I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 620 618 Beautiful and Dangerous

Chapter 620 618. Beautiful and dangerous

This game is surprisingly easy to pick up.

This is the common understanding of the four people after playing a few games.

It is smaller than DOTA's map, and the map does not have particularly complicated elements. You don't need to be familiar with it to get started. You only need to understand its "grass logic" to greatly improve the game experience.

To be honest, its basic introduction is much better than DOTA.

DOTA is notoriously unfriendly to newcomers.

When you first start playing, you not only need to memorize skills and equipment synthesis, but you also need to know which store sells what.

It's much more complicated than this game.

But, everything has its pros and cons. After fighting for an afternoon, Xu Xin smashed it to taste it.

In terms of comprehensive fun, it includes factors such as maps, overall situation, tactical coordination design, etc. Because they are too focused on getting started, DOTA is more playable.

Perhaps among the top group of people, the two games are almost the same.

But for the middle group of players, DOTA is more fun than this game.

Of course, this is just his personal feeling.

When buddies are together, what matters is not what games they play, but whether they are happy or not.

I devoted myself to the game all afternoon, and by the time I got hungry, it was already dark.

Because of the jet lag, Xu Xin felt that her current situation was a bit similar to when she was in school. She had a day of classes during the day and stayed up all night with her classmates at dawn the next day.

Tired, sleepy, and hungry, I just wanted to go back to the classroom and lie down to sleep all morning.

Looking at the finished cigarette, he asked:

"What to eat?"




The three people looked at each other and said loudly:

"Eating out? When I came here the day before yesterday, I passed by a TACO store. It looked pretty good and there were quite a lot of people."

Hearing this, Xu Xin's eyes suddenly turned:



Wang Sicong asked, shaking the last Dr. Pepper in front of him.

"How do you say that? Who advocates..."

"Who gives evidence?"

Dalian Durex, who understood in seconds, showed a satisfied smile:

"This client, please provide evidence."


Lang Lang looked horrified.

What are these two bastards talking about?

What's wrong with me? Are you a party?


he asked a little confused.

Seeing this, Wang Sicong suddenly looked at Jay Chou:

"Does the defense attorney have anything to say?"

In Lang Lang's dazed state, Jay Chou also understood the meaning, and his face was full of formality:


"Then, your honor..."


Judge Xu cleared his throat:

"Then, everyone stand up!"


Under the sudden foreboding look in Lang Lang's eyes, the judge, jury, and defense lawyer stood up at the same time.

"I declare that the verdict in this case is as follows: The defendant Lang Lang is ordered to go to the restaurant where I testified immediately to purchase items including but not limited to: TACO, drinks, desserts, meat, seafood, etc. Effective immediately..."


Using the lighter in his hand as a hammer, after thoroughly identifying the situation, he nodded to the three of them:

"This case is over. I'm going to take a shower."

"I am coming too."

"Let's go for a walk together. Hey, buy more, I'm very hungry."


Lang Lang was stunned. Looking at these three bastards, he was trembling with anger.


Outrageous! ! !

This time, several people did not bring assistants, for fear of inconvenience.

If a few people were having a fight and took off someone's pants, it would be hard not to see them.

Moreover, Xu Xin and the bodyguards Xu Daqiang were looking for also agreed that no one would follow them unless they took the initiative to contact them.

But...what the hell now?

How come I am the person subject to execution?

Do I have to buy you food?

How about ordering takeout?

He was speechless.

"At least I have someone to accompany me, right?"

After he finished speaking, Wang Sicong poked his head in.

He looked happy.

Lao Wang, you have to be you!


I accompany my brother all the way to the mountains and the sea...

"Old Wolf, remember to buy a bottle of Worcester Sauce, don't forget it."


After saying that, Wang Sicong disappeared again.


After taking a comfortable hot bath, he stepped on slippers and came to the first floor.

He slumped down on the sofa and called Yang Mi.

"Dudu... hello, stranger."

Hearing this title, Xu Xin laughed:

"Hello, beauty, what are you doing?"

"I'm eating lobster. I can't help it. My husband has left me alone. It's been a long night. How can I relieve my worries if I don't eat lobster?"

The teasing from his wife made him calm and calm:

"Eat at the restaurant?"

"Yes, Michelin. I even brought my bodyguards with me. How about you, did you go to bed in the afternoon?"

"No, I found a new game and just finished playing it. Now the old wolf went to buy food for me. After eating, I went to bed... I am in the same state as if I stayed up all night, and I am in a daze."

Just as he was talking, Jay Chou also walked out of the room.

He sat directly next to Xu Xin and picked up the charged controller:

"Want a round?"

"Come on, I see there's 2K11."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Jay Chou began to adjust the game. Xu Xin said to the phone:

"We went to play ball, remember not to run around at night..."

"Know it."

Yang Mi responded and hung up the phone.

