Chapter 589 587. "Steel's Piano"

About the movie?

Xu Xin became interested.

The reason why he has a deep memory of Zhang Meng is because he has watched the movie "Blessed Ears".

To be precise, the first half of "Blessed Ears".

As a native of the northwest, he actually has no particularly deep feelings for railways.

Although Shenmu also has a train station, that line is a small station heading to Inner Mongolia, and he is not from Shenmu County. Even after his family became prosperous and began to use trains to transport coal, he never went there much.

Therefore, he cannot empathize with the series of experiences of the protagonist played by Fan Wei in the movie "Ear".

To put it bluntly, in his eyes, what he was looking for in that movie was not the so-called "memory", but the artistry.

What he looks at is the director’s sense of camera.

But he didn't particularly understand the overall rhythm and historical background of the movie.

This is also a geographical flaw of his generation of directors, or a symbol of the times.

So I only watched half of the movie, and the part of the plot that left a deep impression on me was the line "Drink wine for Xinwen Lianbo, drink a bottle for news inside, and drink a bottle for news outside."

But he still liked the overall rhythm of the movie.

That kind of person, in his twilight years, refuses to accept old age but has no choice but to grow old. It just so happens that this person is a "loser" who has worked on the railway all his life and cannot adapt to society. The feeling is clearly reflected.

In the second half, he seemed to have been asked by his sister to warm the bed... or something else.

Anyway, I didn’t finish it.

But the overall rhythm is still very mature.

It is a movie that can make people calm down and watch it.

A director who can derive this kind of rhythm may not have a keen camera sense or any overly exaggerated skills. But he still likes the solid basic skills.

So he nodded:

"Tell me...where is he now?"

"Waiting for us at a chicken rack shop in Tiexi..."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Now I understood why Shen Xiaoyang wanted to drag him to the chicken stand.

However, he was indeed tired.

A drink at noon today made him feel a little depressed.


Recalling Shen Xiaoyang's enthusiasm all day today, he slapped his thigh:

"Then let's go there quickly, don't make people wait too long."

Shen Xiaoyang looked happy.

Shen Xiaoyang drove the car himself, pulling Xu Xin and Su Meng to an unknown place.

Xu Xin was sitting in the passenger seat, chatting with Shen Xiaoyang:

"Director Zhang is looking for me...what exactly is it about?"

"It's just about the movie. He actually didn't know you were here, Director Xu. I didn't tell him either... He suddenly sent me a message when we were watching the show. He said it was to watch the news. You went to Liu Laogen. . I want to get to know you about the movie... We have a very good relationship, and we know his temper. He is the kind of person who is very responsible and doesn't particularly like to trouble others. If he can solve it by himself, he will definitely I can’t open my mouth. But as long as I open my mouth, I really have no choice... so..."


Xu Xin nodded:

"Then let's go take a look. By the way, where are we going?"

"Qunle Hotel."

" this time?"

Xu Xin glanced at the time.

It's already early ten o'clock.

Shen Xiaoyang said with a smile:

"His house closes late, and there are many drunkards eating chicken racks at night. So we work until the early morning."

Following his description, Xu Xin thought that this Qunle Hotel must be a big restaurant like Lu Mingchun.

Unexpectedly... Cayenne came all the way to a family building that looked very old and very old.

" this?"


Shen Xiaoyang pointed to a brightly lit place far down the street.

Xu Xin took a look... and found that the store seemed to be converted from the first floor of a residential building.


"Yes, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with the taste."

Now, Xu Xin was really curious.

Follow Shen Xiaoyang all the way to the lighted place, and then see the four words "Qunle Hotel".

Shen Xiaoyang opened the door himself:

"Director Xu, please."

"Haha, let's go~"

As soon as Xu Xin entered the house, he immediately smelled the smell of smoke and a strange fragrance.

A lady with her head tied up stood up from behind the small bar:

"Three people?"

"Pack 1."

