Chapter 554 552. Praise

Small but complete.

Although the audience was small, the applause was particularly enthusiastic.

Everyone is applauding this 109-minute movie.

Everyone is paying for these 109 minutes of enjoyment.

Amidst the applause, everyone in the Xiying Studio who had been worried about the attendance problem had smiles on their faces.

Amidst the melodious melody of the harmonica, including Liu Yifei and Lin Xinxin, their eyes were focused on the young man who had just woken up. With the applause, they all crowned his dazzling invisible crown with praise. forward.

Then what……

Xu Xin blushed.

Her toes are clasped on her own pair of Balenciaga socks and shoes...

Amid waves of uncomfortable goosebumps, he said:

"Shall...let's go?"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei suddenly stopped applauding.

Instead, he opened his hands and gave him a big hug.

A smell of... cherries entered my nose.

Xu Xin was stunned.

Then an extremely trembling whisper sounded in his ears:

"Thank you! Xu Xin, thank you! You are great!"


He was caught off guard by being held like this. Hearing the thanks in his ears, he paused, smiled, put his hand on Liu Yifei's back and patted her.

Well, the fairy sister’s meat is so tender.

It's a pity that I, Mr. Xu, got married.

Then, he took the initiative to break away from the other party's embrace and waved to Lin Xingxin.

Brother, please don't come.

I think you are dirty.

Then a song sounded in his ears.


The audience hadn't left yet, but after the applause ended, someone took the lead and sang the song.

It made all the people from heaven look at each other...

But Xu Xin smiled again, and then quietly stood up:

"let's go."

"Director Xu, just because of this reaction, our film will definitely be successful!"

Beside the outdoor trash can, Zhong Changyou held a cigarette and looked at Xu Xin excitedly:

"The Venice Film Festival doesn't look at the box office, it looks at word of mouth. Now that our movie has just been released, the ratings will be opened and the comments will be opened! If the ratings can be ranked among the top ten, then the popularity of our movie will definitely increase Everyone has seen...this is the first game and it has this effect! It will definitely not be worse in the future! Really!"


Xu Xin nodded.

Although he slept the entire scene, he could still see the contrast between before and after.

The "examination results" have been sent out, and the results of whether you did well or failed in the exam are finally there.

He felt at ease.

Smoking a cigarette, he glanced at the auditorium where people were queuing up to enter, and suddenly asked:

"What's next?"


Zhong Changyou took out his mobile phone, looked at it, and said:

"The forest in Norway."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"The one with Murakami Muraki? The one shot by Director Li? Was it also shortlisted?"

The Director Li he was talking about was Li Pingdong.

"Norwegian Wood" is a Japanese film directed and photographed by him and directed by French-Vietnamese director Chen Yingxiong.



He looked around:

"I want to take a look at this. Who among you is interested?"

"We can't. We have to go back and write feedback to the factory... Besides, Director Xu, there are interviews tomorrow. The movie is a three-day cycle, so let's rest first."

"This... okay."

He glanced at Liu Yifei and Lin Xinxin, who were slightly tired, and nodded slightly.

I thought I would have to find a translator tomorrow, preferably a local one in Venice, so that I could be a Mondo for the next few days.

Go wherever you want!

So, the group of people walked outside.

The stall truck was even confiscated.

Xu Xin had just taken a few steps when he saw the pizza truck owner wearing disposable gloves smoking outside the truck.

He also saw Xu Xin.

So he smiled, waved, and chattered a lot.

Zhong Changyou smiled and nodded:

"He said, friends, I wish us a happy stay in Venice. We must also remember the taste of pizza~"

"……Ha ha."

Xu Xin was happy.

I thought this Italian guy was really interesting.

He nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

The guy also finished his cigarette, stubbed out the cigarette butts, waved to Xu Xin, took off his gloves and threw them into the trash can.

Only then did Xu Xin finally understand... He wore gloves to smoke, as if to prevent his fingers from being stained with the smell of tar...


Although he looks like a rough guy, he is surprisingly attentive.

When we arrived at the hotel, everyone took their room cards and went to rest.

This old-looking hotel is said to be a very historic hotel in Venice, and it is also where many film crews stay.

Xu Xin looked at these foreign faces and estimated that they were all members of various crews.

Unfortunately, he didn't know anyone.

He followed the group directly back to the room.

Liu Yifei didn't follow.

She and Wu Qiqi originally lived in the same room, so they booked a standard room.

But when Liu Xiaoli arrives tomorrow, she will open a room for her mother.

