I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 555 553 Buddha Views A ladle of water contains thirty-six thousand insects

Chapter 555 553. Buddhism: A scoop of water contains thirty-six thousand insects

The food in Venice is mostly seafood.

At least this was the first time Xu Xin saw someone selling fried skewers in a cafe...

A bucket of fried seafood, a piece of bread and a cup of espresso is a simple breakfast.

Everyone expressed their welcome to the additional foreign face in the team. After all, everyone has different work content in Venice this time.

For Western Film Studio, they need to collect various reviews of the film, select materials that can be used for domestic promotion, and sell the film at a good price abroad. For Director Xu, the most important thing is the movie.

This is an annual feast for filmmakers. There are so many outstanding works here. As a colleague, it is natural for Director Xu to want to catch all the movies in one go.

So as long as it doesn't delay the schedule arranged by the factory, Director Xu will be Mondo.

Stay where it's cool.

After finishing a meal of fried seafood and drinking a cup of bitter-sour concentrated drink, Su Meng began to communicate with the people at Southern Weekly about the interview location.

The weather in Venice today is very good, the wind is clear, the sky is bright and the sun is pleasant.

The climate is also very comfortable.

When Su Meng asked Xu Xin whether it was okay to be interviewed in the hotel... he, who was always afraid of society, actually refused.

He wants to take a boat ride...

Because those guys who punted the boats looked particularly interesting.

And when I studied the text "Venice Water City" in the text, it was said that they had no vehicles, and boats were their means of transportation.

He wants to experience it...

After telling Su Meng this idea, Southern Weekly was a little embarrassed.

Because they want to record it.

On a boat, the camera will be very shaky.

Finally, the two parties communicated and finally complied with Ai Qing's words:

"I know there is a cafe by the river, not far from the famous Rialto Bridge in Venice. It is very suitable for interviews, and the owner is my uncle, so I can ask him to provide an interview venue."

You see, things are easier when you have local people.

After finally agreeing to meet at the Rialto Bridge, Xu Xin called Liu Yifei’s phone:

"Dudu... hello?"

"Where are you?"

"We're walking back... we should be entering the city."

"Okay, then we'll wait for you in front of the hotel. We still have to be interviewed."


Liu Yifei hung up the phone.

Liu Xiaoli on the side also raised her head from the documents translated by Zhong Changyou in her hand:

"Xu Xin?"


Liu Yifei responded:

"Wait for me at the hotel. We will have an interview later. Mom, are you tired? If not... come with me?"


Liu Xiaoli nodded and finally stopped looking at these praises for her daughter.

Instead, he set his sights on Venice outside the window.

In fact, she hadn't heard this sentence for a long time.

It was the words "stay with me" that came out of my daughter's mouth.

In the past, she was afraid that her daughter would be a bad learner, afraid that her daughter would be bullied, or afraid that her daughter would be immature, so she wanted to be by her side all the time.

Protect her, care for her, take care of her.

But I don’t know since when, the relationship between mother and daughter has quietly changed.

She wanted to tie her daughter to her more and more, but her daughter always wanted to escape from her.

I don’t want to tell myself anything, and I always want to hide any itinerary from myself.

Now think about it... From the beginning of "The Condor" to the stage before joining Mimi Company, the mother and daughter quarreled, had cold wars, and felt like enemies when they met...

Liu Xiaoli really couldn't imagine how she came here.

Obviously it didn't feel like anything at the time. I felt that my daughter just hadn't grown up. But now that I think about it...actually, my problems during that time seemed to be bigger.

And since my daughter joined Mimi's company, honestly speaking, her status has not improved much, and she even only worked on this one film after joining for two years.

But...after she left her world, her daughter's whole person felt different to her.

The mother and daughter on the phone were more concerned about each other and expressed warmth and dependence like childhood after meeting.

My daughter is liberated, like a bird spreading its wings and flying high.

And she was also liberated. After discovering that her daughter didn't need her, she also had her own freedom.

