I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 546 544 Venice

Chapter 546 544.Venice

The time difference in China is 7 hours ahead of Italy.

Therefore, August 31st was actually quite an uncomfortable day for the people at Xiying Studio.

In addition, Italians are notoriously undisciplined. For Chinese people who are accustomed to a nine-to-five work life, their undisciplinedness has become an excruciating torture.


You should hurry up.

It's already 5pm.

Didn't we agree that the results would be announced at 10 a.m.?

Why no news?

People from Xi Film Studio are waiting, and some domestic media related to movie-related content are also waiting.

Waiting for first-hand news from reporters ahead.

At this moment, countless people were waiting at the shortlist press conference for the Venice Film Festival in Italy.

The staff of the Venice Film Festival, who were already three minutes late, hurriedly came on stage to read out the list.

At this moment, in the press room.

A slightly younger Chinese face was observing the press conference with interest.

When the young man saw several staff members walking in from the side of the press conference stage, he immediately shook the middle-aged man’s arm next to him excitedly:

"Brother Sun! Brother Sun! It's coming, it's coming!"


Brother Sun, who was adjusting the focus of the camera, was shaken by the young man, and the aperture of the lens was tightened.

The originally clear picture became blurry again.

He was speechless and looked at the young man:

"Why are you so excited!? It's just the announcement of the shortlist! It's not an award!"

With that said, he shook off the young man's hand and quickly adjusted the focus of the lens back.

But his words have little effect on young people.

"Brother Sun, if the list is announced today, we can watch a movie in the afternoon!"


After adjusting the focus and aiming at the press conference table, Brother Sun took his eyes away from the camera and explained:

"September 1st to September 14th. It lasts for half a month. You can redeem your tickets with our press card tomorrow and you can go see it then."


Not only was the young man not excited when he heard this, but his eyes were filled with disappointment:

"Still have to wait a long time?"

"Just be satisfied! Have you forgotten how hard it was for us to get the chance to go abroad for interviews? This time we go to the movies. We not only watch them, but also write long reviews. Without spoiling anything, we will summarize the situation of our domestic movies. , as well as the reaction of foreign audiences, as well as the main rivals of domestic films, are all listed. This half day is the last rest time. Since you are so excited, don’t complain about being tired when writing the manuscript. "

Brother Sun's words made the young man's excitement subside a little.

But he immediately changed his mind:

"Brother Sun! Do you think our advantage is big?"

"How would I know……"

Brother Sun rolled his eyes:

"I'm not a judge, and I haven't seen this year's films... However, Venice has always been a blessed place for our films. We didn't get anything from Cannes this year, but Venice...it's hard to say. After all, our country's films can be said to be I went international from here. I guess I have the home field advantage~"

"But Mark Muller is not a judge, he is just the chairman of the Venice Film Festival. The judge is not Quentin... Oh, right!"

The young man was suddenly startled:

"Quentin seems to be particularly fond of our film culture..."


Brother Sun nodded:

"So I think this year's Venice may be more rewarding than Cannes. Let's see... I heard from my friends in Hong Kong that the film "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" was very good. They also submitted it for review..."

"And there's Liu Yifei!"


Hearing this name and savoring the young man's somewhat fanatical tone, Brother Sun rolled his eyes.

"You don't really think Liu Yifei has acting skills, do you?"

Instantly, the young man was unhappy:

"Brother Sun! I don't like hearing this anymore! Liu Yifei's performance in "Special Deal" was not good?"

"I think it's just so-so."


Although the young man did not speak, his expression actually showed his inner activities on his face.

Are you farting?

As for Brother Sun, who had been with him for several years, he was actually happy to see the unconvinced look of this young man who was half apprentice and half younger brother:

"Okay, I know you like Liu Yifei... but you have to recognize the facts. Liu Yifei wants to transform... it's too difficult. Understand? It's not that her acting skills are not good, but that she has a strong influence in the hearts of young people of your generation. The status is too high.

In your ignorant adolescence, her innocent image has been imprinted in your hearts. So even if she is no longer a girl, even if she is fat, old, and wrinkled, in your hearts, she is still the same Liu Yifei who played Zhao Ling'er and Xiao Longnu. Your preconceptions are too strong.

But what about the facts? As media people, we must learn to abandon our preference for a certain idol and seek truth from facts. It's a fact that Liu Yifei's acting skills are not good. I admit, the short film made by Xu Xin is actually quite good. But everyone, including you, knew she was going to transform.

That short film was a transformational work. But the problem is that her flaws are all in the hearts of you, the fan base. Want to transform? Easier said than done? In your eyes, whether she has acting skills or not, she is the ceiling. But what about those of us who are not fans of her? ...She's really average.

Average looks, average build, average acting skills..."

