I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 594 592 The fourth

Chapter 594 592. The fourth

"Sorry, something delayed me."

Entering the conference hall again, Xu Xin took the lead in expressing his apology, and then looked at Xue Yong:

"Is it all over?"

"Yes, I just finished talking about it. I have already communicated it with everyone including the shooting plan. Next are some things about the itinerary. We will communicate it in detail when the time comes."


Xu Xin looked at everyone again:

"Then let's just say that. Remember to attend the reading meeting in the evening. Take the time to get into the state. We will officially start the filming tomorrow."

After speaking, he nodded to everyone:

"Meeting dismissed."

After giving the notice to adjourn the meeting, Xu Xin walked out directly.

He basically doesn't need to worry about the rest of the actors' matters.

All the way back to his office, he looked at the storyboards and movie materials on the table, and continued to light a cigarette.

He put his legs on the table and fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about whether to call Liu Kuan.

Somewhat uncertain.

Judging from the priorities of the matter, this phone call can actually be made.

Make a phone call and ask about the situation... No matter what, I can at least give you some news, right?

But intuitively, he felt he couldn't fight.

Instead, you should continue to wait.

There is no special basis for it, I just feel that way in my heart.

This kind of thing affects the whole body. Not to mention anything else, just judging by his own thinking, you can find many things in it that you can patiently ponder.

He didn't believe that Zhang Weiping's incident was an exception, nor did he believe that it was done flawlessly.

There should be some twists and turns here.

It's just that these twists and turns cannot be said, thought, or heard.

At the very least, he is not qualified to listen now.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally gave up the idea.

The most I call now is to check my voice.

But if you can really wait for this call, then... if this thing is done well, it can actually be used as a ticket.

Therefore, it is better to wait than to ask impatiently.

But that doesn't mean he can't do anything.

"Are you ready with both hands..."

he muttered.

If there is really no hope here, then he is going to use another way... a "experience" learned through Wang Sicong's incident to solve the problem.

Although I feel sorry for my friend when I say this.

But indeed, through Wang Ying's incident, he learned.

Sometimes... netizens with great supernatural powers can also play a big role in some things.

It is better to defend the people's mouth than to defend the river.

It's just that doing this... is more dangerous, and you have to be more careful.

But it's better than nothing.

Be prepared and be prepared...

After figuring this out, he breathed a sigh of relief.

I put out the cigarette, and all thoughts unrelated to the movie cleared my mind in a few breaths.

I picked up the materials for tomorrow's shooting again and started studying them.

October 10th, morning, 7:05.

In fact, since October, the weather in Xi'an has been getting colder day by day.

Although winter has not yet arrived, the crew members all put on thick down jackets early in the morning.

They are all issued by the factory.

Don't tell me, this is the only good thing about state-owned enterprises.

There is never a shortage of benefits and benefits.

No matter how poor a state-owned enterprise is, it can still have a barrel of oil and two bags of noodles during holidays.

What's more, Xiying Studio, which has begun to live a prosperous life in recent years.

The long cold-proof down jacket ordered together has been prepared for a long time.

Send directly, no money required.

Even "newcomers" like Bi Gan and others received one.

"Phew...I'm full."

Wang Sicong threw the bottle of soy milk that he had completely suppressed into the trash can. He was wearing a down jacket. He glanced at Xu Yang, who was wearing an Armani jacket next to him, and said:

"Aren't you cold?"

"I still want to ask, aren't you hot?"

Xu Yang took the cigarette and looked at him and the busy people next to him speechlessly:

"Aren't you going to be shooting in the studio later? Are you wearing a down jacket in this weather? Is it still so thick?"

"Tsk, you are so cute."

Because of Xu Xin's relationship, his relationship with Xu Jiawan and the others has grown rapidly.

So the words are not raw at all.

After helping Xu Yang light a cigarette, he made a show-off gesture:

"If you have some experience filming in autumn and winter, you would never say such a thing."


"Down jackets are not for wearing, they are for wrapping. You will know after a while... Filming is actually a very tedious job. The audience may only watch the scene for a few seconds in the movie, and the crew has to prepare well A few days, the filming may take even longer. What should people like us who are separated from the crew do at this time? Let’s go, we can’t leave. We agreed to share the joys and sorrows~ Hey, find a place, wrap up your down jacket, Fall down and go to sleep!”


Xu Yang was speechless for a while:

"Is this it?"

"That's right."

