I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 557 555 Italy is outrageous

Chapter 557 555. Italy is outrageous

Xu Xin got into the car of several Japanese people inexplicably.

But he did miss Director Li a little.

There are so many photographers, and the one who suits me best is Director Li.

Although two of his three films were filmed by others... it was quite a pleasure to work with Wang Lei.

But...some tastes are indeed worse.

But if you think carefully about Li Pingdong's status in the world, you can actually understand it.

This is a master who has thoroughly understood all the cultural circles of the great celestial dynasty. Hou Xiaoxian is so famous, and Li Pingdong, who is the royal photographer, is definitely indispensable.

And just when he got into the car, which was either a stroller or a cavalry car, Wang Minmin finally came out with his interview transcript.

She actually spent the whole day interviewing various Chinese film crews. In addition to "Jiabiangou", she shared scenes from "Tongtian Empire", "Sword Rain" and "Chen Zhen".

Only for "Hawthorn Tree", she wanted to come in person.

Because throughout the whole day, she found that whether it was Xu Ke or Wu Yusen... the interviews conducted by these people were all those interviews conducted by veterans.

Not a single sentence mentions movies, but every sentence is inseparable from movies.

All kinds of promotion methods are used.

As for these directors' remarks, she even forgot what the other party said after the interview. Only the interview with Xu Xin kept a fire brewing in her heart.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt he was right.

Whether it is the independence of culture or its universality, this topic is huge and can even rise to the entire spiritual level.

For example, worshiping foreigners and flattering foreigners, such as inferiority and flattery.

When Xu Xin was talking about this topic, she felt that her waist could be very straight.

Even though "The Hawthorn Tree" hasn't surpassed all other movies, that's how it felt to her.

This interview, no matter where it is placed, is enough to make Chinese filmmakers straighten their backs.

Very comfortable.

So, she doesn't want to give it to others.

I sort out the process bit by bit, control the time, and edit.

In the end, it took nearly three hours to get it all done without even having dinner, and she sent it directly to her colleagues on duty in China.

The upload speed is not slow, and the download speed should be fast too, in which case... It is a little after 9pm now. If nothing else happens, this article will be published in the newspaper around six o'clock in the morning.

One page for text and one page for website videos.

She looked at the file being uploaded and stretched.


Worth it.

This trip to Venice is really worth it.

Time is passing slowly.

Xu Xin was sitting in the tavern with a glass of beer brewed by the local tavern in his hand.

Although the four actors did not speak the same language as him, with Li Pingdong here, the atmosphere was not awkward.


This is the Japanese word for cheers.

At first glance, it seems that it was spread in Chinese.

After everyone raised their glasses, Li Pingdong asked curiously:

"I see you are now number one and number six in the main competition. When will the second round of the film be shown? I'll go take a look."

Xu Xin turned to look at Su Meng.

Su Meng quickly said:

"Tomorrow morning at 9:30. In Malibrand."

"Okay, let me go and take a look...Wang Lei is the one who filmed "The Beginning of Spring", right?"


"It's not bad, he also has a strong camera sense."

Hearing Li Pingdong's praise, Xu Xin also smiled and nodded:

"Yes, Director Wang is really good... What about you? Last night at the University of Venice, "Norwegian Wood" was after the Hawthorn Tree, but it was a bit late at that time and I didn't have time to watch it."

"Tomorrow at Phoenix Theatre, 4 p.m."

"I definitely can't go."

Xu Xin shook his head directly:

"I just came back from "The Road to Fruitlessness"...I left after the first ten minutes."

"...Why? Doesn't it look good?"

"I don't understand, Director Li."

Seeing Xu Xin's wry smile, Li Pingdong was stunned...

Suddenly he burst into laughter:


And several Japanese actors were a little curious.

Li Pingdong seemed to really find Xu Xin's answer funny. He turned around and explained in Japanese to a few more people.

Except for Rinko Kikuchi and Kiko Mizuhara, the other two men showed signs of approval.

"You're in a similar situation to them. Rinko and Kiko's English is pretty good, but they can't understand it either... Haha, you two are in the same boat."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and raised his cup.


With this common topic, the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

After finishing the drink, Kikuchi Rinko said something to Li Pingdong. While speaking, she held her left wrist with her right hand and the palm of her left hand facing Xu Xin, expressing respect.

Li Pingdong nodded slightly and looked at Xu Xin:

"She wanted to ask you a question."

"Well, just tell me."

