I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 613 611 Listen to mother

Chapter 613 611. Listen to mother


Jay Chou updated a photo at 12:04 noon:

"A Xin took the photo, I think it's very interesting."

In the photo, Wang Sicong is sitting on a gray sofa with a hand full of rings and a palm in his hand, looking arrogant.

To his left is Lang Lang, standing sideways with a cheerful face, and to his right is Jay Chou, casually dressed but facing the serious painting in the middle of the screen.

Jay Chou has millions of fans on Instagram, and many of his fans follow his Instagram to browse through the wall.

After seeing the photo, several comments appeared within seconds.

Then in just two minutes, the number of comments exceeded 100.

However, at this stage, no one is digging into the metaphor behind this photo. They just see these four people getting together again, interacting with their idols under the photo.

But Jay Chou didn't reply.

He doesn’t need anyone to interpret the metaphor of this kind of photo. He just shares and records his daily life on Instagram.

For Ye Huimei, the arrival of Xu Xin and the others is like... three children coming to eat at her own home. They need to cook more rice and more dishes.

Seeing them well fed and healthy will make them happy.

"Mom, a makeup artist will come over to do your makeup this afternoon."

"What's going on?"

"I'm going to paint, and Axin wants to take a photo of the two of us and take it back for proofing."

"Oh, okay...Xiao Xu, I'll give you the chicken legs."

"Hey, thank you, auntie."

Xu Xin smiled and handed the bowl over. After she gave the chicken legs to herself, she raised her eyebrows at Jay Chou proudly.

It made the Asian king dumbfounded.

Why are you acting like a child...

"Have you received any replies from the singers you invited last time?"

Wang Sicong asked, holding his rice bowl.

Jay Chou nodded:

"Some people seem to be quite interested, but it depends on the remuneration."

"Remuneration doesn't matter. As long as these older generation singers can come, the ratings will be guaranteed."

Wang Sicong said, then turned to Xu Xin and said:

"I plan to put some effort into the look of The Masked Singer."

"How to say?"

"It's not about just putting on a mask casually, but planning to perfectly match the singer from mask to costume. This requires spending a part of the money on this part, including stage effects... strive to be the most perfect. Create a high-quality product All music programs...are based on industry standards. Including artistic styling, stage design, lighting effects, etc....each show is treated as a concert."

As soon as the young master opened his mouth, there was a strong smell of money.

After hearing this, Xu Xin nodded repeatedly:

"Hmm, it sounds good...what about the cost? How much do you plan to get?"

"This is what I plan to ask you too. Is it still in Shaantai?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and nodded:

"Well. First ensure a stable supply, and then we'll talk about external expansion. Now several TV stations have their own programs. Let's develop our own first."

"Then let's have more... I estimated the production cost + operating cost, and it's between 30 million and 45 million. It depends on how many famous singers can be hired and how many issues can be published. Then I I spent a few days evaluating investment targets... This time I plan to introduce a domestic mainstream music player as a sales bundle and become the main sponsor. With "The Voice" at the forefront, I think profitability will definitely not be a problem. What's important is It’s about how to control the quality of the program..."

As soon as the topic of Wang Sicong was opened, it meant that there was something to talk about at the dinner table today.

The four people picked up these things and started chatting.

From music copyright, to favorite singers, to post-production operations and program duration, we talked until we were full.

After dinner, Jay Chou went to contact the makeup artist.

Xu Xin went to the cloakroom to help the two choose clothes.

To be honest, perhaps in the eyes of the world, the name Ye Huimei only represents one thing, and that is Jay Chou's mother. But in fact, in Xu Xin's view, the art teacher at Wanwan Linkou Middle School is also a talented person himself.

"My mother bought these clothes herself. How do you feel about them?"

Listening to his friend's words, Xu Xin nodded:

"very beautiful."

He told the truth.

The clothes in the wardrobe are mostly plain colors, not many fancy ones.

None of them seem to be particularly complicated styles...but they make people feel very comfortable just looking at them.

Obviously, the other party has good clothes.

After picking and choosing, Xu Xin picked out a few sets and asked the other party to try them on.

Finally, I picked a black three-piece suit.

Ms. Ye Huimei's skin is quite fair.

Paired with this black color, it looks dignified and elegant.

Then, he helped Jay Chou choose a casual outfit with gray sweatshirt as the main color.

The mother's dignified and elegant black is used as a buffer for her son.

According to Lang Lang, it is:

“It has a sense of heritage.”

After choosing clothes, the makeup artist MIKO, whom I had made an appointment with, also came to the house.

