I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 556 554 Chance Encounter

Chapter 556 554. Chance encounter

Xu Xin's words elevated the interview, which was originally just about movies, into the realm of "civilization" or "culture."

This interview has completely gone off the rails.

The director has said that, rather than the movie, he cares more about the inspiration he received after coming here because of something that may be nonsense to others.

Then many of the questions Wang Minmin prepared next will not be used.

She actually wanted to talk about the behind-the-scenes of the film, why Xu Xin chose such a subject when the project was approved, and how he improved after being shortlisted for so many excellent works.

For this, she really prepared a lot.

But after Xu Xin's words sublimated the entire interview, the rest of the interview... at least the content directed at him, could be said to have completely collapsed.

How to ask?

They were discussing culture with you just now, but now you are asking about tidbits and gossip?

So what does it seem like our Southern Weekly has become?

What tabloid reporter?

Therefore, as a last resort, Wang Minmin suppressed the speechlessness and helplessness in her heart and changed the topic to Liu Yifei and Lin Xin.

The directors have brought a director's perspective, and what they are talking about is not the same as yours.

How can we continue talking today?

And Wang Minmin also noticed it.

In fact, it’s not that everyone is crooked, but that everyone’s starting point is different from the beginning.

It is different from the situation where other directors and crew members come here to be interviewed by you just to promote the movie more and sell more money.

Xiying Studio...or Xu Xin himself, from the first time everyone came into contact, the core concept was not to make money or how high the box office would be.

That's all secondary.

What others value... In fact, Wang Minmin doesn't understand what Xu Xin values.

Because she is not a director.

I don’t understand why in the director’s world, I can see thirty-six thousand insects when I’m just looking at a ladle of water.

But to be honest, based on her current "limited" reporter experience, she judged that people like Xu Xin were born to be directors and to have this job.

He thinks too much.

So much so that she was a little jealous.

Because she is just a common person, watching the sky for food and working in the fields.

If an apple is hit on the head, she will ouch and then eat the apple angrily.

But people like Xu Xin were able to get inspiration from this and come up with the law of universal gravitation.

This is an absolute gap in thinking.

An incomparable difference.

Makes people jealous.

I hate why I can’t do it.

But it makes people feel even more desperate.

Because it seems like I really can’t do anything.

"Thank you three for accepting our interview. Finally, I also wish "Hawthorn Love" to achieve better results at the Venice Film Festival."

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

The hour-long conversation finally ended. After Xu Xin politely thanked everyone, he waved to Su Meng:

"Get something to drink, something to quench your thirst."


Su Meng immediately responded and went to order with Ai Qing, whose eyes had been shining brightly for the past hour.

Start dismantling the equipment.

After the interview, Wang Minmin took off her identity as a reporter and said to Xu Xin with a smile:

"Next time I won't interview you again. It's too tiring."

"Ah? Why?"

Xu Xin's eyes were full of doubts:

"I told you everything I know, didn't I?"

"That's why I'm tired..."

Wang Minmin sighed helplessly.

Then he said:

"By the way, I just finished interviewing the crew of "Empire of Heaven" yesterday. Their movie is released on the 5th here and on September 26th in China. Although I have not been to the internal preview, I have A friend went there. Among 100 media people, the final favorable rating was 72%. My friend said that it is the best martial arts suspense Kung Fu movie in recent years, and it is a rare and excellent commercial masterpiece. "Hawthorn" If the schedule of "Tree" hasn't been confirmed yet... I suggest you postpone it."

After saying that, she quickly added:

"It's not that I don't have confidence in you, it's just that it's not necessary."

"I see."

Xu Xin nodded.

He understood Wang Minmin's position very well.

September is the day when these films that shine in Venice gather together.

"Chen Zhen", "Sword Rain", and "Tongtian Empire" will all be released after September 20th.

Obviously, their purpose is to make full use of the aftermath of Venice.

As for the theme of "Hawthorn Tree", it is essentially a film with a literary atmosphere. The period from late September to mid-October is not very favorable.

After all, from the factory's point of view, for a genre film like "The Hawthorn Tree", it is more important to have the right time, place and people.

Therefore, the common thinking in the factory is to put it in December.

Because there is Christmas in December.

It was released on Christmas Eve, taking advantage of the excellent word-of-mouth fermentation, and then began a period of rapid box office growth on the third day after the release, including New Year's Day.

This is the optimal solution to "The Hawthorn Tree".

November was led by "Harry Potter" and "Resident Evil 4". So far in December, apart from "The Orphan of Zhao", there is only one "Let the Bullets Fly" by Jiang Wen.

However, Jiang Wen was very secretive about this movie and couldn't reveal any information. He didn't even have a media preview and submitted it directly to the theaters. No one knows the quality of this film.

