I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 580 578 What friends should do

Chapter 580 578. What friends should do


During the call, Wang Sicong was silent for about five or six seconds and then said:

"How are you two doing over there?"

"Your old Xu is a pretty useless man."


Wang Sicong was stunned when he heard Yang Mi's words.

"What the hell?"

"It's over."

Yang Mi glanced at her husband who was still putting on makeup, and her tone was full of hatred and useless complaints:

"It won't come in handy at critical moments. It's okay when there's no one around. It's around 10 a.m. here now, and there are a lot of people coming to see the maple leaves..."

As soon as this environmental element appeared, Wang Sicong understood it instantly and couldn't help but be happy:

"Haha, are you shy?"

"That's right."

Hearing the laughter from his side, Yang Mi felt relieved.

"I just finished shooting my group here. I waited for him to put on makeup again and was shooting his group. You don't know... whenever someone looks at him, his face turns red and his smile looks like he has had Botox. of……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Wang Sicong, who was filled with images in his mind, was laughing so hard, and with this joking energy, Yang Mi asked:

"So where are you? Tell me what's going on."


The laughter stopped abruptly.

"What are you doing? You still don't want to tell me?... Sure enough, a child can't help his mother..."

"Get out~"

Wang Sicong's voice sounded again, and he continued:

"Actually, it's nothing. There is Wang Xiaoben's rhythm on Tianya these days."

"Tianya? Wang Xiaoben's rhythm?"

Yang Mi asked back, then glanced at... Sun Ting had already lowered her head and started checking on her mobile phone.

So, Yang Mi asked again:

"What does it probably mean?"

"The general meaning is that Wang Xiaoben had plastic surgery, and then he wanted to be popular and went crazy. He wanted to be popular with Yang Ying, and posted a photo of himself on Tianya. Later, a photo of us having dinner together came out, and everyone started doxxing her..."


After hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"What does she mean by touching porcelain Yang Ying?"

"She posted a photo on the forum so early, when we didn't know each other. In July this year, she said she had a photo that looked like Yang Ying from an angle..."



"...The month in which "The Voice" was broadcast?"


Wang Sicong was silent again.

After Yang Mi noticed this, she thought about it and said:

"It's understandable, didn't she just win the runner-up spot on Ruili's Cover Girl in July?"

"Uh... um."

"So you got into a fight with netizens?"

"Well... the main reason is that I can't stand these people gossiping like a bastard, and do human flesh to her. Why is she a model for Misora, and she has all the plastic surgery and so on. I was confused, what happened to Misora? I I even registered an account on Meikong. Especially in Tianya, Meikong’s reputation is like a big chicken coop... What, am I going to be treated like a duck?"

Wang Sicong started to complain.

But Yang Mi's eyes narrowed.

After thinking for a while, she said:

"Do you believe Wang Xiaoben?"

"Of course I believe it."

"Then let them check it out."


Yang Mi seemed to know what he was thinking and said directly:

"I understand that what you yearn for is simple love. Yes, among the most beautiful states of love, purity must be one of them..."

As she said that, she couldn't help but glance at the dog man putting on makeup.


"But, sometimes if you want to be pure, you have to pay some price. Especially as a public figure... Didn't Lao Xu often say? As a public figure, since you enjoy the benefits of fame, you have to pay The price of others’ endless curiosity about your private life.”


"You also want to help Wang Xiaoben, don't you?"

Ignoring his argument, Yang Mi asked directly:

"I will take her with me to Ruili Magazine for Chinese Valentine's Day next year. Her acting skills in Lao Xu's movie are immature, but she can still get a dream opportunity for newcomers... Even now she can cause such a big stir on the Internet... You You must admit that your factor plays the largest role in this."


Wang Sicong responded.

This is the truth.


