I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 590 588 Scripts gather together

Chapter 590 588. Scripts gathered together

October 4th.

The National Day holiday has begun to enter its final stage.

The Internet is full of news about traffic jams and crowds of people.

Xu Xin has arrived in Xi'an quietly.

To be honest, he feels that he has been extremely busy this year.

The non-stop kind...

But I was so busy that I never figured out what I was busy with.

Made a movie.

Filming started at the beginning of the year, but it wasn’t released until the end of the year.

I made a documentary, but all the people under my command went to shoot the film, leaving him as the chief director alone.

We organized a film festival, but no one was retained, so we had to start from scratch.

He made The Voice, but since The Voice started airing, he was so busy that he hit the back of his head and didn’t even watch a few episodes.

Then I took some wedding photos, but the time spent taking photos was less than the time spent traveling back and forth.

I originally planned to make one movie a year.

As a result, he was tied up in a car by a group of people, who threatened to take off his pants and forced him to be cast in a second movie.

But the second movie hasn’t been shot yet, so I went to Shenyang and brought back a movie made by someone else...

Think about the past and look at the present.

He rises and falls.

I feel like I have been extremely busy this year...but I don’t know what I am busy with every day.

The only good thing may be the growth of the two little guys...

Children are indeed getting older every day.

This was the most real thing he felt.

But apart from these... there seems to be nothing else?

Thinking of this and looking at the scenery speeding along the road, he couldn't help but ask Su Meng:

"Mengmeng. What do you think of this year?"


Su Meng looked confused and didn't understand why Brother Xu suddenly asked about this.

But after thinking about it...

"It's pretty good. Every day is very busy and fulfilling..."

"Then the question is, what are you busy with every day?"


Su Meng's expression became strange.

Xin said you are so embarrassed to ask.

What else am I busy with... just busy! What else can you be busy with?

But after thinking about it along this line of thinking, she suddenly realized that...she didn't seem to be busy with anything.

The most common thing I do every day is to run around with Brother Xu, and not much else.

But I dare not say this.

Her monthly salary is less than 10,000 yuan.

This is not counting the red envelopes or benefits that Brother Xu usually gives...

And Xu Xin didn't expect her to answer anything.

After asking Su Meng, she muttered to herself:

"I won't worry about anything next year. It's too tiring..."

Men, that's it.

No matter how tired you are, you have to hold on.

When he arrived at Xiying Studio, he got off the car, sent Su Meng away, and went straight to Qi Lei's office.

The other party had already boiled water and made tea waiting for him.

Seeing Xu Xin entering the room, Qi Lei smiled and waved:


As he spoke, he began to play with the tea set in his office.

Then I heard Xu Xin, who was sitting on the sofa, let out a long, long cry.

Qi Lei was puzzled for a while:

"What's wrong? You look very tired. You didn't go home and came directly from Shenyang?"

"I'm back. I've been resting at home for a day."

Xu Xin lit a cigarette, threw the cigarette case on the table, and leaned on the sofa with a limp expression:

"I feel like this year has been very stressful. I feel like I'm busy every day, but it's already October 1st, and I don't seem to have accomplished much."


Qi Leile was delighted:

"Not to mention anything else, just the best director in Venice is enough to feed many people for a lifetime. You must be tired from all the hard work during this period... It just so happens that there is nothing much to do these days, so take a good rest here. sky."


Xu Xin responded and asked directly:

"Have you watched "The Piano of Steel"?"

"Look, it's very good."

Qi Lei directly gave his evaluation.

"I watched it with Mr. Tian and others. After all, as soon as you said the movie was very good, everyone became interested. However, the movie obviously became rough in the later stages. Not to mention anything else, just the soundtrack. It just seems very monotonous. If it can be changed, it might be better."

"It's just an investment of five million, five million in total. It's quite good to be able to achieve this."

"That's true. That's why I plan to talk about it this time when he comes. We will pay for the publicity fee. If he is not satisfied with the later stage, we can also pay for the renovation. Just treat it as an investment. What do you think?"


Xu Xin responded:

"The remuneration will be calculated according to the proportion at that time. What about Qin Hailu and Wang Qianyuan? Do you understand clearly?"


Qi Lei stood up and took two pieces of information from the desk.

"Wang Qianyuan is actually nothing. I won't talk about his acting skills as a young actor, but in the industry...he is actually almost a transparent person. But he does rely on his acting skills. I asked people who have worked with him yesterday People have very good comments about him. The trouble is that she..."

After pushing Qin Hailu's information to Xu Xin, Qi Lei said:

"Have you seen "Durian Piao Piao"?"

"I saw it when I was a kid, but I didn't like it."


Qi Lei's mouth twitched.

