I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 599 Chapter 597

599 Chapter 597. Talking is the same as singing

In fact, looking at this girl, Wang Sicong felt vaguely familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But can't remember.

But I have to admit, this girl is really pretty.

Being among those girls is like a dimensionality reduction attack.

But recently... for no reason, he's been a little afraid of this kind of girl.

It's not fear, but the pure kind... dare not think.

It doesn't matter if you say he thinks too much, or you say he is hypocritical.

But his current state does indeed belong to that... type who doesn't want to fall in love.

But after Xi Wei heard his complaints, she didn't care:

"I want to be a scumbag...but I can't. I'm a girl~"


Wang Sicong raised his eyebrows:

"You old man, do you still know? Then why are you acting like an idiot in such a hurry to call me over?"

"Aren't I thinking of you?"

Xi Wei was a little dissatisfied:

"This girl is so beautiful, how can I take advantage of others? Who is our buddy?"

Hearing this, Wang Sicong felt warm in his heart.

But after the heat was over, it became even weirder.

Glancing at the girl again, he suddenly said:

"I don't want to be in love recently."


"...not used to it."


Wang Sicong looked at Xie Wei's suspicious eyes... After thinking about it, he looked around, and after making sure that no one was paying attention to this side, he rarely revealed his heart to people other than three men and one woman:

"I'm a little scared."

"...What are you afraid of?"

Xi Wei was even more puzzled.

Immediately... She hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Don't be angry when I say this. You, you are too low-minded, you know? I was played by a little girl. But it's not shameful, on the contrary, it proves that our Brother Cong is innocent! Hey, you know you How rare is such an innocent little boy? With your conditions, you are still so innocent, the girl you like can't wait to give yourself two slaps every day to atone for your sins..."


Wang Sicong blushed...

"Not so not so..."

"I'm not complimenting you, I'm saying you're too naive... Look at what other rich second generations are doing, you're looking at you... From some levels, out of 100 rich second generations, you are at least 95 Personally. But in terms of... feelings, out of 100 rich second generations, your innocent appearance is estimated to be ranked outside the 200th..."


Wang Sicong was speechless again in a blink of an eye.

My heart said, are you praising me or hurting me?

"What are you afraid of? Let me tell you, let's scum each other! Gold is found in shit, and a scam is found in short people. If others can scum you, you can scum others..."


Wang Sicong, who really couldn't listen to her comparison, stopped quickly:

"Sister, you are a girl!"

"I mean that! You..."

Before she finished speaking, Wang Sicong shook his head again:

"You're not right."

Xi Wei was taken aback for a moment...

"I understand what you mean, and I know that I may be too blind in some things. But...boys will not suffer from this thing, do you understand what I mean? As long as she is clean, don't give it to her." What kind of disease do I catch, the boy will never suffer, right?"

"That's for sure."

"But the problem is...it's not interesting."

Wang Sicong shrugged:

"It's not that I'm lofty...it's just...boring, do you understand me?"

"don't know."

Xie Wei shook her head sincerely:

"what do you mean?"


Wang Sicong subconsciously took out the cigarette in his pocket.

But after glancing at the little girls, he put down the cigarette case again.

The corner of Xi Wei's mouth twitched...


Brother Cong is too warm.

No wonder I came back from the UK, the children who ate the old London noodles are not the same.

Full of gentlemanly demeanor.

Then I heard Wang Sicong say:

"The reason why I don't want to fall in love now is actually because I'm afraid. Or...resist. I especially resist the kind...the girl who said she loves me in my arms one second ago, and turned her back after I fell asleep. For me... thinking about something, you know what I mean?"


"So... I am quite resistant. Of course, this is one aspect. The other aspect is...you have never been in contact with Lao Xu and Dami. So...you don't know."

"what do you know?"

"It's such a happy thing to be with the one you love and keep the purity of love."

Wang Sicong said to Xi Wei seriously.


Xie Wei was taken aback.