Xu Xin picked up the controller, and the two began to line up directly.

Soon, Wang Sicong also went downstairs and slumped down on the sofa. He looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely. At first, he looked at it lazily, but after a while, he couldn't stand Jay Chou who only played tricks and wasted. The virtue of investing.

After grabbing his handle, he used Kobe to dunk under the heavy blockade of Xu Xin's Celtics.


Xu Xin was unhappy.

Thief Sun, I’m giving you face, right?


As a result, the yellow-green war started again and continued until Lang Lang came back.

The two went from the yellow-green battle to 23V24. Xu Xin was wreaking havoc on the Lakers with James, and he walked into the room with a bag of takeaways and said:

"Hey, the strip club is open."


Wang Sicong paused and looked at him at a disadvantage of 33 to 21:



Xu Xin rolled his eyes speechlessly, and did not dare to let the grand pianist continue to carry it... In fact, it didn't weigh much.

But it tastes delicious.

He walked directly to the sofa.

Jay Chou asked curiously:

"Is that place fun?"

"You haven't been there either?"

"No. It always feels very dangerous, so..."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Xu Xin who was unpacking the takeout box:

"Axin, are you going?"

"not interested."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"I don't understand what's so attractive about that place..."

He told the truth.

In his heart, he had the first, second, third...the 10086th reason to go with the three of them, but in the final analysis, it was not a bachelor party or a silver party. It was not fake to go on vacation by himself, but his wife, son and daughter It's just "next door". It would be quite selfish to let the children take care of the children alone when they play separately.

If my wife hadn't been generous and knew that they had made an agreement for a year, so she took the initiative not to disturb her, then whether this villa would have become a children's nest today is another matter.

If I go to the club by myself to be cool right now...

He couldn't do such a thing.

And Wang Sicong was still fussing after hearing this:

"What's wrong? Don't be a coward. Haven't you been there before? Let's take a look?"

"No, I'll go to bed after dinner. Brother, my father-in-law, mother-in-law, and my wife and children are all here. How should I go to this place?"


When the young master heard it, it seemed to be the truth.

So he nodded:

"That's right. Then I won't take you with me?"


Xu Xin responded and opened a fast food box.

A few that smell sour... Luo Mo?

Pickled cucumbers, diced onions and tomatoes, and a few balls of dark barbecue...

And a cup of green avocado puree.


Is this thing edible?

His eyes were filled with disgust.

And the three people didn't force him, and started discussing on their own...

They actually want to go...


Seeing this, Xu Xin said:

"Remember to call the bodyguard."

"Yes, yes, we need to bring bodyguards..."

The eldest young master, who was beginning to become agitated, woke up from a dream.


Nothing more.

Just like middle school students who eat sloppily or don't eat at all in order to go to the Internet bar, the three people who started to "cash their money" because of their hormonal agitation due to the nightlife in Miami after a meal of TACO and hot dogs.

According to the words of the eldest young master:

"How can a piece or two highlight our identity? Have you seen "The Hangover"? There might be a beautiful female dancer who falls in love with my buddy..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Lang Lang added:

"Don't forget, I have a baby with me."

Then I have to admire the young master’s thinking:

"So... the men in this country are so happy. They just put up their pants and don't have to worry about anything."




One sentence left the three of them speechless until the end of the meal.

What do you think he was thinking about?

The Ritz-Carlton Residences.

Yang Mi, who was wearing a large vest and large sports shorts, looked at her husband who got off the car, smiled and nodded to the driver to thank:

"Thanks, Bob."

The middle-aged bearded man with a Ranger tattoo on his arm smiled and nodded:

"That's right, BOSS."

"Well, bye, good night."

"Good night, BOSS."

When the other party's car left, she looked at her husband who looked tired and said with a smile:

"I thought you were going together."

"I'm not going. I'll keep my wife and kids here while I go to a dancer's club?"

With a rhetorical question, Xu Xin already took her hand:

"Where's the child?"

"My parents and I both went to bed. We fell asleep while eating, and we didn't even brush our teeth... Let's go to sleep. Jet lag is quite difficult for children."

Hand in hand, Yang Mi led her husband to the villa.

This place says it's an apartment, but it's actually a high-end resort with a private beach area.

I can’t say much about the environment, but the house prices are also very expensive.

The quoted price for this relatively small unit in an "apartment" alone is over US$7 million.

Although it's not unaffordable, it's not necessary.

It’s also good to rent and play.

Xu Xin observed the surrounding environment and sighed:

"The environment is much better than where we live."

"Then you guys come over? There are plenty of rooms."

"Farewell, our e-sports room is more exciting...where to go?"

“The beach is right behind the house, which is great.”

The two of them walked around the perimeter of the villa directly to the back of the house.

Behind the flashing blue swimming pool, Xu Xin saw the endless darkness and the sound of the waves.

