I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 565 563 Freshmen

Chapter 565 563. Rebirth

"Ah!!! Dad is back!!"

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Xu Xin, who had just entered the door, heard a scream, followed immediately by the sound of... something very solid hitting the floor tiles.

Turning his head to look at the source of the direction, his daughter crawled towards him quickly like a... little turtle equipped with a 3.0T turbocharged engine.

He quickly squatted down and picked up his daughter.

"Ouch, this knee hurts so much~"

The original feeling of wanting to share the joy with the whole family when I entered the house turned into complaints.

Yang Mi, who was following behind, rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you wear knee pads?"

He was speechless.

But Yang Mi pointed to the wrinkled things on the ground that looked like socks:

"It's useless. Your girl can fly now. This thing will be rubbed off in less than three minutes after it is worn on the knee... Okay, hurry up, let me take a look."

"It's in the suitcase, take it yourself."

"Then go and wash your son's butt, Gang La."

It was originally a romantic thing, but in the end, it turned into a trivial matter in the parents' short life.

The best director in Venice returned home and his butt was still hot, but the heat from the little guy's butt brought him back to reality.

In the past, he couldn't understand why the old man said, "You can make a big mess out of shit and pee," but since he became a parent, he really understands.

Nodding to Zhang Qian who was sitting on the sofa holding a bowl and not knowing what to drink, he picked up his son, who had just crawled a little more efficiently in the past few days, and walked to the bathroom with a sour smell.

After coming out, Yang Mi naturally waited there with a bath towel and diaper for the child.

The trophy is in Zhang Qian's hands.



"Why isn't this thing made in gold, but in silver?"

She looked curious.

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"It seems that the personal honors are given to silver, and the film honors are given to gold... I guess that's what it means. I didn't ask for details~"

"Ohhh...so good!"

She smiled and said:

"My classmates and friends all sent you congratulations text messages the next day. You are really famous now!"

"I've long been famous."

Xu Xin made a joke, sat on the sofa, glanced at Zhang Qian's belly, and asked curiously:

"Have you checked? Boy or girl?"


"Where's the name? Have you thought about it?"

"Wei'an. Your brother thought about it, but he hasn't decided on a nickname yet."

"Okay, sounds good...where did Sanshui go?"

"Modu, they are talking about land over there. You can go to Modu to find him."

After Zhang Qian finished speaking, she seemed to have remembered something and continued:

"Then your brother wants you two to be spokespersons for the company. Isn't it popular these days to hire celebrities to be spokespersons to attract people who want to buy a house?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at Yang Mi.

The young woman who was putting on a diaper for her child said:

"I didn't promise my brother... I think it's too high-profile, which is not good. Although there are people who know about our relationship now, there are not many. But if it is so high-profile..."

"That's okay."

After understanding her thoughts, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"I'll forget it, you take it. Then we'll see who we need to bring with us. Then we'll digest the advertising resources ourselves. What our family does is people's livelihood, and reputation is more important than anything else. If you come to represent them, you're working for them. People put a tight spell on them.

When thinking about what to do, first think about what it means to you as the spokesperson. As for matters involving you, Xu Miao doesn't need to show any mercy. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Our family is a developer and property manager. You will be the spokesperson. As long as the project quality and post-service are excellent, it will be of great help to you. "

"...In total, I pushed myself out again?"

Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry.

But my husband said so, so I agreed.


"Let me do it myself first. As for others... take it one step at a time. It's not good to give too much at once. It must be used as a reward to stimulate everyone's motivation to improve."


Holding his daughter in his arms, he nodded in response and asked:

"Where's our dad?"

"I'll come back tomorrow and go to Nanzang to get a peace charm for my child."

"How are you going? Driving?"


"Tsk, this old man is living a really cool life."

He was really envious when he heard that he, a son, had worked so hard outside and was living so freely as an old man... But at this moment, he had more important things to do.


Suddenly, he coughed twice and looked at the time on his watch:

"What are you doing? I'm going to take a shower and rest for a while. The child should be sleepy, right? You can take the child back later and I'll hold them for a while."