After returning to the room, it was almost 12 o'clock.

That's 6 o'clock in Yanjing time.

He didn't know if Yang Mi had gotten up, but he still wrote nearly 300 words on the computer about what happened today, just like typing a work report, and sent it to her using QQ.

Then he sent her a message "Watch QQ" via text message, and then went to take a shower.

On a night in a foreign country, after taking a shower, he sat on the balcony, looking out the window at the peaceful city and his mind was a little empty.

I’m not sleepy, I don’t want to sleep, and I don’t know what to do.

I want to go for a walk... but I'm afraid it's not safe.


At this time, he missed his wife very much.

If only she were here...

Don't talk about whether it's safe or not. If she doesn't look for trouble, she is contributing to Venice's public security management.

Fortunately, Su Meng's work efficiency is impressive enough.

A call came quickly:

"Brother Xu, the person has been found."

"...? So fast? How did you find it?"

"There is a Chinese-speaking receptionist in the hotel. I told them my requirements and they helped me contact a girl named Emily Costard who just contacted me. She speaks Chinese very well. Now she works as a bilingual teacher in English and Italian with us. Isn’t it summer vacation? I’m going back to Venice. She is the one who arranged the hotel arrangements.”

"Well, is there any problem with Chinese?"

"No problem, just a mouthful of Beijing movies... I'm stunned."

"That's fine. Then you can schedule it with her and just call me tomorrow."

"Mmm Good."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin sat on the balcony for a while.

Feeling really bored, he started searching the official website of the Venice Film Festival on his computer.

After entering, I found...

It’s all in English and I can’t even understand it.

After rummaging around and failing to find "The Hawthorn Tree", he had the rare thought that he should learn English. Along with his helplessness, the first night in Venice was over.

He didn't sleep well that night. The unfamiliar environment and the soft mattress he was not used to made him sleep very tired.

In the morning, around 8 o'clock, his phone rang.

Zhong Changyou's suppressed excited voice came from inside:

"Director Xu, are you up?"

"Um... wake up... Brother Zhong, what's the matter?"

"Then Director Xu, let me go to your room? Then call Liu Yifei and the others. In one night, domestic and foreign media news, including the evaluation of our film, has come out!"


The last remaining bit of sleepiness dissipated without a trace.

Xu Xin responded:

"No problem, come on."

He quickly put on his clothes and then saw several messages on his phone, all from Yang Mi:

"I just woke up."

"See, hey, I told you it's fine."

"Well, I see that the news coming back from China is also praising your movie."

"I sent you the link on QQ, please take a look."

"My brother is awesome! MUA!"

"By the way, don't forget today's interview with Southern Weekly."

Seeing these messages, Xu Xin walked into the bathroom.

Soon, when Zhong Changyou and his group arrived, Xu Xin had just taken care of his personal hygiene and opened the door with drops of water on his face.

The people are not all there yet.

After Zhong Changyou came in with his notebook, he immediately said:

"8.7! Director Xu, 8.7 points! Currently ranked 15th among the surprise films, screenings, screenings, and shortlisted films in all aspects of the 60 Film Festival! Ranked 6th in the main competition! Now only "Sword Rain" is ranked in front of us! But they didn’t enter the main unit, so currently we are number one among Chinese-language films!”

When he said this, the excitement in his eyes could not be hidden at all.

But Xu Xin’s focus is...

"Who are the first five?"

Zhong Changyou seemed to have expected that he would ask this question. He looked at the table on his notebook and said quickly:

"The current number one is "Sad Trumpet" with a score of 9.5. The second is "The Silent Soul" with a score of 9.4. The third is "The Road to Fruitlessness" with a score of 9.2. The fourth is "Necessary Killing" with a score of 9.1 .The fifth place is "Black Swan" with 8.8 points! We are almost the same as "Black Swan"!"

"...Mengmeng, please write down all these movies. Let's go back and watch them one by one."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng nodded quickly, took out a notebook and copied the list on Zhong Changyou's laptop.

Then Xu Xin asked:

"His rating is not fixed, right? Is it the kind where the audience gives a rating and then fluctuates up and down? Or is it a professional rating given by film critics?"

"The film critic is part of it, and the audience is part of it. The film critic has more weight..."

After Zhong Changyou finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Except for Liu Yifei, Lin Xingxin and the others are here.

"Where's Liu Yifei?"

"I'm going to pick up Aunt Liu."

"oh oh."

Hearing Lin Gou's words, Xu Xin nodded.

After Lin Gengxin closed the door, everyone sat or stood and looked at Zhong Changyou.

