I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 601 599 I am God’s will

Chapter 601 599. I am God’s will

In this scene, Yang Mi must first walk up to the servant Lao Jiang in the crowd, have a conversation, and then directly open the door and enter the waiting room.

Yang Mi still didn't know how Wang Jiawei filmed, so she just stood silently at the entrance of the passage, waiting for the director's instructions.

This wait lasted ten minutes.

Wang Jiawei just looked at this passage in a daze, but never spoke.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

When people in the passage started looking around and wondering why they hadn't started yet, Wang Jiawei seemed to have finally made up his mind and walked over directly:

"Mimi, I want you to be like a machete."




After hearing his words, the surrounding actors were filled with doubts.

What the hell?

But Yang Mi was already used to the director's way of "talking people", so she nodded and agreed.

Not even a response.

Wang Jiawei didn't mind either. After seeing her promise, he waved his hand:


Soon, everyone stood back up.

And the camera came behind her.


Yang Mi rubbed her hands again.

At this moment, her fingers began to turn slightly red.

A piece of ice cold.

After giving her finger some warmth again, she coughed lightly.

After taking a few deep breaths, his eyes became duller under his originally calm expression.

To say he is dull is actually not quite right.

I should say calm.

Human eyes should be spiritual.

When looking at people or objects, the observer can directly feel the focused gaze in the eyes of others or the camera.

But Yang Mi didn't at this moment.

Her eyes were dull.

Not scattered.

But...how to put it. Just like myopia without glasses, if you want to see things clearly under normal circumstances, you must squint. But she didn't squint, so her vision was blurry.

Because I can't see clearly, there is no focus in my eyes.

Looking far, looking close, looking at you, looking at him is a different kind of peace.

After maintaining the calmness in her eyes, she maintained her straight posture and remained motionless.

Wang Jiawei clearly asked her to be a machete.

But at this moment...she doesn't look like a knife, but like a red plum in the wind and snow.

No matter what the surrounding environment is, it has nothing to do with me.

And because there is no camera in front of her at the moment, the only people who can see her calm person are the supporting cast in front of her, and her opposite actor Shang Tielong, who plays the servant Lao Jiang in this drama.

Seeing Yang Mi's eyes, Shang Tielong knew that this girl was already in a mood.

So, following the keeper's instructions, he fed the little monkey on his shoulder a handful of snacks and then silently retreated behind the crowd.

Soon, the field recorder ran over and was about to hit the board.

With a "pop" sound, the second the board fell, Yang Mi took the first step.

It's still the "girls look like men" pace that Zhao Benshan said, but this time the frequency is faster.

Comes with wind and snow.

The crowd dispersed on its own like snowflakes.

In the camera, Gong Er, who is walking fast, is like a very sharp knife facing these disciples of the Gong family, directly dividing the crowd into two distinct parts.

When the eldest lady comes back, everyone must stick to the corridor wall and not block the eldest lady's way.

Under the creation of light and shadow, the feeling of Yang Mi, who was wearing a black woolen coat, and other followers walking between the light and shadow was like a group of dark shadows, and the atmosphere was suddenly conveyed from the monitor screen. come out.

Rarely, Wang Jiawei nodded.

He is also very satisfied with the effect.

So, while traveling along the way, when Yang Mi's feet crossed the green cross tape, she stopped immediately. Uncharacteristically, Wang Jiawei did not ask her to walk again, but arranged the next scene.

The crew hurriedly set up the camera.

It's time for Lao Jiang and Gong Er's rivalry.

While the crew was setting up the camera, Yang Mi stood motionless in her position.

Soon, the cameras belonging to Gong Er and Lao Jiang were set up and filming continued.

After the recorder called the board, Shang Tielong took one step and stood in the middle of the corridor.

The dim light illuminated his facial features extremely clearly.

He looked straight at the person opposite:

"Girl, everyone is waiting for you to make up your mind."

How should I say this...

Shang Tielong is actually the director, and the play he directed even won the Feitian Award.

His father is one of the directors of the "Assault on the White Tigers" model drama, and he can be considered a family of directors. But... other directors use their brains, but he uses his life.

In 1994, he suffered a minor cerebral hemorrhage during the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Dog Baby Makes Spring".

In 1997, when he was adapting a TV series script and preparing to direct it, he suffered a minor cerebral hemorrhage for the second time.