After Shen Xiaoyang finished speaking, he didn't need the eldest sister to guide him. He bypassed several tables of diners and opened the door of the private room that was converted from a bedroom.

Then Xu Xin saw a man in his early thirties wearing a baseball cap standing up.

Look at Shen Xiaoyang first, then Xu Xin, then stand up and take off your hat.


Shen Xiaoyang smiled and said hello, then stepped aside:

"Director Xu, he is Zhang Meng."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Director Zhang. I've been waiting for a long time."

"Hey, hello, Director Xu. Nice to meet you!"

Without saying a word, Zhang Meng stepped forward and held Xu Xin's hand with both hands.

Zhang Meng is slightly chubby, has a dangerous hairline, and wears glasses... This look looks a bit sloppy.

But the smile is warm.

After everyone got to know each other, they quickly handed over the menu:

"Director Xu, look at what we are eating..."

"The guest is the host. I don't know anything. Director Zhang and Brother Yang can come."

After hearing this, Shen Xiaoyang simply took over the responsibility of ordering food, leaving space for the two of them to chat.

And Xu Xin doesn’t have any ink.

In fact, although he doesn't dislike the so-called official clichés, usually he will rack his brains to talk to him.

Against even odds or against odds, he prefers to get straight to the point.

Whether this meal can be enjoyed safely depends on what Zhang Meng wants to do with him.

So, he held the tea cup and asked with a smile:

"When I came here, I heard from Brother Yang that Director Zhang wanted to see me about some movie-related matters? What's the matter?"

As he spoke, he smelled the tea in the cup.

Jasmine smells quite fragrant.

Zhang Meng was a little stunned.

It seemed that Xu Xin was not expected to be so direct.

He glanced at Shen Xiaoyang subconsciously.

Shen Xiaoyang was writing the menu without looking up at all.

Seeing this, he thought for a while and said:

"It's like this... Director Xu, I just finished filming a movie called "The Piano of Steel". It's a movie starring Wang Qianyuan and Qin Hailu."

Wang Qianyuan, Qin Hailu...

Hearing these two names, the actor Xu Xin in front of him didn't have much impression, but he definitely knew about Qin Hailu.

The protagonist of the most popular drama "Red Rose, White Rose" in the past two years.

In my impression, her "Durian Piao Piao" was also pretty good.

But he didn't like that movie theme that much.

I always feel that there is a lot of prejudice among Hong Kong people against mainlanders.

But... to be honest, these two are not celebrities at the film festival.

Appealing power is equal to 0.

But he didn't show it either. After all, it was impossible for him to have any fondness or dislike for two people he had never met.

Just nod:

"Well, what next? Is the film finished?"

"The filming has been completed... and it has been sent to the Tokyo Film Festival."

"That's okay."

Xu Xin said it was more like a compliment than a compliment.

After all, the Tokyo Film Festival has not released this year’s shortlist yet.

"Hawthorn Tree" received an invitation from Li Pingdong and was listed as a surprise film recommended by this year's judges, but it was not eligible to participate in the award competition.

Submission for review does not mean finalist.

This is the essential difference.

However, he was even more curious...

When a film is submitted for review, it means it has been filmed.

What else are you going to do with yourself after the filming is over?

At first, he thought the other party was trying to attract investment.

But it doesn't look like that now.

Zhang Meng nodded:

"Yes...just...all have been made."


Xu Xin continued to listen.

But the other party got stuck.

He was left speechless...

Looking at the other party's hesitant expression, he thought for a moment and picked up the tea cup with a smile:

"It's okay, Director Zhang. You also know my relationship with Brother Yang. His friends are my friends. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

Shen Xiaoyang finally got a chance to speak. He quickly raised his head and said:

"Yes, just say what you have to say."

After that, he got up and went to deliver the menu outside the house.

After Zhang Meng heard this, he took a deep breath...

"Huh... Director Xu."


"I don't have any money for distribution."


Hearing this reason, Xu Xin looked at his face that was turning red visibly, and thought to himself that this person was quite thin-skinned.