Then I saw Wang Sicong's face full of envy and yearning:

"Pursuing the spiritual pure love of spiritual communication and rationality, although Plato's view of love symbolizes the tradition of rationalism. But it must be admitted that he is reasonable. And... as far as the physiology of men and women is concerned... Of course, I am not I'm playing hooligans, I'm worthy of physical characteristics. Just... Men actually want to have a good time, but women are always in that state of joy, right?"


Xi Wei was a little confused by Wang Sicong's thinking of "Platonic love" and "physiological hygiene" at this moment.

So that I don't know what he is going to say.

But it must be admitted that...

Brother Cong is actually quite handsome.

It's not a bad idea to be a brilliant student of philosophy who has returned from eating old London fried noodles.

I know a lot.

"Because I have seen what it looks like to truly love in a stable environment built by both parties.

So, I know...Compared to physical pleasure and pure spiritual dependence...there is a higher-level relationship in this world than these two.

You can enjoy the pleasure of the body without getting tired, and you can also make yourself better for the other party from the spiritual level.

I have seen this kind of love, so I instinctively want to chase after it. It has nothing to do with innocence or simplicity.

As for the kind you mentioned, it seems to me like animal instinct. Most animals in nature are chasing after the instinct of procreation, which is not love.

People, not animals.

And I've seen better. It's like after you have eaten better things, you will feel that the steamed buns are so rough that it is difficult to swallow. It is a reason.

Do you know what I mean? "

And did Xie Wei understand?


So, she asked instinctively:

"You mean Director Xu and Yang Mi?"

"That's right."

Looking away from the pretty girl's face, Wang Sicong responded:

"I have seen love that goes in both directions, so I would rather lack than abuse. The blind pursuit makes me remember the pain, but I will never make the same mistake again."


Listening to his decisive words...

After Xie Wei was stunned for a moment, she said:

"Brother Cong..."


"I'm sorry, I'm guilty...I wanted you to come and see the beauty...I'm guilty, really."

Wang Sicong turned his head to look at her, and smiled:

"Hey. How about... you give yourself two slaps... Eh, don't, don't..."

He quickly grabbed Xie Wei's wrist:

"Brother, are you serious? I'm joking...Okay, I'll go smoke a cigarette and try to get in shape. I won't be able to get into the state for a while...Besides, don't take advantage of other girls, Old Xu doesn't like this."

Waving his hand, holding a cigarette case, Congcong came and went in a hurry.

went downstairs.

Xi Wei who stayed behind looked at the direction Wang Sicong left, and after a while, she muttered:

"Cultural people... are just different. Talking is as good as singing."


This crew... has something.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but Yang Zi, who was squatting in the corner, looked at it for a while, and really saw some tricks.

First of all, those Arris.

Not to mention the cost of this camera.

The most important thing is that this thing is usually only used in movies.

It is not impossible to use a TV, but if you use this to shoot, you will also have high requirements for the makeup of the actors.

Makeup is expensive.

Small theater groups generally can't afford it either.

To put it bluntly, even your pores can be photographed clearly, and the audience will see the slightly rough makeup and clothing of the TV drama actors, so Alai's practicality in the TV drama field is not high.

Or, according to the knowledge learned in school, a more professional explanation is that the film format is usually based on S35, and the TV sensor is usually two-thirds of an inch.

The difference between the two sizes is too large, resulting in the most intuitive difference in depth of field. The current digital cameras mostly use film as the simulation object, using a photoelectric response curve similar to a logarithmic function, which is significantly different from the gamma characteristics commonly used by TV cameras in terms of tone and tolerance...

Don't ask her why she knows this.

She has been brainwashed by the knowledge that her roommate shared with her laptop every day.

There is no need to memorize it deliberately, and you can understand it clearly after listening to Nazha recite the theoretical knowledge there every day.

Then there's the people...

This crew...is really not small.

Although I don't know how many people there are in Sihexuan, just the people who are busy outside, Yang Zi counted back and forth, there are seventy or eighty.

And... this should be the production team of a big company.

Some of the seventy or eighty people... At least one-third of the young faces are working under the leadership of some older people.