Even... I don't know when, she suddenly found that she began to care about her daughter's love issues.

I used to avoid contact with the opposite sex like snakes and scorpions, but now I am particularly eager for it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but ask:

"Is it true that there are no boys chasing you?...You are not young anymore, so you can consider it."


Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.

"Mom...it was you who didn't let me fall in love in the first place. Why is it you who are urging me to fall in love now?"


Liu Xiaoli didn't respond to this.

Because she didn't know why she had such thoughts.


"I'm not urging you, but... you are so beautiful, it's normal for someone to chase you, right? Look at Xiao Xu and Mimi, how cute those two children are~ Let me tell you, women should get married earlier, earlier. After giving birth, your body recovers very quickly. Look at me, I was already older when I gave birth to you, but your former colleague in the group, your Aunt Chen, gave birth to her children early, and she looks younger now."

"Mom, you're not old. I don't know how many people like you."

"Don't evade the important and take the easy. Mimi didn't say that you are forbidden to fall in love..."

"Oh, I don't want to fall in love right now either."

"You can try it. Look at Xiao Xuhe..."

“Oh mom!!!”

Liu Yifei was speechless.

"Can you please stop using Xu Xin as an example..."

She paused:

"People who don't know think you have a crush on Xu Xin!"

"If you can find someone like Xiao Xu, I won't have to worry about you for the rest of my life!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaoli was even more speechless.

Facts have proved... Xiao Xu is really a good young man who is hard to find even with a lantern.

Don’t talk about family background, just talk about this ability...

Take a look, what kind of praise did the people in Venice give him?

How great is this ability?

And...the most important thing is the child's character.

The entertainment industry is so chaotic.

But look at people, apart from work and family, I haven’t heard any bad news from the time I debuted until now.

This kind of child who is capable, can reassure his parents, and can also reassure his partner and parents... let alone holding a lantern, he can't even find the sun...

Say something wrong.

Why can't you take advantage of my daughter?

Thinking of this, I looked at my daughter who started to pretend to be an ostrich again...

She inevitably sighed again:


And Liu Yifei didn't say anything, her eyes under her sunglasses were also in a daze.

Looking out the window showed emptiness.

"Aunt Liu~"

"Hey, Xiao Xu~"


Xu Xin smiled and said hello to Liu Xiaoli.

Frankly speaking, he agrees with what is said on the Internet.

Liu Yifei's beauty is inherited from her mother.

It's true.

Even though he is fifty years old, he still looks like he is thirty or forty years old.

Whether it's temperament or appearance, beauty is a bit contrary to common sense.

After not seeing each other for a long time, and since Liu Yifei joined Shuangwei, she had fulfilled her agreement and never had any thoughts of interfering with her daughter's career, Xu Xin's impression of her slowly returned to the average.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaoli looked at him and suddenly nodded:

"He's getting more and more handsome."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile:

"That's for sure. Otherwise, if you stand next to your daughter and Lin Gou, you won't be killed instantly, right?"

"Just say it, what are you doing with me~"

Lin Xinxin was speechless.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

While joking, Xu Xin asked Ai Qing to lead the way to the small wharf where boats gathered there, so to speak.

Everyone needs to take a boat to the Rialto Bridge.

"Have you read all the reviews?"

Xu Xin asked, walking side by side with Liu Yifei.


She couldn't help but laugh.

Obviously, the audience's recognition and the film's high score put a touch of relief in everyone's mood.

While laughing, she also said:

"You have a lot of compliments. You should have no problem getting the Silver Lion...ah, bah, bah, bah, I'm sorry, I'm talking nonsense, I'm talking nonsense!"

She quickly shook her head:

"The heat will kill you! The heat will kill you!"




Have you ever seen a fairy sister act like a spoiled child?


Hey, you saw me today.

Xu Xin, Lin Gou, and even Liu Xiaoli were speechless looking at their daughter who suddenly felt as if she had a convulsion.

