I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 598 Chapter 596

Chapter 598

In fact, Wang Sicong himself felt that it was like a dream.

He was obviously nervous at the beginning, but now after the performance, he felt a strange sense of accomplishment.

Inexplicably feel very cool.

And he was actually sweating.

The back of the shirt was cold.


He drank the best sip of Coke in his life.

Tang Yan gave it to him.

Tang Yan himself was actually surprised by brother Cong's performance.

A large section of lines, plus a section of his impromptu performance, was completely smoothed out without any stuttering.

Silky smooth.

Although this is only one of Wei Yiran's four scenes, it is amazing enough.

"Brother Cong really has a talent for acting."

She said this with all her heart.

"……Ha ha."

Wang Sicong held the Coke in his hand, and the only thing he could do after hearing this was to laugh.

Because he didn't know what to say.

Anyway, it's cool.

Then this person... Once he is happy, it is easy to forget things.

Looking at the crew busy preparing for the next show, he vaguely felt that he had something to do.

I just can't remember it.

I can't remember it.

Anyway, I'm in a good mood right now...

Never mind!


The days that followed became uneventful.

Every actor in the crew has played to their own level, coupled with the crew's careful shooting plan and the control of the chief director.

The entire "33 Days" crew is like a precise machine, not only completing the progress on time every day, but also making up for the delay on the first day.

Then, on October 20th, Xu Xin finally found someone he had always wanted to see.

Jin Shijie.

Playing the couple of "Chen Shukun and Zhang Yulan" in this play, Chen Shukun and Mr. Chen.

From the audition for "The Wind", Xu Xin felt that his play was very suitable.

As the king of Wanwan's drama, the old man has the air of a master of a generation no matter in terms of his lines or acting skills.

And in recent years, taking plays is also notoriously cold.

Take everything.

Arrived late but was busy.

After filming, he had to leave quickly to dub "Kung Fu Panda 2".

Moreover, according to the chat with his wife two days ago, it seems that Wang Jiawei also found him to film a scene of "The Great Master".

Logically speaking, even a director doesn't like his kind of rushing that almost catches up with the show.

However, when he came to the production crew, after spending an afternoon and half an evening filming the two scenes in the hospital, Xu Xin couldn't find anything wrong with it.

On the second day after filming, Jin Shijie left.

So much so that it gave Xu Xin the illusion of "has he really been here?"

But he can also understand Jin Shijie's approach.

This person... how to say.

Before 2009, they went straight to the acting masters with straight eyebrows.

Cherishing his feathers all his life, he is mostly active in dramas. Except for some favored characters or more recognized characters, the characters on the screen are basically not good at acting with strangers.

But that all changed in 2009.

The reason……

It is because of his children.

Jin Shijie was born in 51 years. Before 2009, he was a staunch non-marriage advocate.

As the founder of Wanwan's first theatrical troupe "Lanling Drama Workshop", he has acted in countless dramas before 2009 and is known as the king of Wanwan dramas!

But in the history of film, it is not very concerned.

Obsessed with acting, not interested in fame and fortune.

But in 2009, he married a student who was 25 years younger than him. And his wife also gave birth to a pair of twins for him in the same year.

From then on, he seemed to have fully understood, and plunged into the Vanity Fair of the film and television industry.

And for his transformation, many colleagues in the drama industry actually don't quite understand it, thinking that he is destroying his feathers.

Especially after finishing a bad film "Snow in Taipei".

But in the face of these accusations, the answer he gave was quite straightforward:

"I can't live for a few years. I want to make more money before I die, so that my wife and children can live better."

Therefore, after the movie sent an invitation to him, Xu Xin agreed to the 150,000 film remuneration proposed by the other party's agent without any hesitation.

And after these two scenes, he really felt that the 150,000 flowers were worth it.

This old man's acting skills...

Can't fault it at all.

Give full play to the old version of Mr. Chen.

Then, the crew started filming the young version of Mr. Chen to finish off.

In Xu Xin's opinion, Zhang Yi's performance was quite satisfactory.

To put it bluntly, this script cannot give the actors a lot of room to play. Just act step by step.

The completion of Zhang Yi's performance also symbolizes the completion of all interior shooting of the crew.

After finishing the interior shooting on the morning of the 21st, everyone got on the plane to Yanjing in the afternoon.


The location "covering" of "33 Days" started on the 17th.

A group of young people from Western Film Studio set up a production crew with a randomly fabricated title at the filming location needed by the crew.

At the same time, I contacted some students from Beijing Film Academy and Chinese Academy of Drama to come to "audition".

And the name is not a movie, but an "experimental behavioral documentary".

There is no script, just some ideas they came up with, some very short urban plots.

