I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 564 562 Amulet

Chapter 564 562. Amulet

"Goodbye, Xu. Next time you come to Italy, be sure to bring your wife to my house as a guest. Bye~"

At the end of the dinner, Jasmine Trica, who had been chatting about movies for a whole time, extended her invitation.

Xu Xin happily agreed and waved goodbye to her with a smile.

Then I looked at my phone...

No news yet.

The bitch I want to share the most should be sleeping soundly... ha.

I don’t know how excited she will be when she wakes up in the morning and finds out that she won the Best Director Award.

Then I heard Lin Xingxin’s words:

"Shall we go too? I can't wait any longer."


The fairy sister invites you for a drink. If you don’t go, are you afraid your life will be shortened?

As he spoke, he looked at the old man:

"Are you going?"

"Just go and play. When should we leave tomorrow?"

"At noon, I'll be home early the day after tomorrow."


So, the two sides parted ways.

Except for the old man, everyone else got on the "thief ship".

After all, the movie's results are so good, everyone should join in this last day of carnival.

Even Zhong Changyou was busy returning to the hotel for a while, and after sending back trophies, photos, etc. that the factory wanted to use for publicity, they all rushed over.

The fairy sister treated her to a nightclub recommended by Ai Qing, which was incompatible with the traditional architecture of Venice.

The manic music made everyone's blood boil.

I don’t know how much I spent, but the wine was poured into my stomach one cup after another until the glass was dry.

The first ones to bear the brunt are these two award-winners.

In addition, Lin Gou was there to coax the young man into marrying. When Xu Xin saw this posture, he directly hooked Su Meng.

The music in the nightclub was too loud, so he shouted into Su Meng's ear:

"I'm going to drink too much in a while. No matter what happens, I have to make sure I sleep alone. Do you understand?"

Su Meng nodded immediately:

"I understand, Brother Xu."

"Well... you are allowed to drink two drinks, but don't drink too much. When we go back to China and see Sister You, let's have a good gathering again. We won't come back until we're drunk!"


Su Meng responded with a smile.

She knew that Brother Xu said this just to make her resolutely perform her duties as an assistant.


As soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted by the wine glass brought by the fairy sister.

Glancing at the bottle...

Good guy, this front foot has just finished the absinthe-based special blend, and now it’s whiskey?

"Can you please take it easy? Aren't you going to die if you drink like this?"

Hearing his words, the fairy sister smiled proudly:

"Are you scared?"

"Hey, come on, come on."

The two cups touched each other.


Looking at her provocative eyes, Xu Xin nodded:


Gurgling, gurgling, gurgling...

Two large glasses of wine were poured directly into his stomach.

Following the spicy smell of peat and smoke, Xu Xin lit a cigarette, leaned on the sofa and raised his head.


A puff of smoke came out, and suddenly, the fairy sister came close to his ear:

"Xu Xin."


"Let me tell you something."


He sat up straight and tilted his head towards her.

There's nothing I can do about it, the music is too loud and I can't hear anything unless I talk close to my ear.

"Do you know when I feel the most uncomfortable?"

As she spoke, she poured wine into her and Xu Xin's glasses.

Filling each person's glass half full, she continued to Xu Xin:

"The most uncomfortable time for me was when I auditioned for "The Wind."


He glanced at the sisters.

Unfortunately, the lighting was too bright, and because of the angle, a large area of ​​shadow appeared on her face, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

But those eyes still remained clear.

Looking at Xu Xin's confused look, Liu Yifei just shook her head.

Holding the wine glass, he touched Xu Xin's glass directly, then leaned into his ear and said:

"You can't even imagine how depressed I was at that time."



The fairy sister drank all the wine herself.

Then he showed the bottom of the cup to Xu Xin.

Meaning: I drank it all.

Xu Xin thought for a while, then picked up the cup, drank the wine in one gulp, and then put it to her ear:

"Let's not talk about the past! Looking forward, be happy tonight and don't think about those things."


Liu Yifei nodded.


Although she had many emotions at this moment, she wanted to talk to him and express them to him.

But...he's right.

Have fun tonight.

Don't let anything unpleasant bother...anyone.

As she thought, she looked at the wriggling Adam's apple of the man who was drinking wine... and finally let out a sigh through the gushing of alcohol.

The entire "Hawthorn Tree" crew was wiped out.

No one ran away.

Everyone drank too much.

The only ones who were awake were Wu Qiqi and Su Meng.

and the drivers of three vehicles still under contract.

