I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 547 545 Ready to Go

Chapter 547 545. Ready to go

The preparation location for this year's "The Voice" team competition has been placed in Yanjing.

The venue provided by Wanda.

As mentors, Jay Chou and others should provide guidance to the students as a matter of course. Last year, there weren’t actually many photos taken during the guidance session. But today's "The Voice" has proven that it is the well-deserved king of summer variety shows with the average ratings of these four episodes exceeding 6. Considering the quality of the program, it must be reflected in the guidance process.

With the help of mentors, the performance of these singers has significantly improved, which also plays a role in improving and optimizing the program.

Compared with Xi'an, Yanjing is obviously more suitable and convenient.

Jay Chou is here just to guide the students.

However, he was not very surprised that his friend's film was shortlisted for Venice.

He didn't say any congratulations, just said hello, and then continued to teach the two children to learn piano.

Not to mention...he is really patient with children.

Even if Yangyang pressed the piano randomly, he might not even be able to understand what he said.

But for a talented singer with an absolute sense of pitch, a few random notes from a child are enough for him to come up with a melody.

He was taking the two children to play here, and Xu Xin discussed the itinerary with Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was not going to Venice, and Xu Xin was away for half a month. Whether it was wedding photos or some daily trivial matters, the couple had to discuss it.

As for Wang Sicong, he lay down on the sofa, coaxing his godson with Jay Chou, while his cell phone was dinging... he should be chatting with Wang Xiaoben.

Several people were busy until Dani's phone rang.

In order not to disturb a few people, Dani chose to answer the phone in the next room.

But he walked out not long after entering:

"Brother JAY, the MV for "How Are You" has been cut out. Ah Huan has sent you an email. Take a look and start post-production if possible."


Jay Chou responded and temporarily handed over the control of the electronic keyboard to Nuannuan Na, who had been coveting it for a long time.

She sat back on the sofa, took the laptop in front of Yang Mi and started to log in to her mailbox.

In order to play games, a fiber optic cable was specially installed here at Dahu Mansion.

The internet speed was originally very fast.

But the speed of the email is very slow.

I didn't finish my meal until the evening.

Jay Chou didn't care where he put his notebook, and went downstairs to enjoy Lao Yang's ordinary but full of human fireworks dinner.

At the dinner table, everyone was still talking about when this year's "Lang Lang Day" would be.

As a result, the discussion went on and on, and in the end there was only one conclusion left: "We will wait until "33 Days" is finished filming."

Then Xu Xin didn’t forget to mention:

"By the way, you all are here to make guest appearances. The first couple of couples who broke up, you guys come over to go through the motions."

Wang Sicong looked at Yang Mi subconsciously:

"Are you going?"



"I said, I'm thinking about it. I told him..."

Nodding at her husband:

"If he also goes on camera, then I will go. Let's do a breakup drama. But he doesn't want to go on camera, so I'm thinking about whether to go on camera."

"I'm not afraid of bad luck."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Wang Sicong, who heard this, also subconsciously said:

"It seems quite unlucky... Then I won't go on it either... I'm nervous."

"What are you nervous about?"

Xu Xin sneered:

"What do you usually brag about...how high your acting talent is, what? Are you scared?"

"If you're scared, just tell your buddy."

Jay Chou also laughed evilly.

Big Laowang instantly lost his dignity:

"Eat your food! It's not enough to give you two another bowl! Am I scared? Am I scared?! Just shoot, what are you afraid of?"

"Tsk, tsk."

Seeing the eldest young master's reaction, Yang Mi smacked her lips and shook her head:

"You... When you get old and enter the crematorium, your whole body will be scum, and your mouth will probably still be hard. Just give in, and if you don't meet the requirements of a man in my family, everyone will give you a way out. After all, you are a man. Amateurs leaving the country...what can you do if you do this?"

"Why do you want to be soft? I have been wandering around the world for so many years! I have never been soft to anyone!"




Hearing this, Yang Mi simply didn't say much, and just nodded in agreement:

"Well, you have such a tough mouth."

Xu Xin, as for Xu Xin, looked at the guilty look on the old king's face carefully and asked a very essential question:

"Are you planning to burn your mouth into relics?"


Not drinking.

After the ordinary family dinner, the MV was downloaded on the laptop.

"Hey, Ah Xin, how about coming and taking a look? I wrote and directed it myself."


Xu Xin responded and walked over.

Wang Sicong and Yang Mi had already gone to the computer room to update the software of several other machines.

