I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 621 619 Lao Xu wants to be beaten

Chapter 621 619. Lao Xu wants to be beaten

"Is it cold?"

Hearing her husband's concern, Yang Mi smiled and shook her head:

"It's not cold. Are you cold?"

"...I'm not cold either."

Xu Xin, who was shirtless and enjoying the sea breeze, had the toughest mouth.

Seeing this, Yang Mi did not reveal anything, but just led him to the beach chair.

There were two bath towels on the chair.

"It's used when I'm lying down during the day."

She handed one to her husband and put one on herself. She suddenly said:

"I plan to go to the Screen Actors Guild tomorrow."


Xu Xin was stunned.


"Register first, maybe there will be some opportunities in the future."

Following her train of thought, Xu Xin understood what she meant:

"Hollywood? Don't we have to go to Los Angeles?"

"No, I asked during the day. There is a branch here, and it seems to be quite famous. The membership fee is 3,000 US dollars. After registering, you can submit your resume for audition. Do you want to register with the Directors Guild?"

"Not interested in."

The couple had nothing to hide, so he said straightforwardly:

"I haven't finished filming domestic movies, so how can I have time to make their movies? You can just do it yourself... But, to be honest, there is no need. Chinese actors are a marginalized group here. In the past two years, People in Hollywood are all trying to compete for the domestic box office. They randomly find roles with few roles to please the audience... This kind of role is useless. If you want to film it, I still don't agree."

"It's better to be prepared. After all, you are a director and I am an actor, so there are differences in career planning. Besides... you have to admit that for actors around the world, Hollywood is a very tempting cake."


Xu Xin was not stubborn with her.

Indeed, Hollywood's status is here.

And in the past two years... I don't know what the mentality of many people is. Even if you are an actor, you are proud to appear in Hollywood movies.

Just about any character, it would be something worth bragging about in the domestic media.

It seems that as long as actors appear in Hollywood movies, they will be superior to others in domestic entertainment.


Seeing his lack of interest, Yang Mi stopped talking on the topic and raised the bottle of wine.

You take a bite, I take a bite, mouth to mouth and another bite...

Three plus five divided by two, sitting on the beach chairs, the two of them just looked at the waves like white lines rolling on black cloth under the moonlight, accompanied by the movement of "Sasha", one after another... …

The community environment in a wealthy area ensures the tranquility here at night.

The waves and wind combine to form the most perfect sonata between heaven and earth.

One moment, one moment.

One wave, one wave...

Suddenly, Xu Xin's shoulders collapsed.

Without warning.

He yawned lazily, wiped the tears from his eyes, and said to his wife:

"Let's go?"

"bring it on?"

Before he could say the words "Go back", he was shocked by his wife's suggestion.

Xu Xin's eyes were filled with absurdity:


He didn't respond.

What just "come on"?

Then he met his wife's eager eyes.


He was stunned for a moment, then looked around...

Looking at the darkness with no one around...don't tell me, it's a bit exciting.

He was a little restless.

But in the final analysis, he is a bit "cowardly".

"Let's go back to the house."

He took Yang Mi's hand and was about to walk back, but he didn't pull. Instead, he was pulled by Yang Mi:

"No, just stay here."



Under the soft moonlight, he saw a few words written on his wife's forehead:

"Bold and exciting!"

I really think you don’t need FACE...

But he only dared to mutter this in his heart. If he really wanted to say it out loud, an undersea villa would have to be prepared for him under the sea in Miami.

So, he forcefully pulled the bikini beauty in front of him and walked to the villa.

"Oh, why are you so cowardly? There's no one here... talking about it. If there is someone, it's a big deal. If you cover your face and expose your buttocks, who knows who..."


Take a look, I'm starting to lose my voice.

Our old Xu is a little timid outside.

You wait.

Waiting to go back to the house.

I have to let you, a melon girl, see how many eyes our old Xu has!

December 2, 2010, American Airlines Center.

Miami Heat vs. Cleveland Cavaliers.

This summer, little emperor James announced that he would leave his old club Cavaliers and switch to the Heat, forming a luxury lineup of the Big Three with Wade and Bosh.

As a result, tickets to Miami Heat games are hard to come by.

Especially this one.

Although it can't keep up with the popularity of this year's Christmas war, 23V24, the love-hate gimmick of the Little Emperor's new and old clubs still made this matchup highly hyped.

After all, the last time they played against the Cavaliers was at home in Cleveland.

The new king of Miami suffered jersey burning and boos from the audience in his hometown, but Miami people still remember it.

This time it's their turn to express their welcome to Cleveland.

Oh, dear Clevelanders, we're going to kick your ass hard this time.

As for the NBA, there is never a shortage of topics.

And having a topic means that ticket prices have skyrocketed.

Not to mention ordinary seats, the first row of auditorium seats next to the Heat's home court has been sold from more than 2,800 US dollars to more than 6,000 US dollars...

Hey, who said there are no scalpers in foreign countries.

If there are scalpers, there will naturally be no shortage of people buying tickets.

For example, Xu Xin and the others were sitting in the first row, occupying the best seats.

