I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 612 610 The scorching sun burns the heart

Chapter 612 610. The scorching sun burns the heart

Lao Xu is good at painting, which is recognized by several friends.

Although I have never seen Lao Xu deliberately paint a portrait of anyone, or develop it as a hobby. But my friend’s painting skills can be seen from the split shots.

Whether it's "The Secret", "The Wind" or "The Hawthorn Tree"... they have all seen the kind of shot drafts where there is only one "scene" on the entire piece of paper.

It's like the retrograde vision of Ye Xianglun riding a bicycle in the Chaoyinhai wind power generation in "The Secret".

In "The Wind", Gu Xiaomeng's classic look back on the chaise longue.

Or maybe it's the scene in "The Hawthorn Tree" where Lao Qi and Jing Qiu embrace each other on both sides of the river that divides the line of death.

The pictures that are qualified to be drawn by Lao Xu alone, occupying an entire A4 paper, and carefully crafted are all special descriptions he uses to support his own ideas.

Every single shot is the most shocking node of a certain part of the movie.

The reason why Xu Xin worked so carefully was to verify the conjecture in his mind.

Combined with the scene of the shooting location, find the most suitable angle of the camera to express a certain artistic conception in the script.

He needs to draw very carefully, and then see whether the shots given to the paper have a feeling that people can remember.

And these habits, in the eyes of others, become a beautiful sketch, and the amazing painting skills underlying this sketch.

Lao Xu has never learned to draw.

According to him, Uncle Xu said that Aunt Xu was very good at painting.

It was as if Lao Xu had inherited her genes.

Therefore, when Jay Chou wanted to ask someone to paint a painting of himself and his mother in his new house, he naturally thought of Xu Xin.

It’s not for anything else, I just feel that... if a friend can draw a painting for himself and hang it here, it would be a very honorable thing for him.

Although Ah Xin's expression in front of him was speechless...

But Jay Chou himself is full of affirmation.

He had actually seen A Xin's interview, in which he evaluated several of his own people in front of reporters.

He said that Lang Lang is the best piano artist, that Lao Wang is the richest man, and that he is the king of the Chinese music scene... Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but what A Xin means is that his friends are all so good. If you don't let yourself become excellent, you will be under a lot of pressure.

But for a few people, why isn't he the same?

The 24-year-old's current resume... not to mention people of the same age, even if you put it on people in their thirties, forties, or even their forties and fifties, his resume is shocking enough.

To be honest, the four of them are all people who strive to maximize their expertise in their respective fields.

To put it mildly...it is an honor for Jay Chou to get a "virgin painting" from such an excellent friend.

So, after he and his mother decided to put a painting in the studio, the first thing he thought of was not some famous painter paying someone to paint for him... but he directly thought of Xu Xin.

Seeing his friend's shocked look, he became even happier:

"Hey, don't be so exaggerated, okay? It's just a painting, isn't it very simple for you?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't know how to answer for a while.

Is drawing easy?

Quite simple.

Give him a pencil and he can draw.

Drawing itself is very simple. Draw what you see and think about...

Not difficult.

But the problem is...

"Do you want to say anything?"

He pointed at the north wall and asked silently:

"Such a big one? I have to paint it until the Year of the Monkey?"

"It doesn't need to be that big. Anyway... you can decide the size."

In this regard, Jay Chou is a rare "generous" person.

"But it can't be too small. At least it needs to be coordinated in this room~"


Xu Xin looked at the size of the wall. Although he didn't have any specific research on the size of the picture, he also knew that... he had to at least get a full size before he even thought about it.

As for whether he wanted to color it...he didn't even bother to ask.

How could it be possible to use black and white when giving a painting to others? It is unlucky.

So, he looked at the wall, then turned to look at the only colorful painting hanging in the entire studio, and asked:

"Whose painting is this?"

"Albert Oehlen."


"Uh...a very famous painter. I like his paintings very much, so I bought them."

"How much did it cost?"

Looking at the painting in front of him, which he didn't know what it was, he asked.

Jay Chou shrugged slightly, showing his wealth and wealth:

"Less than 800,000."

"Taiwan dollars?"

"Shit, dollars."



A painting costs four to five million.

No matter what you say, this can be regarded as someone else’s jewel.

You have to hang your paintings here too...and you can't embarrass your talent.

"Okay, how long?"


"How much time do you have?"

"This...I won't rush you. Just leave it to me when you finish painting."


Xu Xin nodded:

"What kind of clothes are you two planning to wear? Where is the camera? Where do you want to take pictures?"

"I'll show you around and see what background you want to use. Let's go."

Jay Chou personally led him around the upper and lower floors of the duplex. From there, there was almost no blind spot, from the terrace of the 101 Building to the corner of the floor overlooking the night view of Taipei.

Going to his music studio, preparing a room for getting married and having children, etc.

After everyone turned around, there was a noise downstairs.

"Lao Xu, is Lao Xu here?"

Hearing the sound, Xu Xin responded:


Soon, Wang Sicong and Lang Lang came to the terrace.

Seeing Xu Xin holding a camera in his hand and Jay Chou sitting opposite him, the eldest young master asked in confusion:

"What are you two doing?"

