I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 545 543 Insider

Chapter 545 543. Insider

As a professional photographer who can manage the graphic image of Shuangwei artists, he must have two brushes at his disposal.

Even if the "bottleneck" of shooting conditions is here, it is not difficult for Feng Lu to take a photo with an ordinary digital camera that can at least improve the appearance of the artist by 5% or 10%.

It would actually be better if it can be paired with PS.

It's a pity that Mr. Sun refused to use PS. What he wanted was a natural feeling without leaving any traces.

Feng Lu had no way of guessing why Mr. Sun was so vigilant, but she would do whatever was told.

The three of them were near the Beijing Film Academy campus, choosing a suitable background.

Sun Ting refused to pose for photos and wanted to be natural.

Although the girl's clothes are carefully matched, they are all Taobao products, and the complete set does not exceed 800 yuan.

The test is still her photography skills.

The weather is still hot at the end of August. As a "model", Nazha actually has very few clothes to choose from.

After careful consideration, Feng Lu did not choose a dress.

What Nazha chose was a very classic sports style.

Off-brand black tight yoga pants with exposed ankles. One hundred and fifty yuan~

Slim and tight, it fully exposes the girl's leg curves.

Under her feet is a pair of jazz shoes that are definitely familiar to dancers. They are soft-soled and cost 180 yuan.

The biggest advantage of this shoe is that it is invisible even if there is a booster pad inside. Although it is cheap as a functional shoe, the style is surprisingly good.

Socks, white crew socks. Five bucks.

Because of the two-centimeter booster pad, her socks and ankles were just exposed, becoming a flash of white between the pants and shoes, echoing the slender ankles.

Belongs to the gospel of foot control.

Feng Lu had originally considered letting the girl expose her smooth waist and abdomen.

But Sun Ting thought that dressing like this was a bit too ostentatious and unnatural.

She didn't want this girl to become a target of attack because of her dressing state. But... even she had to admit that this girl had a really good figure.

So after careful consideration, I chose a LINING sports tube top, the pure white one. One hundred and seventy-five dollars.

To be honest, under the sun, Nazha's skin color seemed to be carved from the same mold as that sports bra. The color number is exactly the same~

Not to mention the beauty of the waistcoat line and muscles looming between the bra and abdomen.

Finally, the sports bra is covered with a black gauze sun protection net. Anta's, two hundred and twenty yuan.

Wearing black not only did not bury her figure, but because of the slim fit of the yoga pants and the transparent texture of the sun protection clothing, it accentuated the girl's white skin and the bra that was full of sporty style but was slightly exposed when worn alone. Perfectly blended together.

You can see what she is wearing underneath, but no one... no matter how dirty their heart is, can't find anything wrong with this whole outfit.

The clothes cost a total of 730 yuan, all made from China.

When matched with her, it seems to be comparable to that of international famous brands.

Oh, yes, I have to add fifteen yuan.

Pure cotton, bear cartoon pattern.

so cute.

In short, with such a set of combinations, the four advantages of a girl's figure, namely whiteness, thinness, slenderness and height, are all highlighted.

Paired with it, she did not choose a simple hairband, but wrapped her entire hair with a wide brown hairband, revealing her entire "examination face" without any obstruction, just like during an art exam.

To be honest, Feng Lu was also confused by the girl standing in the sun.

This girl the company is looking for...

That's great.

Although she didn't know anything about acting, as a photographer, Feng Lu, who pursued static beauty, looked at the girl in front of her and couldn't find anything wrong with her.

Even the hint of mixed race has become a very high-end exotic style.

Not to mention anything else, this girl, at least in the flat mold industry, as long as the resources are appropriate, then it is a certainty that she can make waves.

Sun Ting was also amazed by this girl's style.

But she did not forget her purpose and said directly to Nazha:

"Don't worry about the camera for a moment. Have you seen these stores nearby? Whether it's a supermarket or something else, just like going shopping, walk in and buy something like shampoo, facial cleanser... you know what I mean. What?"