But it was such an invitation that attracted the attention of many students.

Most of them are freshmen.

After all, they are not yet deeply involved in the world, and they don't have much relationship, resources, and the like. It is quite rare to have this kind of practice opportunity at present.

But the sophomores and juniors responded mediocre to the recruitment of this kind of crew who didn't know what to shoot at first glance.

But freshmen don't matter.

Even if there are "many directors" in this crew, and they also said "this film is experimental in nature", it doesn't matter.

If you have the opportunity to perform in front of the camera, you will be paid 200 yuan a day.

do it!

Why not?

Anyway, waiting is waiting.

Therefore, starting from the 17th, many students began to travel with the crew to several places in Yanjing, arranging and performing one short story after another, small plots.

And wherever they go, the crew will play their own brand: "Urban Love Story"

In the beginning, some white-collar workers who worked in office buildings, or people who opened shops in some places, would come to join in the fun, wanting to see how filming was going.

But after seeing that there are not many famous actors in the crew, and the group of people don't know what to do, they lose interest.

This group of people... are really full.

Free fart.

Even some first-year freshmen from Beijing Film Academy or Chinese Academy of Drama also retreated.

I waited there for a day, but I couldn't take a few pictures.

And it couldn't be released, and the story is inexplicable...

After following for two or three days, these people were reduced by half.

But someone always persisted.

Such as Nazha.

On the afternoon of the 23rd.

Nazha, who had just finished a big class, was planning to leave with her bag on her back.

But he was stopped by Yang Zi:

"Hey, why are you going?"

"Go to the theater."

Nazha said something casually.

Yang Zi was speechless for a moment:

"Are you still going? What are you playing today?"

"Hmm... It's about a girl waiting for her boyfriend outside a restaurant, but she didn't come. I'm going to Sihexuan~"

Sihexuan Yang Zi knows that it is next to the Forbidden City.

Although it is a western restaurant, you can see the Forbidden City when you eat there.

Taste...just enough.

But Yang Zi was even more speechless:

"so far away?"

Beiying is really not close to the Forbidden City.

"I'm not talking about you... That's obviously an experimental crew, and I don't know what to shoot... Why did you go there?"

In the past few days, she has read the script that Nazha brought back... or the "note", from her eyes, it is simply pitiful.

That is also called a script?

Those who specialize in cheating investors' money are almost the same.

The whole crew only has one camera, shooting something unknown every day.

At first glance, it looks like a pheasant crew.

Ke Nazha shrugged:

"It's filming. These days I played the girl who was broken in love, the model who waited for the opportunity, and the working girl... There are many roles, all of which are very interesting."

"...Can't you ask the company to arrange some serious roles for you?"

"It's been arranged, but the show hasn't started yet. I think it's good to act more and gain more experience."

"...I really admire you."

Hearing this, Yang Zi shook his head helplessly.

Let's talk about the friend axis, she is the real axis.

But this kind of not letting go of any opportunity to improve herself... This kind of persistence made her a little ashamed.

So she took Nazha's arm:

"Let's go."

"What are you doing?"

"Stay with you. It just so happens that you can stay at my house tonight~hehe~"

"Did you drive?"


"That's just right... If it's over early, I'll take you to that Northern Xinjiang BBQ. It's delicious."

"your treat?"


"Okay, GOGOGO~"

The two walked towards the outside of the school talking and laughing all the way.

When he arrived at the school gate, Yang Zi saw a few luxury cars parked by the side of the road.

She was not surprised, on the contrary, she was already used to it.

"Unspoken rules".

And Nazha put on a mask directly, and after avoiding the trouble of being approached, she heard a sentence from her roommate:

"Ferrari is good-looking. After I graduate and manage my own money, I will buy one too."

Hearing this, she turned her head in the direction Yang Zi was looking at, and a black Ferrari came into view.

She nodded:

"Hmm. It looks good... what model is this?"

"I don't know... I heard that Director Xu also owns a Ferrari, have you seen it?"

"I've seen it."

The first time she came to Yanjing to pay Sister Mi an IOU, the Ferrari was parked in the parking space in the basement.

Recalling the appearance of that car, she said:

"Brother Xu doesn't even open it. The last time I saw it, it was covered with a very thick layer of dust."

Hearing this, Yang Zi smiled and said:

"Do you think these people learned from Director Xu?"

Nazha rolled her eyes and said:

"Let me tell you once, when Sister Mi and Brother Xu met, Brother Xu no longer drove a Ferrari. Sister Mi felt disgusting... So Brother Xu changed to drive an Audi."

"I know I know, just the one from the Olympics, right?"


"Where is that car now?"

