I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 579 577 So-called beneficial friends

Chapter 579 577. So-called beneficial friends

The content of the post is actually very simple. The first thing you see when you click on it is a screenshot of the Tianya Forum. The poster of the screenshot is a user whose forum ID is "I am ANATA".

This user quoted on the forum that Tianya users can choose [Miss World], a theme specially used to evaluate beauties, and the topic of the post was: [They all said this one looks like angelbaby, what do you think? 】

The content of the theme is a...how to say.

It really looks a bit like Yang Ying’s girl selfie.

The girl in the camera is wearing zebra-striped clothes. When taking the photo, she grabbed her hair with one hand, raised her lips slightly towards the camera, and had a high nose. She looks really good-looking.

And below this screenshot is the theme content of this "touching porcelain post":

“When I saw Wang Sicong’s girlfriend, I felt familiar.

I have one advantage. To quote Guo Degang, I have read all over the world's pornographic movies without any code in my mind. For some girls like Yang Ying, they will all click on the first-hand collection theme.

In addition, I had a quarrel with this Wang Ying under the post. As for the reason...her nose is sharper than that of Europeans and Americans, and the cut is too obvious.

So I was very impressed at the time.

After seeing Wang Sicong's photo, I flipped through it and actually found the person.

This is definitely her.

As for the reason...the Weibo account named Wang Ying has been uncovered. You will know by comparing the ID.

A beauty is definitely a beauty, but there is no need to say that she is an angelbaby.

At present, I have not found anyone with better looks than Yang Ying in China.

Also, there is no other point in posting this post. The first is that I like Yang Ying, but I don’t like Yang Ying being touched by others, so I quarreled with her under the post. (It probably means that you are 伱, and Yang Ying is Yang Ying. Everyone's beauty is different, but there is no need to use Yang Ying's name to gain attention with photos. And in the post where she posted this photo, There is also a group of people chasing after the person who wants her contact information to scold me for her, which is simply ridiculous.)

Secondly, I have no problem with Wang Sicong, but after finding such a girl, I can only say that his taste is not very good. "

This is what the post is about.

In fact, just exposing Wang Ying to Tianya is nothing.

Tianya was the most popular forum in China before Weibo, with the number of active users every day.

It was very popular before 2009 for young people to go to Tianya.

Although there is now Weibo and the number of active people in Tianya has declined, the popularity is still there.

This girl named "anata" can just be around.

But after seeing the subject matter of this post and seeing how subjective this person’s post was, many people were unhappy.

At the beginning, my unhappy point of view was very simple:

"Is that because we look alike? You look similar to your dad, so you also look like your dad?"

This sentence on the second floor directly guided the direction of the entire post.

Everyone knows that talents have been produced on the second floor since ancient times.

And when I looked at the messages on the second floor... it turned out to be true.

He is a talented old man.

So, here comes the follower:

"I think the poster is also innocently ill. We don't care who you like, but is it too much to say this to a little girl? Come on, please explain to me, I like Wang Luodan, should I also scold Bai Zhen? Why don’t you come and meet Porcelain King Luo Dan?”

"I read the original post and then the previous posts by this poster. I'm just a fan of Yang Ying... a young model from Xiangjiang. If Yang Mi hadn't taken advantage of her, she would have gone to Lan Gui long ago. I went to the place to drink. Someone actually angered an innocent little girl because of her fan? What is the background of the poster? Bangzi blood? The Korean language may not be easy to say, but you have learned the trick of being a fan first?"

"Isn't it okay for young people to play Tianya? The original poster's statement is also new. My parents are really good-looking. I don't want to spend a penny to show you a selfie. Is this a big deal?"

"It's the same as Yang Ying's face in the early days. Isn't it the same with Yang Mi?"

"Don't start a fight upstairs. I believe you when you say Yang Ying. Yang Mi's looks can't be beaten? The only female celebrities who can go to the plastic surgery hospital are Liang Binning and Yang Mi. Her face can't be beaten? Are you serious? Blind? Or stupid?"

The post starts from the replies on the first page.

There are all kinds of crooked ones.

Some complained that this poster was just out of his mind, some talked about plastic surgery... one after another, some started to talk about Yang Ying and Yang Mi.

"Is there anyone who can cheat on Yang Mi? If you don't mention anything else, just blame Yang Mi. After she got up, she spared no effort to win over Yang Ying. I will be her fan for the rest of her life. After Yang Ying got up, her resources were in conflict with Yang Mi. Look at Yang Mi. Have you cared about Yang Ying, the Xifeng wine spokesperson, "The Voice", and the rise of Xiying Film Studio that everyone discussed a few days ago? How can Yang Ying put the matter of Hong Kong resources here? Who can tamper with Yang Mi?"

