I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 600 598 Square Steps

Chapter 600 598. Square Step

"Hello, Director Xu, I'm Yang Zi. It's an honor to meet you."


Xu Xin blinked and looked at the girl standing with Nazha, a little confused.

He looked at Nazha, then at Xue Yong... What was going on?

Lao Xue, what kind of human trafficker are you?

Why did you kidnap another girl for me when I left home?

But he also recognized that Yang Zi should be the girl who was wearing a mask and looking at him before.

But... I asked you to call me Nazha, why did she follow me?

When she was confused, Nazha said:

"Brother Xu, Director Xue told me that you have a role with lines... so he brought Yang Zi here. We are roommates, and she sent me here today. Didn't I just play one, so..."


Xu Xin was a little surprised.

Quite generous.

He didn't dislike what the girl said, and he didn't have any thoughts like "you don't know how to flatter me".

On the contrary, he felt that Nazha was quite particular.

Kind enough.

It reminded him of Zhang Jiao and Baozi in a daze.

This friendship... is quite real.

Then this face is given.

So he smiled and nodded:

"That's it... Okay, then... if you don't mind, how about a guest scene? As a waiter."

But Yang Zi glanced at Nazha.

Then he saw his roommate nodding slightly to him.

With this action, she responded politely:

"Okay, thank you, Director Xu."

"Ha, you're welcome. Director Xue, then take her to change her clothes, and then show her the lines."


Xue Yong nodded, and after leaving with Yang Zi, Nazha whispered:

"I'm sorry, Brother Xu... I'm worried that I won't perform well..."

That was all she could say.

Otherwise, what can you say?

"I'm sorry, am I an undercover?"

Looking at Brother Xu, it seems like he doesn't know these things at all.

Even Sister Mi didn't tell him, how could she have the courage to do so?

As for making a cameo in the background, it doesn't matter when the focus is on the protagonist anyway. If there is a person with lines here, he can give him a straight face or something like that...

Isn't she just causing trouble for Sister Mi?

But it's okay.

After Xu Xin heard this, he thought he "understood" her little thoughts, smiled and waved his hand:

"It doesn't matter. Just watch from the side for a while. Yang Zi has more experience than you, so you can observe."

"Okay, okay."

Nazha nodded and stood respectfully behind him, her eyes falling on the monitor.

Di Wei, who was preparing on the side, muttered to Wang Sicong:

"This girl... have you seen her?"


Wang Sicong rubbed his chin:

"It shouldn't be. She's so beautiful. I'm sure I'll have an impression after seeing her... But I also think she looks familiar. Why can't I remember her~"

"Then since I know Director Xu, can you go and get to know him? Because in this way you will know the basics, right?"

This time, Wang Sicong did not resist, but nodded:

"Well, what you said is very true~"

"Bah, you scumbag."

Si Wei's face was filled with disgust.

Sure enough, men are all pig hooves, they were just Plato one second ago.

The next second he unzipped his pants.


Yang Zi's performance is good.

There is definitely no talk of excellence, just one or two sentences.

But the feeling of facing the camera, you can tell at a glance that he is a veteran.

This is also the advantage of child stars.

Of course... sometimes it's also a disadvantage.

But overall there's nothing wrong with it.

Soon, all indoor scenes were filmed, and the crew called it a day.

Today there was supposed to be a car chase scene that Xu Xin had mentioned to Wang Lei before, but everyone had been busy all day and the progress was slightly behind.

We can only wait until tomorrow evening.

Call it a day and find a place to eat.

Xu Xin specifically asked Nazha how they came here. After learning that Yang Zi was driving, they asked the two of them to follow the crew's car.

Wang Sicong got into Xu Xin's car.

But the thing that Si Wei imagined, where Brother Cong and Director Xu asked about the girl, did not happen.

Wang Sicong just asked:

"This Nazha...have I seen it somewhere?"

"No way."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"I haven't seen her for a long time, and I haven't seen you a few times. Where did you go?"

"How did you two meet?"

"What are you doing? Are you attracted to her?"

"No, I'm in a period of burnout recently. My heart is as clear as ice, and my body is instantly still."

"Who the hell is going to build the dam?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes, but didn't hide it from him:

"She is also Misora."


Wang Sicong's mouth twitched...

I felt goosebumps all over my body.

"But this girl...what should I say?"

Xu Xin summarized the language and told how the two met and how this girl got to where she is today.

