I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 625 623 If you never give up

Chapter 625 623. If you never give up...

"Director Xu, good morning."

"Director Xu."

"Director Xu, good morning."

Xu Xin looked at the few people who walked in, smiled and nodded:


At this moment, he is sitting in the small screening room of the West Film Studio, with these script books in his hand.

After Wen Zhang, Tang Yan, and Di Wei greeted him, he responded and distributed the notebook in his hand to the three of them.

"Let's take a look at the lines first. The editing and some of the special effects are almost done. We will watch the whole movie in a while. The parts that need dubbing are marked in the book. Pay special attention to it and grasp your emotions. After the dubbing begins , just follow the editing story flow.”

As he spoke, he scanned the three people's faces.

Wen Zhang and Di Wei were okay, they looked quite normal with bare faces.

On the contrary, it was Tang Yan...

Wearing makeup?


Really dedicated.

At this time, the phone rang in the screening room, and Xu Xin picked it up.


"Hello, Director Xu, I am Ma Shuangming. Director Qi asked me to send the scripts of "Partners" and "Youth" to your office. This is the revised script and you need to review it."


Ma Shuangming...who is here?

He couldn't remember for a while, but he still said:

"You can send it directly to the screening room here in post-production. I can't go back now."

"Yeah, okay, just wait a moment, I'll be there right away."


After hanging up the phone, he looked at the time and saw that it was almost 9:30 and Wang Sicong hadn't come yet, so he took his mobile phone and called him.

The phone rang for a while, and then Wang Sicong's confused voice rang:


"You are still sleeping?"


"Oh shit, you still have to do the dubbing. Hurry up, I'm waiting for you."

"...Huh?...Uh, okay, I'll be here right away, wait for me for twenty minutes."

Wang Sicong's voice became more sober.

"Twenty minutes is nothing. Hurry up. I'm waiting for you. I'll take the tram over in ten minutes at most."

After Xu Xin urged, he shook his head helplessly.

The set time was 9 o'clock, which meant that he dared to let go of his own pigeons openly.

Then he said to the three people:

"Lao Wang is jet-lagged and hasn't gotten up yet. I'll be here soon... It just so happens that you take advantage of this juncture to compare it with the plots you have acted."

Naturally, the three of them had no objections.

Today’s job is to dub the voices of these main actors.

Other supporting roles or roles that are not important will be played tomorrow.

Let’s get the leading actors here first. After all, they also have other work, so it’s not good to delay for too long.

"33 Days" still has a lot of areas that require dubbing. Due to the location selection, there are a lot of flaws that need to be fixed, and they all need to be polished carefully.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the screening room.


Following Xu Xin's words, a young man who looked very familiar to him walked in holding some information folders.

"Director Xu, these are two scripts. The Art Creation Center asked me to send them to you."

When they heard the "script", the three people's ears perked up.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Has the director been found?"

"Not yet. Mr. Qi wants you to review it first. If there are any areas that need improvement, just mark them to us and the screenwriting team will make changes. Once the script is qualified, we will start recruiting directors and actors."

After hearing what this young man said, Xu Xin understood the meaning and nodded:

"okay, I get it."

"Goodbye, Director Xu, teachers."

Ma Shuangming withdrew politely.

And Xu Xin never remembered where he had seen him...

But it doesn’t matter.

There was nothing else to do at the moment, so he casually opened the script of "Partners" and took a look.

The last time he saw this story, he remembered that he hadn't received Yu Minhong's authorization yet. But now it seems... it should be done.

While he was reading the script, Wen Zhang glanced at the two people next to him vaguely.

Si Wei was fine...looking down at the script.

Tang Yan's eyes were obviously the same as his own... staring at Director Xu.

When Wen Zhang turned his head, Tang Yan also saw him turn his head.



The two didn't communicate, but with a look in their eyes, they seemed to understand what the other was thinking.

Then comes a very critical step.

Who speaks?

In other words...who dares to speak first?

Although this kind of thing is not taboo in the industry, the director has a notebook in his hand, and as an actor, if you are interested, you can ask... We are all friends personally, and we are also partners in business... It's okay.


Inexplicably, neither of them dared.

You want the other person to speak first.

After looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes, Wen Zhang was finally "defeated".

"Ahem... Director Xu, what's the story of the script in your hand?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin raised his head.

