I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 624 622 Cause and effect

Chapter 624 622. Cause and effect

After showing her strength a little, Yang Mi stopped talking about this matter.

You can't talk anymore, just have a taste, that is to let others know that you have this strength. But if you continue chatting endlessly, it will become a show off.

Naturally, she doesn't understand how to grasp this sense of proportion.

Soon, the cold dishes came first.

After chatting for a few times, Wang Sicong asked the waiter to serve some beer.

There's no feast without wine.

Not too much, but a few beers, so that's the same thing.

And everyone was very considerate to Yang Ying, chatting, drinking, and waiting until she came to serve the hot dishes.

This also made Yang Ying extremely flattered.

It’s true that her recent career has been booming, but asking Sister Mi to wait for her... she’s not crazy enough yet.

However, when she came, she inevitably brought news of "Gong Lock Heart Jade".

According to her, the script "Gong Lock Heart Jade" was not difficult to film:

"Same as what you said, the director actually wanted to create an atmosphere like an idol drama. As long as we grasp this point, it is very easy to shoot. Moreover, the crew took good care of me and the progress was very fast. Now I have We are starting to enter the final stage, and in about half a month, Christmas should be all over."

This was the core point she expressed, and then she talked about the composition of the crew.

And this time the cast and crew are all familiar with Wei Wei, they are similar to the people in "Beauty's Scheming".

Everyone picked up this topic and talked about it for the whole meal, and finally ended the meal around 8:30.

After the dinner, everyone went back to their homes.

Yang Mi left directly with her three eldest children, while Yang Ying took Orange's car and headed to his home.

She also rented a house here... The housing prices in Xi'an are relatively friendly whether you rent or buy. After all, she now earns one million dollars a year, so it is easy to rent a better house.

What's more, renting a house is sometimes more convenient.

Tang Yan and Di Wei have already opened rooms in the guest house.

"Old Tang, let's have a drink?"

After just two glasses of beer, Di Wei, who seemed to be still interested, took the initiative to extend the invitation.

In the past, Tang Yan would never have agreed.

But... I don't know why, but after seeing Yang Ying tonight, she felt a little stuffy.

So he nodded happily:

"Okay...what to drink?"

"Should I ask Dafa to buy two bottles of red wine?... Dafa, find a place to buy two bottles of red wine..."

"Need not."

As soon as Tang Yan heard that she wanted to drink red wine, he stopped her:

"It's right there in the guest house."

Si Wei was stunned and then asked:

"Does he drink well here?"

"Don't tell me, it's really good. I drank a bottle during filming. It's a special supply from Changyu's winery and can't be bought outside."

"How do you know it?"

"I asked. The wine tastes very good. I wanted to buy some when I returned to Yanjing after filming, but after asking, I found out that these are Changyu's own wines specially produced by the winery and are not sold on the market. , a customized version only available to winery members.”

After hearing this, Di Wei felt that it was natural.

Her distrust at the beginning was just a subconscious habit. After all, this place was not a luxury five-star hotel. Even if an ordinary hotel sold some tobacco and alcohol, it would definitely be something that was very expensive but very low value for money.


The guest house of Xiying Studio was different from all the hotels she had come across.

It looks unremarkable on the surface, but there's really nothing wrong with what's inside.

And there is a...very strange smell everywhere.

Like their tea bags.

They are all small pieces, wrapped in paper like milk tablets.

Apart from labels such as "black tea" and "green tea", you can't tell what kind of other tea it is or which company produces it.

It just tastes pretty good too.

It tastes particularly fragrant when soaked.

The two returned to Di Wei's room and called to order a bottle of red wine.

Di Wei also boiled the water and made two cups of tea.

They casually took out two packs of snacks from the suitcase, and after the red wine arrived, the two of them drank from the teacups in the room.

"Old Tang, come."


The porcelain cups clinked, and Di Wei took a sip and tasted it...


"Not to mention, it's really delicious. It's not astringent, but it's not particularly sweet either. It tastes pretty good."

As she said that, she picked up the wine bottle and looked at it, then took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the label:

"I'll ask later. I know a few friends who sell wine. I wonder if they can get it. How much does a bottle of this wine cost?"

"The price seems to be 1888. I remember seeing the price on the menu in the restaurant. But we don't have to pay for the drinks. It seems to be included in the entertainment fee... I didn't mention this when I checked out at the end of the filming."

"Do we still have entertainment expenses?"

Si Wei was surprised.

"Yes, I have."

