I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 622 620 Rainbow Trail

Chapter 622 620. Rainbow Trail

The Ritz-Carlton Residences.

The last day of the trip.

There is enough to see and do.

The flight was in the evening, and this afternoon, after everyone gathered at the villa, they didn't go anywhere.

Plan to rest until evening and then return.

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling went to rest after their daughter and son-in-law took over the child.

As people get older, jet lag becomes more difficult, and they are trying to overcome it and adjust.

There were only a few people left on the first floor of the villa.

"Daughter, come here, godfather will teach you."

He held Nuan Nuan in his arms, sat in front of the piano, and Lang Lang gently taught Nuan Nuan how to press the piano keys.

"This is DOU~"


"No, no, no, it's DOU, come on, follow your godfather and press... DOU, RE, MI..."

A child over one year old still doesn't understand what Doraemon is, but what does it matter?

Music should be cultivated from an early age.

What's more, he has the artistic skills of a top piano artist.

There is no need for rigid teaching. He can let children feel different emotions through the strength and rhyme of the keys.

It's not like Nuannuan has never played piano with him.

In the more than a year since the two little guys were born, I don’t know how many times I have heard this beautiful note flowing in the room.

So it's not unfamiliar.

At the same time, because of her gradual enlightenment, she became curious about the world. Even though she was still young, she began to absorb bit by bit the "nourishment" given to her by the master of art.

The elder sister is playing the piano and the younger brother is painting.

Right in my mother's arms.

Yang Mi sat on the carpet, holding her son in her arms, watching him apply the color in her heart little by little in the picture frame, her smile was extremely gentle.

"Baby, oh you are so awesome, you are drawing a rainbow~"


In Yangyang's innocent eyes, the beautiful woman looked at her baby's masterpiece on the drawing paper, and gently began to guide:

"Look, these winding blue lines... This is blue, we are going to use red to draw... Oh, yes, slow down, stick to the blue... Oh, baby is awesome!... Husband, what are the colors of the rainbow?”

She turned her head and asked Xu Xin, who was lying on the sofa opposite Wang Sicong, enjoying the sea breeze.

"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, whoever holds the colors practices to dance in the air."

Xu Xin, who was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed, replied with half-squinted eyes.

"Oh, right, right."

Yang Mi suddenly realized it, and then she pressed her son's cute little face:

"Dad is really educated, isn't he?"

Yangyang ignored her mother and just continued to draw crooked lines on the canvas with a red paintbrush.

As for Xu Xin, lying on the sofa, his biggest wish is that time can be suspended here.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the chaos of the world or the ulterior motives of careerists.

None of it has anything to do with him.

He just lay on the sofa.

Wife, children, friends, and the bag of flowers in my pocket...

The beauty of this world was presented to him at this moment.

On the last day of this vacation, the last trace of fatigue in his heart was wiped away.

He is not sleepy.

But he was drowsy.

Because the sea breeze is so pleasant, and because the piano notes are so beautiful.

What's more, the colors painted by his wife and children are as magnificent as the ones he painted.

Every minute and every second at this moment is sweet.

Let him enjoy it.

Immersed in this wonderful time, I didn't want to wake up from the swing of the window screen.


"Tada~Brother, look~"

Following the call of his lover, Xu Xin, who was enjoying life in this scornful time, opened his eyes.

I saw a... very nice rainbow picture.

And the woman showing off the painting with a beautiful smile.

"My son and I painted it together! Does it look good?"

It was a rainbow that was not a combination of colors in the traditional sense.

Under blue is red, under red is black, under black is green, under green is yellow...

The color matching is a mess.


Really nice to look at.

When Xu Xin smiled from the bottom of his heart, but before he had time to praise, the rainbow in the woman's hand was also captured by the artist sitting next to the piano.

Seeing this, he suddenly burst out with inspiration and smiled at his daughter in his arms:

"Can daddy play you a nice song?"

After speaking, without waiting for Nuan Nuan to reply, he put Nuan Nuan on the stool next to him and placed his hands on the piano keys.

The melody of "Rainbow" rang.


Which song "Rainbow" you ask?

Of course it was the song "Rainbow" written by my best friend who was sitting on a single sofa with a cell phone and sending messages to someone unknown.