A movie that won the Venice Golden Lion was rated as "disliked" by someone like you who won the Silver Lion...

It's really powerful.

Xu Xin was also very straightforward. Looking at Qi Lei's speechless expression, he said:

"I was only thirteen or fourteen years old at that time, a time when youth was ignorant. When I saw this video, I saw that it was a film about prostitutes who were gold mining in Hong Kong in the Northeast... I thought it was a pornographic film... I was in the mood of watching a pornographic film. After watching the entire movie and not seeing the scene I wanted to see, do you think my evaluation of it can be good?"


well said!

I was speechless.

Qi Lei looked at Xu Xin who was shrugging his shoulders with dumbfounded eyes. After a while, he suppressed his words:

"All right……"

"What's wrong with her? Is she difficult to deal with?"

Xu Xin asked after looking at Qin Hailu's information, especially those awards.

Qi Lei shook his head:

"That's not true. The difficult thing about her is that her status is quite high among the art film directors in Hong Kong and Taiwan. So... she doesn't have to worry about not having any films to film. Moreover, look at the company she signed... "

Xu Xin's eyes fell on the column of contracted companies:

"Yanjing Chunqiuhong Culture and Entertainment"

"People from Beijing Circle?"

"No, there is only one artist in this company, and she is her. And Chunqiuhong's status in the advertising industry is quite high, and big companies such as LV and Shell are its partners. After the boss Liu Yan entered the entertainment industry, he One of the contracted artists is Qin Hailu. These two are boyfriend and girlfriend, and it is said that they have reached the point of discussing marriage."

Hearing this, Xu Xin understood:

"You mean a quasi-rich wife?"

"Yes. So we probably won't be able to win over her. But there should be no problem in maintaining good cooperation. Her audience in the mainland has never been high, and now that the Hong Kong scene is declining, she will definitely have to find other ways out. The premise is that she The premise is that you don’t want to be a husband and raise children, but you are still willing to continue acting..."

Understanding what Qi Lei meant, Xu Xin nodded:

"That's okay too."

In fact, he also knows that what he is doing now is quite contradictory.

In other words, the way Xi Film Studio currently competes for actors and directors is actually no different from that in Beijing.

Everyone divides into circles and plays alone.

Although the Northwest Circle feels that they do not pursue money entirely when making movies, but pay more attention to art and promoting the development of Chinese movies...

But essentially, you can’t have fun without money.

So no one is nobler than anyone else.

But there was nothing they could do, they had no choice.

If you don't fight for it, if the person you hold up is taken away by others, even if the northwest circle doesn't mind, it's still a matter of debate whether people in the other circle will mind.

To put it bluntly, this is an arms race.

You don't have to care, but you can't live without it.

Qin Hailu's background was Xu Xin's favorite.

He has acting skills, strength, and backstage.

No need to bow to anyone.

If everyone could do this, the competitive atmosphere in this circle would become very good.


This is just a fantasy after all.

As long as there are people, everywhere is a world.

There will be disputes.

"Then let's ask Wang Qianyuan what he means. If he is willing to join, he can be considered for my next movie. I think there are several roles in "Sunspot" that are quite suitable for him."

Qi Lei's eyes lit up:

"Already decided? When do you plan to start? This year?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

"Brother, do you think you didn't take what I just said to heart at all? I've already made two movies this year, why don't you let me go?"

"Hahaha, the factory is counting on you to generate income!"

Qi Lei made a joke.

Xu Xin was speechless.

Then, Qi Lei lit a cigarette, held the tea cup and said:

"It's just the right time for you to come back this time. There are a few good books coming out of the Screenwriters Club over at the Art Creation Center. You can just go and read them. If you want to direct them, just keep them. If you don't want to direct them, find someone else. The main thing is to read them. Choose one of those books so we can start shooting."

"How many people have been gathered now?"

"As for screenwriters...there are more than 80 official members alone. There are many others who have reached cooperation...Similarly, the price we offer is also high. It is normal for them to have many people, and each screenwriter is two or three A notebook, three or five notebooks are thrown in here.

Not to mention... these scripts may not have been published by other directors or investors, but in my opinion there are still bright spots. Many of the stories are quite interesting, you can take a good look at them later. Just let me negotiate with Zhang Meng. If the negotiation is successful, you will have the title of producer, so it can be promoted to other parties. "


This kind of thing as a producer is purely to borrow your own name.

After seeing the quality of the film, he was delighted.

After drinking a few pots of tea and a full stomach of water, his phone rang at almost 10:30.

Zhang Meng has arrived at the gate of Xiying Film Studio.