But my heart felt at ease.

He was actually quite scared, afraid that the other party would suddenly say something like, "This film has not passed censorship."

Then he must be as far away as his thoughts are.

Because he really has a headache with directors who go against censorship.

Just like "Jiabiangou".

But now listen to this reason...

Isn't it just money?

On the contrary, it is easier to solve.

So he asked:

"Which company invested in this film? How much did it cost? Director Zhang didn't keep any distribution fees?"

"Liao Ying."

"Well……" really not a big movie studio.

Compared with Lao Liuda, Liao Ying can almost be said to be the younger brother among younger brothers.

There are only a few works that can be used.

It has basically no sense of existence in the history of Chinese cinema.

It’s not that it hasn’t had its glory days, it’s just that its glory days in the 1980s were the era when Xi Film Studio dominated the sky.

The dazzling light of Xi Film Studio shines across the land, and all film studios are eclipsed.

But it is indeed a state-run film studio.

Hearing this investor, Xu Xin felt more at ease.

Regardless of the size of the state-owned factory, it must have a very clear grasp of the context of the work. As long as they invest, it means that the work will not be anything out of the ordinary.

So he nodded:

"Well, how much was invested?"

"Only five million. I was very reluctant...I finished filming. Even some places are still very sloppy. But I really have no money...Liaoying Film Studio can't approve the distribution and publicity expenses. So...I I actually want to ask you if... Xiying Film Studio can take over..."


After understanding what Zhang Meng wanted to do with him, Xu Xin did not agree directly.

In fact, publishing this kind of thing is just a matter of his words.

No matter what kind of film it is, as long as you ask for it in the factory, it will definitely be released.

As for the theater chain, let’s not mention other theater chains.

Wanda herself said that the film will definitely go to theaters.

For him, it couldn't be easier.

But this is the ecology of the film and television industry.

As a director, he is unparalleled in terms of distribution and cinema.

But for some directors, whether they want to attract investment or find a reliable company to distribute their films, they have to ask their grandparents to appeal to those distributors and investors.

Not to mention going to theaters.

Every year, there are so many movies across the country lining up to compete with Hollywood and compete with their domestic counterparts.

Why should a movie like yours, with an actor with no reputation or appeal, be released?

Although there is no denying that content determines everything in movies, this is the current trend in theaters.

Rather than the content, everyone pays more attention to which star is participating in the movie and whether the star has appeal.

But this situation does not exist in front of Xu Xin.

Zhang Meng's request was just a matter of words to him.

The premise is...

"Where's the film? Did you bring it?"

"Take it, take it!"

When Zhang Meng heard this, he quickly picked up the briefcase from the chair next to him and took out a USB flash drive, a CD, and a thick set of information.

"This is the electronic version, the VCD, the movie footage, the's all here."

Obviously, he came prepared.

Xu Xin took the information first.

He was not in a hurry to read the script, but wanted to see Zhang Meng's scenes.

Then a picture... of several human silhouettes standing on the top of a hill, with a towering chimney in the middle came into view.


The corner of his mouth twitched.

Honestly, it's really ugly.

It's really ugly.

The shots he drew with his toes were better than those of Zhang Meng.

But things like split shots also vary from person to person.

To be more realistic, it only needs to be "understood by the director".

After flipping through a few pages, he picked up the script.

Act 1:

A group of people sang "Three Troikas" on top of an old man's white clothes.

I sang just a few words when someone interrupted me. I thought the song was too heavy and I was afraid that the old man would walk slowly, so I wanted to change it to something more cheerful.

The foreman nodded and bowed, and led the band class to a cheerful song with a flattering look on his face.

(Background: Industrial cooling tower)

Act 2:…

No one spoke in the private room. It was not until several plates of chicken racks were brought out and the aroma was smelled that Xu Xin took his eyes away from the script.

He hasn't read the script yet, but he understands the overall direction of the story.

The protagonist of the story, Chen Jialin, wants to build a piano for his daughter Xiaoyuan.