One mouthful of "teacher", "director" and so on, the title is very particular.

And their efficiency is also very high, each person in charge has materials in their hands, especially the two parts of lighting and photography, which are almost demanding.

And the temperament exuded by the entire crew is like a highly precise machine.

It's still imported from Germany.

So, here comes the problem...

Such a crew...

And Wang Sicong...

When these two points are connected, what answer will people have?


But I never heard that Wanda started making movies by himself...

Leaving aside that possibility...

Yang Zi suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be...

It's Director Xu! ?

But as soon as this possibility came out, it was immediately rejected.

How is it possible.

Nazha called Brother Xu for Director Xu.

If it's really filming, will she not know? How long does it take to be fooled by that fake director for several days, and only to be called to Sihexuan today?

So here comes the problem...

What are these people doing?

She was squatting on the ground drawing circles and pondering, when she suddenly heard:

"Director Xu, everything is almost done."

Yang Zi shuddered immediately, and looked towards the source of the sound.

Then people are stupid.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Xu Xin! ?

Looking at Director Xue who was coaxed by the bull just now, and another person surrounded by Xu Xin who was reading a notebook with a cigarette in his mouth, Yang Zi was really dumbfounded.

It's really Xu Xin! ?

? ? ? ?

Then, she suddenly realized what this play was.

"Thirty-Three Days of Broken Love"!

It turned out to be "Thirty-Three Days of Broken Love"! ? ? ? ?

Looking at Xu Xin, Yang Zi's eyes straightened.


"...Who is that girl?"

Feeling something strange, Xu Xin looked around subconsciously, and then saw a girl squatting in the corner looking straight at him.

And within the cordon.

The explanation is the crew.

Why are the crew looking at me like that?

he couldn't help asking.

After hearing this, Xue Yong glanced in Director Xu's direction, and quickly explained:

"It's a friend of a side actor, and she came here with her. The fake crew we used as a cover has been calling some students from Chinese opera and Beijing Film Academy to come over these days. She came with that side actor... I kicked her out Walk?"

"Well, no, just wait."

Xu Xin said indifferently:

"Just don't make trouble... Then let everyone prepare, let's make a quick decision. Finish the filming early and end early."

"Okay. Then I'll tell the actor to go."

"Well, I'll go in and take a look."

After speaking, Xu Xin went straight to Sihexuan.

Today, the film crew has reserved the venue, and except for a few waiters, no one is at work in Sihexuan.

After he entered, he went all the way up to the second floor.

Going to see what the layout of the second floor looks like. But at this time, it happened to be the time when the lights were turned on. After taking a look, he felt that the light here was too bright.

I will take a close-up of Sihexuan outdoors in a while.

This is the price of renting a restaurant without spending a penny.

In the dark night, this light is too bright.

So I asked the lighting engineer to adjust it on the first floor.

After adjusting the brightness to what he thought was suitable, Xue Yong also followed.

The two walked to the second floor together.

When he went up to the second floor, he subconsciously looked around his surroundings... His eyes suddenly paused.

Dazed, puzzled, blinked, wondering... Finally, he shouted:



Having just changed into a dress, Nazha, who was sitting at the table, subconsciously turned her head.

Then people are dumbfounded.

"Brother Xu?"

The conversation between the two instantly attracted the attention of everyone including Xue Yong and Xie Wei.

Xue Yong was taken aback.

And Xu Xin walked towards her:

"Why are you here?"

"I... come to play tricks."

Nazha panicked and wanted to stand up from the table.

But because of the width of the table, if she wanted to stand up, she had to walk around the girl sitting on the outside.

So it took some work.

As soon as the person came out, Xu Xin looked at her pretty appearance in this black slim dress, and was even more puzzled:

"play a small role?"

"Uh... yes..."


Xu Xin was even more puzzled.

Subconsciously looked at Xue Yong.

Xue Yong hurriedly said:

"Director Xu, she is the girl who has been filming with our fake crew for several days."


