I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 597 595 Act on the spot

Chapter 597 595. Act on the spot


Wang Sicong looked at Di Wei dumbfounded, and couldn't figure it out... Why are these sisters telling me this?

Di Wei glanced at Xu Xin who was getting closer and said in a low voice:

"Keep it a secret. Let's trade one for the other and we'll be even!"


Wang Sicong now understood what the other party meant.

Then a thought quickly came to my mind:

"You're having a great time..."

Then I found it surprisingly exciting.

And I'm thinking about something...

If a man marries her, she will still be involved with a woman. Is this man being cuckolded, or is he willingly wearing the cuckold and the three of them together...


Thinking about it this way... Oops, it seems to be getting more and more exciting.

At this time, Xu Xin came over:

"What are you two doing?"

He saw Wang Sicong performing the scene of spraying water from a distance.


Wang Sicong quickly shook his head:

"It's okay, just chatting."

Seeing this, Xu Xin didn't think much and said to the two of them:

"It will be your show for a while, so behave well. Especially you, just chat with Si Wei as normal and tell an experience you made up. Just brag, don't worry about your acting skills or anything like that." , do what you should do, do you understand what I mean?"

"...Well, don't worry, I promise it'll be fine."



Everyone can tell that Wang Sicong is being tough.

But Xu Xin was particularly mature in handling this matter.

I wasn't joking, and I didn't mean to pull out my friend's air-tight core.

Just nodded:

"Well, I think you must be fine too."

After giving encouragement with a smile, he nodded to Di Wei:

"You two should match your words and find your groove."

"Okay, director."

Si Wei quickly agreed.

Then Xu Xin left.

Give free time to these two people.

Sitting in front of several monitors, he started to check today's work with a cigarette in his mouth.

After sitting for a while, just when the crew was about to start filming, Qi Lei suddenly came over.

"Brother Qi, what's wrong?"

Looking at Qi Lei with a happy face, Xu Xin asked curiously.

"The result of "The Piano of Steel" is out."

Qi Lei got straight to the point.

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows, looked at his happy state, and asked:


"Well! Shortlisted for the main competition unit!"

Qi Lei nodded heavily, his eyes filled with a look of joy...as if he went out this morning and picked up a hundred dollars.


"The Piano of Steel" really looks like it was picked up.

Director Xu went to Shenyang, and someone found him through some connections, and then he brought back a very, very good film...

And just after taking over the follow-up financing and distribution of this film, suddenly, "The Piano" was shortlisted for the Tokyo Film Festival.

Let’s not talk about whether we can win the prize or not.

Just being shortlisted is already a surprise for a small-budget film.

Not to mention the film's award honors, just talking about "shortlisted" is equivalent to adding another honor to this year's Xiying Film Studio.

And...what if I win an award?

Therefore, Qi Lei was really happy after hearing the news.

It's not that I'm happy that it's so powerful, but that I feel like I've gotten a big bargain for nothing.

But Xu Xin was a little puzzled and glanced at the time on his watch...

"It's only around 8 o'clock, why do they go to work so early?"

"It's an hour ahead of us over there, and it's almost 10 o'clock now! I contacted my reporter friends there, and they called me as soon as the list was announced! The news isn't that fast yet, I guess. It can spread to us at noon."

"That's it..."

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Then do I have to apply for a visa to Tokyo?"


"What's the date of the event? It starts on the 5th?"

"No, the 5th is the closing awards ceremony. It's not as long as Venice or Cannes, only 9 days. It opens on the 28th."

After Qi Lei explained, he pursed his lips to the other side of the lawn:

"How's the progress here?"

"It's about average, neither too fast nor too slow. It should be over by October. Even if it is postponed, it will only be delayed by two or three days at most."

After hearing this, Qi Lei calculated the days and said:

"In that case, you give me your passport first, and we get the visa. Then... "The Hawthorn Tree" is a surprise film. During the special screening section, you will be busy here first. Wait until the beginning of November to see if it is the second or third day. No., how are you heading out? It’s pretty quick to get there, it only takes about three hours to get there from Shanghai. I’ll try to arrange a good interview for “The Piano of Steel” in November.”


Xu Xin nodded casually:

"It's best to put it on the 3rd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I'll stay for these three days and come back early on the 6th."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Qi Lei left happily.

Although this incident was an unintentional gain for Xu Xin, he didn't pay much attention to it and focused all his energy on the movie in front of him.

The sun is just right today.

For outdoor photography, the light is the most suitable range.

No need to add any filters, it’s just right.

At this moment, Wang Sicong was already sitting in the viewing seats of the "wedding area".

Said to be viewing seats, they are actually some stools arranged neatly on the grass.

He was wearing a white shirt, and his hair style was no longer as virtuous as a chicken coop, but had become meticulous under the care of a makeup artist...