Xu Xin really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry:

"As for what? So superstitious? Can't you be more confident? Didn't I tell that reporter yesterday? Everyone in the main competition unit has a chance, why can't it be us..."


Liu Yifei's finger directly touched Xu Xin's lips.

They didn't touch each other, but they were very close.

"Shut up, stop talking nonsense, and apologize to God! Children's words can be blown away by the strong wind!"

"...I don't believe in God."

"I'm a local god, why don't you give me some face?"

"Oh~ that's right. By the way, how do you draw the cross? First the head, and then how do you draw it?"

The two of them were chatting there as if no one else was around.

Lin Xinxin interrupted from time to time.

But Liu Xiaoli's expression gradually became a little weird.

Sissi's performance...

While thinking about it, she glanced at her daughter's mouth, which was full of playful smiles...

After much thought, she chose to believe her daughter.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

"I have never been on a boat like this. Don't believe it. Think about it. I grew up in Shenmu. Although there is no shortage of water in our home, we are not so luxurious as to build an artificial lake for you. . I have never sat on the thing you mentioned that can move by pedaling. I wanted to try it, but Yang Mi said it was too childish and never let me sit on it..."

Sitting on the boat in the Venice waterway, everyone felt relaxed and enjoyed the exotic scenery while comparing it with domestic duck boats.

"That thing is so tiring to pedal. Lao Xu, believe me, you and Da Mi will sit on it once at most and then you won't want to sit on it again. What's the point of cuddling?"

In other words, he had known Lin Gou for a long time, otherwise Xu Xin might not be able to understand his Northeastern dialect that was exposed from time to time.


"Because you're the one who pedals the boat yourself. With Da Mi's virtue, you will definitely find ways to be lazy. Then you will be able to experience the feeling of cramping in your calves after just one pedaling trip."


"Lin Gou looks like he was in love all the time when he was a child."

"Isn't that necessary? My brother has been attracted to little girls since he was a child..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The topic of the two leading actors and the director on the boat has never stopped.

From the duck boats, to the buildings here, and then Ai Qing joined in, she started to introduce everyone to the strange and strange things in Venice.

The journey of more than 20 minutes makes people even forget the purpose of coming to Venice.

I purely appreciate the customs and customs of this city with a tourist mentality.

Soon, after getting off the car next to the Rialto Bridge, Xu Xin took a look at the crowded Millennium Bridge...

Built in 1173... Is this thing based on the same principle as the Zhaozhou Bridge?

I'll have to check it out soon.

While thinking about it, everyone came to the cafe owned by Ai Qing's uncle.

Her uncle's name is Alonso. When Lin Gou heard this name, his first reaction was to ask this man if he could play football.

After Ai Qing chatted with her uncle for a while, she quickly received permission.

He even helped clear out a dining table area by the river, leaving only a few chairs.

Then we started preparing coffee and meals for the reception.

In less than five or six minutes, Wang Minmin and others arrived.

"Director Xu."

"Reporter Wang, hello."

They have been friends for several years. Although he is not as familiar with his wife, he is not a stranger either.

"Congratulations, "The Hawthorn Tree" has received rave reviews."

Looking at Xu Xin who was carrying a microphone with the help of the staff, Wang Minmin said with a smile.

"Haha, thank you. Domestic propaganda will cause you more trouble."

"Isn't that what it should be?"

The greetings were polite, the camera was set up, and the four of them took their seats.

The cameras set up here attracted the attention of many tourists.

But fortunately, the Millennium Bridge is more attractive than these Asian faces.

In addition, Xu Xin's back was turned to them, so the pressure from social fear was not that great for the time being, and it was quite natural.

And Wang Minmin, who is no longer the novice she was before, is equally confident.

If I can make you crooked this time, I will take your last name!

"Welcome the three members of "Hawthorn Tree Love" to accept our interview with "Southern Weekly". Welcome~"

One sentence signals the beginning of the interview.


The three of them thanked each other in unison.