"Wheel asked me to draw a painting of him and his aunt together. I was looking for a background... This place is not good. I have a background and everything, but... it doesn't have the warmth of mother and child. Just give up on the terrace. It's not suitable. .”

After taking a look at the composition in the camera, Xu Xin shook his head while explaining.


Jay Chou responded:

"Actually, I don't want to do it...it seems very rich. I want the painting with my mother to reflect the warmth."


Listening to the chat between the two, Wang Sicong was stunned and subconsciously said:

"I can also draw, why don't you come to me?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin simply turned to look at him, took the camera and tripod and left.

Jay Chou also looked at him.

He just rolled his eyes.

After both of them left, Lang Lang took his hands worth 80 million US dollars and patted his friend on the shoulder:

"Hey, look at that."

Following the direction he pointed, Moji was scratching the small straw mattress under his feet in his doghouse.

The reason why the small mattress is designed like this is specifically for animals to sharpen their claws, which can reduce the chance of them harming the furniture.

And Maji's mattress looks like it has been worn for a while, and there are already fine pieces of grass on it.

"...what's wrong?"

The eldest young master looked puzzled.

Lang Lang sighed:

"Sigh... what Moji scratches looks better than what you draw."

"Damn it, are you a little bit too intimidating?"

The eldest young master was dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Lang Lang showed a sarcastic expression:

"Do you know Gerhard Richter or the Baidu Encyclopedia I checked for you? They are both local foxes. What are you talking about with me?"


Under Wang Sicong's eyes, "Although I can't say anything about you, I'm not convinced", Lang Lang walked out of the viewing terrace indifferently.

Lao Wang's words from now on will definitely be aimed at burning the relics.

It would be too difficult to make him surrender.

After he left, Big Laowang's eyes turned and fell on Moji, who was still sharpening his claws stupidly.

After thinking for a while, he walked over.

"Maji, come here."


Moji tilted her head in confusion and walked to his feet.

But Wang Sicong ignored it, but took a step forward and looked at the straw mat...

A direct kick.


Moji looked confused.

Which of us is the dog?

The decoration style of Jay Chou's home is not static.

For example, the overall color of his music studio is different from the simple and bright one outside. The entire wall behind the sofa is made of gray stone.

The stone has the only music-related decoration in the entire studio.

An abstract painting by Gerhard Richter.

It’s no secret that Wheels likes Richter in the circle. Although he is very philanthropic and also likes artists with different styles such as David Hockney and Basquiat, his favorite is Richter. .

The main reason is also because Ms. Ye Huimei likes Richter very much. As early as when Ms. Ye was still teaching and the wheel was still young, she would often take Richter's painting albums to explain to her son and remind him of Richter. spiritual world.

It's just that back then, she could only read painting albums, but her son could already buy Richter's paintings directly for her.

Very few people know about this matter, and few people talk about it.

But Xu Xin knew it.

Therefore, when Xu Xin saw the abstract painting by Richter in the studio, he already knew what he should paint.

"Old Wang, move the sofa forward."

"...Why me?"

Wang Sicong was speechless.

Lang Lang is happy:

"Haha, what do you mean? Then I'll do it?"


The eldest young master twitched the corner of his mouth and complained:

"Just live with your little left and right!"

As he spoke, he began to move the sofa.

Just as he pulled out the sofa, he suddenly felt something was wrong and turned to look at Jay Chou:

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Help!"

"Hey, I'm the protagonist. Have you ever seen a protagonist who wants to help with the choreography?"

Jay Chou chose to side with Lang Lang, looking proud.


Wang Sicong opened his mouth...

Finally, as if accepting his fate, he exerted all his strength to feed himself, moved the sofa forward about a step, and then asked:


Xu Xin said nothing, just looked at the pictures in the camera, turned to Lang Lang and Jay Chou and said:

"You two, one on the left and one on the right, sit sideways on the sofa."

"Both of us?"

"Well, you two, let me see how you feel."

After hearing this, the eldest young master asked:

"what about me?"

"The stage manager went to the side after finishing his work. How come there are no big ones or small ones?"


The corners of the eldest young master's mouth twitched crazily.


Lao Xu.

Sun thief.

When you die, I will definitely masturbate to your grave and steal your tribute like crazy!

He was looking at his friend with dagger-like eyes, and waited until Lang Lang and Jay Chou were standing on the left and right of the painting before he turned his eyes.

Just looking at the scene, he didn't feel much.

So I got close to Xu Xin and wanted to see what it felt like in the camera.

A look at the results...


This effect is OK.

"You two sit sideways on the sofa and discuss this painting."

Following Xu Xin's instructions, the two of them quickly obeyed.

"Old Wolf, your posture...is a little softer...forget it, I'm very satisfied with this composition..."

As he spoke, he took a few photos.

"Let Auntie change her clothes later, and then you can sit over here. Just this background, you two can take a look..."

"Wait a minute."

