I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 534 The high-end show of the 532 Alumni Association (32)

Chapter 534 532. High-end show at the class reunion (32)

In fact, falling in love with my sister is a relatively interesting thing.

Because she would get into trouble from time to time.

Just like this text message.

This is relatively common.

The two were in the love stage, and at that time they had begun to enter the 3G era.

After MMS became more and more popular, this sister was particularly obsessed with it for a while.

From time to time I will take pictures of flowers, trees, etc.

Point to the scene in the photo you took:

"Look, look, Shu! Praise me~"

This kind of nonsense information is all stored in Xu Xin's Nokia.

What about "Baby, do you think this flower is beautiful? Who is more beautiful, me or it?", or "Good morning, my brother, I miss you for the first time today~"...

If you ask her now, she will definitely not admit these dark histories.

Although the couple is not yet at the stage where one kiss can cause nausea for a week.

But such disgusting text messages are basically invisible.

But nature is easy to change, and as a great language artist, she still likes to make some mistakes from time to time.

But if such a moth were normal, Xu Xin would smile.

This juncture is a bit scary.

So he started calculating risks and benefits in the elevator.

After thinking about the result that "the chances of Yuan Shanshan contacting Yang Mi cannot be said to be non-existent", he decided to take the initiative to confess:

"I must have thought about it, but I need to tell you something first."


"Guess who I just met?"


"Yuan Shanshan."

The text message was interrupted for about ten seconds before Yang Mi replied:

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing to talk about. I met him while smoking in front of the hotel."

"Why did you smoke in front of the hotel?"

"Nonsense, secondhand smoke at home doesn't harm the children?"

"Then can't you go smoke in the corridor?"

"Don't make trouble unreasonably!"

"Humph, what are you talking about?"

"We didn't talk much. I was smoking there, and I met her just after she came back from outside. She asked me why I was here, and I said I was here to accompany you."

"BINGO, ten points for Gryffindor."

"Then I asked her why she was here."

"Beep~ Five points from Gryffindor."

"She said she was here to film a drama called "Qin Xianglian", and then I said that Yang Mi has been a little busy these two days, so she can come out and sit down when she's not busy."

After sending this message, he also returned to the room.

After holding the two children in her arms, Yang Mi sent a message:

"Just tonight. I'll contact her~"


"It just so happens that Jiao Jiao is also in Hengdian. I'll invite them both out and let's have dinner."

"Are you crazy?"

"I'm serious. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Since we can get together, let's have a meal."

"Then don't count me in, I won't go."

"Why?! I will definitely take you there. Don't you know that the class reunion is just for showing off your husband?"

"...Sister, can we not be so high-profile?"

"Oh, just be normal. As the saying goes, if you don't go home if you are rich, it will be the same as walking in the dark wearing flashy clothes. Don't you understand this?"

"That means not returning wealth to your hometown, just like walking in brocade clothes at night!"

"Yes, yes, everything you said is right. It's settled, let's get together tonight."



He knew that his wife was having convulsions, but he couldn't stop her.


If you have convulsions, just have convulsions.

He shook his head helplessly.

Before 5 o'clock, Yang Mi came back.

In the past two days, her scenes have actually been relatively concentrated.

Although in "Wulin Gaiden", she is only a supporting role. But the reality is that as an investor and as the most powerful actor in this circle, it is not too much for her to ask that her scenes be filmed together.

After all, she is still nursing a baby.

After she came back, she started to mess around.

She applied a... light makeup that was not too thick, but very suitable for her. The young woman looked youthful and beautiful. She used a lip pencil to outline her lips and pursed her lips.

After a perfect lip shape was outlined, she turned to Xu Xin who was sitting on the bed and said:

"How's it going?"


Xu Xin said something perfunctory.

Married men should be able to imagine his tone.

Not to mention putting on makeup, your wife has appeared in front of you with her bare buttocks.

This kind of conversation is almost reflexive.

If you compliment her on her good looks, it’s okay even if it’s perfunctory. But if you want to say "it doesn't look good" or "the color of your lips looks like you ate the flesh of a dead child"...

Congratulations then.

Come live.

If she doesn't comprehensively label you as a "straight man with bullshit aesthetics", then it won't be complete.

As expected, the young woman pursed her lips again happily. After finally finishing her makeup, she stumbled to the closet:

"Look at your impatient virtue."

"I'm so impatient~"

Xu Xin said helplessly:

"You've been talking about Yuan Shanshan for several years, and I haven't mentioned it in the past two years. But after tonight, I feel that you have to continue the topic for a few more years... I don't want to mention it to you anymore."

"I'm just not convinced!"