After looking at Wen Zhang, he smiled and said:

"For the moment... it's the story of New Oriental Yu Minhong. Half autobiography, half fiction. What? Interested?"

Hearing this, Wen Zhang's eyes lit up and he said with a smile:

"That's for sure. Which actor is not interested in the script you like, Director Xu?"

"Well...haha, that's not true."

Xu Xin smiled and put down "Partners" temporarily, patted the folder of "Youth" and said:

"These two scripts are both scripts from the Art Creation Center. Do you understand the system of the Art Creation Center?"


Seeing Wen Zhang stuck, Xu Xin got the answer.

In fact, it is understandable.

Shanghai Film Studio values ​​profits, so their resources fall under the "highest bidder gets it" model.

We will not deliberately tie a certain actor into our circle, and if there is a need for certain productions, we will not only look for people from the Shanghai circle.

Whoever can drive box office profits can come.

Where they really stick together is in the upper-level financial circle, where interests are closed-loop and difficult for outsiders to enter.

As for actors and directors, if they are not very strong themselves, they can only be said to be their tools.

The same is true for Wen Zhang, and the same is true for Ma Yili, who can thrive in both Beijing and Shanghai circles.

So, Xu Xin explained:

"The creative talent center of our factory is divided into three sections: directors, actors, and screenwriters, and three major clubs. The screenwriter club is easy to understand. After the script is produced, it is directly submitted to the factory's script library, and then a special review team will come Review. After passing the review, the right to shoot will be given to the director club. Directors can search for works they are interested in in this script library. Then submit an application, the factory will approve it, set a budget, form a crew, etc. Finally, the project After the formation begins, we give priority to finding actors from the Actors Club, this is the process.”

Wen Zhang was stunned and asked subconsciously:

"So you are a member of the review team?"

"Well...it can be explained this way."

Xu Xin said with a smile.

He didn't say anything like "I have to give my nod to these scripts if they want to be filmed."

No need.

There is definitely nothing wrong with Wen Zhang's acting skills...but he is a person...I can't win over him.

In other words, Xiying Film Studio cannot "accommodate" him.

Because his wife is Ma Yili, he is also a rare person in the Shanghai circle who can get resources in both Beijing and Shanghai circles.

But in the same way, he becomes Ma Yili when he succeeds, and he becomes Ma Yili when he fails.

This time, "33 Days" is a script written by Ni Feng, and the factory came to have a hand in it, so he could act in it.

But if it were a script from the factory...it can be said that even if there is no leading actor in the entire northwest circle, he will not be used.

Even if there is no problem with his acting skills, acting is acting, and works are works.

In the current circle where factions are discussed, the nature is different.

And this is also the fundamental reason why the old man told him before that the higher he stood, the greater the constraints on his body.

He could use Wen Zhang.

But he can't use it.

No one told him not to use it, but the rules are the rules, and if he can't use it, he can't use it.

It seems like nonsense, but that's the essence.

And Wen Zhang also heard what Xu Xin meant at this time...

I also understood that Director Xu was holding back.

The actors to be used in the movies that Xi Film Studio will make must be actors from the northwest region.

Although he is also from Shaanxi, but... he is not an actor from the northwest circle.

When people say it, they are just showing mercy to themselves.

It's not that he doesn't know how to behave, so he smiles and nods, but his heart is full of regrets...

Sure enough, Director Xu's path was unworkable.

If you want to leave, you still have to go from the headwind side.

But he regretted that Xu Xin's words had a different taste to Tang Yan.

Art Creation Center...

Actors Club…


Is she excited?

The answer is yes.

But similarly, she is also facing a situation now, that is with her godfather.

It was her godfather who brought her into the Shanghai circle.

And now if she wants to jump to the northwest circle... her godfather's side will also become an obstacle.

But compared with Wen Zhang, her burden is slightly smaller.

Moreover, the reason why he was able to enter the Shanghai circle was essentially because of Chengtian.

The godfather Cheng Tian introduced to him brought him in.

But now it is a foregone conclusion that she will leave Chengtian, and Chengtian does not have any resources to give her. When the contract ends, she runs away alone, which makes sense.

Therefore, after Wen Zhang "extended the flames", she began to take over this topic:

"If I want to enter this actor's club...are there any conditions required?"

As soon as she said these words, Di Wei's ears twitched.

Again, she has a cheerful personality...but that doesn't mean she's stupid.

From the moment Wen Zhang opened his mouth, the two of them were making calculations...not to mention that she was right next to him now. Even on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, you can hear it clearly.