And Wang Sicong's first reaction after hearing this was...

You are really not afraid of death.

Do you dare to believe what that woman said?

Aren’t all women like this? You may say "Just tell me, I promise I won't be angry", but when you foolishly tell the truth, you will be in trouble.

But what about the man in front of me?

How dare you!

Damn that girl from the Commerce Bureau, you not only told Dami, but you also recommended her to Dami! ?



Wang Sicong finally remembered why he thought this girl looked familiar.

"Is she the one...the one the wheel wants to make...the one who selects the female lead in some MV and then decides on it?"


Xu Xin didn't know what he was talking about now.

"The most beautiful school beauty that Da Mi introduced! And then she was going to shoot a MV, and Da Mi pushed her over... You forgot... Oh, yes, you came here after we talked about these things that day. Just before you go to Venice..."


Looking at the nagging Wang Sicong, Xu Xin really didn't know what he was talking about.

Simply asked:

"Just say what you want to do."

"...What are you not doing?"

The eldest young master shrugged.

And I figured it out in my heart.

This girl might already be in the shape of a honey.

Judging from Lao Xu's unlucky appearance, he must be being fooled by Dami.


In other words, this man can't be too simple.

Take a look at this person.

If he had half the IQ of my elder brother, he wouldn't be as virtuous as he is today.

Tsk tsk tsk...

Wang Sicong, who was inexplicably filled with a sense of superiority, leaned back on his seat, picked up the phone happily, and ignored him.

Seeing that he didn't understand what he was saying and had a hapless look on his face, Xu Xin didn't bother to pay attention to him.

He also leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

This exterior framing is quite tiring.

He was tired too.

"Nazha...thank you."

In the MINI, Nazha, who was sitting in the co-pilot and was in a daze, heard this and shook her head with a smile:

"It's okay. But is everything okay at your company?"

"It's okay. I'll tell them tomorrow and I'll just make a cameo in the play."

As Yang Zi followed the crew's car obediently, he turned to look at Nazha and asked:

"Why don't you act today?"

"I acted, that socialite."

"No...I mean, Director Xu arranged a scene with lines for you...Why did you give it to me?"

"Because you haven't acted yet."


Nazha's words left Yang Zi speechless.

There is even a sense of déjà vu.

This reason is too plain and simple.

It's as innocent as a child speaking.

I have it, you don't. So you have to have it.

So we both have it.

I never considered the so-called "seriousness" at all.

Which is more important, a backdrop or a character with lines who can play opposite the heroine? What others can understand with their toes turns out to be a simple truth to my friends.

Yang Zi suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He cursed himself secretly.

You have really been in the circle for a long time and there is something wrong with your brain.

People treat you as a friend and treat you with the most sincere attitude... It's better for you to always rely on right and wrong interests.

You deserve to die!

Secretly spitting out the "dirty" on her face, she took a deep breath.



"It's so kind of you!"


Looking at the serious expression of her roommate who was driving, Nazha nodded:

"Well, watch the road."

"oh oh……"

Yang Zi quickly grasped the steering wheel again.

And Nazha didn’t say much.

But she actually felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Not that the role was stolen.

But a little guilty.

However, she also treats her roommate with sincerity.

Not to mention anything else, the relationship between the two of them has been the best from the beginning to now.

But looking at her like that, Nazha knew she had misunderstood something.

But he couldn't explain it.

There is no way to be 100% sincere...

She was also quite uncomfortable.

But she knew...this was the "price of growth" that Sister Tingting said.

If everyone doesn’t want to become someone they don’t recognize, then it’s best not to let everyone know who they really are from the beginning…

She thought this made sense.

Hide the true purpose and reason in sincerity.

This is what Sister Tingting taught me.

Although she doesn't have a good grasp of it yet, but...this path is definitely the right one.

Looking at the busy traffic and neon lights outside, she said nothing and pursed her lips into a thin line.

The meal was at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

At the same time, there is also a layer of purpose of checking in.

After all, the fountain at the entrance of the Grand Hyatt Hotel is the scene that Wei Yongzhang will complete tomorrow.

His wedding to Li Ke will be held here.

After the ceremony was completed, as a marriage agency, Huang Xiaoxian and the others had to start packing up. After a busy day, at night, the tired Huang Xiaoxian sat in front of the fountain in a daze, lost in memories.

This happened to be the place where she and Lu Ran fell in love with each other with a kiss.