After another period of jabbering, Li Pingdong had not yet translated, but the other three people looked at Rinko Kikuchi in surprise.

It seemed like she asked some pretty surprising questions.

Li Pingdong nodded slightly, smiled and said to Xu Xin:

"She wants to ask you if you are interested in making a Japanese version of "The Secret". She wants to play Lu Xiaoyu."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and his subconscious reaction was to carefully observe Rinko Kikuchi's appearance.

These sisters...what can I say, they actually don't look ugly.

But the facial features are too handsome.

It's suitable for a very heroic image... and it's also suitable for playing some marginalized people, but purely based on the type, she can't play Lu Xiaoyu.

It has nothing to do with acting, it's just that she lacks that kind of quiet beauty.

So he smiled and shook his head:

"No plans for the moment."

Hearing his words, Li Pingdong also nodded slightly:

"I don't think it's appropriate either. It's too heroic."

After getting his answer, Rinko Kikuchi's eyes were filled with regret.

But Mizuhara Kiko saw that Xu Xin didn't seem angry, so she tentatively asked the same question.

But in Xu Xin's eyes, the two people are actually similar.

It was not the image of Lu Xiaoyu in his mind.

Li Pingdong seemed to be reminded of something by this topic, and said to Xu Xin:

"Speaking of which, there are quite a few people asking me."


"'Secret', after the movie was released, many people there asked me through connections and wanted me to ask you if you were interested in selling the copyright. They wanted to remake it."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was a little puzzled:

"Is this thing still so popular? How many years has it been?"

"Do you know what the rating of the movie "Secret" is on IMDB Japan?"

"How many?"

"8.4, as far as live-action filmmakers are concerned, you are 0.3 points higher than Shunji Iwai's "Love Letter" in 1995."

"...Good guy."

He knew that "Secret" had extremely high ratings in South Korea, and it seemed to be in the top five of all movies.

It is even praised as one of the top 10 must-see movies for the people. It will make a good amount of money at the box office every summer vacation.

I didn't expect it to be so high in Japan.

It's quite outrageous.

Looking at his ridiculous appearance, Li Pingdong continued:

"By the way, I am a judge at this year's Tokyo Film Festival, and I have a quota for a surprise film. Do you want to come?... You are really popular in Japan. If Venice really has a chance to realize your dream this time, I think it’s time to enter the stage of building a relationship.”

Xu Xin understood the meaning of his words.

There is a ranking in the film industry called the "Nine Big".

Refers to the world's 9 major A-type competitive international film festivals.

The nine major cities are Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Tokyo, Moscow, Czech Republic, Egypt, Shanghai, and Canada.

According to regulations, any movie can only choose one of the nine.

After submitting one film, other film festivals lose their qualifications to compete.

"Hawthorn" participated in Venice and could not compete in other film festivals. But you can log in as "Surprise Video".

This kind of surprise film is usually either invited by the organizer or directly invited by the judges.

Invited films can appear in the surprise section, which is a form of publicity for the crew and the festival.

What's more, this is also a kind of communication... similar to Vanity Fair.

You give me face, and I will give you face.

Sometimes whether a film can win an award, apart from its own excellent quality, the biggest external factor is its relationship with the film festival, or the subjective preferences of the jury.

With this last-minute kick, he might have scored a goal.

Without this final step, to the greatest extent fair, even a little bit of personal preference can become a flaw in the one-in-a-million situation.

So after Li Pingdong finished speaking, Xu Xin nodded:

"no problem."

Anyway, the Tokyo International Film Festival is in November, and "The Hawthorn Tree" is currently scheduled for December.

It's definitely time.

I had a drink with Li Pingdong and four international friends. Although it was not very enjoyable, at least I reunited with Director Li as an old friend and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

After returning to the room, Xu Xin looked at the time at 10 o'clock and knew that Yang Mi must not have gotten up.

After sending a good morning message as usual, he went to bed.

Time flew by.

At 1 o'clock in the morning on September 3, Venice time, it was already 8 o'clock on the Tianchao Internet. With the video interview of the "Hawthorn Tree Love" crew in Venice brought by "Southern Weekly", on Weibo The various news sections headed by the topic suddenly started to get heated.

# There is no pineapple in Italian pizza # This topic, for some reason, suddenly jumped into the eyes of many people.

Weibo has been online for less than a year, but with the "short and fast" news, it has already begun the second stage of the decline of traditional paper media and the overall rise of Internet news. Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo have suddenly become everyone's favorite news. New love.

