mention it before.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

However, as for the agent, he didn’t think much, nodded and said:

"Yes, it's "Wulin Gaiden". It was just launched a few days ago. Yuan Tongxie, how about you? How long have you been here?"

"I just arrived yesterday..."

Yuan Shanshan said:

"Has Mimi started filming?...Then...Then..."

She seemed to want to say something.

But he seemed to regret that he shouldn't have spoken, and suddenly froze.

But Xu Xin could somewhat hear what she meant.

It should be Juju, right?

In fact, if he were a normal classmate, Xu Xin would definitely agree.

But the problem is the relationship between the two...

Hard to say.

But seeing the girl frozen there, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Let's wait for two days. She has been busy these two days, and the crew's schedule is quite tight. When she has some free time in two days, let's find an opportunity to get together. We haven't seen each other for several years."


These words were meant to help Yuan Shanshan get out of trouble, but he forgot...

The other party also attended the premiere of "The Wind".

There's no way, he really doesn't remember.

To him, Yuan Shanshan was already in the past and could no longer be passed away. How could he pay so much attention to her?

But these words actually sounded quite hurtful to Yuan Shanshan.

On the one hand, she was grateful to Xu Xin for not embarrassing herself, but on the other hand...

Do you really not remember anything?

She didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At this time, Xu Xin's cell phone vibrated.

Seeing this, he took it out and took a look.

"This version of you looks much more comfortable to me."

Sent by Xu Zhi.

"Well, Shanshan, you go ahead and do your work first. I have something else to do here, so I'll go out first."

Using this piece of information as an excuse, Xu Xin took the initiative to end the conversation.

He nodded politely to the two of them and walked quickly towards the hotel entrance.

"...Okay, then you go about your business first. Goodbye."


Yuan Shanshan watched Xu Xin leave. After he walked a dozen steps away, she withdrew her eyes and walked into the hotel with Luo Xiuchun.

There was silence in the elevator with just two people.

"...He has changed a lot."

Suddenly, she spoke.

Luo Xiuchun's eyes fell on Yuan Shanshan's face.

There are some inexplicable emotions in the girl's eyes:

"I feel very reserved, all my thoughts are hidden..."

"Indeed, based on his age, he is much more reserved than his peers. You can feel that connotation with just a little contact."

Luo Xiuchun also nodded and agreed with her words.

"He wasn't like this before. At that time... he drove his Ferrari every day in front of our school, which was very eye-catching. Then... he invited us out to eat or play or something, and he had the kind of look that didn't take money seriously. The feeling of money.”

After hearing this, Luo Xiuchun thought for a while and asked:

"Then why did it suddenly change?"


This time, Yuan Shanshan was silent.

She waited until the elevator reached the floor, opened the door and walked out, then said with a somewhat complicated look in her eyes from an angle that Luo Xiuchun couldn't see:

"Why else? Because of Mimi. After being with Mimi, he changes every day. Many of my classmates say that Mimi is Wangfu."


Luo Xiuchun didn't answer the question.


As Zhang Guoli's ex-wife, she must know more than Yuan Shanshan.

Yang Miwangfu?


But... if Xu Xin is able to get to where he is today, if he really wants to take the credit, it cannot go to Yang Mi.

Shanshan is too young, and she is only a third-tier actress now, so it is normal that she is not exposed to some things.

This young man named Xu Xin has the shadow of Zhang Yimou in his body from the beginning.

But Zhang Yimou is not a person who is good at maneuvering.

Moreover, I have never heard of anyone behind this kid standing up for him.

The only thing that is certain is that joining Xiying Studio should be Lao Mouzi’s plan.

But in other respects... the fact that everyone in Beijing circles recognized was that he came out of it on his own.

He left first, and then took Yang Mi with him.


Maybe it's prosperous, but it's definitely not that outrageous.

Just look at Yang Mi’s acting career.

During Rong Xinda's time, she followed Rong Xinda's normal plan.

Zhou Xun also came out this way.

But ever since a sudden accident made her become a "hunting girl", her entire acting career has been completely different.

Her success, no matter which work, there will always be Xu Xin's shadow in it.

Therefore, to say that Yang Mi is a prosperous husband is better to say that he is a true "prosperous wife".

Thinking of this, she who was following Yuan Shanshan couldn't help but cast her eyes on this girl.

She knew about the girl and Xu Xin.

It is precisely because I know that I feel pity.

Don't mention anything else.

Just talk about Xu Xin’s dedicated appearance...

If you two were walking together back then... maybe where you are standing now should be where Yang Mi is standing, right?


Thinking of this, she sighed silently in her heart.

A school or even a dormitory.

And they slept head-to-head.

The situation of a sister who came out of a dormitory is so different.

The girl must be feeling quite uncomfortable right now, right?

"Who do you want to use as the male lead?"

"Let's use Wen Zhang. How is your relationship lately?"

"Not bad. If you decide to use him, then I will show him the script."


"Where's the heroine?"

"I'll discuss it with Yang Mi."


After communicating with Xu Zhi about the script of "33 Days", Xu Xin turned to look in the direction of the hotel.

Yuan Shanshan and Luo Xiuchun are no longer here.

Then he walked back.

And I was thinking about something in my mind.

Do I need to report this encounter to my wife?

Just thinking about it...

"Ding dong."

Hearing the text message, he thought it was from Xu Zhi. He took out his phone and looked at it, and his face suddenly turned green.

"The surname is Xu! Tell the truth!"

? ? ? ?

He instinctively looked left and right...

From the gate to the cars parked on the roadside.

Then to the low green bushes on the roadside.

Even the roofs of shops and the trash cans on the side of the road...

Where are these bitches hiding?

Just thinking about it...

"Ding dong."

"Have you ever missed your kissy little baby!~"

Yang Mi's second message was sent.


The corner of his mouth twitched...

evil creature!

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