"How about compared with Liu Tao?"

The young man said suddenly.

Brother Sun said nothing:

"Then Liu Tao must be good!"


The young man's eyes were filled with disgust:

"To put it bluntly, Brother Sun, isn't this also a subjective impression? Liu Tao is far different from Liu Yifei... that's a million miles away!"

Hearing this, Brother Sun rolled his eyes at him.

A look of contempt that said, "You are still young and don't know the benefits of young women."

Neither of them convinced the other.

But for young people, Liu Yifei is really not the same Liu Yifei.

Anyway...I support Liu Yifei!

The two of them argued for more than a minute, and finally, ten minutes late, the official spokesperson of the Venice Film Festival came on stage.

A woman who looks a bit older.

After coming up, there was no trace of ink.

After all, this was just a press conference, and she obviously knew what the reporters sitting below wanted.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Venice Film Festival shortlisted film press conference. The list of shortlisted films will be announced below."

After a brief speech, she picked up the first list in her hand:

"The list of films in the "Out of Competition Screening" section will be announced below... 1. "Reign of Assassins" (Rain of Swords) Director: Zhaobin Su, 2. "OUTRAGE" (Ultimately Evil) Director: Kitano Takeshi..."

The young man's English is average, but for this trip to Venice, the magazine requires that he must memorize the English names of all the Chinese films that have been included in the selection and submitted for review.

Therefore, when he heard the English version of "Sword Rain", the young man reacted a moment too slowly and then immediately showed a speechless expression:

"'Sword Rain'? Brother Sun, is it 'Sword Rain'?"

Brother Sun nodded:

"Hmm...it seems like the quality of this film is average."

The most important units in Venice are the "Main Competition", "Horizon", "International Film Critics Week" and "Venice Day". Unlike Cannes, where the main competition section is more universal, one section is more focused on directorial tendencies.

As the world's oldest film festival, its approach to film is not that extreme.

Whether they are commercial blockbusters or artistic niche films, they can all be classified together.

The gold content of several units is also ranked according to this order.

As for other "Future Lions", "Queer Lions", "Catholic Humanitarian Spirit Award" and the like, they are almost meaningless.

To pay attention to the Venice Golden Lion, actually just pay attention to the main competition and the horizon.

Among them, the "Horizon" Award pays more attention to the trends and trends of directors, works, and actors. It focuses on encouraging film experimentation and innovation to capture the future trends and trends of international films.

Therefore, it is the main competition unit that is truly recognized.

Unlike Cannes, for directors, honors in one category are more valuable.

Although I don’t know how many films the Chinese filmmakers have sent over now.

But the first true eliminater has already appeared.

That is "Sword Rain".

The two continued to listen there, and soon heard the second elimination: "Legend of the Fist".

"Jingwu Fengyun·Chen Zhen".

Brother Sun frowned slightly.

"Sword Rain", "Chen Zhen"...why are they all martial arts movies?

Although he didn't know the quality of "Sword Rain", the movie "Chen Zhen"... was really bad in his impression.

And he also knows some specific information about this film.

Denny Yen is like that in everything he plays.

It’s natural not to be chosen.

But in any case, although this "non-competition screening" section is for those films that have been eliminated, from a side perspective, these eliminated films are better than those that may even be on the judges' table after being sent over. Movies that don't make it are much better.

After all, the top students in the genius class are better than the top students in the ordinary class.

These two movies are still worth watching.

Brother Sun began to record this information quickly.

Soon, the list of more than 20 "Out of Competition Screening" films was finished, and the reading of other shortlists began.

One after another, more than 40 films that were shortlisted for various categories were read out.

From time to time, Brother Sun would write something worthy of attention in his notebook.

After about 10 minutes of the press conference, finally, the much-anticipated list of films in the "Main Competition" was pulled out.

"The shortlisted films for the main competition unit: 1. Director of "Black Swan". 2. Director of "Puppet". 3. "Sad Serenade"..."

Brother Sun's recording speed suddenly accelerated, and these lists had to be sent back to China.

The host also knew the importance of the main competition unit. In order to facilitate everyone's recording, he deliberately read the words very slowly.

"9. "Detective Dee: The Great Empire" Director: Hark Tsui."

"Brother Sun!"

The young man's expression suddenly became excited:

"Shortlisted! We are shortlisted!"

"Don't make any noise!"

Brother Sun quickly recorded in his notebook without raising his head.

"10. "Passion", 11. "DEAD SOULS" Director: Bing Won..."

"Brother Sun!!!!"

"Shut up!"

Brother Sun quickly wrote the words "Jiabiangou" in Chinese on his notebook. After speaking, he raised his head and looked at the host.

There was also a touch of joy in his eyes.

Two films shortlisted for the main unit!

Anyway... just take one, okay?