How to describe it specifically...

It's the kind of virtue that you can tell at a glance that this person is a rich man.

Especially the Asian version of the Richard Mille RM27-01 platinum square diamond in his hand, which he bought newly this year and is worth more than 7 million.

A watch worth more than 7 million yuan is in his hand, and the watch is more attractive than his face.

Xu Xin set up three fixed camera positions in front of him.

In addition, Wang Sicong did not have to stand up during the whole scene, which avoided the mistakes of a novice. He only needed to say the lines well, speak them correctly, and have the right expression.

And leaving aside the nervousness that anyone with a discerning eye can see...

Xu Xin looked at the picture conveyed by the camera on the monitor, thought for a while, and said:

"Old Wang, you'd better not wear your watch."


Wang Sicong was stunned as dry skin began to appear on his lips...

Nodding subconsciously:


As he spoke, Ma Liuer took off the watch on his hand.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and took off the Patek Philippe Nautilus from his wrist.

His watch is incomparable to Richard Mille.

As a daily watch, Yang Mi bought his watch for only four to five hundred thousand.

"Mengmeng, give it to him. Bring the watch and ask him to pout his mouth. His mouth is already dry."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng quickly walked over with her watch:

"Brother Cong, Brother Xu asked you to wear this."


As soon as Wang Sicong took the watch, he saw Su Meng stretched out her hand:

"Your cousin Xu wants it."


The corner of the eldest young master's mouth twitched...

Looking at my friend who was sitting in the shed looking like he was waiting to be slaughtered, I thought to myself that this watch might be a piece of cake.

But he still handed over the watch.

It's okay, at worst, I'll file a complaint with Dami.

Look, Dami, your husband doesn’t love you at all. He gave the watch you gave him to me.

How did I get this piece of Richard Mille in, and you have to spit it out for me!

"Then...Brother Xu asked you to purse your lips. Your mouth is already dry."


Wang Sicong rolled his eyes and ignored her.

Soon, Xu Xin took his watch and looked at the sun.


Don't tell me yet.

Richard Mille is so ugly...

Ugly and expensive.

At this time, a voice came from the intercom:

"Director, everything is ready."


Xu Xin responded and picked up the big speaker next to him:

"Actors prepare!"

Originally this job was done by the recorder, but this time he personally came to remind Wang Sicong...

Brother, it’s time to go to the execution ground.

Sure enough, Wang Sicong's mouth twitched, and then he closed his eyes without looking at Xu Xin...


Si Wei stood at the end of the lawn, looking at the recorder who was preparing to dress up.

After hearing the words "Act 51, Scene 1, 3, 2, 1, start!", and with the sound of a "snap", she began to walk forward.

In Xu Xin's picture, the slide camera began to slowly pan, and as Huang Xiaoxian moved forward, Wei Yiran's figure appeared on the right side of the screen, seemingly looking somewhere in a daze.

It's okay, as far as static appearance is concerned, there is no problem.

Xu Xin quickly looked at the positions of the other two fixed cameras.

After confirming that there was no problem with the angle, I put on my headphones and waited for the two of them to start performing.

"Mr. Wei."

Hearing this, Wei Yiran turned his head and nodded when he saw it was Huang Xiaoxian:

"Miss Huang. Why are you here?"


The moment he heard this, Xu Xin understood that Wang Sicong had to join the post-dubbing army.

His vocalization was wrong and empty.

However... as a non-professional actor, he won't be so demanding.

Just dub, it's normal.

On the contrary, he had the temperament of a rich man. He unexpectedly discovered... Lao Wang's expression was quite natural.

"Come and clean up the scene."

Huang Xiaoxian smiled and sat next to him:

"Isn't this place officially abandoned? It seems you didn't convince Miss Li to choose to get married here. We have to recycle these things. I didn't expect you, Mr. Wei, to be here."

Following her words, Wang Sicong made a movement to observe his surroundings.

While watching, take a deep breath.

Finally, after saying "You are here too", he took a deep breath and let it out.

Upon hearing this loud gasp, Huang Xiaoxian turned to look at him and said:

"Are you reluctant to part with it?"

"Why do you ask?"

Wei Yiran, played by Wang Sicong, still does not look at Huang Xiaoxian, but continues to stare ahead.

This is also the design that Xu Xin came up with.

All Wang Sicong needs to do is stare at these places.

This can avoid the need for acting skills to the greatest extent, but rely purely on temperament to win.

And it can also pave the way for the subsequent plot.

After hearing his words, Huang Xiaoxian, played by Wei Wei, also followed his appearance and observed the surroundings:

"After all, this venue is the only request you made for this wedding, Mr. Wei. But now your only request has been denied... If it were me, I would definitely feel very uncomfortable."