It's just that she doesn't understand the helplessness and choices the two of them have in their respective positions.

To put it bluntly, the rank is too high, and it is not a level that she, a former transparent person in the entertainment industry, can access.

But this does not stop her from planning her career.

What she wants to find out most at the moment is... are the Actors Club of the Arts Center composed of actors signed by the West Film Studio... or... people with their own agencies can also do it.

He couldn't do the former, because her contract still had two years left, and the liquidated damages were several million... She couldn't afford it, and she wasn't willing to part with it.

But if it’s the latter…

Then she has to talk to Director Xu carefully...

Well, how do you say that... Gong... Gongruo never gives up?

That's probably what it means anyway.

After hearing this, Xu Xin shrugged and said:

"If you really want to say... the hard entry requirement is to be admitted to the actor troupe of Xiying Film. Once you join the troupe, you will automatically be included in the actor club."

After the words fell, Di Wei asked:

"As for the acting troupe, do you want to terminate the contract with the original agency?"

"No need."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Xiying's actor troupe is a formal national organization. In terms of business attributes, it is similar to a drama troupe such as Renyi. There is no conflict between the actor's agency and the actor troupe, and after joining, he is equivalent to an employee of a state-owned enterprise, leading the staff That kind of thing. The business attributes of the two sides are not the same thing. Even if you join the group, if you star in a movie, your agent will negotiate the salary, and everything will follow the normal process."


Si Wei's eyes lit up instantly.

"So... I can come in too?"

"Yes, but you have to wait until March or April next year. This year's recruitment has ended. Come in March or April next year. After passing the assessment, the recruitment will be announced in October or November."

As he said this, he asked:

"Want to join?"

"Yeah! I think so! I definitely think so! Whether it's Director Xu, the atmosphere you feel here... or during this time... in our factory is much more comfortable than outside."

In the corner of Tang Yan's twitching mouth, Di Wei finished speaking without any sloppiness and added:

"Before I debuted, my mother's biggest wish was for me to work in a state-owned enterprise... Now, it will directly fulfill her wish, hehe."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xu Xin couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He was also proud of Seventh Brother's refreshing energy.

So he nodded:

"Then when the recruitment starts next year, just remember to come and fill out the form. Your acting skills..."

After thinking for a moment, he said sharply:

"You are very talented, but your basic skills are still relatively weak. You will be very good when you play a specific role that suits your appearance and personality, but works that exceed this range will make people a little out of place. To put it bluntly, the foundation is not strong enough. You haven't figured out your own suitable acting path, and you haven't worked hard to study it. You can ask some old actors in the factory for more advice. While it's not finalized yet, seize the time to enrich yourself, otherwise... After 30 years old, No matter how much you want to change, it will be difficult once the audience has a fixed impression of you."

Hearing this, Di Wei subconsciously asked:

"Then you teach? I saw...Mimi's interview. She said that her acting skills were polished little by little by you..."

"Haha, she's talking nonsense."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"But if you encounter any difficult characters in the future, you can come to me. I'm really good at teaching people..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Then, Yang Mi’s head poked in:

"What are you talking about? I can hear you laughing and joking from a distance."

"We're talking about the Art Creation Center...why are you here?"

"Send it to Lao Wang. I originally said that I would stew pork ribs for you at noon and ride to buy vegetables... He asked me to send him here in a hurry."

As she spoke, she walked in.

Behind him was the eldest young man with a chicken coop on his head.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late."

Seeing this, Xu Xin directly handed over the last script:

"Then let's get started. Let's take a look at the finished film after editing, and then start the dubbing work."

As he spoke, he grabbed his wife's hand and brought her to the seat next to him:

"Do you want to see it too?"


Yang Mi looked casual:

"What about the ribs for dinner?"


While Xu Xin agreed, he nodded to Zhu Huaidian, who had a milk tea cup hanging next to him and had been acting as a transparent boy for almost twenty minutes.

Lao Zhu responded, turned on the projector, then stood up and closed the large curtains that were the only ones that illuminated the room.

The screening of "33 Days" officially begins.

No one is talking, just...

Tang Yan used the light on the screen to glance at Xu Xin who was sitting with Yang Mi...

Then he quietly looked at Brother Qi next to him.


It seems that I have missed a good opportunity to "show my feelings" directly.

In the end I...

What are you hesitating about?

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