The last time a Chinese film won the "Venice" award...or in the past two years, it was Jia Zhangke's "The Good Man" in 2006 and Li Yu's "Lust, Caution" in 2007. Both films won the Best Picture award two years in a row.

And in the 2007 Horizon section, Jia Zhangke’s documentary "Useless".

After that, Chinese-language films really haven’t won any heavyweight awards for a long time.

But Brother Sun himself also knows that "Detective Detective" is obviously a commercial film.

It is basically impossible to win a heavyweight award.

So... what is the story of "Jiabiangou"?

No, I have to contact Wang Bing immediately and ask him what story he shot.

It would be even better if I could get an interview!

Just as he was thinking about it, Brother Sun suddenly heard another familiar movie title:

""Under the Hawthorn Tree", director: Gold Xu..."



Compared with Brother Sun's unexpected look up, the excitement on the face of the young man next to him could no longer be suppressed!

"Brother Sun! Liu Yifei! Liu Yifei!!!!"


Although he knew that he was a star-chaser, Brother Sun didn't know what to say.

This news is certainly good news.

Not to mention anything else, three Chinese films were shortlisted in the main competition section.

This news must be explosive.

What's more... he also knows that... even if he doesn't like Liu Yifei, her natural popularity is really incomparable to the popularity of ordinary people among fans.

But the problem is that his front foot is still pushing up and down.

The back foot was suddenly slapped in the face.

This is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, these words were only spoken by the two of them in private.

Otherwise, if Liu Yifei's fans find out that she said bad things about her, they will be flushed to pieces.

And finally, when all the 24 main unit shortlisted films were announced.

This press conference is over.

How the reporters react is their business.

The Venice Film Festival will open its screening unit on September 1st.

The annual carnival art palace for movie lovers... begins here!


It will be around 6pm on August 31st, Chinese time.

The restlessness among movie lovers has begun.

"A good year for Chinese-language films?" Venice Film Festival shortlist announced! 》

"Xu Ke, Xu Xin. The battle between the two at the Venice Film Festival! 》

"Hawthorn Love" has been shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival! Analysis of Liu Yifei’s winning of the crown》

"The list of Venice shortlisted films is authoritatively released. Can Chinese-language films achieve greater glory?" 》

"Xu Xin + Liu Yifei =?" "Hawthorn Tree Love" exclusive inside story leaked"

At first, pieces of news were only circulated on major forums, post bars, Weibo or press releases of major European news outlets such as Maopu, Tianya, and some film media.

However, it didn't take long for these news to be spread in all directions on the Internet by groups such as Liu Yifei, Liu Dehua, or Xu Gou's fans.

Especially fans of Liu Yifei.

To be honest, this is the first time that Liu Yifei's work has won such a heavyweight award.

Although some neutral fans keep telling everyone that the main competition section is not a certain movie, and although "The Hawthorn Tree" has been shortlisted, it is still unknown whether it will win the award and what award it will win.

Some people say that being shortlisted for Venice does not mean it looks good. Even the box office of movies that are shortlisted for the top three movies every year is basically not high...


Who cares?

I do not care.

The movie starring Liu Yifei was shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival!

It’s a cow!

That’s awesome!

Maybe Liu Yifei has been really quiet in recent years, and a "Special Deal" can't quench their thirst.

So there is really a lot of agitation on the Internet right now.

It seems that Yang Ziqiong’s award is equivalent to my Yang Zi’s award...

It makes others laugh and cry.

But it's true... the fairy fans really lack a channel to vent their anger.

They may not understand the rules of the entertainment industry, nor do they understand why Liu Yifei has been silent for so long in the past two years.

But as a fan, my wish to support my favorite movie star is actually very simple.

Even if it’s just a shortlist.

But at least it gives them a lot of toughness when facing fans of other so-called "new generation" movie stars.

As for the fanatical "expansion" behavior of these fans, Liu Yifei didn't care.

She couldn't care less.

Because how to restrain and manage your fans, as well as market operations, are all handled by Shuangwei.

And Shuangwei did not stop the behavior of these fans.

First, there is a real need for an outlet.

Second, this kind of behavior may not be pleasing in the eyes of other fans, but it is a very good channel for movie promotion.

Still free.

As for the third...

This movie is really only a shortlisted film and is not suitable for high-profile publicity in China.

If nothing is harvested by then, it will become a laughing stock.

So the company is moving on to other things.

For example, those reporters who call Shuangwei like crazy.

"Sorry, Director Xu Xin is currently working on his next movie and has no plans to be interviewed for the time being."

"Since we have been shortlisted, we will definitely go. But the specific itinerary plan has not been announced yet. You can contact your colleagues in Venice and my colleagues to make arrangements."