The understanding Yang Mi immediately responded:

"It's time to go to bed. Then go ahead~...I will take the child back in a while."

After the couple completed their cryptic exchange, Xu Xin nodded at Zhang Qian and went upstairs directly.

As for Zhang Qian, she also sent her brother-in-law away with a smile.

Then he turned and glanced at his sister-in-law... whose eyes were almost watery.

All of a sudden, she found the feeling of "sister-in-law and mother".

My brother-in-law has grown up, and he feels like he knows how to serve cabbage.

Therefore, she did not expose it, but continued:

"Can you just take the child up?"

"No, I'll help him clean up these dirty clothes first."

Yang Mi quickly pushed two large suitcases and ran to the laundry room.

About ten minutes later, as soon as I emptied the suitcase, I heard Zhang Qian at the door:

"Mimi, Uncle Yang and I are taking our children to buy groceries. We dropped by Zaizai and Niuniu by the way."

"...Huh? Okay."

Yang Mi responded quickly, and then opened some pairs of sneakers for Xu Xin, her ears perked up.

When she heard the "bang" sound of the door, she threw away the work in her hands without saying a word, and ran upstairs with a few brisk steps.

Just entering the bedroom, Xu Xin had a bath towel wrapped around his waist and was wiping his hair.

After seeing her come in, he subconsciously asked:

"Where's the child?"

"Sister-in-law took me to buy groceries...hehehehe..."

The little young woman who wished she could breathe out and breathed out laughed so happily that she quickly stepped forward and pulled his bath towel back!

"Take it off! Hehehehe...hehehehehe..."

While she was laughing, she slapped Xu Xin with a "PIA" sound:

"Go and lie down for me sister!"


Xu Xin covered his waist with a look of sadness and anger.

Then obediently lay on the bed.

Close your eyes.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs!

I will fight with you!

"After I got it, I didn't feel much at all."

Hearing this, Yang Mi, who was lying on his chest to listen to his heartbeat, said without even opening her eyes:

"Yes, men are like this. When they get it, they don't cherish it~"

"...You are outrageous."

"Hehe~ Okay, let me see if the child is back. Can I bring it to you when I come back?"

"Won't you sleep with me for a while?"

"I'll prepare something delicious for you~...Oh, yes, we have to have dinner with Director Zheng and the others tomorrow, and we'll start filming the day after tomorrow. Don't forget it."

"I know, I just go to school tomorrow morning."

He looked at his wife who was wearing clothes with some lust. After looking over from head to toe, he satisfactorily pushed into the bed:

"Bring me some wet wipes."

"Get out of here, wash up quickly and put on your clothes. How can I wipe it clean with a wet wipe?"

"...You also performed beyond your level today."


The young woman looked disgusted:

"You're already the best director in Venice, why are you talking dirty to lesbians?"

Xu Xin's eyes lit up:



The young woman who always felt that her husband was particularly naughty today tilted her head.


We'll see.

When I sleep with Shishi from now on, I will definitely not take you with me!

Zhang Qian came to Yanjing this time to raise a baby. After all, Shenmu didn't have such good conditions. Stay here in Yanjing until you give birth, and then return to Shenmu after giving birth.

The business at home is also inseparable from her.

While she was in Yanjing, Xu Daqiang had to return to Shenmu.

After all, it is already September and almost October, and the peak coal season is coming soon.

There's no way, it's like this when the business gets big.

Everyone is busy.

For the old Xu family, coal is the fundamentals and the top priority.

So, on the morning of the 17th, as soon as Xu Xin got up and went downstairs, he saw an old man whose tan seemed darker than the last time they met, sitting on the sofa on the first floor, playing with his granddaughter and grandson, laughing and playing.

After seeing his son coming down, Xu Daqiang pointed at the necks of the two little guys with a smile:

"Come and take a look."

Xu Xin leaned over and took a look and found that Nuannuan had a red rope hanging on her neck, and there was a round bead on the red rope.

"Dzi beads?"


Xu Daqiang nodded:

"Keep the two children safe."