It's rare to get four people together tonight, and we plan to open a small black shop.

Go to the fish pond and fry a fish.

Find the downloaded video file and click to play it.

First, a pair of black silk stockings caught the eye.

"Hey, black silk."


Jay Chou was speechless.

Please, let’s forget it if it’s the Big Lao Wang who says this.

You are the director!

Can you be more serious?

Xu Xin understood the look in his eyes, laughed sarcastically, and took the notebook directly to the position where he could reach out and press the space button to pause.

The audio track of this MV has been imported, but the only thing missing is the subtitles and overall color grading.

But Jay Chou's direction is quite simple.

First of all, this girl wearing black stockings...

"Well, the girl is pretty. What's her name?"

"Kun Ling...hey, can you be more serious?"

Jay Chou couldn't laugh or cry.

Although he also admitted that this girl is indeed very good.

It's sweet, and the smile is super sweet.

The impression left on him was quite good.

"Alright alright."

Xu Xin forcibly closed her eyes to avoid looking at the black silk stockings... Oh no, not looking at this sweet girl named Kun Ling, and instead focused on the details of the overall picture.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

In this first scene, Xu Xin could see his director's thinking.

In line with oneself.

White walls, white sofas, white and black wood grain coffee tables...

Everything looks very white, even the black thread... The cat held by Kun Ling next to her has a white thread... It seems like a ragdoll cat.

The Muppets' signature milky color is very light, with mostly white hair.

The only attractive point in the whole picture is the two gorgeous embroidered cushions dyed with flowers on the sofa.

The flowers above are rich in color and complex, suddenly making the entire slightly monotonous white space become gorgeous.

The composition is very detailed and the arrangement is quite delicate.

Xu Xin took one look and knew what Jay Chou was expressing.

This entire space is the girl's heart.

The only bright spot in her heart was the two sofa pillows.

The space is large, but the bright colors are small.

It seems very inconsistent.

Immediately afterwards, the scene changed, and amid the gradual sound of the piano, Jay Chou appeared in the scene with his back to the camera and facing the night scene outside the glass window.

Space transition.

The dark night scene, Jay Chou's back to the camera, and the swaying firelight reflected on his gray T-shirt...

It’s almost the same expression as the first act.

However, it also reveals some subtle differences.

In the scene with the girl, although the two pillows are colorful, except for the fact that the cat is a living thing, the entire space seems very rigid.

But in Jay Chou's scene, the firelight and the flashing lights in the night scene are all dynamic.

It looks very alive.

In fact, it is very easy to know what he is expressing.

For a girl, although there is color in her heart, it is not vivid. She sat on the sofa, stroking the cat isolated between the colorful cushions and herself, like a passive waiter.

But what about Jay Chou's scene.

The darkness was alive, and so was the fire behind him.

With the firelight behind him and enough warmth to support him, he could face the entire dark world with peace of mind.

This is actually where he expresses the difference in mentality between himself and Hou Peichen.

In other words...it is expressing that Hou Peichen is not brave enough.

To him, Hou Peichen is the bonfire behind him that, although not in the shot, proves its existence through the swaying of vivid light and shadow.

But to Hou Peichen, he was like a coward who could hold him in her arms just by stretching out her hand, but she chose to stay still and put a cat across to draw a clear line between the two of them.


Whether the whole thing is as expressed by Jay Chou is actually unnecessary to discuss.

The reality is that the girl has already married and become a wife. And you are still an old bachelor now.

But talking about the matter, the expression in the entire MV is quite clear.

That's the point he's making.

Of course, everyone may have different feelings when watching this MV.

Or to be a bit exaggerated, it's just the scenes at the beginning of the two scenes. If Xu Xin told others what he was thinking, they would think he was over-interpreting it.

But that's the director's job.

Different things mean different things to different people.

After Xu Xin saw it, he knew what he was expressing.

Even this way of using background colors to express the inner activities of characters and resonate with emotions is exactly his directing style.

As for whether the wheel is imitating itself...it doesn't really matter.

The important thing is that he can understand it, that's all.

So, after watching the more than 3-minute MV, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"The shooting was okay. But there is something I don't know whether to say or not..."

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

"The subjective emotions in your MV are too strong. She is married now, so I think... that's about it."

The entire MV is actually relatively monotonous.

The theme is "Current Situation - Memories - Recent Situation - Memories".

Wheel seems to want to fill the entire MV with the memories and current situation of the two.

Quite quite crowded.