It can almost be said that after all the efforts of nine cows and two tigers were put to waste, after everyone settled down, this was the last party for the filmmakers and it came to an end.

And while the crew in Venice was tortured by alcohol in their sleep, in China, which was 7 hours ahead of time here, after learning about the results of "The Hawthorn Tree", the West Film Studio began to promote it.

As a result, many people came across information related to "Hawthorn Tree" this morning.

There is also news that it will be released on December 22.

For a time, the scenery was unparalleled.

All Shuangwei artists immediately posted on Weibo to celebrate, including Lao Lang and Wang Sicong.

Jay Chou doesn't have Weibo, so it doesn't count for now.

And after these people finish posting, there will be some people who usually have a good relationship with the two couples.

Then, a rather strange scene appeared.

Take the crew of "The Wind" as an example. If nothing else is mentioned, let's just talk about the leading actors.

Liang Binning immediately posted a congratulations on Weibo, and also interacted with Yang Mi on Weibo in various ways, such as "please have a meal, eat well, have a big meal, and never come back until you are drunk" and all kinds of "sweet love" ".

Another example is Yu Xuan.

With the unique playfulness of a crosstalk actor, he first liked and forwarded Yang Mi’s Weibo, and then replied:

"Boss Yang, can you make a reservation? What meal is my meal?"

Yang Mi replied to him:

"Brother Qian'er, let's stop making trouble, can't we come together?"

"That's not possible. How can he do such a good thing without putting on a show? At least three days of drunkenness will make it interesting."

After Deyunshe reopened after 28 days of closure for rectification, it was quite a change of heart.

The anger was no longer as strong as before, and Yu Xuan's mentality seemed to be more relaxed.

Let's put it this way, everyone on the crew is congratulating Xu Xin, but the news related to Huayi, whether it is Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Hanyu, Su Youpeng and others, is a bit lost.

There is not a single message on the surface.

But privately, both Xu Xin, who was still sleeping, and Yang Mi, received their blessing text messages.

And this situation is not unique.

On the morning of September 15th, the circle of people the couple operated seemed to have suddenly become somewhat fragmented.

Becoming somewhat distinct.

Anyone who has anything to do with Beijing circles doesn’t get a single Weibo blessing.

But in the text message, it was unclear what was going on with Xu Xin, but Yang Mi was in decline.

Basically, everyone on the phone sent congratulatory messages.

And Yang Mi's replies were all treated equally, both in terms of wording and sentence construction, and they seemed very appropriate.

After a busy morning, after all the news in the morning was basically calm, she gave Sun Ting her phone number.

"Tingting, take a look at the people who posted the messages. They are mainly actors. Those who posted on Weibo and also sent messages were divided into groups. Those who only sent messages but could not send messages on Weibo were divided into another group. Then put this list in the company Save it here. If there is an opportunity to cooperate in the future, give priority to those who send Weibo messages. By the way, let people in the company do a background check and understand the current situation."


Sun Ting agreed directly and then added:

"After finishing sorting it out, do you want to give the list to the factory?"

Obviously, she already understood what Yang Mi meant.

In fact, this statement sounds a bit "childish" at first glance, just like "I will play with you only after you show your kindness to me."

But this is not the case.

If it were really that simple, it wouldn't be such a hassle.

The reason why my sister did this was actually for one reason.

These people who do not post on Weibo show that they are deeply involved in Beijing circles. On the surface, winning the award for "The Hawthorn Tree" is a grand event in the northwest circle. It has nothing to do with the Beijing circle, and there may be conflicts of interest among everyone.

Therefore, it is difficult for these people to express their opinions.

But they are not the kind of stupid people who don't know how to behave. They know very well what "official business" and "personal relationships" are.

But for me, these people who are not easy to express their opinions cannot provide direct benefits to the company for the time being.

The priority should be deferred on the road of company development.

And those who have posted on Weibo can, at least at this stage, become partners.

At least everyone's interests are the same.

To put it bluntly, it is a sorting process.

If there is a need in the future, it will be clear who can be used now and who cannot be used temporarily.

This is Sister Mi's habit, just like the gift list that changes every year. It is through such details and meticulous thinking that she can consolidate her position after standing out.

After hearing her words, Yang Mi thought about it... and shook her head slightly:

"I'll just give it to you, Brother Xu. Let him decide whether to give it to the factory or not."


"Then you call Brother Cheng and ask him if he has heard from his sister-in-law."