"So, let them check and discuss it. Let's not mention what Wang Xiaoben's dream is. From you, we can all see that you want Wang Xiaoben to become very good, otherwise you won't let Wang Xiaoben Let’s help you. So, in other words, if you want Wang Xiaoben to become famous, you have to pay the same price, isn’t that true?”

She enlightened the other party step by step.

There was no criticism at all, but he explained the matter bit by bit to this impulsive friend.

"Why did I say you asked them to investigate? It's very simple. You believe Wang Xiaoben is a good girl, right?"


"Then you let them investigate. What if they can turn it upside down? You are not afraid of the shadows. Besides, this thing can work. Do you know what I mean? The entertainment industry wants to do something every year , there are countless newcomers who have made themselves come out of the soil.

Do you know how many people dream of Wang Xiaoben’s popularity?

Regarding this matter, when I return to China, I will have 10,000 ways to turn their scrutiny of Wang Xiaoben into her own hidden enthusiasm. The opportunity that no one can ask for is right in front of her. I don’t understand why you are so impulsive in firing the map cannon~"

"Uh...I just..."


Seeing that the eldest young master was a little embarrassed, Yang Mi didn't force him to admit his mistake or anything.

Instead he continued:

"So, the best way for you to support Wang Xiaoben at this stage is not to argue with others. You have to remember one sentence, true gold is not afraid of fire. If you really believe in Wang Xiaoben, you don't need to worry about it at all. Those people's criticism of Wang Xiaoben. Where are you now? When it was discovered that Xu Xin was a second-generation coal worker, how many people still called me a sugar daddy? Do you think I care?"

"...Okay, I understand."

After the fire in his heart was calmed down little by little by his friends, Wang Sicong, who had completely calmed down, responded:

"Then I'll just ignore them. To put it bluntly, many people are just jealous! Damn it, just show them!"

"Yeah that's right."

Yang Mi responded, but suddenly the conversation changed:

"But... everything I said is based on the same foundation."


"Don't blame me for talking too much, but I still want to say that only real gold is not afraid of fire. I believe you, and you believe Wang Xiaoben. And in this matter, in order to prevent you two from distrusting each other... I I think you still need to get to know her in depth. Otherwise, if some netizens spread rumors, it will easily sow the seeds of rift between you two."


Wang Sicong fell silent again.

Yang Mi continued:

"Also, let me be more polite. If she is really your crush, then do you have to consider Uncle Wang's thoughts? If you two really get together, no matter what happens to you two, in the eyes of outsiders, She really married into a rich family... You can understand what I mean if you think about me and Xu Xin. It only takes one mouth to spread rumors, but if you have an in-depth understanding, you can be sure that your relationship is clean. Then there won’t be any problems at home, do you understand what I mean?”

Wang Sicong did not answer directly, but asked:

"You mean...she can also have the kind of relationship you have with Uncle Xu?"

"Why not? She is a good girl who knows how to run a house, knows how to take care of you, and she truly loves you... What father-in-law wouldn't like such a daughter-in-law? If you really like her, you should consider the future of both of you. Otherwise, This incident can easily become a thorn in the side of the family. As the lubricant in the middle, you must deal with it."

"...Then what do you think I should do?"

"What I mean is very simple. First, don't add fuel to the fire and complicate simple things. Just like today, if a map cannon is fired, some people will definitely feel uncomfortable. Second... …Does she know about this now?”

"...I already know it. Delete all her posts on Tianya."


Yang Mi was stunned and her eyes narrowed.

"Then protect her. At this time, she will feel that all the malice in the world is coming towards her. As your boyfriend, you must protect her from harm."

"Well, what then?"

As Wang Sicong said, he had already stood up.

"Thirdly... Xu Xin knows people from Meikong. If you agree...let him go and find out? I also know a lot of people from Ruili, so I'd like to ask around. No worries, no matter how stormy it is outside, With you protecting her, she doesn't have to fear anything. How about it?"


Wang Sicong was silent for a while, and then said:

"Okay. But as long as we are the only ones who know about this... I won't tell her."