Hearing this, Nazha shook her head slightly:

"I... don't quite understand... but I'll just do it, okay, Sister Tingting."


Sun Ting responded:

"We'll be in charge of taking the photos. You can just treat this as a normal out-of-school shopping trip."


"Well, go ahead."

"...has it started?"

Nazha was stunned for a moment, then turned around and left.

Walk directly towards Huangtingzi Road where Beiying is located.

Beijing Film Studio is next to the family courtyard of Yanjing Film Studio. The atmosphere of life here is actually quite strong.

The little girl arrived at a convenience supermarket on Huangtingzi Road and walked directly in.

Feng Lu was waiting with Sun Ting on the street with a digital camera.

While waiting, she asked curiously:

"Mr. Sun, where did you discover this girl Nazha? Isn't the condition too good?"

Sun Ting did not respond and just said:

"Sister Feng, you must not try to stage the photo, just capture her natural beauty."


Feng Lu didn't ask any more questions, and then the two of them waited at the entrance of the supermarket for about three or four minutes. They saw Nazha holding a bottle of Nongfu Spring in her left hand and a plastic bag in her right hand. There was a bottle of Pantene in the plastic bag and they walked straight away. out.

When she came out, she instinctively glanced in the direction where Sun Ting and Feng Lu were standing, but when she remembered that she wanted to be "natural", she quickly averted her eyes, turned around and continued walking forward.

Sun Ting frowned:

"She's looking here..."


As a professional photographer, Feng Lu had already captured several consecutive photos at this moment. Feng Lu shook her head and handed the IXUS camera to Sun Ting:

"She behaves very well in how ordinary people react to reporters or photographers. I think it's more natural this way."

Sun Ting took a quick look and nodded:

"Okay, then I'll send her a message to make her reaction more real?"

"Well, you can look at the camera a few more times and face forward. She is in the front and we are in the back. We just need to take pictures."


So, the two of them followed Nazha like paparazzi photographing celebrities.

After shopping for a while, Nazha also had two bags of things in her hands.

A bag of daily necessities, including a washbasin.

The other bag contains snacks.

Carrying two large bags of things, Feng Lu felt that it was almost done and said:

"Mr. Sun, there are already several photos of her looking at the camera in the photo. If based on her true reaction, the photographer should actually be able to negotiate at this time, for example, if she wants the girl to take a few photos and pose..."


Sun Ting thought for a while and nodded:

"This is indeed more reasonable, but the problem is that this camera is not used by professional photographers, right?"

"It's okay, I have my SLR with me in the car. Shall we go to the main entrance?"

"Okay...Nazha, you're back."

After calling out to the girl who was already sweating on her forehead, Nazha, who was carrying two bags of things, trotted back to the two of them.

"Is it okay?"

"That's it... don't eat these things, do you hear me?"


After Sun Ting said this, Nazha began to try hard to hide her embarrassment of being "caught".

Sister Tingting said she shouldn't reveal too much of her inner thoughts...but how could she tell that I also wanted to eat these snacks?

Amid this embarrassment, the three of them walked all the way to the main entrance of Beijing Film Academy.

The next step is not the area Sun Ting is involved in.

Feng Lu communicated with the little girl and put on poses one after another at the entrance of Beiying School.

It even attracted the attention of the security guards inside the school.

But the security guard didn't stop her... instead, he was looking at the little girl's pretty figure that should be voluptuous and thin, and was drinking tea leisurely from behind.

They have no control outside the school.

Why bother?

Finally, about half an hour later, after a group of photos were taken, the three of them got in the car together.

Sun Ting drove, Feng Lu sat in the passenger seat to check the photos, and Nazha sat in the artist's seat.

From time to time, he would rub the armrests of the seat with his hands, or even lean completely on the back of the chair, raising his legs, and feel relaxed.

But this state of affairs will not last long.

Every time Sun Ting stops at an intersection, she will sit upright.

She was just imagining Sister Mi in her heart...or what it would be like to go to events in this kind of car after she became an artist.