After hearing Xu Xin's request, he took the two of them to wash and style their hair.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, was busy looking for light in Jay Chou's studio.

He did not choose professional photography lighting equipment, but found a perfect balance using natural light and several table lamps at home.

The gray background wall has a cool color, so he uses warm light.

If the warm light wasn't strong enough, he would open the curtains and open the windows to let in more natural light.

Busy and busy, Jay Chou's music studio is very messy.

But the light effect in the picture also achieved the best feeling he wanted.

So, under the curious eyes of everyone, Ye Huimei, who had only lightly painted a base, and Jay Chou, who had made a very homely look, came behind the sofa. In the middle of the two of them was still Gerhard Richter's An abstract painting. After the two of them sat on opposite sides according to Xu Xin's instructions, Jay Chou looked at Xu Xin and asked:

"that's it?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"Didn't you say that my aunt often took Richter's collection of paintings when she was a child and told you about the spiritual concepts of these artistic creations?"


"You two can talk about this matter. Auntie, how about you listen to your son's understanding of Richter's paintings?"


As a mother, she was actually more or less embarrassed in this situation.

It’s not that I have low self-esteem, but it’s a kind of… human discomfort from sitting in the spotlight.

After hearing what Xu Xin said, Jay Chou thought about it and suddenly said:

"Mom, I remember you said to me that what you admired most about Richter was his understanding in the 1950s and 1960s, when photographic technology began to develop rapidly. You said that many people in that era felt that painting was The art of photography has lost its meaning. There were even many painters who resisted photography, but Richter was one of the few artists at that time who was willing to look at this emerging art from an objective and rational perspective based on the development of the current era. .”


After hearing her son's words, a touch of tenderness appeared in the mother's eyes unconsciously.

Although...she couldn't remember which year, month or day she said these words, but it was true that she said them.

Because this is also her understanding of Richter.

At the same time, his son summarized her own preferences so clearly, and at the same time, he brought her back to the time when she was a first-time mother.

On countless weekend afternoons, or in her free time after practicing the piano...or at night when she could hear the chirping of insects and birds outside the window, she held the love of her life in her arms and opened the old book. The collection of paintings teaches him his own understanding of art.

So, her tone softened with this tenderness.

Sitting on the back of the sofa, looking at my now grown-up son...

Suddenly, my son is getting smaller.

His mature face became childish again, with freckles growing on it, and the surrounding furnishings were no longer so luxurious, but became the attic of the old house in Tamsui.

Under the dim light, she looked at her child and recited...or told her own understanding:

"Painting and photography have something in common in some cases. In other words, among all the subjects in this world that can be defined as works of art, we need to maintain objectivity, distance, and authenticity to observe they.

Photography is objective and really happens at a certain moment in the picture you save. It can use photography technology to make artistic modifications based on reality, but it also has disadvantages.

Its drawback is also its authenticity.

Richter's greatness lies in the fact that while he accepted authenticity, he did not give up artistic composition in his paintings. Especially for his "photographic" paintings, the important thing is not the competitive relationship between the two...

Rather, he is seeking to get rid of the rigidity of traditional paintings and photographs, trying to integrate the two. It’s like a fusion of classical music and modern music styles that complement each other..."




Including Su Meng and makeup artist MIKO.

Even Dani, who has been following Brother JAY for the longest time...

At this moment, everyone was looking at the woman who was wearing a decent dress, with silver hair tied on her head with a black hairband. Although she was thin, she was full of elegance, and listened to her understanding of art...

I was in a daze for a while.

Although before, whether as a fan, partner, friend, or colleague... everyone knows, has heard, and understood... For Brother JAY, the most important enlightener on the artistic path is his mother - Ms. Ye Huimei in front of him. .

But how she got enlightened, how she influenced Brother JAY, and how she cultivated this musician with such terrifying talent... No one has an intuitive impression.

Even... MIKO and Jay Chou have worked together for many years, but for Aunt Ye, her impression is only... When Brother JAY neglects some etiquette and etiquette things, such as everyone wants to celebrate him It's his birthday or the album is selling well, but after getting inspiration, he locks himself in the studio to record songs... He's just the guy who buys everyone pizza and drinks to express his apology.

Aunt Ye...is famous in Brother JAY's music world.

That album called "Ye Huimei" is like a god in the hearts of fans.

It makes the name "Ye Huimei" shine in the eternal starry sky that shines on the Chinese music scene.

But apart from that... the name Ye Huimei is just a symbol representing Brother JAY's mother.



When everyone listened to her story and looked at Brother JAY who looked at his mother with the same gentle and dependent eyes...