Yang Mi is not interested in basketball, but her father is very interested.

So, the foursome plus the old father-in-law, the five of them sat on the sidelines together today.

"Bang bang bang."

The entire basketball hall was filled with the sound of the ball being slapped.

This is the warm-up preparation session for the players on both sides before the game.

After several people found their seats from the auditorium aisle, Wang Sicong saw LeBron James performing his signature tomahawk dunk while practicing layups.

"Oh, he's so handsome."

He sighed.

After hearing this, Xu Xin and Jay Chou acted very calmly.

Because one of the two is a standard Kobe Benby.

The other is an Iverson fan.

Is a power player like James strong?

Very strong.

But... why did Jay Chou not mention that Xu Xin's style of play really lacked elegance compared to Kobe's.

That's why he feels pity...

It would be great if I could see the Heat VS Lakers today.

As for the old wolf following at the end...

He is destined to have nothing to do with basketball in his life, so he is a true fan.

Messi fan.

On the contrary, Wang Sicong likes James... Hey, this thing is really weird.

Logically speaking, regardless of Father Yang, these four people have certain status wherever they go. But there are also one, two, three and four in status.

The one with the lowest reputation is definitely Wang Sicong.

The most famous one here is definitely Lang Lang.

As for the two in the middle...

Hey, the eldest brother doesn’t talk about the second brother.

All the same stuff.

So, after the five people sat down and watched the group of people practicing with relish, two foreigners came over first.

"LANG, welcome."

Go straight to Langlang when you come up.

Lang Lang was stunned for a moment, then stood up and smiled and exchanged greetings.

Xu Xin couldn't understand what he said to him, but after exchanging pleasantries, they shook hands and the other party left with a smile.

After Lang Lang sat down, he said curiously:

"What do these two people do?"

"The staff of the Miami Heat came to welcome me when they knew I was here. I helped Uncle Yang and Lao Wang get a basketball signed by the whole team. You two didn't like James, so I didn't mention it. After a while, I waited for the game. Bring it."


Xu Xin looked surprised.

"Do they know you?"

"Who should you ask who doesn't know me?"

Lang Lang laughed:

"This is nothing. Next year when we go to Europe, I will take you to Barcelona to play with Messi. We are close buddies."

"Tsk, tsk."

Seeing his behavior of pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, Wang Sicong slapped his mouth, and suddenly said to Xu Xin:

"Old Xu, would you like to get to know Ma Yun..."


Before Xu Xin could react, Jay Chou also said:

"Kobe and I also filmed a Sprite commercial together. I also have his contact information."


This time, Xu Xin finally understood.

Taken together, these three people are not here to "help" him, but purely to show off.

And compared with these three people...

I seem... really average.

So, he was unhappy, looked at the three people and said:

"Do you know Yang Mi?"

Yang Dalin, who was smiling as he watched several children chatting and spanking, twitched his lips.

Then I heard a sentence from my son-in-law:

"I can call her over and beat you to death."




Under the cowardly looks of the three of them saying, "You're all just joking, why are you taking it seriously?", Yang Dalin glanced at the back of his son-in-law's head...

My heart said I could ask her to beat you to death.

This naughty kid...

Just like that, a few people watched the group of NBA stars practicing there. After a while, the time was almost up, the stars began to leave, and the game was about to begin.

At this moment, the American Airlines Center was in a commotion.

At this moment, Wang Sicong didn't know what to think, and suddenly asked a question:

"Hey, you guys say...the current Heat, or the Heat during the Wade and O'Neal era, which one is better?"

"Of course when O'Neal was still here."

Xu Xin answered without thinking.

He has witnessed the dominance of the fat man who is now sitting on the Cavaliers bench during the Lakers' three consecutive championships.

In his opinion, the current Heat team's weak inside line is incomparable to O'Neal's era.

That's the pinnacle shark!

If gods stand in the way, they will kill gods; if they stand in the way of Buddha, they will kill Buddha.

"I think so too. O'Neal is so scary. The top two years of the top center, the golden period, who can stop him?"

After hearing this, Yang Dalin stood from a more rational perspective and said in the tone of an old fan:

"Actually, it's not necessarily true. James plays really well, he is comprehensive, and Bosh is a position that can pull O'Neal out. In terms of matchups, no one in the Heat could guard Bosh... Haas Neither can Lem..."

Seeing that his father-in-law dared to look down on his number one center forward, Xu Xin was unhappy:

"What if the Lakers are at their peak? When the OK team faced the current Heat, I tell you, the game will take up to three quarters. Unless the Heat are given a peak Yao, the Heat will definitely be broken up... …”

Yang Dalin was not happy either:

"If you want to say that, then let the Bulls of the Jordan era come and make plans with the Lakers. Who do you think can win?"

"He's a Laker too! That's O'Neal!"

"You are talking nonsense, a Rodman..."

"Uncle Yang, if you say anything else, I won't be stubborn with you. If you say that Rodman can guard against O'Neal, I really don't believe it..."

Wang Sicong also joined the battlefield.

This topic went right off the rails...