But I still weighed it very clearly.

In this way, the car returned all the way to the door of Shuangwei's office building.

Before going down to the basement, after stopping on the roadside, Sun Ting said directly to Feng Lu:

"Sister Feng, that set of photos needs to be retouched, and I will use them to put them in other media. Then we will take pictures of those photos, no need to retouch them, just keep them in this natural state. Then you can send them directly to my mailbox. .”

"Okay, I understand."

Feng Lu nodded:

"Is there anything else?"

"No, thank you for your hard work, Sister Feng."

"Mr. Sun, you're welcome. I'll get off the car then."


Feng Lu got out of the car.

Nazha politely opened the car door:

"Goodbye, Teacher Feng, thank you for your hard work."

Hearing this, Feng Lu waved her hands with a smile:

"Well, bye, Nazha."

She thought they would see each other more often in the future, but she never imagined that it would be five years before they would meet again.

Of course, that's a story later.

Sun Ting merged the car onto the main road and said:

"This outfit is for the first day of school. It needs to be exactly the same, you know?"

"Okay, Sister Tingting."

Nazha nodded in agreement.

“The same goes for styling.”


Nazha continued to nod.

Then I heard Sun Ting say:

"The central control storage compartment is open."


Nazha quickly opened the storage area behind the center console.

When she saw the contents of the storage compartment, she was stunned...

A black box.

There is a line of English on it:


Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels?

Nazha certainly knows the value of this English-speaking jewelry brand.

She thought for a while and took out this box:

"Sister, here you go."

"Open it."


Nazha seemed to realize something, and her hands suddenly trembled.

Holding the tightly buckled box, he opened it... A watch with a black leather strap, a white dial, and a steel ring surrounded by diamonds came into view.

There is also a line of words written above the performance: VAN CLEEF\u0026Arpels

"Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels, do you know me?"

"Recognize...we know each other."

There was an extra layer of nervousness in Nazha's voice.

"Then do you know what series this watch is from?"


In addition to being nervous, I was also confused.

Sun Ting, who had a panoramic view of all this, continued to say while driving:

"This watch designed by Pierre Arpels himself in 1949 is a classic among Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels classics. The current market price...is around 250,000. Anyone who knows the Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels brand Everyone should know this watch, even if it is not set with expensive jewelry. But a classic is a classic and will never go out of fashion. Do you like it?"


Nazha strained her face and pursed her lips before saying these words.

"Sister Mi gave it to you."


The moment she heard this, Nazha's pupils suddenly expanded.

His hands also trembled.

Something worth more than 200,000 yuan...

Send...send to yourself! ?

She was shocked at first, then surprised.

After the surprise, comes speculation.

Immediately afterwards, many speculations finally turned into a hint of determination:

"I do not want."


The box is locked.

Although she was reluctant to give up, the girl still shook her head firmly:

"Sister Tingting, Sister Mi and Director Xu... are the saviors of our family! No matter what Sister Mi wants me to do... I don't want anything in return! As long as Sister Mi asks, I will definitely do it!"


Sun Ting really looked surprised now.

She really didn't expect this girl to realize this.

not bad.

This keen sense of smell hidden in the heart.

So, she smiled and asked:

"How did you guess it?"


Nazha hesitated and said:

"Sister, you said that superiors will not show kindness to little people for no reason. Although... although..."

Having said this, she paused and seemed to have made up her mind before continuing:

"Although I don't know what Director Xu likes about me. But I think your words are definitely right!... I am just a little person, but I can get help from Director Xu and Sister Mi... In my heart There is nothing left to think about except gratitude and trying to repay their kindness.

And Sister Mi has always hoped that I can change my destiny through hard work, but now she gave me such an expensive watch... I feel that Sister Mi must have something to do with me. So... I will definitely do it, as long as Sister Mi wants me to do it. This watch... I don't want it! "


Just like watering and fertilizing a plant.