But at present, the pressure on movies in December is relatively small.

Therefore, although the news about Wang Minmin was something that the factory had expected, the sentiment was still there.

Xu Xin still expressed his gratitude.

Everyone sat together and drank a cup of coffee. It was almost time. The three of them said goodbye to "Southern Weekly" and started to catch up on the appointment with "Entertainment Star Broadcasting".

There are a total of 5 interviews today, and this is the first one.

And busy.

It's almost 7pm.


Xu Xin put down his fork, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and gave Ai Qing a thumbs up:


Several people ate in a tavern that only Venetian locals would visit.

A table of delicacies that Xu Xin couldn't name, and a portion of Italian tomato braised noodles that calmed Lao Shaan's soul, made him feel at ease.

The Italian girl chuckled.

One day is enough for everyone to transform from an employment relationship to a friend.

After finishing the meal, Xu Xin glanced at Liu Xiaoli, whose eye sockets were somewhat sunken, and said with concern:

"Aunt Liu, why don't you go back and rest tonight?"

"It's okay, I'm not tired."

Although she was very tired, Liu Xiaoli smiled and waved her hands:

"I still have to watch a movie."

But Liu Yifei shook her head:

"Xu Xin, isn't the event over? My mother and I will go back to rest in the evening. There will be an early screening of "The Hawthorn Tree" at 9:30 tomorrow morning. I will take my mother to watch the movie."


Xu Xin nodded.

Anyway, I am good at English. The theaters at the Venice Film Festival are equipped with bilingual guides for this event. As long as you can speak English and Italian, you will be absolutely fine.

"Where are you, Lin Gou?"

"my words……"

Lin Xinxin thought for a while and waved his hand:

"I won't follow you anymore. I'm tired too. I'll go back and play games for a while and go to bed. Isn't there nothing else to do tomorrow? How about we come together? When can we watch the movie?"

"Then leave me alone. Let the three of us go? We can see whatever we catch up with, okay?"


Ai Qing nodded.

The itinerary was decided and we parted ways.

Xu Xin, Su Meng, and Ai Qing arrived at the Mabriland Theater, which is the nearest place.

Ai Qing looked at the film catalog and said:

"It's The Road to Nowhere, directed by: Monte Herman."

"Okay, that's it."

Xu Xin nodded.

Soon, three people bought tickets and lined up to enter.

There were quite a lot of people at this venue, almost full.

Xu Xin held the drink in his hand and waited expectantly for the movie to start.

And then...one minute into the movie, he was speechless.

Because he found a problem.

He can not understand.

It’s not that I can’t understand the core of the movie or anything like that… it’s just that I simply can’t understand it.

People are speaking English, and the subtitles below are in Italian.

Xu Xin could only look at the picture, and then looked at the picture of a man, a woman, another man, and another woman, listening to what they were talking about. Sometimes the picture was gloomy, and sometimes it showed close-ups of the actors' expressions.

But from the looks of it, if Ai Qing hadn't told him before that it was a suspenseful story about a murder, he would have just watched it as a pantomime.

Moreover, the cinema was very quiet, and Xu Xin was embarrassed to ask Ai Qing to translate for him.

Not to mention anything else... just the simultaneous interpretation, after more than an hour, he estimated that Ai Qing's CPU would be burned out.

Not to mention...Ai Qing watched it with gusto.

On the contrary, Su Meng... Mengmeng felt as uncomfortable as herself.

But she was too embarrassed to mention it.

I can only look at Xu Xin helplessly...



The two looked at each other.

Xu Xin thought for a while and leaned into Su Meng's ear:

"How about you take a nap?"

He opened his mouth, and Mengmeng began to think:

"Brother Xu... why don't we go? Let Ai Qing check what Chinese movies are available right now?"

The whispers between the two also attracted Ai Qing's attention.

She quickly asked what Su Meng was talking about.

When she got the answer, she was stunned...

A sudden realization.

have to.

Among the three people, two are accustomed to watching Chinese and English in cinemas in their own countries, and one is a local who is bilingual in English and Italian...

This habit makes everyone think of it now...

This is not heaven.

Except for Chinese-language films, not a single Chinese character can be printed on the screen.




In the evening breeze of Venice Water City, Xu Xin looked at Ai Qing who was communicating with the conductor to inquire about the Chinese film screenings, and said to Su Meng:

"Do you think it will be too late if I start learning English when I go back this time?"

"Learn from Ai Qing?"

Su Meng asked curiously.

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Can she teach?"

"Yes. Didn't she say that during the day when we were eating? She teaches foreign languages ​​at a bilingual school over there. We were on summer vacation and she just returned to Venice..."

Su Meng said, thought for a while, and asked tentatively:

"Brother Xu, how is your English basics? Have you passed CET-4 or CET-6?"

