I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 543 541M Smoke

Chapter 543 541.M’s smoke

The film adaptation of the online novel "Love Is Not Blind", directed by director Xu Xin, has started holding auditions recently.

This news did not seem to make any splash in the circle where Deyunshe stole all the "limelight" in August.

At least that's the case for the general audience.

After all, everyone is busy studying the dark history of Guade Yunshe or various cross talk actors. In the face of this unprecedented popularity, the audition news of a movie does not bring much interest to everyone.

But for people in the circle, it's different.

Especially for actresses.

This news is no less than a storm, it has already spread in the circle.

The same is true for Tang Yan.

When she heard that the novel called "Thirty-day Love" was going to be turned into a script by Xu Xin and put into production, she didn't even consider the production cost.

On the day I heard the news, I asked my assistant to buy books quickly.

She had just finished filming "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family", so she was quite free at the moment.

After Yang Mi's warning, she did not intend to continue cooperating with the other party.

It's a pity though.

But compared to the future, she can still distinguish between what is important and what is more important.

When the book was bought, she spent an entire night reading the story thoroughly.

Then early the next morning, with dark circles under her eyes, she found Ji Rujing:

"Sister Ji, I want to fight for this story."

Ji Rujing’s first reaction:

"Looking for Yang Mi to intercede?"

But Tang Yan shook his head directly:

"It doesn't feel right..."

Hearing this, Ji Rujing fell into thinking...

Regarding the Tang people, Tang Yan told himself after returning from the Academy Awards.

On the one hand...she had to admit that she was wrong.

She is obviously a kind-hearted little beauty, but who knows that behind her is a beast that eats people without spitting out bones...

Yang Mi's contrast made it a little difficult for her to accept it at first.

But it didn't take long for him to feel relieved.

Vanity Fair.

This big Vanity Fair is not just the film and television industry where everyone competes for their hard-hitting acting skills.

It is also a big entertainment circle.

In the entertainment industry, good people cannot survive.

Not an exaggeration, but a fact.

Especially female artists, who have no background, no financial backers, and no support... Do you want to succeed on your own?

Stop dreaming.

That's basically impossible.

If someone really wants to steal another person's resources, there are many ways to do anything. Yang Mi may be very kind. After all, she would come to kindly remind Tang Yan to stay away from Tang people, and she would also fish out a young model from the young model selling meat ring in Xiangjiang.

Perhaps the leader of the Four Little Girls, watching Tian Tian retreat, has accumulated enough, and in two years has developed her sisterly and noble aura, she will become a new generation of Tsing Yi women...

How could he be a simple character?

Although her impression of Yang Mi is still that of Tang Xuejian who was laughing and joking all day long, acting like crazy, and dancing around in "Sword and Sword III".

But I have to admit...

With double gold in hand, the position of Da Qingyi is really not far away from her.

And the light of Da Qingyi is too dazzling, enough to cover up everything under the shadow.

Therefore, for Ji Rujing, it is actually more cost-effective to have a good relationship with Yang Mi than to have a good relationship with Tang Ren.

It is also more in line with long-term planning.

"Then how about asking Yang Mi for the script? There is definitely more than one person keeping an eye on this news. Others are reading the novel. If we can get the script, we may have a better chance. Besides... you actually rejected Tang Ren's offer. "Weird Man", I think Yang Mi also owes you a favor in terms of morality."

"Is it appropriate to use this favor here?"

Tang Yan asked rhetorically.

That's what she's worried about.

Is it possible to lose a lot for a small amount of money?

After all...if Mimi is really that powerful, this favor may be much more precious than anything else.

But these words were actually understandable to Ji Rujing.

After all, how do you look at those two couples... No matter in terms of their background or their skills that have suddenly become prominent in the past two years, they cannot be summed up by a simple "Northwestern Encirclement Snake".

Apart from anything else, how difficult is it to establish relationships with Shanghai Film Studio?

But these two people can sit back and forth with ease.

This ability cannot be underestimated. Moreover...Ji Rujing also heard a rumor that...Xu Xin had a very strong relationship in the Magic City.

I don't know how hard it is, but it's definitely not an ordinary person.

Shanghai Film Studio is a good reference point.

So, she shook her head slightly and persuaded:

"If a favor is never used, it will always be just a show-off. What's more... this is not a return of favor. And if I can really choose you, you can have a relationship with Yang Miduo. The relationship is close, let's break away. The Orange Queen has another way to go.”


Tang Yan thought silently for a moment and nodded:

"Okay. Shall I fight now?"


So Tang Yan picked up the phone.

After dialing Yang Mi's number, it rang three times, and then Yang Mi's energetic voice came from the hands-free speaker:

"Hello, Tangtang, why don't you call me when you have time?"


Tang Yan's tone was full of smiles:

"Are you busy?"