"Yang Mi really can't be black. These sisters are really loyal. They have good acting skills... I don't want to black Yang Mi, can I black Xu Xin? Damn it! Damn it!"

"Brother upstairs, I will stand by you. Damn it, Xu Gou!"

"I will always like Yang Mi!"

"Wake up, buddy, people are having babies."

"Wouldn't that be better?"

"Damn, are you the same person?"

"Yang Mi is indeed not a bad person. She has never heard of anyone grabbing resources from her. She plays her own game and never forgets anyone. With Yang Ying like this, isn't it also Yang Mi's credit for Liu Yifei's rise to fame?"

When the name of "Tianya Taboo" is mentioned...

"This post is going to go viral. I have a hunch that fans like Liu Yifei in the forum will come over soon."

Chaos begins to emerge.

Then what……

The host is back too.

He quoted directly from the second floor:

"What you said is simply ridiculous. Your father and I look alike. Son, do you want to come and see if I am your biological father?...Also, let me reiterate, I did not attack anyone. She was the first Attacking me. I just asked her not to touch the person I like, but she herself replied to me in the post, "Is posting a photo a joke? The quality is so poor? "I won't offend others unless they offend me. Let's get it clear."

Then, the guy on the second floor also replied:

"Are you becoming a moral bitch now? If Yang Ying came here in person and said to the sisters, your boyfriend is friends with my sisters, and we should not touch each other when we are angry, then I won't even say anything. The master hasn't spoken yet, you Who are you baring your teeth at?"

Starting from the two people's forum replies, this poster also has a very strong fighting ability. He will fight whoever fights him.

Then the person he was yelling at saw that he dared to talk back, so he started yelling at him again.

Then, because the person in front started talking, everyone started talking about the same old topic again.

What is the relationship between Yang Mi and Yang Ying? Is Yang Mi feeding a tiger into trouble by helping her?

Then, Liu Yifei's army arrived.


The "Hawthorn Tree" created by our fairy sister and Xu Xin together is called cooperation and mutual benefit!

Why does it sound like you are getting married?

I don’t care, Liu Yifei is number one in the universe.

Even though we are now a family, we only recognize Dao Xu as the person who can get close to Liu Yifei, and other men will get out of here!



The comments on this post started to turn into endless chaos.

There are those who quarrel, those who curse, those who have rational discussions, and those who are too low-level to use the search function. I can’t find Wang Ying’s ID. I want someone to send a link to see the original post...

There are so many different kinds, everything is there.

In addition, the content of the poster's own post is obviously provocative.

Everyone has a keyboard, who is afraid of whom?

Hit it.

As a result, on the 26th, this post became the most popular post in Tianya.

Tianya Community has a tradition.

It's called "Once you reach the end of the world, it's as deep as the sea, and from now on the star is a bitch."

There are many jokes about this sentence, but most of them say that there are many capable people in Tianya, people from all circles, and all kinds of revelations come from here.

In the Tianya community, there are very few celebrities who really have no dirty information at all.

In other words, celebrities who can appear in Tianya will always meet their own group of negative fans regardless of whether they have any negative information.

Logically speaking, no matter how popular this post is, it only lasts one day.

The Tianya community will never be short of topics.

When the quarrel is over, the quarrel is over. Everyone puts away their keyboards and goes home to have dinner.

Moreover, although various topics on Tianya are very active, there is no news worth reporting in these mainstream media today.

People who can write for websites are people in the media industry.

What kind of virtue is Tianya?

No media person with any status would even bother to quote the comments of lay netizens.

But there is an exception to everything.

That's when... the popularity of the news itself is really scary.

And what a coincidence, Tianya's hot post about "Wang Ying" is also related to "33 Days of Love", which made Wei Wei famous before she acted in the past few days.

So, Wang Sicong, who came back from dinner with Wang Ying in the evening, saw an article in the news that automatically popped up after opening the browser called "Wang Sicong's girlfriend's identity was revealed, and the other party actually cheated on the new little girl angelbaby!" 》News.

He was instantly speechless.

What the hell?

How did these two people get together?

I have never forgotten Lao Xu's advice to "stay away from her", for fear that Wang Sicong would be dumbfounded.

But in the end, I still couldn't restrain my curiosity and clicked in.

And after reading it... his face darkened.

Without saying a word, he directly opened the Tianya Forum and logged in with his ID - "True Love Red Panda".

After reading the entire post, his mood was as irritable as his face.


This group of people is simply baffling.

Is there something wrong?

Who the hell is cheating on Yang Ying?