"Isn't this nonsense? If you say it, you are making yourself uncomfortable... Then let's say it like this, how about you? Take care of yourself and protect her these two days, and I will give you news about other matters when the time comes, how about? "


Wang Sicong responded.

"Then I'll hang up..."

"No, Dami..."



"It's okay. I'll settle the matter if you hang up on me when I return home. Just let me punch you twice."


"Hehe, I'm dead~"


The phone hangs up.

But Yang Mi's expression was not as relaxed as when she was talking to him on the phone.

Because...she smelled a bad smell.

Call it instinct or speak from experience, when this girl is stuck in the middle of "The Voice" to try to catch Yang Ying's popularity...

Even though she had never met the other party, Yang Mi still smelled something unusual.

She didn't know if it was an illusion.

But it was this instinct that gradually extended her mood from comforting Wang Sicong to wanting to help Wang Sicong feel the bottom of this girl.

There is no other reason.

Nip problems in the bud.

Wang Sicong is her friend.

If others are up to no good... I'm sorry.

Let’s talk about it after we pass this level of our own.

So, she turned to Sun Ting and asked:

"Did you find it?"

"found it."

Sun Ting directly handed over her mobile phone.

Yang Mi started to turn over...

After reading this extremely popular post for a while and understanding the general content, she heard Sun Ting quietly ask:

"Sister, should I contact the people in Ruili?"

"No need."

Yang Mi said the opposite words to Wang Sicong when she called her.

"If there is really any problem with the cover girl runner-up chosen by Ruili herself, they won't say anything. Otherwise, will they also be embarrassed?"

Understanding what Sister Mi meant, Sun Ting immediately drew inferences:

"If you want to put it this way...the Hu Guangna that Brother Xu knows..."

"It's the same principle."

Yang Mi sighed in distress:

"Even if Hu Guang knows something, he won't tell us. Otherwise... if his people put such a big deal on your brother Xu's friend, what will happen to our relationship in the future?"

"...What should we do?"

"What do you mean?"


Sun Ting was stunned for a moment, and a trace of doubt gradually appeared in her eyes.

At this time, Xu Xin had also finished putting on makeup, holding a leaf and preparing to start shooting.

Yang Mi stood under the parasol held by Sun Ting, looked at her handsome husband, and spoke calmly:

"The reason why I say this is that on the one hand, I am indeed wary of this girl I have never met. But it doesn't mean that I think she is so bad...even if her purpose is not pure, so what? ? Lao Wang likes her, and I won’t say anything just because of this."

"Then why do you still..."

"Still interfering?"


"The reason is very simple. Tingting, who else can protect him except me?"

Yang Mi sighed:

"That's the Internet, not reality. He's just one person, what about others? A large group of people holding keyboards in their hands, separated by network cables, can attack him arbitrarily without any identity gap.

He is so obsessed with saving face, how can he really go offline and play real games with others?

Wouldn't that be more embarrassing?

I can't say it for sure. How could he speak with one mouth to thousands of others? I can't explain it, I feel uncomfortable, and if these two people are really destined, if this kind of thing affects their relationship, he will also be hurt.

I don't have the habit of making my friends the butt of jokes.

Therefore, due to emotions and reasons, I have to calm him down on this matter... If I don't protect him and let him go online with others, and end up losing face and making me feel angry, then I still What do you call a friend? "

After hearing this reason, Sun Ting finally understood her sister's thoughts.

To put it bluntly, this matter has nothing to do with Wang Ying.

What I'm doing is just to make Brother Cong stop in time and stop moving forward in this situation where he will inevitably suffer the consequences.


If Wang Ying can really dig out dirty information, it will be Brother Cong who is embarrassed.

Unable to dig out any dirt, he was ridiculed by thousands of mouths, and it was Brother Cong who felt uncomfortable.

In this matter, if he continues, he is destined to not get anything he wants.

