I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 595 593 Bystanders are clear

Chapter 595 593. Bystanders understand

One scene lasts all morning.

From the perspective of Xu Xin's childhood friends, this was somewhat unexpected.

The most important thing is that it hasn’t passed yet.

Si Wei was in a bit of a picky state.

But...it's actually quite normal.

For the role of Huang Xiaoxian, her suitability lies in her temperament.

The heroic spirit between the brows and the advantages of his own character.

But it's suitable. After all, she didn't come from a formal academic background... Moreover, movies and TV series are still two different things.

The cycle of TV series is longer. In this shooting rhythm, as long as the character's performance can ensure that the various emotions in the script are expressed, and the joy, anger, sorrow and joy can be seen by the audience, then it is already qualified.

The duration will be driven by the plot to give the audience a sense of immersion.

Therefore, in terms of acting skills, unless there is a scene that really "explodes", the requirements are not particularly high at ordinary times.

But movies are different.

In the movie, every frame in which every character appears must meet the director's requirements.

This is also one of the reasons why when film directors shoot TV series, the progress is always slower than that of TV series directors, and the budget is always higher than that of TV series directors.

Regardless of actors or directors, in terms of the two sectors of movies and TV series, although they are one and the same, there is a distinct line.

As a work of art that compresses a story into more than an hour, tells it clearly and makes the audience empathize, it pursues extraordinary sophistication and sophistication.

Don't be careless at all.

Is Si Wei suitable for Huang Xiaoxian?

Very suitable.

But it's too rough.

In the first shot of this one-shot, the route was unfamiliar at first and she was making mistakes.

But while adapting to the route, her acting skills began to enter a weak state.

For example, after receiving the water, Huang Xiaoxian turned around and saw CICI, the little wild cat, in all her glory. She needed to express several emotions at the same time.

The first is the discomfort of a stiff neck.

The second type is observation after turning around.

This observation then turned into an emotion of keeping a distance. In this level of emotion, one has to move from a respectful distance to an expression of "I stay away from you" with a bit of disgust.

Because the narration here will introduce the CICI night owl, and what she is like as a nightclub expert.

It gives the audience a sense of déjà vu that "the little wild cat is not serious".

Finally, he took a detour, while wearing a slightly rickety look that reduced his sense of presence.

These are all things that Xu Xin analyzed for Di Wei.

But to Di Wei, it sounds like a book from heaven.

You can't say that either.

It should be... At first, it sounded like a heavenly book to her.

But as Xu Xin analyzed it bit by bit, after she understood this complete character mentality transformation process, the first reaction in her mind was...

"What did I take pictures of before?"

As for his words, other actors who cooperated with Si Wei, including Wen Zhang, felt that his words were a bit exaggerated at first.

But seeing everyone on the crew around them acting like they were used to it, everyone felt a little uneasy unconsciously.

Is this Director Xu’s strength?

With this pressure, not only Di Wei, but also everyone else worked hard to show their best side.

But the filming of the first scene still didn't go very smoothly.

Although Di Wei has obtained a complete character mentality transformation process from Xu Xin, it takes time to digest and simulate this mentality.

Even though Director Xu showed extraordinary patience with her, even if he didn't pass a scene all morning, he didn't say anything. But as an actor, it’s hard for everyone to bear the high pressure of having to work all morning in vain because you are alone on the set.

Therefore, when eating in the cafeteria at noon, Di Wei simply served a bowl of soup.

He didn't sit with anyone, but sat at the table by himself, holding the script and frowning as he pondered it.

Seeing this, no one bothered me.

The crew hoped that she would perform perfectly in the afternoon and that she could just pass. The actors who had a scene today also maintained their status silently, for fear that they would become a "thorn in Director Xu's side" in the afternoon.

But Tang Yan didn't feel so stressed today.

Li Ke's scenes were all filmed in Yanjing, and she had no role here.

Therefore, she is just observing, thinking, learning, and adjusting.

She admitted that Seventh Brother performed very well in the audition for the role of "Huang Xiaoxian".

In other words...she and the role of Huang Xiaoxian are naturally compatible.

Both of them have similar qualities of a potential manly woman and a no-nonsense temperament.

But as someone who had just collaborated with her on "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family" in June, Tang Yan was certain that her and Brother Seven's acting skills were on par.

In other words, if Huang Xiaoxian was a sweet girl, then she would be the one to worry about now, not Brother Seven.

This is called role fit.

The predicament that Brother Seven is encountering now may also become his own predicament in the future.

But luckily for her, she had Brother Seven's lessons learned.

Therefore, she looked at it more seriously than anyone else, and at the same time, she slowly understood Xu Xin's directing style.

What he pursues is rationality.

The rationality of the character’s mentality.

This reminded her of what her acting teacher said before:

"The best acting skills are the expression of true feelings. And true feelings must be based on naturally advancing performance."