When she felt that the nutrients she had given her...even though she had not fully absorbed them, she was at least growing according to her own wishes, the joy that showed in Sun Ting's heart was indescribable.

She was in a good mood, and coupled with Sister Mi's explanation, she simply didn't mind her "apprentice" saying more:

"Want to know why Brother Xu will help you?"

"...can I know?"


Sun Ting nodded:

"Brother Xu is helping you, or helping your father. The reason is actually very simple. Brother Xu's mother also died of heart problems. At that time... Brother Xu's family was very poor and had no money. So, when your father's symptoms and Xu When Brother's mother is similar, he decided to help you without any hesitation. Maybe this... will make him feel more comfortable. And the reason why you can get the help of Brother Sanshui is from the Qiangli Group. I understand. What?"


A past that could not be called secret gave Nazha a sense of seeing the moon through the clouds.

So that’s it…

Fortunately, she still thought...

Thinking of this, a little sadness suddenly appeared on her face.

Things in my own family... must have reminded Brother Xu of sad things.

As someone who has personally experienced the despair of my father lying in the hospital bed, but there is nothing I can do...

She knew all too well how desperate that kind of despair could bring people.


How painful it is...

Because I can feel this empathy, I recall my father's difficult situation at that time, and the laughter that can often be heard in the ward now...

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was the happy big shot.

And that man... is the little person who can't change anything.

Although the metaphor was abstract, she felt that she really understood it.

I understand Brother Xu’s pain.

And Sun Ting did not continue talking.

Just how soft Brother Xu's heart is... Anyone who has been with him knows it.

And this softness cannot be anyone's talking point.

So just point it out.

The small talk ends here.

Sun Ting said directly:

"Sister Mi wants you to go to Tangren."


In an instant, the girl who had just felt a touch of sadness in her heart was immediately confused.


Sister Mi wants me to be a candy man?

Looking at the girl's dazed look through the rearview mirror, Sun Ting said directly:

"You don't need to know the specific reason yet. You just need to understand that this is what Sister Mi means."


At this time, Nazha finally hesitated as she realized what "going to Tang Dynasty" meant.

It’s not that I don’t want to.

Just like she just promised.

Sister Mi is a benefactor, the benefactor who saved dad’s life.

Whatever you ask yourself to do, you will definitely go to the end without hesitation.

Even if...it's just a consumable.

She is willing too.

Because I want to repay the favor.

How to repay life-saving grace?

Only the liver and brain are wiped out.

It's just...she doesn't understand why?

Even if I am a consumable, sister, can't you just keep me by your side?

Why...you asked me to go to Tangren?

She really didn't understand.

"Can I ask why? Sister Mi cooperates with Tangren?"


"……good relationship?"

"It's not good either. They have plotted against Sister Mi twice since she debuted. Although Sister Mi has made amends with her, she doesn't like them very much."


Nazha was really confused.

Seeing this, Sun Ting said:

"Do you know why I asked you to take photos today? What are you thinking?"

"...I know that Beijing Film Academy selects school beauties every year. Then these people will naturally receive a lot of attention. For example, Jing Tian and Zheng Yan. Zheng Yan was able to shoot "Meteor Shower" and is so popular now. It is said that the photos of the school beauties are the most popular. The agency took a fancy to her and signed her. If you can choose a school beauty, your starting point will be much higher than other girls."


"I thought... Sister Mi was trying to push me out."

Nazha chose to tell the truth:

"I know that Sister Mi and Brother Xu are signing artists. If Sister Mi can sign me... I will definitely do a good job! Even if I work for nothing! Although when I have these thoughts, I feel that I may be incredibly lucky... But I will definitely try my best to do everything Sister Mi asks of me! This is my idea!"

"I just never thought that Sister Mi would let you go to someone else's place, right?"


"So you see, even you yourself can't think of it, let alone the people of Tang Dynasty, right?"

Sun Ting's smiling eyes appeared in the reflection of the rearview mirror.