After recuperating for several years, the filming of "Water Margin" ended in 2001 and entered the post-production period, when I suffered another minor cerebral hemorrhage...

At this time, he bid farewell to his directing career completely.

Changed his career to be an actor.

Not to mention, the acting skills are not bad either.

In "The Grandmaster", the character of Lao Jiang's loyal and protective temperament is extremely vividly interpreted.

After he said this, Wang Jiawei and the people behind him observing the scene invariably turned their attention to the No. 2 monitor.

Camera No. 2, which was originally hidden behind Lao Jiang, slowly moved up. The lens went over Lao Jiang's shoulder and focused on Yang Mi's face.

They finally saw Yang Mi's face.

The first impression was that Yang Mi's vision was very scattered.

But as the camera was completely raised from Lao Jiang's shoulder, and there was no longer any obstruction in the picture of Yang Mi, her scattered sight was focused for the first time.

She glanced at Lao Jiang, and then:



Shang Tielong was stunned.

Wang Jiawei was also stunned.

Shang Tielong said... You are just talking.

There is another sentence here: "Come all the way from the Pass, what you want is probably not my idea."

Why don't you say it?

But Yang Mi just didn't say anything.

After responding, seeing that Shang Tielong was not moving, he directly bypassed him and continued walking inside with a flurry of people.

Then it stops after passing the camera.


Wang Jiawei instinctively stopped the scene, looked down at the note and script book in his hand, and said:

"Mimi, you missed a few words."

But after Yang Mi heard this, she shook her head slightly:

"Director, I don't think you need to talk here."

Wang Jiawei was stunned.

"There is no need to talk about the revenge of killing my father. Besides, at that time, the Northeast was ruled by the Japanese. If Ma San defected to the Japanese, Gong Erduo said it might cause trouble to others. At this time, she didn't know Those people who worked with her father defected to the Japanese, so they are still thinking about their elders. This is the etiquette of the younger generation... so I don’t think there is any need to talk here. "


Amid Wang Jiawei's frown, Yang Mi turned to Shang Tielong and said:

"Teacher Shang, after you finish saying this, I will look at you. Stare, and then when you feel that it is almost done, step aside. I will continue to move forward... Director, can you do this again first? ?”


Shang Tielong said nothing, but looked at Wang Jiawei.

After Wang Jiawei thought about it for a while, he nodded:

"Then do what you said. Also, your temperament must be sharper!"

"That will be after entering the house."

Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"I'll watch and adjust."

"Okay, let's do this again and adjust the camera position..."

Following Wang Jiawei's words, the crew became busy again.

"Girl, everyone is waiting for you to make up your mind."

Hearing this, Gong Er finally raised his drooped eyelids.

No words were spoken.

Just glanced at Lao Jiang.

Lao Jiang's body suffered a visible setback, then he stepped back and stepped aside.

Then Yang Mi didn't move.

Wang Jiawei just readjusted the camera position.

When Lao Jiang stepped aside, he quickly left the scene with Camera No. 2.

Camera No. 1, which was following Yang Mi, quickly retreated. After taking five or six steps, it was set up on the stand again and became a fixed camera position.

"Ready, 3, 2, 1, go."

Following Wang Jiawei's words, Yang Mi walked forward again.


Lao Jiang stopped her again:

"The old man left a message."

Gong Er didn't look back.

Until I heard Lao Jiang say:

"No worries about grudges."


Gong Er turned around instantly.

And the moment she turned around, her ears were closed, her eyebrows were furrowed, and her narrow eyelids made her originally casual gaze suddenly become sharp, without any hint of foxiness.

Because of the foreshadowing of her gaze before.

This turn around, coupled with the sharp movements and eyes, was like a sharp blade being unsheathed instantly!

At that moment when he turned his head and squinted, the invisible knife was directly placed on Lao Jiang's neck!

Perhaps because her eyes were too sharp, the well-trained monkey suddenly let out a scream on Lao Jiang's shoulder after already feeding him snacks:


She quickly jumped off his shoulders and ran quickly in the direction of the breeder.


Shang Tielong was stunned.

But looking at Yang Mi’s eyes, she had the courage to say the lines:

"The old man will not allow revenge."


But Gong Er still didn't respond.

He just turned around silently and walked towards the waiting room.

The dim light and shadow accompanied her steps, and because of the lampshade, her entire back appeared to flicker.