The one Brother Cong wants to protect is Wang Ying.

But the one my sister wants to protect...is him.

Just like what my sister said:

"I'm not in the habit of letting my friends become the butt of jokes."

So, she nodded:

"Indeed, no matter how this matter turns out in the end, it is definitely better to die at home behind closed doors than to be ridiculed by a group of people."

"That's right."

Yang Mi responded, but her brows still didn't loosen.

After thinking for a while, she said:

"If you want to ask about this, you can only ask Naza. This place in Meikong...is indeed a mixed place."

"Her words..."

Sun Ting thought about it and said:

"I do know some people, but with so many people in the US and Air Force, not everyone knows Wang Ying."

"There is no airtight wall in the world. Things that have not been done will definitely not make any splash. But as long as things have been done, they will definitely leave traces. Where women gather together, there will be a lot of right and wrong. You let her put those so-called I’ll give you the contact information of my eldest sister, you just need to ask around in my name.”

"If I ask something..."

After hearing this, the woman who had always been looking at her brother said calmly:

"Give me some money and let them keep their mouths shut."

Sun Ting nodded:


After agreeing, Sun Ting did not make any other move. Instead, she held up her umbrella and waited until Brother Xu finally completed the "One Leaf Knows Autumn" photo.

When Sister Mi and Brother Xu started to change into the next group of clothes, she stepped aside with her cell phone and dialed Nazha's number from across the country.

"Didi didi!~"

In the dormitory, Yang Zi was sitting on the bed watching a drama with his laptop. After hearing the QQ prompt, he exited the full screen of the movie and opened QQ.

A message from Zhang Yishan.

"Have you slept?"

"No, I'm watching a show."

"What are you looking at?"

""The Power of Evil""

"Xiao Ka will be promoted for life!"

"Fart! Dean pushes for life!"

"Tsk, vulgar."

"What do you want from me?"

"On October 5th, there will be a media preview of "Bruce Lee, My Brother" in Yanjing. Are you going? The investors, Director Ye, and the literary director are all there."

Seeing this message, Yang Zi quickly replied:


Then I saw a message:

"Are you taking Nazha with you?"


Yang Zi replied with three points and turned to look at the other side.

The bed opposite was empty.

But in the lower bunk, Nazha was facing away from her, burying her head in the thick pile of books on the table. At the same time, a video of a drama performance was playing silently on the laptop screen next to her.

Nazha, on the other hand, wears headphones, occasionally reads a book, and occasionally looks at the screen.

Then press the space button and write something in the notebook.

Seeing this, she took the mobile phone connected to the data cable, took a photo directly, transferred it to the computer, and sent it back to Zhang Yishan.

"? She hasn't gone to bed yet? Then why didn't she reply when I sent her a message?"

"She's watching Sunrise."

"Cao Yu's one?"

"Yes. Nazha has entered the "ZONE". Isn't it normal not to reply to your message?"

After sending this message, she suddenly realized something was wrong, a speechless look appeared on her face, and she typed:

"Wait a moment. Did you come to me after you asked her and she didn't reply to you?"

"……No ah."

"Okay, then I'll go check out Nazha's QQ."




Zhang Yishan expressed his urgent mood by saying "goodbye" three times in a row, and then said:

"You two are in the same dormitory, isn't asking her the same thing as asking you?"

"Get out of here, you definitely asked her first. She didn't reply to you, so you asked me! Pervert, please go to hell."

"I'll treat you to dinner later. Please help me ask her if she's going... And her desk lamp looks so dim. It'll hurt your eyes. Give me your dormitory house number and I'll buy a better desk lamp. give her……"

"And you! I'll give one to each of you."


Yang Zi's nose was almost crooked with anger.

This is lazy...

Fortunately, we have known each other since childhood... Why haven't I seen you treat me so well in all these years?

"My 32GB IPHONE 4 is stuck. I want to change it to a 64GB one."

"Damn it! Don't go too far!"