Seeing Xu Xin's puzzled eyes, Xue Yong thought for a while and said quickly:

"I called Xiao Ji to come over."

After speaking, he picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Xiao Ji, come to the second floor of the restaurant."


Then Xu Xin asked Nazha:

"Why didn't you speak to me?"

"I don't know Brother Xu... you're filming here."

Nazha was also dumbfounded.

What is this?

In fact, she didn't have any other ideas at first. When she heard that a film crew came to the school to recruit actors, she actively signed up.

Then when she went to the audition, the crew told her that the short film they sent was an experimental short film, which would not be screened, it was just for experimentation.

Hearing this genre, many sophomores and juniors lost interest.

There is not much money to be given, and the show cannot be screened, nor can an internship certificate be given.

Who is going?

But Nazha felt that it didn't matter.

It is important for actors to experience different roles and perform different types.

She also watched Brother Xu's interview and agreed with that sentence very much.

The director only needs to stick to himself, fame and fortune are all added to success.

The same is true for actors.

As long as you act in a down-to-earth manner and let the audience remember you, you will not have to worry about running out of scenes.

If there is filming, there is money to be made.

So, regardless of the wind or rain, she persisted with the crew for a week.

Unexpectedly... this crew turned out to be Brother Xu's "fake crew".

For a moment she didn't know what to say.

At this time, Xu Xin noticed the other three girls behind Nazha, and understood what role Nazha was playing here.

He nodded slightly:

"Okay, the four of you can eat and chat normally in a while. Just don't make any noise."

But at this moment, an idea popped up in the girl's mind...

Sister Mi asked me to be an undercover agent, and I suddenly got into Brother Xu's play...isn't that good?

Just thinking about it, Xu Xin saw that she didn't answer, so he asked:


"Ah~ okay, Brother Xu, I understand!"

Nazha, who had no time to think, quickly responded.

"Well, after the filming of this scene is over, come and have dinner with me."


"Well, sit back then, it's about to start."


Nazha quickly sat back.

Because she was a temporary replacement for a girl before, that girl came to act as a waiter. And the girl's position at the beginning was sitting outside the square table. At that time, it happened to have a profile face.

But after Nazha came over after changing her clothes, the outermost seat was taken by the girl who was originally sitting inside.

She didn't say anything and just sat inside.

But with the appearance of Xu Xin, and the relationship between the two...

When she was about to sit back, the girl who was sitting outside just now sat inside sensiblely.

Looking at Nazha, who was a little surprised, her eyes were full of flattery:

"You sit here."

"...Thank you, but I'll sit inside."

Nazha thanked politely, but still chose to sit inside.

Unexpectedly, the girl's eyes were filled with fear:

"No, no, you can just sit outside... Sorry, I just..."

"It's okay, I'll just sit inside. It's okay."

Nazha shook her head seriously.

She is also sincere.

Although she didn't know if Brother Xu knew about her affairs. But... always plan ahead.

So, under her insistence, the girl tremblingly came to the outside of the table.

After Nazha sat at the table, she looked at the positions of several cameras, adjusted her sitting posture slightly, and silently began to reduce her sense of existence.

And began to ponder in my heart.

This angle... my position should be blurred, right?

If the company finds out... then what excuse should she use?

School arrangements?


While she was thinking, Xu Xin walked over to Xi Wei, who was still a little dazed, on the same side as her, and also observed the position of the camera...

Soon, Xiao Ji, the "brother Ji" in Nazha's mouth, ran over, and Xue Yong hurried over.

After the two chatted for a while, when Xu Xin was sitting opposite Xi Wei, looking for an angle for the camera, Xue Yong came over:

"Director Xu, I asked about it. Nazha signed up for our fake film crew directly at school, and then followed in the past few days rain or shine. Xiao Ji felt that she was working hard, so she brought her here as a secondary role."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly and asked in a low voice:

"She worked hard?"

"Well, I worked very hard. Xiao Ji also left a few shots..."

"On the copy card, I'll take a look later."


Seeing Director Xu's upturned mouth, Xue Yong thought that the relationship between this girl and Director Xu...seems unusual.