The sharp blade was sheathed, and a feeling of "loneliness" emerged instantly.

When she reached the door of the waiting room, Yang Mi stopped.

The performance is complete.




No one spoke.

Everyone was in a weird mood at this time.

As bystanders, they could all see that... this scene, with the departure of the little monkey... was suddenly given a different meaning.

Yang Mi's look... made their scalps tingle!


Extremely sharp knife!

A real knife!

How could this woman's eyes be so fierce?

No, it cannot be said to be fierce, it should be said to be sharp.

Her turn back... wasn't actually that fast, but it was definitely not slow either.

It should be said that it is spot on and the rhythm is just right.

It feels like... the sword-drawing technique of the Celestial Dynasty.

In other words, Iai Slash.

It's that delicate moment... In a snap, a knife is already on your neck.

There was not even time to be afraid.

All senses were quickly replaced by that trace of coldness, freezing all thoughts.


Xu Haofeng slapped his mouth.

Silently, he let out a sigh of relief.

I muttered something in my mind:

"We have all died once."

At this time, Jin Shijie and Wang Yu, who had been watching, both stood up from their chairs.

It's their turn.

But Wang Jiawei didn't shout "stop", but looked at the monitor in a daze.

But when Jin Shijie and Wang Yu both arrived in the waiting room, and the stage manager had finished setting up the camera seats that the director wanted, there was still no movement from Wang Jiawei.

At this time, Xu Haofeng glanced at everyone and walked to Wang Jiawei:



Only then did Wang Jiawei come back to his senses in that glance.

But he didn't respond to Xu Haofeng, but immediately focused on the light on the roof of the waiting room.

After watching it, I played back the scene where Yang Mi was walking.

Once again is not enough.

do it again.

And then... again!

After playing it back five or six times, he suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Azhen, come on."

Hou Zhen, the assistant director of the crew, walked over quickly:


"Add a few more lamps in the corridor, all with lampshades. We have to start this scene all over again. The aperture of the lamps needs to be narrower, this kind of..."

He pointed to the light and shadow between Yang Mi’s movement in the picture:

"The flow of light and shadow needs to be more. I want a feeling of going against the current. Remember, except for the scene where Mimi looks back, I don't want this entire section. I will reshoot them all! Follow her feeling. Walk!"


Neither Hou Zhen nor anyone else was surprised when they heard his words.

On the one hand, I am used to the repetitive rhythm of shooting a scene three to five times to five or six days.

on the other hand……


That knife... is higher than this scene.

In other words... the current scenery is not worthy of setting off that knife.

It turns out...looks can really kill...

Everyone was filled with emotions.

After Wang Jiawei finished his instructions, he continued:

"Get ready for the next one."

After saying that, he looked at Yang Mi who looked calm:

"Mimi, that's not enough! I want to see something even stronger!"


Yangmi doesn’t listen and shouldn’t respond.

Extreme isolation.

This scene is about Gong Er entering the waiting room and talking to the Fifth Master and the Seventh Master about how to deal with Ma San's matter.

Although these two old men seemed to be upholding justice at first glance, they had actually been bribed by the Japanese.

Everywhere he speaks to calm people down.

The scene where Gong Er refused.

At this moment, in the waiting room.

Two old men with no lines sat at opposite ends.

In this scene, not only the Fifth Master and the Seventh Master came, but also other Gong Baosen’s brothers.

It's just that the people talking about it are the Fifth Master and the Seventh Master.

But because of the dialogue, Wang Yu and Jin Shijie were on both sides.

The seat between the two old men who had no lines was vacant.

That was reserved for "Gong Er".

After the two of them took their seats, Yang Mi's show was about to begin.

The first shot was of her entering the scene.

In this regard, Wang Jiawei did not explain anything in particular.

But after the recorder made the call, according to the director's instructions, the two extras each opened half of the door.

Under the flow of light and shadow, Yang Mi, who was standing at the door, suddenly bowed as the two doors opened.

The daughter's family uses the Qing Palace Wanfu gift when they meet their elders.

Then he stepped through the door.

After entering the door, she glanced at the seat left for her and sat directly in the middle step by step.

But Yang Mi's actions when she sat down shocked everyone.

Although the filming was not started at the moment, her style was very good. Just saying that the preparations before sitting down were not the etiquette of a normal daughter's house in the Republic of China.