"Liu Yifei is currently resting. I can reserve an interview spot for you during the film promotion period."

"The Venice itinerary has not been released yet. You can leave your email address and we can send you a copy. We will negotiate the time then."

Almost all reporters who heard the news were turned away.

But it's normal.

The magazines and media that call the company are not big media.

Of course, other people will be responsible for the real public relations of big media.

For example, "Southern Weekly" has been working very closely with Yang Mi.

Wang Minmin made a phone call, and Yang Mi immediately agreed to an interview.

But not in the country.

But abroad.

September 1st, that is tomorrow.

Tomorrow Xu Xin, Liu Yifei, and the people from Xiying Studio will start their trip to Venice.

People from Southern Weekly will also go there, where they can get a face-to-face interview.

And in exchange...

"Sister Wang, I have a little girl here. Can I send the photo to your email now? Take a look. Isn't school starting tomorrow at Beijing Film Academy? Please give me a push. I want to give her the title of school beauty right away. On the body."

"No problem. Just send it to me. What should I pay attention to in the manuscript?"

"The reporter follows the photo, communicates with her, poses for the photo, and provides some basic information. Then she compares it with other beautiful girls who will be photographed on site tomorrow. Finally, our magazine directly crowns the most beautiful school beauty."

Yang Mi held up the phone and said while looking at Nazha's set of carefully posed photos on the computer and smiled:

"As for the quality, Sister Wang can rest assured. This girl is really good-looking."

"Well... let me take a look."

Wang Minmin looked at the email sent to her mailbox and downloaded it directly.

After decompression, a picture is opened.

The photo of Nazha standing at the entrance of Beijing Film School, smiling sweetly at the camera comes into view.


Even though Wang Minmin is well-informed, after seeing this girl's face, she couldn't help but let out a surprised admiration:


"Hehe, right? Just follow what I said in the draft."

"Okay, no problem. That's settled... By the way, Director Zhang... are you going?"

"Go, but he should arrive on the red carpet of the film festival. After all, he is also preparing for his own movie. If you want an exclusive interview, will I help you make an appointment?"

"Ok, Ok!"

Wang Minmin smiled and said:

"Thank you then... I will take care of this girl's affairs."

"Yeah. Okay~"

"Mimi... I wish Xu Xin's movie will achieve better results!"

"Haha, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi leaned on the comfortable sofa and said to Jay Chou, who was demonstrating basic piano lessons to her son and daughter on the electronic keyboard next to her:

"That piano melody you just played is from the new album?"


Jay Chou nodded, although the thing in front of him was just a toy electronic keyboard, specially for children to play with.

But in his hands, a beautiful melody still surged out like magic.

"The song is called "Red Dust Inn", which is the celestial style of this album."

After hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"Do you want to shoot a MV?"


"Is there a heroine in it?"

"...Yes. Do you want to come and act?"

Jay Chou was a little puzzled, and then he saw his friend turn the screen of his laptop:

"Is she okay?"

Not only him, but also Wang Sicong, who was lying on the sofa, cast his eyes over.

"Oh, this girl is quite beautiful. It's a pity that she's a little worse than my Wang Xiaoben~"

Even Wang Sicong, who has always been the most picky, expressed such surprised praise.

As for the last sentence... Yang Mi pretended not to hear it.

Love brain.

Very normal.

Jay Chou looked at it and nodded:


Nazha is beautiful, but for him who loves sweetness and would rather die than look back...

Well, it's not my cup of tea.

Besides, it's Dami's request, so that's fine.

After all, it’s just the protagonist of a MV.

Who to choose is not a choice?

But how could Yang Mi’s request be so simple?

"Then you have to do me a favor."


"Let's hold an event to choose the heroine of the MV for the new album and new song. Why don't you choose the other heroines? You have chosen her for Tian Chao Feng's song, okay?"


Upon hearing that it was such a simple request, Jay Chou agreed without thinking.

Just a little effort.

At this moment, the small elevator made a buzzing upward sound.

Xu Xin walked up.

"Oh, Director Xu, hello, hello..."

Wang Sicong immediately rushed to Xu Xin, held his hand with both attentive hands, and shook it vigorously...

"I am Wang Sicong, Wang Ying's agent."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

A pleading look fell on his wife's face.

Yang Mi smiled:

"Anyway, I just promised to go out for Ruili's special photo for next year's Chinese Valentine's Day... It's up to you."


Hearing this, Xu Xin sighed helplessly:

"Oh... how about I don't take Liu Yifei with me and I take her with me?"

"Okay, okay! Oh, Director Xu is so generous!"


Looking at his friend who looked like a dog-licker, Xu Xin shook his head in confusion.

At the same time, I was also muttering in my heart...

Big Lao Wang is serious.

Looking at this attitude, maybe they will get married next year.

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