I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 626 624 is not a bad threshold

Chapter 626 624. Not a bad threshold

The movie is currently only a semi-finished product. The soundtrack has not been completed. The special effects company has not completed all the places where special effects are needed, and there is no dubbing or narration.

So the look and feel is actually quite average.

However, Yang Mi was very interested because she heard that this script had major changes and was very different from the original work she had read before.

Holding her husband's hand, she watched with great interest Jay Chou and Lang Lang, who appeared in the opening scene, quarreling and breaking up.

Then I heard something:

"Mom and dad go to work, I go to kindergarten..."


She was stunned and turned to look at her lover, who was leaning on the chair and humming, with a relaxed look on his face.

After realizing something...

"Pfft... goose goose goose goose."

Without warning, she burst into laughter.

"What are you enjoying? What are you enjoying?"

Wang Sicong stretched his head and asked with a good-natured look.

But it was okay if he didn't speak. When he did, Yang Mi's joy became even more exaggerated:

"Hahahahaha...it's not...eh...you..."

While laughing and squeezing away tears, she pointed at Wang Sicong:

"Don't run around at noon... I'll take you home on an electric bike... Hahaha... Ouch... goose goose goose goose..."


When the eldest young master heard this, he thought that although he didn't know what Kesai was talking about, he was not farting at all.

These two people are very evil-hearted!

So he rolled his eyes and ignored her.

Xu Xin looked at his wife who was pinching her stomach and gasping for air, and patted her speechlessly:

"Okay, okay, let's watch a movie."

"Hmm... goose goose goose..."

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she changed into a comfortable position and muttered to Xu Xin:

"You are so bad~"


Very ticklish.

After a brief interlude, the screening room fell silent.

Yang Mi began to calm down and watch the movie shot by her husband.

In fact, as an actress, she must have her own artistic appreciation of film and television works. In her eyes, the taste of "33 Days" is... very strange.

In the past, when watching scenes filmed by her lover, she was no stranger to her husband's filming techniques because she was involved in them.

He likes to use the scenery to convey the mood of the characters, and he likes to let the audience actively promote their own emotions between light and shadow.

Whether it's the contrasting depressive atmosphere created by "The Wind" or the slightly immature foreshadowing during the "Secret" period.

Even during the "Hawthorn Tree" period, I no longer stuck to artificial scenery, but began to look for the kind of lens beauty in nature that can match the mood...

She could find themes in the footage from these movies.

A topic that belongs to one’s own knowledge.

But the movie "33 Days"... she couldn't find it.

In other words, I found it but couldn’t see it.

Because its "theme" is empty.

In this drama, my husband, for some reason, likes to use long shots.

Huang Xiaoxian gave her the feeling of being "inconspicuous".

In this play, he no longer sticks to simple scenery, or looks for lens language in nature. Instead, a more dynamic shooting method was adopted. From the opening scene where Jay Chou, Lang Lang, Gong Xinliang, and Shi Shi appeared in guest roles, to Huang Xiaoxian carrying her wedding dress in a bustling shopping mall, we saw the intimacy between Lu Ran and Feng Jiaqi... …

He didn't put any thought into the scenery.


There are too many elements of "people".

When Lang Lang and Shi Shi broke up at the intersection, people kept walking around the zebra crossing.

When Jay Chou and Gong Xinliang broke up in the coffee shop, there were also people queuing up to buy coffee in the Starbucks coffee shop.

When Huang Xiaoxian was in the mall, people kept passing by her.

As soon as the scene opened, she felt like there were people everywhere in the camera.

There is a feeling that "all living things" are like ants, combined with the husband's cutting shots of the far, middle and near scenes that quickly zoom in...

She suddenly felt the fast-paced changes of a big city.

It feels extremely empty.

But this kind of emptiness does not mean that there is no connotation. On the contrary, this time, he used the lens cutting technology to replace the so-called scenery, and used a very alternative lens language to express one thing.

Just like the scene in the opening scene when Lang Lang and Shishi break up at the crossroads.

The camera first shot down from a high building.

Can't see anything at all.