Then, Wei will still appear. The reason was that the wedding was too tiring, so he and Li Ke took a room at the Grand Hyatt Hotel and rested until now.

I met Huang Xiaoxian by chance.

Then, Huang Xiaoxian was inspired by the emotions of the two people during their wedding and told her own story.

Wei Yiran acted as a plot promoter, telling her that it was time for her to move on to the next stage of her life.

It was also from here that the relationship between Wang Xiaojian and Huang Xiaoxian began to sprout.

At the same time, in the plot, this is also the "17th day" of her broken love.

The venue was chosen here. The Grand Hyatt Hotel’s fountain has a light show at night, so it’s natural to check it out.

As for the scene, although I have already seen it once, it is true... there is nothing to say about this fountain landscape.

The food tastes okay too.

Although it is full of business style, the taste of a high-end restaurant is unmistakable.

No drinking, not even much conversation.

After everyone finished eating, Xu Xin patted his butt and left.

Others drove towards the Wanda Hotel.

The whole crew's hotel is there... and it doesn't cost a penny.

After all, my eldest son is going to act, who dares to collect money?

Aren't you afraid of being thrown into the moat?

In the following days, the crew continued to steadily complete the shooting plan set by the director every day and moved forward in an orderly manner.

The weather in late October is getting colder and colder.

Xu Xin also received an invitation from the Tokyo Film Festival.

There are two names on the invitation.

He and Liu Yifei.

But Liu Yifei couldn't go.

She went skiing in Europe.

Look, the life of the fairy sister is so chic.

Since winning the Best Newcomer Award in Venice, her popularity in the industry has begun to grow again.

The huge market of "fairy fans" who have accumulated for many years has made her a favorite in the eyes of many people in the film and television industry.

However, just when everyone thought that Liu Yifei's career would reach its peak, she uncharacteristically rejected all her works... It can't be said that she rejected them.

She will read the script of anyone who comes to her door.

But it has nothing to do with remuneration or anything like that.

It depends on whether you like it or not.

Seeing that there is no script she likes, she doesn't plan to move this year.

Went on vacation directly in advance.

But before leaving, Zeng Jia helped her get endorsements from Tissot watches and Kazilan.

From two contracts, the fairy sister earned 40 million.

It's really a bit unreasonable.

And based on her qualifications of "I have shed blood for the company and I have made money for Mimi", she felt less psychological pressure during her vacation.

The first stop with Wu Qiqi was to go straight to Switzerland.

According to Yang Mi, Wu Qiqi’s parents were also traveling with her...

Apparently, the fairy sister felt that her children were working hard and specially invited their blood relatives to travel to the Alps with them.

So she definitely can't go.

Xu Xin could only go to the appointment alone.

However, when she got the invitation, Liang Binning called him.

She is also a member of the shortlisted cast of this Tokyo Film Festival.

"Guanyin Mountain" directed by Li Yu.

Sister Zhen Huan asked him if he was going. She also learned from the factory that this time people from Xi Film Studio would go with them to distribute the movie "The Piano of Steel". And Xu Xin is also a guest in the surprise video.

If Xu Xin goes, she and Zheng Xiaolong will ask for leave.

If Xu Xin didn't go, she wouldn't go either.

After receiving a positive answer, Sister Zhen Huan wants to fly again...

What can I say?

Just rub it.

Like Xu Xin, she doesn't need to go so early. Li Yu will take the rest of the crew there first, and she will just show up during the closing ceremony.

In the end, the two of them decided on the same itinerary, leaving on the 3rd and returning on the 6th.

Then, Xu Xin continued to dive into the crew of "33 Days".

And while he was busy talking here, Yang Mi was already sitting in the position of the head of the Gong family.

Tieling, Diaobingshan Railway Station.

Artificial wind and snow whistled at the station.

Yang Mi was wearing a big cloak, standing under the spotlight and blowing into her hands.

This day... it's too cold.

Liaoning is so cold, I really don't dare to think about the virtues of HLJ.

Around her, everyone in the cast of "The Grandmaster" was busy, and the stage manager and assistant director beside her were repeating the precautions for the Zhao family class over and over again.

Yang Mi was obviously standing in the crowd, but the crowd was bustling with people. Although she was moving, she always exuded an aura that no strangers should enter.

Rub your hands and breathe.

But the coercion on his body is gradually... gathering like mountains and seas.