"Before the interview gets to the point, I have a question. Have you all read the reviews of "The Hawthorn Tree"?"

The three people looked at each other.

Finally, Xu Xin spoke:

"Looked at it."

"It is currently rated sixth in the main competition, only 0.1 points away from the fifth place "Black Swan" which is known as a strong contender for the Oscars. It is also recognized by many film critics and audiences. To be honest, even us reporters feel that Happy...I wonder what the three of you are thinking now?"


Xu Xin looked at the two of them again and saw that they were waiting for him to speak, so he smiled and said:

"My idea is actually relatively simple. Last night, before the movie was released, my idea was a bit similar...to issue test scores. Anyway, the paper has been handed in, the teacher has finished marking it, and I have worked hard. But whether the results are good or bad, I I feel unsure. But after the movie was released, the transcripts were sent out, and after seeing that I did well in the exam...my current thoughts are actually no longer about the movie."

"Oh? What does Director Xu want to do most now?"

"Watch a movie and then take a walk."


Wang Minmin's mouth twitched...

But looking at Xu Xin's calm expression, it didn't look like he was joking.

Then I heard Xu Xin continue to say:

"Director Li, Director Li Pingdong, isn't he the director of photography in the film adaptation of Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood"? Yesterday, "The Hawthorn Tree" ended with it. But I haven't watched it yet... There are other movies, etc. Today's interview schedule is over, so I went to watch a movie. Look...over there is our team translator Ai Qing, a native of Venice. She said she would take us to a farmhouse in Venice for lunch..."


Liu Yifei couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Lin Xinxin was also happy:

"I don't know if Venice has a good harvest..."


The three people laughed.

Wang Minmin's face turned "ugly".

Here we go again, right?

Watch me change over time!

So, she looked at Liu Yifei:

"What about you, Liu Yifei? What's your current state of mind?"

"It's the same as him. We plan to go to the movies together and then try... Dafeng... Pfft... Haha..."






These three monsters are messing with my mind and destroying my Taoist heart.

I have to stabilize the altar.

A little bit of Qingming can never be broken!

"I'm talking about the movie and the fact that you're being recognized for your acting skills."


The fairy sister who finally became more formal thought about it and said:

"Actually, the example Xu Xin gave is particularly appropriate. Before the movie was screened yesterday, we were all the anxious candidates. But after the results were released, whether it was awards or recognition, it was all about "The Hawthorn Tree" itself. And As an actor, what I need is to prepare for the next work.”

Speaking of this, she paused and her tone became firmer:

"I hope that after the movie is released, everyone will see Jingqiu. And when my next movie is released, everyone will see a brand new story."

Wang Minmin's eyes lit up, and she keenly grasped the meaning of her words:

"Do you mean to hide the person "Liu Yifei"?"


Liu Yifei nodded:

"I hope the world will forget me and just remember the character on the screen."

All of a sudden, Wang Minmin caught the first breaking point of this interview.

After several years of silence, Liu Yifei's mentality seems to be completely different from before.

There is a very weird...but no matter how you think about it, it seems to be a good thing.

"Then...can I understand that whether this drama wins an award or not, you are ready to move on?"

"I'm already moving forward."

Although she noticed that the topic was beginning to turn towards her, she still wanted to take this opportunity to express her point of view.

So after correcting Wang Minmin's statement, she continued:

"The filming of "The Hawthorn Tree" was completed in June. After June, I have started to move forward. So, for me, it is actually a thing of the past.

I'm looking for the next work, the next one...just like "The Hawthorn Tree", the one that allows me to complete everything that the character needs in an isolated place and shape myself into the character. work.

However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t value “The Hawthorn Tree”. This drama is the hard work of all of us, and I definitely hope it can be recognized. Because...it's a really great story. "

Before she finished speaking, Xu Xin added for her:

"These two points do not conflict. The career path of an actor is a process of continuous improvement, whether it is her, Lin Gou... ahem, Lin Xinxin, or me as a director. What we present must be able to Satisfy the requirements in the current story. But the completion of a story already represents the end. Whether Liu Yifei or Lin Xinxin, they will also embark on a new journey again. Is this what you mean?"

Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin nodded at the same time, expressing their agreement:

"Yes, that's what it means."

When Wang Minmin saw him speaking, she focused the topic on him:

"What about you? I heard what Liu Yifei said, you are actually filming this drama...or in other words, you have gained a lot from the whole process from its inception to completion to now. Where is Director Xu? ?What’s your gain?”


Xu Xin was stunned.

What...what the hell?


What to gain?

He felt that Wang Minmin did not understand what he meant.

I also feel that I don’t understand what the other party means…

Why must we use the word harvest to describe it? It’s not about killing monsters and upgrading...

How much experience can you gain by making a movie, and then use this experience to exchange for some god-level attributes...

Even if he has gained something, it cannot be described in words.

The director's creative method is to interpret the story of the script based on his own cognition.

It does not have a fixed formula.

From "The Secret" to "The Wind" to this "Hawthorn Tree".

Not to mention Xu Xin himself, even outsiders can see that this is Xu Xin's style.

In other words, it is his understanding of the world.

All fragment extensions are also based on inspiration and aesthetic perspectives.

But if you ask him to tell you what level of inspiration he has now and what level of aesthetics he has cultivated...how will he give you an answer?

So, after thinking about it...

"It's really a harvest."

Suddenly, he thought of something and nodded vigorously:

"If I say the biggest gain from this movie, for me, it is that I understand that Italian pizza does not contain pineapple."




This answer confused Wang Minmin again.


In her confused eyes, Xu Xin said:

"Reporter Wang, did you know? Italian pizza does not contain pineapple."



In the speechless gazes of Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin, Xu Xin suddenly said this.

Wang Minmin was even more confused.

Then I heard Xu Xin say:

"In other words, I understand what cultural independence and cultural inclusiveness are."


Looking at her widened eyes, Xu Xin shrugged:

"That's right, we came over last night..."

After recounting what happened at the stall in front of the University of Venice, he continued:

"Maybe it's an occupational disease of the director. I think more when I look at things. To be honest, although I was selected for the Venice Film Festival, I was very happy. But after I came here, I was in the car and looked at the factory. The information that the person handed me... was the works that participated in this competition. Looking at the directors' works, actors' resumes, etc., I felt quite guilty."

He sat up slightly and said seriously:

"Forget anything else, if I say "The Hawthorn Tree" is no worse than "Black Swan," do you think I'm crazy?"


Wang Minmin seemed to understand what he meant, thought about it, and said:

"Black Swan has gained a lot of momentum and has even been a favorite for Best Actress at this Venice Film Festival."

"Yes, so, although I am very satisfied with "Hawthorn Tree" in my heart, in fact, I am not arrogant enough to think that "Black Swan" is similar to what I shot.

This is what I was thinking at the time.

To put it bluntly, it's because I'm not confident enough, or maybe it's because Hollywood is the pinnacle of industry in film history, and its name requires any director to maintain awe and pressure. Before I came here, I never thought about it... Even now, I never thought that I would beat Hollywood. I had no such idea at all. "


Wang Minmin said nothing.

Because she knew that Xu Xin hadn't finished speaking yet.

“But when I saw the owner of the food stall and saw him telling me very, very seriously that he wanted to give me an authentic Italian Margherita pizza, I immediately understood the truth.

You see, pizza is Italian, right? The native Italians don’t add pineapple or all those bells and whistles. Serve flatbread, tomato sauce, basil, olive oil and cheese. This is their food culture that has been passed down to this day.

And when pizza went to other places, whether in the United States or in other countries, it was modified according to local tastes and became a more...international food.

Even I thought it was commonplace to add pineapple to pizza.

But I saw the stall owner’s persistence.