Then the next scene is that the camera quickly zooms in to about the height of a street lamp, and among the people crossing the road around them, Lang Lang and Shishi look at each other.

Finally, there is the third scene, which is a close-up of the two breaking up.

In an instant, Yang Mi felt what he wanted to express.

"In a city full of steel, concrete and high-rise buildings, the joys and sorrows of a couple are not worthy of the attention of the people around them."

The emptiness, indifference, and ruthlessness with a somewhat cold tone are all shown through such a lens.

It’s right when you think about it.

There are so many people in Yanjing, and different joys and sorrows are happening every day.

Even in the morgue of the hospital, I'm afraid even the doctors in this hospital don't know how many people "died" that night.

In a certain bar, how many people have just fallen out of love and come to get drunk...

To put it bluntly, how can ordinary people’s lives be qualified to receive so much attention?

They don't live in the spotlight all the time.

That is to say...


She asked Xu Xin tentatively as she watched the scene where the wedding dress was fixed by characters but the background was spliced ​​to the bathroom bathtub in Huang Xiaoxian's home using CG technology.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, an ordinary, ordinary emotional curve. It's one of the main themes...how do you feel?"


Looking at the lovelorn state played by Wei Wei in the camera, the double-gold actress thought for a while and said:

"I like this style. Because of the ordinary, some things need to be digested by ourselves. And after digestion, our hearts will become stronger, and a strong heart starts from the ordinary, but is no longer ordinary. Basic point.”


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment...smiling:

"If you really say that, it's easy to be said to be over-interpretation. What I photographed is just your thoughts in the front, but your thoughts in the back are too subjective."

"I do not care."

Hearing this, the young woman hugged her husband's arm directly:

"You are the best anyway, hehe~"


"Ahem, you two, be careful, this is a public place."

Wang Sicong, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't stand it anymore and gave a reminder.

Yang Mi ignored him.

He just raised his middle finger on his left hand.

It's none of your business that my husband and I show affection!

Anyway, this movie...

I like!

After fine editing, the film is 103 minutes in total.

If you include the post-credits scene, it's about 110 minutes.

The quality of the movie... in everyone's opinion, is surprisingly good.

Even after the screening, Yang Mi’s first words were:

"Lao Wang, it's okay...are you considering becoming an actor?"

She unexpectedly felt that Wei Yiran's performance here was very good.

Although some places still look dry...

But the post-production process has not yet been completed. When there should be a soundtrack to assist the emotional outburst, looking at the "awkward performance" of Di Wei in the camera, it is inevitable that there will be some drama.

But no matter what, for her, this movie is very good.

It's not particularly outrageous, nor does it overemphasize anything that is divorced from reality.

In a... very comfortable rhythm, it tells the story of what happened to a girl in the 33 days after she fell out of love.

Although the script is different from the original work...

But it's really not ugly.


That’s not to say this film has no shortcomings.

In other words, its shortcoming is quite fatal, that is...

"I feel like you need a threshold to understand this movie."

Just when everyone started walking into the dubbing room, she and her brother who were walking at the end said this.


After hearing this, Xu Xin nodded without any surprise.

Then, he said to Zhu Huailiang next to him:

"Lao Zhu, please get the equipment down first and let them prepare."


Zhu Huailiang responded and followed the big guy into the dubbing room.

Xu Xin didn't take his wife in, and just lit a cigarette in the corridor.

The corridor of Xiying Studio is single-sided, with various offices on one side and windows and heaters on the other side.

Seeing him smoking, Yang Mi unscrewed the window and opened a small gap.

Hissing cold wind began to blow in along the cracks in the window.

As soon as she opened the window, Xu Xin had already grabbed her arm and moved her away from the wind and to the other side of her.

The tacit understanding between the couple allows each other to give each other the right amount of care without the other party paying attention.

After lighting up the cigarette, Xu Xin said:

"Actually, I didn't feel it when I was filming. I just felt that... this story would at least not teach some boys and girls who have immature views on love. This is enough. But I watched it again after filming. , I calmed down and tasted it, and then I found... To understand the truth here, you need some threshold of three views. Although it is not high, it is definitely there."