Yang Mi showed a "what can you do to me" look:

"In my eyes, you are the best man in the world. Why? My men have fallen in love with you, but you are still pretentious..."


Vaguely, Xu Xin felt that these words were strange.

But I can't say what's wrong.

She...is praising me, right?


"You don't understand my psychology, do you understand? Our relationship is not that bad. After all, we sleep with each other. But I don't have much contact with her, just because of you. But I can still cause trouble for you? Blame you for being blind? I Not beautiful? Not in good shape? Why do you fall in love with her but not me? Do you think I can be convinced? "


Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

Listen there with your head down.

"I'm not going to show off to you tonight. Isn't Jiao Jiao here? I mainly want to get together with my classmates. After all, we haven't seen each other for so long, right?

But...I just feel superior to her. After all, you have my hand now~ But the stronger this sense of superiority becomes, the less convinced I am!

Why didn't you chase me in school? Why did you drive your Ferrari to the bar instead of me? "

"Sister, didn't you think I was a country boy back then? You admitted it yourself. Even if I chased you, you wouldn't have agreed. Because I was too country."

"I can think you are stupid! But who allows you not to chase me?"

"Isn't this the logic of a gangster?"

"It's gangster logic~ But I like you~ The person I liked had a crush on someone else at the time. Do you think I can be convinced?"

With that said, she also chose her clothes for tonight.

Not very formal.

It's just a wide, fashionable short-sleeved shirt, plus a pair of baggy sweatpants.

Mainly relying on temperament and beauty to win.

Taking it out, she began to change it.

While changing, he continued to Xu Xin:

"Just think of me as willful... Really, I can understand Wen Jing's mentality to a certain extent. I have such a good husband, so of course I want everyone in the world to know how good I am! Hehe~"

"...Bao Wenjing?"

Another name that I haven't heard for a long time came up.

"What's the name of her partner... Bao... Bao Beier?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"Yes, it's her. Only now can I understand her mentality. But I'm not as extreme as her, she's too stupid. I brought you with me just to show off, that's all. By the way, let's talk to our group Meet the classmates, after all, it’s been a long time since we last met…”


After she changed her clothes, the two of them went out, and Sun Ting drove the car to the agreed upon hotel.

When I entered the box, there were already people inside.

Jiao Junyan stood up with a smile:



The girl's unique title came to her face with a sense of intimacy.

When you were in school, you two had a friendship that went to the bathroom together.

"Director Xu~"

"Hey, hello."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

Just listen to Yang Mi say:

"Oh, why don't you call me Director Xu? Just call me Xu Xin. What's the point of being born?"

"Hey, I don't dare~"

"Then shall I call you Teacher Jiao?"



Because Yuan Shanshan hadn't arrived yet, the three of them weren't in a hurry to order.

The friendship between Xu Xin and Jiao Junyan was limited to the level of "saying hello", so they didn't say anything after sitting down and listened to their daughter-in-law reminiscing with her.

Although Yang Mi said she was "showing off", her show-off was not to tell others that I was living a good life, like in movies and TV shows. I had to rinse my mouth with bird's nests every day when I woke up, and ate eight of them at one meal. There's no such thing as giant lobster.

If she really wants to say that, then she has to go see a doctor quickly to see if her urine protein is high...

What she meant by showing off was actually bringing Xu Xin over, and that was enough.

The two parties are not enemies, so they won't engage in any cliché scenes of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, pretending to be slapped in the face. You don’t even need to show off your affection.

Bring people here, you who are also in the industry will naturally know how good my husband is.

Yang Mi and Jiao Junyan talk to each other all over the world, from the current status of their classmates to their respective development.

Jiao Junyan's development is actually pretty good.

Not bad.

The kind of scene that everyone in this circle can see where a drama becomes popular all over the world is actually a kind of survivor bias.

One out of a hundred people would be a big deal.

Yang Mi is outrageous. And there are more people like Jiao Junyan in the circle.

Talk about talent, yes.

Is it beautiful? That's okay.

But after graduating and entering the entertainment industry, I could only endure it step by step.

Starting from small roles, then moving on to the worst anti-war drama so far, and then whether I can get some roles in the movie.

Then, after the drama became stable and he didn't have to worry about food and clothing, he began to bet on one TV series after another that would make him popular.

And Jiao Junyan looks okay.

Quite optimistic.

After chatting for a while, the box door was pushed open again.

Yuan Shanshan arrived late.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late."


Yang Mi stood up with a smile.

He opened his arms towards his roommate who was sleeping with him:

"I miss you so much~"

"Hey, I miss you too."

Yuan Shanshan also hugged her, and then nodded and greeted Jiao Junyan and Xu Xin respectively.

"Come on, come on, sit down."