Get up early and check Weibo for a while, then check Weibo when you are free, and then check Weibo again when you are bored...

With the influx of users exceeding 100 million, it has become an upstart Internet media channel.

The rich gameplay and focused discussion atmosphere on topics of interest are accepted by more and more people in this era when smartphones are becoming more and more popular.

Early in the morning, fans who have been paying attention to the Venice Film Festival discovered that "Southern Weekly", one of the most authoritative media outlets in the domestic entertainment sector, uploaded an interview that lasted nearly 40 minutes and saw the "Exclusive Interview with "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" The title "Crew", whether it was Xu Xin's fans, Yang Mi's fans, Sister Shenxian, Brother Buhang, or people from the film industry all clicked on it.

When the video is clicked, the opening scene shows Xu Xin, Liu Yifei, and Lin Xinxin facing the camera with the beautiful Rialto Bridge in Venice as the background.


Xu Gou is quite photogenic.

But it’s barely enough to match my Mimi.

With this idea in mind, they started looking.

The video news was posted at 8 o'clock, and at 8:40, the topic " # Italian pizza does not have pineapple" came out.

Below it, a group of people who are not film majors themselves, or who just thought it was good but did not delve into it after watching this video interview, began to discuss this topic.

“If you don’t understand, just ask, isn’t putting pineapple on pizza a basic operation?”

"Pineapple is delicious. It's sweet, sour and soothing."

"The Italian study dog ​​said that people here really don't put pineapple. It tastes delicious."

"We are both studying abroad. I think this is more like a quirk, just like they think breaking the pasta is an insult to them. What's wrong with them?"

"What? You can't break pasta? Are Italians so pretentious?"

"Please respect the food culture of other countries. Don't put pineapple on pizza. It's like making a sound when you slurp noodles in Japan. When you eat in Korea, you have to slurp your mouth and make a disgusting sound like coughing up phlegm. The third brother is clean and hygienic. Same."

"Brother, are you a traitor? You have hacked a circle of people... your hacking is quite advanced."

"There's something wrong with the reading comprehension upstairs. What do you mean by blackmailing a group of people? It's obvious that he only blackmailed one person, and the blackened one is not a human being."

A group of people were as if they had discovered a new world. They were disturbed by Xu Xin's remarks about "Italian pizza without pineapple" and started a lively discussion on the Internet.

To be honest, if you really want to talk about it, this is like... popular science.

It's actually not that important. Even if you don't know it, it won't change anything in your life.

That's how it should be.


A Weibo with a Weibo ID named "Italian Embassy" joined the battlefield.

"We are grateful to our Eastern friend, young director Xu Xin, for his role in promoting traditional Italian food - pizza.

Thank you for letting more Chinese friends know the inclusiveness contained in pizza, a traditional Italian classic, and the thousands of years of persistence and protection of local Italian chefs.

We do not refuse to adapt to changes in local culture. The world should become more prosperous because of a variety of cultures.

But as our friend Xu Xin said, the world prospers because of culture, and culture keeps burning because of its uniqueness.

We are honored that our food can be your biggest source of inspiration and harvest in Venice, and I also wish you get your favorite trophy at the Venice Film Festival.

Finally, our friends. la virtùè premio a sestessa

May your virtue endure forever. "

This Weibo was issued by the Italian Embassy and quoted a video tweet from Southern Weekly.

The screenshots in the article are of Xu Xin facing the camera, getting inspired by pizza, and discussing his biggest gains from this trip to Venice with Wang Minmin...or the person in front of the camera.

In itself, the topic of "without pineapple" is quite popular.

September 3rd is Friday, and it is the weekend holiday soon. There are quite a lot of people fishing at work.

There is nothing professional in the topic. Regardless of whether it is for fun, curiosity, or popular science, there are really a lot of active participants.

And when everyone saw... the embassy of a country that was supposed to be incompatible with this kind of Internet topic actually ended up participating in the discussion, and made a speech that not only reflected the demeanor, but also used a... Although I don’t know how to read it, but in Chinese After translating an article that I felt was very appetizing to express my gratitude to Xu Xin, the popularity of this topic began to rise.

Almost at noon, it completely overwhelmed other topics on Weibo.

More and more people know what authentic pizza is, and even know the thing about "spaghetti always ends up in three pieces when broken".

The Italian Embassy didn't look aloof at all. After posting, he saw many netizens leaving messages below, and he even replied to them one by one.

"There's no need to thank you. Just bring back a golden lion for Xu Gou."