"Director Zhang, this is Qi Lei, Mr. Qi. He is the person in charge of our factory's distribution company. You can just talk about the specific matters. I have something to do at the Art Creation Center over there, so I won't accompany you for now."

As a middleman, after building a bridge between Zhang Meng and Qi Lei, he left Qi Lei's office and walked directly towards the half of the building of Xiying Studio specially opened for the art creation center.

It is said to be a half-section building because it has its own area in a large office building.

In the early years, Xiying Film Factory stood out among the others. The factory area was large and there were many warehouses, buildings and so on.

After being desolate, the use areas of these office buildings began to shrink due to the decline of talents.

Later, after new buildings were built with funds allocated from the state, many of the old buildings were no longer in use.

But now with a second life, these properties left by their predecessors have regained their value.

The Art Creation Center has been transformed into an office area composed of offices of various sizes.

Although the screenwriter and director are not often here, the scripts that have been collected, or the filming plan procedures submitted by the director, etc. are all processed here.

no way.

The place is big.

Just willful.

Not to mention anything else, just for the contract clerk position being created, no one without a graduate degree can get into it.

This is the advantage of state-owned enterprises.

He walked all the way into the office building and found the office with the "Screenwriter's Home" sign on the second floor. He knocked on the door and walked in.

As soon as I entered, a little cleaning girl turned around and said:


Before he finished speaking, another shout rang out in the office:

"Director Xu?!"

Xu Xin turned his head...

A eldest sister who was about 40 years old came over enthusiastically.

Xu Xin felt familiar...

This man seemed to be named Ma, but he forgot his name.

But this is easy to do:

"Sister Ma."

Xu Xin's words made the smile on the elder sister's face become even brighter.

"Director Qi asked me to take a look at the scripts that have recently been screened by the Screenwriters House."

"sure, no problem."

Sister Ma quickly responded and said:

"Where should Director Xu watch? The director's house? Or his own office?"


"There are quite a few. There must be about ten scripts that have passed the third review, and even more that have passed the first review. There must be more than fifty scripts~"

Screenwriters House's review is a three-instance review system.

After the script is submitted to the office, the first review mainly examines whether it conforms to mainstream values, whether the story can be reviewed and released, and whether there is no bad guidance or other "mainstream" review.

The second review stage is to consider the amount of investment, type of subject matter, rate of return, etc.

The third review is a story that the factory thinks can be filmed.

Whether it is investment, subject matter, or other aspects, all are within the scope of the factory. As long as we find the right director and actors, we can start preparing the crew.

"Then bring them all to me. I'll go back to the office and take a look."

"Then I'll have someone deliver it to Director Xu."


Seeing the clerks around him eager to express themselves, Xu Xin nodded:

"Then I'm sorry to bother you, Sister Ma. Please send someone to my office directly."

"Hmm... From now on, Director Xu can just call Director Xu for such small matters. The newly updated internal phone number in the factory has been sent to every office. Director Xu should also have it."


He responded with a smile, said hello to Sister Ma and left.

Go straight to the studio.

I don’t know if those clerks who want to show off in front of me will be disappointed if they find that they are not there after sending the materials.

All the way out of the half building, he went straight to Studio No. 5 in the factory.

The plan for "33 Days" has been finalized.

There is a green grassland behind Studio 5, which is just suitable for some outdoor shooting.

When he arrived at the studio, he saw Xue Yong wearing a helmet.

"Brother Yong."

After shouting, Xue Yong saw him and immediately walked this way.

After walking over, he handed over the helmet on his head first.

Xu Xin waved his hand.

His position is at the entrance of the studio.

My family works in the coal mine, and it is my instinct to wear a safety helmet when entering the workplace. But Xue Yong's behavior of giving him a helmet but not wearing it himself... Xu Xin still couldn't accept it.

So just let it go.

I just stood at the door, watching the construction workers, watching them transport and install the background walls made of pieces of plywood, and asked:

"how's it going?"

"All the back panels are finished today, the furniture will be brought in tomorrow, and the lights will be adjusted at the same time. I estimate... it will be all completed in three days."

"Yeah. After counting the adjustments... let's say it's No. 10, how about it? On No. 10, let's start it here?"

"no problem."

Xue Yong agreed directly:

"That's when I started contacting the crew?"

"Yeah. I'll stay here for two days, and then I'll go back to spend time with Yang Mi and the kids. She's about to join the crew. I'll come over on the morning of the 9th and arrange the crew's meeting in the morning. In the afternoon there will be an actor's meeting. Then we will count the scenes shot here and ask the actors to come over on the 8th to give them two days of preparation time."


Xue Yong responded, thought for a while, and said tentatively:

"Director Xu, would you consider placing ads?"

"How to say?"