Yang Mi greeted her to sit down, and then began to order food and drink.

He didn't say anything like "Xu Xin told me that you just arrived today."

She didn't even mention Xu Xin's name. After the waiter brought the wine, she directly raised the red wine glass:

"Come on, dear classmates! In this season of spring when flowers are blooming and all things are recovering, our third glorious student class has successfully reunited again! Let's take up this wine full of youth and drink it~"


Not to mention Jiao Junyan, even Yuan Shanshan burst out laughing at her captivating tone.

Jiao Junyan's arms that kept shaking because of laughter caused the wine in the glass to sway from side to side. While laughing, he said to Yang Mi:

"Zhang Ge! Hahahaha... Do you still remember Zhang Ge's reciting accent? Hahahaha..."

Yuan Shanshan also nodded:

"I never get tired of hearing his accent a hundred and eighty times. It's really funny."


Yang Mi bared her little white teeth:

"It's a pity that I forgot to record the video. Otherwise, I would watch it when I was in a bad mood and I would definitely laugh out loud~"

Xu Xin finally understood. What the three of them were supposed to be talking about was... someone's recitation.

But he didn't know who this "Zhang Ge" was.

Those classmates from his university have lost contact for a long time now, and in fact, strictly speaking, the people in the directing class are not as happy as the daily life in the acting class.

The atmosphere is still a bit calmer.

It is quite different from the cheerful atmosphere of the acting class.

Again, today is the joy of three people.

He is just a foil.

Yang Mi's opening joke, which Xu Xin thought was not a good one, also set the tone for today's dinner party.

Full of memories lingering on this wine table.

The three girls seemed to have returned to their college days. All kinds of gossip and jokes emerged in an endless stream. After more than an hour, both bottles of red wine were empty.

At this time, Xu Xin became a little bit behind the scenes.

Yuan Shanshan...has grown up.

It may not be appropriate to say that I have grown up. It should be said that I have grown up.

I especially remember her back then...

His drinking capacity is very poor.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for someone to mess up after just a few glasses of wine, and he would be taken away.

But now her drinking capacity is quite, quite good.

Jiao Junyan's face was red from drinking.

Yang Mi is not as obvious as her, but her cheeks are also blushing, and she looks as cute as a big red apple that she wants to hold and take a bite of.

Only her.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Drinking is the same as not drinking.

At this time, he felt a little sad in his heart...

But this sadness was soon broken by a surge of restlessness.

"I'm going to smoke a cigarette."

Although he drank alcohol today, he only had one glass so far.

When a couple goes out to socialize, one of them must be sober.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to take care of each other after returning home.

And since they were all girls, he was too embarrassed to smoke.

At this moment, I really couldn't hold it in anymore, so I took a leave of absence and walked out of the house directly with my cigarette case.

Yang Mi didn't care either. She was in high spirits at the moment and was opening the third bottle with a seahorse knife.

"Still drinking?"

Yuan Shanshan asked.

"Drink, there's nothing going on anyway. Jiao Jiao won't have any drama tomorrow, and your drama hasn't started either? I'll drink some wine and go back to sleep peacefully."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, Jiao Junyan said:

"Then Xu Xin doesn't blame you for drinking too much?"

"No way, haven't you noticed that he doesn't even drink much?"

With a "pop" sound, the bottle cork has been removed.

Amid the sound of pouring wine, Yang Mi shook her head:

"That's it for us, one drinks and the other takes care of each other. So don't worry, it'll be fine."


Jiao Junyan smashes his mouth...

"I just wanted to say it, Xu Xin is really considerate. I watched him serve you three bowls of light soup."

Yuan Shanshan pursed her lips after hearing this.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, changed the subject with a smile and said:

"What are you doing? Do you dislike me for eating too much?"

"No, I'm serious. What a gentleman~"

Jiao Junyan pursed her lips toward the door:

"You even go out to smoke. Do you usually do this at home?"

"Yes. There are children at home~"

After Yang Mi answered with a smile, she changed the topic again:

"You don't know, raising a child is really troublesome... I'm here to teach you an experience, never give birth to twins! It's really... too difficult! Do you know how to feed Nuannuan and Yangyang since they were young? I have to hold it like this..."

She knew that Jiao Junyan knew about Yuan Shanshan and Xu Xin.

In other words, most of the girls in the first and second performing classes knew about their brother and Yuan Shanshan.

It was true that she was here to show off her affection today, but she never wanted to dwell too much on her brother.

No need.

It is true to show affection, and it is also true to get together with classmates.

And now that she was drinking happily, she wanted everyone to be happy.

There is no need to say things that would cause trouble for others.

After all, she saw Yuan Shanshan's hidden expressions looking at her brother several times that night.