Reply: "[Crying], this still requires director Xu Xin's own efforts."

"Italy is such a country, don't search for it. I announce that "The Hawthorn Tree" has won all the awards at this Venice Film Festival and has won a great victory."

Reply: "[In a daze], are you serious?"

"Hurry up and give Xu Gou a silver lion to play with. Otherwise, have you seen the pineapple and pizza in my hand? Traditional, Italian, Margherita pizza! I put pineapple on it!"

Reply: "[Frightened], stop! Don't come over!!"

"Ouch? Do you still make fun of me?"

Reply: "[Handshake] The friendship between Italy and China lasts forever, and we work very hard to integrate into the culture of China."

The embassy posted on Weibo that this guy was teased by netizens all morning for being so reserved.

Finally updated a Weibo:

"[Photo].JPG, today's lunch."

The photo shows a dime of pizza, a cup of espresso, and a traditional meatball spaghetti.

Then I guess this guy didn’t have a good lunch.

Because some netizens have started teasing him, saying heart-wrenching words such as "carbohydrate + carbon water, the fitness coach is angry".

But this also led to the embassy’s fan base growing steadily.

When thanking Xu Xin, the number of fans on the account was only over 30,000.

But by the end of the morning, the number of fans had exceeded 400,000.

The speed is like riding a roller coaster.

At the same time, with this hot topic of discussion, Xu Xin and the Venice Film Festival have jumped into the eyes of more people who usually don't care much about these international film festivals and film topics.

On this September 3rd, there was a bit of a massacre on Weibo.

It is equivalent to the entire Weibo giving a wave of publicity to "Hawthorn Tree".

This effect made everyone in Xiying Studio almost have their teeth crooked when they laughed.

Then what……

It's around 3pm or almost 4pm, Chinese time, which is exactly 8am or less than 9am here in Italy.

As soon as a group of people from the Information Department came to work, they learned from the news from the embassy that a Chinese director of the Venice Film Festival was inspired to see how Italy had adhered to the traditional pizza method for thousands of years. Pizza, actually understands the independence and inclusiveness of culture...

Then after the news was sent back to China, it actually aroused discussion among hundreds of millions of netizens in China.

In fact, this is the case between countries.

It's like if something from China becomes popular overseas, people from China will feel bright in their faces.

So do Italians.

Especially this matter itself is quite painful for them. We obviously want to tell everyone that our Italian pizza really doesn’t add pineapple, and we don’t add so many strange things... but usually it has been ignored by people and they don’t get even the slightest bit. respect.

But now the people of the Celestial Dynasty suddenly knew about it. While respecting it, they also had strong curiosity and demand...

The entire Italian media also instantly captured the terrifying intensity of this news.

After all, this kind of thing made the news in other countries, and all Italians felt proud.


In the morning of Italian time, inexplicable news broke out one after another.

Why is pizza not developed in China? Everyone wants to eat margaritas.

As for foreign delicacies, Italian pizza is the most popular among Chinese people. Countless people want to taste authentic Italian pizza...

It's the same as the Italian version of the "Golden Lap" commercial.

Then your news must have a beginning and an end, right?

You have to explain clearly to everyone how this happened and how it came to be like this.

Ever since, news like "The Chinese director came to Italy to participate in the Venice Film Festival, had a pizza, and immediately had an epiphany and soared from the spot."


The Venice Film Festival, Xu Xin, and "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" spread directly throughout the Apennine Peninsula in this morning.

Why Xu Xin has a strong Italian local plot.

I feel bad if I don't eat pizza for a day.

One bite of pizza and one bite of espresso in the morning, that's authentic...

Anyway, they are all out.

At the same time, some media spontaneously began to translate the video clip of Xu Xin talking about "cultural tolerance and independence" to Wang Minmin.

In the video clip, he said, Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin were nodding there.

At first glance, it looks like he agrees with it very much.

have to. Forget it.

These three people must be friendly forces and have not escaped.

Pour three friends a cappuccino!

Two men and one woman, we Italian men must remember these three people.

Come for pizza later, it’s free!

As a result, the whole thing, in just "one day and night" between the two countries, suddenly became strange.

It's full of absurdity, comedy, puzzlement, and the kind of outrageous surprise that catches people off guard.

But... everyone found something that made them happy in this matter.

It's totally off the mark.

And after things fermented, the most intuitive manifestation is...

Our loyal friends from Italy Xu Xin, Liu Helin come with an excellent movie, right?

"Under the Hawthorn Tree"?


How about... go take a look?

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