She was wearing a woolen windbreaker, not a gown.

But when he sat down, he first used a movement to lift the hem, then turned around and shook his hand to the back skirt of the windbreaker. After sitting down, his legs did not close together, but he sat in a posture similar to a golden sword. Sat down.

Let me give you a feeling...not a girl sitting down, but as if Gong Baosen was still alive, majestic!

Suddenly, in front of a room full of old people, her momentum grew.

Not even a single point was missed.

On the contrary, there is a strange sense of dignity.

The status of the Gong family is highlighted vividly.

The previous "Wanfu" was a courtesy for the junior women of the Gong family.

And now, she sits down as a man, supporting the backbone of the Gong family!

When Wang Jiawei saw all this, he shouted "Ka" without thinking.

Even if I'm not filming...


"Phillip, take a picture of this! Mimi, do it again!"

Wang Jiawei also didn't expect that she would take this excessive action into consideration and quickly made up for it.

All I can say is...she was too well prepared.

As the indirect "creator" of Gong Er, if Yang Mi only followed Wang Jiawei's ideas during her time in Guangdong...

Then when she returns to the Northeast, what she does is her "own" Gong Er.

In Guangdong, Gong Ruomei is just Gong Baosen's daughter.

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake.

But back in the Northeast, the rules of the Gong family are the rules of the martial arts.

After a year of preparation, she thoroughly understood the script and repeatedly pondered the characters, making her the leader of the entire crew from the very beginning.

She also considered what Wang Jiawei considered.

She also considered things that Wang Jiawei didn't consider.

This also leads to the fact that in this scene, Wang Jiawei's right to speak is not as good as hers.


She has already revealed the "drama tyrant" quality of an actor whose performance overrides the director's cognition.

At least, that's the case with Gong Er.

The Gong Er in the script was all adapted from the Gong Er in my notebook.

No one understands Gong Er better than her!

At this moment, in the waiting room.

Gong Er, who is a woman but sits with a man, was silent.

It was obvious that his father had died, but his body was still cold.

But facing the elders in this room, she was as quiet as a rock, impervious to wind and rain.

The atmosphere in the entire waiting room was even more terrifyingly quiet.

As if suppressed by her momentum, no one made any noise.

While everyone was watching, Jin Shijie, who was in the camera, glanced around and saw that he had no intention of speaking, so he took the initiative to say:

"According to me, I should kill him."

His words started the direction of this scene.

"This hatred is too great."

The steady charm of the veteran actor's lines comes out naturally, and he speaks with an insincere expression.

This is the picture from camera number one.

Camera number two.

Gong Er, played by Yang Mi, looks neither sad nor happy, like a Bodhisattva with lowered eyebrows.

"Is there any greater hatred than this to deceive one's master and destroy one's ancestors?"


"But then again."

The moment Jin Shijie spoke these words, the woman, who looked like a Bodhisattva with lowered eyebrows, opened and closed her eyes and looked at him.

Jin Shijie's eyes also blinked just in time.

His tone became slightly weaker.

"Since your father's generation, Bagua and Xingyi have been integrated. Your senior brother has put a lot of effort into Xingyi. Your sixty-four skills were also taught by my elder brother."


As if he heard the meaning of his words, Gong Er's eyelids drooped again.

His eyes became dull again.

"You two have each inherited your father's unique skills. Only when you are both complete will your school be considered complete..."

When he said this, Wang Yu, who played the seventh master, said:

"Besides, if you are responsible for this matter, no matter who is killed or injured, it will be a joke. In your Gong family, the apprentice killed the master, and the junior sister killed the senior brother. Aren't these a bunch of unkind beasts?"

The words are serious.

Pretty standard “put aside the facts” argument.

However, Gong Er's expression was neither sad nor happy.

As if it had nothing to do with him.

Compared with Jin Shijie's fifth master who speaks reservedly, Wang Yu's seventh master is like the Japanese flag swaying in the wind that is blurred in the background, revealing his protection for Ma San.

The general summary is one sentence, which can be moved by emotion and understood by reason.

"Second girl, everything we say is for your own good."

Final conclusion:

"You can't help but be grateful. Get married as soon as possible. Your father won't allow revenge..."

And next, according to the content in the script book, Gong Er should say something like this:

"My father really cares about me. He wants me to live a good life. But if his revenge is not avenged, my life will not be better.