She didn't take this sentence seriously before, but after seeing what happened to Brother Seven, she suddenly understood.

After understanding it, from the perspective of a bystander, she unconsciously wondered...how to express Xu Xinyao's emotions.

Not to mention, she really found some inspiration.

After thinking about it, she walked over to Si Wei who was looking down at the script:

"Brother Seven."

"Ah...what's wrong?"

When Di Wei raised her head and found that it was Tang Yan, the irritability in her eyes faded slightly.

"Isn't Huang Xiaoxian's character suffering from a stiff neck?"

Hearing this, Di Wei was stunned and nodded subconsciously:

"Yes. What's wrong?"

"No...I suddenly thought of something. Qiu Ze was angry when he got up, and he also had a stiff neck a few days ago. We had a fight that day. He likes to lose his temper when he can't sleep well, and he also had a stiff neck. , the whole mood that day was quite violent.

I think... you always look like you have a stiff neck, and then doesn’t Director Xu keep saying that your mood is not in place?

You can act uncomfortable.

Feeling uncomfortable, impatient, too lazy to make casual greetings, keeping a distance...

Because in the script, didn't Huang Xiaoxian slowly accept those colleagues who were weird in her eyes after breaking up with Lu Ran and under the influence of Wang Xiaojian?

I think the most uncomfortable and irritable times are when people are feeling uncomfortable, especially after falling out of love. At this time, you can act more... willfully. Would it be better? "


A thought from a bystander suddenly made Di Wei fall into deep thought.

Stiff neck?



I carried this emotion all the way to introduce my colleagues in the company, and finally returned to my seat in a daze...

It sounds like a good idea.

She thought for a moment and nodded:

"It seems possible, but it seems to be different from what Director Xu said."

"Well, because what Director Xu wants is a relatively complete mental journey, right? Based on the discomfort of a stiff neck..."

The two chatted for about five or six minutes, and during these five or six minutes, people had already finished eating and left the canteen.

The crew starts shooting at 1:30.

After Tang Yan's reminder, Dai Wei, who seemed to think the idea was feasible, simply pushed the plate in front of her and began to think quietly.

Seeing this, Tang Yan didn't say anything and left silently.


She also felt it was quite fresh.

She is not a professional, so she rarely has the experience of discussing acting skills with others.

It's like a person who doesn't have particularly good grades in the class suddenly understands a math problem and gives the solution to the problem to the "best" student in the class.

Inexplicably, she liked this feeling.

Although her academic performance is still average, at least in this class, her energy has never been more concentrated and her mind has never been so clear.

It tastes really good.

And at 1:30 in the afternoon, when the crew was rearranged and ready to start filming, Wei Wei's performance was indeed different from that in the morning.


When Xu Xin's voice sounded and the recorder made the call, she tilted her head slightly, her neck showing an awkward look, and walked forward step by step.

At first, because it was from behind, Xu Xin was just watching the route she took.

Several parts of this scene that require acting skills are all on Huang Xiaoxian's face in one shot.

First of all, we must ensure that the wiring is correct, and then...it depends on Di Wei's performance.

Soon, Huang Xiaoxian passed by Guangdong Zai, who was paddling and fishing, and came to his work station.

With the help of the camera stabilizer, Wang Lei skillfully moved around her, and the scene turned to the front, aiming at her face.

The face of a girl with straight bangs, dark circles under her eyes, and a slightly tilted head appeared on the monitor screen.

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, Di Wei in the monitor tilted her head in an awkward posture that would only appear when a stiff neck was used. Just the movement of holding the water glass was full of discomfort and discomfort.

It just fits the uncomfortable feeling of a stiff neck.

Not bad, this expression is much more lively than in the morning.

He nodded slightly, and then in Wang Lei's camera, she tilted her head and continued walking, and soon came to the graphic designer Xiao Ke.

Di Wei's head is tilted to the left, while Xiao Ke's workstation is on her right.

This caused her to tilt her head, making the whole thing look awkward.

But this kind of weird and awkward body language is very catchy... You can clearly feel that she is very awkward, but you won't have any thoughts of drama or jumping out of your mind. On the contrary, there will be a funny way of crooking her neck. déjà vu.

The moment her eyes turned to the right, Wang Lei's lens moved smoothly and landed on Xiao Ke who was logging into the Weibo interface.

Then, Di Wei quickly passed him.

The camera stayed on Xiao Ke's back for more than a second, then turned around again...

Found Di Wei directly.

But Xu Xin frowned.

But he didn't yell stop.

Because there was nothing wrong with this scene, it was because he had an area in his mind that could be modified.

The processing here could be a little smoother and more vivid.

So, Huang Xiaoxian received the water and the camera was fixed.

After she received the water, she straightened up.

