I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 544 542 The most beautiful in history

Chapter 544 542. The most beautiful in history

Night, 6:50.

"Brother Xu."


"Already 20 minutes late."

Hearing this, Xu Xin, who was sitting in the car, raised his head.

He glanced at the time and sighed:

"Sigh... So, the job arranged by your sister is not reliable."

"...Why don't you call Tang Yan and ask? Mr. Xue and the others are already here...then doesn't the lateness also fall on us?"


Xu Xin responded, but did not call. Instead, he opened the door of the A6 and got out of the car.

Seeing this, Su Meng quickly got out of the car and took out her parasol.


Under the shade of the umbrella, he lit a cigarette and looked towards the entrance of the parking lot of the resort located at the foot of Sheshan Mountain.

I just happened to see a commercial vehicle driving this way.

Under the blazing sunshine, the car was driving very fast.

At the same time, Su Mengna's work phone also rang.

"Brother Xu, this is Tang Yan."


Xu Xin answered the phone:


"Hey...hey! Director Xu, I see you!"

As he said that, the business car braked not far from him. Before the car stopped, the door had been opened, and Tang Yan almost "jumped" out of the car.

There was panic and embarrassment on his face, but more importantly, there were worries and fears.

He trotted all the way to Xu Xin:

"Xu... Director Xu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm late! I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"it's okay no problem."

Seeing her panic look, Xu Xin waved his hand:

"It's a long way here. And our appointment is between 6:30 and 7:00."


Su Meng's mouth twitched...

After Tang Yan saw Su Meng's expression, he couldn't tell for a moment whether Xu Xin was comforting her with white lies or something else.

But at this moment, Xu Xin took Su Meng's umbrella and helped Tang Yan, who was standing against the sun, to block the sun.

Show your gentlemanly demeanor:

"Then let's go. As for your assistant... Mengmeng, once you two get to know each other, I won't care about you guys."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng responded.

And Tang Yan was still so polite:

"Director Xu, I can do it myself..."

"It's okay, let's go. Your clothes are not suitable either~"

She was wearing a dress with cut sleeves today.

Somewhat loose.

It's easy to get lost by holding an umbrella.

He's not that pretentious, it's just a matter of effort.

As for why it’s so clear…

Well, his sister was much more talented than she was, and he basically gave away all the cut-off sleeves at home to his African buddies to support charity.

Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what he meant was not that the occasion was inappropriate, but that... his clothes were not suitable for raising his hands...


Pursing her lips, she quickly followed Xu Xin's footsteps, and then whispered again:

"Director Xu, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

"it does not matter."

Xu Xin still smiled kindly.

Then when the two of them were walking to the resort, he said to Tang Yan:

"The person tonight is Xue Haifeng, the distribution director of Shanghai Film Studio. The other is Mr. Li Mingjun of Honglin Capital, the private capital company of Shanghai Film Studio. Both of them are from Shanghai Film Studio and they know each other. Bar?"


Tang Yan was shocked:

"Director Xue and Mr. Li?!"


Xu Xin nodded:

"Then Mr. Qian Pengcheng and Qian of Tianyu are also here, as well as my two young boys, Xu Zhi and Xu Yang from Niefeng Entertainment. They are all friends, so don't be so nervous...relax."

Looking at Tang Yan, whose face suddenly turned pale, Xu Xin was speechless.

But he didn't know it at all...

What do these names mean to Tang Yan.

Not to mention anything else...

Xue Haifeng!

Godfather has to be polite to him...

And it should be a good thing for me to have dinner with this person tonight.

But...but she forcefully made people wait for her for so long! ?

Thinking of this, Tang Yan's face turned even paler.

"Are we really not late? Director Xu..."

she asked uncertainly.


Xu Xin's answer was firm, which made Tang Yan feel a sense of security... because of these two words.

"So just relax a little bit."

While talking, the two of them had arrived inside the VIP building of the villa.

Xu Xin put away the parasol, put it in the storage rack at the door, and told the receptionist the room number.

Under the respectful guidance of the etiquette lady, the two of them walked towards the box inside.

After going up to the second floor and walking to the door of the largest double-door private room, Xu Xin politely thanked the etiquette lady, knocked on the door, turned the doorknob and walked in.

Tang Yan, on the other hand, has been calming his breathing from behind.