"Give it to Sister Tingting."


"Sister Tingting sold it."

"Didn't you say you were selling a Santana?"

"That Santana was used by Brother Xu to teach Miss Mi a car. It was the first one. The second one is the Audi."

"oh oh……"

Obviously, Yang Zi knew a lot of "gossip" from his roommate.

It was precisely because of these gossips that she was more sure...the relationship between Nazha and Director Xu is really quite unusual.

Otherwise, how could these things be known so clearly.

While talking, the two came to the parking lot next to them.

Yang Zi is a "monthly subscription VIP" here, and soon, a MINI that handles very well for girls drives out and heads towards the Forbidden City.

And when the two of them arrived at the place, it was already in the early five o'clock.

But as soon as they got out of the car, when the two of them came to Sihexuan... Yang Zi's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Nazha was also taken aback.


The crew of "Pheasant" in Yang Zi's mouth is completely different at this moment.

A group of people are moving equipment to Sihexuan, so I won't mention it.

Yang Zi had already seen a sign with the logo of Sihexuan restaurant outside the raised cordon that said "Closed business today".

Charter! ?

She was taken aback.

Looking at the rocker arm being installed next to it, the boxes of equipment next to the rocker arm, and the various lights and circuits being assembled by some people...

Among other things, she saw five or six boxes with the words "ARRI" on it.

In an instant, she sensed something was wrong.


What's the matter?

How could the pheasant crew use Alai?

And there are still so many!

Adding this rocker, and the posture of booking...

What is this for?

And Nazha was also dumbfounded:

"What's the situation?"

She instinctively started searching, and soon found the director of "Urban Love Story" next to several camera boxes.

"...I'll ask the director what's going on."

"I'm with you."

Yang Zi said while putting on a mask.

She is a well-known actress and is easily recognized by others.

"Brother Ji."

Walking up to a man in his twenties or thirties, Nazha greeted him politely.

And the man called Director Ji turned his head to look, nodded with a smile:

"Nazha, here we come."

As he spoke, he glanced down at the time.

With a satisfied look:

"Very good, not late."

"Brother Ji, this is..."

Nazha looked bewildered.

Director Ji didn't answer directly, instead he glanced at the little girl wearing a mask and asked:

"she is……"

"My friend, we are together today."

Hearing this, Director Ji asked:

"A student of Beijing Film Academy too?"

"Uh... yes."

"Ha~ Then classmate, you are considered to be in the light of Nazha today."

Amidst Yang Zi's speechless "Brother, what are you talking about?", Director Ji lowered his voice:

"Do you know why you must come today?"

"……have no idea."

"This is the reward for you and the crew these few days."

Ji Dao pretended to be mysterious and laughed.

In return, Nazha and Yang Zi were at a loss of "what are you talking about, big brother".

Seeing this, Director Ji shrugged:

"Since you call me brother, the brother will naturally take care of you. There are only seven or eight extras today, and I have won a spot for you. Since you have brought friends, you two will be together."

"... Brother Ji, what do you mean, I don't understand..."

Seeing Nazha's bewildered face, Director Ji chuckled:

"Hey, silly girl, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, our crew is actually fake."


The corner of Nazha's mouth twitched.

Yang Zi was taken aback.

"In the past few days, we wandered around those fixed places in the streets and alleys, in fact, it was to cover up. And the real..."

"Xiao Ji."

At this time, a voice sounded.

Xue Yong appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, Teacher Xue."

"Well, the arrangement over there is almost done. Let the group performers change into their clothes later. You tell me to play, don't make any mistakes, you know?"

"Hey, don't worry. Then I'll let them change their clothes now."

"...These two?"

Xue Yong looked at Nazha and Yang Zi who was wearing a mask next to him, and was a little surprised at Nazha's appearance.

But he is not someone who has never eaten or seen, let alone the girl wearing a mask. This girl without a mask... looks a little too beautiful.

After thinking about it, he said:

"This one can't be a waiter, it's too beautiful, and it's easy to divert the audience's attention. No way."

Saying that, when Nazha and Director Ji didn't react, Xue Yong looked at Yang Zi again:

"Pull off the mask and let me see."

The corner of Yang Zi's mouth twitched...

Quickly wave your hands:

"I'm not acting, I'll accompany her over here to see..."


Xue Yong frowned.

Not acting?

Why are idlers waiting for you to bring them here?

He looked at the young man.

The young man was also a little speechless, but he still said:

"Teacher Xue, I think the requirement is to be young and beautiful, so I left him..."

"Young and beautiful is the fashionable girl who wants to party at the table in the background. Everyone is already here, and now there are fewer waiters..."