"Currently, four websites are looking for me. Jiayuan.com, Zhenai.com, Baihe.com, and Matchmaker.com. Because in the original book, Huang Xiaoxian and his dating company will regularly hold marriage and dating introductions... They are eyeing this area. Including several chains. The wedding officiant company also hopes to sponsor us...the price is not low."

"How much are they?"

"The wedding company can provide more than 300 sets of wedding dresses, as well as venues across the country... But this does not mean much to us. But the lowest price is an implantation fee of 3 million. The highest is 7 million, and the requirements Huang Xiaoxian's company is the title sponsor. Then the marriage introduction activities are even higher. Century Jiayuan is 10 million, Zhenai.com provides blind date venues in Sanya, and 8 million. Baihe.com and Matchmaker.com have similar prices. …”

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows...

"so tall?"

Xue Yong smiled and nodded:

"After figuring out the subject matter, these dating websites went crazy. They went to the factory every day before National Day."

"Calculate it based on 10 million. A 10 million website title, plus a wedding title... Ha. We don't count the announcement, the total investment of the movie is only a few million, and the cost is directly returned?"

"Who makes Director Xu's appeal so strong? This does not include other brand placements... There are also wedding dress brands, including some advertising placements such as mainstream beverages, cars, etc. Not counting them. If they were all accepted, I guess After a while, at least it’s more than two thousand."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Someone is looking for Brother Yong, is it okay for you to leave?"

Xue Yong was stunned...

Then he laughed:

"That's not true."


Xu Xin nodded, looked at the busy workers, thought about it, and said:

"You can give me one quota on the dating website, and I can give you one quota on the drinks. As for the other things... forget it. We don't want others to say that we look too ugly when we eat."

Xue Yong's eyes lit up.

"Then...the one with the highest price gets it?"

"Well, the highest bidder gets it."

After thinking about his scene design, he said:

"The dating website can guarantee a front-facing shot for the website promotion, and the nominal host of the event can give a few lines. As for drinks... Huang Xiaoxian has a few party shots, and can give a few fixed shots. That's all. As for the price, ... Just let the factory talk about it. Brother Yong, it’s inappropriate for you not to get more involved in this kind of thing.”

Xue Yong was stunned...

Then he seemed to understand something and nodded:



Xu Xin didn’t say much.

That's all.

There's no point in talking about it any more.

He does not reject commercialization, and even one or two product placements are nothing if they do not affect the rhythm of the film.

It is too easy for noble people to be kidnapped by morality and coerced into running wildly on the path of sainthood, never to return.

If something goes wrong, it's very easy to lose your reputation.

Therefore, conformity is a science.

He didn't dare to say that he completely understood it, but at least he knew where he was headed.

It doesn't matter whether the advertiser Xue Yong said has any interest in him or not.

The important thing is that this matter must be handled by the factory.

The factory will handle it. If he knows about it in advance, then he will generate income after he agrees to open the door.

If you didn't know in advance, you will become an insider this time, and you will naturally become a link in the chain of interests.

This way both sides won't be offended.

Both sides are easy to talk to.

And as long as it is done through the factory, no matter what, the fact that the money has been paid back is here, and he will be the "meritor".

Credit is something...

Everyone who sees it has a share.

After watching the workers busy for a while, he nodded:

"Okay, let's just say this, I'm going back to the office. Brother Yong, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, leave it to me here."

Xue Yong said with a smile.

Waving his hands and leaving the studio, Xu Xin returned to his office.

As soon as I went upstairs, I saw a young man standing in front of his office door with a thick stack of information in his hands.

Hearing the noise and seeing that it was Director Xu returning, the young man quickly took a step forward:

"Hello, Director Xu, my name is Ma Shuangming, and I'm here to send you a script."

Xu Xin nodded with a smile:

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

With that said, he unscrewed the unlocked door of the office and walked in first.

"Just put it on the table."

"Hey, okay."

Ma Shuangming responded, put the script on Xu Xin's desk, glanced at the empty cup on the table, then looked at the water dispenser, and said:

"Shall I make you a cup of tea?"

"No, the water has been good for a month or two."

"Then I'll get you a new bucket..."

The young man quickly pulled out the bucket and carried it out.

Xu Xin, who had everything in his eyes, shook his head in amusement.

His surname is also Ma.

I don't know if it's a coincidence...

However, it doesn't matter.

He focused his attention on the stack of scripts and saw a name:

"The Golden Heist"

He didn't care, took the script in his hand, and glanced at the name of the next script.

""To our dying youth""

There is a flavor of a romance film.

He took it away with some disgust and saw the third script.



He chewed his tongue and flipped through the thick stack of scripts.

I thought I was going to be very busy in the afternoon.

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