"Well, it's okay, I'm choosing a wedding photo theme right now."


Hearing this, Tang Yan was stunned:

"Are you having a wedding?"

"Yes, it will be held in winter. Now I want to take wedding photos first."


Tang Yan thought about it and said tentatively:

"But doesn't Director Xu have another movie to make?"

"You mean "33 Days" right?"

Yang Mi, who was sitting in the photographer's studio, waved to the staff who had just walked into the VIP room with tea. Sun Ting quickly stood up and politely invited the people out.

""33 Days" can't be filmed until around October. When the weather gets colder, we plan to go to Canada in September to take wedding photos during the season when maple leaves are at their reddest. We will start the film after we come back. .”

"That's it..."

"What? Are you interested in "33 Days"?"

Yang Mi asked with a smile after knowing the reason for her call since Tang Yan mentioned the movie.

Tang Yan glanced at Ji Rujing out of habit.

After watching Ji Rujing nod slightly, he said:

"Well, I heard about the audition, so I wanted to ask what the story is... I just stayed up late and finished reading the book."

"Yeah, that's not possible. Isn't your heart bad~"


Tang Yan was stunned...

Then I heard Yang Mi continue:

"Don't stay up late if you have a heart problem. You really... just read it slowly. Why are you staying up late? Staying up late is our natural enemy... Well, in this case, I will send you the script. Since you have already read it After finishing the book, it just so happens that the script has made some changes based on the original work in the book. I will send you a copy, so you can take a good look at it and be fully prepared. How about it? "

"Eh? Is that okay?"

Tang Yan really didn't expect that Yang Mi would be so generous and gave him a first-come-first-served opportunity.

You don’t even have to ask for it yourself.

Then I heard a smiling voice from the other side:

"Of course. Although I won't interfere with his decision in other aspects of this movie. But the script is still fine~ But... I won't give it to you now!"


Yang Mi seemed to feel Tang Yan's surprise through the phone, and continued with a smile:

"You need to go to bed now. If I give you the script and you stay up all day long, will your body not want it?"


Suddenly, Tang Yan felt a sense of warmth in his heart.

But Ji Rujing grinned subconsciously.

These details...

What a good grasp.

Although it is only verbal care, it is the kind of friendship that is most easily accepted by others.


"So, you go to bed first and have a good rest. I am also outside at the moment. When I go back in the afternoon, I will send it to you using my own email address. You can take a good look after you wake up. How about it?"


Tang Yan responded loudly.

Regardless of whether it was true or false...but details like this really touched her.

"Well, it's settled then. Get some rest. I also have to communicate with the photographer."

"Hmm, okay, then...Mimi, you're busy first. Are you leaving soon?"

"Not leaving."

"Hmm... Then how about I treat you to dinner when I go to Yanjing another day?"

"Hehe, okay. By the way, where are you now?"

"Magic City."

"Well...Xu Xin also went to the Magic City..."


Tang Yan and Ji Rujing's eyes lit up.

But I heard Yang Mi say:

"Oh, don't worry about this for now. Go and rest first. I will send you the script in a moment. Just send your email~"

"……OK, all right."

Seeing that she ended the conversation on her own initiative, Tang Yan felt a little regretful... It would be better if she could meet Xu Xin for a meal.

But being able to get the script has achieved its goal.

She is not someone who does not know how to advance or retreat.

This is enough.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi casually told Sun Ting:

"At one or two o'clock in the afternoon, send her the script."


Sun Ting nodded, then stood up and called the staff outside to come in.

And Yang Mi just looked at the fiery red maple leaves in Montreal in the picture album, imagining in her mind what kind of look she and her brother would look like wearing a white wedding dress...

In fact, logically speaking, although I don’t know if foreigners have this opinion.

But as a Chinese, wedding photos are mostly taken in spring and summer.

After all, autumn is the second half of the four seasons, and everything begins to wither...

When she first chose this theme, she was worried that her brother would think it was unlucky.

But the two hit it off immediately.

In the director's vision, the combination of fiery red maple leaves and white wedding dress, the combination of white and red, feels very brilliant.

So he was really satisfied.

Hmm...this maple leaf is so beautiful.

She imagined herself in a wedding dress and smiled unconsciously.

At noon, Yang Mi happily left the photography studio with a large set of materials.

Then he dialed Xu Xin's phone number immediately.

"Brother, brother! So beautiful!!!"

Xu Xin, who had just arrived in the magic city not long ago and was about to leave home and rush to the hotel booked by Xu Zhi and others to introduce Lu Yang and Guo Fan to each other, was stunned and asked:

"What's so beautiful?"

"Canada's maple leaves! Wow! It's really beautiful!"

"Really? Feels good?"