Although the singer was a professional, Xu Xin couldn't get in the middle of the conversation. But to be fair, the MV still has some say in the discussion.

Not to mention...didn't you ask me to help you with this?

Therefore, he gave his own ideas:

"I think since this is the case, it's better to feel relieved. What do you think?"

"...I knew you could tell."

Regarding Xu Xin's remarks, Jay Chou was not annoyed, but actually smiled happily.

"For the last time, A Xin. I have added the best memories between us to it. Do you know why I named this song "How Are You"? Because... this was originally what I planned to send to Her last text message. But before I sent it, she had already sent the wedding news..."

While talking, Jay Chou turned off the entire MV, opened his mailbox and sent a reply to the sender:

"Okay, let's go straight to post-production. Thank you for your hard work."

This reply means that he will not change the content of the entire MV.

After finishing speaking, he leaned on the sofa and sighed:

"Alas... I still remember that when you confessed your love to Mimi, I sang "White Windmill" to you... That was originally my song for Patty. But now that I think about it, we always seem to miss it. I missed the best opportunity to explain, missed the best opportunity to get back together...forget it. That's it. This is the last time~"

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Wang Sicong walked out of the e-sports room:

"Hey, gentlemen, hurry up and get ready for the call."

Hearing this, Jay Chou, who originally wanted to say something, was stunned...

Suddenly he chuckled:


He clicked the laptop and patted Xu Xin on the shoulder:

"Hey, let's go."


Xu Xin responded and stood up with him and walked into the e-sports room.

"How was the MV shooting?"

Yang Mi, who was already sitting in front of the computer and practicing her hot hand with the Ice Girl, who has the worst last-hitting skills in Dota, asked casually.

"The girl is very nice."

Xu Xin said as he sat next to her:

"Wearing black stockings, her legs are pretty."

Yang Mi was not angry, she just nodded while making positive and negative remarks:

"Really? Do you look better than me?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Who is as good-looking as you?"

Xu Xin said as he glanced at the data in the upper right corner of his wife's game screen.

Ice Girl, about 8 minutes and 50 seconds.

CS: 72 for positive and 29 for deny.

Add up to 101.

Stable last-ditch technique as always.

How scary.

You said you spent more time studying acting than playing games... Oh, a double-gold actress?

That's okay.

Soon, she relied on her strong personal charm to attract her licking dog number 820.

Then Wang Sicong, who specializes in playing C, took off.

Xu Xin led Jay Chou and used Steelback Pigs and Liches to fight with soldiers on the top lane and endured the indiscriminate bombardment from the opposite side. In the bottom lane, 820 VS brought Wang Sicong's enemy magic and roamed freely in the Tiandai Fish Pond Game. .

Finally, at 25 minutes, the NEC Necromancer in the middle of Yang Mi led the team to remove all the outer towers. 30 minutes later, the Anti-Mage and Necromancer with 5 divine equipment led the team to the high ground.

The gaming experience is terrible.

The super-god-like Da Lao Wang said excitedly:

"Hey, Boss 8, I plan to form a DOTA team next year. Do you want to come over?"


820 in the voice is still a little confused.

I said to myself, brother, I am at EHOME's base right now... Isn't it good for you to poach people so openly?

But at this time Yang Mi also said:

"8Gou can think about it. He is not joking with you~"


It would be fine if someone else said this.

But the Fox brothers have spoken...then it's really not just talk.

But there were other people around at this time, so it was really hard for him to ask these things.

In addition, as the legendary captain of EH at this time, under his leadership, EH and LGD were inseparable, so they had no intention of transferring for the time being.

All I can say is:

"Let's talk about it. After two sets, we have to start the training match."


Yang Mi responded.

Not in a hurry.

It’s still early anyway.

But in the second set, several people also encountered a black shop, which was quite strong.

Wang Sicong was beaten to pieces when he came up.

In the final 50 minutes of fierce battle, it was delayed until Wireless GANK's Beast King Six Gods were formed in the early stage. With a record of 4/16, Xu Xin and Yang Mi's SF led three old BURDEN to the high ground.

The victory was won with difficulty.

Then, 820 will go to a training match.

It’s not fun to play with 4 people, but it’s getting hot right now, and it’s been a while since everyone got together to play games.

There is quite a bit of unfinished meaning.

So, the three eldest sons set their sights on their mother.

Yang Mi felt the eager fighting spirit of the three great boys, and scrolled through her friend list...

I saw an available friend's name.