Looking at Wang Ying's "Like Yang Ying" post in July this year, he lit a cigarette irritably.

Then, he pressed F5, thinking of refreshing the web page to see if anyone continued to dig under this July post.

But the web page got stuck.

The response is slower than normal.

Then the scene suddenly changed.

"The topic no longer exists."

was deleted.

The post has been deleted.


Wang Sicong was stunned.

He had read the entire post sent by his girlfriend, and there was no quarrel or contention in it.

Even if she had an argument with the poster, it didn't rise to the level of a personal attack.

Besides... the scale of the end of the world...

It’s not like a moderator would go all the way to delete a grave-digging post.

Thinking of this, he found Wang Ying's personal homepage and looked at her topics.

Before clicking in, the digital display was "Topic: 37, Reply: 291". This is the total number of topics and replies she has posted on Tianya.

But after clicking in...

Topics: 7

Replies: 291

Wang Sicong thought for a while and waited for about half a cigarette.

Refresh again.

Topics: 0

Replies: 248

Obviously, Wang Ying is deleting the post.

For a moment, his heart ached.

Because in his opinion, this is the girl he loves feeling at a loss when facing this kind of online criticism.

She panicked.

Wang Xiaoben is very stupid.

He could even imagine her in the bedroom at this moment, clumsily operating the laptop.

Because...that laptop doesn't come with a mouse.

And when this picture appeared in his mind, he was annoyed.

Looking at the so-called remarks made by several people with obviously female IDs and avatars in the "Pengci Tie", such as "I really don't think she is beautiful" and "Being with Wang Sicong is like a pheasant turning into a phoenix"...

Who the hell are you?

Why do you say that to her?

Why do you say that to my Wang Xiaoben! ?

Still stealing her information?

Yes, she had plastic surgery.

Yes, she is a registered model of Misora.

So what?

Do you need to worry about my affairs?

With this impulse, he directly clicked on his Weibo.


"A few years ago in England, I had an argument with a very vain girl. I asked: Why do you like LV so much? She said because it is a symbol of identity and status. I was speechless and scolded her for being ridiculous. She was very confident. Said to me: You must be so disgusted with it because you are too poor to afford it! Girls only have emptiness and low self-esteem and need to use these things to decorate themselves."

After writing it, without saying a word, he posted a photo of himself and Wang Ying directly on Weibo.

It's like a change of direction and acknowledgment of their relationship.



But he has no regrets.

Why? What the hell are you talking about my girlfriend?

I just like her, what's wrong?


No, you can just hold it in.

Has a pheasant turned into a phoenix? Okay, I'll let her turn into a phoenix, what? no?

I want to see what else you can say!

"Look here...Director Xu, don't be so tense...relax...you are too nervous..."

"Uh... ok."

Listening to the photographer's words, on this bright golden autumn day in September, Xu Xin took a piece of maple leaf night sculpture specially made in China and covered half of his face... and then revealed a stiff expression on the other half of his face. Come smile.


Yang Mi, who was wearing a red dress and watching the excitement, burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha... Your expression looks like you have been poisoned by botulism... Hahahahaha..."


Xu Xin's stiff expression was instantly broken.

Your uncle's!

Why were you making fun of me when I was taking pictures?

He rubbed his face angrily.

"Hey, Director Xu, don't!"

The photographer quickly stopped him, but Xu Xin had already rubbed it.


Makeup is spent.




A group of people were speechless.

Only Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang were lying on the half-yellow grass, babbling and having fun.

In fact, this group of photos has a very beautiful name, called "One Leaf Knows Autumn".

Xu Xin and Yang Mi each held up a face of the other person carved from a maple leaf and smiled at the camera... Finally, they used technical means to piece it together and merge the two sides...

Nai He is good at making movies.

But Xu Xin, who is standing in front of the camera, is no longer the stupid young man who filmed "Not Drunk".

There is a social fear in itself, and there are so many people here.

It’s windy abroad too!

Seven foreigners, one, two, three, four, five or six, were gathered here to watch these two Chinese people take wedding photos...

It made him feel uncomfortable all over.

It was so uncomfortable.

But now that the makeup is gone, I have no choice but to start over.

Then change to Yang Mi.

Damimi faces the camera...that's professional.

Three plus five divided by two, everything the photographer wants and wants to see is left in the film.

Absolutely beautiful.

After taking pictures of her group, she walked over to her husband:

"Can you look more natural? I feel like your body is stiff."


Xu Xin ignored her, closed his eyes and let the makeup artist scratch his face with the powder brush.

Seeing this, Yang Mi shook her head helplessly and walked aside.

At this moment, Sun Ting came over:


"What's the matter?"