"Well! It's just Maple Leaf! Don't think about anything else! Okay? I'm really tired of looking at things like... beaches, or European and French styles. We'll just do Maple Leaf, and then... I want a set Black dress!”


Xu Xin was stunned and complained unconsciously:

"Are you going to overdo it for me?"

"Idiot! Black represents undying love!"

"Thank you. Just choose white. Please."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Until death we do not change...

The green skin is so ugly.

"Then...Okay. I'll start choosing a wedding dress in the past two days...Tsk, but unfortunately, it takes too long to order, so I can only choose the finished product."

"It's your choice. I should be able to go back tomorrow. I have a dinner with Xue Haifeng and the others in the evening. I'll go back tomorrow. Can we discuss it in detail then?"

"Okay... wait, you have a game tonight?"

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time. This is not the reason for "33 Days", so let's get together and get together."


Yang Mi rolled her eyes and said:

"Will you take Tang Yan with you?"


Xu Xin didn't react.

It's not that he didn't hear what his wife said clearly, but he was wondering... why this matter was related to Tang Yan again.

"Why should I take her with me? I'm not familiar with her."

"How about you take Nazha with you?"


Xu Xin was speechless:

"What nonsense are you talking about? I can just take Mengmeng with me."

"Hehe... Mengmeng can't help you stop drinking. And it's like this, Tang Yan just called me..."

After recounting the conversation with Tang Yan, Yang Mi continued:

"She wants to get into the film and television industry, but she can only use the resources of the Hong Kong industry. She is really not good at the Shanghai industry... I'm afraid that if she stays in the Hong Kong industry for a few more years, she will see the end of her career and then withdraw from Shanghai. Follow the Tang people in circles. Although the chance is very small...but just help with a little effort, okay?"


His wife already made a request, what else could he say?

"Then I'll take her there. Do you have any other instructions?"

"Hehe, no~ As for whether she will mention the movie to you...probably not, she is not the kind of person who has no sense of measure."

"It doesn't matter if I mention it. You can only know if it's suitable for you by acting. If she works really hard, it doesn't matter if it's given to her. The premise is that it meets the requirements~... Okay, is there anything else? Should you contact Tang Yan or me? ?”

"Just contact her. I'll give you my phone number. Remember to contact her again at... three or four o'clock in the afternoon. She stayed up all night to read your novel."


The phone hangs up.

Leaning on the passenger seat, Xu Xin yawned lazily.



"Have you been to Canada?"


"When I return to Yanjing this time, I will give you a few days off and go back to get your passport. The wedding photos will be taken to Canada. Then you and I will go there to have fun for a few days."

"Hey, okay~"

Su Meng laughed happily.

Traveling abroad!

"You can bring your boyfriend with you if you have one."


The smile on Su Meng's face froze.

Brother Xu, this is a bit heartbreaking.

Ah~ I really want to fall in love...

"Jingle Bell……"


The ringing of the phone made Tang Yan frown slightly.

At first she thought it was a hallucination, but as the ringing became louder and louder, she finally managed to open her eyes.

And just as he opened his eyes, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Qiu Ze, Wanwan actor and Tang Yan's boyfriend, also walked in.

After glancing at his girlfriend, Qiu Ze didn't say anything, but first picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table.

"Huh? Unfamiliar numbers...there are so many 6s."

He said and handed the phone to Tang Yan:

"It's not like an advertisement, this is the phone number. You put it on speakerphone."


The dazed Tang Yan subconsciously obeyed and did as he was told.

After turning on the speakerphone, he asked in a hoarse voice:


"Is it Tang Yan?"

The man's voice instantly made Qiu Ze's ears perk up.


Tang Yan's mind was groggy and he was still a little unresponsive.

"Hello Tang Yan, my name is Xu Xin."

"Well, hello... ah!? Xu... Xu... Xu... who are you!?... Ah no, Xu... Hello, Director Xu, I am Tang Yan. Sorry, sorry, I was sleeping just now, my brain Some didn't respond. I'm sorry, sorry..."

Tang Yan, who finally realized who was calling, was a little flustered.

And Xu Xin didn't think much about it.

At noon, didn't my sister say that Tang Yan watched "33 Days" until the end?

So it’s quite normal to catch up on sleep at the moment.

So he smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter. Didn't you stay up all night last night? You should have a good rest."

He does not mean that.

Qiu Ze's brows wrinkled.

How do you know...my girlfriend didn't sleep last night?

Could it be that you...

Tang Yan didn't know what her boyfriend was thinking, so she nodded quickly:

"Yeah, thank you, Director Xu, for understanding... Director Xu, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yes, yes. Do you have time tonight? I have a dinner party tonight, do you want to join us?"



Tang Yan was stunned at first, but then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face:

"But...it's okay!"