Tang Yan looked at Brother Qi dumbfounded:

"You don't know? Three hundred a day."

"What does this three hundred yuan... mean? Is it given to us? Or..."

"Definitely not. It should be for consumption. For example, ordering food or drinking, etc., will be deducted from these entertainment fees. But I don't know what will happen after the deductions are completed..."

After hearing this, Di Wei thought for a while and suddenly asked:

"Then...will someone use our entertainment expenses to make a fuss?"

"For example?"

"For example... it's three hundred a day. If we live for a month, it's nine thousand. But actually I asked for two bottles of red wine, which is one thousand and eighty bottles, which is less than four thousand. But after I left , when I reported the accounts here, I reported seven to eight thousand..."

Tang Yan understood the meaning after she mentioned it vaguely, and then shook his head:

"I don't know... Even if I do this, I won't tell you."


Si Wei sighed with emotion:

"No wonder my mother kept telling me when I was little that I should join a public institution... tsk tsk."

Tang Yan was noncommittal, looking at the night view outside the window on the third floor in a daze.

Seeing this, Di Wei asked curiously:

"What are you thinking about?"


Hearing this, Tang Yan withdrew his gaze, glanced at her, then said nothing and picked up the cup.

After Si Wei touched her again, she took another sip of wine.

Her mouth was larger this time, and after taking a big mouthful, a pleasant smell of tannin came from her mouth.

But then I heard Tang Yan's question:

"Are you familiar with that Yang Ying?"

"...familiarity refers to..."

"How did she get rich?"


Si Wei nodded:

"I know, Yang Mi is a good friend. It is said that the two of them met in some magazine... What happened?"

"Nothing...just a little emotional."

Tang Yan looked at the red wine in the glass.

Because of the light and the color difference of the porcelain cup, the glass of wine looked like Coke at this moment.

"A... young model. We met Mimi by chance just because we were shooting for a magazine, and now we have suddenly reached this point. It's so fast..."


After hearing this, Di Wei thought for a moment and nodded:

"That's true. Before "The Voice" last year, no one seemed to know her. But as soon as "The Voice" came out, I suddenly felt like there were advertisements for her everywhere on TV... It seemed like she suddenly became popular. "

"But the actual situation is that she basically had no endorsements last year. The advertisements you can see wherever you go are just ads for Xifeng Wine with the help of the expansion of "The Voice". As a spokesperson, Xifeng Wine helped her to get them Nationwide…”

"...Then her life is indeed good."

Si Wei nodded and said:

"Not everyone has such a good life like her. A popular variety show host, a wine company advertising that needs to expand. They have caught up..."

In this regard, she seems quite open-minded.

But after Tang Yan heard this, he suddenly said:

"What about you? There should be a lot of people looking for you to film, right?"

"Quite a lot."

Di Wei had no intention of hiding anything from her.

After saying this, his tone was full of emotion:

"When I returned to the company this time, I saw such a thick script..."

The strokes showed an appearance of thickness. In Tang Yan's eyes, she continued:

"This has been screened by the company. There are more scripts that have been rejected..."

"Are they all movies?"

"Well, they are all movies. They want me to act. The TV drama company originally didn't plan to take it... but I didn't let them stop talking. You can walk on two legs..."

After saying that, Di Wei asked in confusion:

"What do you want to say? One moment it's Yang Ying, and the next it's mine."

"It's okay, I'm just feeling emotional. This world really changes every year."

Tang Yan smiled and raised his cup.

The Buddha said: All dharmas are empty, cause and effect are not empty.

Tang Yan is not a believer in Buddhism, but at this moment, he feels that this sentence is particularly appropriate.

At this moment, there was still one-third of the red wine in the glass, but there was no sign of Wei Wei in the room.

This is her own room.

After having a drink with Brother Qi, Lin Zijun happened to call Brother Qi, so she made an excuse and left with the drink.

After returning to the room, I poured myself some wine, and in the end I only had this little wine left.

The room was empty and she didn't feel lonely.

Sitting in front of the window, staring at the night view outside the window in a daze.

She actually didn't say something to Brother Seven just now.

Because it’s hard to say, and it’s not appropriate to say it…

That is:

"Yang Ying and you are actually the same. You both met noble people."

And who this noble man is, the answer is self-evident.

How could a helpless young model secure a seat in a TV series launched by Tianyu after one or two years?

How did Seventh Brother's company have the confidence to say, "We, Jiwei, only make movies, not TV series"?

The fundamental reason for the completely different situations between one and the other is Xu Xin and Mimi.