"Forget it, I'm going to bed, bye."

"...Buy it! As long as you can help me date Naza, I will buy it for you!"

"That's pretty much it."

Yang Zi shouted to Nazha with satisfaction:



Wearing anti-blue light rimless glasses on her face, the girl who looked elegant but uniquely charming turned her head:

"What's the matter?"


"Jingle Bell……"

A phone ringing suddenly interrupted Yang Zi's words.

Nazha looked down and quickly stood up:

"I'll take a call."

She took off her earphones, held up the phone and walked out quickly:

"Hey, sister..."

Seeing this, Yang Zi helplessly replied to his notebook:

"She answered the phone and went out. I'll give you news later."

"The phone call? Who is it? Who is calling so late? A man or a woman? She has another suitor? Who is she this time? How old is she?"

The corner of Yang Zi's mouth twitched...

He sighed helplessly.

These men... are poisonous, right?

Why do everyone have this kind of virtue?

She unconsciously looked towards the corner between the two of them.

There is a bag in the corner filled with dried rose petals.

This was given by Nazha's suitors in less than a month from the beginning of school to now.

Nazha, who collected these flowers, did not waste them. After tearing off the petals, they dried the petals on their balcony with excellent lighting and dried them to collect them.

According to her:

"These flowers are very expensive. They are other people's wishes. If I don't accept the flowers, the person who sent them will be sad. But in order to avoid causing trouble to them, I will send these dried petals back to them during the holidays and put them at home as sachets." Come use it.”

Just outrageous.

However, it is true that the dormitory is getting more and more fragrant.

And Nazha has never revealed her intention to fall in love.

On the contrary, from Yang Zi's perspective, she lived like a high school student.

Have you ever seen any college student who gets up on time to wash up at five o'clock in the morning, goes for a run on the playground at six o'clock, and practices his lines in front of the open space with newspapers and magazines at six-thirty?

Have you ever seen any college students who never missed a class? When they returned to the dormitory, they either read books about acting and directing theory, or studied various drama performances, and then kept writing their thoughts and summaries?

This life is worse than that of a senior high school student.

At this rate... Nazha's scholarship should be gone this year.

And when she was running... My dear, those suitors had warm milk in their arms and breakfast in their hands. They wished they could take a few licks of Nazha's every drop of sweat...

Don't talk about whether she is beautiful or not, just think about how popular she is.

A winner in life.

Let yourself, a relatively famous person, become a winner in life with green leaves...

As a member of the "dog licking brigade", Zhang Yishan's doglike virtues...

It’s really hopeless.

She quickly replied:

"It's her sister."

"Then... you can tell me when she comes back later. It's almost 11 o'clock, and I want to chat with her for a while."

"I guess it will be difficult tonight."

Yang Zi looked at the time in the lower right corner of the screen:

"The top self-disciplined lady hasn't washed her face and brushed her teeth yet. She will probably go straight to the water room after hanging up the phone. When she comes back, she will apply something and then go to bed. Don't even think about chatting, but I can help you tomorrow morning. How about choosing an outfit for her that you like to see?"

"That's it! Just the pure black one, I like that one the best. But remember to let her wear thicker clothes tomorrow. Tomorrow is cloudy and the temperature has dropped a bit. It's cold when she wakes up in the morning. Don't catch a cold. ... Just say I asked you to convey it."

Yang Zi curled his lips:


"Well, be sure to remember to bring her here with you. The investors and Director Ye will all be here that day. It's a good opportunity to expand your network."

Seeing this, Yang Zi simply rolled his eyes.

I said in my heart that people asked Director Xu to call me brother, and asked Yang Mi to call me sister. Can I use you to expand my network of contacts?

It's just...she promised Nazha that this was a secret.

She won't tell anyone.

So he replied:


"Be sure to let her wear more clothes so she doesn't catch a cold!"


Yang Zi didn't reply.

Zhang Yishan...


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