In fact, the Dzi Bead thing is very deep, and Xu Xin knows that. In the early years, this thing was particularly popular among the sacred trees, and they were all brought from southern Tibet to provide blessings for the safety of the mines.

Not only Dzi beads, but also earth gods, Buddha statues...all kinds of Taoist and Buddhist things that protect peace can be seen.

At first everyone thought this thing was really a meteorite.

But later I found out that it was just an agate bead, and the number of people who were deceived began to increase, so gradually no one bought it.

There was even a thing called "Gabala" that was popular for a while.

They are the bones of monks with advanced cultivation...

Xu Xinguang felt scared when he heard the name.

But it’s really not uncommon in the mines.

So I'm not new to this thing, and I didn't ask the old man how much he spent... How much does this thing cost?

As long as it comes to your mind.

"How many days will you stay here?"

"When you two leave, we'll go back to Shenmu. Everyone is starting to get into the car."

The father and son still chatted briefly as parents.

Soon, after Yang Mi's breakfast was ready, the family started to have breakfast. After breakfast, Xu Xin drove to Beijing Film Academy.

The first semester of Beijing Film Academy has passed, and the freshmen who have been in military training for half a month have also changed into normal clothes.

He went all the way to the training institute and parked his car in the parking space that Yu Zhen had given him.

He took out one of the new masks from a box that Yang Mi bought for him, put it on, and muttered:

"Why is it still black?"

It was only early 8 o'clock, and the opening ceremony at the theater was at 9:30. He did not go directly, but went straight to the teaching building in the university area.

It is true that Teacher Yu is in charge of graduate students, but he still does more work as the dean of the directing department.

And along the way, no one recognized him because he was wearing a mask.

"Safely" arrived at the teaching building, went upstairs, and knocked on Yu Zhen's office door.


Hearing the sound inside, Xu Xin opened the door and took off his mask at the same time.

"Hey, Teacher Yu."


Seeing that it was Xu Xin, Yu Zhen smiled and waved.

"What does the great director do to come to my place?"

"...Can I talk about mentoring?"

Yu Zhen simply rolled her eyes:

"What's wrong with being poor?"

After speaking, he put a piece of information on the table:

"Here, see for yourself."


Xu Xin walked over and took a look, only to find that there were some student information on it.

Tian Yusheng, male, Han nationality, born on March 16, 1983, graduated from the Chinese Academy of Drama in 2005...

There was nothing at all at first, but when he saw the column "Personal Works" with ""People on the Road"", Xu Xin was stunned:

"The screenwriter of "The Lost Road"?...Graduated in 2005? Are you just taking the postgraduate entrance examination now?"


Yu Zhen nodded:

"Although I don't know the specific reason, it is true that he reported to me this year."

"Are you a classmate of the same class as me?"

"Yes. Because of Guo Fan and others, I don't plan to bring too many people this year. For this year's postgraduate program, I have selected people with actual film and television director experience. Counting you, I will bring four this year."

Hearing this, Xu Xin turned another page.


"Then Nian Xin! XIN!!"

Yu Zhen was speechless for a moment.

"How come you, a great director, can't even recognize the characters?"

"...Oh, yes, yes."

Xu Xin suddenly realized:

"XZ's XIN. I remembered, it's just above Taiyuan..."

As he said that, he looked at the other person's resume and found that this person turned out to be from the Xi'an local station.

"Local station? From the advanced training class?"

"Yes. In the advanced training class in 2008, his grades were pretty good. In addition, I saw that he had working experience in Xiying Studio and Xi'an TV Station, and he was very rich. Although his grades were not top-notch, I still wanted to come here."

As soon as Yu Zhen said this, Xu Xin understood the meaning.

How to say this...

In terms of the friendship between teachers and students, it is because the teacher’s selection of students focuses on people from the northwest. But to be more biased, Xu Xin was helping her "establish a sect", so her feedback was not "nepotism" as intended.

This child is from the northwest and has connections with Xiying Film Studio and Xi'an TV Station, so even if his grades are not top-notch, she is willing to take care of him.