Inside already started?

Through the window, Yang Zi saw the back of a receiver standing in front of the window holding a microphone, and secretly guessed.

Then she squatted there watching.

I don't know what is being filmed inside, and I don't know why this thing has become such a weird virtue...

I don't even know... I'm a well-known actor anyway, why do I just squat on the edge of the crew like... an outsider...

Anyway, all kinds of unknown, all kinds of inexplicable.

After waiting for about half an hour, it seemed that the filming was finished inside, and many people came out.

Nazha is also included.

She quickly stood up and waved at Nazha.

And seeing her roommate, Nazha also walked over quickly.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time...We may not be able to eat Beijiang barbecue in a while. Brother Xu said he would take me to dinner, shall we go together?"

Yang Zi looked happy.

Being able to have dinner with Director Xu...becoming an actor must be a dream thing.


"What's going on? How did you become Director Xu's crew? You don't know?"

When mentioning this, Nazha was also confused:

"I really didn't know before. When I met Brother Xu just now, I was also stunned. But...in fact, the crew I was with was just a cover used by Brother Xu to prevent some people from watching. The scenes in the past few days were all It's the filming location of "Thirty-Three Days of Broken Love"... I just found out."


Hearing this, Yang Zi blinked...

Suddenly a long sigh:


"What's the matter?"

"I regret it... If I knew it, I would have played a trick in Director Xu's movie."

After hearing this, Ke Nazha looked at her roommate's eyes full of regret, but shook her head:

"It's unrealistic. You are different from me. You are a well-known child actor. If you want to come to this filming, you must be a guest star. Even if Brother Xu agrees to play a trick, your agency may not agree."


Although I also know that Nazha is telling the truth.

But this kind of experience is quite new to Yang Zi.

See it all through the eyes of an outsider.

Then Yang Zi asked:

"Then it's over?"

"No, the first phase of filming is over, what are we going to film for the second phase...the scene where Huang Xiaoxian gets drunk and sleeps."

Before the words fell, someone shouted from behind:


Nazha instinctively turned her head and looked with Yang Zi, but she saw Xue Yong walking towards him.

The girl quickly turned around and shouted respectfully:

"Director Xue."

"Well, come with me. Director Xu has a character with a few lines for you."


Nazha was taken aback, and subconsciously asked:

"Didn't I already film those girls' scenes just now..."

"It's different this time. It's the waiter. You can play with Xie Wei and Guo Jingfei. Those who have lines, come and change clothes with me."


Nazha thought for a while, then suddenly pulled Yang Zi's arm:

"Can I go with her..."


Xue Yong was taken aback.

Yang Zi was also dumbfounded.


These girls... Seriously?

Director Xu's movie!

And lines!

It's still a role to play with the heroine... You give it to me! ?

Although the relationship between the two is indeed very close.

But when it comes to this kind of work, Yang Zi, who has been involved in the industry for a long time and knows how powerful actresses of the same age and type are fighting each other, can't believe it at all...

These sisters...are they so righteous?

And at this moment, after Xue Yong took a look at the mask girl, he said to Nazha again:

"Director Xu asked you to come."

"I'm afraid I can't act well...Director Xue, she is Yang Zi...Xia Xue from "A Family With Children"! She must be fine!"

How dare Nazha continue to "show her face"?

Quickly pushed Yang Zi out.

But after hearing her words, Yang Zi was stunned, but still couldn't hold back the "longing" in his heart.

With the shame in his heart, he pulled off his mask and bowed to Xue Yong:

"Hello Director Xue, I'm Yang Zi. It's an honor to meet you."


The corner of Xue Yong's mouth twitched...

He looked at Nazha, looked at Xia Xue in front of him...

One of you is obviously very close to Director Xu, but foolishly ran around with a fake crew for a few days and got this opportunity.

The other is a well-known child actor, but he did not reveal his identity just now, but squatted in a corner for half an hour under the guise of an outsider...

Today's young actors...

Are they all so personal?

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