As she walked in, she suddenly heard a voice:

"Hahaha, Director Xu is late, I have to punish myself with three cups of wine in a while!"


Tang Yan's pupils dilated instantly!

Although she was prepared, the moment she heard these words, she still panicked.

It’s over…

Really late!

But at this time, she heard Xu Xin's warm words and laughter again:

"Ha~ I do have to punish myself with three drinks. But can you please allow us to take our seats first?"

Upon hearing this, Qian Pengcheng laughed and said:

"Haha, that's not possible. It's so easy for Director Xu to bring a beautiful woman here. Why don't you introduce her to us first?"

It was called an introduction, but it actually gave Tang Yan a chance to show himself.

Does Tang Yan understand?


But the problem is that she understands, but at the moment she is worried about being late...

For a while, he didn’t take the initiative to introduce himself.

And when she reacted, she realized that... she had really made a wrong step, every step.

Even the etiquette... was neglected!



Her mind was in a panic.

But at this moment, Xu Xin’s voice came up again:

"My friend, Tang Yan. Mr. Qian is really a noble person who forgets things. We met at the Golf Manor last time. And she is Mr. Xue's right-hand man..."

Hearing this, Qian Pengcheng laughed:

"Haha~ Then I will accompany Director Xu for a while~"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Two! I'm looking for the remaining one and dragging him into the water together!"


The atmosphere instantly became lively.

Then, Xu Xin, who was accompanied by her "female companion", finally took her seat as the guest of honor.

Tang Yan was sitting next to him.

Finally, her mind slowly regained consciousness, and she waited for Xu Xin to sit down first before she sat down.

His eyes quickly scanned the faces of the people at the table.

Especially Xue Haifeng, after observing carefully... she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

It seems... I really don't blame myself.

Director Xu did not have any intention of pushing himself out and telling everyone that he was late because of himself.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Xu Xin again.

His eyes were filled with gratitude.

As for Xu Xin, it didn't really matter why Tang Yan was late.

Originally, it was his wife who asked for a "pendant", so everything he did was just a piece of cake.

What's more, Tang Yan himself is from Shanghai Film Studio.

It is also natural to have a higher level of relationship.

Tonight's dinner actually has no theme.

If you really want to find a reason, it is nothing more than a meeting between several investors before the filming of "33 Days" begins.

But the problem is that if the project is only a few million in total, it would seem too low-end if it was put together with such a small amount of money.

So it's not so much about business, but more about keeping in touch with each other since we haven't seen each other for a long time.

But for Tang Yan, this game is extremely different.

Because this was her first real contact with a powerful person in Shanghai Film Studio in a strict sense.

Both his words and his words seemed extremely cautious.

At the same time, after hearing some information, her heart was also in turmoil.

She had heard her agent mention the drama "Palace Locked Heart Jade". It was said that Yu Zheng wanted to cooperate with Tangren... but for some unknown reason, it turned out to be Tianyu's casting.

The person who used it was Yang Mi’s good friend.

When Tang Yan heard from the chat between Qian Pengcheng and Xu Xin that... they had an arbitrary attitude towards the evidence, her evaluation of Xu Xin and Mimi rose to a higher level again.

Yu Zheng... is not a small screenwriter.

He is not unknown in the film and television industry.

But listening to what Mr. Qian and Xu Xin said, it seemed that she didn't need to worry about Yu Zheng to do anything and could just do whatever she wanted, when an idea suddenly came to her mind.

Recently... I really should go back and connect with Mimi as soon as possible.

Even if it’s just cramming.

But the things she plays with...are really not on the same level as herself.

If I can get her help, my career will definitely reach a higher level.

But the question is what do you have?

Is there anything... that attracts her?

This thought began to swirl in Tang Yan's heart.

It's okay that I didn't think about it before, but now I realize that Mimi is really real, not the "deep background" that the outside world says is slightly empty or full of speculation, but unfolds this background in a very casual way The way was laid out before her.

I’ve even given you the answer, but if you still can’t do this multiple-choice question correctly…

Then why are you involved in the entertainment industry?

Go home and raise pigs.

So, she felt that she had found the right direction.

It's just... I don't know what price to pay.

Thinking of this, she unconsciously turned her head and glanced at Xu Xin, who was chatting and laughing with the boss in her eyes...

"Director Xu...thank you."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and waved his hands:

"It's okay, friends, we should help each other."