She didn't know whether the other party was "evil" or not.

But one thing is for sure, that is...she is not afraid of anyone.

Regardless of whether you are greedy or jealous, no concubine or concubine will be allowed in the palace for one day in my reign.

Why bother when you are happy like today.

So it doesn't matter whether Jiao Jiao accidentally turned the topic to his brother or did it intentionally.

She just has a grudge against Shanshan, but she really doesn't have to guard against her to the same extent as guarding against thieves.

So, if you are unhappy, don’t say anything.

Then, Xu Xin, who finished smoking a cigarette, opened the door and walked into the room.

Jiao Junyan raised her cup with a smile:

"Director Xu is back~"


Xu Xin nodded with a smile and sat back down.

Finally, the meal ended near 10 o'clock.

The result was three bottles of red wine and three wobbly women.

In the car, Xu Xin looked at his wife lying on the seat and asked:

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just dizzy, but I feel pretty good."

Yang Mi didn't open her eyes, and after finishing speaking, she said again:

"I won't worry about the kids tonight, okay?"



The carriage became quiet.

After walking for about an intersection, suddenly, Yang Mi said again:

"If Jiaojiao asks you for help in the past two days, please give me some face, okay?"

"Yeah, no problem."

Xu Xin agreed immediately.

This time, Yang Mi was puzzled and opened her eyes with a hazy drunken expression mixed with surprise:

"Did you see it?"

"So be it."

Xu Xin smiled:

"Although she hides it very well, you can more or less feel it. She wants to bring me along no matter what topic she talks about today. When you talk about your classmates, she will ask me if I know each other... It seems that she is afraid of the three of you. The conversation was so lively that she left me out in the cold... My impression of her was okay, not bad."

"That's not how I see it."


"It was the first time you went to smoke... She knew clearly about Shanshan and you, and she kept praising you to me... That's when I heard something was wrong."


Xu Xin nodded:

"Who is not utilitarian? As long as you agree, you will definitely help me as much as possible. We are not the kind of unkind people... Why are you praising me? Tell me."


Yang Mi turned her head:

"Hehe~I'm afraid you'll swell~"

"Don't say pull me down~"


The young woman who originally turned her head turned her head again.

At this moment, she was leaning on the seat with disheveled hair, and her whole body exuded a smell that was somewhere between a woman and a girl.

That kind of charming manner is really seductive.

"elder brother."


"Actually, after finishing this dinner tonight, I finally believe in one thing."


"Even if you and Shanshan are together, they will eventually break up. Do you know why?"


Knowing that what she said was drunken talk, Xu Xin just listened there happily.

Then I heard the young woman say as firmly as iron:

"Because she can't really get into your heart. She's not me, so you won't love her to your core. From what I know about you, it's only been a year and a half at most, so you two have to separate!" "

"Hmm...what's the reason? Be specific."


Yang Mi thought for a while and concluded:

"Intuition. Anyway, I can't think of anyone who is more suitable for you than me~"


Xu Xin chuckled.

"I'm surprised that you are so shameless and yet you still look so confident."

"Hey hey hey~"

Amid laughter, the young woman hooked his finger again, leaned back on the chair, and fell into the dizzy state of drunkenness.

She wasn't telling the truth.

Because it's not intuitive.

Shanshan is beautiful, but her soul is too monotonous.

She cannot establish "prestige" with her brother.

In Yang Mi's own heart, her brother is a fierce horse.

The wildness and restlessness in his heart are all hidden under his seemingly indifferent appearance.

Because he has transcended material desires, his spiritual pursuits are even more extreme.

Otherwise, I would not have done anything to expose the shady secrets of an industry just to feel better.

In the face of this fierce horse, as a companion, we must not only achieve a spiritual connection.

What's more, when it is about to be impulsive, it should be turned into a shackles, and all its restlessness should be restrained within an appropriate limit with absolute calmness.

Don't mention anything else.

At this point, Yuan Shanshan couldn't do it.

She's so good.

The one who is destined to be the subordinate in a love relationship.

And this is the essential difference between him and her.


Sorry though.

But it was me who had the last laugh.

Thinking of this, her eyes opened again in her messy hair.

Looking at the blurry outline in the darkness who was meditating on something.

Talking about achievements…

My brother must be the genius of this generation, right?

In the days to come, will he receive more love from people?

And...how many people will I have to bend?

In Ma Xingkong's mind that day after drinking, she thought and fantasized, and finally closed her eyes in a daze.


Today's drink...


"elder brother."


"After I finish filming "Wulin Gaiden", let's go take wedding photos, okay?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

Subconsciously he turned his head and glanced at her...

The eyes become warm and soft:


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