After hearing this, Yang Mi said:

"Yes, if you want to understand this film, you must at least be in the second half of college, or after entering society. If you are a child in school, you may not be able to understand what you want to express. It is too obscure."

"If it wasn't subtle, it would be preachy. Then it wouldn't be a movie."

Xu Xin smiled and flicked the cigarette ashes.

Because of the wind, a few pieces of soot fell on his black sweater.

Seeing this, Yang Mi carefully helped him pinch each piece away while saying:

"But I think it looks good. Any man or woman with some social experience should not have a hard time understanding what you want to express. In that case... shouldn't the positioning of the propaganda be targeted at these people? They are college graduates. These people...maybe even college students may not be able to understand what you want to express. After all, they don’t have that rich social experience. They may not be able to understand~"

"College students are not as immature as you think."

Xu Xin shook his head, and then suddenly said:

"What's more... I hope that the more people who can't understand, the better."


"Because the more people who don't understand what I want to express, it means... that some trends haven't become that bad, right?"

He asked back:

"If I really follow the original work... let's not talk about anything else, just the scenes between Huang Xiaoxian, Wei Yiran, and Li Ke.

Li Ke is a money-worshiping girl for whom love is a luxury but LV is a must-have.

Wei is still an egoist who only needs to let outsiders see that he has a stable marriage after getting rich.

Not to mention Huang Xiaoxian... She is a member of a wedding company, but she can actually engage in so-called "simulated dating" with her clients, which is the most ridiculous and destructive behavior in the world...

If I really shoot like this, then I am telling girls that there is nothing wrong with you pursuing LV. LV is a necessity for you, and love is a luxury that most people cannot ask for.

Tell those egoists, for your own enjoyment, whether you are a man or a woman, there is nothing wrong with your behavior of supporting and having fun, and seemingly getting what you need.

It also tells ordinary people like Huang Xiaoxian that when you meet a man or woman with good conditions, as long as the other person is attracted to you, then it is okay for you to have an affair with the other person and destroy other people's love and even marriage...

If I make this kind of movie, every sin that changes my mind because of this movie will be on my own head. "

He looked into his wife's eyes and said seriously:

"Although I can't stop other people from taking pictures and doing this kind of thing. But... I believe there must be some people who hold the same views as me. For the sake of these people who support me, I can't do this kind of thing. What's more...hiss~hu."

In Yang Mi's eyes, the smoking posture began to become chic, and the man who was fascinated from the bottom of his heart smiled slightly:

"Anyway, this movie has already paid back its investment just by product placement. With a total investment of several million, I don't want to leave a dark history of being stabbed in the spine, right?"


Hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a moment and nodded:

"That's right. Why are you risking your life for a few million dollars?"

"That's right."

He took another long puff of the cigarette, looked out the window, and threw the cigarette butt out in a very lackluster manner.

"Okay, I'm going to work. I need to finish the dubbing. I also need to work on the soundtrack. What time is the live broadcast tonight?"

"At 8 o'clock, you arrived early. You, Liu Yifei, Lin Gou, and Di Wei brought them all over in the evening. On the one hand, it was for the promotion of "Hawthorn Tree" and "33 Days", and on the other hand, it was to show your appreciation. .”

"Yeah, okay."

"You can have a bite here at noon. I'll call you in the evening. Let's have ribs tonight."

"Put more potatoes and stew more noodles."


Yang Mi agreed again, and then Xu Xin asked:

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"I'm buying groceries. Let's go to the first floor."

"What are you doing on the first floor?"

"Brother, it hasn't snowed this winter, and the grass downstairs has dried up. What if it catches fire if you throw down a cigarette butt? If it catches fire in the morning, you'll be in the police station in the afternoon."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, then stepped up, hooked her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

The mouth cannot be kissed.

Although she was quite proud of the smell of the cigarette... the man who had just finished smoking had bitter lips.


After saying what she meant, she waved her hand:

"I'm leaving. Work hard and remember to drink plenty of water. It's been too dry these days."


With the fragrance lingering on his cheeks, Xu Xin responded and walked into the dubbing room.


What lipstick does your sister use?

This little taste...

Scratching ground.

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