I also understand the persistence of the Italians. It turns out that pizza doesn’t need to add pineapple or those weird things, and it’s still very delicious. "

As he spoke, he made a gesture of grabbing the air with both hands and moving:

"And what if you put pizza in a movie? The pizza sold in Italy in a year is definitely not as much as Pizza Hut in China. From here, pizza has spread all over the world, and there are so many improved versions, but Italians still stick to the most traditional version of pizza. Practice. Why? I think it’s the root of their culture.

Let’s put this root culture on movies. Let’s not discuss the origin of movies for the time being. Let’s simply divide them based on language and culture. We belong to the Chinese-language film market, right?

Foreign movies and Hollywood blockbusters were introduced, and we saw advanced industrial culture and artistic works.

But we are not Hollywood, we are Chinese movies.

Hollywood movies are indeed great, but the ones we produce are still Chinese-language movies.

So, from this matter, what really inspired me is this. "

Although at first glance, when he said "pizza doesn't have pineapple", everyone thought it was ridiculous.

But as Xu Xin slowly gave the example of why, and helped everyone present to embed it into the director's perspective little by little, what he wanted to say...or words, examples, and thoughts in his thoughts , it became clear little by little.

And his explanation became more and more straightforward:

“It doesn’t matter Hollywood, it doesn’t matter Pizza Hut. Add pineapple, add durian, even add any weird stuff to the pizza, it’s delicious.

But the traditional pizza that Italians insist on tastes equally good.

This is a cultural issue.

Pizza with pineapple, that’s cultural inclusion.

The Italians' insistence on the traditional Margherita pizza is a sign of cultural independence.

You want to ask me what I learned from the movie "The Hawthorn Tree"... Even if I learned it, I actually can't tell you clearly. Because the job of director is not a product of industry, it is a very idealistic personal perspective.

Everyone looks at things from a different perspective. Some can empathize with each other, while others are completely opposite.

My improvement cannot be described from a quantitative perspective.

What I want to express when I tell you this today is that I learned cultural independence at this food stall.

Whether "The Hawthorn Tree" wins or not is actually not important. The important thing is that I make Chinese-language films.

Before fighting the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside.

For me, it actually doesn't matter whether I can win awards at foreign film festivals or what achievements I have achieved.

The important thing is that I understand that Chinese-language films are the root of our cultural independence!

It taught me not to blindly go to Hollywood, or to win international awards, to make films that are not in line with our own views, but can cater to certain values.

What we make is a Chinese-language film, which contributes to the world of cinema and is also the art of Chinese-language film.

What I want you to see is our culture, our actors, our movie themes, and...our humanistic spirit.

This is the most essential thing that makes the world's film culture prosperous and colorful.

Italians can still stick to their traditions even though pizza with pineapple has become popular around the world.

This is not old-fashioned, but respect for one's own culture.

I think... at least personally, my movies should be like that too.

I come from Chinese-language films, so I should be rooted in this. Present our culture to the world instead of following the crowd.

I think……"

Speaking of this, in the silence of everyone, he nodded firmly:

"This is my biggest gain."




There was silence.

Not to mention Wang Minmin, even the photographer, radio, assistants including Su Meng, and Liu Xiaoli who was listening next to her...

Everyone was silenced by the meaning of Xu Xin's words.

As Wang Minmin, who has the most intuitive feelings, she knows that Xu Xin is right.

Moreover, this answer is really the most sober, straightforward, and profound statement she has ever heard in her career.

When these words came out, she knew...

No matter what questions were asked in the following interviews today, they were just a foil for this enlightening summary of cultural roots.

It's definitely the icing on the cake.

Frankly speaking, these words are really worth thousands of dollars to those domestic filmmakers!

It is an inspiration that can make everyone clear the clouds and see the sun!

This paragraph alone makes her interview today worthwhile!


While this realization appeared in her heart, she couldn't help but look strange in her eyes.

Crooked building...

Or are you so crooked?

How did you raise the topic from a piece of pizza to this level?

Be good.

In other words, the soul of a movie is really the director.

You guys...

It's really different from others.

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