Wei still didn't answer, just smiled slightly.

There seems to be no desire to appeal on this matter.

But Huang Xiaoxian obviously didn't think so.

When the other party didn't answer, her eyes fell on Wei Yiran again.

The kind of energy that likes to break the casserole and get to the bottom of things started to show up:

"Mr. Wei, can I ask a question?"

"Well, you ask."

Wei Yiran still didn't look at her and continued to look in a certain direction ahead. He crossed his legs, spoke in a relaxed tone, and fixed his gaze.

Huang Xiaoxian hesitated for a moment and then asked:

"I...actually want to ask you a question on behalf of the vast number of grassroots women."

"You ask……"


Just as Wang Sicong spoke, Xu Xin suddenly stopped the performance.

Then he quickly said:

"Old Wang, don't move."

Under Wang Sicong's puzzled gaze, Xu Xin moved the control panel in front of him back for a second, then checked the other two camera positions and thought about the editing in his mind.

After confirming that the front part could be used, he continued:

"Lao Wang, when she asked this question, give me a reaction. It's that kind of... It sounded harsh to you, but your good self-cultivation prevented you from showing it. But your body language has already expressed it. I don’t mean I like it.”


Wang Sicong was stunned.

The heart says what are you talking about?

"how to do?"

he asked blankly.

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"You meet an idiot, what should you do?"

"Stay away from him, lest he infect me."




Let's just say...there's nothing wrong with it.

But it's definitely not what Xu Xin wants.

At this time, Di Wei said:

"Can your ears move?"


"Then after I say this, please move your ears... move your ears, okay, director."

"Well, try it."

Xu Xin nodded:

"Everyone, get ready to start... Lao Wang, your performance just now was great, you can't fault it. Keep up the good work!"

As soon as he said these words, Wang Sicong suddenly felt confident.

So, the filming continued.

"I...actually want to ask you a question on behalf of the vast number of grassroots women."

Wang Sicong's ears twitched.

Then... I don't know whether it was due to the blessing of his heart, or it was natural, he withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Di Wei.

"Well, you ask."

Then he turned his head and looked into the distance again.

Xu Xin's eyes lit up when he saw this set of actions.

Oh yo.

Lao Wang, this...

The sparks between Wei Yiran and Huang Xiaoxian are quite good.

Quite natural.

"For an outstanding young man like you with hard hardware and good software, you should have a lot of choices. After filtering through the layers, there will be one...I don't know what kind of girl is left, but I don't think so. It should be someone like Li Ke..."


Wang Sicong let out a loud laugh.

But it doesn’t matter, just ask him to lighten up during the post-production dubbing.

Seeing his reaction, Huang Xiaoxian quickly made up for it:

"Of course, you are not alone. This situation between you and Li Ke is very common. Many outstanding boys around me also have a girl like this. Open your mouth to speak LV and close your mouth to PRADA. You want to talk to her about what is The true meaning of love... She will tell you that the credit card overdraft limit you gave me is the true meaning of love. Why? "

As she spoke, she looked at Wei Yiran again.

His eyes became serious and stubborn:

“Why has this become a fixture?”

But it was also because this was the first time she had officially spoken to Wei Yiran when she said these words, so she didn't see Wei Yiran's sneer expression when she said "LV" just now.

"Sneer" starring the real Wang Sicong.

Just like the sneer he usually used when he laughed at people he didn't like.

It's an expression that Xu Xin knows best.

Because he had seen Lao Wang's expression many times.

He didn't know if Lao Wang had really entered the state.

But so far, apart from his hollow voice and uncomfortable sound, there is nothing wrong with his performance.

I wouldn’t say it’s stunning, but it’s definitely not out of place, it’s very natural.

As Huang Xiaoxian's question ended, Wei Yiran, who had finished laughing, suddenly gestured forward:

"Miss Huang."

Following his gesture, Huang Xiaoxian also looked in the direction he had been looking at.

"Do you know where that is?"

"I know, Xujiacun."

"I used to live there."

Huang Xiaoxian was stunned.

"The people in the village built a tube house. The size of a room is a standard ten square meters, and the cost is 100 yuan a month. That is where I lived when I first moved into the city. Because there are so many people living there, the security of the village is also a problem. Therefore, the landlord set The standard is to lock the door at 11pm.”

"I didn't expect Mr. Wei to have..."

"Li Ke and I were huddled in that small room."


Huang Xiaoxian's words were ruthlessly interrupted.

Instead, there was a sense of astonishment.

It's like I heard it wrong.

As if Wei Yiran had anticipated her expression, he did not turn his head at all, but stared in the direction of "Xujiacun" and continued:

"In the first six months after we arrived in this city, we set up a small stall. We each had two suitcases, and the suitcases were filled with fake LV and PRADA. There was no need for a stall. The four suitcases were covered with cloth. You can sell those knockoff bags by placing them on the road. At that time, knockoffs were not yet defined as fakes, but due to city regulations, we couldn’t sell them during the day, so we could only sell them at night.”