Wang Sicong interrupted his friend, then sat between the two of them, with Richter's abstract painting on his head, Lang Lang and the wheel on the left and right. After sitting on the sofa, he crossed his legs and deliberately He raised his head and looked arrogant:

"Come on, let's take a photo of the three of us. I've already thought of the theme~"

"What theme?"

“Money makes art!”




Following Wang Sicong's words, the three of them were stunned.

And Xu Xin looked at the composition of the camera...

Not to mention, what Lao Wang said is quite accurate.

He is sitting on the sofa, his domineering arrogance, coupled with his own "money" attribute, together with Lang Lang on the left, the transformation in the middle, and Jay Chou on the right... just form a kind of "one person supports two people." "Painting" feeling of déjà vu.

That taste... the summary is really accurate.

So, he thought for a while and asked Jay Chou:

"Do you have that kind of exaggerated ring? Where's the Houdini cane I gave you?"

"Uh, in the showroom."

"Go get it and find him... seven or eight rings. The more flashy it looks, the better."


Although he didn't know what he looked like in the camera, he still ran out quickly.

Soon, a jewelry box and a walking stick were brought over by him.

"It's your choice."

Xu Xin opened the box, and suddenly...all kinds of jewels and jewels appeared.

He picked and picked a few rings and handed them directly to Wang Sicong:

"Put them all on, and then you pose... with two hands pressing this cane, do you understand what I'm saying?"

"You know, the old American RICH\u0026POWER POSE of power and money, right?"

"What the hell is lying on the nest?"

"...What have you learned in English these past few months?"

The eldest young master was speechless, but his whole body began to lean forward, and his two hands full of gem rings rested on the cane:

"Is this right?"

But Xu Xin was suddenly stunned, and an idea flashed in his mind...

After a pause, he nodded:

"Yes, that's it. You two sit down~...Old Wolf, your expression should be more relaxed, and you should have the feeling of laughing and joking. Wheel, your expression should be more serious, as if you are listening to a symphony...OKOK, Stop moving..."

"Kacha kacha kacha..."

There was a shutter sound.

"Okay, that's it..."

Following Xu Xin's words, the three people quickly came over to see the finished product.

Xu Xin quickly walked to the table, picked up a piece of draft paper and started writing quickly.

The three of them gathered around to watch.

I won’t mention Wang Sicong. When I see his appearance, I feel that everything is filled with the smell of money.

But Lang Lang and Jay Chou asked a question at the same time:

"The style feels so strange/oh."

Looking at himself in the camera who was clearly wearing an ordinary shirt and jeans but with a playful expression on his face, and Jay Chou who was wearing a trendy sweatshirt but with an extremely serious expression, Lang Lang curiously asked Xu Xin who was writing something. road:

"What do you want to express?"


Xu Xin did not answer him, but continued to write in the notebook.

Seeing this, the three people came over.

Wang Sicong was the closest, looking at Xu Xin's handwriting, he subconsciously read out:

"Xin Xiaofeng, absolute justice, philosophical argument, truth, goodness and hypocrisy. (Goodness: emphasizing results but not motives) - Is it worthy of salvation?

Iguchun's perspective, struggle, can a person do good deeds a hundred times and do evil once, can they be exchanged with equal value? Humans are not animals, they have absolute rationality and absolute sensibility.

Is the Buddhist teaching that there is no good or evil correct? → Think about the relationship.

Zilu accepts the cow → is true and good, Zigong redeems people → hypocrisy, absolute kindness, sacrifice, can you obtain (spiritual) salvation?

Dissect the character, cut open the heart, and let the audience evaluate it.


Wang Sicong read this and Xu Xin wrote this.

Stop writing.

Lost in thought.

Seeing this, the three of them have actually guessed that Lao Xu must have got some inspiration to give the book "Sunspot"...or the characters in this script some...about "truth, goodness and hypocrisy" the quality of this speculative relationship.

Although I can’t quite understand it, in essence, it’s the same path as when the three of me took the photo just now.

As a pianist, Lang Lang must be in the "classical category", but he is laughing and joking, while as a pop singer, Jay Chou has a serious face.

This sense of contrast is similar to what Lao Xu wrote.

In fact, they are all truth and hypocrisy.

He should also get some inspiration from here.

Good guy... maybe Lao Xu is the director.

The things you think about are different from others.

Just taking a picture can reveal so many things, and the most important thing is that it can also be connected.

Don't mention anything else, just look at what Lao Xu is writing now. Don't worry about the plot of this "Sunspot", the core of the script must be correct.

It's the kind of movie that makes people think deeply after watching it.

In addition, Lao Xu has always believed that "movies start with storytelling", so the storytelling of this film must be no problem.

If Mr. Xu can make a film with this core, then this film... must be a very, very high quality film.

Just looking at what he wants to express is fascinating enough.

What's more... Lao Xu himself doesn't like things with particularly high thresholds, so this film will definitely not be that highbrow.

A simple photo can create such a moth...

It's also exaggerated enough.


Why is Lao Xu stuck?

The three of them are thinking...

But Xu Xin suddenly seemed to have figured out something. He quickly scratched the four words "sunspot" with his pen several times, then started a new line and wrote four words:

"The scorching sun burns the heart."

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