Everyone finally understood... what kind of influence auntie has on brother JAY.

And at this time...

Wang Sicong, who had been standing next to the camera, instinctively looked at Xu Xin.

Lao Xu... he hasn't looked up since the two started talking.

Always looking down and fiddling with the camera.

And as the two people talked, there would occasionally be a series of rapid opening and closing shutter sounds.

He didn't even raise his head.

But that's it.

He saw Xu Xin smiling.

Not a particularly exaggerated smile.


A simple smile.

It was like seeing the most beautiful scene in the world... Although it was just a smile, Wang Sicong saw many emotions behind the smile.

Inexplicably, Wang Sicong suddenly felt his nose was a little sore.

He didn't try to guess what Lao Xu was thinking.

But what he can be sure of is that Lao Xu must be very happy now.

Maybe... there will be some feelings of envy.

But there must be more happiness in that smile.

Then... that's weird.

Why does my nose feel sore?

He took a deep breath and rubbed his nose.

Oh shit.

Want to smoke.

"JAYCHOU: The photo taken by A Xin is one of my favorite photos so far. I look forward to the completion of A Xin's painting. Mom is not only the art teacher at school, but also the art teacher in my life [Like], [# ]Listen to mother # GERHARDRICHTER”

In the picture, Ye Huimei, who is wearing a black dress with silver hair and fair skin, is listening. In the middle is Richter's gray-toned abstract art painting, and on the right is Jay Chou in gray clothes, talking to her.

This moment was perfectly captured by Xu Xin and used as a negative for the painting.

Jay Chou shared this photo with everyone.

People who are not at the scene cannot understand the meaning of Jay Chou's words.

Just like before today's scene, others still couldn't understand why Aunt Ye affected the wheel so much.

But... Jay Chou is happy at this moment.

Because he posted it on Instagram and someone understood it.

At least these friends here today understand.

If there is someone in this world who understands you, that is happiness.

"I made a decision."

In front of the circular sofa, while Xu Xin was admiring the sunset scenery of the 101 Building in the distance, Wang Sicong suddenly slapped his thigh.

"I know what kind of wife I want to find."




Xu Xin glanced at him and didn't even bother to answer the question. He continued to look at the scenery in the distance, wondering...whether he should buy another property.

Although the Dahu Mansion is nice...but it doesn't look like the prosperity of Yanjing.

Although Shijia Hutong is large, it cannot overlook the night view.

Or... buy another high-rise duplex?

I bought it in the style of a wheel. I bought it high up so that I could see a lot of scenery... From now on, my sister and I would lean on the roof terrace like this and look sweetly at the distant night view. …

It's definitely exciting.

As for Lang Lang, he didn't pay attention to him.

Instead, he was masturbating Moji.

His hands were so valuable that the insurance company prohibited him from keeping any pets that might cause harm to his hands.

Don’t even think about raising a dog in your life.

And for the sake of his own artistic career, he didn't even dare to pet the old Xu family's dogs, even though he knew those two dogs were better trained than Mo Ji.

That's also scary.

But it doesn't matter Moji.

Oh, lovely Moji, how can you be so cute...

Uncle, can you use these hands to be a gentle horse-killing chicken for you? Creaking, creaking...

As for Jay Chou...he was looking at his mobile phone with a cigar in his mouth.

The two consecutive Instagram posts he posted today earned him many comments.

He looked at them one by one.

Wow, these fans are so cute. Sure enough, I have the best fans...

So, Wang Sicong's thigh was wasted.

One is thinking about women, one is thinking about fans, and the other is thinking about dogs...

None of the three people paid any attention to him.

The eldest young master's nose is a little crooked.

Look at the unlucky looks on the three of you.

Ignore me, right?

Embarrassing me, right?




Su Meng, who was wondering why the curved pineapple cake tasted so much better than the ones from the mainland, subconsciously raised her head:

"What's wrong? Brother Cong."

"I want to find a wife who is very artistic!"


Su Meng was stunned again.

He glanced at Xu Xin subconsciously.

Seeing Brother Xu still looking at the night scene, his eyes narrowed...

She looked at Brother JAY again.

Brother JAY was holding his cell phone and typing without knowing what he was talking about.

Finally, I looked at Brother Wolf...

Hey~ Brother Lang, where are you touching Moji? !

After looking around for a week, she finally looked at Brother Cong who was waiting for her response...

After thinking about it...



The young master who had brought trouble upon himself was speechless.

Do the math.

A bunch of people without artistic talent.

I'll stop by the gate of Berkeley College tomorrow.

Drive a Ferrari and put a bottle of iced tea on it!