"Are you thirsty?"

Yang Mi asked.

"Not thirsty."

"I'll give you that bottle of water. Your lips are a little dry."

Hearing this, he didn't think much and nodded:


"You go forward, there are beach chairs in front. Wait for me there."


He stepped on the lights on both sides of the volcanic stone trail and went all the way down to the beach... There was no one on the beach, and the private beach was enough to ensure the distinction between high-end user groups and ordinary people, preventing them from entering indiscriminately.

After taking off his shoes and feeling the comfortable touch of the sand, Xu Xin's mind began to wander in the sea breeze.

He seemed to suddenly understand why so many rich people like RUN.

After arriving here, I can feel the kind of... let's call it a sense of superiority due to the gap between the rich and the poor every moment.

Indeed, it is very easy to become addicted.


He asked himself...or maybe based on his humble opinion, he felt that the Chinese people's hometown complex was rooted in their genes.

This place is nice, but... it's not home after all.

Can people who are accustomed to drinking water from the Yellow River really enjoy the sea breeze here for a lifetime?

He couldn't understand it.

Of course, this is all just looking at the endless dark sea and diverging thoughts in the waves.

Some things don't need an answer.

Just thinking about it.

At this time, he heard a sound:

"Handsome, are you alone?"

"Well, yes, beauty, you... hmm????"

His eyes straightened instantly.

At this moment, the wife is no longer dressed in short-sleeved and short shorts, but in a pure white bikini.

The fabric is not particularly sparse, but the white color is refreshing.

The 8-shaped soft line tube top, and the style with a metal ring fixed on the right hip bone... made her two chopstick legs look even more foul.

At this moment, she was wearing this pure white swimsuit, holding two bottles of Corona with lemon stuck in the mouth of the bottle, and her long hair was fluttering in the sea breeze, like a goddess of the night.

It has replaced the moonlight and become the most beautiful scenery on this coastline.


Xu Xin was dumbfounded.

The corner of Yang Mi's mouth rose, as if she was very satisfied with her husband's obsession, and said proudly:

"This is a hidden reward. I bought it secretly in China. I originally planned to pass it on to you if you have a conscience this time. But if you don't come to me and play crazy by yourself for seven days, I won't wear it... Hee Hee, classmate Xu Xin, you got perfect marks today~ Congratulations on unlocking a hidden achievement—big star Yang Mi’s bikini~Are you happy?”


Xu Xin was speechless, just looking at her up and down, marveling at the beauty of his wife.

Rejoicing again.

Such a good girl belongs to herself.

And with this exclamation, he suddenly said:

"Turn around and let me take a look."

Yang Mi didn't think much and danced around in a circle like a butterfly.

Then I saw my husband suddenly started to take off his clothes.

She was stunned:

"You...are here? Now?"

Then, a hint of shyness flashed in the eyes in the darkness:

"No... not good, how about we go back to the house... uh..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw her husband taking off his short sleeves and wrapping them around his waist.


The corner of her mouth twitched.

Because Xu Xin was wearing short sleeves and the sleeves were not long, he put the clothes "horizontally" around his wife, then held the collar and corners of her clothes and tied them up forcibly.

The clothes were wrapped around her, and in her speechless gaze, the man nodded with satisfaction:

"Well, that's it."

"What a fart! How can I show off my figure with your ugly clothes?"

"Wouldn't it be nice if it didn't stand out?"

Xu Xin shrugged casually, took the beer, pressed the lemon into the bottle, and touched one with his speechless wife.


"Let's go for a walk on the beach."

Holding his wife's hand, he walked straight to the end of the beach where the waves were crashing.

As he walked, he said:

"On the way here today, the four of us passed by a beach. I saw a lot of American girls showing their butts... each one was whiter than the other. Wow, what a beautiful country."


Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"Then why can't I show it? I bought it just for you to see."

Hearing this, Xu Xin took it for granted:

"You're not an American girl."


Yang Mi spat at him and looked around...

"Look, there's not even a ghost here! I don't care, I don't want to be around this..."

She said she was about to untie it, but Xu Xin held her hand down:

"Hey, don't make trouble."

He said very seriously:

"What if a pervert uses a high-powered telescope to spy on you right now? This is the United States, the most dangerous country in the world."

"...You didn't say it was beautiful just now!"

Xu Xin was stunned, opened his mouth, and said:

"Beautiful and dangerous!"

Yang Mi, who was about to laugh at his crooked reasoning, pointed to the T-shirt around her waist:

"If I were around it..."


"Untie it..."


"Does this mean that an American life is not worth a piece of fabric on my ass?"

Looking at his wife who was dumbfounded, Xu Xin nodded and said seriously:

"Magic country, right?"

Yang Mi was speechless.



This country is so magical.

It took me 7 hours to write 5,000 words at a speed of 800 an hour...

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