"It's a waste. You, Brother Xu, and I avoided the fourth and sixth levels in the Olympics...otherwise, I still have to take the postgraduate entrance examination? It's good if I don't have to work in classes."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes, and then after summing up his English level in his mind, he told Su Meng the truth without hiding anything:

"My English level is basically just memorizing 24 letters fluently, but putting them together is basically useless... Is there any hope?"


Su Meng was stunned.

A pair of cute eyes stared directly at Xu Xin:

"Brother Xu...isn't there 26?"


"English letters."

"Get out of here, do you think I'm an English idiot? I can still sing those 24 English alphabet songs, ABCDEFG..."

He began to sing "Little Star" and lick his fingers.

But bala bala...

When I sang "X", I found that my fingers had already counted to 24...

His expression changed instantly.

Su Meng had already lowered her head silently.

No, this is my boss.

The person who pays my salary.

I can't laugh...

I laughed, maybe the year-end bonus will be gone...



"Your year-end bonus is gone."


Bad news, Chinese-language movies have already passed their release date.

Good news, it's time to go back to sleep.

With a feeling of boredom, Xu Xin spent the whole way back talking to Ai Qing about whether it was too late for him to learn English.

According to Ai Qing, it’s definitely not too late to learn.

And actually learning English doesn’t have to be as demanding as the exams in China.

As long as you master the words used in daily communication and the usage of inverted sentences, you can combine them at will.

And she also told Xu Xin:

"Actually, we foreigners live in China, and our understanding of us is similar to that of Director Xu. You can tolerate our inappropriate use of Chinese characters, and of course we can also be tolerant of your errors in using English. Learning English is learning Chinese. If you know a lot of words, there will be no problem. If you memorize 20 words a day, it will still be 7,000 words a year. Xunzi said: If you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't reach a river. .It’s definitely not too late~”

Do you think this foreigner is scary?

But it was true. Xu Xin thought about it carefully and found that this was the truth.

In my impression, when my sister was learning English, she didn’t use past continuous tense, ongoing tense, future continuous tense, etc. when she was in school.

Just take the time to memorize words every day, and it seems like... it's done.

have to.

After agreeing to contact each other when they returned to China, Ai Qing sent the two of them to the hotel door and said goodbye on her bicycle.

Xu Xin said goodbye to her at the door and took Su Meng to the hotel.

But what a coincidence...

"Director Xu?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin turned his head...

I felt happy immediately:

"Hahaha, Director Li!"

Li Pingdong was looking at him with surprise.

At the same time, there were two men and two women standing next to them, both of whom looked very young.

After seeing Xu Xin's arrival, the two men and two women looked at him curiously.

Until Li Pingdong pointed at Xu Xin and muttered a few words in English.


Xu Xin instantly felt that something was wrong in the eyes of the two men and two women.

The gaze that was as hot as fire came to my face.

"Director Li, what's going on?"

"Haha, let me introduce you to them... Jili Gulu, Xu Xin."

In the second half, after Li Pingdong finished speaking, he saw the two men and two women standing up straight at the same time and bowing politely to Xu Xin.

“If the front wheel does not turn, the back wheel will turn…”

After saying that, the first young man stretched out his hand.

Xu Xin shook it politely.

Then there was another round of motion, and the second girl with short hair stretched out her hand.

Then came the third and fourth.

When these four people looked at Xu Xin, their eyes were all filled with burning passion.

Unfortunately, Xu Xin couldn't understand what they said.

He could only look at the cheerful Li Pingdong as if asking for help.

Then Li Pingdong said:

"Here, let me introduce you. He is Matsuyama Kenichi."

This is the first man.

"Rinko Kikuchi."

The second woman.

"Kiko Mizuhara."

The third woman.

"Kora Kengo."

The fourth man.


Xu Xin nodded politely one by one.

Then I heard Li Pingdong say:

"These four people are all loyal fans of "The Secret", and they can't be fake at all. No, I talked to them about these things a lot when I was filming "Norwegian Wood". We were talking about it yesterday. I don't know if it can be done." I can’t run into you. After all, I’ve been busy these past few days and it’s hard for me to call you. I thought I’d wait a few days and call you out after I’ve stabilized... What a coincidence, I met you just now. Haha~”

Li Pingdong smiled heartily.

Xu Xin looked at these four people...

Fans of The Untold Secret?

He thought for a while and asked:

"Which of them likes Yang Mi?"

Li Pingdong translated a sentence, and Xu Xin understood the word "accidentally".



The four people raised their hands at the same time, looking like elementary school students.


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Forget it for men, he can understand.

What's going on with these two girls?

Li Pingdong smiled and said:

"We're going to go out for a drink, shall we? Together?"

Xu Xin, who was having a hard time having fun tonight, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, let's go."

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