In this scene, Gong Er came back from the pass after hearing the news that his father was beaten to death by Ma San. And the old man who had been defeated by his father also came back to preside over the show of justice.

They say they are upholding justice, but in fact these people have been bribed by the Japanese.

This plot is also the reason why Gong Er became a disciple.

She is in a tit-for-tat scene with "Fifth Master" played by Jin Shijie and Wang Yu (actually Jue, but I can't write the name), who is also a powerful performing artist.

The fifth master and Wang Yu's "seventh master" were bribed by the Japanese, and they advised Gong Er not to take revenge and get married quickly.

The location is in the waiting room of the train station.

She would have to walk all the way from the train station platform to the waiting room.

The scene where she leads people to walk at the train station has been filmed. It wasn't much, just seven times.

But the next scene is the highlight.

Soon, the director's arrangements were completed, and the extras from the Zhao family class all squeezed into the waiting room passage, which was neither wide nor narrow, according to the director's instructions.

"Mimi, are you okay?"

After hearing Wang Jiawei's words, Yang Mi did not respond.

Step by step, walk towards the waiting room.

And everyone who was paying attention to her walking suddenly discovered something strange.

Yang Mi walked...not in a normal pace.

The sharp-eyed Zhao Benshan took one look and muttered:

"Tsk...this girl's taste in male looks...is really honest. Among this generation of actors, she has completely mastered it..."

After hearing this, Shen Xiaoyang, who had been waiting beside him, asked in a low voice:

"Master, is that...Four Square Step?"


Looking at Huhu Shengfeng walking along the way, she was obviously a woman, but there was no trace of enchantment on her body. Instead, Yang Mi, who was as sharp as a knife with the wind and snow, nodded:

"To be precise, this is called a small square step. Don't move your head, don't shake your shoulders, keep your chest and raise your head. You can see that her heels hit the ground first, and it's not obvious that she spreads out as she walks. You make a push, pull a You’ll know once you pass the test.”

Hearing this, Shen Xiaoyang followed Yang Mi's steps and whispered:

"锵 锵 锵 锵 锵 锵 ... CEI ~ 噫嘚 嘚 ~ CEI ... really!"

Looking at Yang Mi standing at the crowded entrance, Shen Xiaoyang nodded subconsciously:

"Every step is stuck."

Zhao Benshan said nothing.

There was just some sadness in his eyes.

Folk arts all over the world share the same origin.

Although he has no accomplishments in Peking Opera, he has compiled a lot of them over the years...whether they are from the Tang School or from other small groups outside the Guan Dynasty.

Naturally, he has his own research.

As for today's actors, including his apprentices and other actors... in fact, in his opinion, they all lack some flavor.

To put it simply, it is just that compared with the older generation of actors, I always feel that I am missing some charm.

And these charms are actually those things passed down from drama and opera and combined with performing arts.

Just like this Bafangbu.

Why are actors from the older generation so memorable? The reason is that many actors actually have some background in the folk arts industry.

We must also admit that when it comes to appearance and form alone, the things that come out of opera at certain times with specific roles and specific backgrounds are much more beautiful.

To give an example, he recently watched the new version of "A Dream of Red Mansions".

I watched just one episode and immediately changed the channel.

What I saw was Baoyu’s appearance.

After just a few steps when the new version of Baoyu appeared, he was already so sick that he couldn't bear it.

As soon as the old version of Baoyu appeared, he walked forward with a small square step. It was really stable and straight, and there was absolutely no sign of the hunched shoulders, neck, or slumped back like the new version of Baoyu. His demeanor is upright and relaxed.

And the new version of Baoyu is completely blind.

It was also from that time that he discovered that these actors nowadays generally look ugly when they act in costume dramas.

It’s like this when watching a period film.

The same goes for watching a costume drama.

Sometimes he even felt a little sad.

Including some of his young disciples, when did each of these young people become so exaggerated?

Not even as good as myself, a non-major.

Therefore, he set up a physical training class and specially invited masters to teach.

But this is not a quick fix.

Coping with it and following the natural body language after getting used to it are two different things.

It seems that this new generation of actors is coming to an end... But now I look at the figure standing at the entrance of the waiting room passage waiting for the director to start filming...

He felt again...as if it wasn't over yet.

I won’t mention the relationship between them, whether they are distant or distant, but just talk about these small details.

From all aspects...

This girl...

No wonder he is worthy of that child Xiao Xu.

Not bad!

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