Apart from his songs, which other song "Rainbow" in the world can be worthy of this wonderful time?

So, in Jay Chou's unconscious smile...

"Tell me where there is a rainbow~"

"Can you give me back my wish~"

Yang Mi hummed to the sound of the piano and walked to the sofa with the painting in hand.

She originally wanted to hand it to her husband for a closer look.

But when she came, Xu Xin had already raised his head.

The tacit understanding between husband and wife made her understand what her husband wanted at this moment, and she sat down.

After she sat down, Xu Xin placed his pillow on her lap.

He took the painting and looked at the masterpiece of his wife and children.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, was like a female monkey trying to catch a lion for a male monkey, groping for her husband's hair, not knowing what she was searching for.

While searching, she hummed:

"You have to leave~I know it's easy~"

"Ding ding dong dong~"

Needless to say, the loud sound of the piano combined with her little titty voice of "Rainbow".

"You said dependence~ is our obstacle~"

Jay Chou, who finally put down his cell phone, also started humming.

This song is his original creation.

Want to be more present in my BGM than me?

Dami, you are still a hundred years early.


The piano alone seems a bit monotonous.

He looked around, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.


Wang Sicong kicked the ball and closed his eyes to relax while listening to this beautiful melody.


The eldest young master was stunned for a moment, then became unhappy.

Such a wonderful relaxing time, Sun thief, why don't you kick me?

But Jay Chou stood up and said:

"Video it for me, I want to send it to her."

Then he took down the guitar from the instrument display rack behind the piano.

Wang Sicong was stunned again...

Then he took out his cell phone.

The guitar's tone was very accurate. After Jay Chou took it, he sat next to Yangyang who continued to paint with a paintbrush.

"My godfather will play the guitar for you."

As the godfather of Nuan Nuan and Yangyang, he will naturally not give in to the evil forces Nuan Nuan and Yangyang's godfather.

What happened to the piano?


So, after listening to a few syllables, the sound of the guitar merged with the sound of the piano.

Wang Sicong started recording with his mobile phone.

First, he circled around, stopping for a moment on everyone, and after giving a "close-up", he finally turned over his phone and waved at himself.

It’s like saying hello to Kun Ling.


The original singer replaced Xiao Nai Yin'er.

"I can't see your smile, so how can I sleep~"

"Your voice is so close~ but I can't hold you~"

"Without the earth, the sun would still go around and around~"

"There is no reason~I can leave by myself~"

"To be honest~ if you try too much, it won't come true~"

"Time is also an antidote~an antidote~"

"It's also the poison I'm taking now~~"

Not to mention, this rap only sounds best when it comes from his mouth.

The tenderness in the voice was like speaking to a girl in person...

It was transmitted to the video recorded by Wang Sicong with incomparable clarity.

And, after singing this RAP, suddenly, among the original rainbow guitar chords, his singing voice quietly changed:

"I will be in a daze~ and then forget about you~ and then be quiet~ quiet~ close my eyes~~~"

From "Rainbow" to "Trajectory" in an instant.

This sudden transition is not at all disharmonious, but is as natural as mountains and flowing water.

Particularly appropriate.

It's amazing.

So much so that Xu Xin, who was lying down, and Yang Mi, who was leaning on the sofa with her eyes closed to relax, both opened their eyes in surprise.

"Thinking about the day when someone will replace me~"

"Let me ~ no longer ~ miss you..."

As Jay Chou sang, he seemed to feel the eyes of others and said with a smile:

"Hey, come together."

Following his words, Wang Sicong, who was recording the video, Lang Lang, who was playing the piano, and Xu Gou and Yang Mi, who were showing off their affection, hummed along with the rhythm of his guitar:

"I will be in a daze, then smile slightly, and then be quiet and close my eyes."

In Jay Chou's singing, even the loud piano must surrender to this guitar sound.

Xu Xin raised a hand and started shaking his guitar.

Except for two bewildered children, everyone in the room was humming the melody that accompanied everyone's youth:

"Think about it again~"

"Your gentle face~"

"Before I~forget~..."

No one forgot a word, and no one was out of tune.

My friends’ songs are really familiar to them.

Just following Jay Chou's guitar sound was like an unplugged concert, accompanying him from "Rainbow" to the chorus of "Trajectory".