The first point where acting skills need to be expressed appears.

He narrowed his eyes, wanting to see how the other party would deal with it.

After pouring the water, Di Wei straightened up and was about to take a step when her movements suddenly stopped.

Ye Qianyun, the actor who plays the Pussycat Dolls, who received the prompt from the crew over there, walked enchantingly, wearing a miniskirt, high heels, and big waves, appearing across the corridor.

After Wang Lei's fixed camera took a close-up of Ye Qianyun's appearance, it spun again smoothly.

Huang Xiaoxian, played by Si Wei, still tilts her head, but her left eye is narrowed, forming a "big and small eye" look.

It looked like she was saying "Why are you dressed like this?" or "I can't stand it." Then she looked left and right, then turned and walked to the left.

But because her neck was stiff on the left side, when she twisted it to the left, all the expressions on her face were replaced by pain.

Unconsciously, he held his neck and headed towards the front desk of the company on the left - the kind girl played by Li Man.


Suddenly, Xu Xin chuckled.

very smart.

In his own understanding, Huang Xiaoxian's complete mental journey towards the performance of the Little Wild Cat is: encounter - bored - stay away - - don't want any entanglement - hide away.

On Si Wei's side, many of these emotions were omitted.

She classified the three emotions of "encounter, boredom, and not wanting to have any entanglement" into the expression of "disgust" in her big eyes.

Then following this disgust, he naturally took a detour.

She dealt with it more flatly than what she wanted.


Surprisingly endearing.

Especially the disgusted expression in his big eyes.

The mood is quite spot on.

He accepted and approved of this performance.

And... I feel that the other party's way of handling it seems to be better than my own version.

The requirements for my version are a bit high, and maybe it would be good if she could show it... But at this moment, Wei Wei's appearance, coupled with her own appearance, is more suitable for this kind of free and easy performance.

very nice.

Thinking of this, he took advantage of the camera to follow her and turned to look at Tang Yan.

After finishing his meal at noon, he saw Tang Yan and her talking there.

But at this moment, Di Wei's style suddenly changed...

Is it because of her?

Xu Xin became interested.

Finally, the camera freezes after Huang Xiaoxian sits back at his workstation.

This is the entire first act.

The next scene is Huang Xiaoxian's rivalry with Wen Zhang at the workstation.

After Wang Lei finished filming the first scene, he fixed the scene on Si Wei's face.

Si Wei didn't dare to move, and waited for news from Xu Xin with her ears perked up.

Director... OK, or not, please give me something.

And just then...

"Si Wei, Brother Lei, Xiaoye, come here."

Xu Xin in front of the monitor spoke.

Si Wei's mouth twitched...

It was as if someone had pulled out the air-tight core in an instant, and it "deflated" in one fell swoop.

This...isn't enough?

Ye Qianyun, on the other hand, was a little nervous, fearing that she might also make a mistake.

The two of them quickly followed Wang Lei to Xu Xin.

Just when Di Wei was wondering whether she should apologize, she heard Xu Xin say:

"Brother Lei, the part between Huang Xiaoxian and CICI can be changed."

"Well, how to change it?"

"You are human."


Wang Lei's mouth twitched...

My heart said that I was not a human just now?

But looking at Xu Xin's wicked mouth, he said directly:

"I'm no longer a human being!"


Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"It's like this. In this section, I want your camera to be more lively. You treat the camera like...a new employee. In a moment, Xiaoye, your steps need to be more enchanting. You can exaggerate a little, but you must go. enchanting."

These sisters are the spokespersons for Miss Asia 2005.

Both the typhoon and the temperament are the same.

His acting skills are a bit weak, but his biggest feature is his hot and sexy figure.

Moreover, she is actually one year older than Xu Xin.

But Xiao Ye Xu Xin's shout was very natural.

Ye Qianyun nodded quickly after hearing this:


"Well, you have to pay attention to the camera for a while, Brother Lei. When Huang Xiaoxian is staring at CICI, you will turn around once. Then you will have to do it again."

Wang Lei was stunned:

"One more time?"

"Yes. After Huang Xiaoxian finished reading it for the first time, wouldn't he normally walk towards Li Man? Wei Wei, after you take a step, stop once."


Di Wei nodded subconsciously, but felt confused inside.

I don’t understand what Xu Xin means.

"Brother Lei, when you see Huang Xiaoxian walking towards Li Man, turn the camera back. Turn to Xiaoye. Xiaoye, after you finish walking the catwalk, come to your workstation... you have to have that kind of... that kind of... ...a very seductive action, you know what I mean? It's like the way a beautiful woman pulls her hair or takes off her clothes before sitting down... Anyway, you have to do this action, and then Brother Lei, give Xiaoye a close-up. Request Just when I got the close-up, I turned back to Huang Xiaoxian again."