After saying that, he put his hand on the car door:

"I'm leaving."

"Well, bye Director Xu, bye Mr. Xu."


Xu Zhina, who was sitting in the driver's seat, waved goodbye, and Xu Xin closed the door. The black Land Rover soon had only its rear taillights left in the night.

"Are you okay?"

Xu Xin patted Xu Yang, who was dozing off in the passenger seat in front.

"It's okay, I'm just dizzy. Let's take a nap."

Xu Yang waved his hand and then remained silent.

In this game tonight, he was the main attacker.

Xu Xin is at best a second companion.

The host of the meal was supported by Xu Yang's drinking capacity.

Now that the mission was successfully completed, he no longer had to worry about what to do next.

In the back seat, Xu Zhi, who was born with an alcohol allergy and has never touched any alcohol, said while driving:

"Sanjin, why did you bring Tang Yan out today?"

"Yang Mi asked. Maybe she thinks it's useful... I don't know, I'm too lazy to think about it."

Although he didn't drink much, Xu Xin, who was still a little tipsy, shook his head, leaned on the seat in the back and looked at the darkness outside, speaking unhurriedly:

"What? Are you attracted to her?"

"Fortunately, she is pretty, but she feels very irritable sometimes. This woman... puts fame and wealth before right and wrong. She can be praised, but I don't think it is necessary."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, Xu Yang, who closed his eyes and fell asleep, said:

"But she is quite popular. If the price is right, we can also use her for our own scenes. The vase looks good when put there."

As he spoke, he lowered his seat.

Xu Xin was behind the driver's seat, so folding down the passenger seat wouldn't hinder him.

And I can hear things more clearly.

"She should come to audition in two days. Yang Mi gave her the script today."

Hearing this, Xu Zhi said:

"I have been contacted by some people in the past two days. They are all people I met before and want to discuss cooperation. I have recommended many actresses to come over. Oh yes...and my sister-in-law's agent..."

That is to say, he drank too much at this moment, otherwise Xu Xin would have been fighting with him about who was bigger.

"Wang Jinghua?"

"Yes, that's her. She pushed a woman, who looked very similar to Wang Luodan's Changdi... her name was..."

"Bai Baihe...not...Bai Hehe...ah, anyway, that girl's name is very convoluted."

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment after hearing what the two brothers said.

What does Wang Luodan, who is also the fourth Xiaohuadan, look like with his sister?

The surname is Bai...

"What's up with Bai Zhen?"

"Yes, that's her. Did Wang Jinghua contact you?"


Xu Xin didn't ask Xu Zhi how he met Wang Jinghua.

He shook his head and said:

"This movie is about whoever has outstanding acting skills. Other small roles can be given, but the heroine still has to watch it. Oh, yes, let me tell you two. I plan to have someone make a guest appearance in this movie."

"For example?"

"Just those few friends. At the beginning of the movie, I plan to design a scene where several young men and women break up. For example, let Wang Sicong and his girlfriend play a couple. Let Jay Chou and..."

"Hou Peichen?"

"Go to sleep!"

Xu Xin pushed Xu Yang's head angrily.

In exchange, Xu Zhi laughed.

"Let Yang Mi come and make a guest appearance. Anyway, there are three pairs in total."

"Liang Bingning! What's going on!?"

Hearing Xu Zhi's words, Xu Xin silently patted the driver's seat:

"That's Sister Bingbing! Be respectful~"

"Uh... ok."

Seeing that Xu Xin was serious, Xu Zhi responded:

"Then let Sister Bingbing come and do something casually... won't this be a gimmick?"

"Well, that's what I mean anyway. I will go back tomorrow to apply for a passport and take wedding photos. Late September is the season when maple leaves are most beautiful. Then we will take wedding photos. After we come back, wait for the weather to cool down, and we will take wedding photos one after another. We can start work as soon as we continue. Okay?"

Originally, they were discussing work plans, but the focus of these two people was not on this at all:

"Canada? Maple leaves?...How do you get an autumn wedding photo?"

"That's right, wouldn't it look good if we take photos on a beach or seaside?"


Two bumpkins.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes angrily.

What happened to Maple Leaf?

Just look good.

"She said: Mimi, I'm sorry I'm late today. I hope Director Xu won't blame me. I want to say sorry to you. I'm going to Yanjing in the next two days. Are you free? I'll treat you to a meal and show your respect. ...This is the content of the text message, and she may have thought it was too humble, so she added "hehe" and the EMOJI expression exclusive to Apple."