I understand what you are saying. You and I have kowtowed to each other, drank wine, and broken the soles of our shoes.

My father is dead, and you should have gone to Ma San to reason with him. But you turned your head and took what he said and made irresponsible remarks to me.

Thank you for being in the shadow of the Palace family for so many years.

I know that Ma San relies on the Japanese and he speaks tough. But it’s not like there’s no one in my Gong family! Will he come today or not? "

This was Gong Er's emotional breaking point.

Then, as she finished speaking, Qi Ye, played by Wang Yu, laughed:

"Haha, does it matter whether you come or not? Isn't it just fine when you come and he leaves? You have to be merciful and merciful, second lady. Many things are not about human beings, but about God's will."

Then Gong Er replied:

"Perhaps I am God's will."

Then, Gong Er stood up and left.

This is the original play.

But here, as Wang Yu finished speaking, Yang Mi did not say such a line on time.


The first level of wisdom lies in stopping speech.

Sometimes if you say too much, it seems a bit far-fetched.

There is no way to express Gong Er's determination with all the nonsense about killing his father.

Rather than say anything, it is better to remain silent.

Express everything with silence.

Under the second camera, her side face was calm at first.

Then in the blink of an eye, the same sharp eyes as before appeared again.

Then, she omitted all the dialogue, and her sharp eyes were just as fleeting.

She is patient.

In other words, through the performance of forcibly suppressing his eyes, he expressed "restraint".

She restrained herself and asked directly:

"Ma San is coming today, or not."

The voice was extremely calm.

This time it was Wang Yu's turn to be stunned.


An old dramatist.

What show have you never seen in your life?

Seeing the girl's emotions, he knew that although the play had been changed, the lines remained the same.



Master Qi laughed with a smile on his face:

"What does it matter whether he comes or not? If he comes and you leave, wouldn't it be fine?"

Gong Er's temples swelled in slow motion visible to the naked eye as he laughed.

The muscles around the lips began to twitch.

But Qi Ye still didn’t know it and continued:

"If you have to be merciful, please be merciful, Miss Second. Many things depend not on human affairs, but on God's will."


The moment when Master Qi pointed to the sky and shouted "God's will".

All the muscles on Gong Er's face stopped moving.

A thought immediately appeared in the minds of everyone watching:

"Is that knife going to be unsheathed again?"

But as soon as this thought came to his mind, Gong Er's face became extremely calm again.


Everyone was stunned.

This... why did you suddenly calm down again?

While I was thinking about it, I heard Gong Er’s words:

"God willing?"

A rhetorical question.

Then, purse your lips and raise your eyes.

He looked in the direction of Wang Yu.

The tone is extremely plain, but the persistence in it is like mountains and seas!

"I am God's will."

After saying the most arrogant words in the calmest tone, she slowly stood up.

Philippe Lesu, the director of photography who personally shot the second camera, relied on his excellent professional standards to subconsciously adjust the focus and give Yang Mi a full-body close-up.

After saying this, Gong Er slowly stood up, looked around, and slowly raised his hands.

Left hand, make a fist.

The right hand is the palm.

The right hand pressed on the left hand, making a fist gesture.

The ancient ritual of holding fists: covering the left palm with the right fist and hugging each other, which means "brave does not cause chaos" and "force does not violate the prohibition". Another explanation: The left palm is for literature, the right fist is for martial arts, learn both civil and martial arts, be modest, eager to seek knowledge, and wait for the guidance of teachers, friends and seniors.

It is for the left hand to press the right hand.

Salute from all directions.

And Gong Er's right hand pressing his left hand at this moment has only one meaning.

give obituary notice.

Who is the mourner?

Silent, silent.

Without saying a word.

Then, he walked straight towards the door of the waiting room.

Camera No. 4 is fixed at the door of the waiting room.

Yang Mi walked all the way into the picture frame, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and striding like a meteor.

The extras who reacted quickly followed.

When you arrive at the door...


Slap the doorframe with both palms!

The reputation is like thunder!

The double doors opened in response, and the dull wind sound like two cannonballs made people think that the door panels were going to fly backwards.

Then, she walked out without looking back.




The whole place was completely silent, and the crowd was completely silent.


It’s the first update today. My finger exploded. I’ve been wearing plaster for a day and it’s so uncomfortable.

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