"At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, we squeezed onto the subway and took an hour and a half to go to the zoo. When we arrived, the management staff also got off work, so we used suitcases to set up a stall on the roadside. The zoo sold until 6 o'clock in the evening. Then we will go to the nearby university town. After the students return to their dormitories, between 9 and 10 o'clock, we will go to Bar Street. Bar Street has the best business, and people who drink too much always buy impulsively. But When they drank too much, the time came to one or two o'clock."


After saying two large lines in one breath, everyone else, not to mention Xu Xin, was surprised.


Wang Sicong...


"Remember what I just said? The house we rent closes at 11 o'clock. The landlord will not give external tenants like us the key to the door because it wants to prevent other tenants from being damaged by theft or the like.

And we can't ask the landlord to open the door for us at two or three o'clock every day.

So, usually, Li Ke and I would go to the 24-hour KFC and stay there until dawn. We would order a burger, I would have the meat and Li Ke would have the bread. Because she said fried food makes her fat.

And sometimes when she is greedy, I will tear off the skin of the fried chicken and leave the meat to her, and she will leave the bread to me. As for the sour cream inside, each of us had half. "


In Huang Xiaoxian's confused expression, Wei Yiran chuckled:

"Ha~ Because we were reluctant to buy a Coke for 5 yuan a cup, we always drank the water we prepared ourselves. During the break, we would calculate how much money we made today, how much money we saved, and how we planned to live in the future... until At dawn, take the first subway home in the morning."


Huang Xiaoxian tried to say something, but Wei Yiran continued without caring:

"On the subway, she would lean on my shoulder and observe those people who also went to work early. Then she would lie in my ear and tell me that the LVs that those girls were carrying were fake and where the fakes were... …”

At this point, Wang Sicong, who had completely entered the mood, let go.

What happened in the past, what happened in the past, what happened a few days ago...

When he was asked to talk about this plot that was obviously just made up at this moment, he felt... an indescribable complex emotion.

So, he simply ignored the sliding camera that was moving slowly while he was speaking, turned his head and glanced at Huang Xiaoxian, whose face was full of astonishment, and continued:

"You just said that LV and PRADA have become things to measure love. I don't deny it, but... Miss Huang, I understand that you have your own opinions on some things.

But at some point, if a person blindly looks at the world from her own perspective, then the world will naturally become what she believes it to be.

But it's just your imagination. When you are too immersed in your own world, your assumptions are the obstacle to you seeing the truth.

And this kind of narrow vision, which is partial and comprehensive, will make you eventually get lost in a path that you don't even know. "

Having said this, he finally shook his head:

"But that's not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that when you are lost in this lost journey, as you go deeper, you will become more and more convinced that everything you know is correct. You will follow This "correct" path goes further and further until you are lost forever."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

This sentence was definitely added by the grandson himself.

There really isn’t one in the lines.

The lines were about to go to Di Wei. Who knew he would actually add such a long line of words that he felt.


Huang Xiaoxian (Si Wei) was stunned and said quickly:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wei, I apologize for my prejudice..."


Following her words, Wei Yiran smiled and shook his head:

"From Miss Huang's point of view, we are just the kind of girls you have in mind who always talk about LV and PRADA, while I am just a high-quality man with good hardware and software.

But... after listening to our stories, do you still think so? "


Huang Xiaoxian fell into deep thought.

The shock that has not faded still remains on his face.

Wei Yiran, who didn't get the answer, just stood up after seeing her appearance:

"Okay, it's getting late. Miss Huang, goodbye."

After that, he left gracefully.

Only the confused Huang Xiaoxian was left...


Xu Xin's voice rang out immediately.

Full of excitement.

Looking at Wang Sicong who turned around, he gave a thumbs up without hesitation:

"Old Wang! Wow! So awesome! Hahahaha..."

He gave a heartfelt compliment.

Because he really didn't expect that such a long line that was almost a monologue would be delivered by Wang Sicong all at once.

There was no jam the whole time.

In the end, even Xu Xin himself couldn't tell whether what he said was true or false!

At the same time, Ya also came up with some improvisation!


The bull is booming!

Although whether that improvisation should be added to the script is debatable.

And his argument about "cognition" was actually ironic to himself, right?

That expression is so real...

Tsk tsk tsk.


He gave his sincere compliment.

After hearing what Lao Xu said, Wang Sicong was still a little... immersed in that emotion.

But his first reaction was indeed to look at Di Wei.

"Seventh brother, awesome!"

He said something without thinking.

He gave a thumbs up to Di Wei.

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