After taking a shower, Xu Xin lay on the bed and yawned lazily.

"She also sent me a note, which probably meant thanking me... I forgot what she said. Anyway, my mission is over, right?"

"That's right. And it's done very well~Xu Xin, little friend~ It's still early for her contract to end. Just make sure she doesn't go to Tangren..."


Now that he was drunk, he responded vaguely:

"I'll go back and talk tomorrow. I'm a little dizzy right now."

"Okay, then you can rest, good night. MUA~"


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin yawned. He couldn't stand the spinning feeling after taking a shower, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, the conversation about Tang Yan last night was forgotten by him.

Just get it after the mission is over.

After leaving Lu Yang and the others in the Demon City, he returned directly to Yanjing.

Wedding photos are the top priority at this stage. After returning home, the young couple went to the photography studio again. After searching for all the photos of maple leaf colors from late September to mid-October, they finally chose The filming took place from September 22nd to October 1st.

At this time, the maple leaves are golden with red, and they look beautiful.

The reason why we stayed for so many days was because we were worried that the weather would be bad and it would be difficult to deal with rain or snow or something like that.

In addition to Montreal, we also chose Mont-Tremblant in Quebec as our second attraction.

Made a backup plan.

I guarantee that as long as the weather forecast in Canada is not weird like "it will rain all over the country tomorrow", then the wedding photos of the two of them will be perfect.

After getting all this done, the family of six started to apply for tourist visas.

After all, they are also well-known directors in China. When the staff of the Canadian Embassy heard that they chose their own country to shoot their wedding photos, they all praised the couple for their discernment.

As for whether they are worried about the possibility of this family immigrating...

Just kidding...Canada would love for these two to immigrate.

After all, the number of people from China who have changed nationality in the past two years lags far behind those of Tu, Australia and New Zealand.

They even hinted to Xu Xin that if they wanted to become investment immigrants, they could introduce some good financial consultants and the like...

Unfortunately, our old Xu is used to drinking water from the Yellow River, and he has no interest in taking a sip of water from other places.

When a child leaves his mother, that is called unfilial piety.

It is not tolerated by justice.

At least that's what he thought.

And time passes little by little in the preparation and busyness.

August is coming to an end right before our eyes.

August 28th.

Sun Ting drove to the gate of Beiying School.

Also accompanying me was Feng Lu, a photographer under Shuangwei who specializes in taking artistic photos of artists.

However, Feng Lu didn't bring anything with her. She just brought an entry-level Canon IXUS digital camera that was somewhat "insulting" to a professional photographer.

Many people may not be impressed by this model, but Canon's "Hello, Color" advertisement since 2008 has been quite popular.

Low-end price, entry-level hardware, so-so pixels.

But it is now a must-have for countless girls who like to take selfies...it can be said that everyone has one.

Today, she was going to use this cute-looking red camera to take a set of photos of Nazha.

There was no choice but to come over personally to "supervise the battle" on the mission assigned by Mr. Sun.

Don't be careless.

And the reason why we need to use this kind of camera is that we don’t need professional equipment...

Sun Ting and Feng Lu explained the reason:

“What I want is the kind of photo that seems to be just taken by ordinary netizens. The pixels are low and the professional skills are not particularly strong. This way, we can ensure that when everyone sees this photo, they will not feel that there is a professional team behind it. , it’s just a natural feeling discovered accidentally by netizens.”

To put it bluntly, I just don’t want people to know that the photo was taken by a professional.

Feng Lu expressed her understanding.

Whatever Mr. Sun says, just do it yourself.


She looked at the girl who was already extremely beautiful even though she only had a little makeup and ordinary clothes.

I nodded slightly in my heart.


This girl is indeed beautiful.

Let alone picking one out of a hundred, you may not be able to pick out one from thousands of miles away.

Mr. Sun’s photo request for “the most beautiful freshman school beauty of Beijing Film Academy in history”...

It's really not groundless.

This little girl just looks at her static appearance...

He deserves this title.

I have to pick up my bride early tomorrow morning, and I will probably have to take a long nap when I get back from work. Try to keep it updated and tell everyone about it. 541 is blocked. I have modified it and submitted it. It should be available tomorrow.

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