So he nodded and continued to scroll down:

"Bi Gan... is studying GAN, right?"


Yu Zhen no longer wanted to talk to him and said directly:

"He came from Shanying. I know his teacher, and he called me when he learned that he was applying to Beijing Film Academy. I looked at the works he created in school... Although they are rough, they have a bit of Jia Zhangke's flavor. Not bad... In fact, the results of these three people are not top-notch, but they are all the kind of people who have their own ideas."

"I understand. Isn't that all in "33 Days"?"


Xu Xin said this very casually.

But Yu Zhen felt weird.

After all, you just won the Best Director award in Venice... Can you not be so obvious about using the back door for the teacher?

Why does it taste so weird?

But she didn't object, because the main reason why she found these three people was actually to prepare for Xu Xin.

Xiying Studio wants directors with their own ideas and young people worth cultivating.

These three children, especially the last one named Bi Gan... she really thought they were very good.

Although it may not have enough commercial audience...but then again. It is the biggest misunderstanding for a director to distinguish between commercial and artistic films from the beginning of his career.

You have to shoot what suits you.

Something that runs through your own train of thought.

This is what it means for a director to be given a soul.

Therefore, compared to those whose resumes are perfect at first glance, but are all the same, not "filmed an advertisement for XX charity organization" or "what a rich life in XX school", she values ​​more people who match her disciple's temperament. .

Not blindly, not blindly obedient.

independent thinking.

And this kind of seedling seeds, as long as they are placed in suitable soil, they will definitely produce flowers... I can't say they are beautiful, but at least they will have flowers with their own characteristics.

So he said:

"Have more exposure. What I can teach is only academic stuff. They have to rely on themselves for practice, and others have to judge their character."

"I know."

Xu Xin nodded again:

"Then let me just take them away this time. Tomorrow I will go to the Magic City and take the three of them with me. I will also meet Guo Fan and the others... It will be a different kind of opening ceremony. Please leave me a homework. Let them finish.”

Before he finished speaking, Yu Zhen took out another piece of paper:

"Here, you choose. One on each side."

Xu Xin took a look and saw four questions on this piece of paper:

"1. Dramatic narrative and social portraiture--A study of the films directed by Xu Xin

2. Research on the behind-the-scenes creative ideas of the director of "Thirty-day Love"

3. "Rebellious" postmodern aesthetics - the influence of unique social outlook on the psychology of adapting works

4. Try to analyze director Xu Xin’s style and aesthetic characteristics”

"Teacher Yu... please don't..."

When he saw the words "Research on Director Xu Xin's Films" and "Director Xu Xin's Style Aesthetics", Xu Xin's scalp suddenly became numb.

The first thing is the same as the rattle:

"But please don't... How can I hang out with everyone after this question comes up?"

"You are a leader, not a companion, so why are you messing around?"

Yu Zhen couldn't laugh or cry:

"Don't you think that a director who can win the Best Director in Venice has no academic value worthy of study?"

"But...that...can't...at least it shouldn't..."

"What shouldn't be done? Shouldn't the title be so explicit?"

Yu Zhen continued to ask, tilting her head and looking at her proud disciple:

"Do you know the value of these four questions to other graduate students? You are right next to them, and they can study you directly. The feedback on this kind of academic paper is authentic because you are around. Guess what, these three Putting aside the question, what would Guo Fan and the others choose?"


Xu Xin was speechless.

Seeing this, Yu Zhen directly took a pen and drew two circles on these four questions.

"Just these two, 2 and 4. 2 If you ask Guo Fan and others to come, after all they participated in the creation, they must have their own ideas on it. 4 Let Bi Gan and others come, they will definitely ask you this question when they get it. , which also gives them a channel to understand you.”

As she said that, she raised her head and glanced at Xu Xin...

My disciple's face was already red to his ears.

Not to mention...

Quite cute.

So, she continued to smile and said:

"Well, don't have such a big psychological burden. You have to know that the meaning of these two academics is to deeply analyze what you may only be subconsciously doing when creating, but can inspire others. Your aesthetic talent is top-notch , they may not be able to catch up. But as long as they can impress themselves, this is the meaning of this academic proposition. They analyze you not to please you. But to get their own inspiration from your movies, strictly speaking , has nothing to do with you."