The entire story revolves around this core theme.


"Isn't the script a little empty? I see that many of your stories don't use dialogue lines, and there's no background or anything like that...Which screenwriter did this?"

He put down the script and asked his first doubt.

"I wrote and directed it myself."

Zhang Meng said quickly.

Xu Xin understood.

I see……

I wrote the book myself. I obviously knew the basic direction of the story, what happened, and the environment in which it should be shot.

That's why the whole script seems so "rushed".

However, he still likes this kind of traditional script that revolves around a story theme.

When he was in school, Teacher Yu once said that one of the core ideas in script creation is: what you say is meaningful, what you say is orderly, what you say makes sense, and what you say is emotional.

Every shot in the movie has to have meaning.

In other words, the director must understand the meaning of every shot in his work.

Although he also accepts some very abstract concepts to be given to movies.

But I still like this old-fashioned script style.

If abstract things are not used properly, they can easily turn into artificial nonsense.

So he closed the script and said:

"Then I'll take the movie back tonight and watch it? Let's see how the quality is first. There will definitely be no problem with the distribution work at the factory, but everything still depends on how the movie goes. If there is no problem with the movie, I will just go back after I go back this time. In the factory, Director Zhang can just go to the factory with me then, how about that?"

Zhang Meng looked happy and nodded quickly:

"Okay, okay, no problem!"

As he spoke, he asked tentatively:

"Then... Director Xu, the general distribution ratio of Xiying Studio is..."

"Similar to other companies, it depends on the publicity and distribution expenses. You can weigh it yourself at that time. But the guarantee I can give you is that as long as there are no problems with the film and the studio takes over the distribution work, you will be guaranteed to be on the market. Wanda Cinema Line.”

At first glance, this seems like nonsense. After all, the distribution company has taken over your job, so how could it not be released in theaters?

But this is really the case.

There are countless distribution companies in the film and television industry.

Most of the so-called distribution is actually selling to some online platforms.

Fortunately, small companies could still rely on the disc market to survive. But now with the rise of the Internet, they can only distribute it through websites.

The distribution companies that are really related to theater chains are all companies with a certain size.

And these companies are also divided into three, six or nine levels.

It depends on how strong the theater relationship is, or the quality of the film.

Therefore, Xu Xin could give him a guarantee of being admitted to the largest theater chain in China. For a movie with an investment of only 5 million...

As long as the publicity is in place, if the five million becomes a hit, a large amount of money will be paid into the account, and it will be just a matter of making money.

Movies are such a hugely profitable industry.

Looking at Zhang Meng's happy expression, Xu Xin became a little curious:

"Don't Liaoying have its own distributor?"

"Yes...but I don't have much say."

Zhang Meng shook his head slightly:

"Let alone Liaoying now, the Changchun factory is almost unsustainable. After all...not all factories have you like Xiying..."

He also praised Xu Xin.

Xu Xin smiled, and Shen Xiaoyang saw that the two of them had reached an agreement and quickly cheered up the atmosphere:

"Director Xu, let's use chopsticks, shall we? This chicken won't taste good if it's cold."

"Okay, okay. Come on, let's talk while eating...I'll have a taste."

He picked up a piece of chicken... which should be leg meat.

I don’t know what happened to the chicken rack, but it turned black.

He brought it close to his nose and smelled it, and a smell of vinegar entered his nasal cavity.

"...sweet and sour?"

He took a bite.

After tasting it for a while... he turned around and said to Su Meng:

"Mengmeng, I want a few bottles of beer. This thing is good!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Shen Xiaoyang laughed out loud when he heard this.

Obviously, Xu Xin's satisfaction made him look very proud.

So he simply stood up and walked to the door without using Su Meng:

"Sister, get two bottles of beer!"

Not to mention, the chicken rack tastes really good.

It's not the kind of thing you can eat with.

The meat itself has been removed. As a product of Shenyang's economic downturn and the increase in laid-off workers, it is like the city...or the lonely history of Tiexi District, with a very chronological mark. It has become a taste that penetrates into the soul of every Shenyang person.