When the song reached a beautiful point and the love reached its peak, Yang Mi smiled and lowered her head:


Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and stood up:

"Love you."


During the long kiss between the two, Wang Sicong stopped recording the screen with a smile.

"Are you going to send it to Kun Ling?"

"That's right. Hey, help me compress it."

Hearing this, the young man who is the most professional at playing computers sat up directly and took the notebook on the small coffee table:

"no problem."

After connecting the data cable and getting the video into the computer, he started operating.

Soon, the sound of everyone singing came from the laptop.

After Wang Sicong read it twice, he smiled and said:

"Hey, this video I took is awesome... How about I post it on Weibo?"

"Let's go."

Xu Xin said casually:

"Just think of it as confessing your love for him."

Wang Sicong's eyes lit up and he looked at Jay Chou:

"How's it going?"


Jay Chou seemed a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he did not refuse and just asked:

"Then... what's the title?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and looked at his wife:

"What do you think?"

Yang Mi also thought about it, looked at Jay Chou and said:

"For you."


Jay Chou obviously didn't understand what he meant.

"For you."

Yang Mi repeated:

"You put double quotes in your words. Then you turn the wheel to Instagram and turn it yourself. Although the "Trajectory" at the end is a bit inappropriate...but the atmosphere is here, I think this girl should be able to understand."

Following her words, Wang Sicong began to create editing files.

The file name is written directly: "For "You""

Obviously, he agreed with Dami's idea.


This double quote can represent many things.

Fans can treat it as a gift to themselves.

This can catch someone's eye.

Then let Luan Lu tell the girl named Kun Ling that this video is for her. That's not the best of both worlds... huh?

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something again.

Wait a moment...

The previous "Rainbow" can be given to Kun Ling.

The following "Trajectory"... seems to be okay to give to Hou Peichen.

Look at the lyrics...

"I thought about your gentle face again, before I forgot..."


make sense!

It makes so much sense!

One word: absolutely!

This B definitely did it on purpose, right?

He looked at Jay Chou.

But before I saw the answer, I heard a sentence:

"What's the gasp again? Don't you know that this will cause global warming to increase!"

Xu Xin said something speechless to him, and then touched the cigarette in his pocket:

"Let's go, risk one?"


Wang Sicong nodded and clicked on the video compression without cutting it.

After the two of them came out, they were sitting on the beach chairs by the swimming pool. As soon as they lit their cigarettes, the eldest young master suddenly heard Xu Laoer say:

"Did you think of Hou Peichen just now?"


Wang Sicong's eyes widened instantly.

Lao Xu, it has to be you! ! ! ! !

The heroes of the world are Wei Cong and Xin Er!

Looking at his expression, Xu Xin also said something suspicious:

"Actually, I also thought about it... Do you think he did it on purpose? What does this mean? Saying goodbye to the past?"

"How would I know……"

"But he is planning to officially confess his love...so he sings it one last time to say goodbye to the past?"

After hearing this, Wang Sicong thought for a while and said:

"Is it possible to over-interpret something?"

"Have you forgotten what I do?"

"…What do you mean?"

"I'm the director! Anything that passes through my hands...if a fly flies in the wind, I can imagine an NTR plot."

Xu Xin looked as if he should take it for granted:

"Excessive interpretation and artistic processing...this is my right as a director!"


Wang Sicong was speechless.

Looking at his friend, he took a puff of cigarette with slightly trembling fingers.

Well, grandma's.


Directors have a dirty heart.


Really awesome.

So, at around 11pm US time, a short video using some technical means to enhance the audio effect was finally posted on Instagram by Jay Chou.

Title: "For "You""

As soon as this video appeared, fans immediately caught it and started grabbing the sofa.

After posting the video, Jay Chou didn't respond. He just sent Kun Ling:

"Look at my Instagram, this is for you."

After sending it, he put down the phone.

I can't help it, my friend is missing one of the three.

But what he didn't know was...it was just a whim to confirm the relationship. After this video was moved to China, everyone saw the look of Yang Mi and Xu Xin kissing at the end of the video. With Yang Mi's fans, Many of the leaders raised torches.


Showing affection, right?

After a long time, kill many dogs! ! ! !

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