Wang Sicong looked "familiar with the road":

"The most uncomfortable part of making a movie is the waiting and preparation. Modern dramas are okay, but if it's a costume drama, it may take a day to prepare, and in the end it's just for a few shots. Wouldn't it be more comfortable for you to sleep in a down jacket than to sleep in this jacket?"

At this time, Xu Yang was also a little shaken.

It's not that he has never been with the crew before. When he first arrived in Shanghai last year, Sister Mo threw everyone into the crew of the digital movie "The Great Power".

But the problem is that they didn’t know anything at that time and didn’t say anything… and they still entered as investors.

The crew specially sent an assistant director to accompany them.

The crew would definitely go there every day, but their conditions...the crew was filming on this street, and they were drinking tea there.

Although it will not be abandoned and they can learn something, what they can see is only what the crew wants them to see. How can investors know these "experiences" mentioned by Wang Sicong?

He couldn't help but ask:

"How did you know?"

Hearing this, Wang Sicong paused for a moment, and then a strong smell of "old fried dough sticks" came out.

"... I'm already with several crews, what do you think?"

But actually.

These experiences were all taught to him by Tang Yan.

Ever since Wang Ying's incident, he began to think about the role of "Wei Yiran".

He and Tang Yan met almost every day in Shanghai.

When we don’t know each other well, all we talk about is work. But after getting acquainted with him, Tang Yan told him a lot of things he needed to pay attention to on the set.

Frankly speaking, in Wang Sicong's case, Sister Tang is a very comfortable person to get along with.

A good sense of proportion.

What he said was very down-to-earth stuff.

For example, this is a rule of thumb like "You must wear thicker clothes on the set."

It gives Wang Sicong the feeling that everyone is stirring the pot and I regard you as one of my own.

Quite comfortable.

But in Xu Yang...

Men need to save face.

Even if a husky sneaks into a pack of wolves, he still has to act like a boss in front of the newbie.

After hearing this, Mengxin looked admiring:

"The boss knows so much!"

Wang Sicong smiled proudly:

"That is."

While the two were talking, a group of people over there walked out of the studio carrying several large bags of stuff.

The crowd immediately gathered around.

Xu Yang looked at those people holding a bag of snacks and asked in confusion:

"What is that?"

"Be good. Wanwan's snacks, puffed balls, taste like coconut milk, they are so unpalatable."

Seeing that Meng Xin still didn't understand, he immediately started to teach popular science how to use "obediently" as a boss.

After finishing the popular science, he put out the cigarette:

"Wait, I'll get a pack too."

Soon, Wang Sicong took a package over.

While Xu Yang was observing the outer packaging of this thing, Wang Sicong had already taken out the marker pen from his pocket with ease.

After thinking about it, I wrote on the packaging:

"Wei Yiran (be obedient), just pass it once."

After saying that, he handed the pen to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang thought about it and wrote:

"The filming of "Love Is Not Blind" (Guaiguai) was completed and it was a hit at the box office."

After finishing writing, he asked:

"Then what?"

"Then put it in the red tray over there. This is also a tribute~"

While the two of them were writing the message, everyone in the crew had almost finished writing it and started piling it into the tray.

While talking, Xu Xin just put his bag on top.

Seeing this, Wang Sicong also warned:

"Let's just put it aside. Don't let it get on Lao Xu's bag."


Xu Yang nodded, followed Wang Sicong and walked over. After putting Guaiguai in the tray, he took a look at the contents of the top package of Guaiguai.

"Everything is going well for you in "33 Days of Love" (obediently)."

After reading it, he turned his head subconsciously.

I saw Xu Xin standing over there, holding a piece of yellow paper and looking at it.

After placing the obedient people on the altar table, they all consciously walked behind him, and no one dared to stand beside him or pass his position.


Xu Yang said it was an accident...it doesn't count.

But I was quite surprised.

Obviously we all grew up together, and we have done countless stupid things since we were young.

Not even a basket can fit in it.

Although he knew that Sanjin was now powerful, he had always lacked a clear concept. Even though he won three gold medals for Best Director in Venice, while he was excited, he couldn't believe it.

I really can't believe that... I was selected to be the leader of recess exercises, but when I got on stage, I was trembling when I walked, let alone doing exercises, and was replaced the next day... I actually left. We have reached this point today.

Standing at the front of the crowd, the feeling of taking the lead is too strong.

Just like the fourth uncle...


He sighed and followed Wang Sicong all the way to the back of the team.

As all the actors with makeup came out one after another, the auspicious moment has arrived.

As a director, he lit incense and burned it, and "33 Days After Love" was officially launched!