Zhong Changyou also knew what he needed to do now. He held the computer and coughed lightly:

"Ahem, let me report the results. First of all, the scores. I just told Director Xu that we are currently sixth in the main competition unit."

A touch of joy filled everyone's hearts.

"However, our number of reviewers, including film critics, has a total of 17 film critics and 72 viewers who gave a score of 8.7. Because the number of people is too small, the average is quite high. Although the quality of the film is absolutely No problem, is possible that this score will drop in the next few days...This is also a trend, so everyone should calm down."

Everyone understood this and nodded subconsciously.

"Then let me read a few film reviews... Our film reviews on the official Venice website include 40 short reviews in total. In addition to the long reviews given by 17 film critics, 7 of the remaining 23 reviews are more than A long review of 400 words, 4 moderate reviews of more than 100 words, and the rest are like "a good movie, refreshing, I like this movie". I won't read it here, everyone will read it later. You can see for yourself.”

As he spoke, he operated the computer and continued:

"I have sent all the long reviews to the factory for translation, so here I will excerpt... The Venice Film Festival is considered the most impartial and also the most authoritative film critic, Eric Rosenwaldak's long review Excerpt... I think his description in this paragraph is the fairest to us."

Taking a deep breath, he chanted slowly:

" Director Xu. Goedesh is an impressive director. As early as in Cannes, when he won the Camera d'Or, I told my acquaintances about it. I said that he is definitely more than just a director. It's Zhang Yimou, the smaller one.

And in this movie, his directing style made me feel more and more that I was right.

I don’t know when, but I felt that a strange cycle had appeared in the film industry. Directors desperately want to add their own ideas to the movie, and they try to influence the audience's thinking in a very subtle way.

The film no longer requires the audience's inner cognition. Instead, it becomes a strange phenomenon that one must follow the director's ideas in order to feel the uniqueness of this work.

This goes against the core concept of art.

Therefore, in the past few years, I have become more and more fond of the works of young directors... Here he actually stepped on "Necessary Killing" and thought that the movie "Necessary Killing" used the Afghan war as its theme purely for the sake of winning awards. Award-winning work. It means that I really don’t like directors doing this, but in recent years, more and more directors like to use this method to label their works as human rights... to create a golden body. "

Zhong Changyou explained:

"I didn't translate it, but that's probably what it meant, so his next words will have some abrupt turns."


Xu Xin continued to listen there.

"Compared with "Necessary Killing", "Under the Hawthorn Tree" has such a high degree of completion that it gives me, a person who is increasingly desperate for Chinese movies, a glimmer of the idea of ​​redemption.

Goedesh is a young director, but his work is very mature.

I originally thought I could see Zhang's shadow everywhere, but in fact it's not the case. This is entirely Goethe's own film.

Technically speaking, he gave the film various subtle tonal hints.

But in fact, these hints are not, as I said before, hoping that the audience will follow the director's ideas.

No, in Xu's movies, all the core concepts are in the service of the movie.

I know that this is a habit of many young directors. They have watched too many Cameron, Nolan and even Hollywood movies, and they feel that the director is the only boss on the crew.

Therefore, when I did not improve my directing skills, I contracted this bad habit too early.

This is also the main reason why directors who do not listen to advice quickly fall into decline after passing through their rookie period.

They thought they were above the movies, and it was this foolishness that ruined their talent and reduced them to mediocrity.

But Goedech is different. His films have a strong personal style, but the core is to tell every story well.

All the techniques he used in this movie were designed to do this well.

Therefore, in order to highlight the core of the story, other directors had to sacrifice their own works, turning them into increasingly higher reading standards, but the story is as fragile as ice floes in spring, Goethe promised that he found the The most basic meaning that movies have been given since their birth is to tell a story well.

It is precisely because of his path that runs counter to more and more directors that his work shines like a pearl with charming brilliance.

So, friends who love movies, go watch it, it will definitely make you have endless aftertaste and make this night unforgettable. The second part is highly recommended! "




In the silence of everyone, Zhong Changyou nodded:

"This is an excerpt from his long review. The previous parts are all about evaluating some of the advantages of this film in terms of technical details. Eric Rosenwaldak is also a director, and he is recognized as a director at the Venice Film Festival. A "deserving of recognition" film critic.

The audience also believed in his words, and the content of this long review was second only to the "Sad Trumpet Song" he premiered this year. The last sentence at the end means this. In his heart, "Sad Trumpet Song" is the first must-see movie, and we are the second! It can be said...this evaluation is already very, very high! "

After saying this, everyone including Xu Xin was happy.