Zhang Qian is also a month old. She is now almost 6 months pregnant and will come to Yanjing to raise the fetus for a period of time.

Without Xu Xin, she would have to take care of all the family affairs.

And when he comes back, they have to go to Magic City non-stop. After completing all the auditions, the two of them have to run to Canada.

After the wedding photos are taken, it will almost snow in the Northeast, and she has to go to the Northeast to film "The Grandmaster".

Very busy, with many things going on.

But she still kept things in order.

When Sun Ting called to ask if Cheng Hu had received anyone, Yang Mi sat on the sofa and thought about it. After making sure that she had missed nothing, she waited for Sun Ting to finish the call and suddenly asked:

"Where did you put the express delivery I bought two days ago?"

"I'll get it."

Sun Ting went back downstairs again and brought over a box that seemed to be tightly packed. After handing it to Yang Mi, she started to use her mobile phone to make group arrangements.

Then I heard the sound of unpacking plastic bags for express delivery.

Looking up...

Yang Mi was holding a pair of stockings in her hand that didn't look like they were worn by serious people.

Anyone who sees this thing will probably figure out that buying these stockings is definitely not a "good thing", but Sun Ting's face is calm.

No way, I've gotten used to it for so many years.

Not to mention anything else, the recipient's name "Sun Ting" has been used for many years.

From being blushing at the beginning, to being calm now.

She is already immune.

She even saw Sister Mi put down her stockings and take out a bunny girl's headband from the box and put it on her head. She also reminded:

"Sister, the bunny ears need to be a little curved to look good."

"Is that so?"

Yang Mi casually picked out a handful of rabbit ears wrapped with wire, and one of the ears became a little crooked.

Sun Ting nodded:

"Yes, it looks good like this."

Hearing this, Yang Mi's face became a little weird:



"Xiaobo's taste... is quite unique."


Sun Ting's mouth twitched...

Xiaobo is her boyfriend's name.

Seeing the strange look on her sister's face, Sun Ting also said something rare:

"But I don't buy as many stockings as you do."

"Then you can't do this. Let me tell you, there is no man who doesn't like stockings... It's all a virtue, understand? If you don't buy enough, you must not get what he likes. You can try it, but stockings won't work. , then go to JK! Over-the-knee socks! Absolutely the best! Try them one by one. Anyway, there must be one he likes... If it doesn't work, let him put it on and you two try again, it will be quite exciting..."


This time, Sun Ting's face turned really red.

No...why do you and Brother Xu become more and more fancy as you play?

"Brother Sanshui, sister-in-law~~~"

Seeing Xu Miao and Zhang Qian entering the door, Yang Mi shouted sweetly.


Zhang Qian, who had gained at least 20 pounds since her pregnancy, had a round face. When Yang Mi came over, her mentality collapsed.

Holding his sister-in-law:

"Mimi, my mentality is broken! I'm almost fat!"

"Oh sister-in-law~ It's normal to be pregnant and gain weight~"

"I'm already one hundred and fourteen..."

"It was almost the same when I was pregnant with Nuannuan and Yangyang..."

The bitches started grinning.

Even if she was old enough, at her fattest, she was only in her early 130s.

It was purely to comfort Zhang Qian.

Xu Miao, on the other hand, did not continue talking at all.

Apparently, he was often bullied by his wife at home.

He went to say hello to Yang Dalin and his wife with a smile, and then started to help Cheng Hu move the nutritional supplements for the second elder into the house one by one.

He doesn't look like a real estate boss at all.

Then the family started to eat.

While Yang Mi was feeding the two children, she was talking to Zhang Qian about parenting.

From taking her to meet the pregnant yoga teacher in the afternoon, to some of her reactions at various stages of pregnancy.

Xu Miao, on the other hand, worked hard.

After finishing two bowls of Braised Noodles, Hulu Hulu happily took the bowl and spoon for feeding the two children from Yang Mi's hand, and began to feed her two eldest nephews.

"When will Sanjin come back?"


Yang Mi looked at the time and said:

"She probably hasn't woken up yet. Qiqi sent me a message last night and she drank a lot. She probably has to sleep until around three or four o'clock in the afternoon and then leave. We'll have to get home tomorrow morning~"

After saying that, Zhang Qian nodded, turned around and asked Xu Miao casually:

"Where's our dad, are you coming this time?"


Xu Miao responded:

"But he can't come over these two days. He said he would come back the day after tomorrow."

Today is the 15th, and the day after tomorrow will be the 17th.