"But... I analyze myself by myself? You can write this topic for them, but what should I do myself?"


Upon hearing this, Yu Zhen thought that this seemed to be the truth.

So he waved his hand:

"Then stop writing and concentrate on making movies."

One sentence saves a paper.

Every word is full of love.


I don’t know for a moment that I should feel lucky that I don’t have to write a paper anymore. Or is it unfortunate that Teacher Yu clearly regards himself as a "backdoor" student, so he can just coat it with gold...

In short, Xu Xin has one less paper to write.

And now the time was almost up. With the information in hand, she stood up:

"Let's go to the theater."


Xu Xin nodded and followed her out.

"How does it feel to win the award?"

"Yesterday, Yang Mi and I were talking. I said I was very nervous before taking it, but after taking it, I felt it was no longer interesting..."

The two started chatting about their trip to Venice.

Yu Zhen was speechless when she heard Xu Xin say that she had not watched any other movies except domestic ones because of the language barrier.

My disciple... is really weird.

You said he doesn't know anything... Hey, he just broke the age record for the best director in Venice.

You could call him a genius... He can't even tell the difference between Jin and Xin.

His English is even worse.


Xu Xin's biggest advantage is actually this.

"I got along very well with my translator this time, and we had already made an agreement. When I came back from Canada after taking wedding photos, she started tutoring me in English. She was from a language school herself, and she taught students who wanted to go abroad. People can quickly master spoken English and so on... I will work harder and strive to be able to communicate fluently in half a year or a year, and then I will just rely on my vocabulary... At the next film festival, I will at least be able to understand!"


After discovering their own shortcomings, they know how to make up for them.

Yu Zhen looked pleased.

While the two were talking, they had already walked out of the teaching building.

At this time, freshmen were also walking towards the playground one after another.

Xu Xin took a quick look...

"It feels like there are quite a few beautiful girls."

"The number of students this year is really good... Oh yes, that Nazha is already the beauty of the school."

"Yo? Has the judgment come out?"

"Well, it's the crushing kind. Out of 10 girls, 9 of them together are not as tall as herself. And I heard Director Cui from the acting department say that this kid knows how to work hard. She was there on the first day of registration for freshmen. I met her in the library. I took note of her and checked her borrowing list, and it seemed like she was quite thoughtful."

Following Yu Zhen's words, Xu Xin felt relieved:

"That's fine. Beauty is a kind of weapon, but many people don't know how to use it. As long as she can use it, no matter what her future achievements are, at least her starting point will be much higher than others. You also know that child's life is quite difficult, little one. What she has experienced at a young age, as long as she is willing to work hard, her future experiences will be her sharpest weapon and spiritual support..."

The two were talking when suddenly, two girls walked over from the dormitory building.

"Director Yu, hello... ah? Xu... Xu... Xu..."

Yang Zi, who originally wanted to say hello to Yu Zhen, was stunned when he saw the face of the handsome young man next to him.

"Hello, Teacher Yu, hello Brother Xu."

At this time, Nazha's voice sounded.

Xu Xin's ears twitched.

Hearing her call, he looked at the dull girl next to him.

Xia Xue?

Looking at the expression on Xia Xue's face in "Family with Children", he glanced at the beautiful and fair-skinned Nazha.

He seemed to understand something, and suddenly smiled and nodded:

"Your sister told me yesterday that she wanted to call you over for dinner yesterday, but something delayed her. Wait until we come back from Canada. Tell your sister in advance what you want to eat, and she will cook it for you."

While Nazha was trying to suppress the joy in her eyes and some "guilty" emotions, Xu Xin's words with a smile made Yang Zi confused.

Nazha... meet Director Xu! ?

And listen to this tone...

They seem to be very close?

? ? ? ?

Yu Zhen, who knew more about the situation than Yang Zi, took in Nazha's expression and chuckled in her heart:

"Ha, smart little girl."

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