As he said that, Xue Yong also felt that it was a pity for Nazha to look like this.

After thinking about it, he said:

"How about it...Old Wu."

"Hey, Director Xue, what about this?"

"Go and remove one of the girls who acted as high-ranking ladies, and take her to change clothes. The girl who was removed will become a waiter."

"Good Director Xue."

The middle-aged man called "Old Wu" nodded immediately, glanced at Nazha... raised his eyebrows.

Obviously surprised too.

He waved to her enthusiastically:

"You, come with me."


Nazha glanced at Yang Zi and nodded:


After finishing speaking, she quickly said to Yang Zi:

"Then I'll go."

"...Well, I'll wait for you."

So, Nazha quickly followed the people into the restaurant.

And Xue Yong also left directly.

Before the filming started, the assistant director was the busiest, and he couldn't be free.

And Yang Zi also understood it.

This so-called season director has an extremely small position in the crew.

But... she still asked curiously:

"Director Ji, what exactly is our film?"

Without Nazha, the young man glanced at the masked girl and shook his head:

"It's not convenient to tell you."


The corner of Yang Zi's mouth twitched, looking at the other party who left, completely speechless.

What the hell...

My aunt took off her mask and scared you to death!

She looked at Nazha who disappeared into the restaurant speechlessly, and squatted down in a corner near the crew.

Then, watching the crew being busy for three or four minutes, they suddenly heard the door of the RV next to them open.

Turning his head subconsciously, he suddenly froze.

The man in front of him who was walking directly towards the restaurant, wearing canvas shoes, jeans, and a casual suit, looked like a rich man at a glance...it turned out to be Wang Sicong! ?


Yang Zi was dumbfounded.

Why is he here?


"Brother Cong, hurry up! Come here! Come find me!"

"What are you doing? I'm adjusting my status."

"You adjust your hammer state, come on! Come on! Come on! Big beauty!"


Seeing this message, Wang Sicong's mouth twitched.

What the hell, today is our rival show, brother, you tell me this at this time?

Aren't you sincerely disturbing this old man's meditation?


I would like to see what kind of beauty can make you lose your composure.

He got up straight away, pushed open the door of the RV and walked out.

All the way to the restaurant.

Today, the first floor of the restaurant is where the actress puts on her makeup, but today's scene was filmed on the second floor.

When Wang Sicong entered the restaurant, he went straight to the second floor.

A group of people on the second floor were busy installing cameras and looking for angles.

Because there are mirrors on the second floor, we still have to pay attention to the goofy lens.

In the crowd, he found Xi Wei who was sitting on the sofa staring at a certain place.

Walking straight over, he asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Come on, come on!"

Seeing that it was him, Xi Wei quickly pulled his arm, then pointed in one direction:

"Look, beauty!"

Wang Sicong looked in the direction and saw a...really beautiful girl sitting next to several other girls wearing evening dress-like clothes.

She was dressed out of tune with the other girls.

But in terms of appearance...these girls together are not enough for her to fight alone.


Wang Sicong raised his eyebrows:

"It's pretty."

"That's right! Damn! I'm drooling just looking at it, I'm so hungry!"


The corner of Wang Sicong's mouth twitched.

I couldn't help saying:

"Brother, this is a public place, can we be more reserved?...You are too obvious."


When Xi Wei heard this, she quickly restrained herself, then turned her head with bright eyes:

"Hey, I need a call!"

"Who? Me?"

"That's right! I have a girlfriend, I don't need it for the time being... You develop it first, and then transfer it to me..."


What the hell are you a rogue?

When Wang Sicong heard this, he felt his scalp go numb.

Brother, you are really... so fucking good at playing.

There are no taboos for meat and vegetables, and men and women take it all...

This advantage is too big.

Rao, the relationship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds since that scene, and now they are called buddies...

But for this brother's sometimes particularly strange brain circuit, he still admires it.

What do you think...

No, it should be said that I can't think about it.

Because if you follow Seventh Brother's idea...then this life is too exciting.


"I'm warning you, Old Xu hates this kind of thing, so don't mess around."

"Hey Hey……"

Seeing Nazha's profile, Xi Wei let out bursts of laughter:

"No... I'll just take a look. I have my family, Lao Lin... So I'll give you a chance! This girl is too good!"


Following her words, Wang Sicong, who never took his eyes off the beautiful girl, nodded subconsciously:

"It's really beautiful. It's a pity...Knowing people and faces but not heart..."

Xie Wei rolled her eyes instantly:

"It's not for you to get married, why do you think so much?"


Wang Sicong twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at her...

Although what she said was very chic...

But Wang Sicong still spat at her very bluntly:

"Bah, scumbag!"

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