The first scene of "33 Days Out of Love" is about Huang Xiaoxian's first day at work after discovering the affair between his best friend and her boyfriend.

This scene mainly talks about the process of Huang Xiaoxian coming out of the boss's office and walking all the way to his workstation in the office.

Interspersed during this period are introductions to all the named and unnamed colleagues in the company, including character introductions to Kind Girl, Little Doll Cat, Guangdong Zai, Wang Xiaojian, etc.

The introductory narration will be completed later.

And Xu Xin planned to play a big role in this first scene.

He wanted to take a shot to the end.

A real shot to the end.

It's not the kind of intercut shot in "The Wind" where the scene is switched and the performance is continued with sound.

Instead, starting from the corridor, Huang Xiaoxian walked along, stopping to introduce everyone along the way.

Moreover, in this scene, Xu Xin also played a trick.

That is, many places on the workstation are covered with green cloth.

This is where special effects will be done later.

After waiting until the end of the shot, there will be a special effect of space-time acceleration.

The first act was challenging.

So Xu Xin personally went to the scene and took Di Wei there to teach her how to move.

At this moment, he was standing at the end of the corridor, standing with Di Wei:

"Look carefully. After a while, you walk in front, walk, walk, walk... The first one is Guangdong Zai. You walk to this position..."

Pointing to the green cloth cross sticker at his feet:

"Slow down, and the camera will go around you and take photos of Cantonese from a high place. At this time, you need to slow down and continue walking forward, and then ignore the camera. After I give you the "walk normally" prompt , came to his work station and took away the water glass.

When holding a water glass, remember to hold it with your left hand. When you turn around, the camera will circle in front of you and give you a close-up of your face. Then you walk around like this... until you reach the water dispenser...

At this time, you will pass by Xiao Ke, a graphic designer, and the camera will flip again. You seize the time to catch the water.

Remember, it’s hot water.

After receiving it, CICI, the Pussycat Doll appears. When she comes to your side, there should be a vague resistance on your face, just bypass her and return to your work station by another way.

This station next to the front desk, you walk around, Li Man, when you see her, lower your head and pass her by. You're late for work too.

Then, you continue walking, go back to your work station, and stare at the computer in a daze until you hear the sound of the microwave..."

After taking Di Wei through the entire route, Xu Xin turned around and asked:

"How is it? Do you remember it?"


Si Wei opened her mouth...

Looking around at the area arranged as an office building inside the company...

I just felt like my mind was in a mess.

She was born as a talent show idol and has been active in TV dramas. When did she come across "one shot to the end", a shot that tests an actor's basic skills such as acting, positioning, etc.?

At this moment, except remembering that I had to go from the corridor to the workstation to get a cup of hot water, I forgot about everything else.

But she was embarrassed to say...

The director came to you personally to talk about the play, but you didn’t even remember it at all?

Is this possible?

But if you don't say it... what should you do if you make a mistake later?

After thinking about it, she could only bite the bullet and said:

"That...director, can you...take me through it again?"

After saying that, she looked at Xu Xin anxiously, fearing that he would be unhappy.

But Xu Xin nodded directly:

"Okay, come on, I'll take you through it all."


Si Wei was stunned...

Then a look of relief appeared on his face, and he nodded vigorously:


First time.


Second time.


The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...

When Di Wei was killed five times in a row, Xu Yang frowned as he watched.

He walked over to Wang Sicong who was chatting with Tang Yan.

Tang Yan noticed Xu Yang's arrival and turned around politely to show respect.

When Wang Sicong noticed him coming, he asked:

"What's wrong?"

"What's going on? I'm making continuous mistakes."

"One shot to the end, normal."

Wang Sicong looked at Di Wei, who was being pulled by Xu Xin to tell a story, and said:

"This is pretty good. When Lao Xu filmed the last scene of "The Wind", it was said that the filming lasted five or six days. How could this be~"

"Okay, I'm going to smoke. Do you want to go?"

"I won't go."

Wang Sicong, who showed unusual patience when it came to Xu Xin's filming, waved his hand:

"I'll learn too."


Xu Yang nodded and walked out of the studio.

Tang Yan, who was standing with Wang Sicong, asked curiously:

"Brother Cong has plans to become a director?"


Wang Sicong was stunned.

Tang Yan nodded:

"Yeah, didn't you say you wanted to learn..."

"What I want to learn is how to act."