As he spoke, he picked up his script book and pointed somewhere:

"Si Wei, your part is to introduce CICI as a night owl. When dubbing, you have to treat the camera as a colleague, or a male colleague. After introducing the little wildcat, maintain the same performance as before, and after taking a few steps, There will be a narration here, which probably means: Hey hey, okay, stop reading. Then... everything will be as usual..."

After explaining to Si Wei, he looked at Wang Lei again:

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Lei nodded:

"I understand, let's be more playful and let the audience have a deeper impression through the pictures."

"That's right, let this be shot to the end to give the audience a sense of immersion that they are the camera, being led by Huang Xiaoxian to introduce everyone. And the beautiful scenery here is Xiaoye."

"Okay, no problem. Just listening to it is good~"

Wang Lei said with a smile.

Indeed, with such a shot to the end, the overall picture feels more vivid.

Xu Xin also nodded, and finally looked at Di Wei:

"The performance of this one is great, beyond expectations. Keep it like this. Do you remember the adjustments I just mentioned? Just do it like this, come on."


Di Wei, who had been worrying about gains and losses just now, felt like a big stone had finally fallen from her heart when she heard this compliment.

After a heavy response, he unconsciously turned his head to look at Tang Yan next to him.

Tang Yan was also looking at her.


Di Wei showed her sunny white teeth.

Old Tang ~ Bang Bang Bang!

Tang Yan smiled slightly in response.

After taking in all the small interactions between the two, Xu Xin understood... So this change in Di Wei was really caused by Tang Yan?

Oops, okay.

It's just...you obviously have this ability, but why do you act so crotch-stretching?

But no matter what, it's quite interesting for Tang Yan to see it this way.

And the next thing is simple.

Di Wei found a performance level that met Xu Xin's requirements, and after cooperating with Wang Lei and Ye Qianyun for a total of three, the route was completely determined.

Article 4: One shot to the end, sitting at the workstation from the beginning to the end, over and over again.

Xu Xin finally shouted the words "OK, pass."

Wen Zhang quickly cheered up.

The next one is his.

But in the final analysis, his acting skills and feeling in front of the camera are better than those of Si Wei.

In addition to the fact that there are no special requirements for this scene, and the two of them contributed qualified scores from lines to acting to shooting techniques, the second act passed easily.

Finally, at around 5 p.m., the crew ended the first day of filming.

A total of 7 shots were taken, which is calculated according to the duration, which is less than five minutes.

The progress of this first day was actually not very smooth.

But Xu Xin is still quite satisfied.

Everything is difficult at the beginning.

He could feel that Di Wei's condition was getting better and better over and over again, so that was no problem.

In urban dramas, there are not so many stunts, everything is done step by step.

One month... is over anyway.

And while he was busy working on "33 Days"...

Yanjing, Yizhuang.

New Sound Art Training School.

"Momo, are you looking for me?"

Looking at Fu Lulu who opened the door and walked in, Zhang Mo smiled and nodded:

"Sister Fu, come in quickly."

Fu Lulu, one of the assistant directors of "Jinling".

In other words, she is one of Zhang Yimou's assistant directors starting from "House of Flying Daggers" except "The Golden Armor".

At the same time, he is also the only person Zhang Mo can trust in this crew.

Born in 1981, I am only 29 years old this year.

But she has been the assistant director in "House of Flying Daggers" since 2004.

At that time, she was only 23 years old.

The reason why Zhang Mo trusts her so much is also very simple.

She and Aunt Ting were classmates, roommates, and best friends for many years.

Logically, I should call her "aunt".

Aunt Ting and her were both students of Beijing Film Academy's class of 1998.

When Aunt Ting was in school, the relationship between the two was inseparable. And like Xu Xin, she is one of the few people who knows the relationship between her father and Aunt Ting.

Aunt Ting knew about it as soon as she fell in love with her father.

After Aunt Ting dropped out of school, she didn't tell anyone anything about Aunt Ting.


I didn't even take the initiative to contact Aunt Ting.

After all, as an actress after graduating, when she needed an opportunity, as long as she spoke to Aunt Ting, her father would consider all aspects and ensure that her star chart would be smooth all the way.

But, she didn't.

I have been in the film and television industry for nearly two years. Later, my little brother Yiding was born. Aunt Ting invited her to attend a small full moon party held by her family. After learning about her best friend's current situation, she mentioned it to her father.

Her father took her directly to him and became an assistant director.

I have been working hard for so many years.

Except for "Golden Armor", she did not take on the position of assistant director because she was afraid that Gong Li, Zhang Weiping, and her father would not be able to balance well. She has appeared in several other films.

He was also the most suitable candidate after Zhang Mo thought hard for a day.

So, when Fu Lulu closed the door and asked, "What do you want from me?", she went straight to the point:

"Sister Fu, I have something... I want you to help me with!"

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