Looking at the confused look on the girl's face, he continued:

"Think more. When you encounter something you don't understand, follow all the clues to deduce it. Although it sounds like a detective novel, some things are not traceable. As I said just now, Sister Mi doesn't like it. Tangren, but she wants you to go. And everything she did today is to enhance your popularity in this so-called school beauty competition in the opening season of Beijing Film Academy. And all this is done so that you can go to Tangren. .”

"But even if I become well-known and go to Tangren, what can I do for Sister Mi? I film to make money for Tangren, and the increase in my popularity also promotes Tangren. Besides, Tangren also has Liu Zhishi..."

"You have to call me Sister Shishi."

Sun Ting directly corrected her title:

"Others may not know, but I might as well tell you. When Brother Xu and Sister Mi proposed, she was the only witness. Sister Mi's relationship with her is so good that they can wear a pair of pants."

"Okay...I'm sorry, Sister Tingting."

Nazha apologized first.

But after apologizing, she fell silent.

Because she suddenly noticed something... not very harmonious.

Sister Mi and Sister Shishi have a good relationship.

So why should I go to Tangren?

If my popularity rises, goes smoothly and steadily...then won't I become a threat to Sister Shishi in the future?

Want to compete with Sister Shishi for resources?

Sister Mi’s doing this...will it do any good to Sister Shishi?

Sister Shishi doesn't seem to have any benefit for me to join the Tang Dynasty, right?

Wouldn’t it be true that the fewer female artists the company has, the more concentrated its resources will be?

Sister Mi had such good intentions to raise my starting point infinitely, and then let me go to Tangren... It seems like she is not afraid that I will take Sister Shishi's place?

Even if I don't argue with Sister Shishi, what's the point of doing this?

I'm talking about, if I really develop better than Sister Shishi in the company, then if the Tang people insist on praising me, if I surpass Sister Shishi, Sister Mi will definitely be angry... huh?

Suddenly, she froze.

Wait a moment, wait a moment...

Sister Mi asked me to go to Tangren.

Sister Shishi is in Tang Dynasty.

Sister Mi doesn’t like Chinese people.

But they arranged for me to go to Tangren...

Could it be...

"Sister Tingting..."


"Sister Mi, do you want me to...be an undercover agent!?"


Sun Ting's eyes lit up.

Can you guess it?

Not bad.

This brain... is enough.

Not to mention anything else, at least this obedient mind is enough to survive in this big dye vat.

So, she nodded:

"Although what you said is not entirely correct, but you can think of this level...it's okay, it's great."

"...Not quite right?"

"Well, that's not entirely true. Sister Mi's original words were: In these five years, you go to Tang Dynasty. When you come back in five years, she will guarantee you a lifetime of prosperity and wealth."


Nazha felt a sudden chill in her heart...

Instinct urged her to ask:

"Then what Sister Mi needs me to do is..."

"When a moth comes here and there are no tigers in the mountains, it becomes the king who monopolizes all resources and sucks their blood dry."


The information exposed in this sentence is enough to make the girl's heart feel like a storm!

Sister Shishi is coming here?

"The First Sister of Tang Dynasty" is leaving?

Promote newcomers?

Praise yourself?

Then I have to monopolize all resources in the past five years...

What about five years from now?

Leave Tang Ren and come to Sister Mi's place.

That Tang people...


Goosebumps appeared all over the girl's body.

Seeing that she already understood, Sun Ting continued:

"So, keep this watch. This is Sister Mi's wish."


After about two seconds of silence, the girl nodded vigorously.

Holding the Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels box, she said firmly:

"I will do it well, please don't worry, Sister Mi!"


Sun Ting nodded, and the car now arrived at their destination.

A Beijiang restaurant opened in Yanjing.

"Come on, let's go eat something delicious!"

Hearing this, the girl quickly opened the car door.

And getting out of the car and walking with Sun Ting... She had no intention of going to see this northern Xinjiang restaurant, she just asked:

"Then...I went there, can I still contact you?"

"of course."

Sun Ting responded with a smile.

Just one update today.

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