Xu Xin and Mimi...

A sigh suddenly sounded in the silent room:


In fact, there are some things she has never said to others.

And the truth is...

When she met Mimi from the crew of "Sword and Fairy", she always felt that she was "very ordinary".

Let’s talk beautiful…

Not very pretty.

You say it's particularly temperamental?

It seems not.

This wasn't a distasteful perception of her, but an initial impression.

At first, she really didn't think "Yang Mi" was so great.

The acting skills are not that good either.

This is my truest thought on the set of "Sword and Fairy".

But who would have thought... After leaving the crew of "Sword and Fairy", Mimi's rise made her a little confused.

And this rise is not just the so-called "coffee status" and "famousness", but also something deeper.

I don't know when her "normal" view of Mimi turned into fear and awe.

Obviously everyone was the same when they were at the "starting line", but in just one or two years, she was completely different.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that her rise is inseparable from Xu Xin.

But the problem is...they have seized the opportunity.

What about yourself?

Obviously... I have countless first-come-first-served opportunities.


Look at Yang Ying, looking at Brother Seven...

Take a final look at yourself.

This was the reason for her mood swings tonight.

Obviously he had a better chance than these two people...but between Mimi and Tang Ren, he chose Tang Ren.

Then everyone drifted away.

When they met again, the other party had reached a level that he could not even imagine.

what is this? Cause and effect?

Yesterday's cause, today's effect?

Thinking of this, she looked at the occasional car lights outside the window in a room with no lights on, and asked herself a question unconsciously:

"Why is it always me who fails to seize opportunities?"

What should I do to allow good luck like Brother Qi and Yang Ying to come to me?

I obviously got the script in advance and thought about it carefully for so long.

The other party gave me so many opportunities, but why couldn't I seize them?

What's wrong with her...?

What's missing?

Back then, I kowtowed in front of Wang Jing and called out "godfather". I thought I could rely on this big tree to achieve success... But after two years of wandering in the Hong Kong circle, I could only make a fuss. back to the mainland.

What should I do now?

Could it be that... I want to serve Mimi tea, kowtow, and recognize her as my godmother?

Although this idea was absurd and unrealistic, the moment the idea came to her mind, she thought of Xu Xin for no reason.

Xu Xin...

That extremely excellent man...

There was some heavy breathing again in the room.

Is he excellent?

no doubt.

But some ideas just popped into her head...

Suddenly, Yang Mi's narrow eyes appeared.


Unconsciously, she shuddered and became conscious again.

Even if it was just a drunken imagination, the eyes in her mind still made her sweat.

Goosebumps surged out, along with a hint of heart palpitations, just like the cold and windy winter night outside the window.

She quickly drank the last third of the drink, suppressing these thoughts that she shouldn't have... let alone having, and shook her head slightly to make herself more sober.


She looked at the empty wine bottle, a trace of regret flashing in her eyes.

never mind.

No more wine, so be it.

The urge to pee made her stand up with her phone in hand and walked into the bathroom.

Sitting on the toilet, she habitually checked Weibo.

Weibo just refreshed, and suddenly a message came into view:

"Liu Yifei encountered siege at Yanjing Airport."

Clicked on the detailed information of this Weibo:

"Tonight, Liu Yifei, who won the Venice Best Newcomer Award, returned to China after vacation. She was surrounded by fans and reporters who came to pick her up at the airport. Hundreds of fans from Liu Yifei's fan network spontaneously came to pick her up. When reporters asked about her vacation, Happy or not, when will she start her next job? Liu Yifei said easily: I am very happy on vacation, and my next job has already begun, which is the movie promotion of "Hawthorn Tree Love"..."

Oh yes.

There is also Liu Yifei.

Looking at the screen, the woman whose legs seemed to have grown thicker after vacation, and whose face also had a double chin...

Tang Yan pursed his lips unconsciously.

It’s not just Yang Ying and Qi Ge.

There is also Liu Yifei...

A Liu Yifei who is almost forgotten...

Liu Yifei joined as the first artist of Shuangwei.


Mimi's double wei...?


The twins of Mimi and Xu Xin...

She just sat on the toilet, thinking with empty eyes.

I don’t know how long it took, but she seemed to have decided something and instinctively wanted to get up...

But didn't get up.

My legs are numb.

The recovery of my hand is pretty good, but because of the sutures, before the sutures are removed, I cannot type with five fingers and can only meditate with one finger of my left hand. During this period, I have tried my best to provide updates, but please Forgive me for not being able to write too much, thank you very much.

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