I must find a wife who is full of art germs!

After staying at Jay Chou's house for one night, on the night of the 21st, Xu Xin and the other three got into the car and headed to the "Green Hornet" party.

In the car, Xu Xin continued to browse Taobao.

He has never studied painting, so he is a layman on how to add color to paintings.

So in the past few days, I not only bought a few sets of "Introduction to Paint" books, but also bought many things such as wall paintings and easels.

But when it comes to buying and selling, how to mix colors... There are still some differences between film filters and oil paints.

So I have been researching.

But Lang Lang suddenly asked:

"There's no filming tonight, right?"


Wang Sicong said casually:

"But there will be paparazzi, but there's not much inside. There will be a few people from Columbia Company here tonight, so we can definitely make some friends."

"Thank you, not interested."

Xu Xin continued to look at the paint coloring tutorial on his phone without raising his head, and said:

"They took the initiative to come and make friends with me."

Wang Sicong did not argue with him. He leaned on his seat and suddenly said:

"I wonder if Heise will come tonight..."


Lang Lang's eyes lit up:

"You like them too?"

"That's for sure. They are my XP enlightenment for JK. Who do you like best?"

"And you?"

The two of them felt like they had found a kindred spirit.

When he heard the rhetorical question, Wang Sicong said without thinking:

“My favorite is Kehan~”

"I like Gui Gui the most!"

"Gui Gui can do it...but I don't think it's as good as Jie Qi..."

The two gentlemen started talking about this matter, which made Xu Xin's scalp numb.

Xin said that the ideological realm of these two people is quite low.

When you were liking Heisehui, Dad and I had already gone to Japan to seek a breakthrough.

Tsk tsk...

With a bit of disdain, he acted like a superior, listening to the two girls who were so talkative back then.

After arriving at the place, as soon as we got off the car, we saw a group of paparazzi.

The paparazzi were stunned for a moment when they saw him, and then they rushed over with guns and cannons.

He said instinctively:

"Lao Wang, take good care of Lao Lang, I'll run away first."


Before Wang Sicong realized what was going on, Xu Xin had already fled.

Then, when he saw the group of paparazzi... he immediately ran away. But as soon as I took a step, I turned around and looked at my friend who was thrown into the last row because of his physical condition when he got on the bus, so he was the slowest to get off now...

I struggled for a few seconds... and finally gave up.

Forget it, just protect the artistic heritage of mankind.

It doesn't matter if he dies... Old Wolf's hands are very valuable. Without him as a bodyguard to protect his master to the death, he would definitely not be able to get out.

Forget it, just do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t leave.

As for a certain bastard who cheated on his teammates...


I spit on your grave!

"Did Director Xu come to the party?"

"No, you got the wrong person. I'm not Xu Xin."

"Is Yang Mi coming?"

"Who is Yang Mi? I'm not familiar with you."

"Have you watched the feature film of "The Green Hornet"? How is the quality?"

"I don't know what you are talking about...Brother, look over there, Lang Lang and Wang Sicong are there, can you go and block them?"

For some reason, Xu Xin was surrounded by a group of people and couldn't laugh or cry.

But the paparazzi obviously didn't intend to let him go.

Finally, let's talk about it...

Three questions.

Answer three questions and we'll let you go.


Xu Xin nodded:

"Just three questions, you can ask them."

"Have Director Xu seen the feature film of "The Green Hornet"? Is it good?"

"I haven't seen it yet, but I believe the movie will be exciting. As far as I know, Jaylen didn't even use a stand-in in this movie. All his actions were done by himself. He worked very hard. ...Next question."

"Is Director Xu's "Love at Hawthorn" confident that it will surpass the box office of "The Green Hornet"?"

""Hawthorn Tree" will be released first. You should ask the question in reverse. Next."

last question.

The reporters looked at each other, and finally one asked:

"Director Xu, do you have any plans to develop in Hollywood?"

"Not yet. Okay, that's it. Everyone, please give way. I'm going in."

After forcing his way through the reporters, he finally entered the bar scene.

Then I saw the mocking expressions of two friends who had expressions like "You deserve it, thief."


He shook his head indifferently and sat next to them.

The party has just started now, the music is still relatively gentle, and the time is long.

I need to cushion my stomach quickly.

While eating a cantaloupe stick, he suddenly looked around and said:

"Where are the wheels?"

"Going to pick someone up at the back door."

Wang Sicong said casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a loud "What the hell?"

The two of them looked at his surprised expression...



The three of them were stunned when they saw Jay Chou walking in with a girl wearing a black leather jacket.

This person...


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