Okay, this review sounds good.


"What's the evaluation of Liu Yifei and Lin Gou's acting skills? How do they think?"

Xu Xin asked.

"This is the second review I want to read."

Zhong Changyou quickly operated the computer again, and then muttered:

"Like Venus, stunningly beautiful, and very restrained, but very touching acting skills. Jingqiu in "Under the Hawthorn Tree", she turned the Oriental restraint into her sharpest weapon .

If the director built the skeleton of this excellent work, then Jingqiu made its flesh and blood extremely plump.

The third child is the blood vessels that support flesh, blood and bones, continuously producing strong chemical reactions for everything in the movie.

Throughout the movie, I was immersed in the sweet love between these two people for most of the time.

Jingqiu’s low self-esteem makes me heartache.

The third child's smile combined with the various suggestive and metaphorical scenes created by the director are like the little match lighting up a lighthouse.

Without him, there would be no Jingqiu’s light.

This movie just can't find its way home.

Ha~ Natalie Portman has a rival! Whether it's Jing Qiu or Arianne Labede in "Attenborough", whose first acting role made everyone see a rising star, their performances penetrated deeply into the soul of the characters. "

After speaking, Zhong Changyou said:

"This is the comment of another film critic Daenerys Liasda. She is a member of the Italian Women Directors Guild and a very famous and fair film critic. She also gave a very high evaluation, and then just now When Liu Yifei left, I gave her a copy of all these film reviews.

In short, Director Xu, the words of these authoritative film critics are basically equivalent to the perception of the review committee. Of course... we can't be too optimistic. Venice has always had a tradition of dying if it gets hot. But...anyway, after the ratings come out, we don’t have to worry about the pressure from other movies, especially domestic movies, for the time being..."

"When will "Bongtian Empire" be released?"

"They're on the 5th, world premiere on the 5th."

"...Okay, then I understand. Just wait for the results. Is that what you mean?"

"It's not just to wait, in fact we still need to build momentum. Interviews at home and abroad are our main focus next. If Europeans approve of this movie, the copyright price will be very high, and this is also considered our domestic One of the propaganda…”

"Okay, I understand."

With a sudden relaxed state, Xu Xin nodded:

"Let's get started, Mengmeng, what's the first interview today?"

""Southern Weekly", Sister Mi's arrangement is for Brother Xu, Brother Lin, and Sister Yifei to come. The time is set at 9:30. Then there will be "Entertainment Star Broadcast", "Movie", and two The factory arranged interviews with the official media of Venice. There were five interviews in total.”


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Do you think this is going to exhaust me to death?

But no matter what, since the promotion has started, let’s go.

What else could it be?

"By the way, Brother Xu, our appointment with Emily Costard's translator is at 8:30 in the hotel lobby... Look..."

"Okay...that's good. Let's go out for breakfast? Brother Zhong, can we go together?"

"Okay, let's wait for Director Xu downstairs. Yifei should be back soon~ The coffee shop next to it is pretty good~"


A group of people came out of the house one after another.

Soon, Xu Xin put on a sports suit and went downstairs with a baseball cap.

Then I saw Su Meng in the hall, chatting with a girl with flaxen hair who looked quite young.

When she saw herself coming, Su Meng pointed her finger and walked over with the girl.

When they got closer, before Xu Xin opened her mouth, the girl smiled and stretched out her hand:

"Hello, Director Xu! My name is Emily Kostad. My Chinese name is Ai Qing. You can just call me by my name or Xiao Ai."

Ai Qing...?

Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

I don’t know if this girl knows Huai Shi.


Indeed, Su Meng didn't lie. This girl's fluent Beijing skills cannot be faked.

There is no pressure at all when communicating.

So, he smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Hello, classmate Xiao Ai. I will trouble you in the next few days."

"No, no, no, I should be the one thanking Director Xu for giving me this opportunity!"

Ai Qing quickly said politely, and at the same time, her eyes suddenly lit up:

"Can I ask a question, Director Xu."


"You really have a good relationship with Jay Chou?"


Oh, professional counterpart.

So, at this moment, he was in tune with Ai Qing's soul and asked tentatively:


Ai Qing's eyes lit up:

"Thank you, Director Xu!"


Xu Xin nodded slightly.

This is one of our own.

Just one update today... I'm sorry, brothers, I almost fell over today. When I woke up this morning, I forgot that today is my wife’s birthday…

So people who are married should understand that... atmosphere.

Went to spend her birthday with my wife.

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