The young woman in a good mood asked with a smile while admiring the traces of maple leaves on Mount Royal's forest.

It's really beautiful...

But Sun Ting still handed over the somewhat unpleasant mobile phone:

"There seems to be something going on over there with Brother Cong..."


Yang Mi was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

With that said, she took the phone and saw Wang Sicong's Weibo.

"...What time is it in China now?"

"It's about 10 o'clock in the evening."

"What happened? Why would he fire this kind of map cannon?"

Why don't others mention it? At least for Yang Mi, Wang Sicong's Weibo sentence "Girls only have emptiness and low self-esteem and need to use these things to decorate themselves" is really too much ridicule.

As she spoke, she dialed Wang Sicong's number directly.

Sun Ting doesn't know either.

She only saw this Weibo while she was waiting and scrolling through her phone out of boredom.

From the time she sent it to Sister Mi until now, this Weibo post took less than 5 minutes.

"...Hello? What are you doing?"

"What's wrong? Tell me."

Wang Sicong's tone was a bit unpleasant.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"I just saw your Weibo post and you deleted it quickly. Are you crazy? Why are you firing the map cannon?"

"I didn't fire the map cannon, what I said is true!"

"Regardless of whether it's true or not, delete it for me immediately! No matter what you do is right or wrong, you will be scolded! Delete it for me immediately!"

"I don't!"

Do you want to rebel against Tiangang? she said to herself. His eyes widened, but his tone suddenly softened:

"Okay, listen to me, delete it first. Then tell me what's going on, can I help you with some advice? How big of a deal is it? There's nothing in front of your Weibo, isn't it just about Zhang Qian? ? But that last sentence is too problematic. Can you delete that sentence first?"

The Zhang Qian she mentioned was not her sister-in-law.

But the eldest young master’s first love.

At that time, the eldest young master was in England and didn't know much about how rich his family was.

I got a girlfriend and she named her that.

Ask him for LV.

Although the eldest young master at that time could not afford it, he felt that such luxury goods were an IQ tax.

Moreover, he also has a very low-key temperament, and is not a well-known person in the UK.

When he saw that he didn't buy it, the girl said, "You didn't buy it for me because you were too poor to afford it, right?" In one sentence, the young man's first love was over.

Yang Mi didn't care what happened to these two people.

But he is his friend, so the following sentence must be deleted!

Otherwise you will really get scolded.

But who knew she was so soft-spoken, and Wang Sicong was still tough:

"I won't delete it! Don't worry about this. Just take wedding photos with Lao Xu. I'm done."



Yang Mi was so angry that she scolded the street.

You are so brave.

Dare you hang up on me?

So, she came to be popular, and at the same time it was for the good of her friends.

He stretched out his hand directly:

"Give me the phone."

Sun Ting quickly handed over her mobile phone.

I didn’t dare to ask anything…

Because she could see that Sister Mi was a little angry.

Yang Mi quickly found a number on her phone and dialed it.

"Dudu... hello? Teacher Yang, hello."

"Manager Chen, I'm sorry to bother you so late."

"Haha, where did Teacher Yang go? Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Uh... Yes. That's it. I don't know if it was impulsiveness or something, but my friend posted an inappropriate Weibo. Could you please Manager Chen and tell our people on duty... First? Give him a two-hour ban and delete that Weibo post?"

"Teacher Yang's friend?...Who is it?"

"Wang Sicong."


There was a pause on the other side.

My heart says this is a true friend.

So he said directly:

"No problem, then I'll call the company inspector on duty and ask him to handle it according to Teacher Yang's instructions. But... Mr. Wang's side..."

"Don't worry, Manager Chen, I can comfort you. Excuse me, Manager Chen. Let's get together when we have free time."

"Haha, it's a trivial matter, no problem, no problem..."


Eight minutes after the "LV" Weibo was posted, the Weibo disappeared inexplicably.

Wang Sicong, who was about to fight with the netizen who left a message, was suddenly stunned.

"Your account has been banned from speaking for 2 hours."

? ? ?

Wang Sicong was stunned.

At this time, the call came again.


“I found someone to delete the banned words on Weibo.”

Yang Mi got straight to the point.


"My brother, what's wrong with you? Who messed with you? Are you so angry? Tell me... Don't let me and Xu Xin not even be able to take wedding photos, and come back to China to find you now. ! Let me tell you, the hatred of wedding photos is irreconcilable. If I am not satisfied with anything in this set of photos... I will blame it on you. Do you still want to eat the food I cook in the future? "


Wang Sicong's mouth twitched...

My heart says that you, old man, really do everything you can.



He sighed.

He had to admit that with Dami's words, he now...

A little calmer.

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