"Huh? Where did you go?"

"I went to Nanzang to buy amulets for my children. The one I bought for Nuannuan and Yangyang, he thought it was very effective. The children grew up so healthy, so I decided to buy another one this year."

"oh oh."

Zhang Qianqian nodded.

Yang Mi was a little envious:

"I haven't been to Southern Tibet yet... They say July and August are the most beautiful seasons there. I've always wanted to go, but I never got around to it..."


Xu Miao chuckled:

"Then this time you can learn from our dad. He is traveling by car."


Yang Mi's eyes immediately revealed a look of envy:

"It's great...I've always wanted to come here. Drive a Land Cruiser, and then sign up for a 318-line convoy. We all use walkie-talkies to tour the mountains and rivers. When encountering mountains, mountains turn, and lakes turn to lakes. .Then reading Tsangyang Gyatso’s collection of poems by the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas...it must feel great.”

Hearing this, Xu Miao laughed and made a joke:

"Then our dad is driving while fatigued. He gets sleepy when he studies~"

"Hey Hey……"

It was originally just a casual chat among the family members. Going to Southern Tibet was indeed one of Yang Mi’s dreams.

But it’s busy every year. If you really want to go there, you really have to plan a year in advance. What's more, you have a baby here, so you need to pay more attention to every aspect.

While chatting, Yang Mi's cell phone vibrated.

Xu Xin woke up.

Yang Mi made the call without saying anything.

"Hey, Best Director, are you awake?"

As his wife joked, his voice was hoarse with hangover effects, he responded lazily:

"Well...are Sanshui and sister-in-law here?"

"It's almost time to finish eating."

"That's fine. I'm packing up and getting ready to leave. I want to eat mutton noodles tomorrow morning..."

I finally got to see my wife after half a month.

He was also thinking very hard.

Hungry and thirsty.

At around 9 a.m. Beijing time, Xu Xin, who had not rested for nearly 17 hours, stood in front of the business car driven by Cheng Hu with a tired look on his face, and asked Zhang Yimou:

"Is there anything else?"

"Let's go."

Zhang Yimou waved his hand:

"Just go home."

"Hey, okay. Where are you two?"

Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin also shook their heads.

They all saw that he was eager to return home, and since they were so familiar with each other, there was no need for polite words.

"You go first, and we'll go too."


Waving his hand, he got directly into Cheng Hu's car.

After Su Meng came up, she quickly patted the car seat:

"Brother Tiger, GOGOGO! Come and GO Mahogany!"


Cheng Huxin said, how can you master English after being away for half a month?

Shouldn't we speak Italian?

But seeing that Xu Xin was eager to return home, he drove out of the parking lot first without waiting for Director Zhang's car.

"Mengmeng, when will Ai Qing come back?"


"Well, then ask her to contact you when she comes back, and then ask me what I should do if I want to study on my own now, and ask her to get some information."


After putting learning a foreign language on the agenda, Xu Xin lazily yawned.

Looking at the familiar scenery outside, my eyes are full of kindness.

"By the way, Mengmeng, have you got your passport?"

"It's already down, but I have to go back to my hometown to get it."

"Then I'll give you two days off, so hurry up and get it done. Just leave when you get home later."


After Su Meng heard this, she quickly took out her diary from her bag.

These are some of Xu Xin’s itineraries.

She did a quick inspection and said:

"Brother Xu, Teacher Yu also called you to go to school after you come back. Tomorrow is Monday and it is also the opening ceremony after military training. You have to show up."


As the top disciple of "Yumen", he really had to show up at the opening ceremony.

But it's not an opening ceremony for freshmen.

The opening ceremony for freshmen was quite difficult. They held it in the playground. But the opening ceremony for the graduate students was in the theater building, and he had just won the Best Director Award in Venice, so this was a good time to show off to Teacher Yu.

A must go.

After saying something to show that he knew, he asked:

"what else?"

"The night of the 17th is the dinner party for "The Legend of Zhen Huan". The crew will start shooting at Jietai Temple in the suburbs of Beijing tomorrow. You and Sister Mi are going to have a meal together."

"Has the audition time for "33 Days" been scheduled?"

"It's arranged. From the afternoon of the 18th to the afternoon of the 19th, this is the first round. If necessary, the second round will be on the whole day of the 20th. Then it will be gone, and we can leave for Canada."


After having an idea of ​​his itinerary, Xu Xin leaned back in his seat:

"I'll take a nap for a while and call me when you get home."

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