For Xu Xin, this sweet and sour taste has no meat, but it requires a little bit of finesse to pick out the flavor in the gaps between the bones...

It’s perfect for drinking.

Not to mention that this restaurant’s dishes such as pork slices, eggplant sticks, and Japanese tofu are all pretty good.

I got drunk at noon, and drank a few bottles of beer to refresh myself in the evening. It was quite comfortable to drink the rejuvenating wine.

After a late-night snack, it was almost 12 o'clock. There were a bunch of chicken skeletons on the table, and Xu Xin, whose mouth was full of oil, started to eat Cayenne again.

The driver was changed to Su Meng.

Xu Xin and Zhang Meng left their contact numbers and left with the USB flash drive and CD.

All the way back to the villa, he didn't agree. Although he drank a few bottles of beer, Shen Xiaoyang, who had nothing to do, drove away by himself and insisted that Su Meng see him off.

After Su Meng left, he returned to the villa and put the CD in the DVD player under the TV.

Soon, a very symmetrical picture appeared on the screen.

Wang Qianyuan and another girl are standing in a steel factory shed, and the conversation scene comes into view.

He nodded slightly.

It's okay, this shot... feels a lot better than in "Blessed with Big Ears".

He lit a cigarette.

At around 12:30, after Su Meng sent Shen Xiaoyang home, she took a taxi back.

After entering the house, she looked at Xu Xin who was sitting on the sofa watching a movie and said:

"Brother Xu, I'm back."

"Well, sent back?"

"Sent it back and the car is parked."


Xu Xin responded and continued to stare at the TV intently.

Finally, at around 1 o'clock, he finished reading.

After reading it, he unconsciously thought of a phrase in the English book he had recently started reading.

“agreeable melancholy”

Delightful sadness.

"Is this the mark of the workers' times?"

He muttered to himself as he looked at the movie's credits.

After thinking about it, he turned off the TV, exited the DVD, and then returned directly to the bedroom with his notebook.

Sitting at the table, he found the online playback resource of "Blessed Ears" and started watching it.

Maybe it was because of the alcohol that he wasn't sleepy.

By the time I finished watching "Blessed Ears", it was already 3 o'clock.

Then, he plugged in the USB flash drive given by Zhang Meng and spent more than half an hour watching "The Piano of Steel" again by occasionally fast forwarding.

The stylistic progress is obvious.

The film is like an onion.

It can withstand being peeled off layer by layer.

On the surface it is a story about building a piano for a little girl.

The second layer reflects the... confusion and desire to return to the hearts of these workers, who are the blood of the eldest son of the Republic, after adapting to the times.

The core of this aspect is similar to "Blessed Ears".

As for the third level, he wanted to express some issues at the class level.

It happened to be collected very well.

It gives everyone space for their own imagination, but does not overly influence the reading experience or influence other people's emotions through their own subjective consciousness...

At around three o'clock in the morning, he sat in front of the computer, watching various scenes in the film that used cut shots to express opposites...

Lighted a cigarette.

After he finished smoking a cigarette, he picked up his nearly dead mobile phone and sent a message to Zhang Meng and Qi Lei respectively.

Zhang Meng:

"Director Zhang, the film is pretty good. I'm going back to Yanjing tomorrow. Let's meet in Xi'an the day after tomorrow, right?"

Qi Lei:

"Brother Qi, there is a good movie! It is directed by the director of "Blessed Ears", starring Wang Qianyuan and Qin Hailu. You can understand the situation of these three people. If you can absorb it, you can't go wrong! I will go back to Xi'an the day after tomorrow, and I will show the movie first I sent you the cloud disk to take a look at!"

After sending it, he directly compressed the "Gang Piano" in the USB flash drive into a file, gave it a vague name "GDQ", and started uploading it to the network disk.

It took a long time to upload, so he didn't wait stupidly.

I took a shower, lay down on the bed, and went to sleep.

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