Finally able to meet Xu Xin, she was so ecstatic that she even ignored some details and asked directly:

"Where do we meet? What time? Is there a dress code!"

"Well, I don't know the specific place. They haven't told me yet. I'll send you a message then. The people here today are all the leaders of Shanghai Film Studio, and we are all having a meal together. So you can be casual. , no need to be so formal.”


Tang Yan had a deep understanding of what level Xu Xin meant as the "leader of Shanghai Film Studio", and the veins in his hand holding the phone bulged.

God-given opportunity!

Although she still hadn't realized how this good opportunity came up, she still agreed in one breath:

"No problem, Director Xu, then... I'll wait for your text message?"

"Well, okay. Then you can rest more, I'll hang up. Goodbye."

"Yeah, okay, Director Xu, please hang up first. See you in the evening!"


The phone hangs up.

The ecstasy in Tang Yan's eyes completely replaced sleepiness and confusion!

Get your hair done!


make up!

The first reaction that comes to mind is these three points.

She must show her best side! Only in this way can the leader be more impressed with himself!

Have you finally waited for your chance?

Although... it's still very slim, it at least gives me a glimmer of hope for myself who is currently trapped in Hong Kong!

I can finally escape from that place where the sun sets over the mountains!

Thinking of this, she looked directly at her boyfriend with the ecstasy in her heart.

I want to share this joy with him as soon as possible.

But what met him was Qiu Ze's unkind eyes.


Tang Yan was stunned.

Why are you looking at me like that?

But at this moment, Qiu Ze stretched out his hand:

"Let me check your phone!"


"Bring it!"

He grabbed Tang Yan's cell phone, entered the password skillfully, and started to look through Tang Yan's phone number.

The first thing I checked was the text message box.

Seeing this, Tang Yan quickly explained:

"What are you thinking? He is Xu Xin! Xu Xin, don't you know him?!"

"I know, is Yang Mi's husband? Okay, how long have you been in contact?... I said, why don't you save his phone number? There are so many 6's, it must be easy to remember, right?"


Tang Yan was stunned.

First reaction... He is jealous because he cares about me and loves me.

The second reaction...looked at the clock on the wall.


! ! ! !

Third reaction: No, I have to leave quickly!

Even after washing my hair, applying a layer of moisture to my skin, and putting on makeup, 2 hours is too tight!

So, she quickly grabbed the phone without saying anything:

"you give me first!"

After getting her mobile phone, she would dial her assistant's number and ask her to meet her at the beauty salon where she often went.

But as soon as he took the phone over, it was snatched away by Qiu Ze:

"bring here!"

Tang Yan shouted subconsciously:

"I'm going to call Dingdang and ask her to wait for me at the beauty salon!"

"What are you afraid of?!"

Qiu Ze's face was also filled with dissatisfaction:

"Can I delay you for a long time by checking your cell phone?! How could Xu Xin know that you stayed up all night?"

"...Yang Mi contacted me this morning!"

Tang Yan said, pointing to the phone:

"Then you call Dingdang! Ask her to wait for me at the beauty salon! You can check whatever you want! ...Hurry up and call!"

After saying that, she ran to the bathroom.

Wash your head directly at home and go to the beauty salon with your head in hand, which should save you a while!

So she, who was already wearing pajamas, took off her clothes without saying a word and trotted towards the bathroom.


Qiu Ze's face was filled with lingering anger.

But looking at the call records, there is indeed a call from Yang Mi in the morning, and this number 666 seems to be the first time she called.

He still dialed Dingdang’s phone number:

"Hey, Dingdang, Tang Yan asked you to go to the beauty salon and wait for her... yes, now."

After notifying the assistant, he carefully rummaged through her mobile phone.

Clean and tidy.

After thinking of Yang Mi's phone call...and the unfamiliar way of greeting the two of them on the phone just now, Qiu Ze found...it seemed that he had really misunderstood.

But I immediately changed my mind:

"So what if there's a misunderstanding! I'm afraid someone is going to steal my girlfriend. Isn't that weird?"

With this inner suggestion, he walked to the bathroom door.

The bathroom vanity is on the right side of the door.

When he turned his head, he saw Tang Yan bending down and putting his head into the sink to wash his hair quickly...


He thought for a while and walked in directly.

It doesn’t matter if you are late or not!

When he thought about his girlfriend having dinner with other men tonight... and meeting some leaders, he felt a fire burning in his heart!

Then I will let you remember me well!

"Hey, what are you doing..."

"Oh, don't..."

"It's too late!"

Tang Yan was speechless for a moment. It was already past three o'clock and it was almost too late...

"Shut up! The thought of you seeing other men tonight makes me very angry!"


Hearing this, Tang Yan's eyes were full of helplessness.

never mind.

Time...should be enough time, right?

It’s pretty fast anyway.

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