"Okay, viewers, what you are watching now is the 2010-11 NBA regular season game between the Miami Heat and the Cleveland Cavaliers broadcast by CCTV5 Sports Channel for you. First of all, today's starting lineups of both sides..."

Commentator Yu Jia is starting to explain the game step by step in the studio.

After introducing today's commentary partners Su Yu and Yang Yi, the Heat and the Cavaliers competed for the ball.

I don’t know if it was because of the intensity or something else. After Bosh jumped the ball, Wade and Jamison scrambled for it, and the ball flew out of bounds.

It happened to hit someone.

The referee blows the whistle and the Heat have the ball.

Then, the camera angle switched, giving a close-up of the referee.

I saw Chalmers standing on the border near the direction of the Heat, in front of several Asian faces, and handed the ball to Wade.

Originally it was nothing.

But the three commentators in the studio were all stunned:



"That is……"

Yu Jia narrowed her eyes and said with some uncertainty:

"Why do I feel that those faces look familiar?"

Yang Yi nodded:

"Yes, it looks familiar... Teacher Su, can you see clearly?"

"I'm... not sure. Why do you look so much like Jay Chou?"

While several people and the audience in front of the TV who also thought they were dazzled were wondering, the Heat had completed their attack.

Bosh scored two points with a jumper in the opening game.

Cavaliers possession.

Jamison had just passed halftime, perhaps in order to regain the field, Wade directly followed him.

"Hey, Wade's defensive intensity has increased... Jamison..."

Before he finished speaking, the ball went out of bounds again.

Cavaliers possession.

For Wade, it was like "announcement."

You have to be more honest when you come to our territory.

Although it went out of bounds, it delayed the offense, increased the defensive intensity, and still received bursts of applause from the American Airlines Center.

But what a coincidence, the place where it went out of bounds was still the same place just now.

When Varejao served, under the close-up of the screen... the three commentators finally saw those people clearly.


Yu Jia's voice was full of surprise:

"This...if I read it correctly, those are Xu Xin, Jay Chou, Lang Lang and Wang Sicong, right?"

"Yes, it's them."

Su Yu also gave a positive answer.

"The four of them actually went to watch the game."

Following his words, Yang Yi's voice sounded:

"It seems like the four of them are very good friends, right?"

"That's right. They are good friends... But I only heard about them before, but now I can actually see them. Good guy, they are really inseparable."

"Haha, it seems really..."

The three commentators picked up the topic of the four people and chatted for a few words.

But this is CCTV after all, so it’s impossible for all the topics to revolve around them.

Soon the three commentators got into the rhythm of the game commentary.

However... since James left, the Cavaliers, who have been completely drained of energy, really don't have the capital to compete with the Heat.

Already trailing by 19 points at halftime.

In the second quarter, Bosh led the team, and neither James nor Wade played.

In the end, the final score came directly to 118 to 90, which is an understatement.

The game ended, and the time in Miami was approaching 12 o'clock.

The five people returned to their residences respectively with two Spalding signed by the entire Heat team.

As soon as he entered the house, Xu Xin picked up the handle:

"Come on, come on, whoever said the Bulls were beating the Lakers just now, come here and get beaten!"

Lang Lang was stunned and subconsciously said:

"Isn't it Uncle Yang?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Wang Sicong smiled evilly:

"Pass this on, Lao Xu will ask Uncle Yang to be beaten!"

Jay Chou nodded vigorously:

"Yeah! Pass this on, Lao Xu wants to be beaten!"

Finally Lang Lang laughed:

"Haha, pass it on, Lao Xu wants to be beaten by Dami!"

"Okay, I'll call Dami right now and satisfy him!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Amidst laughter, Xu Xin shook his head helplessly, picked up the controller and started to establish a game.

No need to ask who is playing, there will definitely be someone coming to challenge.

Although it is already early in the morning...but it doesn't matter.

On vacation.

Just be happy.

The transition plot written in two days is actually just one chapter in normal times. Therefore, the rhythm of my writing is a little messy. The main problem is the length. I haven’t written in 4K for a long time and it is difficult to master.

At the same time, the entire plot of Langlang is mainly about daily entertainment. I thought about it and thought it would not work if I wrote it intermittently. The pace of the main plot is too slow, because now I can barely do 4K in one day, instead of the previous 12,300. What used to be a rich story now has to make trade-offs.

This time, Langlangri is actually an extended plot. During the day, I felt that there was something wrong with the rhythm, so I redesigned it. Fortunately, I could change the angle. The thread (Yang Mi’s registered actor) has been buried and can be recovered later.

So if nothing else goes wrong, today’s picture will be the end of Lang Langli’s story, and it will return to the main story tomorrow.

But I’m not sure how much I can write tomorrow, because when I went to change the dressing today, my finger was completely swollen, painful and itchy, and the line of the wound was a little collapsed due to the unconscious finger movements when writing. The doctor said that at least it needs to wait until it heals. Only then can you move, otherwise the line collapse will be more troublesome...

So, I will try to write tomorrow and try my best to write. If I feel really uncomfortable, please don’t blame me. Thank you.

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