Wang Sicong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Looking at Si Wei who was being led away by Lao Xu again, he shook his head and said:

"Forget it being a director. I don't have that ability... I lack imagination."

"So... Brother Cong wants to be an actor?"


Wang Sicong shook his head again:

"This kind of cameo is okay..."

As he spoke, he paused and said to Tang Yan:

"Sister Tang, you have little contact with Lao Xu or Dami in private, so you can't see them."

Tang Yan was stunned and asked tentatively:

"Brother Cong refers to..."

"There are geniuses in this world."

After saying that, he pursed his lips towards Xu Xin:

"Lao Xu is the kind of genius whose hard work is worthless in the face of talent. Da Mi is the kind of genius who has talent and knows how to work hard. I went from the two of them working on "The Wind" to working on "The Grandmaster"... How did they do it? I've seen it all. To be honest, Sister Tang, I only said this because we are familiar with each other and I don't treat you as an outsider."


Tang Yan nodded:

"Just say it."

"Although Lao Xu said that actors all reach the same end by different paths in the end. Geniuses run faster than others... But after watching Dami's performance live and looking at other people... I really can't stand it."

There was no hint of flattery in Wang Sicong's tone, but full sincerity:

"The same applies to both of us. So... let professional people do the professional things. I am just playing for fun. I have no chance to be in the directing and actor industries in this life."

But after hearing this, Tang Yan looked thoughtful.

Looking at Di Wei who was starting to walk on her own, she thought for a while and asked:

"Then Brother Cong thinks the difference between me and Mimi... in terms of scores, how much is the difference?"


"Well, points."


Wang Sicong rolled his eyes upward, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"In your words, I'd give it 60 points. Dami's side... it's at least 90. Maybe even higher."

"The gap is so big? Is it true?"

Tang Yan's first reaction was unconvinced.

But after reacting immediately, he quickly said:

"What I mean is...we have worked together before, but when we were working on "Sword and Sword III", I didn't feel it so clearly."

"That's normal."

Wang Sicong looked as if he should take it for granted:

"Her progress is actually in the drama "The Wind". This is what Lao Xu personally admitted. She grew up in "The Wind" and grew up in "The Grandmaster". You don't have much contact with her, so you don't know. . Anyone, I mean me, Lao Lang, Wheel...etc., the people around us, anyone who sees her role as Gong Er in "The Grandmaster" will not think that I give her a 90 The score is an exaggeration, it will only be higher.”

Maybe the conversation got more interesting.

He looked at Di Wei and added:

"Lao Xu especially likes pure actors. If he hadn't insisted on acting in "The Grandmaster", Dami might not have acted in it. He likes the kind of actors who are down-to-earth and willing to work hard, such as Dami. Liu Yifei. Liu Yifei's acting skills were also very exaggerated at first, but after passing through the hands of Lao Xu...you see, slow work brings out fine work. He suddenly won the Best Newcomer Award. Don't you admire me..."

His eyes turned from the acting Di Wei to Xu Xina who was sitting in front of the monitor. Wang Sicong's eyes were filled with emotion:

"Lao Xu is really good at training actresses. If you can get through one round under his hands... be it Da Mi or Liu Yifei, aren't they already out?"

Having said this, his eyes returned to Di Wei, and he said with deep emotion:

"I'm afraid this third one...is her."


Following his words, Tang Yan unconsciously followed the route taken by Si Wei.

At the same time, Director Xu's words just now were recalled in his mind.

From the beginning of telling the drama to Di Wei, to the correction after making mistakes...Xu Xin did not go behind anyone's back.

You can naturally hear it if you want to.

At this moment, Tang Yan watched Di Wei walking there and unconsciously pulled herself in.

If I were Siwei...

Walk around... The first person... Guangdong Zai... Then I took the water cup to get the water, turned around, looked at the designer Xiao Ke, picked up the water, met the little wild cat CICI, took a detour...

All Xu Xin's instructions were clearly printed in her mind at this moment.

It gave her an urge to try.

However, this impulse only occurred for a moment before she gave it up.

The seventh brother is the heroine, and he is just a supporting role.

Thinking of this, another thought suddenly popped into her mind:

"What if I had tried harder?"

But the moment this idea appeared, it was ruthlessly defeated by the reality in front of him.

She pursed her lips subconsciously.

"Old Xu likes pure actors..."

"Old Xu is really good at training actresses..."

"The first one is Mimi, the second one is Liu Yifei, and the third one is her..."

What about the fourth one?

Thinking of this, her eyes fell on Xu Xin again.

the fourth……

how should I do it?

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