I sent a message directly:




"Trumpet? What game?"

"Fishpond Bureau."

"Do not hit."


"Go to the large size and I'll train with weights."


As a result, several people changed to a queen-sized room one after another.


The national server... or Zhou, one of the top three C players in the world, joined the team.

"There is a meeting at the base, I am silent."

Come up and type a word first.

Then I didn’t ask who the ID users with IG prefixes were in the team.

"Just open it. There are several illegal shops now."

Looking at ZHOU's words, Wang Sicong rubbed his chin:

"Reading between the lines...the domineering side leaks out."

"He has this kind of virtue. In fact, he is a pretty good kid."

Yang Mi said and clicked on the ladder match.

Soon, after entering the game, everyone saw the ID of the opposite party.

Looks ordinary.

In the high-end round, Xu Xin also became more serious and chose a Tide Hunter to continue leading Jay Chou's Lich on the road to resist pressure, highlighting a stable side.

But at this time ZHOU typed another line:

"The C on the opposite side is very good. This game will ensure my growth and win."

Seeing this, before Xu Xin responded, Wang Sicong complained first:

"PDD? What a stupid name. Why are you using 4 to protect 1? Wait for my VS6 level TP to hit the road and kill him directly."

Facts have proved that what Wang Sicong said was correct.

He must have been saved by 820 for two rounds. The young master now knows how to play VS, the auxiliary hero, and his rhythm is quite good.

Paired with ZHOU's water man, the two of them killed right through the bottom lane.

In less than 35 minutes, the water man in the 6-god outfit took away the opponent in one wave.

Where's the weight training? On the contrary, it is almost the same as a fish pond.

Wang Sicong, whose record is 1/8/18, looks comfortable:

"Look, let me tell you, this PDD is a dish."

"That's what ZHOU said."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Play VS and perform extremely well, it’s not enough for you...

But soon the four people suffered retribution.

In the second game, I met YYF, who is also a top player in the national server...

Then the other side played a very cool game and changed lanes.

YYF Fengxing directly destroyed Xu Xin's clockwork robot.

When Windrunner was at level 8, Xu Xin was only at level 5.

This game made him grit his teeth...

For no reason, he thought of the young man he met at the gas station in Shanghai.

Damn it, just be glad you are not YYF!

if you……

Next time you go to the Magic City, I will definitely sink you into the Huangpu River!

That night, the brothers played black games until early 12 o'clock.

At around 9 o'clock, Yang Mi retreated first, coaxing her baby to sleep, and helping her husband pack her luggage for Venice tomorrow.

This trip lasts for half a month, and everything needs to be fully prepared.

But the three of them had no intention of taking a rest.

It was finally possible to get together to play games and play for a while longer... What's more, Lao Xu was nominated for Venice, so he must be feeling stressed.

We both helped him vent his anger.

Rectify the rivers and mountains.

So it’s normal to play late~

Once she left, the team's quality level plummeted.

ZHOU also went to training.

At this moment, the three motherless children especially hated themselves for not making connections and getting to know a few more professional players to guide them.

In the end, the frustrated three people played a real "three-sitting game on black and never won" in the top game, and each went to bed with a somewhat depressed mood.

Golden autumn September.

first day.

Carrying two large suitcases, Xu Xin stood at the door and kissed his wife goodbye:

"I am leaving."

"Well, be careful when eating and drinking there, and don't eat bad things. And I heard that the sewers in Venice are led into the river... If you want to drink tea or something over there, don't take the tap water, Mengmeng , just buy a big bucket of mineral water for your brother... Anyway, pay more attention and take good care of him."

"I know, sister."

Su Meng nodded vigorously.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, kissed the two little guys on their faces.

"Daddy is gone~bye bye to daddy~"

With her daughter's decent wave goodbye, Xu Xin left home with Su Meng smiling.

All the way to the airport, I saw Liu Yifei and Lin Gou who had been waiting for a long time in the VIP room.

"Why didn't you call me when you were playing DOTA last night?"

Lin Gou's words were met with a blank stare from Xu Xin.

"Calling you? Why are you calling me? Steel hand."

After speaking, he looked at Liu Yifei:

"How's it going? Is it stressful?"

Because the movie was nominated by Venice, the entire fan base seemed to be in a carnival. When the fairy sister heard this, she looked indifferent:

"You should be the one who's stressed, right?"


Xu Xin, who was ready to go, laughed and waved his hand:

"One visit is enough!"

Venice, let’s go!

I am coming!

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